The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 12, 1912, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    I I
Tin? iikni) nvht.ims,, wkbnkmiAy, 4ii; n, tots.
A Card of Thanks
Many Friends and Customers:
I wish to personally thank our many
friends and customer? for the consideration
shown us during the past month while our
store hits heeu so upset. The inconven
ience that we were obliged to put you to
while the changes were being made were
absolutely unavoidable. We have yet to
hear the first complaint.
The carpenters and painters will be busy
for 10 days or two week more. When they
arc out of the way I promise you a store
that Ucnd may well be proud of. Every
thing possible will be done for your comfort
and convenience. This is your store and we
want you to consider it as such. It is your
patronage that hits made it possible for us
to put a store of this kind in Ucnd and we
want to show you that we appreciate all you
have done for as.
A .square deal to all, backed by a fair
price and good service is the foundation on
which our business rests.
Our grocery department hits been
moved to the new part of our building and
has an entrance on Oregon St. This de
partment is practically settled and we cor
dially invite you to visit us and see as clean,
modern, up-to-date grocery department us
you will find any where in the state of
"THE Store of Better Values"
C. R. Davis of Enll is In town to-
. day.
(I. W. Warmoth loft yesterday for
. Ilrownsvltlo.
Olo Meson, of llasohurg, Is visit
ing hU In-other hero.
Mm. Joo (loodfcllow has gone to
Kugena to visit relatives.
' Mrs. 0. A. Jones mitorlnlnoil nt
tirldgn yesterday afternoon.
Mm. diaries Everett loft Hntunlny
to visit friend lu Aberdeen, Wash.
J. c. Rhodes left for Kcnttlu Hun
day, to lo gono probably n week.
Kniiiiotli Minor linn koiiq to Pals-
loy to work during the summer.
it. W. Hkusn wont to Portland tills
mornliiK, to lio gono until Baturduy.
Mian Edith Eastos loft for I'ort
Und Hunday to lio nlmont during thu
w. II. Coitom Is ImllillnR a flvo-
! room bungalow, with bath, In Con
tor addition.
Mrs. rvira A. Jones nml Mrs. A. I..
OoodWIIIIo unit children leave to
morrow for Chicago.
k'nrnat Hiltuirvlsor Hsrvoy WSS at
Crcccnt and Slaters lost week oil
government business.
n Knriiiintn of La Pino left on
Hunday's train for California, to bo
gonb aoverat months.
Tim Cash Grocer.
' ,Jl
- '--
Dolph Mulkey loft ycitorday for
Walla Walla, Wath., where ho will
work durlnic tho summer.
8. It. Coopor of tho Pioneer Cream
ery came over Hnturday from Prlno
vllle, returning yesterday.
Sam U-itor and W. I). Writ of
Hllvur Lskn, psssud throUKh llund on
their way to Portland Haturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hudson and Mr.
and Mrs. I,. II. Ilalril rout to Port
Iniiil Monday for tho Itoso Festival.
Mm. V, K. Parker loft Friday
mornliiK for Portland to visit rela
tives duriiR tho Itoso Festival.
Mrs. M. J. Kolloy, Claude, l.loyd,
Suslo, HiikIi and tho liahy loft Mon
day lor Walla Walla, Wash.
V. A. Forbes and Ralph Polndax
tor havo hotiRht tho A. M. Porry res
Idoiica In Park addition.
Portland, Ore., Juno 0. Hecont
arrivals fronf llcnil, rvRlstorod at
llotol Howard, aro J. K. Bawhlll and
A. O. Hunter. r
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tylor and
Miss Tyler loft today for Wlllamotto
valloy lKilnts, and expoct to no from
there East,
Tho Pioneer company has rocontty
Initallod a tolophono In tho J, P,
Keycs homo and another lu tho office
of tho Central Oregon Trucking Co.
C. W. Marley and family loft
yesterday for Colomo, 8, D to spend
throo months visiting at their old
Tho first Ico croam mado at tho
creamory was rroion Saturday.
Monday tho first shipment wont out
to Culvor.
Tho last mootltiK of tho Aftornoon
COO Club for tho spring was hold at
tho homo of Mrs. W. II. Wing laat
Martin lllnnny caught a big hoot
owl In tho woods east of town last
Thursday, bringing him lu as a cu
rtdslty. Tho J, II, Hnticr Abstract Co, of
Prlnovlllo . hna purchauod tho plunt
and business ot tho Crook County
Abstract Co.
Tho Infant daughter ot Mr. and
Mrs. Ilort Caldwoll dlod Inst Wodnos
duy. , Ihtormont was mado lu tho
family burying ground on Paulina
Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Slsomoro, Mr,
and Mm. Jamos Pelton and L. O.
