H'ni: go, mig. u. r-AGK II Tim wn? iivrjjrnN. iiknd. wkiwiwimy. RECORD OF TRANSFERS UoKiiliiitOK Vnlluy Co. to Kliiytl Do rwnit, It 1, lilk 27. Kenwood, Htitto to 13. M. Itluo, soUaw'i, noo. 1 1-17-1 2. ' Hilwunl M. lttcu to Jack Cartor, tttiiiiti nM (ort'KoliiK. infill. Wllllnni K. Arnold to TIihiimh Ar nold, nwUnuU, hoc. 30-lli-lu, $300. IMIot llutto l()Vuloiiiioit Co, to Mrs. C. A. Join-, It li, IMk 1.1, mid nortlioii! no foot of lot 8, Idk 1.1, llwiil, 1 10(10, I)ocliiite Vnlloy Co. to C. I Hurt- wIk, Itif 8, 0 ii ml 10, Idk r., Kenwood. , 0. H, IlifiUon to O. M, Hudson, Itn 0 mid 7, Idk 4, Howl, If K. A. lltlMtltt tl ItOM It. lIllKKjtl, ' lot 1, mc. Mfl-M. I lull d Vlow Co. lo Cyru A, Kcopplu It 4, Idk l!i, Ilund Vluw mid. 9200. ili. I), Wloht to V. I). Nowlon, It 2, Mk 3d, Vlitorlu. i Tim llomt Company to Nortliwit Towimiio uo., iiwhrwuiiuUi HwUno'i. vc. 31-I7-I2, W. II. Htant toH. U, HUM, It 11 mid 12, Idk (', DmrliutcK add, llond. Oconto I. Iloovnr to Mary I). Hoov er, It 13 nnd H, Idk 1'J, Canter ndd Ilend, i I.KTl'lil Ol' TII..NKH. Wo wUh'ln till ftinltitff to vxproM our lienrirt'll uimik ior wio Kiiiuiy . ..... . . . ..... ixpreNed ympu!hy of frlond In tlio Ion ot our home nnd nil our pureonnl belmiKlnvH tiy fir rrcnntly. -v We wlih eapveliilly to llmnk Ooii- tloinon A. M. l.nrn nnd I.. II. MUo- jinr, ooth of whom coma to our re- llof while tlm riru wn still burning and kindly lnforiiud u Hint any thing: they hnd In lln'lr storm wn ot our (lliKjnii nun noi ut uummia u pall on them for anything wu might need. Mr. I.nrit uvnii oncreu ui ma uoe of a 1rKi tent to llvo In until we run Id do better, Wo wlih to thank nUo Mr. Voder for hi timely aolstance. lie ennfu hnd worked two day helpluK " put our barn Into condition to live In and would unt areept pny for It. W. J. McOlllvray I also duo our most alncir (hank for kIvIiik u Hie irlvllcK of Urine In hi hoiun for " V t HltrvTOTIIKCOW!lirtOHOI The Deschutes Banking & Trust Co. l Hml,lrliHUHif Oition, ! Iht cIom of botiNfM tunc ilh, iii v HI1HOUHCIIH iMDI tmVillKSMuU.. .. .M.t4 it . MI Mtti trtf1tn, Hfuifl !! uMiirr T, Jli.JiB, Waltltltl ..m . J ChKkiaiHlMhcf fthllnn ... I A.iiaMiiI .-... .. .. 4.144 .. I.VIJ Jll'OM a. -...m. ... . Tout .. . ,.l.t I.IAIIILITIIH OpIUl MtxV rl'l I"- ...... I !. to On4IVtim IHVHlNllMrinnK, n lav. (iaUI . . . .. ?l II JndlTUiililrMllltjfi to hli lo.fij r T1mCtillf.tltBf 1I . im ttcwiul .- - W S ichDKt v r iirmMnii i,fiinfi" i"iwi- .... w Teul .....,.,.. - -7lMb TATKOHOmJOX CounlyofCluek, I . . . I. I. It. Ham). ltfMtiitf Ihtr tfnnn.l 4kpW,.lfculmiilr twrnr Ihil Ihr lt tuir Birtil li Hur la tht Uilo' bjjt kBwln1rml Ufjrf . I II. IIA(Ml), llnMenl liuWwIU.I 4waiii l UAh l I bit Jll rjawi. lliCilllu. .Swl.l ISiUW. Cofltrt-Allftl . 