The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 10, 1912, Image 1

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The bend bulletin,
NO. 18
About Hin.OIHI ll.-liiKlipciiilrl llct'P
In f'oimtriittloii of I'crlimiirlil
IIiiIIiIIiik It. II. Mill Ik to
llullil on Hltn of I'Jre.
' It'a nu III wlnil Hint lilowa no
kikiiI, In it saying tlmt seems to havu
Mltin llppllCUlloil In tint results of
last Wednesday' fire, for already
work U under way on a inoilurii
trick liulldliiK willed will roplnco ono
of hit frame structures destroyed.
Tli now liullillMK will bo erected
ly It II MtitilK. niul will stand on lot
K of Mock 2, on Wall street, whero
was the llottilliirt IiuIIiIIiir occuplt'il
l.y tlm barber liop, do- " 'ul
iIk IihiI purchased thla property from
it I. HotnllnK n fow daya Iwforo tho
The dimensions of the striicluro
are to Ixi 60 liy 00 foot, with n ton
root basement. The front will bo of
the lineal pressed brick, and in ml
illlloii to th side walls another brlok
wall will scpanito tlm two store
rooms While for tho present them
will li hut ono story, tho walla will
la titillt capable of sustaining tlfVoo
stories Tho coit of tho building
will Ik between $6600 and $0000.
There will b steam heat, ample sani
tary facilities nntl. to still lessen
rtro rlk, steel cjI1Iiik.
O'll.iiinrll llutlitlnit Starts.
Tho construction of tho O'Donnoll
building on Wall street haa com
menced The structuro will l of
two stories. SO by 70 (cot, of brick,
anil will cost 10300. Taniy vur-
ley have the brick contract and liros
. terhoua brothers tho carpentertiiB.
O'DonnclLa tnit mnrkot will oc
cupy ono store room. Tho now
building U being constructed over tho
present market. Tho front upatalra
omcca will Ik used by Dra. W. W.
Kaulknnr. dentist, mid II. Fcrrell,
Work la progressing ropblly tiolh
on th First National Hank biillilhiK
am) Bather' atoro. I.nat ww': ibe
Inillaim llmonouo. with which the
hamlaomo flnlah work la bolng ilono
on the bank, arrlveil. ami many of tho
' "largo bloeka already havo len put In
place. Tho brickwork on win Bather
, building U well up In tho aoeniiil j
uwl ... Thn iiullntln brlek bulld-
. inK at Ihu nmr of lot 0 In block 0.
facing Ohio street, eommancod yea
lerdny. The dimensions am to b
30 by 50 feet, ono atory, for tho pa
per'a ahop and olllco.
Summing up tho coat of tho present
' permanent brick construction In
town. It l found that about $15,000
t la beliiR expended In thla line. All
tho brick uaed, with tho exception of
those for tho front flnlih, aro maim-
factored In lloiid.
Tho mini wiirlilnx nt tho I'lim
Kort'Kt I. umber Mill worn limited to
(i aurptlho Momliiy whan (hoy found
tlmt the anwyor. Noriiuiu Woynnd,
hint unexpectedly miterod tint riinkM
of tho hoiiodlets Inst Friday, without
over ItiltliiK n lilrtj. of li In mutrlmoiiliil
InlDiitlona limiting out. Tho brldo
waa .Minx Mmidu Huberts, who Iiiih
been n visitor lit Dim homo of Mra
K. I', (irlltlu. The 1'iiuplw chiirlored
n cur uud went over to 1'rlnovlllit
Friday, whom tho ciiromony wna pur
Itrpn'keiilittlti'of Ibtnlon I'lrio Makra
I'ihtIiiimm That 'om Svnv 1111
Million I'oiokI Murk.
Ilecnuie all wool found n mnrket
uvuii ln.rorrt It not to llouil. there wna
no rcKiilnr wool anln hero Mcudity.
na orlxlmilly rclnMlulod I. K. Itlck
ej, repreaeiilliiK Klaomiiuii I Iron, of
lioatnu. houuht tin timet cnlly every-
thliiR that enmo lo lleiid mid tilxiul
till tho rouiululnj wool that will be
delivered hero Inter thla aenaon.
Aiiioiir hla punimKoa wna that of
120.000 miiinda from W W. Urowii.
Thla wool will be dillveieit here dur
Iiik the aumtner for ahlpment to Ilea
ton. win in of It not until Heplember.
The price ninued from 15 to 10 conla
n iHiuiid.
About 300,000 pound already
liaaaed throUKh tho local warehoue,
and before tlm aeaaou'a bualueita la
romplolcil It la estimated that half
ii million pouuda will lm ahlpped from
8. II. Oravea ltiKht laat week
CS00 aheep from W. W. Ilrown, mnk
Inc the Inraeiit Indlvliliinl aheep iiur-
olno yet recorded uere.
