The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 12, 1912, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    the menu iiulmstin, mwi, wkhnichday, junk ja, ioja.
rAOK s
Tim MJssourl lied Itimlf siiinnmrlrct
tlTHl'lr (llO WIIIIMIlll) possibilities of tlio
silo im ii tnoitiii of emmon lnu food
viiliin. It Ik pointed nut thnt no one
lliluu will ilo more to mill l thu food
iituliintliiii it tlm wnrlil llm fiii-mitr Im
loiirnliiK. no fur u rutimirviitlou of food
'...!.... II II... ull.i ........ III.. I. ....I
llllllU, lllllll lllir ninii miji, iiiu iw.ii,
lloniwti'itd. In future yearn, when
urnhlu hinds will I m taxed to tlio lit
until in furnish sitlllrli'iit fix mI fur tin
A, i ii'dinliiK inlllliiim who "III llvn on hind
now iHi'iiiii'ii ny iuiiiisiiiiii, mm iooii
ouirvir, It In iliH'inri'ii, will be in
sbbbbbbbv Bafl&rfXaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV
Thn tlio practically lncrss the
jifiHiurliiK cuiHiiliy nf Hi form nt
lnt lo wr irnt ami nflen more,
mm rrnfe"r (trout, Mlnnrtoia
I'allrK air Aarlcnllur. A tw iter
rutin Willi a llo Hill produr a
imfli rviw a tn uf iht IM
ara without. Therefor tlio Aral
i-i I of a tliu. Ilk that uf a dwll
Ink limit, a iMrn nr I mm alwtul-1
t MifiaMiml lrl nf llm lnllll ln
imIiiwM, him I If on mIU la
limited ii la iHitr in buy farm
mailer by 19 par cmi! rather iMn
dispells Mtlli n ll Tl duclM
tnlw u f h lli on flfty ilutlar land
uuld l rtl lu Hull nf wflly
sere Miklnt lit IK In nm farm, or
II.",). hii ) UimI II VihiIiI Ih tu
Till la n htw Mllmal. fur lti
lork exrrylri4 rteir f lh
(arm miii iidni lerait fully
K tr Nl by Hi Jillmi uf u alts.
Ntrtitni'iitnl In wivlint tlmiixiiiiil from
Mturvmliiii. Ho much fur ihu alio from
nn nltrulatlc tiindliit.
I'rom itio liixiliil n n iiionua of
nddlntt to tlio prolllnlili on I put of
furnn tin IfirKo Inrniiau uf prcHluctlun
to I ho lion tlUTiiKO la cullaldrrti
finally rwinnrUntilc. I'nrinrra, uaually
iiil k to udopt linprurrd mnchlnury nnd
new IdriiN In fiiriiiliic, hnvii hwn nIow,
It la liOiifi'K'cd. id uiiilomtnnd iht won.
lcrful illillltlfii In nllneii fiilliiif
'J'hr lliliuvnllnii In tiii'lhotli of fatMlliK
iiipl llui coat of the linpmvcinctit Imvo
oImtiiUm! uunlliat Ihu nduptloii uf Iho
U'lmru fnrnii'tn fixil utik 5i) dnya
In tlic ji'iir mid kIih iiiiIiihiIh thirty
HiiiiidN of allnuc pi'r ilny (Uiithlnl of
ii n urn of corn ulll rnrry tin niilnml
thruUKli Hit wliilvr. The iivirnt!o ncrp
of (urn plum! In n alio will prodnm
from IK.iKm in '.ii.ixx) Hium! of allflm-.
olio iient. lliiTiifnri'. furiiUlilliK friil for
lit lvt three HtitHMla. Oiiu huiHlriNl
muiI fifty cMttlv t'uiilil Ihi nluturvd on a
fifty hto i'wrnllld
Willi atnll fiH-dlne nil tlio year,
uhlch U now followed In nmiiy aiv
(lout of the edit, n cow enn Im fed the
rhhiHit milk prihlurlm: fitil In the
uorid on allnyn nnd kept In K'xkI con
dltliin on Ihv prixlucla of ihrivfourthx
of mi Here of com. Willi en refill linn
(HIiiK of the fttrtlllier (iroduelN tiy pro
ldlnit lliKira nnd trouh in onteli nil
drupplnifK mid kevpliiK It well apreiul
over the Kroiind cert n In dairymen Imve
glvvn proof of upKirlliiK twenty cow
on fifteen ncrva of land
Milk cowh nru fed on rntloua nvrnnt
1MB iilxmt forty imiimU Mllnnu mt dny
Whvii futtenlim beevcM u forty pound
fevd of illriKo, with ten ihiuiiiU of at
fiilfn liny, innkca an Ideally hnlnncvd
mtloru On the e-tliiiiite of forty Htutids
of allngo cr dny to the animal tht
vhIub of nn ncr of corn In feeding
nutrition U Increaxed nuout 40 per
cunt. Tho larxv Incrcaae cornea from
the u a frd of tho eutlru atnlk of
corn, which la cut up while grrun and
nil th atrenitth or ear, Ittnrea nnd
atalk cotmorrod. Ware llo In nnlryr
l dm and the Urcor part, of tha com
crop -thua utllrted at lenit ouo-third
mora atock could b baodlod and In
many canon hotter kept nnd fattened
than under thv old ytom of, feeding.
