The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 10, 1912, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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VAati n.
' 1
If Your Oatollne Msohlns Is Too Noisy
Here's a Way to Cluck It.
If tilt (jimollnu viiulno irutkca too
iiiiiuh nolso It Is uasy to ninlio n tniif
Hit Hint Mill sllcnio tho explosions
Just ns ofYocllvt'ly iih n purcliiiM'il iit
jmrntiiH, says Omiiko .Imlil I'lirimtr.
Tim iiiiiIIIit In Hindi from avvurol full
iicIn iiiiiI it ilocc of mIx Inch stovepipe.
Till) ftlllllllls should 1 10 slX Itll'lll'lt
across Hid top ninl should lie cut a
shown liy A In tho driiwlwt. Klip
tlicHu ploeca Into tint HtowplpQ ninl
fasten tho In run I'liilx with hiiimII stove
IhiIIn In nhoiit four places nrutiiiil tho
In placlnir tho funnels tho siunll end
of each should jjo on a lino wllh tho
mil 0232132-10
(From OrsiiK JudJ Crmr.l
opening of tho (lids. n Indicated ly
thv lino A A In tho drawing. Usu
eiiuuifh funuols to tilt up tho entire
IfiiKth of tho Hlov'plK).
Thi end of thv iiiiiIIIit are made of
flooi pluifi threaded to receive tho
oihiuut plo I) from tho enulnn. Tho
floor pinto II shotihl lit llrinly Into the
tint of thv stovepipe ninl should ho
fastened there liy screw. To this tho
ple 0 Is attached. Tho holes lu tho
funnels iiiii-t In- In n direct lino with
tho Inlet plp I) mid tlio outlet, so
t lint tin cases will li-o n free escape,
Thi mI nvold the dancer of tho muf
fler liecumtm; alopnd up,
Home hellero Hint n inn liter on nil
iiikIih' Krxntly reduce tin power, but
tnts uiadu with this uiulllcr have
shown Hint there Is practically no dlf.
fercme wllh tho iiiiiIIIit on or off.
? Tho nifrtt Imiwrinnt form lm-
T plelllrllt U n loflil polirll. Willi-
V out toiiie form of nrrotinls ono
' X rnnnot know wlwt ho Is rcnlly
ilolnu'. One en n not know wIhti
tho profits or tho losses nro. Tho
time rtHiilriil In lif(lriir nc
founts will he hut n fow minute
n dny, In mriiiy cse the re
turns will m more for thep few
mlnutrn than for the rest of tho
day's work. Professor V. C
Pfllmrr. North Dakota AktIcuN
tural Collrso.
tn-t-l-M-M-M-l-M M-I-H4-H-4h
irrp rue mii u m fam
four Slmpls, Inexpensive Prsesutlons
Which Any One Csn Observe,
' Tho Vlrslnln cxihtIuiviii station tins
i found hy nctunl oxcrluiout Hint tlio
' nuiuher of Imcterln In milk cnn lo
i creiilly reiliictnl. This Is of consilient-
Ode luiportnure. Ueniiso It rvdures tlio
llnl.lllty of ronlntnluntlon from dlarnso
hacterln an well ns those thnt cnuso
'tMiurliiK. dlanurrt'nhle odors, etc.
Ily count It was fotiuil thnt by sprln-
.klliiK the bciUllui; slrnw so ns to pro
vent tlio Ixieterln from nrlslnjj the Kr-
erntneo In the inllU wns niluiitl fttl
per cent. A reiiiiotwn or sri K-r cent
was made liy nliik' the clomnl (Mil In
mllkliMC as comiwnnl with uslnu the
' c'ii pall.
When the flanks of the cows were
, mnWtcued and sMitiRed U-fore milk
tint the Hr rent of lmetirln was ie
dlirel TJfl er rent. Ily dlennlllii: the
first four sirlppluv from each teotlho
Imcierl.i wen flintier rwlnewl.
These four precautions, sprlnkllnii
'the tH-ddluir. inolaleulmr Hie Hntik of
I lie cow. iisltiK n cIomiI pit 1 1 mid ills-
onllna the rirst four strlpdni". may
bo prncllctil without npprerlnble ox-
pense. and they xrenlly reduce tho lln-
.blllty of cotitamlnntton.
Htrnw lietldltiK and sawdust were
compnred na to sanitation, and It wit
found thnt fewer Imcterln were ronnii
Whore sawdust was used for bedding.
but as slrnw ns no absorbent for
'liquid manure tins some value as a for
tllltcr and sawdust noao straw Is pcr
.baps bettor.
Law Points For tho Farmer.
A farmer In Ponnsylrnnla la legally
obliged to fvneo Iwtti sldoa of n public
' rood nmnlng through his farm. A Ie-
jral fence may be of wire, with or
, without barbs.