I'lithllmler Cura Tor lllu Iiketlew
Jmikrt AitUe Today, rreinrutory
to (Vntiitl OrrKon Uetelop
mem ' I xii lie .'oiurntloo.
I'. I,. Nhatv mid A. (I. Ilrook Hoy
I'ropert)' noil Will llulld.
Two nrunerty .luichaaea inado tlur-
Iiir tho laat five daya ant lmortniil In
that they will almoat aurely xs fol
lowed by tho er-Ktlon or auiiatautiai
atouo or brick bulldtiiK by tho new
P 1.. HIibw nf Hi-attle lioualit lot K.
block S3, on Ureotiwood nvenuo, from
A. C. Kveraon ThU la where the
building burned Hundny atood. Tho
COtiibJerntlon waa 12000. I ho deal i
Iiir mado tliroRtih J. II. Miner. Mr.
Hhaw atalea that he will erect a larne
preased brick bulldltiK. cotitmic'lon
uf which will commeiicu prolmtly
within alxty daya.
A. C Ilrook la the purchi.aer of
I t '. block 23, nlwi on (IreeiiwiKid
aunue. Ho la contMiililntlllK tho
erection there of n larRe alfiio n.'
Iir;-k hulldlni:. nmbnbly a eoniMnu-
lion of hotel nud atoro rixnn. irfl
nlte plana ua yet hnvu not I wen ;....J.
Ilhoreaflor W. I. tniwcra.auitorln
(oiiilent uf tlm Crook cxiunty demon
airatlun farnia. will have uioro time
lo devote t-j RettliiK ntmut the county
niul clvliie fnrinetH noraonal aid audi
udvlco III 'tho (told, a nu naalatut hua
been provided to holi him In tho
work. 1. II. Bplllman, an O. A. C.
man, la tho aaaUtaut. Ho will have
charso or tho detail work, and will
Klvo apeclal attention to amall fruit,
truck Rardvnlux ""' dalryliiR. Mr.
Rplllman haa been niilmant at tho
atih-atBllou at t'nlon.
Today tho pathfinder onra from
Portland, which aro to lay out tho
(wny for tho auto partlea which ko
from tho I tone City to Lukevlew In
AiiKuat to attend mo convention of
the Centrnl OrcKon Devolopmunt
I.eacuo on the 20th, arrive In llend.
C. C. Chiipinau, imuiaKvr of the I'ort
liind Commercial Club, with hla
wife, (I. H. Heck, I'hll H. Mate find
other promluuul Portland people will
(w In tho A)irly. Tomorrow morn
JiiK thoy will proceed aouthward,
with J. K. Haw hill and V. C. Coo of
l!r!"l added lo tho raukn of tho path
llndera. Dr. Coo will take hla car.
Next month llend will lm tho center
of tho liPAVIeat auto traffic yet aeeu
1)1 tho Interior, It la expected, for
Portland bualneaa men, In large
iiumbera, ar plaunlrtR to attend tho
ronvonllon, all of whom will come by
way of llend. They will travel by
auto, and tho trip will bo tho lonccit
nil-Oregon Junket by auto ever mado
by tho I'ortlandera, It la aald. The
Journey will he under tho auaplcea
of tho Portland Commercial Club and
will occupy 10 daya, with probably
CO or 76 In (he party.
Tho atari will bo mado from Port
land In three partlea, Friday, Satur
day and flunday niornlnca, Auguat
10, 17 and 18. Bevaral route are
offered tho traveler, and freguvnt
atopa will ho made at ronchca and
farm houaea aloiiR tho route, giving
tho tourlata n cloae Inaleht Into tho
condltlona of tho mid-Oregon roRlon.
Start nud l-'liibili Here.
llend will )hi tho mart and flnlah
of tho varloua excuralon partlea, and
all who leave Portland by auto will
i J. c IthodoM. local man finer for the
Mend Park Company, haa collected an of ifodupta from thla Hrtlon
which will lm diHplayod In a promi
nent booth at Heatlle durln the Pot
lateh The exhlhlta Include ahoavea
of ry. oata, wheat, clover, alfalfa
and timothy, and anmplca of llend-
iiiauo nricK ami or trio locally quar
ried pink and black building stone
Two three-foot lengths of plno log
aro alao being sent.
Illit Vote Hoh-iI. An KiicIi Would Aid
In Kale of IIoihIm Worb Would
Mean l.iirtfe Htpendltlirc I'or
IwilM.r Hern in Ik-nd.
