The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 12, 1912, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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-e- - -----
r 4
Has Just Received
vc . 11
Steam Rolled
the'finest that ever has been In Bend. Get yonr orifers in early.
1 1nformation for the Homeseeker
ICvorv Issuo of Tho llnllo-
1 1 ii records tho progress of
Control Oregon nml tho Bond
country. If you aro a homo
soaker looking for it now o
ciillon, or own property In
thli aoctlon, thoro U no bettor
wny to become acquainted
with, or keep posted on, whnt
la tains ilnno In thin nart of
tho world than by reading
thla paper regularly. Bond !
In your auhacrlptlon at onco, j
no as not to miss anything of I
what la going on In thla hlg,
resourceful country t h I a !
ureal Inland omplro that haa
now boon oponod for develop-
mont by two treat railroad
systems. I
BKNI) la located 1CS mlloa aouth
af tho Columbia River, on tho banka
ot tho Doechntoa, at tho larmlnua of
(ho Hill and Harrlman rallroada.
Geographically, It la practically In
tho Tory center of Orogon. Keono-
, jnileally, Ita location la unaurpaaiod,
'. I forBfndi,atnd.biiu;o tho, greatoal
power producing stream in mo norm
woat, whoro rallroada, wator-powor
and timber flrat moot, and surround
d by too greatest Irrigation eegre
gatton a Oregon, with countloaa
mllllona ot aorea ot grain landa
Tho City Itaclf.
i Tho estimated population of Hond
today la 1300, Ita altltudo la 3600
cot, with a cllmato that la practically
Idoal. Winter and aummcr, tho
woather la magnlflcont, tho tompera
luro raroly going bolow xoro oud
only twlco, during tho last three
cummora, being hlghor than 100 do
grooa. Tho hlghoit Jompornturo over ro-l-ordod
la 102 do'grocs. At thla nltl
tudo, In tho dry cllmato, nctual
harmful freoilnK..doo5 not occur at
3 degrees: biit-nt; 80 degrees,
(lavornmont rccorriB ahow an
arorago annual precipitation of 10
Inchoa with an nrorage yoarly of
320 aunny day. That moans enough
tain for tho farmor, lota ot blue sky
mud bright, aunah no, uo oppressive
Jhoat, and climatic onrlronmont that
Kin Naturo every Doislblo chanco"
to rtt tho beat rosultafrom man and
- v
Ilcnd haa four churches, many
heuuvolont societies, aplondld grado
schools and n high achool whoio
i:rnduutca aro admitted to tho Htato
I'nlvoralty without examination, ex
cellent banka, tho boat equipped
and atooked atorea of any town of
twice tho alto In Oregon, brick yards,
ktono quarries, flour and lumber
mills, a creamery, cold atorago
plants, ateam laundry, newspaper,
well apKlntod hotola, nnd, Indeod,
ablo representatives of every cloaa
ot antcrprlso.
In other words, (lend la well
equipped, mndorn and progroaalTO,
with a lot of wldo-awako men who
havo apont good monoy developing
tho town, and who aro gottlng good
returns on their Invoatmonta.
Iloud haa tho beat wator In tho
atato, and an excellent modern water
ayalem, which Includes up-to-date
nro protection.
Ilond's streets and homes aro well
lighted by olectrlclty, which la fur-
nlihod from a now plant which cost
$60,000 to build and equip.
A local and long dlstanca tela
phono, na well as telegraph, are
other Items !n Bond's metropolitan
Work la under way on a 180,000
aower system.
Thoro aro mora beautiful rosU
doncea In Ilond, proportionately to
tho population, than In any other
town In tho West.
Kvorywhoro thoro aro well made
and woll kept sldowalks, tho streets
aro maintained In tho boat condition
and aro lit with powerful aro lights,
giving tho town tho beat street light
ing of any In Oregon. With tho
many beautiful views of mountains,
river and tlmbor, tho magnificent
tree Dcattorod gonorously through-
out.tho residential districts, and tho
wonderful climate, lieud loavos llttlo
to ftio doslrod by thoao who Book
Idoal places In which to live.
In October, 1911, tho Hill and
llnrrlman railroad aystoms com.
