The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 10, 1912, Page PAGE 11, Image 11

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ldlnw . AiMrcsaen t'oiiimiiiilrn
Minn to Ntuto Aiilhorltlew, Tithing
i iii Vnrloun I'tiiiMt'M of Colum
bin Hon t hern IHMcuttle.
Jrrho following I a copy of n lottor
Siriouod to tho Htato Laud Hoard
Jlllch states thu sentiment ot tho
Hitlers of tho. old Columbia Houtlioru
MtreMHtlon about Ulldnw. It I ofl
tared to all Irrigator u It dourly
atn thu position and contention
f thu men who nro working to ut
Ing koIiik an they ihould In thu
Idlaw country!
l.atdlaw, ()ro June 20, 1913.
on. Desert i.auii iiouru, naiem, uru.
Uvntlemeu I .tin In receipt ot youf
Iter under dato of Juno 14, written
Uijour Instructions nud signed by
4r, John II, Lewis a icroiury of
(bur bourd) you Ntuto In till letter
lial "there hn been moro than. Usual
tlltlculty experienced hero thl sea
H In tho collectlUK of malnleiiauco"
fed nk that I uso what Influence 1
Buy liavu In assisting to correct a
HlVtakeu Idea which simmn to ba
jjhrnl hero Hint aa thl project I
Ui'Ier tho control of the itato that
nr. A I ma l. Han nn no nuiii m
illect tho maliitontnce for thl ea
Your Icttur doe not request
fn answer but I deem It only fair tojso been canceled, and If wu can only
h. contract holder and thoe Inter
iitod here Hint It thould be anawcred
tbd havu concluded that tho uet way
i by open letter, aa tlioro aro many
fere who ilklro Information upon
hi iolnt In thl coutrovery which
fill be brouicht up In thl lottor.
lYou apeak of thu temporary rule
tinted In force latt caon which
fere rendopted thl year; will yon
tiddly tato when, where and at llm
Bitlltatlun of whom were theao rule
lifdn and If no nudo last i.ion why
frro not tho contract holdor futn
)u with a copy of the aauio by
!fur lrard or the compan) and It
'i)la No. 6 I a you vtato It inuat
lio I wen badly mlcontrued 'by
fc'iiM In charge of tho project here
lAl n mvetlnic of your hoard In tho
tarty part of 1011 you adopted n rule
i? reaolutlon to tho offect that at any
lino thorn wa to ba n inodlllcutlon
iCdny conract w h an oprntliu: oom
liny on tho Carey act project In tho
toto the nttlarj on that paricular
Irojoct wnrn to ho notified In nniplii
lino to enable them to hnvo ropiv
Oivtnllon at kuch tuvetinR. New nl
ho tlmo you eitteicd Into thl Inal
Sntracl with Mr Knt wn thin
(one? I It not a fact that he wa
dvon tho coutrart fur the dlttrlbu
IMl of tho wntar hero thl imiun
rlthout the kuowlodge of mi) oiiuioulr nnturnl tlmt ho wmild nroieci
Btercstad except your board, himself I hi own liiteroats In a time of Uiort
& Moclntea? Aud will you fur-1 age. Thl one fuel mini) ol the et
rwr explain hy what law or author- tier dom utr.
Qr thl contract wit given Mr. Kelt If, the oaii.itljn prevail hero a
sjilho old Columbia Kouthurn Inl- your lottur would !iullcate, why did
Sting Company' contract wnu pro- not Mi. UiwIh on his tecent trip hero
Mutably canceled oIkiuI Muni' I endvuior to get tho matter adJustedT
9 V w'y w" Hie law which rovnial U hllo tho con t net holder do not
tlNM very plain on tho method loicrae hi oclet, yet wn It not In
i ))tirued u pon thu cancellation or
contract of thl nature so utterly
farcgnrdodT And If tho projoct le
ir(tcd to tho itate whllo the law. waa
iing- allowed tu tnko Its natural
&ure why wa not tho wator master
laed In chargo of thu distribution
4 the Tumalu Is an adjudicated
(ream? Aud why should Mr, Katx
given' tho contract for dUtrlhu-
n as his contract merely mosn nt
Hon for very near ouo year on the
tiro project and solely without
nildoratlon, Wo know of course
at Mr. Katx and his associates act
g under tho ii.tmo or tho uregon,
fnshlugton & Idaho Flunnco Co.
