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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1912)
T i, 2 Section I 0 The bend bulletin. VOL. X. HEND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JULY 8, 1912. PRICE TEN CENTS BUaETIN WILL HURT IIUICKI'OU llUl.l.irilN'.'i NliW IIUII.DINO DHUVIilUil) TOIMV 4----- WOitIC ALL donh hiiiiij. Kvury lino or typo In thin paper wnii rot In Tim llulln- till'. Sll()l, mill All HlH PUHW work for tlio 7000 oillllott whm ilomi heru. I'OSTAOIS THICKIS CKXTH. I This Iihiuo of Tho Iliillctln t weigh more than half n t pound. Tho postage on each copy Is 3 cent. I E ges NO. 17 iTUNE PAYROLL J NEARLY $50,000 MI u ,BRICK BUILDINO START AT ONCE TO I'Puliinni Huya II.iiiU Corner, Where I'd per Will Unto I.nrKt mill .Mont Coiuplrtn Plant In Ore gon Hast of Cascade. Work upon n now home for Tlio Iliilletlu will commence noxt work, .ami nnotlior motliirti brick building vrhl lo added lo llond' growing lint. Tim emotion of tho now plnnt fol- low tlio purohnio by a company headed by (. p. I'utnntn, of tha Flrat National llnuk iirouerty at Ilia cornur r u i !.! niii. i.i.,u.i. ti.. ii. ! l'. ...Ill HIIH Willi, PIIUVIRI IIM IIHI 1tln IiiiIIiIIiik will bo eroded aerosa tm rear of tlio lot, racing Ohio street. Tim present hank bullillnx doe not como under control of tlio purchas er until tlio hank ha moved Into ItM now quarter at tha cornor of lln ml noil Ori'KofiJalrt-oH, probably In October. Tho Bulletin building will bo of brick, with dimension or 3G by .0 'foot. A roomy office will fnco Ohio Htreet, with 330 square foot of ipaco. ,Tho (hop, whlchgwlll 4ba by far tho Isrgcsl In CtntraT,pricon, will hnve about 1500 square feet of floor space, anil will bo constructed according to tho wry boat mothods, with amplo llghMnv:, concrete baaoa under tho pro, running water and tollot fa ollltlra, oloctrlo lighting, olcclilc power, otC. A apodal atock room to caro for tho enlarged atock of paper for diversified Job work, which will bo carried, haa been planned, and In arranging tho ahop every effort haa boon mrtilci to plan for tomorrow, aa well an today, and apneo haa boon i. left for tho additional machinery PrVwiileh the growth of tho town Inevi tably will uinko advlsabla In tho near future Quo addition which Tho llullotin expects lo Inatall abortly la a.foldlUB .jn&chlne, which will (old tho largo editions or mo papor mecnanicaiiy, instead of by hand, aa la now tho i Cat. Tho linotype typesetting inuchlno , will be oporatod bo I do a window at tuo rroni or mo snop.wim it now quartern, It two Job presses, largo four-psgo cylinder pros, modorn cut Cr, ataplcr and amplo typo equip ment. Tho llullotin believe that It ' will havo tho moat complcto, boat oqulppod and boat housed plant of - ,ony newspaper In any town of ! I than 6000 Inhabitant In tho Woat. It will alio bo In a position to turn 1 .out a largo n paper aa tho domamla of tlio town oan Juatlfy for many year to comn, and certainly will on- 'deavor to keep abroait with Hond'a dovolopmotit. Tho old log stablo thnt atlll atanda between tho A. M. I.ara residence aud tho river wan tho first homo of Tho llullotin, when It waa foundod In 1903. Tho structure wnu pror- , lously lloud'a flrat achoolhotiao. From thero It moved In tho fall of 1804 to the Lawroitco building on Wall street, now tho property or u-on Fulka, and thence three yenra Inter , to the O'Knno building on Oregon 'atrcot. Tho not move was to tho atructuro on llond atroot tlmtorlgl- , nnlly waa erected by llledsoo for a 'photographic studio and now-occupied by a saloon. Two years ago It moved Into Ita present quarters. CENSUS SHOWS 1760 PEOPLEJIVE HEBE NOW (.'