Pletod to llond their Oregon Trunk
nnd Donchutoa linos, Bond Is tho
tormluus of both of thoao roads,
Tho bandaomo depot, erocted with
natlvo atoho. and tho boat equipped
warehouao In tho state, Indicate In
what Importance tho railroad com
panloa hold Head,
An aztenalvo distributing bnslnoaa
already la botng conducted from
Bond, to too country soma ana
sotiUtaast, and wltH (ha regular oper
ation of automobllo truck linos, the
volume of this bualuess la vastly In
cross I us,
Practically all of wcatern Harney
county, and northern Lako and
Klamath, will got supplies In by way
of Ilond, and In return will export
via Ileud enormous clips of wool,
In connection with thla latter pro
duct and Ita shlpmont hero, tho rail
roads havo announced that ovory
Juno thoro Is to bo n regular wool
salo at Ilond. This means that wool
from all ovor Interior Oregon will
bo collected hero, that buyers will
como hero, that thousands of ahoep
will bo sheared hero, and that. In
tho very near future, woolen mills
will bo established.
In all aurvoya that have been
mado for n branch Hill road to tho
aouthoaat, to command connection
with ainilated rpada and an outlet
In that direction, Dond has boon
nihdo the tormlnus point.
A Carey Act Irrigation segregation
embracing approximately 300,000
acres, Ilea to tho oaat and north of
Bend. This land la watered under
the aupervlalon of tho State ot Ore
gon, and becomes tho property of
settlers who acquire It by residence
and Improvement, paying from $15
to $40 an aero tor water aervlce,
with an annual maintenance charge
or 30 to 80;cthU"au'aoro, tie-lowest
maintenance rato la operation.
Non-lrrlgable acreage la purchased
at $1,50 an arre.
Directly adjoining Bend are two
other Irrigation entorprlsea, both
conducted on a farmers' co-operative
bails, and both exceedingly prosper
ous. On tho Irrigated lands all tho pro
ducts ot tho tomperato xono prosper.
Tho boII and climate, however, aro
particularly adapted to the auccess
ful production of grasses and root
crops. Alfalfa, clovor, grain, pota
toes and other root crops, Including
augar boots, do remarkably woll,
Tho yield ot butter fat from tho
grassea la excoptlonally groat, nnd
this, combined with tho puro soft
wator, and tho lack ot oxcosalvo heat
and cold, deatlnos this torrltory to
tako tho front rank ns a dairy
country. Tho establishment of a
largo creamery at llond, and tho aid
given' farmers In eoourlug flno cows
by tho local banks, means that a man
with forty acres who will raise grans
and food It to his cows will bo as
sured ot a comfortable living.
Work la now In progress upon a
great new Irrigation oaaal, known aa
tho North Canal, which will Irrigate
soma 60,000 acre ot land. Tha
canal gets IU wale trosa, & Ds
1 i '' ' -i v '
Youngsters Should De Liberally Fed to
Secure Oeit Result.
jig tyiln '" weight rvhllo young
much cheaper than they dtjus they np
proHclijTfltururtgu, It fed .nil they can
consume. nml nsslrnllnto while young,
they acquire tho thrifty Imblt nnd cim
bo made to grow to market weight at
leita xperiH( for feed tlinti It allowed to
como iilonc In the uittiiil mmincr, writ en
N. A. C'lnpp I" OrntiKo JmM I'ormcr.
When plK "re HlHTiilly ful while
youne the Momnch Is oxwnded rnp
Idly, nnd they can coimliiiio mid utilize
inoro feed over unil iiIkivi' wliut In re
qiilnii to inn I ii ml ii them. Tlito tmslilen
ttieiu to Kill n In wclylit nt Iihn riM x-r
pound thfiii would be (ioskIIjIv If allow
ed to grow ftlowly.
When tho plK nro three weeks old
they will begin to look around the pen,
uud It when tho now U out a llttlo
shelled corn Is thrown on tho floor of
tho pen the now will begin to pick It up
beforo alio pays any attention to the
plgx. Tho pic will seo her pick up tho
kernel one at n time, and they will bo
gjn to pick them up and chew them.
Dry Farming.
