The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 10, 1912, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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    TIIK IJKNI) IIUMjKTIN, lll'.TW, WKDNKHDAY, JI,'I,Y 10, 1013.
Has Just Received .
the'ftnest that ever
: Information for
',.- -
Krory Issue of Tho Hullo
tin record tho progress of
Central Orogon and tho Ilond
country. If you aro a homo,
iiooker looking for a now lo
cation, or own proporty In
thl section, thoro la no hotter
way to become acquainted
with, or keep poted on, what
I being dono In thl part of
tho world than by reading;
thl papor regularly. Bend
In your subscription at onco,
o a not to ml anything of
what 1 going on In thl big,
rcsourcoful country thla
groat Inland omplro that has
now toen opouod for develop
mont by two great railroad
1IRNI) I located 150 mile uith
of tho Columbia Mver, on tho bank
,nt th5 Uoachutci, at tho tormlnu of
tfttjo Hill and llarrlmnn railroads.
UOOgrnpnioaiiy, ll is prauiivau in
tho very cantor of Orogon. Kcono
mlcftlly, It location I uusurpsssod,
'or Uond stand bcsldo tho -greatest
JOWor producing troam In tho North-
oat, whoro railroad, wator-powor
ind timber flmt moot, nnd urrouhcJ
id by tho groatoit Irrigation egT0
atlon In Oregon, with counties
Inllllons of ocroa of grain land
Tho City Itself.
Tho estimated population of Hand
oday U 1300. it altitude U 3000
ffoet, with u cllmato that la practically
Sdoal. Winter and aummor, tho
' ivoatlior Ih inagnlflcont, tho tompora
turo rnroly going bolow xoro nnd
)ily twlco, during tho Inst throo
'J (ummor. holng hlghor than 100 do
i jroo.
Tho hlghoijt tomporaturo over re
:ordod la 103 dogreoa. At thla alti
tude. In tho dry cllmato, actual
harmful frooxlng doe not occur at
32 degrooa but nt 20 uogroc.
oovornpjoni rocorua -mun "
iVcrnuo annual precipitation of 10
nohoa with an urorago yoorly ot
12? aunny day. That mean onougn
atn for the farmer, lota of bluo ky
,n4 bright aunBhino, no oppressive
... nH niimntla onvlrotunont that
ilinnvi . - - ,, , .
Vlilvea. Nature ovory pouiuia o.
Nlool tlio beet rou t froW mah'ttnd
? I 1
I fmm JSEt mr
1 I FLO U 1 I
1 ,N ?
:i I "
I ; : ; ;
4 - ----- - MIMMI MKI I
'Jai K
Steam Rolled
has been in Bene". Get your
the Homeseeker i
- - - -
Ilend ha four churches, many
bonovolont aocletlei, aplendld grado
schools and a high achool whose
graduate nro admitted to tho Slnto
University without examination, ex
cellent bank, tho beat equipped
and stocked store of any town of
twlco tho alto In Orogon, brick yard,
tono quorrlos, flour and lumber
mills, a creamery, cold atorago
planta, tcam laundry, newspaper,
well appointed hotels, and, tndood,
abto representatives of every class
of tnturprlso.
In other words, Ilend Is well
equipped, modern and progressive,
with a lot of wldo-awnko men who
havo spent good monoy developing
tho town, and who aro getting good
returns on their Investments.
Uond has tho boat water In tho
state, and an excellont modern water
ayatem, which Includes up-to-dato
flro protection. "
Uond'a streets and homes aro woll
lighted by oloctrlclty, which Is fur
nished from a now plant which cost
100,000 to build nnd oqulp.
A local and long dlitnnco tolo
phono, bs woll a tolograph, are
qthor. Item n IJonds metropolitan
Work I undor way on a 180,000
sower system.
Thero are moro boaittlful reel--deneea
In Hand, proportionately to
tho population, than In any othor
town In tho West.
Hvorywhuro thoro nro woll made
nnd woll kept sidewalk, tho stroots
aro maintained In tho host condition
and nro lit with powortul aro lights,
giving the town tho best street light
ing of any In Oregon. With tho
many bountiful views ot mountains,
river mid timber, the msgnincout
troes scnttored gonorously through
out tho residential districts, and tho
wonderful cllmato, Uond loaves little
to ho doslred by thoso who Book
Ideal places In which to llvo.
Italtroads. B
In October, 1011, tho IIIU and
Hnrrtman railroad aystoma com
plotod to Ilond tholr Orogon Trunk
mid Deschutes linos, nod Is the
terminus of- boih of thesb roads.
Tho handsoniQ depot, orootod, with
natlvo ttono.'andUho host equipped
warehouse In tho stato, Indicate In
what Importnnco tho railroad com
panies hold Ilond.
