The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 03, 1912, Section 5, Page PAGE 7, Image 43

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    TIIK lIBNll nVhhimS, I1F.NI), WEDNESDAY, JI'IjY fl, 1012.
History of Bend's Development
Has Many Interesting Features.
lly .1. M. LAWItKNCH.
(yrlttcn especially for Tho Hullotln)
I General Fremont found npath
ilirmiah Central Orouiiii on IIbkix-
Li'flltloii noutheniitwnnl from sjTurt
.incouvor to Novndn In 184,1-44.
tii lin crossed the Sierra Novndns
dm cort nnd assisted Comiuo-
Klout nnd stocKton to wrest
llforuln (rum Moxlcnn control In
iVlii-n Froinont camped near tliu
snt alto of Tho lloml Company's
Vuilll in tlio lattor part of 1843,
igun did not belong (o tlio United
Ich. though n nrovlilonal govern-
nt had Juit Ik'oii organised At
tmpoog "Tho Oregon question"
Ion hnd vexed tho relation be-
Inn Amrrlpn nnil llrltnln fnr n
ijoralloii was not sottlod until In
lut pyjplo kopt coming to Oregon
1 cvon turn Hend ws a drawing
Hid, innugii mi commercial uiuu
hnfl nut limn nriranliftit. Onn of Iho
InfAilgratlon parlies of 1MB lndudo(l
Ht(4)hen Htrtntc. progenitor of our
well known fellow cltlien, William
If iStaata. nnd of con mo ho hoadod
( 4l.u.l A. .... ..!.. ll.Hu ..!
'ion iiviiu. Hi run iiumu unv ivn
IinMUi Stephen II. Meek, undo or in
olljnr esteemed cltlxou, Marshall C.
AWbroy, who piloted them by a new
nAJui straight across tho country to
I. end. Thuir expediences wore so
imntlifnctnry. Ii'iwcver. that thoro
wan tnlk of nummary action against
Oulda Miok, who deomod It iiriidont
todopart from tho llond cntup nlono
In tho nlBhl for Tim uaiie.
IMInl llnttn nnil Farnwell Hend sot
tlioir name nt that tlmo. according
to Mr. Awbroy. Thero U nnothor
t.iry to tho effect that those name
ero conferred somo ten yoata later
1 a party of Linn nud Lana county
,ulor on their way to succor nn Ini-
Howaoovor It I, tho nuins woro oe
i.awwiuvar It Im. tho name woro da-
nlptlvo and significant nnd tho)
ok I lento tlio nenu nr touay.
Un InOn ILvIn W. Follolt. now of
Olivet. Mlrh . ninii) hero hunting and,
ipplng with two or threw cHimn-
n. Tioir i.ettiiqnartor pari oi me
mini wa In ii auhm near. the olil
iMuata pine nnd they took away 700
louver nella. 500 der sklna anil a
I I of other. In tho oarly 00's n
. I. S. k. .......
r'iBii was nill.l arrosa tniwc nnnij
fr.iin Tim Halloa In Fort llurnoy.
ji -using a ihorl distance to tho oaat
kpsjrd of Pilot llulto. Aliout thnt
I III.... ... -la. I ta.tltMtjk Nttll JUt11.
1 any of Iroopa sno tho nnmo to
Anp I'olk r-n Huimw crwk, whoro
Hatnuel M V. Illndman took hla
hnmealcnd In 1809. A aon, Charlea
linidiuan wt 111 llvra tnero.
Tlio Itnily HcttuiTK.
(Irniliinliv ttoekmmi and acttlora
iftotl throiiKh tho Cacndoa fron 'hu
WJIIoinctto Vnlloy. All wero Intor
tod In .t llTMtock Induatry The
tftnaUea Htephert aenlor, Htephen
Hinlnr nnd William II. were tWUly
nnd hcllo. David C. liuhharil took
the homealeud iipou whleli n largo
l.1rt of tho (own or llond waa
Kiiinteiueiitly plaited, tho remalniUr
(liiK upon aerlpped land. Tnww. to-
ttfiher with moat of tho orlRlnnl
staaia elalma, tho J. It. Ilenhnm land
id n tract patented to John H. .Mar
tin, woro acquired by A. it. Drnko In
lfioo John Rltcmoro waa nn old
ttler Juat ahovo town nnd tho AN
lena nnd tho I'eniirna occupied oxtou-
alvo ranchea on tho upper rlvor.
