. -&t'i 7t rw"-" im ' p i j l. j PAp, thh man bulletin, hkno, wkrnkhday, junk ia, tw. N i i Aaaaaaaa. CORRESPONDENCE P1UNGLE FLATS v- -- -" PRINULK FLATS, near Hold P. O., Juno 4. Mr. (Ioiiuuk, returned from Rend last week. 0. A. ltalsloy mid his brother-in-law, William Comstock, nrrlvod nt tho homo of Mr. and Mr. II. Kvaus Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Rntsley nro havltiK tliolr house rebuilt on Uielr honie Rtead. Tho Prlnglc Flats school r.ivo a lilonlc last, Friday. Ahioiir thoaa present wero: Mrs. M. Hallmeyor nnd children. Mrs. Marrln, Miss Campbell. Mrs. Wlll.vm Conistock, Mrs. II. Kvans. Miss Pierce. Mrs. C. A. llnlslcy and children and Mrs. Humlln. --- HAMPTON. . ------ HAMPTON, June 4 Melvln Crow came In from Rend last week. and Is at work around his homestead Mrs. K. Van Lako was a Ilamp- ton visitor yesterday. Last Tuesday onq .of K. R.'-Post's machines brought Mrs. E. F. Ilassett nnd little son and Mrs. ltassctt's. mother, Mrs. Flsk, from Ilcnd. Mrs. Ilassett will make this her home for some time nnd Is cll 'pleased with tho atmosphere as well as the scenery. Mr. Ilassett has a 350 ncro homestead. Their former homo was In tho Wlllamctto valley, hut they havo heen In Itoston for several months. V. T. Harrison took n load of household goods to Iron Mountain this week for Fritz Anderson. Mrs. Harrison accompanied him and they aspect to tnako a pleasure trip as wo.lt as on business. Mrs. Ixnils Miller's second lot of chick otis wrro hatched out of the In cubator last week, and sho bos set anothor hatching. 8. F. Ilassett Is having some Im provement dona on his homestead and as soon as he can get the lumber hauled will do considerable building. Ilurr Ulack Installed a now pump In his well recently. One day last week there were 10 .SS-gallou barrels filled from the 'well one-balf mllo south of tho Rend Durnsroad near the 66th mllepott. Thls'ls iu" addition to tho many head of stock watered there twice each day, and when water U lowered It fills In a very short time. There seems to, bo strong water veins in this section as there is also a splen did well on Louis Miller's home stead. Day after day last fall this well was pumped dry, hut by the next morning there would bo enough to supply not only their own stock, but those of several neighbors and Vascersby as wall. Saturday evonlng tho friends of J. I. Owen expected to glvo him a surprise, but upon arriving a his home found him waiting to receive them. Before darknps fojl a lively came of ,,ante-over" was enjoyed around the store building. As it was an Ideal moonlight night such gam os as "snap." "last couplo out" aad "Ruth and Jacob" were played outdoors. Cocoa and cookies were served for refreshments and every one felt as though the evening was a groat success in spite of the coun ter surprise sprung by Mr. Owen. Those pressnt were: II. C. Miller, Messrs. Phillips. Necld. Whltaker. Zlerolf, lllaok. Owen, W. T. Harri son and family, Louis Miller and wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Peck. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. C. Peck and Miss Ethel Fogg. Hampton Sunday school recently took a spec'al collection to be used for the purchase of new song books. A committee was appointed com )osed of Ilurr Black, Mr. Harrison and L. C. Peck and after looking over severs! books selected some en titled "Belts of Heaven." The books have been ordered to come by ex press to Bend and are expected soon. The Crook county road crew was through hfiMost Thursday and the work ccrtifuly improves the road. r J. H. MUSGROVE THE LOTUS BAR Schmidt St Must-rove, Props. WINES LIQUORS CIQARS ONLY THE BEST OP t Bond Street - Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lighted Throughout BEND HUGH O'KANE, MANASIR BEND, OREGON Good Roaws Fre ku to t wtdfraaU-ftlM 2 '' . --- .