An oxtonslvo distributing business
already Is being conduoted from
Uond." to tho country 'sbuth anU
ijtJioast. )tt;?l$'ih6 Flr!
, ,
' ri S
t ,
r .r -
MUi2r f j
ortfcrs in early.
atlon of automobile truck lines, tho
volume of this buslnewU vastly In
creasing.' ' "
Practically all of western Harney
county, and northern Lake and
Klamath, will got supplies In by way
of Ilend, and In return will export
via Ilend enormous clips of wool.
In connection with this lattor pro
duct and Its shlpmont hero, tho rail
roads havo announced that ovory
Juim thero Is to bo a regular wool
salu at Ilend This moans that wool
from all over Interior Oregon will
bo collected hero, that buyors will
co mo horo. that thousands of sheop
will bo ahoarod horo, and that, In
tho voir near future, woolon mills
will boicstnbltshod.
,In all surveyo that havo boon
made for a branch Hill road to tho
southeast, to command connection
with aftlllated roads nnd bii outlot
In that direction, Ilond bos boon
mws tho terminus point.
' A Carey Act Irrigation segregation
ombraclng approximately 200,000
acres, lies to tho oast and north, ot
Ilond. This land la waterod under
tho supervision of the State ot Ore
gon, and become tho property of
sottlors who acquire it by rosldonee
and Improvement, paying from fl&
to '1 40; an' acre for water sorvlco,
with an annual maintenance char go
of 20 to 80 cents an aero, tho lowest
maintenance rato In oporatlon.
.Non-lrrlgublo acreago Is purchasod
at $3.50 an arro.
Directly adjoining Ilond aro two
other Irrigation enterprises, botfi
condubtod on a farmers' co-oporatlvo
basts, and both excoodlngly prosper
ous.' .,
On tho Irrigated lands all tho pro
ducts of tho tomperato xono prosper
The -Hill and cllmato, however, aro
particularly adapted to tho a access
tut production of grasses and root
crops. Alfalfa, clovor, grain, pota
toes and othor root crops, Includlug
sugar beets, do remarkably woll.
Tho yield of buttor fat from tho
grasses Is exceptionally great, and
this, combined with tho pure soft
water, und tho lack ot oxcosalvo heat
and cold, dostluos this territory to
tako the front rank as a dairy
country. The establishment ot a
large oroamory at Dend. and tho aid
given farmers In securing fine cona
by the local banks, moans that a xuan
with forty acres who will raise grass
and food It to his cows wilt be as
sured ot a comfortablo living. I
Work Is now In progress upon a
great new Irrigation oanal, known 6a
the North Canal, whloh will Irrigate
sdmd 60.000 "acres of -land'. Tho
cankt' gets' Its "water front 'tub' Dos-,
Dry KflnnlnK.
Tributary to Hoik) on (ho south
oftKl In a Iiuko dry forming nron. sm
bracing more than 200,000 aero of
lovol and rolling sago brush land,
with (loop noil, no troo and rocks.
and with well water olHalnnhlo at
mndornto depth.
Much of (IiIh torrltory hrni boon
Mettled by homesteaders during tho
lam year, and many families uro
dally taking advantago of till taut
big chnce to Kct free Government
land, Tho majority of tho ncroago
la open to homostondlng under tho
320 noro law, which allow tho froo
acquisition of that amount In return
for residence and proportional annual
cultivation and Improvement. Tho
homt'iitoad laws aro being mado
easier and moro nttrncllro, with tho
result that mora and moro settlor
coma to Ilend and mako homes on
thin land tributary to tho town.
Good road extend throURb this
country, and dally auto and stage
lltles tap It from Ilend, to whloh Itn
product will coma an down grndo
haul to bo milled with tho Inox
hnustlble water power of tho Des
chute Itlvcr Immediately below
Ilend, whoro a dam I being con
itructcd at a coot of about $00,000.
Tho work In connection with till
iiimmor'M development of tho now
canal will require an expenditure
of 1170,000, All of till monoy will
bo spout closo to Ilend. Tho ontiro
system will require approximately
$700,000 to complete.
Tributary to Ilend, on down grade
liMtsIa In il AHA AAA AAA a-.-. -. I. i
""" ". '". '",,,: ""menu can often be made In a farm-
Z 1 ,T ,,',n t,mb""' ,CiC, ' I"'- rradjuatment us new bnlld
providing tho cheap power for the i
milling of thl enormous timber belt, ,
iiena oners mo best or mill pond
Tho manufacture of this timber
at Ilond is a cortalnty, for the largest
of tho companies Interested aro
heavy property owners In Uond lands
and watcrpowor developments, and,
havo signified tholr Intention of lo
cating their big mills horo.