(Continued on last pago)
As officially advcrtlaeil eUcwhero
In thla uniu.r. Ilin MlMlf.n ... iIim
I'lucatlou of laaulng bonds to tho
.amount of $00,000, to pay for tho
Installation of .i sewer system for
tho Limine dlstrlcta of Hand, occura
ion Haturday, July 20.
The propOMjd stwer system haa
I been described In detail In Tho llulle
jtlii before. Tho complete system en-
j tails an expenditure of Rbout 1292,
' 000. and wll provide amplo wwngo
fnollltlwi for a tomji ot ;1,0Q0 per
' sons. The tort Ion of the system
j which It la proitoaed to Install now
will cost In the neighborhood of $75.
'000. The IkiiuI Issue of $00,000, to
be voted on the 20th, w pay ell but
j about $15,000 of thla amount! loav
i lug a margin for a posslblo bond sale
1 at low figure and other contingen
cies). Thlr $16,000. approximately.
1 will Ik; raised by special levy against
i benefited property.
Those familiar with tho procedure
j In other Umd Issues aro specially anx
ious that a large vot be turned out
for tho election, as a big ball'it. by-
showing the Kp'jlar IntercU In tho
proposed system, does much to moke
easy the sale of the bonds.
Should the election be favorable to
the bond Issuo as sems practical
ly certain, n everyono Interested In
the town's development wants to see
tho system Installed It will probably
bo two or three months before the
sale of the lionds can be carried
through. Alter that construction
could commence. It. K. Koon, the
engineer who ha laid out the h
torn, w have supervisory chnrco of
Ita Installation. Mr. Koon believes
that If prompt action la taken, and
tho sale of the bonds proves easy,
as seems piobablo, the system can be
In operation next summer.
One factor In connection with the
work that apeals to everyone Inter
ested In tho labor side Is thnt aver
$35,000 will bo paid out In wages
during the construction ot the first
Krtli-n of tho system that Is to bo
Installed na soon as a favontblo elec
tion and bond sale wilt permit.
Increase in I-'orru Will He Alwut :M),
With S32AOO Additional Pnyroll
Will Hhln Much Lumber.
MK.V WANTED Our sow-
mill starts night shift Mon-
day, July 15. Applications f
for Jobs should be made lm- I
mediately at our office. The J
llend Company.
Did you over stop to think tlmt your wlfofinfKht
ot sick? Thnt thcru'd bo u hired kM In tho kitchen?
Thnt thore'il bo doctor's bills to pny7 Thnt tho rent
mlifht como duo? Thnt you mlirht havo to meet tlio
last Instnllment on your furniture? Thnt you mfoht
brenk a Iok? That tnxea aro certain ns death? That
all theao thlnj:a rctiulro ready money? That auch
events hnvo befallen others? That they mlnht happen
to you? Moral: PKEI'AIIE FOR IT, by pinching
out a little now before It haptens. There is nothing
no handy as a bnnk nccount when you aro In trouble.
Start new.
In view of tho recent greet Iom by Are. all eltticna are agreed that stops
should bo taken to Improve llend' flrillghtlni; system. A better oi'gaul
tatloii of a tiro department Is the first necoseary step. To accomplish
something In this direction. I hsreby call u mooting of all cltlicna Inter
ested In the matter, at tho Commercial Club rooms Friday night at 8:30,
thero to discuss ways and moans with tho City Council. All members of the
present .fire department nro expected to lm present, and all who will take
an active Interest ar asked to file their names with me before the meet
ing, so that men whose homes cr business Is conveniently situated may )e
appointed to act with each hose, and bo made responsible for tho manage
ment of tho sumo. Q. P. PUTNAM,
Mayor of llend.
Tho night shift at The llend Com
pany a lumber mill, an advertised
above, starts Monday. About 30
men will bo employed. In addition to
tho CO now working at tho mill The
Immediate additional payroll will be
about $2500. Tho night shift will
go on duty at 7 p. m. and work un
til C a. m. The mill haa been wired
and will be thoroughly lighted by
electricity from the city plant.
According to General Manager
Keyes, the company expects to shin
about 90 carloads of lumber a month
eastward, thla amount being drawn
rrom tue stock already on band and
tlnl remount manufactured. Other
manufacturers also are arranging for
heavy ahlpmcnta, so that thla sum
mer will sc a goodly amount of cash
como hero In return for the lumber
shipped out.
MORE THAN $29,000
i'ottonlce, White niul .MtiUltf Property
Wiped Our, anil McCiilnfon Dam.
agnl Wcndesday Hundny
lllaxe on OrrciiwtKHl ALw.
Iowa Man Iluys 200 Acre of J.
MrOIIIvray, 8 Mile Kroln Toun.