Then camo tno vanuovcria, iay
nolda. lloRiiea and John Atklnaon on
flin tmimr rlvnr anil Awliroy and tho
Nlcholaea below tho preaont town or
Ulrilaw. Uoorso Mllllcan wna out
on tho "high desert' Thcao beloiiR
to tlio pioneer orn. Tiioy occupion
tho country nt tho bonlnnlnK or tho
nlw movement ten year bro.
At that tlmo Fare w oil llona waa
,horo tho county hrldRO croaaed
tho rlvor nt tho od Hiaomoro piaco.
IKnrovor, llond poBtouIro, which had
li oatahllalieU In 1HU8, wna m mo
II. Btaata place Karly In 1903
Ihfliianio or iho iwatonlco waa
cfinHKod to Deaohutca. There waa
anothor oatoinco nt Lava, one nt 81-
Sa and ono at rrlnovlllo Tumaln,
Idlaw, Olat, Ollno Kalla, Itedmon I
iriCBCUUlumuow;, iuhbii iiunv, ....-
.Tifan, Onelll, etc. had no poatofllco,
wero not on tho map. mo new
llnnri nnalnfflrn wna oatahllahod nt
llnnrf In Anrll infli thnileh tho lirea
vnt town palt waa not riled until Juno
following. Dick Vandovort carrieu
tno mall threo tlmoa a wook botwoon
rrlnovlllo nnd Silver ljxko. Thoro
un nn Inlnnhnnn nr toleiratlh BOUtll
of Crooked river, nnd prccloua fow
4 Dosohutoa and Lytlo woro plattod
hoforo llond waa. at lonat boforo tho
Pfcaont olllclnl pint wna filed. Tho
nral plat of Iiend na vacatou uoioro
any lot In It had been aold. Thnt
Hint did not conform to tho pnyaicni
chnrnctor nt tho uround autnolontly
I o null tho owner, Mr. Drako.
alio IlejrtnnlnRB of Trrlj;atlou.
A tloxon yonta ago pooplo of thla
wglon bogan to drnyn or Irrigation.
C O llutchlnaon. who had haa aomo
Irrigation experience In Calltornln,
rttn.l. . rAiiniinnliinnun nt Hin doOrt
lietweon llond and. TrlnovlUo, hut wna
Without moana to tlt oxtoimvo worn.
4mIi Ufunii, wiiii nn ui( vir"
.-tiur In aonrch of health, came th,B
fay, waa attractod by tno locality
nd entored Into an arrangement
lk tr.i.tiM..M wjtinrAliv nArtaln
preliminary work waa complotod at
hi oxpmifto- Hut)HOfii(inlly Mr.
Drnko mndo a thoroiiKh oxumliiallou
of tho country on hla own hook, or
irnnlxod nn oxtoimlvn development
project and procoedod to curry hla
ItlnllH Itiln nfTnnl. M'ttliC Wnll liflfiril
tho Kioto of Oregon hud nccoptod tho
itrani or tno unroy mwi iirtar aucii
accontnncQ thn nlnn wna materially
uhniicml nnd onoratloiia woro coil-
ducted under that atntuto. Mr.
