The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 10, 1912, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAtlH I.
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MlUdy In the picture In not soiling
egga, but l preparing to knock out
tho egg (runt, o far us her homo con
sumption of preserved eggs Is con
corned, iw thnt this simple story will
have fpeclnl Interest for tho houso
wjfe who dislikes storage eggs ami
desires to lower the cost of living.
Thousands of tnrlfty women are fol
lowing milady's example putting
wny fresh eggs In tho cheap season
In wntcr glass tsodlmu silicate), to tic
used In winter, when fresh egg are
so costly ami storage companies renp
tolg profit on fifp ofteu uutlt for food
Water glass eggs are much superior
to storage, nnd tho method of preser
vation Is o simple.
Koto the picture.
There are n pint of water glass, a
three- gallon crock nnd fresh eggs.
none over two data old
rourlng Into the crock eight quart
of water, cooled after bolllug. mlladjr
Rtoto by C M. lUrnltx.
nurassTiKn coos ron xmrrxa.
stirred tn tho water glass, then tm
tnerscd every egg In the mixture and
laid them Hat In the crock until It was
full, tho crock holding twelve doxen
normal sized, clean, hard shelled
a The crock was then corered tightly
and placed on a cool cellar floor.
At tho end of a year theso eggs
showed llttlo change, had no unuinal
smell, beat up Into the fluffiest froth
and mad dandy egg custard and
pumpkin pies. Eggs may be placed
la tho liquid a few at a tlmo and used
as teeled.
fTno shell shows no stain, and cus
tomers are glad to buy them In prefer
ence to old froxen ben fruit letter
try1 tho trick when egga are low and
sato money when eggs are high.
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,M . aw .aBSHBB
$& t n,i1iijrtiJjgij
Thomas? Qutgley of Corning! N. Y.,
has a gnmo rooster with n record to
make u white bulldog green with envy.
Ho put tho cock bird tn tho coop at
night, nnd next morning early the
sport cleaned up the coop, killing tlf
teen fat pullets nnd n big rooster bo
foro breakfast Next.
Twenty-five thousand egg consumers
of Cleveland. O., struck ngalnit the
high price of winter eggs. The hen.
Induced, by tho mild weather, Increased
thulr output, the price cauie down nnd
no rotteu eggs were thrown, though
there were plenty being so.d for fresu
at tit) cents per doxen.
The Men that ostriches are n warm
weather fiwl Is certainly exploded by
the big bints at the nioomsburg os
trlch farm, thirteen miles from Itlv
erslde. Pa. The ostriches onjoy the
xero weather, wade lu the snowdrift
nud tie down nnd roll In the snow
like boys when the llrst snow arrive.
The belief has been exploded thnt u
Hon cannot lay two ok tn n day. mid
the authorities nt the North American
egg laying contest nt Storrs. Conn.,
have the goods to prove It. Two trap
nested pullets have already done the
stunt at that egg Injlng competition,
where ICO pen nre hustling for the
Internatloual honors.
Of t.000 turkeys shipped In cars from
rhllndelphta to Wllkesbarre. Pit.. 22.1
miles, forty Ave were tlnnd when they
reached their destination. It wns
claimed they died from the cold snap.
We have examined surb shipments nnd
In every enso found the mortality came
from crowding nnd III usngo. Excite
ment and starvation often kill birds
cooped In such n big bunch.
The limit of conservation has been
reached when Professor Surface, state
xoologlst of Pennsylvania, Issue the
ultimatum "Conserve tfie skunk." We
advise Mr Surface that the person
really responsible for the slaughter ol
tho Innocents Is not mere man, but
woman, lovely lovely womuu. who
wears skunk under the name Alaska
ssbttx Instead of appealing to fain
clen and hunters be should appear be
foro women's clubs and sister societies
and nsk them to throw their protecting
arm around tho dear, harmless little
Tho authorities at Woodbury. N. J .
have a hard nut to crack. A darky
was arrested with dead chickens In
bis possession. The crop of one- eon
talned a Woodrow Wilson button, and
Uioy- were about to give the birds to
a' Democrat who had chickens stolen,
considering the button proof of owner
ship, when two overall buttons were
discovered In another hen,- and as the
Democrat didn't wear the blue tbey
refused -hlw-ctalmr- A Prohibitionist
then claimed the birds, but as be
couldn't account for the Democratic
button the case still holds lira.
TW ?-ftr ff 4T ff-MSV
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U.iU "
Chautauqua (N. Y.) Pomona Qranos an
Inftutnllal Body of Patrons.
