How a. THK 11WN1) Hlthl.tiTlN, HKrtD, WKONKHDAY, JtU.V 10, min 'M -err 4. tst X 3 The Bend Park Company oq AVI! Ixvn nrllvplv rneaspd In linvinir nml nclllm? iimiiwHy In r I I1KN1) for the Inst five month, during which period they have sold upwards of 1100 lots.. They nro Iho InrRCst owners of close-In business and residence property In Iho city.. They havo been the menus of bringing ninny settler to I1KNI) nntl Ccntrnl Oregon, nnd bcltcvct , ns Iho Great Northern eaprcasea It In their Oregon booklet, "that Ikuid wilt bo tho cen ter of great farming community, nnd will Itself become great manufacturing center because of the enormous watcrpow In tho Deschutes Klver." They thoroughly believe In the town and In tho great future which lie before It. They have Jut Uaucd a very Attractive tttustratcd folder on IlKND, which they will mail upon request. They still have a large number of highly desirable Iota, nt prices ranging from $150 to $300, which they will ell on tho basis of $10 down and $10 per month per lot. ..Upon receipt of a remittance they will pick out the best unsold lot they hate and send the contract for the same. Those Interested In the great future of HKND and Central Oregon can address any of the following afllces. G Innings. Tli Inst Knifie wont Only sovon- Innlnc,' by agreement. AbIiIo from tho hurd hitting, thcro woro not ninny feature. In tho Hod nionil guino Motko, In tliu llrrt IiiiiIiik put tho (mil ncroH tho Irrlgntloii lltch for thrco buses, scoring tinea runner. Tetherow made flvo trips to the pinto nml not n lilt every time, two (if thoni lor two base. Of Hod uiond'ti 10 lilts, four woro twcMmg gois. Two of tho visitors pitchers woro used up, Kcrnoy lasting less tliiin two liming, nrownlow cmiKlit u guild gnuia behind tho lint for Uend. Tho following It tho acorn: Bend Park Company General Offices, 800-801 Empire Building, Seattle, Wnshi Portland, Oregon: Court Entrance, Hotel Portland. Spokane, Wash.: 021 Paulsen Bldg., Bend: Fourth and Greenwood. UKDMONO All It II l'O A K llosch. ah (10 0 3 2 0 Mooro, cf 0 2 2 2 0 0 Woodward, Sli 4 3 3 3 2 1 Perry, If 0 12 0 0 1 Foate, M, p . 6 2 3 2 0 1 llodmnn, lb 6 0 3 0 3 0 Mnhntfoy, rf 3 0 2 0 0 0 Gordon, rf 2 0 10 0 2 tinrdticr, o 5 0 0 8 0 1 Kernoy. p, ss 3 1 1 0 '0 1 Totals 44 9 10 24 12 7 1IKNI) All 11 II I'd A K Jirownlow, o 6 3 3 7 1 0 Tetherow, 3b 6 4 5 13 0 Spencer, rf 3 1110 1 Htcldl. It. 4 3 1 13 0 1 Flncsso. sa 4 2 12 2 1 Carmody, 2b 6 12 2 3 0 Metk. ir r, 3 2 0 0 0 Inmicle, p 6 13 0 4 0 lloioll. cf 6 1110 0 -i r TRUCKS BEND to BURNS (OPERATING FOUR PACKARD TRUCKS.) Best Service - - - - Lowest Rates 4 Round Trips n Week 4 Central Oregon Trucking: Co. Office with J A, Usstes. W. S. LOCKWOOl), Mr. BEND WINS 10 OF THEE GAMES METOLIUS CAPTURES CONTEST ON 4th Tetheroiv Strikes Out 18 Hatter, Hut Errors C)ause lcfent Itcdniond and Kit Carson Aggregations Easily Iteaten Saturday. ' rtinnliib hrew the same nwiiy Kor ! llvo Innings ho had the Mctoti i piny J ors feeding out of his hand, fanulut 11 tf hem In succession, lie had ' two bad Innings, tho first nnd mv icnth. In which four runs each woro scored. At. the beginning of tho I seventh, the score stood 7 to I In fu I vor of Uend, but hits and errors hunched gave tho visitors the lead and stupid libtc running In the ninth out off thv local hope af tying tV score. Pope, a southpajv, one of ih live Prlnevlllo men In tho "Metnllint" lineup, started