Drake btaxod tho trail for Irritation
iimlor tho Cniov law In Oroeun and
a pioneer In that kpocloa of en-
tlenvnr Here HI worK wna aiowcr enu
morn dimcult.tlirui tho anmo would
linvit Imnn artnr nroeflilniita wero not
nnd thu practice In auch mattora ot
Tlniiwr IliulnrM llooum
Thoro nm promlio of a rl'. ad to
Mend, Uih by tho Colunn't Bon tit
nrii and ' thu Uorvnllla -. I'lmtern,
partlcutun tho forinur, l'ticHtlily
thla unrtorSi iho movonnt'it for cx
tenalvo lir.rotlon, co'tlnly It
brought groat activity In tho biking
ot timber land In tho Doiviotoi bolt
rf yellow pine. In 1901, 1002 nnd
1103 thla bUBlnea boomn.l oxucvdlng
ly ind tlmbor seekora by tho liur.dred
ramo to enter land. In thn mini
mrr of 1003 tho flrat big withdrawal
nf Central Oregon forcat wiu mudo uy
tl.e government. Thla a' followed
by toYornl othorn nnd tho MnilKf Ink
iX bualuoaa rapidly dvMndlt.l to
amnll proportlona, Hubaoquontly
aomo ot thcao landa wero leatord lo
entry, reaultlug In ahurta apurta or
HtnHa Irrigation Jpirk.
In tho lattor part or 1003 Drako
utered upon conatruetlon ot tho hoad
worka and flumo of tho l'llut llutto
onnnl. About that tlmo Arthur l
(loodwllllo ot Chicago becaino naio
rliitwil with Mr. Drnko In hi onter
prUna here, whloli woro conducted In
tho nnmo ot thoTllot llutto Devolop
muiit Company Tho llutiio waa
eompleted nud aovoral mllca of canal
dug when In tho early aprlng or 1004
all tho Irrigation righto nnd property
at tho I'llot llutto oompnuy woro Bold
to tho DeachutcB Irrigation & Power
Company, which had been orgnnlxed
by a ayndlcato or Columbua, Ohio,
enpltallald. Thla concern nlao nif
iiulrod nt tho aamo tlmo nit the
llutchlnaon Irrigation Interest a. Tho
Pilot llutto purchaao took n adroga
tion ot 84,707 ncrca with contract n
pmviMl by tho govornment nnd tho
atnte; tho Hutchinson Intoroal ein
brnccd n pending application for 6C-
II nr. nnri'i: nnil thn now cnnKiratlon
proceeded ta acgrcgato 74,198 acrea
more, making a total or :n,n
Murli ArtUliy In IIHII.
Thn Bummer or 1904 waa marked
by great bualncaa activity in tho
llond aectlon. An many na COO men
wero employed on ditch conatrue
tlon coutorlng hero. Tho towna or
llond nnd I.ulillaw wero building nnd
thero waa nn eager ilomand for lum
ber. HtwIdiM tho two aawmllli lieio.
itut llichtuwer-Bmltli mill wna built
nt Tumnlo and nil woro kept huay.
Hut tho promlacd nnd vxpecteu rail
road did not oome nnd It waa a dlf-
floult mattr to aettled up an tnpmed
country 100 ml lea from n railroad.
Karly tho next year conatruetlon
forcea on tho Irrigation worka woro
reducod nnd tho liooin which had
i.M.n lima lliniilaloil linran to Ian-
gulth. Ilualneaa waa comparatively
quiet that roar. Tlio uoxi apring
timber buvera bogan to oporato ncav-
lly and thero waa a period or great
nroaporlty that laatcd won into tno
aocond year. Then came tho Bag and
till another revival on tho approach
of tho railroad up tho Doichutc
canyon, which finally enterso Jona
laat November. Tho boom reached tta
hniirht In 1010. moro than a year no-
roro tho arrival ot tralna; but tho
railroad brought aottlor and meaua
or developing tho country, nnd thero
haa been no aag from tho high lovol
or 1910 tho country haa grown up
to It nnd mndo It auto, Ana u a yci
Incident In the Town' (Irowth.
In tho aprlng ot 1903 tho flrat
mat market waa oponod In llend by
J. , Veat, In n amall frame truc
turo. Thla building la now a nioro-
houio nt tho rcaldonco until recently
n...,.ii..i iiv n. R. Hudson.. Whlto
Ul,LUMWM ff -"
ft 1 1 111 opened a market nt Btaata.
which they kept for moro than a
.... Thn iimI vear "Dnd" NVeat
i...ii iii. nw ahnn nn Wall itroot and
moved thoro. Whlto ft Hill did llko-
wlao. Whon Dr. C. W, Morrill camo
to town ho had hta quartora in ono
.i.i. .. minii't" rnnmv market. Creed
Trlplctt wont to Portland nnd took
a courao In "barbory" nnd whon ho
returned ho could nnu no pmco iu
. .... ..... i, i in thnt aamo
.' ,n-v Tim combination
- aurcn, moftt
or aurgery, moat markot and barber
-i i.. n,n rnnm auRiroatod grow-
aomo poaalbllltlea that turnlahod tho
town Jokora wun ioou iui .....