(iii-fiil Count Jiul Mmlo ItiTiml (li-eot liicrriim) In Touii'm I'upiibi. thin IIIKi In city MinllN, According to a curofully inado nnd accurate census that lias boon taken under the auspice of tlio llouil Coin meiclal Club durliiK Urn lust ton days, the presotit population of llond Is 1700. Tha count Includes people rcaldliiK within a inllo it ml n half of tho lleuil Postofllco, aud to give the report tho most trustworthy stamp possible tho various enumerators Imvo sworn' to affidavit t-Mt Ifyltiir to the truth of tho rigum (hoy submit ted. That Micro actually nro more peo ple hi this territory which properly Is regarded as llond Is undoubted, for careful an the enumerators wero, they could not get the names of every person. It Is conservative to reckon that at least 60 bonn fldo resldunts wero not lucliided In tho count. On this basis, the truo total would reach tuoro than 1800. Tlio population within tho official boundaries of tho city la 13 1C, ac cording to tho figures of this census. This torrltory, of rourso, dors not nearly Include all of tho actual "llond" resldruco districts, or oven all tho area whore sidewalk are laid connecting directly with Mm center of town. Kenwood, for Instance, but a stono'a throw across tho rltor, Is out side tho city boundarlo. Ilelow la given tho report of tho enumerators, a document which was officially aworn to, ror tho sake or maklnc It a permanent record. Tlic (Vnmis ItriMirl. "Wo, tho undersigned, acting nt tho auggeatlon and under the auspice of tho llond Commercial Club, havo made a careful enumeration of tho resident within a mile and a ball of tho llond iotofllco(cxcopt Mm brlok yard colony, which U boyoud that limit) nnd tho following Is the num ber of such Inhabitant that wn Hud In tho different part of tho town: Original townslto C37 L) Mo and Ultoraldo 384 rark Addition 12C Deschutes Addition llfi Center Addition 133 Tim Ilullrtlii'N First Home, In lUO.'l. DOUBLE SHIFT BOND ISSUE UP AT LUMBER MILL MANY CARLOADS EAST THIS SUA1A1ER Klrctrlc Mglils IIcIiik Installed at I'lnnt of Iteud Company Prepara tory to I'lncliiK 0 Morn Mm at Work There Hhortl). E VOTERS JULY.TWENTIETH DATE FOR ELECTION An announcement of consldorablo lmiiied)a(o lniHiirUiuco to llond la duo any day now, according to J. 1'. Keyea, general managor or Tho Itend Company. It I that tho compuny'a lumber mill will run double shift. When this Is done It means employ ment for about 30 mora men, and an additional oxpendltuto of soma f 6000 monthly. "Just now wo cannot say positive ly when a night shift will bo put on," said Mr. Keyca. "Hut 1 httrmrry Imported VamnRe ot 108,000 llond Isiue Insure Item Hpleridld Hewer i Hystem, mid Means Mljf Ijibor KxiM-uditure I)urln 'er. SEAHLE MEN PAY $75,000 FOB 700 BEND LOTS itend lark Companr Acquire Itlicr- side anil hftta, Iliiylnj; Out Hteldl, JIuiImjii anil Dr. Coo. Ono or tho largest realty trans fer that ha occurred in Uend for many month wa consummated the flrt or tho week, when tho Uend I'ark Company of Seattle acquired oil tho holding or tho Kytlo Town slto Company, Including kytle and Itlverslde, which immediately ad join Hend on tho north. Tho deal I a cash ono, Involving a straight transfer, say both con tracting parties. Although the price I not montloned. It I under stood that tho consideration I in the neighborhood qf S75.000. Some 700 lot aro Included In tho transfer. W. D. Chenoy or Seattle I at the head or tho Uend Pork Company, which already ha extensive holdings In uend. Tho owners of tho proper ty sola aro John steidl, C. 8. Hud son and Dr. U. C. Coo. These wen atato that they will devote the profit or the transaction to making; perma nent developments on some or the business property they own in tho town. FIGURES SURPRISE EVEN OPTIMISTS I'croiancnt Prosperity Indicated by Conservative lintu Ontlieml nt a Comparatively Inactive Time ot tho Year locally. Wlestorla Kenwood Along river and at dam Uriel: yard Hninlll colony Alibi vy Heights ...... t i Total "P. W. 1IHOWN. "J. C. HHOtn:d. "JOHN 8THIUI,. 