Chautauqua Puimmu grange Is one of
the largest lu New York stateIndeed.
It has been cnlled a "miniature statu
grange" lu Itself It always transacts
n large amount of business. Tho Im
portant feitturo of the spring mivllug
held at llrocktnn was an address by
last Commissioner Pearson, lie spoko
of tho state food Inxcxtlpitlng commit
tee, of which he Is a member, which Is
desirous of knowing of the producer
whrit crops are sold, to whom sold. con
sumer or middleman! dale- sold and tho
price received, lie asked uiemls'rs of
the grange to keep 11 record on vnrds
and send them tn him lit Albany, The
committee proposes tu go to the bottom
of the matter nud I cum what the pro
ducer gets, what it cost for traniqtorta
Hon. how much tho middleman gets
nnd how much the mustiiui'rs m.v.
State Overseer Lowell suggested that
tho Pomona hold an apple show nt the
December meeting nnd offer prices for
the ltt iippleH The suggtMtlun wus
ndoptel A resolution was adopied
protistIitg nirahiHt any Interfervm-o
with the vlvhwiloti laws. Another re
quested (lovcrnur l)lx .to sign the bill
appropriating &1.OO0 for the nmlnte
nance of the graK exierltiient station
nt Frvnlonta It wus uuuoiiiiced that a
mcmter of Union grunge had orrennl
10n lu prltcrt to boys mUlug the best
acre of com, The Chautauqua Pomona
will give 11 scholarship to (helx weeks'
course nt Chautauqua ton few teachers
who will take the course and pay Ktt,
the grange to pay the other SJ.1
Any reader of tlico notes desiring
full particulars lu regard to making
tho King or split lug drag tuny m-cur
them by wilting the department of
sericulture nt Washington for farm
' bulletin No. X!l. entitled Tba
Use of tho Split I-og" Drug on limb
Itoads." ,
Tho shipwreck of tho great liner Ti
tanic brings out most forcibly tho fact
that a good many theories that look nil
right on paper go to smash when they
tomo In contact with actual things nud
facts. In the case referred to tho ulco
theory was nn iiti'lukablo ship; tho
cold fact an Icclwrg.
It may bo that If can be done, but
the writer baa never seen the yard
about the farm home very neat or grac
ed with dower Istls where the chickens
wero found nxMtlng on the railing to
tbo front porch and where the youmr,
porken were scratching their backs on
tho cornsr of the milk houso.
Cuss words may ease for tho tlmo
being' the feelings of the fellow who
ottvrs tneuii but they hare a mighty
TT '- T O ' Tf SVr ,
, r
If you arc looking for a good residence or business lot,
investigate our iist before buying elsewhere. We will sell
you business or residence lots or 5-acre tracts with good
water rights on your own terms,
' ' ' We have the best irrlgaed land, with water right
guaranteed, there is in Crook County at the lowest cash
i-l no. .n :i ' ?l
We can locate you on a good 320-acrc homestead, or
sell you a good relinquishment with some Improvements.
For investments Jn real estate see the Oregon Invest-
ment Company before buying.
' We make a specialty of fire insurance, indemnity
0 f 1
bonds and plate glass and show cases and mirrors. 20ur
fire Insurance companies are the best in the United States
and are noted for paying their losses promptly. ?
I'i v ( ' - " f I
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mlMMHm'mimmMiwt0.-riri-i'--,m '.,;.
Injurious effect on tho nervous system
nnd milk production of a sunsltlv
dairy cow. Whistling, which
pressea an entirely different mate of
mind, has Just as dirferutit nn elTect
upon tho bovluo.
Tho vnennt places. In nn nrelianl
caused by isior stock, Injury In culti
vation or borers It mny be well to till
In with younger lice up to the uge of
about eight eurs. Afler tluit time the
older trees occupy the ground so fully
Mill their root systems that young
trees set make Very Utile growth nud
seldom amount to much when they ar
rlu at u hearing ago.
The gnlvnnUeil hen coop, supposed to
Im quite an Improvement over the in
pie barrel of our mntliers nud graiut
mothers that rented gently on Us side,
may have hoiiu nilMiiitageM ner that
primitive coulniiiloii, hut It also tins
q drawback or two It Is quite cold
around the cduc during 11 cold spell
mill hotter than blnxes when left tu the
sunshine when the mercury Is pulsat
ing around tho ninety or hundred
A sample of shelled seed corn that
the writer tented the other day showed
six dead kernels nut of lirtccu, or more
than .10 per cent. It Is Just such a
showing as this, without the posxlhtl
liy of discarding the enrs from which
theso dead kernels came, that makes
the buying of shelled seed rum so
risky a proHMltlou. And this makes
nothing of the further dlltlculty or de
termining whether the scctl wns grown
lu Mluuexota or Kansas,
l-'Oll hai.i:.
