The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 10, 1912, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    TAK .
TIIK IlliNO Ill'MitiTtK, IIKNI, WNBNKHDAY, 41'I.Y 10, 10IU.
fc !
Kdllor nnd Publisher.
Managing Kdllor.
am iniintiomliMit nowBiinnor stand
ing for tho square deal, clean bust
licss, clean politics nnd tho boat In
terests ot Bond nnd Central Oregon.
One Ofear 1,B0
Six months so
Thrco months G0
AH auhscrlntlona nro duo and
ot expiration will bo mailed BUbscrl
bcrs and It renewal la not mado with
in reasonable tlmo tho paper will bo
'- Please notify us promptly of any
change ot address, nr of falluro to re
ceive tho paper regularly.
r Make all checks and ordors pay-
ablo to Bend llultotln.
WKDNHsWaY, JUhY 10. '1913.
wooimow Avnaox.
Tho Democratic sun Is rising;.
That the country will bask beneath
Its rays or, (our yenra Is almost a
certainty.1 Whether or' no tho coun-
- try wnitbe.beucntcd,at the end of tho
I qua'&ruploba8k remains to be seen.
', But whatever Hio teaulls of the
iirobaAlo political ascendency ot Dem
ocracy, the certain fact rcmalna that
In choosing Woodrow Wilson for Its
. standard bearer tho loaders of tho
" Democratic 'party hate picked by all
odds tho best qualified man available
' Mr. Wilson enters tho arena with no
' strjnRs.Ucd to him. Thanks to what
ho haadone and left undono In tho
past, and because of Incidents like
.the repudiation of "tainted" New
YorkVsupjtorl at . tho Baltimore
convention. Wilain entirely lacks an
, polltiaally daninlnp amilntlon with
"Wg business." WJillo ho may not
be sb entirely popular figure. Mr
"Wilson eertalnly has tho faith of tho
pconlt many may not agree with
, his doctrines, but few distrust his
ciiltrM. Uidler the existing com
plex Ht1cn'iuuatlou. nn Democrat
ic candidate could reasonably expect'
' a wore hearty support In tho ranks
wot "tht dissatisfied KoiiubficSns. UU
progieMlvcnei'a qulto takes tho wind
out of the sails of tho ltotaterous
1 Roosevelt, while his snncness equally
Justifies the sumurt of seml-standpat
HejmWIcniiB who ma not be sumo
lently euamoted of Tuft's record to
oar. t back tljo Presldont for an
other term tiff oxecntlvo Inertia and
pledgts weakly fullllled If fulfilled at
Mil. Mid. f oours. Mr. Wilton
will iMf the support of Democracy.'
All in all. every Democrat may N
lir4 to vote fr hto candidate, and
M ItepwMteaa need feci aught but
HAUafacttoti If his roiul JiHlgment
and MiMHal dbwllsfactlon are auf-
JMratly strong to outbalance that
fooltek mautal stralght-Jaekot oalled
. . "party loyalty" and causo him to
oast bis Itallot for Wilson satisfac
tion becouso there la a candidate In
the other party who merits such sup
part In the primary election. Oregon
lias already expressed Its dissatisfac
tion with the Taft administration.
Both Roosevelt and Larollctte out
distanced Taft. whllo Wilson led
handily on tho Democratic ticket. In
the final election tho antl-Taft ver
dict will be even mora decisive, and
iin!es wo are gravely mistaken, the
other branch of Republicanism with
.jtoosevelt as Its mainstay (if such a
Hraneh actually materializes) will
also bo swept to defeat befoio the
Wilson tide.
Tho oumliic election is not a mat
ter of parties. It la a matter of men.
The alteration Is too Involved to per
mit party affiliations to figure prom
inently In tho results. Those who
are satisfied with Taft the "Judic
ial" man of compltconoy will vote
for hlra Those who admire Roose
velt the man ot boundless action,
sane, and Insane wilt cast their bal
lots for the Colonol. Those who
want Wilson tho man of sound
JudginoNt, unimpeachable character
nnd demonstrated aMllty will, Jor
mce, bevinio Democrats.
"Seattle, July 1, 1912.
'Band Bulletin.
"(tend, Oregon.