A deal waa closed this week where
by W. J. McGltlvray sold to L. C.
Itoberts of Waucoma. Iowa, 200
acrea of his Pine Park ranch eight
miles southeast of town. The price
was .40 an acre. The sale was
mado by the Oregon Land & Immi
gration Cb.
Mr. Itoberts w tako charge of tho
ranch about November 1. He will
bring West with him about 4X) head
of thoroughbred cattle and will de
vote much attention to raising dairy
and beef cattle. The ranch la water
ed under the Pine Forest lateral of
the Arnold system and Is well Improv
ed. XIr. McOlllvray expects to go to
the Puget Sound country where he
owbb property.
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
"Conservative Banking for Conservative People."
L, B. IIAIRD, (President) J. V. MASTURS, (Vice President)
P. O. MINOR, (Secretary)
H Ttffril a jfiir. 1 jfjW&
ff ym j
swfii. Qi
i.ftfcSNsQ?, TtJW
HM.SsVfcSy-rlB. tfi i
" T-jrAjTTnw '
1 ..I .
r.v r
' ii
t tBBl ,
If YouVe All For'Lawn
let us Airnish you the lawn-mower und you
will hnve ii good article that will last you
many years and give you perfect satisfaction.
Garden tools of all kinds are here in great
variety and at most reasonable prices. You
will find it to your advantage to buy all your
hardware and tools here, where much money
can be easily saved.
Also Full Line of Builders' Supplies,
Sash, Doors, Glass, etc.
Tho library haa recently received
the following new books, which
havo been placed on tho "pay shelf:"
"Stover at Yule." "The Mountain
Girl." "In Search of Arcady," "The
Touchstone of Fortune," "Sanna of
tho Island Town,-' "Captains Three,"
"A Hooiler Chroalclo," "Tho Man in
Lane)y Land," "Tho Street Called
Straight," "Tho Old Nest," "Captain
Martha Mary."
During the last week Mend's firo
loss has been In excess of $29,000.
Last Wednesday night buildings on
lots 7, 8 and 9 or block 2, at tho
northwest corner of Wall and Oregon
streets, wcro totally destroyed. Sun
day afternoon the Bverson building
on Greenwood avenue, containing L.
H. Misener'a grocery store, went up
In flcmei. The estimated loss of tho
first blate Is about $24,000, about
,$C00d being lost In tho latter. Tho
amount of Insuranco la approximate!
Tho first firo was discovered about
8 o'clock Wednesday night, while tho
carnival was In full awing and when
people were Just pteparlng to go to
the play at Llnster's Hall. It ap
parently originated at or near tho
water-heating stovo In the rear ot
Innes & Davidson's barber ahop Only
by the hardest kind of work with all
the hose that could be brought to
bear waa Lara's store, across Wall
street, and the building of the Des
chutes Banking & Trust Co. saved.
At that, llend again waa "lucky," for
even with the fortunately wide
streets ? d the excellent water jir en
sure, tho loss would have been dls
ssterous bad there been a breeze In
stead of the dead calm which pre
vailed. After an hour's work, during which
Lara'a was badly scorched and firo
seemed constantly on the point of
breaking out on the bank building,
tho flames were got undor control.
At tho north, the flames spread to
McCulston's store, partially destroy
ing the building. Damage In' tho
store from fire, smoke and water ia
estimated at about $2100. Tho
building, the property or Mra. Der'tha
II. Grant, was damaged to the amount
of about $1200, It la estimated. Both
losses are well cocred by Insurance
Uelow Is a list or thoiwj who suf
fered, with estimated amounts of
their losses and the amount of Insur
Innes & Davidson
barber shop . . .
Joe innes. itorsonal
property 1S00
-. D. Davidson, per
sonal property . . TtO
R. I). Mutxlg 3900
A. H. Black
building 1500
personal property . COO
O. A. Thorson
jewelry stock . . 1200
Oregon Land ft Immlg. '
$lt0 $ 900
f Continued on Pago Scion).
The First National Bank
Or. U. O. OOE. Pr.lld.nt t. A, BATHER. Vic
Capital fulhr psld ... B3S.000
Stockholder' Mabllltr . . 938.000
Surplu. .... . S0.0OO
N. P. Smith
Wall Street.
Plant Your Money
In Tiie First National Bank of Bend
and it will never fail. Cultivate it
faithfully and it will grow. You may
be sure thnt you can harvest it when
you want it.
There is great satisfaction in seeing
ones money crop grow, when safely
planted in a strong Bank, Don't
wait; even if your first seed is only a
dollar, get it planted here and add to
it as you can.
We gained over three hundred new
accounts in the last nine months.
o. m. r-ArrimsoN n. c. blus