ore at sotuo oxpenso hero two year
ito for RUrvoya otc, but does thu
tcA that thoy woro unable to mako
ort on tho ronlrnct thoy had ut
nit ttmo untitle tliuni to further con
deration nt your hand and tho con
act holdorn' oxpoiuo
You rotor to tho bond of 15000
Veil by Mr. Katx but do not Htato
hat Hit bond 1 for. Wo will pre
lum, however, that It In for tho
ilthful performance of hi contract
i the distribution of water. Iu
tut way can tho ntnto or your board
i damuKod should ho fall In all or
ny part of this contract, nud what
(.Shi run Iiiih tho fnrmor, who I ror
ilnly the ouo moRt vitally tntoiestod,
thera should bu n forfolturo of thl
mil? And, iikiiIu, itccordliiK to tho
moment minlo to Mr. C. W. Allen by
ilioinlior of your boitrdtMr. John II.
owls) itny bond given tho atnto Ih ot
ttlo vuluo im only mm nurh bond
is boon collect 9d by' tlio ntuto.
In roforonco to tlioro IioIiik moro
inji tiHiiiil dlllloulty lioro HiIh your
i tho collodion of tnitlntonnnco, If
iur board hmt boin luforuiod that
U. Ih tho citsu tho Information la
lino. It Ih it fact, howoor. that tho
iq that Mr, Kntz itnd hi Irrleatlon
I'inngor, Mr. John II. Wlmor, Imvo
'oj ftrylpK to oijfprco baa, inndo tlf
jryJA'ir4 fpc "omo qf, ilio, aoiilor,,
njIilBwriB).t dqo,i ,ut thl tjmp fit the,
ur; ibfitlit that tlioro Iibb boon but
vo of th'coutract holdoro who have
rilH(nl- uiiy iiiuM(toii iim to1 llio pny
inoilt of intiliitoniiiico. U;io of thoio
olrarbM to suttlo wltlf Imnknlilo nolo
finitlngiiiit iiimiii tlio iHllvary ot wii
tor, nml tlio otlior iimclo mi nctiinl
louder of tlio iiniotiiit ulnlinml for this
yvnr litil wiim rofimoil wnior on nc
count of iinivloitH dlfrcroiicoH and I
think It only full' to Niiy Dint hint
tlioro lioon oven orillnnry ImikIiickn
JiHlKini'iit mIiowii by tlioso In charKO
of tlio collodion Hint nltliur rnso
COIllcl IlllVlt llCfl.l llllillNtllll without
iioturlnty. If tlioro luul boon moro
than ustiul troulilu lioro thin nonon,
It would not liuvo Iiopii MirirlMliiK
na In no mo ennoM tlioro linn lioon Jtint
cmiihii for complaint nn to tlio in minor
In which tlio ilUtrllnitloii lit Im.'Iiik
romliictftd. An nn Instuiiro for your
notlco will my Hint on Juno 13 tliuto
woro no illtch rlilitM or Irrlxntlon
innunRur on duty on tlio segruKfitloti
ns onu of tlio rldnrw wns III nl homo
wjillo th ii other rlilor mid tlio innim
Kr wro In ntttnidmicu nl it circus at
Kodinuud ilurliiK tlio dny. TIiIh
might ImVa broil permlsslulft lint) mitt'
torn lvn ruunliiK In n smooth wny,
hut on Juno 13 it hrouk occur red In
odo of tlio main littoral, IcnvInK tlio
attlsrs under that latorut wtl only
doinriilo water for two day and
nights, and nt a tlnio whun thu beat
m)h lino win hid n k Hindu of water,
Tlip Irrigation mnnriKor hud full
knowludRa of this break on thu day
It occurred, ynt no offort wn made
to ropalr It until Junn H. Another
had briik liny Juil occurred that him
cquiod a nliortnico oT water under
that lateral and It wns caused itntlro
ly. by iiokIIkciico. I merely mention
tjienn Instaurt o show you that
should tlm settlors complain they
wuuld liavu uniili causa for donK ao.