"Gentlemen:- Will you kindly send
,me a copy of your paper. I am con
'((slderlne locating in Bend aud wish
''to see your advertisements.
'J "Yaura truiy,
(Signed I "JNO.'G. ROLAND."
'. The Bulletrft received the' above
IcUer last Friday; It la on file In
f'thls offlco. It la similar to scores of
others that come in from, peoplo wbp
jgire lutcre&ted- In Bend' and want to
becomo tnmllUr with business con
ditions hero. Tho point Is that nun
drods ot peoplo road tho advcrtlso
menta In Tho Bulletin Just na care
fully as they read tho nowa text. If
your nd Is In tho paper, It will bo rend
not only by tho people who will buy
goods from you, but nlso by those
who might become your competitors
here. Small Inu'slmonla In adver
tising yield largo returns.
At tho lire Thursday a cltUcn
saved a hnndful of .taper of Import
unco 'to himself nnd then retreated to
a comfortable position out ot rnngo
of fire, heat and water. Standing
there, many people honrd him re
mark: "I've, got all I want out of It;
lot the other fellows biwo stuff It they
wish 1 don't mean to risk spoiling
my olothes." The Bulletin feels sure
that It echoes tho sentiments of ovoVy
worth-while clttien when It saya that
men ot that cnllbro will do tho town
a lot more good by moving than by
staying hero.
Bend had threo daa ot Fourth ot
July celebration. Hvory youngster
In town had a good tlmo probably
by all odds tho best Fourth In his or
hor history. Yet there was not one
firecracker sot oft! No ouo missed
them, except pleasantly. Thoro weio
no mlshapa and no regrets; certainly
Bend has demonstrated that a Fourth
can bo successfully celobrated with
out the dangerous tlrccracker.
mm -
(ThU mattrr muil run tx- repmr.-d with
out srial rripiulon I
The small en If U likely to be pretty
nyiwjf " Fur tllN rvnuuu tsjiuuld be
glrcu a clean bed often.
A little- lc. Jut ll!e a crnwlmt
plant. nrvUrt KiiUKbhie. In b)tb vtiwi
It seen) to In a wirt of tonic tUHt
makes the Ust duvelupmi-ut (NXttlble.
Sudden chance In ration nrv Inad
visable for any of the donitwilc mil
maK but tbW IkW tru epptelalit f
tlHwo that nrv vurrylu or are uurlnc
thelf young.
Pouring a ljlt'e nl nil on the sevd
corn in the planter Ixix muy prevent
cntwn uad.&tplirr fnim raoretlis I he
m-ed after It h aoltHi. Imt It H al
likely to weKketi the vitality of the
ouuk corn (lUuit.
Stlmpinc the ration with the dairy
mw U iiHtially mi exnitay nt ul. but
merely uxpenxite .mb3)anagemeut.
ThM. of i-ooive. prorldeti hIjc does not
lielonc to thf "xtur Ixwrdrr" class aud
U nut already eating her head off.
A blanket of fat on a horse, like
charity. Is a mantle that often serves
to cover a multitude of defects. From
thu stuudNttit of both utility and In
vestment It Is oftcu wlso to boy the
thin unlmal aud do one's own fatten
ing. )
Secretary of Agriculture James Wil
son recently rouipleied his fifteenth
consecutive year ns head of this depart
ment of the government. ThU U th
longest term erer served by nny pre
riotH appointee to this Important po
sition. The ralne of outs ns a ration for
poultry l Inrccly offset by the draw
liMck due to the harsh and rough cov
ering The digestive operutlou needed
to remove thld covering require to off
set it ulnmt nil the nourishment the
kernel contains
A good wash to rub or spray on farm
animals pestered with lire l made by
dliwolring a quarter of a pound of
boiux In u qiurt uf hot water nnd udd
tug four ounce of uqua ummonla.
Enough should be apillMl to wet the
tialr where the lice art thli-kent.
