4 PAOfi 19 the bend mjLi.trrra, bend, Wednesday, .tunic jm, imu. e in I- V- m liitle UP FOB conn COUNCIL SPLITS LUM BER ORDER ,v8tcln Soys Clean Alley Clicmlrnl Mre Engine to lie Tested HtmU Annual Liquor License Due July 1 Other Matter. bo appointed tq aid in tho strict pre servation of order, should occaaton nrlso. Adjournment was tnken until 8:30 Frldoy, Juno 18. With Allen, Lttln, Steldl. Spencer and Putnam present, the city council met Friday night. An ordinaire establishing street grades was reaM for the first time, lllds for 10.000 feet of lumber, to be used by the city for crosswalks and other purposes, were received from The Dend Company and the Ovcrturf- Davls-Mlller Co. The price of tho two were practically Identical, and on motion of Chairman Spencer of tho street committee, It was ordered that half of the purchase be made from each company. Chairman Steidl of tho health com mittee reported that In certain nlleyB In the city unhealthy condition! ex isted because property owners neg lected to haxo toilets cleaned out. Tho chief of police was Instructed to make examination with Mr. Steldl and order, when necessary, that a clean-up bo mado, owners failing to do which the city would do tho work and charge it against the property. On motion, the recorder was In structed to order I A. Shaw to In stall a brick flue in his building on the corner of Dond and Oregon streets, In accordance with the re cently enacted fire ordinance. Will Test Chemical Engine. After Informal discussion, tho mayor Instructed Chief Roberta to fet tne cnemicai nre engine in worx ing order, and to give a demonstra tlon teat tomorrow (Thursday) even ing, near the ball grounds, where a fire of boxes will be set and worked on. Tho liquor license matter was talk ed over and it was decided to proceed In exact accordance with the existing ordinance, namely, collect $400 li cense feo on July 1 for the ensuing six months. Special policemen aro to be ap pointed over the Fourth celebration, and the mayor stated that probably a couple of plain clothes men would SOCIALISTS NOMINATE TICKET Two Itcml Men Anions Candidates Chosen at Convention. Tho Socialists of Crook county hnva nominated n complete ticket, with two Ueml men In tho running, Tho ticket in ns follows: Clerk-llert D. Homes. Prlnovllle. County Judge J. H. ltarkley. Cul- vor. Sheriff -M. J. Main, Dend. County Commissioner V. II. Dtrdsong, Prtnevlllc. Superintendent or Schools Mrs. Delia V. Nichols, Laldlaw. Assessor Heury Mlvlns, Culver. Treasurer II. F. Wllholt, Prlno vllle. Surveyor Luthor Motke, llend, Coroner Glenn Loucks, Madras. Executive Committee W. H. Hint- it: ML - II via &-.. I 1 'KfTM 'I - I w I "DAD" (lll.K, 1IKIIK AGAIN. M. W. alio, bettor known am "Dad" Olio, n pioneer of Hem!, Is Imck again after an absence of two years. Mr. Olio Is working at tho Jones & Hates dairy. "Dad" in tho pioneer lrrlna tor of western Crook county, having held tho plow that mniln tho Mrat furrow for tho tlrst canal, when A. M. Drake started what Is now tho Centra Oregon canal. lime ,V Duvl(lon have built up fin tlicnikt'lvcft n reputation of linv lug tho bent barber chop fit lleiul. Their work Is In every way flmt clan. A trial by the uninitiated will con. vlnce them. T. deinltoo , , , , K. D. Mcltitoih K. 13, Kroats ....... Oeorgo Young ...... C. A. HtatisburroiiRhs mitts & Howell ...... I tIMIMM .CO 2.01) 1.00 1.00 .60 L'.tiO J, J, Klein .niiiiiii.ii J. II, McKay ......(... J. J. CunnliiHlmin C. II. Kiicknon It, II. liOVOII ., O. A. TltorMOit , , 1 1 , i i i r.oo loo 1.00 1.00 n.oo La Pine, Crook County. Oregon. song (chairman), II, F. Wllholttsoc retnry), JH. Homey, J. II. ltarkley, M. J. Main, Henry Ulvtns, Itert 11. Dames, J. V. Petlt. J. It. llenham. PURSE REACHES $928 (Continued from Pago One), C. E. Nichols , 1,00 V. O. Foster .. ,v ,,... 