At present thoro are several
smaller mills, employing In tho
neighborhood of 150 men. While
theso manufacturo lumber primarily
for local consumption, not only are
many carloads oxportod to the towns
north of Uond, but also many aro
shipped to tho mlddlo western mar
ket, which later will bo suppllod
heavily with the Dend lumber pro
ducts. Water Power
Thero Is at least 200.000 horse
power easily obtainable from the
Deschutes at nnd near Uend.
Already a 1700 horsepower plant
Is In operation in tho town, which
Offers a cheap electric power for
domestic and manufacturing uses as
la obtainable in the Northwest. Tho
Inexhaustible and cheap power at
hor doors guarantees- ilend'e- exten
sive manufacturing future.
The man who comes to Dend or
tho adjacent sections of Central Oro
gon will be agreeably surprised at
tho pleasant surroundings ho will
encountor. both In what nature has
supplied and in social matters.
For Instance, a Unlvorslty Club
recently was organized In Ilond with
3C charter mombor. That indicates
tho character of tho men who aro
building up Central Oregon.
Tho sportsman will fiud the Dend
country n veritable paradise. FJsh
Ing In tho Doschutes Is a famous
attraction, that river's giant trout
bringing sport lovers from nil part
ot tho Northwest. Deer, boar, rab
bits sago hens, ducks, geese, swans
and othor game afford amplo recre
ation for tho out-door lovor along
tho rlvor and In the foothills.
Canoeing and boating directly at
Ilond nnd up tho broad reaches of tho
Deschutes, couplod with excellont
auto roads, horso back riding possi
bilities without eud, and near by
snow clad mountain peaks, combine
noar Dend Interest for every sort of
nature lover and health seeker.
How to Get Here
From Portlund tako either the
"North Dank Uallroad" or tho Oregon-Washington
Itallroad & Navi
gation Co. system direct to Dend.
Tho faro Is 17.45. Through tickets
from all Kastern points are goad
directly to Uend. The route up the
Doschutes Canyon Is 'the most strik
ingly boautlful railroad trip In the
Northwest, and, say lovers o'f flno
sciwy, la In Itself well worth the
Journey. '
Fishing: Hunting: Boating:
tdeal place to spend your vacation.
Pasture for horses, good camp
ground, cabins, tents, fishing tackle
and provisions of all kinds. Hotel
m connection.
. .- ,
a "ri--
R. H. WIST, Prop.
Jt arm and
""""""'""" Tn '" iTTT' ' ' - - j I. f
vVorth Any Farmer' Whll to Pay
Clot Attention Is th Details.
In tin Introduction of u bulletin re
irmly priMirid by A. T. Irwin of the
town Agrletiltural college relating to
the adornment of the farm home alien
(lot) In (-nihil to the fait that heat, tort
rrnlently urrnnged building and a well
Ecpt Inwti til I met It ely bordered with
I r (( and brub add grcjilly to the n
pennime and tnhie of the furni and to
the hupplm of It owiipMitx.
A well thought out plan I the drat
rrn;nlsllo to get these result, a In the
absence of n definite scheme serious
mWtuke are likely to Ih made. Thl
pbiti should Include the location of
fulldlng. drive, wnlk. trees, shrub
bery nnd every other feature whteh
contributes either to the convenient e
or iiriiiitnentiitloii of the pluie. The
locution of the bouse tind farm build
Inc I the tlrst consideration, liven
though It happen that some or all of
these nrv already on the ground a plan
for their location U ltnrtnnt. New
farm home are erected to supplant old
one, nnd other new farm structure
are added, which make practicable a
general consideration of the entire
tslt.llfrt atiliaMln tf M Inrfrt I IftinmTltta I
'" W,"M,V' .!
Photograph by terra But collect.
Inga aro put op, tboucb the bent re
sults are obtained where thing are
planued right from the start.
In delecting n site for the house good
drainage 1 the first rrquUlte. A south
or east lo Is generally to be pre
ferred, wbtle a north slope In ntideiIra
bl. In It locution give the boie-r
greatest prominence. Thf furtnxteud
tlrst uf all provide ft home, aud the
residence should eland uut m the ecu
tral aud most eonpletK)Us feature of
the picture To pldtf the burn and
ether bnltdlngM In front of the bouse I
to reveroe the logical order of thing
locate the hou txick far enough from
tho highway to afford privacy and give
a good Mttvtcb of lawn In front and
yet not o fnr bark as to suggest a
plrlt of excision uor with a lawn
large that It run not be properly cared
The general fnrm building should
be In the rear of the farmhouse and
the stable at least 1.10 or VOO feet
away I.ocate them to avoid odor be
ing cnrrlcd to the house tiy the sum
mer winds. 8o fnr a practicable ar
mime the farm building to rve n a
windbreak, lx-nte tbe yard on the
side farthest from the bouse, though It
l often an advantage to provide a
paddock near tbe highway for the dl
play of the farm herd.