Pklmmllk Is one of the best addi
tions that can be made to the nil Ion
of the laying hens, funilnlilng ux It
does prutelu In a cheap nud easily di
gested form. More than this. It Is
much relished by the beus, us Is true
of practically all foods of large pro
tein content,
A Dakota bog raiser who had consid
erable trouble from blx hows' eating
their little plc-t cured them of the mor
bid craving responsible for the habit
by Riving each sow half a pound of
xalt pork. Thlx seemed to satisfy their
carnivorous Instinct, nod they have
given no more trouble.
A classified ad In The Bulletin Is
read by hundreds abd bring the ad
vertiser good returns for the money
lilrphnutN, Moin-tlo-ltiiinul, Bnlltmn,
RnM-bnll Online nnd Oilier At I lit o-
tluni Prmlilo
Both Vounii mid Old.
"llavo you sean V-l-o-l-n, tho fat
If you didn't see her, or tho ele
phants, or tho balloon, or tho pink
lemonade man and all the rost of It,
your chances nro gone for this
year, for the "thrco glorious days"
of Fourth of July celobrntlon aro
oter. to the sorrow of all the kid,
who actually helped set up tho tents
ot Bend'a first renl circus, nnd, per
haps, the Joy of business men wild
now havo n chance to get down to
tacks again.
Tito colcbratlon proved as big n
success as tho moat optimistic pre
dicted. Aside from (ho tiro, there
were no unfortunato Incident to mar
tho general good tlmo. Although
several spccinl policemen were on
duty, them wna little or nothing tor
them to do, na tho crowds wcro ox-
tremolr orderlv.
L Tho play which wax to havo been
given Wednesday night, for tho com-
iblnod bonotU of the Library and
I Commercial Club, had to bo aband
oned, ns tho fire cunio Just na the
show was to start. Tho porformanc
however, will bo given later, at a
date to lo announced next week. All
tlcketa sold will be good later.
Wednesday night tho street cnrnl-
val shows started and continued
for the throe days. One of tho most
attractive feature of this part of,
1 the colobratlon was the merry-gov
1 round, which mado a big hit with
l the kids. An oxeellant balloon
ascension wna another drawing eard.
Tho parado. while not as larg as
expected, was Interesting. The Bend
Band contributed a lot with tlmlrl
good playing, and tho ball team
furnlahod much vntortnlnmeuL v
Thursday there was cauo racing,
followed, lu the afternoon, by thq
Metnllus ball game, with a very sue-,
eessful danco In the evening at l.lns-
tcr'a hall after the fireworks display,
A itpcelal train between Madras and
Bond brought ninny peoplo hero.
Friday thero were sports in the
morning. The pony rae was won
by Speck Woods and tho horso race
by Will Vandevort on "Red Wing.4
A bucking content proved a mora
than usually Interesting aftalr.
Saturday tho Kit Carson elrcua
came to town. Thero was a show.
Un the afternoon and evening, theJ
form or u very erouiiauie perioral
... . m m - .-!
a nee.
While gmuiMl rrx'k trtHxsfbate M oije
of the very let tHiiumfrvbtl fertllburs
tint cmu In iimmI on depleted will. It In
well to keep In mlml the fact tlmt lt
fertlllslui; value l gniilly leieiiwl If
Hcntiereil on (he Hiirfmv of the mII n
one wnuhl Matter ground lloMMitme
Tbe tnot effective way of tului I lie
fertlll'er U ralxlug small qunntlth of
It on the manure nnd seatterimr It
taith that. Certain chrmlral reaction
aro necessary for the phosphate te
bnak up and assume nn available
1 form and the presence of the manure
hastens this. The next best methotlor
applying the phosptmte Is to scatter
It nn the surface of the soil ut be
fore turning under a growth of areeii
We nre wont to conxlder the failure
of jtopulnr or reprexentnthe govern
meul ax tml('utei In the grnftlng of
Ipflxlntorx nr corrupting of Judges,
when the bottom truth of the matter
U that It I more often shown In thf
criminal Indlffererwe of the so mile,
good citizen, who has neither the
gumption nor the palritlsm to get out
and take a band in hi prcelm-t i-aueus
or prlmury It lx benuxe of the lazi
ness or self latere! or thlx eiasx. who
would rather odd u half dolliir to tlielr
bank account than have nn honest man
lu olDre. that Hie rotten political con
ditions In mauy sections or the country
nre due.