-- CRESCENT ------. ORKSCfiNT, Juno C Mrs. Joo L. Ulngo and children of lte.iver Marsh visited Mrs. E. 0. Kourk this week. J. It. Harvey, supervisor of tho Deschutes Forest Reserve, 0. J. Buck, assistant district forester, Shirley Buck, T. T. Munger, nnd F. E. Atnes, woro hero n fow days for matters pertaining to the govern ment. Heno West nnd family of Bend hnvo gone tu Odoll Lako where thoy will establish n hotel for tho summer season. Adolphiis Kclser Is putting a glass front In his building on Main street which ho will HBO for mercantile purposes. Thomas McCord wna In town a fow days froui Odoll Iiko to get lumber windows and doors, nnd other fix- tt)rfes for tho MnthoWq-Cnples lodge at tho lake. '0. . Andorson re turned with him. John Knott, road supervisor for northern Klamath county, has begun work on tho Sliver Iiko road to bo built In a southeasterly direction Jroio Crescent, C W. Wood nnd family are camped hero to assist In tho work. L. C. Slsemorc nnd friends passed through Thursday In a car cu route to Bend, Burns, Silver Lako and other points. Mr. Slsemoro Is the Democratic nominee for clork of Klamath county. David Ashcnbrenncr and family who'wero hero for a fow days, loft Wednesday for Klamath Falls. II. W. Burroughs was In town Saturday. Ho has closed a success ful term of school nt Long Prairie. Mrs. O. W. Anderson Is visiting friends In La Pine. Thomas Bracken left on Saturday for Portland to attnd tho Itose Carnival. i TUMALO v Tl'MALO, Juno 6. Mr. McKay, two daughters and son wero out to this place from Bend Friday. They are newcomers from Oklahoma and say they are much pleased with Cen tral Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson and cousin, Donald iflandlng, were pleas ant callers at this placo last Thurs day. Mr. Hudson oxpresscd himself surprised at the rapid growth of the crops In these parts. Forest Rangors 11. G. Smith and Vincent were hero Friday on thoir way to Bend. They havo been cruis ing timber in the vicinity of Sisters. C. II. Spaugh and I. E. Wimcr wero' in tho Sisters country Thurs day. Q. W. Wlmer & Sons are putting up somo woven wire fetico In order to bo better prepared to enro for their hogs. All kinds of crops are coming on flae la this vicinity, and there never was n bettor prospect tor a uurapor yield than at present. John B. Wlmer was out from Iald law visiting home folks today. George Campbell has !oon work ing on his homestead lately prepar ing to put up some wire fence and make other Improvements. FORT ROCK FORT ROCK, June 8 Mrs. Mlnnlo a lies left for Portland Thursday where she will visit with her daugh ter and friends this summer, A. R. Donohue of Christmas Lake passed through hero Friday on his way to Bend with a load of wool. Mrs. J. A. Trlplett is visiting with Mrs. J. S. Beesley at La Pine this week. Mrs. Ray Nash was visiting In the Arrow' neighborhood Friday. Three-fourths of an Inch of rain W. F. SCHMIDT Q00DS HANDLED Bend, O re eon Special Attention to Transient Travel HOTEL Oood Meats AH erraaf wests nsade for pf rsoM tyimt ft jpUMUf4 essof kre foil In this valley Friday evening, which will Insure n bumper crop of both fall mid spring sown grain. A. N. Jones, who linn boon doing some Iniprovumcntii on his desert claim, left for Bend Friday. J. T. K ho ton was u business caller In Silver Lake today, W. II. Now, proprietor of Hotel Fort Bock, mndo n trip to Bond Thursday. Nick Barrett nnd Itobert .Morgnu of Fremont wero trading horn tho first of tho week. Mrs. J. I. Htrntton, who litis boon teaching school in (ho Christmas lake district, oiuuo homo Friday. ---- RIDGEWAY KIDOEWAY, Juno 10. Howard Hartley tins bought tho Huberts plnco on Suunw Creek nonr Sisters of A. C. Ptiilih nnd will movo there this week. Last Mominy Knlph Ltimbeak, with his grandmother, Mrs. Smith, moved to tho Geo. lllggliisou home .