In to pitch, tiu. listed only three Innings, lielng replaced by Lottman, who pitched good ball the rest of the game. The box score follows: Daseball as a part of the Fourth celebration program was a big fea ture, three games being played. Uend won two and lost cne. That lost was to Metoltus on the 4th and waa handed tho visitors by wooden headed work on the part of the locals. Jwe METOLIUS Ilechtell, 3b Hownian, cf Bills, 2b Galloway, sr Brewster, lb Lottman, rf, Maddon, If Tomer, c AH n 6 3 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 0 6 0 3 0 2 1 II PO 2 1 0 4 6 11 0 0 0 IlKND AH It II PO A K llrownlow, rf 6 13 0 0 0 llradloy, ss 6 112 11 Spencer. 2b 6 2 3 111 McCauley, If 6 0 0 10 0 Tetherow, p t 1 S 0 0 0 Carmody. 2b 4 0 0 110 Mctkc. of 6 0 10 0 0 .an Matro. e 6 1 1 10 2 0 Stoidl, lb 5 116 0 2 Itmnole, lb 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 44 71!!? S 4 Scoro by Innings: It Mctollua 40000040 2-10 Ilend 02040100 0-7 Summary: Two-baso hlM Itccli- toll. Struck out Hy Tetherow 18, by Pope 1, by Lottman 2. liases on balls Off Tetherow 3. Wild pitch Tetherow i, iopo i, Lottman 1. Passed balls Van Matro 2. Stolen bases Metollus 4, llend 7. Umpires Davenport imd Schmidt. Tho Raines on Saturday. On Saturday, tho Cth, two game wero played, loth of which woio won by Ilend. In tho morning Itedmond waa defeated by n rcoro of 18 to 9, and In tho afternoon Kit Carson's team, 10 to 8. Hoth wero slugging matches, In which all (he pitchers Totals 41 IS 19 27 13 3 Scoro by Innings: Itodnioud 4 0110003 00 Hand 83221020 x 18 ' Summary: Thrcobnso hit Mrtko. Two-bnso hits Tetherow (2), Gor don, Woodward, Koote (2). Struck out Hy Immclo 0, by Ketnoy 4, by Kooto 4. Wild iiltchC-lmmolu. Stolen bases llend 10, Redmond 3, Umpire Vnn Mntre. Kit Canton's Tnuii Itatlrn. After the circus Saturday Kit Car son's team crossed tints with llend. The show loys had such lllunlitous names ns Hender nnd Collins In the lineup, but this did not give the locals scaao fright nnd they won handily, scoro 10 to 8. lmmole pitched again and was hit harder than In tho morning game. Tho main features of the contest was a three-base hit by Dale of the circus bunch and a one-handed catch by Urownlow of a bard hit fly to left field. Score by Innings: Kit Carson's 0 0 10 6 0 llend 2 6 10 0 2 x 10 llatterles: Hender and Oslo; Immclo nnd Hrcwster, JJend yachine hip All Kinds of Saw Mill and Farming R-E-P-A-I-&-S sssssssssBBsss..wSMnaWMsMMMMasssMkSMisksiaiiM Wc Carry a karc Stock, of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wnll St., next to Opera House O'DONNELL BROTHERS I Tntt A T ISYTs UlllUn MRRI!,1 I : 8 BgHHM" 'illsiBiCB 4skjSsBSSHssBBBBBBBW 'SsE 'iPVBBBFBll"t:BS3 IHMH09IhKJ.vZJ.IBI BBBBBSMBBSBFullkll AA, WllO?A 'lJtefo' ' Vt CBSSsS ' 'jiEuflBBBBBBsHl EiiMMBS&slSife: ' .:"i.iyHs..BsW U&iD BASEBALL TfJAM Tetherow pitched for Dend, sUlklug.rope, p, rf out lb of the opposing batters, but! tri ci 8 behind him and pou buve' Totals 4 0 0 0 10 wero hard hit. Uend. got a total of . 