4 U l. li'l'J. V O. Mlt, . V. tumu. lltlBtt. WHY NOT PLAN A 'OftifS SPECIAL For Sunday, June 29th? Vanilla and Pineapple Cream, in Bricks. Remember That You Can Order By Phono And That Wo Mako Deliveries. : Wo Mako And Wo Wholesale Our Own Ico Cream. Hotel Trade A Specialty. nwhllo. I'rlomt In need nro friend Inilood MX. AND MltH. W. W. OHCUTT I', H, Mr. I'litiiiini, on receiving tho nliovo for publication, kindly ex tended tlio offur to receipt li In full for our IniJolitnitiiu to him, nnd would II tun to no nruumoiit to tlio contrary, for which wo mo ox coviIIiikIv nppioclutlvo mid thnukful. Mil. AND MltH. OHOUTT. HTATKI) COMMUNICATION. llond IoiIro A. I, ft A. M., Tliur- day oveuliiK, Juno 27, nt 0:.'I0. Hpoo- Inl work, Uvory brother U rtujuent ed to bn prrpnt. 16 MltH. V. It. COOK I'lildlo HlciioKniphrr, Coiylnt nnd No- mry 1'iiblle. Will call nnd tnku letter mid other shorthand work, Telephone No. 7t. Oltlco with II. C Kill, Klrt Nutlonal HaiiK 'lulldltiK, Ilend, Oregon. NOTICK TOH I'llllMCATION. United Htnte l.nntl OMIco, Thu Dalle, Oregon, Juno 17th, 1112, Notice la hereby Riven that tho Northern Tactile Hallway Company, whoe pnatofflco addre la Ht. I'wul, Minnesota, tin thl 17th day of June, IK 12, fllud In thl otllco it applica tion to miled under tho provlaloua of the Act of Congr, npjirovu.l July 1, 1SUJ13U Htat, G7, fiZO), HHHHWV4, Hec. 20, T17 H., 1112 Knst, W. M., and NWHBUtt. Bee. 17, TO fl, II 10 i:at, W. M., Herlal No. 01043V. Any and all person claiming ad versely tho Innda above deacrlbed, or deilrliiK to object Iiccmibo of tho mineral chnrnctcr of tho land, or for any other renion, til the dUpoal to nppllcnnt, hould fllo their umdavlt of protmt In thl office, on or buforu tho lt day or AiiRiut, 1912. I0-20P C W MOOHK, HeRUter .--.... NOTICK Hill la'III.U'ATIO.V. De'pflrttuent of the ""interior, U. B. Laud 0!t1co nt Tho Uullo, Oreion, June IGth, 1912 Notice I hereby rIvcii that Wil liam 1'. MoNnURht, onlRiiee of J. H. rarmliilor, ailRiioo of William K. l'VrRUon, RMlRneo of Klla M. Callt- haq, of lU-nd, OreRon, who, on Aur ii at -(til. 1900, made dcaert land entry No. 1516, Herlal No. 0901, for HK14 HWU. 8oc 13.and NKU.NWU. tcclloii 24, townihlp 19 vautli. ran" 12 crtt, NVlllamotto Meridian, ho filed notice of Ititentlon'to inaVo flnul deaert proof, to etabllh claim to tho laud niiore (lerlliuil. tiefdro II. C. Kill, U. H CommlRKluner, at hi off flee, at Ilend. OreRon, on the 27th day or July, 1912. Claimant name n wltneiae: William J. McOlllvray, (Hen II. Hlack, Cliarlc I), Howe, Abel 1". Bhlreman, all of Ilend, OreRon. 1C20 ' C W. MOOHK; HcpUter. NOTICK Hill I'L'III.ICUTION. Ih'pnrtinwit of thu interior. U. S. Land Otflca nt Tho UaIIv. Oroi;ou, Juno IGth, 1912. Notice I hereby clvon that Tan nin K. Hhlreman, alKnrt of Wil liam U. Kercuson, ' ailKueo of Hlla M. Callllian, of Ilend OreKon who on AiiKuel 4th, 19QG, ina'do deert land entry, No. 015, Kerlal No. 0903, for NW U BK tt , NK U BW 14 . BK 4 NW U and 8WUNKU. oetlon Zi. township 1 onth, raiiKo 12 enut, Willamette Meridian, ha filed iiotlco of Inten tion to mako final dcnort proof, to e tabllih olalm to the laud alovo de- crlhed, before II. C Kill, U 8. Com- mm VISIBLE LOADING ', RCrEATING RIl'LL. No. 70 LI. I Trlca. t8.C0,'iJ VUIIilFlMdliiK"UnlilKaiN vauUjte. i mi n tho