Blsomora ot Fort Klamath woro horo
last week on an auto trip, Thoy
went as far as Prlnovlllo.
0. J, Duck and Shirley Duck ot
tho dlstrlcj forest offlco at Portland,
wort I" tta ttjrrltdfy Ut week on
forestry IiiisIiiohr, rotunilng to Port
land Tliurmliiy.
Mr, J, M. Tliom mid wlfo mid
Wllllum Tliom and wlfo cntno In Mm
day from Hllvor Lake, tho luttor two
going to Portland to tho Itoso Fowl
vnl yeiurdny.
C. J. McCatiloy, Hiiporlritninloiit In
charge of tin, 0. O. 1. Co, 'a IrrlRatlou
canalM, was In town Monday. Ilo
said tho rotation of water could ho
started In n short time,
Ooorgn Hates was up nt his ranch
25 Hilled south of Horn) tho Hist of
tho week, takliiR a bunch' of young
cattle there to pnsturo during tho
iu 'ii ir or
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Heolny will
movo tiuxl vertl; Intri the l.unrut.iw
0'ipoilii) l C. Kills' lioni'. hM'.U
tin" ' z" rented from Mlk.) Ale-
K. I). Mcintosh and K. J. Taylor
woru at Taylor s Powoll llutto homo
stond last Hunday a week ago. Mr.
Mcintosh snya tho whoat Is over 4
foot hlih and well developed.
Tho building between N. P. Hmlth's
and It. M. Hmlth's stores has boon
rented by Hurt Hhuoy and ho will
move his grocery storo there this
week. Plate glass front has been
put In and other Improvements mado
Levi Ernst, a prosperous farmer of
tho Powell llutto country, was trad
ing In llend Monday. Mr. Ernst re
ports crops In excellent condition
Mo has 80 acres of land undor the
Central Oregou canal.
Kris Dantelson of Itaytnond, Wn.,
filed on a 320-scro homestead In sec
32-19-19 Saturday, beforo Commis
sioner Kills, and Frank O. Ilrostrora
of I.a Pino on a 40acro claim In sec
28-22-10, Monday.
Hov. Dr. Oorhy will preach at the
llaptlst church Hunday morning,
Following (ho sermon there will bo
a congregational meeting and elec
tion of elders and deacons, At night
Itrtv. II, P. Ilarpor will ordain tho
Miss Anno Market, with nlno other
Kir I boosters from various Oregon
eountlcM, left Portland last Wodnon
day for a long tour of the East. Hh
will bo Introduced to President Taft.
andt will get a gllmiHto of thu Chicago
Itvp'ubllcau contention next week.
Jesse Poiisch, who was dlsclittrjod
from tho Insntio asylum at Hulei I n
)otir ago. ( taken back Katurdu.
Ilo has beu Ux'.iit on his hum'. tr.
on lleur Crh-,', A the lonollnoi Ivis
deranged his mind, A wardon
arrived Friday to tako htm to 8alem.
C. A. Stahl, representing tho Do
Laval Dairy Hupply Co., Hoattlo, wont
out to Fremont last week from Ilond
and sold tho croamory and choose
factory company thero machinery
for Its plant, which will bo put In
operation within a few weeks.
Knd Came Hunday Afternoon, Fol
lowing Lingering Illness.
After an Illness ot more than a
year, Mrs. Doonar, wife of Lo'ils
Doonar. manager of tho Ptonear
Telegraph & Telephone Co., dlod
Hunday aftornoon at 6: IS o'clock of
tuberculosis. 8ho was not conyclous
after Frldi-y.
Mrs. Doonar, with her husband,
camo to Ilond several moths ugo
from Prlnolllo and lived In Kenwood
and there, surrounded by bur rela
tives, sha passed Into tho beyond.
It was hor dying wish that her
body bo cremated, and this was car
ried out by her husband, tho remains
being tnken to Portland Monday.
Thoy were accompanied by Mr
Doonar mid L. 1;. I.nwrunco.
Mrs. Doonar wns a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. (1. Naltzgar of Hedro
Woollcy, Wash., who survive her,
togothor with two alstors. Ono of
thoso Is Mrs. C. II. Cook of llend.
Mrs. NalUgar was with her daughter
when tho end enme.
An K-M-K automobile, belonging
to John Collins and being driven by
his son, was burned on tho hill this
sldo of Laldlaw Into Saturday after
noon. Young Collins was on his way
to Portland, being alono In tho car.
In going down tho grado, the engine
was usod as a brako. The oil and
gasollno becamp Ignited from a spark
and tho car was consumed In a few
minutes. It was Insured, It Is
CL.&&iritiu iAjL.umiN
ItATKS: Flvo conts a lino for
first Insertion In this column, four
cunts a lino for each aubsoquont In
sortlon. Cash In ndvauco unless
you havo an account with Tho Dili
lotln. Count six words to tho lino,
Including tho nddross.
a Specialty.