The Parm Journnl soya wood cut on
tho farm Is personal property and
'would not pass under deed as the
wood house would In which It was pll-
A In flu. alianiipii nf ennraA. of inr
Ml' special ineutlou being mado lu the
Whore a aellor Is not tho monufne
turer of nn article sold nnd the buyer
has nn opportunity ot examining It
'there Is no Implied warrauty, In tho
nbsonco of fraud, that It shall bo lit for
, the purposes for which It la bought,
nnd tin less I hero la nn express war
ranty tho doctrine of caveat emptor
i'(lot the buyor rfuard hlmsolf) applies.
Construction Company versus Dorsoy,
'Mil. 78 AH.. 1000.
'' "Upon tho lenso of a farm by A. to
Jl, Is ll.'cntltloil to n gaHolluo englno
mounted on whcols which A. had usod
I' nil the furin, moving It from place to
plnco to pump water, nothing having
been xnld In regard to the onguo In the
jonse?" nsus n KoiirnsHii rcnuor or tne
li'nrm Jnurual. Tho nnswor made lit
' l'-ltn. II. would not bo untitled to the
englno because It la not n part of tho
,farm leased. It li not attached to the
land nor to tho buildings, nud It may
1 rotnovod without Injury to the
A rnsstsd Ultkty now-mid thn
Is Hllititit by His mosl of men,
lllll whin It's wanned up days (in J dsrs
And rliMiiHrd iiniunil In various wnys
Monclny, cfiicpiotlfKi Tuesday, Iinslit
Wsiliipntsy Hii I hit) soup dulli Jilouli
Tlimn Is a 1 1 in It t cull Hi lilufT,
You've Imd nmrs lurKuy tlmn riiniiuli.
A few frrsh hh lust now ninl Him
Arm relliilieil by h lni nf nivri,
Hut wlmii lliey'rs ssrvrd Uurs I lines a day
In every oilmr UIimI or wuy
llollwl nliil ilrvllcil, ImihcIiihI nml fried,
Cio'IIIcIIihI, siirMlllblrd, plrMlril, iljt'il
If you ilim't hick mid mi llitiii frown
Your llvorwlll lum ujxlils down
A tousli old rooster now and then
Can hv endured by most of men,
lliil when It's ronm st Hunduy noon,
Then ssrveil up uld that Hindi. soonl
then thicken salmi His nei dny.
At evenlim Ihln runoinine.
Why even presuliers wiiulil set sick
And alvs tho labia it hard MlcU,
A few lifiirks Jual now and then
Don't Ixiihur much Hi moat of linn
Iletuiip h woman la Incllnnl
To iilva way pieces of her mind,
Hut wlian her Iuiiku run Uuulil quick
It's lima in duck her In Hi creek.
lliil suy aooduy. I can't writ niur
Marlafs rlslit oulald th door.
Q, I am about to build n (xjiiliry
bouse Hint will comfortably liouu iW
U'Rliorn brtis and wish ouly to sx'iid
about CI.VJ to .VK) on IL I'mi you
furnish n plan suitable or tell me I
where to secure one A. The West I
Vlrulnln aitrlfiillunil oxia-rluietit sin- ,
Hon, Moriniulowu, W. Vn . has Juat
stall it houao descrllMMl In bulletin I'm.
Write for It.
I). I lime noticed that the show fan
ciers are clnlmliiK to hare orlKlnnied
tho Ithode Islnnd lliil. Is tills true?
Wns the bird II rat bred wllh fmicy
points In view A. No The origina
tors of this breed In Utile Coiuplou,
It. I. in". it tlimwlit of fancy polnla
when they mtuuied Hie blood of dlf.
feretit Hue utility breeds to mnke Hie
lied a combliintlmi of the U-al utility
points of I hem all, Thoy bred for
rigor, rues and flesh, and It Is tinfor
linwile thnt feather fanciers took up
tho llril. for we fear their frenxy for
fmicy xltiU will In tho end skjII this
irrnml utility bird.
Q Will you please stnto If there Is
a prlnied standard for JudKliu; egKs
and market txiultryj a Not at pres
ent At the Inle I louver meetltiK of
the American Poultry asaoclatlou a
committee of nine was appointed to
consldvr tho inn iter and prepare a
work to bo called "Tho American Util
ity Utaudard."
Tho Iter, C A. Ilehrluger, editor of
tlio Milton Tluies mid rector of rlt
John the llaptlat church, did n charac
teristic thing when ho ndertlaed that
Iloollnfr of nil kinds. Ilopnirini;
promptly done.
Furnnce Contractor
Guttorlnir, Spoutlnir,
Cornlciw untl SkyliKhta.
n ' Continental
Conslsti of pMUN,x
1!'!. . JllOMBofN.Y.
Following "S Now Vork Un.
Well derwrltera'
Known Agency
Conipanlei HARTPORD
Umplro State Surety Uonds
Oregon St., Bond, Oregon,
chickens would bo Kud um cash for
sulMcrlplloiiN. To bo strictly orthodox,
luouihorH of his owu denomination
should plnuk down water fowl,
When chicken thieves raided the hen
coop of Uniistnhlo ). W. (Jim. Wnyne
born, I'n.. thoy unt Into the lieu hos
pital Instead of thv IIvIiik iitiirters
nod ImKKod all tils cripples nod roup
victims, Next
Teii tlmiiinnd ducks died on a duck
farm In Cumberland county, I'n.. nfier
feedltiK on n uuw hrnud of beef scrap.