eartrUU'a J i in In the rlmiulxT. Von kux -M when tho kuu It liwdal. Gits all tbe gam In Jlgfit Profile? mint mid iKnn out all tliv film jK.ti tlilt ijirhiK 'j'l.ilMla am ! Sltarutboui-ir L aw...l ... .... i . tttwrf ItaLMOM a' uu A.uiiivr f ki-i,.U,7il ( 111 itw i4kkk )!' I ici-iit ihl tr rrfwj.i.il K5 I ltfla;ilia;ir'mkift r t i -1 In iW I -a; tvuvfat UIII-tAf1.t xl aV,U4V-tM.HH mm t., il4KI)W ti. l-t, fiirflr mi COM dWi a4 ImH hi ill vr-.' ir 4-.i44iiB Ittw ft) .a, f . uivtf kf. J, STEVCKS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY r o, iui ii CU.-n4M4.M4M." STE WL4R T7t "?cvj3rr-. .rw .4 I vTTu. tZWfa 5K J L'l.M. '.') '.33i : s; !. T.-. For Sale Modern 7-room house and lot 4 blk. 27. Also best grade Kimball piano with Angolus player and large assortment music. -Ono 40 H. P 5, Pass, tpurinjj car; Humerows, articles' household fur-A niture. Will bo sold at reasonable prices and terms. Enquire of F.F.Smith inMslonor, nt hli oinco nt Ilend, Oro roii, on thu 27th day of July, 1012, Clnluintit iiumcH a wllueiio; William J. McUlllviny, (lion II. Muck, ClmrloK I), Howe, Wlllmii I", Mc- Naiight, nil of llond, Oregon. Ki-lO O. W. MOOHK, Ituglstor, NOTICK I'Olt I'UIIMCMTIO.V. Department of tho Interior, U. B .it nil Olilce nt Thp Dalle, Oiokoii, Mnv 2'ltli, 1012. Notlru I hereby given that l.uo liu H Hlcknrd, minlKiiee of Cora II. rorKUon, of Ilend, OroKon, who, on Denomber 8th, 1D08, made desort land ontry No. 01006, for WViBHU, Bee. 13, and NttNICK, cctlon 24, lownahlp 18 oiitli, mnRo 12 cant, Willamette Meridian, ha filed notice of Intention to iiiuka flnnl denert proof, to etnbllh claim to tho land ibrvo d"r Ibod, li'ifoio II. C. Kh, U. B. CommlMlonor, nt hi oHlce at Ilend, OruRoti, on tht fith day of July, 1912. Clrlmant name n vtncaci; VV.illnm J. Mitilllirn,v, Chnrle ,1). Howe, John V, Thomi 'ml KrucM nn-relt, fill of Ilend, Orcoi. 12-lCp C. .W. MOOHU, HeRUter. Ntyrkn':' i-oh i'Uiii.ication. Depnrtincut of tht Interior. U. S. I jinil omco nt The Dalle, Oikoii, Jiiuo'Ctli, 1912. Notice I hereby Riven that llnrry W. (SlUou, of I.nlillaw, Orexoii, who on October Ut 1909 mndo hoc cutead entry No. 0CSI8 for tot 1. 2. ., I. nnd NmW'M r?.-c. 2, and lot 1, NUViUKVi. -ctlon 3, township JO ifii.th. rrnre 11 i-ni. Wlilinvtto Me- rldlon, ha filed iiotlco of Intmitlnn to make cinniutM.on poof. to ifc tabllnh claim to the land above d crlbed, before H. C. Kill, U. B. Com uilm.1 nrr. at hi ofce at llond, Ore Ron on the 20th day of July, 1912 Claimant nunc a wltneiro Alexander Iverent of (II at, OrvRon, tidward White of l.aldlaw, OreRon, Henry C. Bhumacher ot l.aldlaw, Ore Ron; Chnrle K. Wiley ot Kedrnoiid, Oregon. 