First Clnsa Work Guaranteed
Best Place to Duy
China and Cut
WANTED Hags. Will glvo In
exchange old newspapers. Tho
WANTi.D-DnMsmaklng and plain
sowing. Call first houso back of
Cronlnory. 12-Hp
WANTKD To buy of owner
husiness lot near tho center of llend.
Address, II 2ft, euro Ilullctln. 12-Hp
To Trade.
UXCHANOi: Oil HALK C acres
9 miles south of Portland on Oregon
Klectrlc, 2 room houso, barn, woll,
fruit, best of will. Holl or trado for
llend property. Knqulro Ilullotln. Up
houso and lot In Hunnysldo, Portland,
closest oast addition, fruit, roses and
shrubhory. Will trado or sell. En-
aulro Ilullotln. 12-Hp
WILL KXCHANOB old newspapers
for clean rags, Tho Ilullotln.
TO EXCIIANQB Portland resi
dence proporty for samo In Seattle,
Will assumo small difference Value
$4000. Don't Inflat values. Owners
only. J. M. caro Ilullotln. 12-14
TO THADK House and lot In
llend, value $800, for farm proporty
within C miles of town. Address
Hope's Furnlturo Store. Htf.
Por Went.
FOIl RENT Three-room houso In
Lytlo, with barn and outhouses.
Aero tract suitable, for garden. In
qulro this offlco or see Qeo. Hates, tf
FOIt IlENT Two storo rooms,
modern plato glass front. Good lo
cation on Wall street Enquire F.
O. Minor at P. O. 4 -If
FOIl IlENT Furnlshod room for
housekeeping, G per month. W. II.
Lesh, I-ot 11, Illock IS, Center
Addition. 13tf
FOIt IlKNT Four-a-oom bunga
low, conveniently mid neatly fllnlsh
d. Phone K. P. llrosterhous. Htf
FOIt KENT If you aro renting
anything, you'll need convenient
rent books, woll bound, with stubs.
Thoy show "whero you nro nt" all
the 1 1 mo. Each 16 cunts nt Tho liul
FOIt IlENT Partly furnished
houso. Inquire Mrs. Arthur Secloy,
FOUND Automobile license num
ber 7005. Owner con havo It by
calling at Ilullotln offlco and paying
advertising cost. Htf
Taken t'n.
TAKEN UP One buckskin mare
pony, with hobbles on. J. F. Wolff,
40 mltepost, Uond-Ilurns road, Whit
akor P. O. ll-17p
For Sato.
FOR SALE 12 C folding opera
chartra at a bargain. Inquire t Star
Theatre. 12tf
FOIt 8AJ.E A Royal typewriter,
In first class condition. Cost $05.
Can havo for $40.. on terms, or $35
eash. Inqulro Tho Ilullctln. tt
FOR SALE Fancy saddlo horso,
or will trado for a driving horse. In
qulro "J..." Ilullotln
FOR SALE Household goods con
sisting of rango stove, cooking uten
sils, dishes, furnlturo, beds, etc. As
I am leaving llend will sell cheap.
Call on A. M. Perry, Park addition.
FOIt SALE Largo oak roll top
desk, or will trado for small desk.
Phono 17. Htf.
FOR 8ALE Puro brod Uarrod
Rock oggs for setting; $1.50 for 13
Loavo ordora at O'Donnell's market.
J. F. Plorco, llend. 61tf
FOR SALE First class Uurbank
potatoes for seed. Old Experiment
Farm, Jones & Dates. Phono con
nection. 10tt
FOR SALE Oood team ot horsss,
5 and 7 years old, In good condition.
Also wagon and harness as good as
now. Will sell for cash or trado fot
llend proporty. Inqulro Ilullotln
ofHco. 8tf
FOR SALE If you havo rooms or
buildings for rent, you noed a con
venient rent book. Wo have them
with stubs, ready for a year's use.
Only 15 cents each. Tho Bulletin.
FOR SALE Wo havo for sale
threo houses and three barns, very
cheap It sold ut onco. Lumber mill
of llend Ilrlck & Lumber Co, lOtt
FOIt SALE One 14-Inch wood
boa in steol plow, $13.50; 1 cultivator
$5.50, soon at F. M. Hay's place. 15
land proporty my 100-acro ranch 22
miles south of Ilond, boc. 12, twp.
In a variety of patterns, special this week
43 cents yd.
44 inches wide
$1.25 yd.
A New Line of Men's Neckwear
Excellent values, specially priced at
B. V. D. Is the Ideal
Smun4r UnaknraK for Mta.
GOc per garment. Union Suits $1.00
Bend's Busy Little Store."
"There's a Reason."