-'.o.'.d, which thoy hnvo rented Mr. lllgglusoii nnd family stnrtod June 3rd on n camping trip to Cali fornia, oxpcctlng to spend the sum mer In northern California near tho coast and Inter seeking n location farthor south. Mrs. J. O. McKlnney and Miss Violet are visiting Mrs. Edd Howell of Sisters. Mrs. Warren Chnlfnn and Mrs. Howard Glllct on Wednesday visited nt tho Scogglu homestead. Misses Leotn and Frances Murk of Laldlaw visited on Thursday with Misses Nellie and Myrtle Scoggln. On Saturday evening tho young people of tho neighborhood gave n surprise party to Miss Myrtle Scog gln. Those present wero: Mrs. It. Hartley, Misses Lnvlno Woolloy, Carrie McCulloy, Lcotn nnd Frances Murk, Nolllo Scoggln, Myrtlo Scoggln, Messrs. II. Hartley, E. Edglngton, K. Mills, J. McCully. K. I.umbeck, A. Gertson, G. Woolley. L. Miller, G. Gortson, G. Putllam, II. nnd P. Pcoggtn. I LAIDLAW ---- LAIDLAW, June 10. Mrs. Hiram Cook nnd Mrs. Arthur Dickenson nro on the slek list. Miss Laura Mnrlon waa In town Monday. Elmer Peterson, Boulah Richard son and Melba Baker drove to Bend Sunday evening and attended tho Star Theater. Postmaster Stiles of Deschutes was her Monday. J. II. Wlmer has purchased tho Becker property on Crook avenuo and has moved his oltlco there. Roy Winters and wife wero tradlnk with merchants hero Tuesday. He recently purchased Miss James' homcatoad In tho. "high desert" country and will looato on It. The Misses Murk were visiting at tho Scoggtns homo near Tumalo Tuesday. Robert Sturgeon is able to be out on crutches. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Horner and children drove to Sisters nnd Cllno Falls Sunday last. Mrs. Frank Murk was In Bond Wondesday. Rov. A. O. Walker or Alfalfa de livered very interesting sermons hero last Sunday, morning and evening. Stato Engineer Lewis and deputy of Salem wore hero on business re cently. Mrs. C. M. Redfleld of Deschutes Haying Time is WltMMku""'"!t1n"i We have the machine you need the best that is made. -- - i in 'Several on hand set up ready to cut your hay. Come in, Mr. Rancher, and see them. H. J. EGGLESTON Manufacturer of Harness and Saddles Dealer In Wagon's, Buggies one) Farm ImpIcmcnU-r-Seeds and drain for 43I0. was In town Tuesday. Mr, Jnmea will noon return from Portland, bringing with him hln sun Otis and family, Mr. mid Mrs. Llvesloy of Deschutes wero In town Thursday. A farewell party was given lu Horner's hull Friday night In honor of Miss lloulnh Itlnhnrdsou, who loft on Sunday morning h train with hur mother, Mrs. Wallace, for Portland to reside. MlsHldn Murk was lu iown Satur day. Mrs. Joss Hurler visited with her mother, Mrs. M. G. Couch, Friday. Born, lu Luldlnw, on Juno 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Fluids, n sou. Mr. and Mrt. F. E, Dayton were lu town Saturday, also Mr. and Mrs, Frank Marlon. - POWELL BUTTE - POWELL llirTTE. Juno 10 After about July 1. ivostonicu money orders 'may bo obtained at tho Powoll Ittitto postollico. This neighborhood enjoyed a fine rain Inst Friday and nil crops nro making good, accordingly. Fields of rye may be seen averaging n good live feet tall, lots of It six feet, and barley, of extra height, all headed otit. Winter and spring wheat Is looking splendid nnd potatoes nnd gardens are coming on unusually early. Haying will soon bo on here, as alfalfa wilt bo ready to cut In two or three weeks, some of It Is now a fool and a half high. Some of tho early clover Is tcglunlng to bloom. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Saunders nnd family and Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Gal- brnlth and family went on nn outing to tho Deschutes river Inst week. A great Improvement hna boon mndo In tho lower rond to Redmond Tho rocks linio been taken out nnd tho rond straightened lu places. t P1NEHURST j PINEIIUKHT. Juno 10. The n jmlr wink on the Spaugh and Wlmer Irrigation ditch is completed. Mr. Sandal made n business trip to Lnldlaw Saturday. John Couch went to Bend Satur day on business. A'good rain, which greatly lessened tho Irrigation work, fell hero Friday afternoon. George Couch returned from Bend Saturday. Tho farmers In this locality hnvo prospects of a splendid yield of grain this season. FARMERS AND If lUNDMASTEII. To the Editor of Tho Bulletin: ' We farmorn would like to know what tho people of Bond moan by al lowing their pound men to go away out buyond tho city limits and run horses and entile Into tho pound, nnd in uko ii big oxponso to thum. It I hard enough for farmers In this country to mnku living oxponses without being troubled thnt way. Tho Bend people will havo cnttlo and run them out around our places, oat off our outside imsluro and It Is all right. If tho Kundiaster would not get his dollar for running stock In but would be fined for going out- side for them, we would havo no kick coming. "A FARMER." Innc Jt Davidson's shop Is the Ix-nt plara In lonu tu gxt your linlr cut or a slime. Totwiktilii blank, neatly Ixiuntl In books, US rents nt Tlio Bulletin. nearly here. That means w ' Jkj BUCKEYE MOWER TIME. Bxalnt Wlrs Opllesr. The nonli'st and stroiiKest spllco enn bo mndo with this tittle Instrument. It is mndo of n strip of Iron ouo Inch wldo it nil onu-cigiiiu Inch thlek. Ono end Is cut nar row mid I bout Into n hook liirgu v ti o n g h to lit neatly tho Inr gest wire to be Npllrcd. At the sides of this (wo luilehes nro Med. ns shown In I'lg 1, lu Fig. U the splicer Is seen In position on the wlro. Tim arrow Indicates the di c rte.1. ff C Tld.Z. Q$eiW& FiS.3. A rection In which to turn to make (he splice. A pair of In rue pincers or u vise should be ued to hold the two wire Mmcvii the rails while turning (he splicer, In Fig. II the splice ( shown us tlulshcd. The length of tho handle tuny vary. If tho splicer t lo ln ued for net wire, of course the bundle cannot be longer than the width of tho mesh; otherwise six or seven Inches U about right for No H wire. If It U lo t-e Ksvd only for Mimll wire the length of the tmndlu should be re duced for tho sake of convenience. Iowa Homestead. Th UMful rtsdlih. When sowing onion seed mix In some mdlh seed. It germinates more (illicit ly than oiiloux, anil (he row can be cultivated hvfoiv the weeds pre fairly started Without rmllshe the rows cannot be sevn for several week. Orchard nnd Garden. The quickest growing tree for a shelter twit N the willow. 8tmwy, stalky manure make an ideal mulching ferlllUer for both jnuim nnd old apple irev. A great many ure literally djlmt from starvation. Thl eiinrw manure will euiiserie moisture nnd fertility While send" soils nre protwibly good for straw li-rrle. nnr soil nut too rich will bring kmhI results The Isuil should be well omiturrd anil tlioniuuh ly cilltliHltil Long Isleiid genleners Imve been shipping ltimMr of aMirted unieia lde lo New York families. A uniform price of ?..M it Ihiiiiint (holding more IIhiii h bti'beli U i tin rued the r nnnal riii plan U sinvsful, si (hough iimiI on ii small wnltv It.'im'tnlhT t lut t the wimmI nbe thill conie fnun the einik stoic. Ilreplace or fiinini'T nn (be l-"t kluii or rertnirer for the orvlinnl. In wu or giinlen If rllniblug cut worms bother orrhnrd or other eroM by rating bud nnd foil age waller olonrd bnll about. Till Is made br mixing one imiind pari grt-en with twenty pound brnn and adding one to (wo pints mnlnsse. Keep this away frrtu the chk-kens. , Dosing a Shttp. Sheep medlt'liii iiei-U to bo given