1.00 United Warehouse Co. . . . . . COO V. H. llentloy 1.00 W. 8. Lockwood 5.00 CentrnkjOrcgon ice & Cold Stor- ! '.vitt'y.rniima High Grade Dairy Cows On Sale All the Time. Dtttch Belted Hofetejas, GneriKyes, Red DttrfcMu, Ayrhkes aad Kg Jerseys, fresh milkers or cIom springers, also several registered ad graded SHORT HORN BULLS. 1 also have Yearling Heifers, oae or two year old Steers for feeders in car lots or less on demon. CREDIT gives on Feeders. Call at the old Red mond Ranch one-quarter mile north of Redmond, Oregon, at the Railroad Stock Yard, or write to C. P. Judge Redmond, Oregon 10,00 3.00 COO COO 2.00 7.00 S.00 ago Company V. I). Crawford . Homeseokora' Land Co llend Machine Shop Hunttr llros , K. M. Thompson . . , II. O. Illackwell .., Tho llend Co , 10.00 Chos. lloyd ., 7.50 W. a McCulstou S.00 Ilond Park Co ).... 35,00 Central Oregon Brokerage Co. COO I C. Harrott 3.00 J. 1 Johnson , ' 3.00 Schmidt & Musgrove 60.00 Dalton & Howell 80.00 Myers & Wilkcy 50.00 McOrath & Co. 50.00 Olcn Kyro 35.00 M. Draglch 25.00 Sllvertooth & Ilrowdcr 35.00 O'Donoll & Pattlo . . -v . . . . 35.00 Carmody llros 30.00 L. II. Mlsener 5.00 Williams & Crandall COO Anton Aune 10.00 Floyd Domout f . . 10.00 Wonandy Livery Co 10.00 YOUR OPPORTUNITY WILL RELINQUISH well tlmbowl hontcstcml on public road out from Ashland, for $260, Como to 121) 4th treat, ASHLAND, OREGON. (LVbbbbbbbbsbVIbbbW 1 OBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVHismra1 GET READY TO ATTEND THE It. D. George A. D. McNcal II .M. 8mlth Clo. Co Oeorgo Jones ....... It. II. CJould . B. F. 8teln D. A. Iloyd C. 8. Ilenson V. A. Forbes John Steldl '. 8. C. Caldwell L. D. Wlest J. M. Lawrenco John Dloss Tom Murphy , E. E. Oetchel ., P. E. Peterson L. Q. Mcltoynolds J. S. Parmlntcr HIM V.lann In. nnrttett Henry Smith 5.00 is I .'.-j....im....ii. ' '-' '-- hx :::: 6.00 5.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 2.50 3.60 3.00 3.60 3.00 -6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 i.no ELKS CARNIVAL 'Ati PORTLAND, JULY 8 to 1 $ Six days of fun And recreation. Start right and got your Uckot via O-W. R. & N. "The Easy Way" FARE AND ONE-THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP Final Return Limit. July 22. Dates of Sale, July 7, 8, 0, 10 Bend to Portland and return $9.95 Trains leave Rend 0:30 A. M. arriving Union Depot, Portland, 0:30 P. M J. H. CORBETT, Agent O-W. R & N., Rend, Ore. vez ..-o--' "- ( ---a j. aaa-A.a.A-AAA.A.A.A. -A. A A. A S. S.. m S S A A A.A4AAAAA. I V V WWWWW -ww--rT-w-T-r r -r -r r -w -r -r -w --- T-"-- -w -w -w - t "-" t -w - -r T --. OSBSfc. -nin I:! ?:: ill ' l' V LUMBER LATH SHINGLES 'EC I 'j THE BEND COMPANY ; u To U-x "-. V;v . I I ! .Ill I . I I I - I I I i I i I ' I I : I u u 4 t y, N t A- .--'' lit r, ' T7 . m . . : MH Mi f Operates the Largest and Best Equipped Saw Mill and has The Largest Stock of Lumber in Central Oregon. We can manufacture what you want, when you want it, and at the prices you want. Special Bill Stuff furnished at short notice. Your inquiries are invited, and will receive prompt attention. '!Uf. to i K 'WmDV I1 T T n. it - l''''-'ICf . J f l . ft'- 'l T I9ln- J All- Ct 'gfitti I t XX XX t f ; e Be n a Co m p a n y Bend. Oregon i .4k J v I v J -'i if ... kwr j? '8 '3 Afi rfc. .j I -T---TTTTTTrTrTTTTfTtTTTTTTTT TT IIIIT 'TTTTTI TTT T1" ITTT'T T "TTTTTTTTTI TIT t?M I Ittl I t t t It l,r fl M ID M t ) I ( . tlHtMMM ! f 'S J iinMttiMiMM immiiii .... nun. iiiinii,m,i,i.iiiiinniii,i,iiiiiiii....H.l ,-,..,-fi-,.. , t iirfi'iY. 1 A. .A.r'-.-.--.---------.-.---." ----- . .'. -...k.- . ..--. M , I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , . I , I I I I I I 1 t !t A . w t .,. T.v t y S7,ja vtx.t .CT ' 9Stl" T. '"" f t .. t y.fi