"! W
21 south., II. 10 E. L. Corbln, 413
E. Morrison St., Portland, Ore 15
FOIt SALE Now cook stove, sew
ing machlno and other housohold
goods, cheap If taken at once. In-)
qulro at llend Steam Laundry.' lCp
FOIt SALE Two gray horsoa. 6
years old, wagon and, harness. Will
soil cheap. Inqulro for George nt
Ucnd Co.'a mill. lip.
Last Night 91800 DUie Wiped Out
Hotel and Ilesldence, 9260O Be
ing Covered by Insurance.
LA PINE. Juno 12. Flro which
was discovered at 11:15 last night
completely destroyed the Riley Hotel
horo and tho adjoining residence ot
W. It. Riley. Tho loss Is estimated
at $4500. Insurance ot $2600 was
Tho flames were first scon by Mr.
Riley. It la understood they origi
nated, from cause as yot unknown,
directly In front of the storo. Ap
parently tho first blazo was extin
guished, but In no mo way tho flames
got up through tho doublo wall and
again broko out, too strongly to bo
checked. Everything about tho ho
tel was destroyed. Somo ot the
furnlturo In the residence which
was 2G fcot south of tho hotel, was
saved. Tho hotel, which Included a
pool hall, wa8 of two stories, dimen
sions 48 by 70 feet. Tho burnod
buildings stood on lots 20 and 21 of
block 33.
W. R. Riley Is well known In nend,
having boon In tho real estate busi
ness hero two summers ago. This
morning M. S. Lattln. Insuranco
agent, left for La Pine.
PersUtent Ramon Are That Hill
Line Will Be Extended Eastward
Within Short Time Means
Better Lumber IUtea.
In Millinery, Suits,
Skirts, House Dresses
and Underwear. Also
cut on Hose it Gloves
Somo lines redue'd to actual cost
Mrs. A. H. Black
Wall Street.
Big Tunnoge Token to Harney. Coun
ty From Bend During the Week.
During the past week tho auto
trucks and wagons havo taken a big
tonnage ot freight from the local
warehouse to the Harney country.
The amout In tho warehouso was
greatly reduced as a result. More,
however, continues to arrlvo. Yes
torday a carload ot flour mil) ma
chinery consigned to Burns was un
loaded. Monday four eight-horse
outfits left horo loadod for thore.
Wool la beginning to arrive, Ulll
llrown ot Fife having eight ten-horso
teams on the way with tho floocy
product. ILake county sheepmen
aro nlfo bringing iiitlr wool hoir
Thls mornlug 8000 pomls ot wool
arrived from Lake county.
Invitations havo beon received In
Bond announcing the marriage next
week of Allen Thompson, a former
resident hero. The brldo-to-bd Is
Miss Nina Trabue.and tho ceremony
wll be performed In Los Angeles,
Cat., June 18. Mr. and Mrs. Thomp
son will, after August 18, moke their
home at IS S East 60th street, Los
AH,tT' ..,
While no deflnlto Information
Is obtainable at present, and as yet
no active steps hove Ixen taken,
more than usually persistent rumors
Insist that thore Is "something do
ing" with tho Hill southeast line out
of Bond.
The statement of the tlmbermen
that llend soon Is to have largo mills
Is takon by many as an Indication
that a direct rati connection with the
southwestern and middle western
markets Is In the air. It Is knowu
that tor a long time negotiations
have been progressing with the
transportation companies looking to
an agreement whereby Bend-manufactured
lumber would get better
rates to eaatorn markets than now
obtained, and which would place the
local product upon, a satisfactory
footing In competjltlon with other
Not th western lumber. ' '
Situation In Nutshell.
"Here's the situation." say those
who' are pusillns their heads with
the outcome ot the matter. "It's a
cinch that the mills will be built soon
It'll a certainty that they wont tie
built until the rail rates to the
market states aro satisfactory. Also,
there Is excellent reason to believo
that lumber won't be hauled from
hero to tho Columbia and then up
the Columbia, by a big detour, when
It Is possible to get it directly across
tho state and across a section of
Control Oregon that can support &
railroad oven without the big and
profitable lumber business."
It Is Insisted by many that the
recont tour ot Hill officials, In con
junction with tho promised Imuto
dlato opening up ot and tho rapid
development of tho countrv to bo
traversed tho lumber manufacturing,
mean that tho lino from Rend south
east, which has boen surveyed for
over a year, will becomo a reality
The establishment of such a junc
tion here would mean that an enor
moro volume of eastern and south
eastern trafflo that now goes to Port
land by various routes would focus
at and pass through Bend. Abova
all. It would permanently. assure tor
Bend the location of many, rasau
facturlng plants that operate, lit oor
nectloa,,w(tR Ng,w mills, rf'