In paragraph 2 of your latter you
stale Hint st'ttlern on Cnroy act proj
ect linCo only ttucli rights a they
liavn acquired through their ron
tracti, the Iwnrd of control ndjudlcu
tlon and the rule of your board.
We nro ery Kind to liavo you tntko
tho itntement wo oven hao
theao rights, as matter have dragged
along hero wo had aliout concluded
that nil rights tho settler has hnd aU
got protection oven In a part of tho
right you nanm, wn will bo mora
than tatlafled. In thl connection I
wlali to call your attention to an oc
currence of 1'iit winter when tho et
tlora woro compiled to call In tho
aorvlce of the water mailer In order
tt get sufficient water to nil the cis
tern and reaorvefr for domeailc
ue. What wa tho rvault? Within
a abort tliilo your Ixmrd reiuetcd tho
board of control to Inilruct tho water
nmatcr to keep hi hand off thl
project, and thl )ou did wholly ukiii
tho representation o. O. Iturgaatd,
who wav'artliiK for .tho Oregon,
Wahlngton & Idaho I'lnanco Co.
Thl I only one liiMtauco where you
havu made rulea aololy ukju the BUK
geatlun of thu operatliiK company or
Individual a tho cane may lie, and
have not eeii Kono to tho I rouble to
grl tho truth of tho matter. Do you
think thl I giving thu contract hold
er a aqitaro diHtl, to merely tnko tlm
reiirereutntlou of u mnn like Ijiur
gaard without itietlun, when hi
vary attitude hi tint connec
tion with thl project hu been to Ik
Horn Hie right of the settler. .Mr
Katx also omplojt tt Irrigation mnn
nger Mr John It Wlmor. n man who
own an ItiUiest In an adverse clulin
to thu walei of Tiimitlo creek. It I
tho lino of hi duty a a tatu officer
to take these thing up with those
who wore o much In error und hu
could Imvo helped Mr. Katx much
mure personally than ho could by let
in conclusion I will aay that If you
will kindly auvwer tho above que-
Hun and prpvo tu me that your ac
tion Imvo been for tho best Inter
ektb of ull concerned, and also that
the nuw contract which you proose
to glvo Mr Katx I In any way fair,
thou I v. II) most gladly give you my
best effort tuwnrd tho settlement Of
any difficulties which you think ex
ist hero. itespoctfully,
Sentinel Will He Htntlonetl on Illfili
IVnk In lllih Timber llelt.
1'rlvnto owner of tlmbor Innd, In
co-oporatlon with tho forestry Hor
vlco of tho United HtuteH, hnvo or
rnngod for a sontlnel on lllnck llutto
thl Hummer. TIiIh peak, GttOO feet
high, ovorlookH u viut territory In
t'ortliNNoatoni Crook county whoro
thoru Ih much very lino tlmbor. A
fororttry tolcphouo lluo run by tho
foot ot It, iiuC u vvlro linn been HtruiiK
by tho foroHtry people from tho top
of tlo butto to connect with thl, Klv-
Iiik U lie ct communlpntloi) with tho lo
cal "lllco and ueniiiy runger ntntlnn.
At tlio"f(Hit ut tho Imttu u camp Ib
talillHhod, und eacli dny a watclior,
iiHCondB to tho top und with powpr
ful toloBCopo utirveyH tho mirrouud
lug turrltory for Indication of llio,
Wherever smoko Ih obuorvud In tho
timber, report Ih niiulo over tho
phono to iho noitrby runger station
to lneHHgtpv
spimol U jipt KoVi jtna J( Kqxjict
od thut much good will rvault In tno
wa ot preventing Ore.
TUre w a iiy Fhn Woltier Iltn
Didn't pranc around no wll,
Her picture wdin't iu th preii,
Nor did itm llytf io writ.
Oli rooittd on ili rouKh orlndiion
And trot up In Ilia lr.
Old akunk and fox and lone ured owl
Ofl koMiM lir with gl.
film (on fnt from Jhe rorncrlb
Mr from the nlop lnr I rim
Him rrnrhrd Io drink th tour awltl
And. kKrllop, ilia fell Inl
Hh fpralrlmt In th foul dung pll
And In Ilia dork nor ilatl,
And lliu a llvln liv plckd up
Ik) far aa alia wn a LI.