Tho Kclm Find nowapm'or.
Tho Kcho waa tho flrat papor pub-
Hotted on tho Deachutoa. For Iho
tlrat year It waa gorgod with loud
.':;..' ... ! i.akovtow onico.
T?m mile. lnd onico w.the.d auch
notlcoa on tho grouna nmv m ""
waa not a proper medium ror auch
regal ndvertlalng. Tho nail-tin waa
iurtod in March, 1903, and bororo
tho end of tho year It had a big llrt
o laud notice, ohletly from Tho
Dalle. Tho Kcho plant burned up
ono night In tho fall of 1903 and tho
papor wan thoreattpr or aovoral
month printed a ft Job In rrlnovlllo
and brought to tho Doachutc post
ofMca ror mailing. When tho laud
depnrtiiiout ruled that n paper thua
PuIiIIhIioiI did not nunwor tho rcuulro
iiientH ror laud notice, tho Kcho noon
Tlio HuIIi'IIii'm Pli-Nt Home,
Tho old log Nttfblo between tho A.
M, Lara rcaldonco and. tho rlvor waa
tho flrat homo or Tho llullotln. Tho
atructuro was previously llond'
llrat Rolioolhouio, From thero tho
paper moved Inithe rail or '04 to tho
Lawroncu building on Wnll atreet,
now owned y Ieou Fulka; from that
threo yours Inter to tho O'Knno
building on Oregon atroet, thenco to
tho atructuro on llond atreel that
wna orecled by'lllfldaoo for a photo
atiidlo nnd la now occuplod by a a-
loot,, Front thoro It moved to ltd
present quarter about two yoara ngo.
Knrly Hlopplng PlntiM.
Slsemoro, up at tho county bridge,
and Btaata, at tho postodlco, "kept
travel" ror year. 11. F. Zoll, who
wan murdered at hi Itlvor Hod
ranch aomo threo year ngo, built
tho flrat aoctlon ot what waa ntter
warda acquired by Drako and named
tho Pilot llutto Inn, and Mra. ISIslo
11. Hlloytnow deceased) and her aon
Ovid ran that eatbllshmcnt
Near tho bogliinlug or 1904 A. C.
I.ucna becamo landlord thero nnd n
llltlo later ho purchaaod tho property,
which ho conducted until ho aold io
tho Hunter a llttlo moro than two
yara ago, with tho oxcoptlon or one
season whon Dan It. Smith ran tho
In tho siimmor ot 1004 Hugh O
Kano built tho first llond Hotel,
which burned tho following winter.
0'Ktir,o nt onco put up tho present
struct u iv, blggor thnn tho flrat ono.
Ho ha conducted till eatbllahmont
from tho beginning. Tho Auno
boarding liouso waa built In tho sum
mer of 1904, Tho Taggart Hotol
un atnrted two yenr ago.
Auto of Old.
In iho summer ot 1904 tho flrat
auto ramo to llend. It waa a
Cndlllao with rear entrance J. O.
Johnston, general manager of tho D.
I. A. P. Co. oamo n with tho machlno.
which had low oloaranco and experi
enced a great deal of trouble. Tho
Cenfal Oregon Transportation Com
pany waa organised about that time,
by tho irrigation people, and tho plan
or establishing nn auto lino to tho
railroad at Hhanlkn wna formed.
Twcnly-flvo thousand dollora wero
tut Into ithO antorprlso, In tho con
atruetlon or n aort of turnpike most
ot tho way from llond to TrOut Crook.