1K-19 . C V. MOOUE, IlcxUter. notici; ) i'inai, Hirrri.i-:u:NT. Notice I hereby given by tho un dorilKnod, that lio ha mado and Hied with tho clerk of the County Court of Crook County. Oregon, her final account a adtnlnlitratrlx of the estate of Orton F. rontons, do reaced, aaklne; that mU final account ha Kcttled aud allowed and that tho admlnlitratrix and hor tondmen Im relcaed: and said County Court ha et Monday,. . tho Ut day or July, 1912. at. 10 o'clock a. m. at tho Court Uoom .la rrlnevlllo, Orcson, a tho time and place at which any person Interested In ald ctato moy appear and object to tho vettlcmcnt and allowance of ald account. , IOA,lr:ilSON8. AdmlnlitraUU ot ilia i-taof Orson K. Person, Deceased. Vernon A. Korbe. Attorney for AdmlnUtratrlx. 12-1G NOTICi: TO CltHMITOltH. In tho County Court of the Stnto ot Oroicon for tho County of Crook. In the matter ot tho citato of (IcorKo W. Knapp, deceased. Notlro I hereby ulvcn by tho underlined, duly appointed and act Inic admlnlitrator of tho cvtato of OeorKO W. Knapp, deceaaed, to tho creditor and to nil person having claim oKftltut tho ald deceaied, to pntont them duly verified a re quired by law within air month after the llrt publication of thl notlco to tho mild ndiulnltrator, at tho ofllco or hi attorney, vernon a. oroc. in tho Klnt National Ilauk UulldliiK. ... .. . ..- Ilend, Oregon, thu aamo being the. place of trnnnactlon of tho btulnei of ald CHtato In ald County and Btate. Dated thl 29th day of May 1912. O. C. 1U.NK1.13. Admlnlitrator of Oeorgo 12-16 W. Knapp, doceaicd. The Man Behind the Saw and i:Ax Is (ho mnn who sots tho wood, and GARTER is THE MAN when you want wood that will ninko the pot boil, And all it costs you is ,4.QQ ..A'CORD FOR BLOCK OR LIMB WOOD. In town every day. Cost of Brick Some people think that "Ilrlck h too cxpcnijlve." Thin la n great mlstiikc. The price of lumber ban nrfvnnccd until a houiw enn be built with 8 inch solid brick walla for only n alight extra coat over frame, Not over 6 per cent, to 8 per cent, and in many canes at the same price as frame. Tho difference la soon waated by painting and ex cessive repaira and coat of heatlnjr on a frame house. Also, tho coat of Insurance is greatly lowered. In a ahort time a brick houao has coat leas than wood. We have tho figures and can prove it. However much the relative coat of Brick and Wood may vary in different localities, the first coat and main tenance of a wooden house soon exceeds the first coat and maintenance of a Hrlck House. When You Build Use Brick BEND BRICK rf. Low Round TO WESTERN POINTS $13.5 MuREGOIll J Z2!i"'00r a Bfe.-" -AiawMrfpr. tfvaaar n Mcaahoro vacation resort Just south of the mouth ot tbe Colum bia Itlvcr. reached directly by "The North Hank Koad." Tick et sold dally, Iteturn limit October 31. 0Je J TACO.MA, MONTAMAHA FKSTO. . Tncotna'a p 1 JiOU great annual carnival. Ticket sold June 28 and July Z. Limit July C. $Qnr rOltTLANI., KI.KK CJUANI) IjODGK. Tho ''' greatest national conveiltlon ' of tho year. A tolld week of public entertainment. Ticket sold July 7, 8, 9. 10, 11. Limit July 22. 