Mc-il prmlntis so vnry lu ipinllty mid
some ore mo poisonous Hint It's wise In
experiment on it fow fowls when n
chnuue Is mndu,
Those euns rnllcd "dirties" are most
ly produced on wet Any where hens
run lu filth and track It to the nest on
to the fKii. No one cnn xiect clean,
sweet okks from dirty nesta nml i-kks
laid under the barnyard Htrawntaclc nnd
box mmi aren't lit to rat.
! X Dmiiond, iietir Ick Unren,
I'n., wns nwiikened by the honk I iik of
a flock of Ketree mid Kot out Jllst In
time to srive twelu horxes from Ida
biirnliiK burn, Mr Diimoud will con
tinue to rnUe jreese from tho dandy
flock thnt raised the alarm,
The S-I.OOO em cousiirnvra that form
oil "The Thirty Cent Kkk club" as it
protest HKiiliMt mi exnrhltunt price for
hen fruit nml conducted n three weeks'
Water and Sidewalks on the Property.
Kenwood is just ncross the river, tour blocks from the business center of town, i
Nearly every lot commands a view of the town, river and mountains. Prices
of lots from 70 to $150, easy terms, liberal discount for cash.
Don't let any knocker fool you into the belief tlmt.Bend is not destined to be &
city. There are old isettlers in Spokane today who stood around and doubted
and knocked while the city grew up around them, and the newcomers invested
and grew wealthy. Bend wijl be the Spokane of Central Oregon and Kenwood
its Cannon Hill. Buy now and watch values grow. If we cannot suit you in
Kenwood, buy somewhere else in Bend, but don't buy until you have seen
Kenwood. Cut out this advertisement and in three years from now look at it
and remember that we told you to buy in Kenwood.
Oregon Land & Imniigf ation
, ' Bend, Oregon
boycott nxalnat rnerchanU demamllnK
unjust prlccH prciich a little sermon to
others on tho text, "do thou nnd do
Tho winter vug crop Is Increasing on
IVmisylvmiln farms by Hie showing at
markets and itk shipments from couu
try stores, A Ktilllvmi county cniiiiiry
storekeeper lells us Hint winter vmin
lme Increitsed W per cent since the
farmer' Institute poultry lecturer bus
been on Hie Job
The chickens lit n llererly l.N. J.
pliint are called to their men Is by tho
ringing of the dinner bell. This Is nl
most hiiii to the trick of a southern
farmer who culled his hogs by nipping
on the house until Hie woodpeckers
Imitated the signal mid conxeil tho
hogs off Into the woods, where they
starved to denlli elnndug around after
an Imaginary dinner
Yes, the ten cent egg has gone, ner
or to return. Next In order some farm
era should adopt a hinducis method of
keeping account with their hens We
know farmers who sell chickens at 0
cents a pound when they cost them 11
to 13. They don't know whether kuI
try pnya them or not. and It's tho
rnme with everything else where such
fjck of system prevails.
During the Alleniown (Pa.) fair a
Leghorn hen picked the diamond stod
off n New York sport'a shirt front
Bend's Most Desirable
Lots from $70 to $150
On Easy Terms.
This might Ik expected of n Diamond
Jubilee Orpington hon. but was con
sidered so disgraceful for a taghorn
Hint some one suggeated she be killed
to recover the gem. He laughed and
moved on. He wore n pnste diamond
like tho most of those folks from New
Protect Shtep From Dogs.
A Mlmiisotri farmer says that be
keeps dogs nwny from his flock by
pulling up In his rmsiure the dummy j
of n innn holding a stick for a gun i
This dummy Is taken down every -morning
nnd put up ngnln In the even '
.ig nt different plnces from night to ,
night. He says a sheep killing dog
will not go near enough to the dummy I
t discover Ihat It Is a bogus man.
Value of Mulch For Trult
With coarse mulch rloxe around fnill
plants and a flue earth mulch between
the rows large cnM may ! carried
safely through severe droughts. Com
moner at onco and continue until prod
acta are mature. Household Journal.
The Ilullctln and tho Pacific Home
stead a year for only X.
A two horsepower Knlrbnnka
Moras gasoline, engine for aalo at n
groat bargain at the Ilnrtd Hnrdwaro
Company's store. In first olasa con
dltlon. tf
Hotel Seward
roitlhAND, OHrXJON
One of the o Aitutle and Ete
tfnntly-ApiwIntcd Ilbtclt In the
Northwest, Kmbodyinir Every
Modern C onrenlence. In cen
ter of retail nnd theater district.
Kalr' ixean4 up with luih. $i and op.
B tnetla all Iralna Grill la roantttlca.
W M SF.WiRD, rroprlrlor.
r amflA r
law I
asl property."