RATKS: Flvo conta a lino for
first Insertion In this column, four
cents a line for each subsequent in
sertion. Cash In advance unloss
you have an account with Tho Bul
letin. Count alx words to tho lino,
Including tho addrojs.
For Rent.
FOR RENT Furnished room for
housekeeping $6 per month. W. B.
Lesh, Lot 11, Block IS, Center
Addition. 13tf
FOR RENT Threo-rootn houup In
Lytic, with barn and outhousos.
Aero tract aultablo for gardon. In
quire this ofllco or see Cleo. Bates, tf
FOR RENT Cabin furnlshod.l,
One block.easfof depot, 7th and Fir,
Inquire W. B. Lesh. 18-21p
FOR RENT If you aro renting
anything, you'll need convonlont
rent books, well bound, with stubs.
Thoy show "whofo you nro nt" till
tho time. ICnch IS renin nt Tho Bulletin.
Want (Ml.
WANTuD l.ndy etiok nnd n wait
ress. lmiiilro Pavkur Hotel, near
Dspot. lHp
WANTKD ling. Will glvo In
exchange old uuwapapoiM, The
WANTWD Booiuul Imnd wagon,
!l4 nr 3 Inch. Ilmiulru J. W. Mo
Cluro, Lara's store. lOp
KXPKItlMNl'liD lady cook wants
position In hotel or camp. Mrs
Loe. Box 21, Bond, Ore. lap
WANTUD Crow nmnagtr nnd ti
solicitors nt onco. Tho best of wages
paid. Address ClrcuVillon Depart
ment, Pacific Homestead, Huloin, Ore
gon. l-2.t
I.OO.L Itcpreicutntlvoa, both lady
aud gentlomnu lu every town and vil
lage. Salary aud commission. Ad
dress Superintendent ot Agencies,
Room K Now Breymnn Block. Snlom,
Oregon. 18-23
of Wanhlngton. Must bo live, up-to-
date newspaper man nud hu- ablo to
haudln crew nud crow managers
Fpnty ttvo wire need upply. Address
cliaulutlon Manager. Room P. Now
Broy limit Blook, Salem. Ore. lx-13
WK WANT -A llrst class news
papor solicitor who would like n per
manent position. Must bo n llrst
class man nnd glvo good references.
Top-notch money paid. Address
Circulation Manager. Statesman Pub
llshlng Co., Bnlom. Ore. 18-23
For Kale.
FOB SALCIO cords 4-foot limb
wood, cloio In. Address P. O. Box
76, Bond. 18-COp
FOB BALK House furnishings,
beds, staves, etc. Park addition, lot
10, blk 23. II. A. Ingorsoll. lttp
FOR BALK Fancy saddle horso.
or will trade for a driving horse." In-,
qulro "U" Bulletin
iiihnI to locate auy government laud
subject to entrv Seeuros patent
pmmptt) without settlement or Im
provements Fully guaranteed. For
prlr nddrets I W. llubbull ft Hon.
Springtlold. Missouri. l's20p
FOB 8.i.K Second hand ur
nltuie and runs. , Inquire- Ceiitral
Ore (ten tTriKtklug Ov.; nt Hail, of
llee lMf
MOIt SAJ.hV-21 -Wilt l.giorn
ana ,jnBkd chlekejtis 'Mrs. If. M.
ThoinioM. 18
and hartioM. N. R!
ton nt, wngon
rtllhort,' Park
Uiot ami Found, "
I'Ol'ND Aiitouiobllc lleomo nutn
lKr "ont. Owner oan hnve It Vy
calling at 'Bulletin odeo nud tiaylig
advertising cost. lit!
HOWND llroad band 'gold wed
ding rlng'on I'owoll llntto road. The
owner may have by railing at Bul
letin oiJlae and laying for ndvertbra-
ment. 17-Stt
FOl'ND- -Itay mare, 1200 pounds,
hrond RR on left hip. l.lgh) bay
horse. 1100 pounds, brand J ST an
lfl side and has two white hijtd faet.
Came to my pi see In Mllllean valley.
26 mlltM fmm Bnd, road to Utitns.
