FT- TAQK 12. TI1K 1UCN1I llWtLKT I.Y, llCNII, WUhftjUHD.VY. JULY in, una. H il I : II COUNCIL 0 (AUTO TRAFFIC CENTERS HERE (Continued from Pajto Ono). 01 E WOK BILLS AQAINST CITY ARE PAID Itecclpts From Poller Deportment For .Month Art? 8221 Slw-t tirade Ordinance It 11 yi Kill AuillllliK PutMil(loii. conio to llend hy una of three differ ent routes nml return by another. The trip will cox or In the nulRh borhood ot 2000 miles, or u distance nearly equal to that from Itoiul to Thursday ovoiiIur In ttmo for tho ononlng of the convention. This par ty will lonvo Hend Saturday morning Another party will conio liy way of Albany, Cascade Pass ami Itmlmoml, reaching hero Huntlny oenliiK. The thin! delegation will eomo throiiKh Kugene, up the Mackenzie rluir, nr rlvhiK hero Sunday night. Tlio eu this far tty train. taking nutomohllus from hero to Lakovlow, lltll llauloy wilt do at tho head ot UKSKINK AH IH'HAIi (UltUIICIt. It. M. Haudei s has tenoned as ear lier on the rural free delivery innll i onto, being succeeded by Oeorgo dates. Mr, and Mis. Hnndeia hnu Bona to Nowherg to visit with lol atUeM fur a month or so. Tho chMf accomplishment at last night's council meeting was tho pay ment of bills against tho city total ing 11073.53. As City Treasurer Oorturl did not have his reguhr report teady, a motion was passed Instructing the recorder to ask Mr. Overturf forth with to make such roport. The ordinance fixing street trades was read for tho second tlmo and rVsed. Tho proposition to audit thn accounts of the cltv. made a month or so ago and laid on the ta ble, was taken up and defeated. A icport from Police Chief Hcb crU was accepted. It showed tho following collections: Fines J127.50 Pound fines 3.00 Dor tax 25.50 Billiard' and pool license GO.QO Show license 12.00 Second band license 3.00 5 Totsil $221iO0 J CIiiIiiih Ordered Paid. The following bills were slowed: U. L. Pox $ 6. Water company 159.10 Orerturf-Davls-Mlllcr Co. 73.49 P. Peterson 1S.00 Auno barn 113.00 H. C. Ellis 20.00 M. A. Palmer 1.50 V, A. Forbes '. 60.00 C. P. Nlswonger 10.00 Special police ...'. CC.00 Dend Company 219.49 G. S. Young .'. 6.00 McReynolds ..... 1.60 Frank Kulp CO.OO Van Matre .-. 15.00 L. L. Fox 27.00 L. D. Fox 10.00 Carl Ladew Is ..-.'. 12.00 C. D, Drown 100.00 6 E. Roberts ,.. 100.00 Total 11073.53 iuwcii miuva or ArroisTH. " -srsrK V . xfJJ l X7 T -c-- rrrWi ! J Tlfcv 4 L J iY A V. &Z7rti .wNtx w-'A S S n. I Zkm. V . 'vVS 'THmS 1 l I !. )? rS i l.Lj i. i or :).' tfl n Ln Pine, Crook County, OrtRon PItOIIIUITIOS CilNVIINTION. A masH coliMMitluit of the prohibi tion1 party nt Crook county Is hereby called to meet In Culver on Wednes day, July 31, 1U13, at 11 o'clock a. iu for the purpose of uomltiatliiK candidates for county utllclnls to be filled nt tho next Retteral election, ntid for the transaction of such other buslnenn as limy eomo before said convention. All who are ready to enroll n prohibitionists am eonllal- ly Imlted to participate, Vomeii as well as men are oIIkIIiIu and wel come. A senatorial convention will be held on the same dato and nt the same plare at U o'clock and a repre sentative convention at 10 o'clock. Hy order of the county central committee. IIAHMON t'()OK, I'halrnmii, KAIll. IIKNTON. Heciutary , NOTICE Your attention is wanted Hini'u my olllco litiriictl 1 have lost coiiiinuiii cations with a lew pios pcotivc oiistomci's, .soin order to keep up my business to it normal standing, I am Koiiitf to oiler for ten days u lew iriiwl filwilf.. tfiinlu rii ii i. V ft"V" ....i. ...... a.iii- iiiK from HO to 1(10 acres, all in cultivation; lin.1 elavs water riglit, for 650 per acre. Nothing down, balance on your own terms nt 7 per cent interest. Add revs, J. B. MINER. BEND, OREGON! THE- Map Showing Koutra to lie Followed lly Portland Parties In Aujj'uit. r Chicago. Tho first detachment of tho dele gates, thoso going through Harney county, will leave Portland Friday morning In order to reach Lakevlew tire automobllo party will leave Ilond Monday morning, according to pres ent plans. Some of tho Portlandcra will come the parado as It leaves hero. ? WANTKO. ' Will pay team hire for someone who will tnko camping outfit and grub to Crane Pralrlo end of next week. Inquire Bulletin offlco. 18 Owl Pharmacy RALPH POINDEXTEH, Prop. Will open up next week in the old Chapman building on the corner of Wall and Minnesota Streets. -- I'tuiii I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMHIHIIMI IIMHIIIIIIIIIIIII - rt r"-nrrtTfrTt- nm - --- LUMBER LATH THE BEND COMPANY 1 M J. - ttt m es t t SHINGLES iil ! t ! t t : t . t " "t v.i ft i i Operates the Largest and Best Equipped Saw Mill and has The Largest Stock of Lumber m Central Oregon. We can manufacture what you want, when you want it, and at the prices you want.. Special Bill Stuff furnished at short notice. Your inquiries are invited, and will receive prompt attention. " l:;: i : t.rtl t :;: i 4 " " hi t V ft t ' I T i)R IS ,v- "f v fv & The W' Bend Company Bend, Oregon s t ' t " i . i t ' V th t C?t?-M-- HmMmMHIMHttMt)MHUHMMtMMtMMMMHOMMMMt ------ MMM))MIMMIt'ttHIIHnitit'l ,t, mmttMMOMMMMOUMIMt .-. MItMUMMMMHMMMMMMMMMHIMi'HMHMMMMMMMM,MMm --- - '.-. -- rp f44- AAAa.a.. i A , f MHHttH If :: :: - 1 ' f i i5 k w 4 SI ', ;i ft U Ml I, M i M c at at i th ov !b to ke se at