Put Morrow ft Kcenan refused to
let thi rood through tholr ranch and
from that tlmo on dimcultle thick
ened nnd not wheel waa ovor
turned In tho enterprise When au
toa did get to operating between
llend nnd Shanlko In 1909, thoy kept
largely to tho county road, though
betwoen llend and Itodmond tho old
auto grado wna tiaed.
The ICarly Kquabblea.
Friction between tho llend town-
alto pooplo nnd tho Irrigation pooplo
led tho lattor to atari tno town ot
Hedtnsnd. named after tho flrat appli
cant for "ditch" land In tho segrega
tion. That waa In 1005 nnd tho
"ditch" headquarter woro then
moved to Itedmond. Homo two
year later tho aamo Interest bar
gained for tho llend tnwnslto and
othor Drako holding nnd movod
bnok to llond. Tho purchase event
ually falling, Dralto resumed con
trol or hla properties, which woro
finally disposed ot moro than n year
ngo to Tho llend Company.
llond haa been notauio irom tno
flrat tor Ita nubile utilities. Tho
llend Water Light ft Power Com
nnnv was orcaultod In 190G. acquir
ed a franchise at onco an sot about
Installing a wator plant. Water
aorvlco waa atarted In Decombor,
1005. and It waa an Immeasurable
rellof to houaoholdera who hnd up to
that tlmo boon obliged to depend on
wator hauled by toam from tho rlv
or. Blx yoara tator eiectno ugni
aervlco began.
Tho Baptist church waa ercctod in
tho aummor or 1904, nnd moat or tho
tlmo It haa been uaod na a union
church by tho evangelical Beets. In
1900 tho Catholic bought tho old
achooltiouao which they havo atneo
used for rellRloua aorvlco.
Dr. Churlea 8, Kdwnrda wna tho
flrat roaldent physician at llond, com
ing In tho aprlng or 1903 and remain
in tilt thn fall, when he formed a
partnership with Dr. Ilelknap and
wont to Prlnovlllo. Dr. Morrill ana
Dr. U. C. Coo camo In 1904 and Dr.
n. Forrell In 1910. Tho flrat resi
dent dcntlat waa Dr. W. W. Faulk
ner, who established himself horo In
lulv. 1910.
Tho aocond bank In Crook county
waa orgar.lxed at Hond In August,
1904. with W. E. Quarln. Jr.. proa-
dent; A, d. Qodwllllo, vlco proatdont,
J. M. jawronco, aecretary, and F. O.
Minor, caahler. This Institution wo
morged with tho preaont Flrat Nnt
lonnl Iftnk In March, 1900. Tho
monoy to atart tho flrat bank wna
convoyed from Shanlko by rour
armed men, ono or whom kept aobor.
Until tho winter ot 1904 ono
toachor hnd boon sufficient for tho
.llond school. At tho oponlng or
school that year Miss Iluth Hold ot
Now Urunswlck put It on a niguor
ninnn nf excallonco that had boon
previously known horo, and betoro
tho holiday vacation it waa nocosanry
to open anothor room, Mr. J. H.
Ovorturf waa ougagod to teach nnd
tho room ovor MuUlg's food atoro
wab ftttod up for her, After a few
month, at her request, Mis Draco
Jcne succoodod her and tho school
room wa shlftod to tho Johnson
building whole tho Commercial Club
now Is. (Jdon nflor tho opening of
school In tho nil of 1905 a third
room wn necoasary nnd this was ab
tnlnod In tho Hodge building, now
occuplod by Hopo'it furnlturo store,
with Ml Marlon Wlcnt nn toachor.
In that yonr tho preaont schoolhouso
wna built.
Tolephono connection botwoon
llond and Prlnovlllo waa completed
In tho rail or 1904. Tho first "opera
tor" was Miss Annn Wlntcrslollor
(now Mr. W. II. Wilson).
And so on, this potpourri might bo
continual Indefinitely. Ploneor day
In Hond wero full of tho oxperlenco
that UHunlly attorn tho planting of
civilization In tho waata place of rtho
earth and the humorous slda grow
a thoy recodo from tho absorbing
activities ot tho Always Present.
Ceifral Oregon Climate
is Ideal.