4i 1 A Qfl KKATU'K GOIJIK.V I'OTIT,rL Seattle' P 1 O.VI iplendld annual civic carnival. Ticket sold July 14, 1C, 18. Limit July 22. Oregon Trunk Hallway trains run dally without change be tween Central Oregon points and Portland. Train leaving Ilend C 30 a. in., Itedmond 7:1C a. ra Terrebonne 7:30 a. in., Culver 8,09 a. nt.. Mctollus 8:30 a. ro., Madras S.40 a, m., ar rive Portland 6:30 p, in. Detail will bo furnished on rcqueit. V. E. COMAN, Ocn'l. Freight & Pass. Agt , Portland, Ore. V J. H. CORUETT, Repeating Shotguns $19.50 to $95.00 w ii lajni i man iiaaai naiaji mail ian isaaaii lawm inai iibi ' i t 1 STORAGE AND j FORWARDING. I GENERAL . I i t.nnflfVii.Niiini .... a MERCHANTS ? I W"t i'i I i the umcea warenouse i ! I I m i '. r' " . " ifajp lb rr s ; I comfianv 1 1' m f W. H. BENTLEY, Manager. f 1 1 - i i i' . i 1 V O'DONNEIX BROTHERS j UNION MARKET aKL JfHv J rTrrr:5''aM afssT wffi ,3"i,"mmim ' I J 1JP UTfcate 7 , , PT . rpUaf tKotruu m.J. la 13 aaJ 18 ihim (8 tfcoU.) olid Irunt aDd lLkJawn, mtnf ct.Jm uid ttrlw, with .pcll mod.lt lo bap tad fi.U thooUai. !. X" B104I .Jt.mlr. Ilo. of r.paatim W4 la Uta worhl. (4tn Zttunfot riln ttuxiaa k.tt.t JXtmZttolM is, 1U4 tltcwr cImvJ-Io bik. li '( Itctft p with lata, mow .i il,i i.la ci' tun lit. ikt tiloo 44 iw.ll Ik. iKillt la BiiU aln, Utu i. Il 4.4 un4 .1 tlio icU4.4 liwa Ik. till... (Uarl.. lltoI Mk4.lia atkli4 Imvtnitk.a lar oiku I4M4I4I. Tk. 4s.kl. .illlttoil ll aar tbcll. IU4Ul HfUIr, til4 la ikoMl.t ability n4 Ikt 4iMMile itcoll ultf l.tk Biku li tk. i4lni kiMik I.t4tt .a bulli. B. iui ra i a JSBan&a. DOITNOWI S.nd tlua 4lmp. natlaia and yr ,- r. r . s.t our Ma- (alaWa x all "Jtanttt rUa M latXW jNnfOrMS A riflM aod abalgeaa hy r.tura m.IL. . , 4V WIUaw.3rl . Hw llano. Caaa. vs. Cost of Frame & LUMBER CO. Trip Fares FR.OM BEND, OREGON CENTRAL tmxm UNE CUTSOI' III:ACII. Seaalde and Cearhort. Ore gon, on tho Pacific Ocean. Thl Is tho perfect Act., Bend, Ore. fiZt. ,wrA,aA,.ww;wr. , ,ar4f that Boy of Yours. It eecms like ycatcrdny that mother mourned tho transition from skirts to trousern--hfs rocking horse will soon give way to tho baseball and the pigskin. He'a developing, changing every day, and you haven't had his picture taken in more than a year yes, ita two years last Christmas! How the time does fly! Make an Appointment 1 , Today ZbC Qtma Quuo. See Me BEFORE BUILDING. No trouble to tti vc you estimates on BRICK, STONE, CEMENT, plain and ornamental plaatcrlnK wor k building foundations, aidewalks. chimneys, Ecptic tanks, xcwer-. aire, paving, canal work, pipe lines, fire places, etc. Plans and specifications fur nished. II. D. Bourcy General Contractor t- Box 21, Bend, Oregon. WHITE IS KING The BEST nil-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in bothfRO- TARY 4: VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both Lock and Chain stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attachments with each ma chine. Sold on easy payments Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. catalogue tree. Whito Sewing Machine Co. 1400 Market Street San Francisco, California. 51 IOC REPAIRING First Class tWork i of ail kinds done promptly. R. H. LOVEN Wall street, Bend, Ore. H. P. Smith PLASTERING ' and Flue Building Bendl Oregon, t; , F. M. Carter - TUB WOOD MAN 4 -44 i'.wTWfTTT'T'