1780 A. M PKIlltV. I 1. WIKHT. JAB. IIYA.SV reason to bellevo that very scon probably within a row week wo shall dccldo to take thla atcprwhlch Mould go Into effect Immediately." Yesterday work was commenced on erecting electric wire from tho tiower atatlon to Tho llond Company' mill, ao that tho plant may bo lit during tho night by electricity. It Is expected that Juat aa aoon as tho lighting system I Installed, tho op eration ot tho mill for two shirt will commence. Tho roason ror tho enlargement until the bonds would bo sold, and At tho regular council meeting on Tuesday night. It waa decided to call n special election to submit to tho Voter tho proposition ot bonding the city ror $06,000 to pay ror tho Instal lation or tho aewcr system, plana ror which hato been progressing ror tho post three months. Tho election will bo on Saturdor. July 20. Tho coat or tho sower ara- tem, which Includes only that part or tho entlro system required ror tho iiusinesa district or tho "town, will bo In tho neighborhood or 77,000, pin something ror incidentals. Some $18,000 or this will bo obtained rrom iuivBmuoiHii -against property spec ially benefited. Tho cost or the completed" system, which probably need not bo installed ror somo year to come, but whloh already ha been thoroughly planned ror, will bo 1278. CS0. Should tho voters favor the bond Issue, which appear very probable. It would probably bo several months FIXED FOR OAMIJMNO. On a charge of gambling, preferred by Jay Recder, yilllara Taylor and uoorgo Wordcn Tuesday afternoon wero fined $25 each by Mayor Put nam, acting recorder, In tho absence or H. C. Ellis. Both pleaded guilty to participating In a "crap" game. DKVKIJPMKNT NUMHKIt IXDKX. GITY EXPENDITURES ARE HEAVY , BIG FIREJTJEDHOND I.VIninil Hani Hurried Tueadny, Willi Ten Horswi nUDMOND, July 3.-Klro that waa discovered 3 o'clock Tuoiday ciuiu.i A totally destroyed the old Cuil Wood llvory bam hore, now oora od by Vincent. Ton horaea .jorlshnd. Tho loss la estimated nt from 110.000 to $16,000, with pnr- tlal Insuraiico. Tho ilamoa also des troyed . two loaded froljht wagons NtnudliiR nuxt to tho barn, with goods for Henry McCnll. vuluod at $10,000. Iteliil (Irnerou In City Upkeep mid In Improvement Work. What tho city of llond spends In tho conduct ot. municipal business give an excellent Idoa or tho pro- grosalvetiesa of tho town and tho inuKultiido ot tho expenditures. In tho six month slnco Jaiumryl, 1013, tho city has spent $31S0.03. Of this amount $30 wont for elec tions. $30 toward tho supimrt of tho llbrur. $789 ror wator ami light. $86U In street work. $310 In sala ries, $1013 60 ror poilco. $194 40 for building and $360.08 ror miscella neous expenses. Tho record of tho past six month Is not unusual. In met, in tho aauiu period last year Micro wh a greater oxpondlturo, Tho balanro In tho city treasury on Juno 30 waa $666.17. More than $3600 Is expected rrom II- conso fees, duo this mouth. I that tho lumbar market tor tho loon I product In tho Mississippi val ley and farther east I exceptionally