The husluc side of the farm must
not Ihj lost sight of. and sieclal fca
lure of the general building eo,nlp
ment may le given prominence, such
as the seed boufte or any other Impor
taut feature of the place.
The rami l the baxU of all
l Industry, but for many years
this country ha .made the rut
ll take of unduly assisting mantt
' fnctureit, commerce nnd other
!! acthltlc that center In rltles
' ' at the rxin-nse of tho farm. -
. James J. Uill. -y
Township blanks, neatly bouqd In
hooka, 23 cent at Tho Hulletln.
"T' '''JIB
.asaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat JHP 3!isssssssssssssssssssW
1 v -SJ-lili
Thse srtlcle and Itlustratlon must not
V reprinted without speelal permis
A bugla Uw; an airship (lw
Out h(h o'sr b4tlle plsla,
IVtivre (rumpl blared snd war st4
rsarwl .
And cannon JU -ntrolo,
Thn carslry srd Infsntry'
Upon -je4i other ttK ,
Arxl cannon roaring l(om th hills
Uatit ot th plain a tII. u,
Th'cn Johnny Hull drew bsfc a paee
To rask on awful ru.h. , ,
To sweep down like an avslsaeh
And svtry Ysnkctt cruth. i
When suddtnlr th hill and plain
Hhook with a rending rour
The Union Jack was torn to shred. '
And John Hull was ntt mora.
Oh. sar. what killed the British Hon
What knocked brare John Dull outf
Wss It an esrthquaka's fearful force
Or dreadful waterspout? - I
Oh, no: rip old haymow egg, '
A high explosive great.
Shot from above and busted ,
And wiped John oX the slats!
IUre a a rtuie to take In Ursa: "IJtU
detail of a blx make the wheels of
success wlilx," Thl applies to every
project, especially where problems in
flesh and blood are to be worked oat,
and that's poultry, and one important
detail often overlooked with chick Is
brooder environment Note these de
tails: Droeders should not be set up
on mucky ground, on a steep, windy
spot. In a hollow where fog lingers,
where water will flood or stand, nor on
a bare, unshaded spot. Tbey should
not be near a barnyard where chick
can scratch in rot. near peultry yards
Photo brCU. Darnttx.
wbere chirks can ran en rotten ground
and catch lice from old stock, uor
should tbey be near rat hole building,
where rata may gobble them. Ilruod
era should not be located near wood-,
where hawks, skunks and foxes may
prey on them; uear high brush, where
weasels may make Inroads: near
stream, where winks may grab chick
and run.
Hlrd of a feather and an uge should
flock together.
Duckling, gosling, poults nnd
chick should be kept separate, and the
brooder should not be locael where
Mother Hen nnd ber brooll run. for
Ihe brooder chick will get lice, the
cluck will bnlty them and scratch and
sleep In their brooders. Rroodent
should te set up on n sandy loam,
grassy and well drained and near the
houe. so that attending and protecting
them may lie reasonably easy.
The brooder should be set level, so
that the wnter vessel, lamp and floor
are level and heat is evenly diffused.
It should stand flat on boanK ho thst
water cannot reach floor ,nnd rat cau
not hajrbor underneath. The brovdrr
shown I lu an ideal location. It fuct-j
south on q twenty acre alfalfa Held
and U backed by a beautiful ohl or
chard. '
Don't expect your wife to do her
work and what you shirk. If you do
may she henpeck you.
Don't use expensive drugs to cure a
Ofty cent hen, Prevention keeps dt.
ease nway, and there are uo drug bill
to pay.
Don't worry, but amlle nnd your
trouble" will burst like bubbles, f He
fore the dawn It's dnrk; then come the
light aud lark.
Don't Ih cruel. We oft condemn old
Nero ii m a devil, but what of the tnau
who works n half starved bote or k1
sons hla neighbor dog-or cblckenst
Don't worry. That's the slogan to
day, for wrtrry doen't pay- ' Don't
make the editor worry.' but hurry to
pfyfor your paper In advaute'and hur
rah for-thechduce. "w
Don't be ' fc critic. In business,
Jbn i
4aMaEaTBasTtur waT t in rf
church", society. to,Jbold 'your 'tongue
sfiowa'plotj. " If you'nt business 'rivals
knock, lt''ahowa you'-hate'few brain
lnK,vtock, 'and' when voul"tonguevcUts
rlgh'Cand.Teft.'u show u bave'W
c&aUwe'Urt - "' '" u
OBjtV h'