The cllmato of Central Oregon is
ono of its greatest aaaot. and or
good health It equal is hard to find.
In gonoral It la dry and subject to
considerable extremes of tempera
ture. Thoro la an abundanco of sun
shlno every month In tho year and
for this roaaon, as woll as on ac
count of tho dryness of tho air, tho
oxtremoa or temperature ore not so
notlcoablo as they would be other
wlio. Tho highest tomporature over
recorded at llend la 102 degrees and
tho lowest 91 bolow zoro, but those
temperature woro not felt a much
a 90 degrees or 10 above zoro is
felt west of tho Cascades whoro tho
air Is moist uro laden.
Th ulght at Hond nro cool tho
year round, making sleeping be
tween blankota very comfortable.
Tho tomporaturo sometime goo be
low what la tho freezing point, 32
dogroca, In othor sections, during the
summer, but Edward A. Heals of the
United State Weather Ilurenu aay
on thla point; "Hardy vegetation
doca not auffur greatly unless tho
tomporaturo reaches 2C dogrccs or
goes below that mark."
linn Huiishlne on :il!() Day.
It la often said thnt Hond has 320
daya on whleh tho sun shines. Tho
records of tho government show that
thla la true. Thla does not moan
that each or the 320 days Is entirely
clear, but that at somo tlmo during
tho day tho sun shines.
Tho growing season begins In
April and lasts until tho middle or
September. Tho annual rainfall hero
avoragoa 1G Inches. Tho precipita
tion Is hoavloat in tho threo winter
montha and llghcst In July and
August. Thero la a secondary maxi
mum In Mny nnd Juno, which Is
welcomed as It comes at tho season
ot tho year whon It Is most needed
by tho dry farming crops.
About 23 per cent ot tho precipi
tation Is In tho form of snow, which
may fall in small quantities as early
as in November but is heaviest In
January nud Fobruary. Light rails
have occurred sa lata as In May.
Tho snow does not cover tho ground
continuously during tho wlntor, nnd
thoroforo sleighing is not a winter
sport hero to nny oxtont. not oveu as
much so as it Is in soma ot tho
Southorn states.
Thunderstorm Arc Itnre.
Thundor nnd lightning aro ot such
raro occurence that thoy always aro
tho subject of comment among tho
rosldonts. Tho flrat thundorstorm
may occur In April, and thero Is ono
occasionally during tno aummor
months. Thoy aro novor violent,
Tho prevailing wind direction I
southwesterly, though much or tho
snow and rnlu comes from the oppo-
alto dlroctlon northeast.
Tho latitude of Hond Is 44 degrees
4 minutes north, lougltudo 121 de
grees 17 minutes west. Tho ele
vation aa established by government
surveyors Is 3029 feet abovo sea
Ono ot tho moat unique natural
freaks in tho state is tho famous
Ico Cave, aomo 13 milca southeast ot
Hend. There, In a cavern In tho
lava rock, many mlloa from any vlsl
bio water supply, hundreds ot tons
ot Ico remain tho year round, grad
ually Increasing In amount from
soason to soason. The placo Is very
popular as a picnic ground, and hun
dreds ot visitors make It a point to
"tako in" tho quoor "Ico box", which
Is easily reached by oxcollent road.
An amusing Incident of tho oarly
days of Hend concerna tho Ico Cave.
Tho story, which concerns tho mak
ing of Uond's flrat corner, la taken
from The Hulletln ot Soptombor 9,
1904, and la as followa:
"Tho Minnesota HulTet ttria week
attempted to corner tho Ico supply
by buying all that was In tho Uond
markot, lowing Ita competitor, tho
Ofllcq Saloon, without facilities for
cooling drinks, Hugh ' O'Kano, of
Tho Office, scratched his head and
anld, ', Then ho scratched
hla head again. Then ho sent a team
out to Ico Cave, a doson miles south
east of Dond, and got a load or flno
crystal Ico from nature's storehouse."