good. Tho Hend Company expect to turn out for shipment eastward alout 90 cars a month during the summer. Tho Overturf-Davla-Mlllor Company also expecta to ship at loaat 60 car loads, bringing tho total of lumber shipped from Houd up to some 600 carload for four months only. Con servatively reckoning tho valuo of each car at $600, thla means that $360,000 will como horo for Uend mado product. The lumber mill of Tho Hend Com pany I now cutting about 36,000 reel a day. This umount would bo prac tically doubled by putting on a dou bio shift. CIA'DIS M'KAY Flltll WAHDHX, Olydo McKay of llond has boon ap pointed Htnto flro warden ror Crook .county, hla torrltory Including nil tho timber south of llond, J. II. Ha- 4 nor ot Prlnovlrto romaln aa warden, lila district lying north of llond. ' wimj clohh kahmi:h. Iloglnnlng noxt Sunday, tho local . tolephono offlco will colso at 8 p. in. Instead of 0. Thoro will bo no chango In tho wook-day hour. OPKN ONLY HALF HOUR. , tPostmnstor Minor announces that beginning July 7, tho Sunday hour ftt3thipostomco will bo from 10 to i 10)80 a. ui, r HUM) I.HADS WITH WOO ft. On Juno 21, 111,000 pounds of wool wero dlspoiod or nt tho salo at MadrnH, nnd on Saturday, nt Mcto llus, nonrly 300,000 pounds, tho prlco running rrom 15 to IN cent. Already more than 300,000 pounds has como to tlio lluud wnrohouso, noiiio at which nlrVndy has boon Hold nnd shipped. About 600.000 pounds Is expected to bo hnudleil hero, and tor the salo noxt Mndny It Ii cell mated that not leau than 360,000 pounda will bo on hand, Hhowlug that Houd will handlo mora wool than all othor Control Orogon rull road point put together. NOHTHWKHT TOWX8ITK W) Tho Northwost Townslto Company has addod to Ita llond holdlugH by tho purchnso of 70 acreH on tho west aide ol tho rtvor, tho last 30 aero being bought from tho llond Company lost wook. All of this norcngo la bolng platted, and tho company' organlxod publicity work on behalf of Hend will proceed from now on with a groator volumo thau evor. LAWRENCE APPOINTED CLERK Putudcxtcr Is DlNiiualllled-Mrs. Hud mil Heslgu. At a moetlng ot tho school Ixjard Thursday night. Chairman Overturf read a statement fiom County Clork Drawn showing that Italph l'olndox- tor' namo hod not appeared on tho lust tax list, thus making him Ineli gible tor tho clerkship or tho board. J. M il.awroiico, who had a Mo voto with Polndoxtor nt tho recent elec tion, was declared elected. Mm. C. H. Hudson, who was oloctod a member ot tho board at tho namo time, resigned, declaring that alio had touud horuolf nlso Ineligible, hor namo not IiuyIuk been on tho last tax roll, and that aa this action was bolug tnkon retarding Polndoxtor alio did not fool It fair or lawful that oho bo Identified with tho body which de clared against him, when alio horuolf was similarly disqualified. Her resignation will bo acted on at tlio noxt meeting, nnd doubtleaa another election will bo called. 1IKUK OX VISIT FOR SUMMHR Mr. A. )!. Hrown of Nowton, Jown, arrived last wook for an all summer visit to tier daughtor, Mrs, J. D. Davidson, and hor eon, O. D. Drown. Tho rocont dooth ot Mrs. llrowu's companion loft hor alono In hor home and aha camo hero (or tho pleasure ot tho company ot her kin. and (or tho cllmatlo chango. immediately thereafter sonstructlon would bogln. This mean that dur ing practically a year mora than $36,000 would bo spent In labor In tho town, and that by next summer. If all goo well, Hend will havo both tho only sewer system In Central Oregon and also the best equipment in this direction, proportionately to sue, or any town In