A two horsepower l-'alrhaiiksMurse
gnntitlnn engine, In good condition.
Will sell cheap licrntiio lntntllng a
motor In place of engine, needing
more Miwer. , Inquire ltiilletlu. tf
United mates.
President William II. Tnft
Vlco President . .James S. Hhorman
Secretary of Btato ..... .P. C. Knox
Secretary of Treasury .!. MacVcagh
Secretary of Interior ..W. L. Fisher
Secretary ol War.... II. I Stlmson
Socretary of Commerce nnd Labor , .
.... Charles Nagel
Secretary of Nary Oeo. Von . Mo) or
Secretary of Agriculture Jas, Wilson
Postmaster Qenoral . I. II. Hitchcock
Attornoy Gouernl 0. W. Wlckorstum
Oovornor Oswald West
Secretary of Stato ....II. W. Olcott
Treasurer Thos. It. Kay
Atty- (loners! ...... A. M. Crawford
Superintendent Public Instruction .
u It. Alderman
Stste Printer W. S. Dunlway
Commissioner Labor Statistics . . . .
' MwmM&ntim wng
Ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 it f 1 1O1 P, Holt
(Initio Warden W, L. l'lnlsy
fltnto Knglneor John IL IhiwU
United Hlntcs Honntorn
(leorgo 10. Chnutborlain
Jonathan llourno, Jr.
CotiRrcHsmon .,,..,. A. W. Lafforty
W. 0. Iluwloy
Kevt'iitli Judicial IHslrlrt.
Judgo W. L. llrndshaw
Atlorncy Krml W Wlls'itt
('rook Couiily.
Judgo II. 0. Kills'
Clork , , Warren llrown
Hhorlff T. N. Ilnlfottr
Treasurer Italph Jordan
Assoinir ...,,,,,. J. I). Lal'ollotto
School Hupt. It, A. Ford
Coroner Dr. U. O. Hyilo
Hurveyor I'red A. Itlco
Conimlsslonors II. II llayluy
, , , , , .James Itlco
llm Courts.
Olrculi--Meo!a first Monday lu
May and third Monday In Oitobor
Probate .Meota flrat Monday In
each month.
Commissioners' Moots first Wed
nesday In January, March, May, July,
Soptomhur nnd Kovombor.
Ilcuil Kchmil District No. I'-'.
Directors ..... II. J. Overturf, Cliinn
Wo do NOT say. "Insure with us Inxauso we camo
In Itend together."
Wo do NOT say, "Insure with us hcraue our party
nnillstlouN are the snnie."
We do NOT say. "In.uro with us Ik-cnihio wo nro Just
starling In and wn need the bimlncus."
Wo do not say, "(live us your Insurance and we will
do our trading with you."
HIT Wli DO HAY, Insure with us Ih-csum we will
place your IiiIiicm In the largest and niot liberal coin
panics In the world, nt the same price yon are paying an
Inferior company. We will write your Nillcy so that you
am fully protected. We will see that an ainlrahle and
fair adjustment Is made in rae of loss,,. We will help
you get n reasonable rale.
M. S. Lattin (Mb Company
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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fi M, Ha
.Olydo M. MolCft
Clark Miss Mnrloit Wlus
City nf ileml.
MnVoi' 1 . ! I1- Piitmiii
Iloeoiilcr II. 0 Kill
TroiiMtror ,. . . .11. J. Ovortur
Chief of Pollco .H. 1. Holmrti
City Knglncor ....(loorgo H. Yotinj
Cuunollmcii .......... IL K, Allui
A. U I'Venul
M H. I.nlln
, , , .,...,.... B. J. Kpoiicoi
. ,. , John Htaldi
, ,J II. Woimud)
Smd For
This Seed
LfflA nli tif MlJ ( tsnlly ,(
m,ibIm;Imi. Nlt7r'l
thmiMpfMtiUti, wlif
SqulrpwT UlmU7 akilM Ih
iifAwa i dtslS mJ (.i
it ! IHM.n fl ty' VllV.
UKmU.fx USr j.Mlr
IxrMwil tut. WwmuIi.
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Fire Insurance !
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