No bolter example of tho wondbr
ful growth of Hend exists or could
bo devised than Is found In tho
development of Its school. From
ono teacher and rour pupils in 1903
to nino tencnors nnn an cnroinivm
or 291 tho vast year, Is tho record
of tho town's growth In an educa
tional way. Tho school, which I
now housed In tho present substan
tial though already outgrown build
ing, originally was conducted In the
log cabin which still stands noar the
rlyer In Park addition.
It was In this primltlvo structure
somo 2C years ago that tho first
school In this part of Central Ore
gon was started.. On January 1,
1903, this llttlo log cabin was aban
doned and tho building on Wall
street which Is now used by tho Cath
olic church becamo the place of eru
dition. In 1907 tho school moved
to tho present building, erected at a
cost of 17500. This was too small
to accommodate all the pupils during
tho term which ended in May, and
tho school board haa already dis
cussed tho erection ot another edi
fice of brick or atone.
In 1903 tho teaching forco re
ceived JC5 a month. Tho monthly
payroll In 1911-12 was 1772, this
amount not Including- any running
oxpenscs other than actual teacher'
salaries. In 1903 tho valuation ot
taxable property In tho Honb school
district was 160,000. Inst year this
amount had grown to $717,371.
High ScIkxiI h Klmt Cln.
lag and 'Illthmetlc" or a quarter ccu-
Ing and 'Itltbmtlc of a quarter con
tury ago haa grown a thoroughly
modcrnly equipped graded and High
School that ranks with any in Ore
gon. For tho year 1912-13 eleven
teachers will compose tho school fac
oulty. Tho High School requires
tho sorvlces ot threo teachers. Thero
aro classes In all branches required
by tho stato course ot study for such
years, and tho graduates aro admit
ted on certificate to tho Stato Uni
Sportsmen Find Ample Fun
in the Deschutes Country.
Chief of them, perhaps, la duck
shooting. Tho upper river la a noted
Matrtct ror ducks, while tho iskes aro
crowded with thousands ot tho feath
ered gamo. To the southeast, and
especially In Lako county, the lakes
and marshes literally swarm with
ducks and geeso, whllo swan aro of
teu encountered. Many delightful
outings with gun and dog can bo ar
ranged, for ono of the most pleasant
features la that all tho deslrablo
places can bo reached conveniently.
In the mountain and foothills aro
numbers of brown boar, providing
splendid sport. In tho open timber
of this territory practically all bear
hunting is dono on horseback, com
bining, In a way, tho excitements ot
a fox hunt with tho dangers of bag
ging bruin.
Doer aro often vory plentiful oven
out on tho sagobruah country, and
almos always bo had by huntsmen
who go alter thorn in the timber.
Sagohons aro numerous In tho open
plains, rabbits abound; thoro aro a
tew quail and grouse, and occasion
ally cougars, bobcats and other "var-
fishing also. It Is a freakish stream
which rises out ot tho ground all at
onco, some 300 second feet ot Ico
cold water springing forth In aa
many feet.
All tho trout ot the district are ex
tremely gamey. Tho "rodaldoa" run
up to 25 Inches, averaging a good
slxo throughout. Full creels are tho
order ot tho day. Tho "Dolly Var-
dena," big gamoy fellows whoso
weight ranges up toward 20 pounds.
are ono ot the big attractions for
An Important probablo develop
ment of special Interest to disciples
ot the renowned Isaak Walton Is that
a flah hatchery will probably bo ea
tabllshed on tho Deschutes before
long. Investigation has shown that
tho location la Ideal, while the over
Increasing numbor ot visitors who
mako special trips to flah horo are
rapidly making It more advisable to
Insure a permanent supply.
In tho fall and oarly winter the
Deschutes country offers many at
tractions to hunters.
Tho sportsman is attracted to the
Deschutes country perhaps more by
its wonderful fishing than anything
elso. Certainly the raro combina
tion of magnificent trout. Ideal ell
matlo conditions and tho most beau
tiful surroundings In tho stato, is
enough to aatlsfy tho hundreds ot
versity without oxmlnatlon.
Hlgli Hcbool fJrmluatr.