Her color waa Ilka calico.
Of Ka ah laid a fw
llrr oienl-wll. It waa fairly food,
TIioukIi aoma loo touch Io cliw.
Ilul oin una pllld llili twor htn
And nay hr a fair chance.
And alia raturnml Hi klndnt
Willi marvvloua aOvani.
Bha'a now lh tillllon dollar bon
Of whom r all o proud
llrr rooaitr'a iock of th blah prca.
No wurdr ha oiuwa loud)
Oha'i got th Rpld mloe aklnoed a .roll.
The wheat imd cotton fields
Al Juit back numbf.whn compared
With what Ortahl Middy ylld.
NaW, that'a what Ihouuhl and klndntn
Wllh dliure,1 hen
Vou bet ll wink hIHi lllddyl
You Pt It wurka wllh nirlll
The dire prophecy ba been banded
down from the seat of the mighty at
Waahliuttoti that ItCU will ace the end
of llio turkey tribe If the prceot rate
of deereiiao continue.
In limy there "ore nxoi.OTS turkey
In the Unlteil Hlitle. In 1010 there
were but D.OiW.TMH. n decreaae of almoit
3.000.000. In the Miiif decade chick
en Increased from 'ZlMUMl to 2M,
The whole truth In a turkey tag
ihell I that the United State depart
ment of agriculture hn neglected tur
key culture, aud the itate experiment
atntlon bare done little to conterre
tho turkey, wltb the exception of
Jthode Island, which baa done more to
bolp turkey breeder than Waahlngtoo
and nil the otbvr stale taken togeth
er. It ba been all chicken nml egg.
l!ren the quack bare received more
attention than tho Juicy, money mak
loir turkey, and tho farmer without
reliable Information ba gone on and
lobrrd and III fed hi turkey to death.
met that today tbe United Btate I
nenrly all In the turkey graveyard
Now Wnahlngton turn her conacr
rntlnn aenrrhtlKbt on tbe turkey rum-
nanta and rommanda us to tiuntlo or
there will be n turkte Thanksgiving
and Christina In WV0.
Hut. oh. yon Washington big gtina,
why not get out xotne practical turkey
data for the turkey raiser And. oh.
yon experiment tatlon. why not put
Home time nml state appropriation on
tbla question and help ave tho tur
key! And. oh. you director of farm
era Institute, why not corajiel your
poultry lecturer to qualify on turkey
culture and thu spread reliable tur-
key Information throughout the state.?
When the power that lx combine
with breeder In n campaign for the
conservation of the turkey theu and
then only will turkdom prosper.
Tho llullcllit his In stock n num
lor of tho now Crook county white
print maps, showing all roads, rivers,
Irrigated lands, town, township and
section line. Tho map nro bigger
and moro comprehensive thnn any
other maps And aro carefully printed
on heavy whllo paper. They retail
tit $1 00 each, poBtago 10 cents, tf
For Sunday,
July 4ih?
Vanilla Mousse
The daintiest goodie you
ever tasted
That You Can Order
By Phone
And That Wo
Mako Deliveries.
Wo Make And We
Our Own Ice Cream. A
Hotel Trado A
bV "V "
Deed nml I'ntrnla Iticintly I'lleil nt
rrinedlln Willi County Clerk.
W, II. HtnntH to C. H, Htintor, It
0 and i, blk 11, Deschutes addition.
1 loud.
Hnrnli I. Hleiin to Mary Olcnn Dul
ler, u'4iioH und n'nw'i, sec. 12-17-21.
Altu I), llatton to Ocorgo K, (loin,
ao'i, soc. U-10-12, 13000.
Donnlil V. Mcintosh to Ilcnd View
Co., HlinvfV. cc 20-17-12,
llonry Muster to John O'Donncll,
It 12, blk 11, AAubroy HoIkIiIs.
I). II. Ilanna to John N. Ilannai, It
Cost of Brick vs. Cost of Frame
Some people think that "Brick is too expensive."
This i a great mlBtnkc.
The price of lumber haa advanced until a house can
be built with 8 inch solid brick walls for only a slight
extra cost over frame.
