tub hi;wn iwhl.xins, iwnd, wmwiiftnAY, jtulv n, tots. rAnisn fy Bi ! Wii I I "111 I Hi 1 ' ' X3CSS3S u,i,.,ii.'j'inm,'v;i'.-'-" 'B ".- J SL. Robert B. Qould Civil Engineer Bend, Oregon i , Lf I h. -v 0- Good Things to Eat....Good Things to Drink At our Fountain we serve Delicious W :t '. Jw '. A 1 ' .-it "4 i ........ - J V 3 k b vi ICE CREAMS SUNDAES AND SODA WATEft. i mul nt our Tables a DAINTY LUNCHEON We RETAIL unci WHOLESALE the very best ICE CREAM (Our Own Make) Orders taken for HOME MADE PIES AND CAKES. Corkett's Curiosity Caidies ' (Mndo In Bend.) Come in and see our 4th of July Favors. v,, $, fttC3 Wall Street, Bend Oregon c ,' f?? 1 SURVEYS TOWNSITE . PLATS REPORTS IRRIGATION ESTIMATES , WATER POWER MAPPING RAILROADS Engineer for The Bend Company, the Bend Park Company, the Bend Water Light 6c Power Co. and all the important interests at or near Bend i ' When you have Engineering Work done, have it done Right. ROBERT B. QOULD Wall and Minnesota Streets ""TT , , , . ,...... ..J..J..... ..... O ,.. -- - ---- - -- ..,. UH -.---- -- ---- .... -z iii'"' Hi . N. Thompson The LEADING HOUSE FURNISHER in Central Oregon. 4. f " "' ' ' Headquarters for Furniture and Pianos In addition to a complete line of Furnishings, which includes full , equipment for the Parlor, Diningroom, Bedroom and Kitchen, I carry Refrigerators, Linoleums, Carpets, Rugs, Window Shades, Wall Paper, Sewing Machines, Bedding, etc., etc. My prices are the lowest possible, consistently with the quality of the goods. Whether you wish to buy or not, you are cordially invited to make this store your headquarters while in Bend. It will be a pleasure to meet you. No trouble to show you my line of goods. 'V Mr . f E. M. Thompson "Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty, it Wall Street, Bead, Oregon .ki:.Lu....M - PHONE II n . . . . t't t . j I 4 . . . . v.. T m --41