' Tributary to Bend on the south
coat la a huge dry farming area, em
bracing more than 260,000 acros of
lovel and rolling eage brush land,
with deep soil, no trees and rocks,
nnd with well water obtainable at
moderato depths.
Much ot this territory has boon
settled by homesteaders during tho
last year, and many famJllea aro
dally taking adrantago of thla last
big chnco to get froe Qovernmnt
land. The majority ot tho acreage
la opon to homcstcadlng under tho
320 aero law, which allows, tho frco
acquisition of that amount In return
for residence and proportional annual
cultivation and Improvomont The
homestead laws are being mado
easier and ruoro attractive with tho
result that mora and mora settlers
como to Bend and mako homes on
thla land tributary to tho town.
Good roads oxtond through this
country, and dally auto and stage
lines tap It from llond, to which Its
products will como on down grado
hauls to bo milled with tho inox
haustlblo wator power of tho Des
chutes Itlvor Immediately below
Bond, whero a dam la being con
structed at a cost of about $60,000.
Tho work In connection with thla
auuimer's development of the now
canal will require an oxpendlturo
of $176,000. All of this money will
bo spent cloao to Bond. Tho entire
system wilt requlro approximately
$700,000 to complete.
Tributary to Ilond. on down grade
hauls, la 20,000,000,000 feet of the
finest yellow plno timber. Besides
providing tho choap power for tho
milling of thla enormous timber belt,
Bend off era tho best of mill pond
Tho manufacture ot this timber
at Bond Is a certainty, for tho largest
of tho companies Interested tiro
heavy property owners In Bend lands
and watcrnower developments, and
hnvo signified their Intention ot lo
cating their big mills here.
At present thero are several
smaller mills, employing In tho
noigiibornood or lao men. Whllo
these manufacture lumber primarily
for local consumption, not only are
many carloads cxortcd to tho towns
north of Ilond. but also ninny nro
shipped to tho middle western mar
kets, wnioh lator win be suppllod
heavily with tho Bend lumber pro
ducts. Water Power
Thoro Is at least 260,000 horso-
power easily obtainable from tho
Deschutes at and near Bend.
Already a 1700 horsopowcr plant
Is In operation In tho town, which
offers aa cheap electric power for
domestic and manufacturing uses as
Is obtainable In tho Norttiwest. The
Inexhnustlblo and cheap power at
her doors guarantees tlend's exten
sive manufacturing tuture.
The man who cornea to Bend or
tho adjacent sections ot Central Ore
gon will bo agreeably surprised at
the pleasant aurronndtnga ho will
encounter, both In what .nature has
suppllod and In social matters.
For Instance, a University Club
recently waa organlxcdn Bnd with
36 charter members! That Indicates
tho character of tho men who aro
building up Central Oregon.
The eportaman will find tho Bend
country a veritable paradise. Fish
ing In the Deschutes Is a famous
attraction, that rlver'a giant trout
bringing sport lovers from all parts
ot the Northwest. Deer, bear, rab
bits, sago hons, ducks, geeae, swans
and other game afford ample recre
ation for the "out-door lover along
tho rlvor and In the foothills.
Canoeing and boating directly at
Bend and up tho broad roaches of tho
Deschutes, cuuplod with excellent
auto roads, horso back riding possi
bilities without end, nnd near by
snow clad mountain peaks, combine
near Bond Interest for every sort of
naturo lovor and health seeker.
How to Get Hero
From Portland tako cither tho
"North Bank Kallroad" or the Oro-guu-.VVsshlngton
Railroad & Navi
gation Co. system direct to Bend,
Tho faro Is $7.46. Through tickets
from all Eastern points aro good
directly to Bend, The routo up the
Doschutes Canyon Is tho most strik
ingly beautiful railroad U'P 'a the
Northwest, and, say lovers ot flno
scenery, la to U4lt woU worth tho
fftirh con bo the first lesson In eating
Wlicti tho sow Is oat pfaco a small.
shallow trough where It will bo bandy
to coax or drlro tho pigs over It. Take
4nitf lino mldilllriKH Inn pnlf. scald It.
llHr Iff' Vomjj npw ,aUtt awpotcn ,lho
" ttYWR wllir h little lfneitrrtMtlaa
mid put it In (ho trotutlr wlllle U U
warm. Drive Hie pIrn ori-r the trousti
They will n in el I tho rnolnaicx. Irt i at
tlm fwd and begin to it Wlieii lliey
once gel ii tMsle of audi feed they will
out nil lliiy can hold.