Not over C per cent, to 8 per cent, and In many
cases at the same price as frame.
The difference Is soon wasted by painting and ex
cessive repairs and cost of heating on a frame house.
Also, the cost of insurance is greatly lowered.
In a short time a brick house has cost less than
wood. We have tho figures and can prove it.
However much the relative cost of Brick and Wood
may vary in different localities, the first cost and main
tenance of a wooden house soon exceeds the first cost
and maintenance of a Brick House.
When You Build Use Brick
A little care on YOUR PART may result in the saving
GON. Do you realize that Oregon Timber pays about
one-third of the State's taxes? That Oregon's Forests
distribute more wealth in the State than Grain, Fruit,
Vegetables and Fish combined? Good Citizenship De
mands Observance of the Forest Fire Laws.
Oregon Forest Fire Association
718-719 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon.
TEe United
V, i W. H. BENTLEY, Manager.
Bend. Orepon.
aisaV fapTT- A BaguaaHasajMajLKlaaaaMaBaiM 9
jraA y
etlj frams and t4V!owa, ntany arulr. and rt "" Pll moJ.U r top aad (i.U
kootias. ato. Th. hmI axttiul llaa l r.p.tllag auaa la lia warM.
lir JHUnffit iM'il'l atkoitan tiiUt Xeain toi l., U lwt n4 ctoiMo tmik, ll cta'i
lit. it wilt uln, in. el iltill itla c'l ia Ulo Ikt iclloa sn4 iw.ll ikt iktlll la MiuUi) 4lit, Uiiti,
wl( nt tt.4 tit ilia nclii4t4 Iron U .ciUa, llml, iiront jkiilim a.-ikli4 lnuriitMhia
.Ik.i it,tnr. Tk 4oll. tiiiicioii i.U ? iktll. IU4Ui i,UIj, itiiM4 la iIlomUs tblllif i4
till I
a and alMliMtta tr r.turn uaU.
10, blk in, Lytic add., liond,
A. A. Oreon to J. A. Thompson,
oxAm, cc 26-1C-12.
fltnto of Orogon to Henry Albora,
nee. 10-15-26. flOOO.
David Hill to school district No.
34, It .1, 4, ft, f 11, 12, 13 U
of block 11, Hnrpor,
J. II. Ilenn to Itny II, Wright, It 3,
blk 27, llond.
Patent: Corn M. Iloyor, ew
sec. 22, and oHnwH, ec. 27-18-12.
Hndlo A. NUwongor, nwU,nw'4
teVi, cc. 24-10-11.
We wish to thank all who aid
ed it during and after tho flro Inst
! i
p.ftttn kkklMiii. .M anA.1 In 19 miul 1A vaisA fA akAtal
4SWai.WiW.4f Kaar KalaCCaU. I
I'AfW 11.
A clnssinnl ail in The lloUHIn (m
rend by hundred and bring Vie nil
vrrtlaer Kood returna fur li mnnnv
ought to have his
picture taken because
h e hasn't had a
photograph since
that funny looking
one in the cuUaway
that he was married
in. Yes, mother
says it was a good
one of him as he
looked then, but
really, for the sake
of the family, there
should be one of him
as he looks now
H. P. Smith
and Flue Building
Bend, Oregon.
Estimates on
Wall Paper at
Portland Prices
& Paperhanger
Cheapest and Bet Wall Paper Sam
ples in tbe coantr. Get
My Prices.
Ottct sctom Urtrt front rxtoffc
Box 39. Bend, Oregon.
Machine Shop aid
: Garage
We know how to do all
I kinds of Machine Work.
and Pool
Fine on 1 Popular Line of
Robert Blackwell
Wall Street, Bend, Oregon
- "
The BEST all-round Family
Sewing Machine that can be' .
produced. Made in bothfRO
The rotary makes both'
Lock and Chain stitch. The;
latest up to the minute steeU
attachments with each ma
chine. Sold on easy payments.' '
Send name and address fqrv
nnr linniitiftit U P nntnlnMi'a
wm wMuv..ui aa. a. i.uvmvguw
WWt $wm. MacWtw Go 4.
San Francisco, California.