the Northwest A rull description or tho proposed system, and tho methods or securing It, will bo placed before tho votorn noxt week. 3000.00 7000.00 ' 2200.00 2391.00 10000.00 17000.00 200.90 2900.00 BENO LOSES GAME TO COUNTY AGGREGATION Tethcrow Pitches Fine flame For VMlorH, FmiiiiIiik 10 Krrorn by liocal Provo to Ho Costly. Playing a Madras team nlua Teth- erow and I'rinovillo talent. Hend wo defeated Sunday In baseball by a scoro of 3 to 0. Tothorow was In tho box (or tho visitor, and only ono clean hit wbh obtaluod on him, thla being n two-bogger by Wilt Sponcer, shortstop. Drownlow got a scratch Infield alnglo. Sixteen Dond batters funned. Immole struck out ton aud allowed vlght hits.. All of tho visitors' runs camo as tho result or errors by N. Springer In left Hold and Mclloynolda on third. Tho following uion played (or tho locals: Hrownlow, r(; MoHoyuolds, ah; Carmody, 3b: Sponcer, bb: Chet Springer, lb, c(j Van Mater, o; N. Springer. 1(; Jloxoll, c(; Finis, lb; Immole, p. Owing to lack of spaco, the box score Is omlttud, tho summary being: R II K Madras 00013000 0-3 81 Uend 00000000 0-0 23 Datterlea: Tothorow and Drowsier; Immolo and Van Matro, Two base hits Sponcor, Ashloy. Struck out Dy Tothorow 10, by Im molo 10. liases on balls OS Toth orow 1, off Immolo 3, Wild pitches Tothorow . 1, Immolo 3, Hit by pltchod boll Tothorow, Jackson, C. Springer, Stolon bases O. Spring- I vi, iiiunsmi, oiisriiica iiy jacKBon. Vuiplro Dr. R. D, Kotchum. SccUon 1. Sower bond election July 20. uocal payroll $49,000. Hend's population 17C0. Much lumber to go Eat this summer. Dend Park Co. buy Riverside and Lytlo. Bulletin to havo now quarter. Dig lumber mill at Dend. Many recent realty transfers. New homestead law. ' North canal and dam work rapid. Dend Hospital doing good. Five church denominations hero. Forestry headquarters at Dend. Dairy ranch makes fine showing. Hog raising bilnsa rancher big sum. Town has good Are department. Section li. Drlck and atone buildings cost $80,- 000. Many now rramo business houses. Fivo miles or aldowalk. Water system or town Is flrat class. Dend to bo big city, says W. D. Che ney. Drlck plant hero is kept busy. Plenty of stono for building purposes. Postoinco growth shows prosperlt. Town has flno electric system. First wool salo hero on July 8. History of tho incorporated city Deschutca rivor power enormous, says atato engineer. Dond haa good band. Six fraternal lodges here strong. Library big asset of tho town. Only Ice plant In Interior at Dend. Creamery gives dairying Impetus. Section U. History o( Central Orogon railways. Railroad's coming to Dend celebrated October 6. 1911. Dend distributing point or Interior. Passenger trafllo hoavy. Stone depot to bo enlarged. Veterans have association. Agricultural opportunities many. Central Oregon towns thrive. Plans made (or city sower system. Section 4. County's natural resources varied. to giving roliablo Information to lu- Irrigated and dry farming and stock Ml u I re re regarding tho town and su raising. Laldlaw district attractive. Central Oregon. Irrigation Company's segregation. District northeast o( Dond dovelop. Powell Dutto section rich. Settlors have good road to Dcud. Crop outlook la snlondld. Two demonstration farms In county, Columbia Southern segregation. "Swalley ditch" project. Fremont and Fort Itock districts. Auto excursion many, Freo lands tor hamosoekore. Doy Scouta strong In Uend; La Pino nnd tho upper Deschutes valley. Arnold Irrigation system co-operative. Section 5. Dond a city of boautltul homes. Scenic points nearby numerous, Flower