The pigs should bo fed In the middle
ot the forenoon nnd In the middle of
tho nfternoon. vVhen I hnve dm I red to
crowd pig to in a lie nil the growth po.
nlhlu to hIiiiw them at tho faint I tin re
given them n feeding In tho evening
After the pigs have eaten from the
trrugh for a week or more conrncr
fV.cdii can te used nnd sklmmllk sun
itllutcd for new milk. A gi"d feed
I made by mixing corn chop and oat
chop with the hulls sifted out with ap
equal quantity of wheat middlings. 1
like to feed a llttlo molasses along
with the warm feed to make It more
palatable and to ke?p the bowels In a
laxative, healthy condition.
The amount of feed given should bo
Increased only aa fast as the capacity
of the plz to eat Increases. Fecit In
n clean trough ovory time. Olvo the
pigs a chance to run In the field and
eat grass. If fed and handled In the
manner described the pigs cau bo
weaned when eight weeks old, nnd
there will tic no check In their growth.
At two months old tboy should weigh
from fifty to sixty pounds each and he
well started toward boghood. 1 baro
frequently had pigs wolgb 60 to 100
pounds each wbon three months old.
Mi ill III1IIIIIIM li-HI-fr
One ndrantngv or succulent ;
feed I the fact that It not only '
provides the cow with more ;
mnlMure. but at the Same time U
more appetizing.
Tho milk utcnsIM rnut Ik? free
from seams and cracks. It I tm
poHxllile to keep them clean If
this Is not the rne.
The bigger the ears of corn
when they are put In the xllo
the bigger tbo milk flow will be
when the slloge Is fed.
Provided your cow Is n good
one. the more she is fed along
right lines the more she will give.
No animal that gets only food
enough to support llfo can make
a gain or profit
Haphazard methods of breed
ing never pay with dairy cattle.
The boU herd bull Is nono too
Tho man who can donble the
productiveness of his farm mora
than doubles Its value.
1-1-Ml-M-M-l-Ml-l 1 1-1 H-I-I-l-M-
FOR SALE Cabbago plants, any
quantity. E. D. Havcmann, It. F. D,
No. 1, Bend. 12-13p
Rooflnjr,-,of all kfryk RcfcalHfil
"k promptly d&ndA" M ,
Furnace Contractor
Guttcrlnflr, Spbuttoff,
Cornices and Skylitf
Consists of
J... . -I HOMEofN.Y.
Following NewY0rkUn.
Well derwriters'
Known Agency
Companies HARTFORD
Empire State Surety Bonds
Oregon St., Bend, Oregon.
Fire Insurance
We do NOT say, "Insure with us becansc we came,
to Bend together."
We do NOT say, "Insure with un because our party
nnillatlonH are the Mine." .
We do NOT say, "lusure with us because we are Jut
starting; In and we need the business."
Wo do not say, "(Jive us your Insurance and we will .
do our trading with you."
HUT WK DO SAY, Insure with us because wo will
place your business In tho largest and rnot liberal com
jMinlrM In the world, at tho same prlco you aro paying an
Inferior company. We will write your policy so that you .
are fully protected. Wo will aro that an amlrablo and
fair adjustment Is tuade In case of loss.. .We will help
yon get a reasonable rate.
M. S. Lattin 2b Company
Hotel Wright
Mrs. Nelllo .Wright, Prop,
Bend's Only Stono Hotel. Strictly Modern. Electric Lights,
Hot nnd Cold Water, Bath and Telephone.
New Building AH New Furnishings. Dining Room ih Connection,
Only one block from depot Cor, Bond and Greenwood Sis.
Star Restaurant
Corner Bond and Greenwood streets.
We servo to order from 5:45 a. m, to 10:00 p. m. Family stylo
meala from 12 to 1:30 p.' m. and 5:45 to 7:30 p. m. '
-s " X Meals 35c.
v Board $5.00 a week. Meal, Tickets $5.50,