Thirteen' girl and boys havo boon
graduated from tho High School, as
follows: Class of 1909, Poarl High
tower, Dorothy Schoolcraft, Oeorgo
Vandovort; class or 1910. Angsllno
Young; class or 1911, Iiruco -Dey-armond,
Max Illchardson, l.ylo Illch
ardson and Stovo Steldl; clot' of
1912, Kmlly Schroder. Margaret
Wlcit, John Bather, Laurence Smith,
Fred Lucas.
Next Year's Teaching HtafT.
Tho following teachers have been
elected for 1912-13:
Superintendent J. D. Bhouso.
High School Miss Ethel Horden,
Grades Misses Martha Sldner,
Ethol Holmes, Katborlne Trautner,
Harriet Dolscn, Eva A. Huntington,
Kathryn II. Ityan, and Mrs. It. M.
Sanders and Mrs. John II. Hlttnor. '
Kchool All Around llend. .
Tho Hend school district No.:12
Includes two other schools besides
that In town. Southeast, on (?o
road to Hums, six miles, Is tho Ar
nold school. It provides Instruction
lor children living In that territory.
Mrs. Glenn II. Slsck has taught tho
school very successfully for tho past
two yoara, and has been chosen to
havo charge again tho coming ses
sion. Northeast of town, about flro or
sis miles. Is tho Young school, con
ducted by Miss Ida Young. No
building has yet been provided thoro,
but in ranted quarters tho boys and
girls living in the vicinity aro welt
cared for. With an Increase In tho
population ot that neighborhood It
Is quits likely that a building will bo
ercctod by tho district.
Another school Is located east'ot
town, which Is not Included In tho
district with Hend. This la known
as tho Richardson school, taking cam
of tho children woso parents resldo
in the Irrigated district between tho
I Arnold and Young schools. At Des
j chutes, Laldlaw, La Pine and othor
I nearby towns aro good schools, not-
J withstanding the fact that Central
Oregon has been settled but a com
paratively short tlmo. ;
rod-and-reel enthusiasts who como
each summer to enjoy the pleasures
of tho rlrcr. .?'J
The Deschutes orTors a magnificent
variety or fishing water; tumultuous
falls and white-water rapids are suc
ceeded by deep, quiet pools, whllo
long stretches of slow water occur at
Intervals. Along tho banks of the
river Is tho great pine forest, always
offering Ideal campsites. '
In addition to tho Deschutes thero
aro other trout streams ot note,
Tumalo Creek is one of them, flow
ing Into tho Desotiutes near Laldlaw,
A feature of this attractive stream
Is Tumalo Falls, a miniature "Drldal
Votl" that loaps down from a rocky
cliff. Metollua river, reached from
Dond and Slaters, . offers aplondld
In addition to the recreations pro
vided by outing excursions, Dend haa
Its full share or sports. .,
Ot coarse thero is baseball, both
by an excellent amateur town teaei
and by nines In tho high school anil
grado schools. Games are played
regularly with othor towna.
While football has never como to
the front In Central Oregon very ex"
tenslvely, yet there have been a numi
ber of games played here. During
the winter basket ball has occupied
a lot ot attention, some excellent
contests being witnessed In the
splendid big hall ot which tho town
boasts The largest and best floor In
Central Oregon, In addition to
men's teams, a championship girls
team haa given aomo excellent exhi
bitions during tho season, winning
all games played, both locally and on
strango floors.
With the large ponds close to
Dend ono almost In tho heart ot
town canoolng and boating hold a
popular place with those who tako
to tho water for recreation. In ad
dition to the ponds, some magnificent
canoe trips can be made on the upper
river. Though tho Deschutes wator
Is too cold to tempt many swimmers,
there are ample opportunities In this
line to bo onjoyod in lakes and other
places, chiefly best known to tho
Recently tennis Is becoming popu
lar. A good grass court has been in
use for several years, whllo the suc
cessful construction of a clay court
has demonstrated that Dend can have
tho beat there is In the line of tennis.
Other courts soon will be built
llend has always been noted tor Ita
many fine dances. Good muslo Is a
notable feature, thanks to the baud
and an orchestra. In addition to
dances, plays are ot frequent occur
rence, many organisations at various
ttmos prosentlug dramatic produe
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