show held annually. Editorial. Dulletln's plant and force. History told by newspaper clippings. Sidelights on Dend's growth. Ico caves aro nature's wonders. Central Oregon climate Ideal. Paradho (or sportsmen. Town'o school facilities oxcellout. Whllo most people familiar with affair In Dend today know In a hazy way that tho town has a surprisingly largo payroll tho largest In the In teriorvery few of oven the most ar dent Dend boosters reallxo tho mag nitude ot tho amount spent hero (or labor each month. For Juno It reached nt least $48,000. Not teas than $33,000 of this wa paid out directly at Bend. Moro than $29, 000 can bo considered as a minimum permanent payroll, less than which has novor been paid out monthly nero lor at least two year, and lesa than which It la practically Impossi ble over will bo' paid out In the fu ture. Tho figures are taken at a timo when there I no particular "iwn With tho exception or tho North Can al construction work, thero is no ex traordinary amout of labor in use in the country. Tho payroll of tho lo cal mills, tho brick yard, etc., will in crease rrom now on. ir anything. For Instance, should Tho Dend Company run two shifts, as is nmh-ttii,. n .j. dltlonal $C00O would result. Also local constrnrtlnn wn-t. I- - tlcularly rushing; thero Is a substan tial building development, but no roal "building boom" In the past there havo betn moro carpenter and tna. sons employe!, and. there will ba many moro in tho future. So it i seen that tho time Is opportune (or the compilation o( a fair and conser vative o.t'mata. w Tho Payroll!' Ffeurnt. Below is given tho monthly pay roll as reported from-'the ofllccs of tho various organizations: U. 8. Forestry SorvicV' $ 1206:00 ncna urick & Lumber. Co. Tho Dend Company' Overturr-Davis-Miller Co. Tho Railroads Cent. Oro. Irrigation Co. "North Canal Dam" Local construction Minor looal payroll Total ,$48191.00 Local construction tnclu'des the av erage payroll ror tho last month among contractors and builders, reck oning only 2G mechanics regularly employed, . which Is very conserva tive. During July this number will average 60 or moro. . Minor local payrolls include thoso at tho flour milt, machine shops, Ico plant, creamery, printing plant, etc In addition to these many thousands or dollars could bo Included In othor labo'r payrolls, such aa livery stables, dorks, police, etc., not to mention the large amounts that are spent dur ing the summer tor farm labor, road Improvement, auto-line labor, etc. COMMERCIALS ACTIVE Organization Ilaa AceouiplUhetl Much For Town' Upbuilding-. The Dend Commercial Club, with a largo representative membership, has accomplished much In the way of upbuilding the "town. It ha a paid manager, who devotes his entire timo rounding country. Tho cluba offlcore aro: X. M". Lara, president; II. W. Skuse, secie tary; R. D. Gould, treasurer; 1 W. Drawn, manager. MUHPHV HUII.IKS KKSIDHNCi:. Tom Murphy Is having a four-room houso built on lot 12, block 15, In Park addition. It will bo occupied by H. P. Palmer and family. Mr. Palmer Is employed by tho Dend Hardware Company. HIT Y STHAY Whllo fishing rrcm tho bridge at The Dend Co. mill Sunday, Mrs. Tan sy, who llvos in Kenwood, was' hit on tho right hand by a stray rlflo(bul!ot. Who had tho gun is not known. The wound Is not serious. WANT EXHIBITS FOR l"OTtyVTGH. 1( there la anyone having flno apec Imens ot (arm or garden prbduco they would like to exhibit at tho golden Potlatch In Seattle, tboy aro request ed to leave same at tho Dend Com mercial Club or Bend Park Co. 'a "of fice before July 10.