A. D. Norton. Biid. 17tf
FOl'ND Utrav biy mare, blocky
built, brand CC on left stifle: wire
cut oh front leg and has white right
hind foot. Owner of the aulmnl
can have same by proving property,
tiaylug advertising cliargea nnd keep.
M. S. Mlllsr, llnrpor, IS miles south
of Bond. 17-21
LOST Team of horses, wt about
1100. One light bay, stripe in face,
brendeil on right hip d. annealed.
Qthor dark hay b,randod on left hip
nnd loft sldo of neck CL. strlpo In
faro, has saddle marks. Liberal re
ward. A. D. Norton, Mllllean Val
loy, Bond P. O. 16tf
For Kale or Trade.
WILL EXCHANOK old nowspapers
for cloau rags. Tho Bulletin.
TO TRADI9 Ilouio nnd lot In
Bend, valuo (800, for farm property
within & miles uf town. Address
Hopo'a Furniture Store. Htf.
houso and lot In Sunnysldo, Portland,
eloscat oast addition; fruit, roses and
shrubbery. Will trndo or sell. En
quire Bulletin. 18p
FOR SALE Oil TRADE 40-rrere
Irrigated farm. Harden soil. Des
chutes runs through. Qood grazing
and fishing along river. Address T.
Holland, chutos, Crook County,
Orogon. lap
9 miles south of Portland on Oregon
Electric; 2-room houso, barn wtll,
fruit; boat of soil. Sell or trndo for
Bend property. Enquire Bulletin. ISp
TO EXCHANGE 176 acres Irri
gated land 10 miles north of Bond,
94 acres cloared, foncod and watered
nnd being put Into cultivation. Will
oxchnngo for rosldenco property In
Bond Address M. C, llullotln,
Bend, Orogon. ?lp
Taken Up.
TAKEN UP Sorroll mnre, blotch
brand on left stifle. Geo. Ixtwoll, on
road to Burns, 7 ml. of Bend. 17-21
BTItAYED Biy mare, wt about
1400, branded BB on loft stlflo; bay
horso wt about 1200, branded JB on
loft shoulder; last soon at Winter's at
Tumalo, Anyone taking- up samo and
: I notifying mo will bo well paid. John If ,t M ''m
:,,.hn,, oi., any 2 gjf, JttOjSSSiSttnSSaMw.twtttSj
notifying mo will bo well paid. John
4Br kHk
nf 1IA I VwSnvi3-Jrn' I
111 I Lf4 ' 7Aflci jiJlArT- wnji i C PXi L
lnYr&AS)r TCiAtxHlSil 1 R
Wears longer than any other and gives better service
For Sale by
Bend Hardware Co.
Just Received, a New Shipment
of Harness
Kami Unrncflfl, Drlvlntr UnmcM, I)RKlnjt Unrncas
Straps nnd Pnrla. Snildler)'.
My prices nro rlizht nnd vc want your buidnoM,
Skuse Hardware Company
We Havo Taken Over
of .the Pine Forest Lumber Co.,
and arc in a position to fill orders
of any size. In addition we carry
a full line of
Building; Material
Lime, Cement, Piaster
Brick and Fire Clay.
Over.turf-Davis-Miller Co.
Bend, Oregon.
We Have 220 Acres of the
Finest Improved Land
at Summer Lake.
Thoro aro GOO fine younjr trcoa, n houso
of twolvo roomH, aplondldly finished
Inaldo nnd out. A burn 80x80. Al of
tho Innd under tho highest sutto of
cultivation, excopt four ncrea. ThU
rancli has novor produced lews than
?0,000 per nnnum, Tho niOHt ndmlr
aWly located ranch on Summer Lako.
Undoubtedly tho finest plnco In Lako
County. This wo can prove to you by
, your most rigid Investigation.
Wo aro ofiorlng this pluco on tho most
attractive tonus, ond will lako a nlco
house In Ilcnd as purt of tho first pay
ment. $0,000 cash will handlo this
splendid ranch, and tho balance cun
run for ten years, at seven per cent
Jnterest. Sco
T& Hoxneseekrs' Land
Next to Pilot Dutto Inn, Wall Street, Dcnd, Oregon.
the Entire Stock of
Mr. i
nro li
ut W
bill cr
for tl