32 hits In their 14 Innings and Iled- 39 10 9 27 12 7 mond and Kit Carsons 30 In their EASTERN CROOK COUNTY The following Article unfortunate !y was crowded out of Inst week's De velopment Number To the Hdltor of Tho lliillotln: Will write you In rogard to re sources of east Central Oregon for your special edition. Tho weather to dato has been Idoal for growing crops nnd I novor snw better pros pects than there Is In this part of Oregon for bumper crops wheru the laud has been cultivated ns It should bo. It Is surprising to drive through this now country and note tho changes and the crops that are grow lnc where there waa nothing but sagebrush two years ago. I can truthfully say that wiient. rvn. oats nnd bnrlev look as Kood ns In nny country I have over been. Wo Imvo hud more than enough moisture to dato to muko nny of tho Minll prnlna nml when llt'Otllu speak of this part of Oregon ns tho "high desert they are certainly mis tnkon, and I think they would change their mind If they wero to happen through this way. It Is not only a grain country but ono of tho best stock countries In tho United States and there are great possibilities here for tho small ranchnuin and stock raiser. We havo worked our horses harder on bunchgrnss and grain once a day, and It kopt them In bettor hum. than wo could on all tho sraln and hay they could cat In eastern Nebraska. I think thnrn la nn hotter nlaco for the man of small capital to mako money anil the ciimuto is naru to beat. Have plenty of tho best fuel, fine water and tost timber nnd stock can range out nil winter. About the only thing wo jock la hmter railroad facilities nnd wo will have them in the next year or two. "BBTTLKK." Itolyat, Ore., Juno 26, 1912, CAM) OK THANKS. We wish to thank nil thoso who so kindly holpcd us during tho time of our sorrow when we lust our utile girl Inst woek, and especially the la dles who sung nnd reiidored us other services. Mil. AND MH8. K. If. HOYD. We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE LIQHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. liny, Barley, OnUi, Wheat nntl Ilrnn nt lowest prices. Tho LnrKcut Darn In Central Oregon, WENANDY LIVERY CO.1 Bend, Oregon. J. II. WENANDY LON IFOX) --- J Under New Management. THE PILOT BUTTE INN t UBND'S LEADING IIOTHL t Is now In chnrRe of J. F. Tni:(lrt ct'Co. 1 First Class Survlcu nnd tho Comfort of Guests, is Our Motto. FKGE AUTO Between Hotel and Depot. ----" SEPARATORS THE SHARPLESS TUBULAR THE BEST Separator mode. Koay to clean, light to run, nml It's tho CLEANEST SKIMMER MADE. Wo havo thorn in stock. COME AND SEE THEM. MOWERS AND HAY RAKES. THE CELEnitATEDlDEERlNGl LINE. Lljjht, stronjr and durable For rata by TiTe STORE OF QUALITY S. C. CALDWELL, Mgr, DISOltlinitLY IIOlHi: HltOKKN 1H. Friday I'ollco Chief Iloberta and Doputy Shorlff Vox nrroatod throo women ut tho Merlch building In Center addition, on tho ohurga of conducting n disorderly house All pleaded guilty. Ada Hunt, vsno was In charge of tho place, having rontod It, was flued by Recorder Kills $25, on condition that she Immodlntuly sell her furniture mill loavo town, soil nor furnlturo and leave. Ki mires King nnd draco Johnson, who had ar rived Thursday night and woro ur rested soon aftor thoy got hero, woro fined $16 nntl $10 Jiml woro ordered to leavo town at once. ALL AROUND mnchlno man, fair electrician, wants steady position, U. 8. Inspector's engineer llconse or reference Inquire Ilulletln. 18-9p New Feed Yard Operated by The Wendfldy Livery & Auto Co. NEAR THE DEPOT oppositu tmu unit ho wakhiiousu HAY and GRAIN AT LOWIiST I'UICUS f --. -- .4..4. a. J. II, MUSQKOVU W. P. SCIIAIIDT X THE LOTUS BAR Schmidt & Musgrove, Crops, WINES LIQUORS CIOARS , ' ONLY TtfU UEST OP Q00DS HANDLUD .Uond Street 4 Uejid, Oregon,!): - Iwi 111 01 M A