carefully and should he as smnll as possible In quidiilty Do-ti are admltc Isteretl by holding the animal between the knees and pouring the tlnld Into (ho uioutb, otKcrvIng the same precautious us to roughing as with other animals. The tiest form of Iwttle tu the absence of the Inteiilei) nrtlele Ii that In which sauces are sent out. They are strong, have n narrow neck nnd are gcuernlly of about the right cmelty-slx to eight oiinceH. American Cultivator, Spring Qrailng an Evil. The stock can damage the pasture m-IiIIh Him croimd Is soft nnd the cms jut stnrtlng Henry spring grnzlng l nbout the wnrsi (htng Hist can In done to n pasture nnd should not prnc tlced If the dry feed will hold out. TAFT SIGNS JW5THD BILL ' Thrcr-yenr Iiiiw Now In lJlTect Flvo Months Lento of Ahicncu Annually The throu-yniir lintuontuml bill was sinned Frldity by Prcsldtnit Tnft. Tho now munNuro provldcH that tlia litimi'Hltiiid I'crloil ho rettured from live to thrun yours, and mitrynion nro , permitted lenve of nhHcnco not to ox cund llvo citiiHcuutlvo months enuh ynnr, thoy IioIiik roiiilred lo notify 1 the lounl laud otllrii when they leiivn tho land nnd of tho dntu of their re turn. A cultivation clause la lururfair 11 tod which riMiulriM the eulryiinin to cultivate nut lens than onifuWloimtli ' of tho area of his entry tint second year nnd (MU'-hIhIiIIi t list third year. , I in f nro rorulvltiK pnteut. The law applies to nil entries, luetudlUK " Inrni'd homosteniU nnd nil pcndliiK entries, Kntrymiin who hnvo not yet re reived n patent will have the prlt ' lotto of completing their proof under Ilia old law If they prefer, , The best of servlre makes Innes & DnliUiiii' Inu-Iht shop tho inont mi ular ouo la lleud. Tho best and most up-to date nnp of tho county is the blueprint imp which Tho Itullotln has for sale. It shows all the now roads and towns. IIUHINKHH AND PROI'ICSMIO.VAIi. sswa it 1111 1 n, uriptfl ! . -i nr K. F. Htuno H) I venter L. Htaats KTONi: AS HTAATH AttonieyNntlrfiv Oltlco Corner Minnesota nnd Wall Bis, 1 Work Carefully Done. J, M. LVWUIINCt: L on us, Lntiil II un 1 11 cms Justlco of Peace Notary Publlo I1I5NI), OltKOON UNDIIRTAKIilt. Llrt'imed Hinlmlmrr, 1'iinrrnt Dltrctor. Phono. Iidy Assistant C. P. NlrlWONOHIi, I lend. Ore. Dr. 1'. W. Clarke Dr. (I. F. NcIiiiuo Clnrko'Nowhouie Co. O P T I ) I A N t The Hallos, Oroj(on Wo do OrludlUK of all lenses. In Ilcnd Kvory Month .MARION ,M. LIlHIt Nurse Iot 11, lllock 15, .Center Addition - Rend, Oregon MILS. !.'. IIRNNKR (1ilnMNllt Painless Removal of Corns, etc Corner Third nnd Juniper Ave Nature Methods Chronic Disorder and Dietary Advise A MpeclHlty dr. it. 11. i.irrciir.M Clilnipniitnr, Mi-vhuii.TIii'raplt Oltleo Hours 9 to & or by Appoint metit nt tho Home of Patient. III.ND, om: W. W. Faulkner, D. M. D. DENTIST llullctlii UuitdliiK, It e ml, O r e x o n U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OFHICK OVKK IJKHT NATIONAL BK. Office Hours: lo to u . in.; 1 to j nd 7 to 8 p. ni. Bund, : Oukoon C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW orncK im yiurr NanoKAt rkk ttx. 0XND, OHKOON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER JMT KATI0KAI, BANK BUXJ,, BBND. OKUGON George S. Young Civil, Minino and InititUTioN Knoinkkr Oregon Stroot Office with J. A. Eaatca. F. O. MINOR rosiroj'i'icK buimuno WI'H-FIKH ACCIDKNT T M H II A vnn Notary Public and Couveysuclnn-All FIDELITY B0ND8 W. E. PARKER Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating Jobbing Promptly Attended to. HKND, OltKGON . Caldwell & Main All, Kinds of Blacksmith Work k MllRKtl milOAUiiHu -4 TH rt . 1 ! (If lof (h. (hi .nil for t0 we ani ed bat mil trll 1 1 tod cot IllOl wot lun onlj eun Bret T ton tudi han )9i 0 flvot Inch 320 rain aud ioat Kin toe aoU.' 11 I kl,feBKJio5 .t