The Qood Dairy Bull.
In aelcctlnir hard hulli either matnre
nnluinl which har nlnrndy demon
irntnl tliolr worth na alrea or VOUIlCur
nnlmnla from liluh teHtlllS (III Ilia nnd
alrta only rhould he uxed. Itviuotulirr
thut the hc,Nt nud aurcst remiltK will,
ulwnyN follow the woo of n iniitiire aire
which hna aired hulfera with l!ood
record. A Kood dnlry hull nhoiild he
fept until no in twelve or uncun yenra
t Id In fact, na lou nH he I n auro
tire. Ileal Kood alreN nro ao rnre thnt
when we do lltul one he ahmild die
only of old iik. All hroeders of dairy
cuttle ationtd awuro yenrly tetn on
onch nud ovorv cow In tho herd. Hhnrt-
er testa do not renlly inuiiii very much.
it in tno row Hint Ntiiyn uy tier jou
thut U really rnluablo.
Point on Hone Dreading,
Hrredlng n draft aire to n light trot
ting bred dam wilt proditco n colt with
leg nnd feet too light for the body,
nnd he" will have hlcmlahea. On the
other hand, breeding a trotting; bred
atrtlllon to n "draft rnaro will ' gfvo a
lljMt bedyiheaty Irga and an uncartauf
dlspoHtlon. Pon't croao,
Ilvniflinhrr (tint tlio rwi'n suck
llnu Iniuhs require much inorv
witter tliiui tlidfo without InintiK.
Hiivo minio of tlio boat cwu
IninliH to Improve Iiiu llorlt.
It N ii moNi wasteful prnctfco
to frcd (,'riilu of iii'y kind on tlio
unnindi Unlit, bottomed
trmiulm Hholild liu provided In '
vMiry sheep piiNtnu.
The I'Wtm Unit urn ciicIiIIiik
Intnlm Hhonld ht fi'd very liber
nlly. 'I ii oiiiiu InmliM wlllurow
rnidl)'. no ulvi them ii cliiinco.
There I iirnllt In ll-
'I'o do llii'lr best sheep should
either tmvtt free ni-ccsa to nmIi or
also tin suited mii'v n week.
Tlio nnvho when sclertliw n
rum nf Dm Down or other horii'
less breeds of sheep ahntlld Im? J
very direful not lo select one
with NtutiH-inlnlutiirt horns.
Parm Work Admirably Adapttd Per
Davaloplng Qood Animal.
The farmer lireeder of horaee tntiat
ntrhu to rnlio the kind uf home which
will do hla work heat nnd hrlmt the
moat money whun aold. Prejudice In
fnor of Iho wrong tyiv of horao from
tho uatiiK atnndpolnt hna' prolm lily heen
the cnuae of tnoro failures to mnku
money when npiKirtuulty wna wnltlng
than any other one factor In farm
horao breeding. Too much of till prej
udice "till rtiiiialnn. enya J. U lfclmond.
IllllloU oXM-rltnent atntlon. In llreed
er"N (lari'lle. To Ihj highly regnnled
uowndnya a dnifier mnat have more
than mere hulk to recommend him.
lie limit Ih rugged, hut must nlno
hare qunllty with It to make him n
atayer nml n good wenrvr Hoftneaa of
Joint nud utiNiiundncNN are auro to he
much more dlacrlmlmited ngnlnat In tho
funire than In the (Mat. Hlio nud
fat Mill lint hide audi n multitude of
alna. ua wna formerly aotuctlinu the
The mlafltN nnd uniMiund otiea nre the
biirili-t lo Hildh). They nro nlwnya
dU'ilmlnnted uunlnat moit aurerely In
CNae of n ImiI market. No iino ever
iiimiIo money rnlalng the mixed claw of
horniH ended "Miinherna" on the mar
ket Thu denier tiiakn nouio. hut prol
a lily tint no miirh na thu gruwer lout
lu produeliig them.
In no ixiliit nre drnfterx ahowlm;
iiniro ayatemntlc Improremeni than
with nmpmt to their action. Tbla la
Ailmlrira of Hi llrlgtan tirrvd of
draft Inn mm, cUlm that II aurwa
all itllmra la uniformity "f lyp aiwl
trl obararlrrUllea. I'tnlMUly no
draft brwd liaa mad audi rOKr
a haa llio llrlalari In Hi ll
MfityAv ara ItliUl rwlrctlon,
nHl frit nn and aiinrral car hnv
Um th itomlnanl factor In bring
ing Ihla atxiut. Many lUlttlan lioraoa
luito tioau linouitrd Into til L'lillut
HtaUa within rernt )era. Thoa
who know tlila brt twat Ilk tt
tat alao. Th hora pictured liar
la a two.yar-old Ik'liiUn ownnl by
llll llrothor uf Wayn county, O.
Tlila oung alaltlnn won flrat and
ra,r shamplonahlp at Hi laat
tntarnallunal ll alock allow. All
of th maalvna, alrngth and
quality of Ihla brd aland out
pmailnanlly In Ihla hora.
evldutit wherever draft hone nro uaed
and lu the ahow ring. Then la more
profit In ualng big fnat walking boraea
with tuochnnlcally iwrfect nvtlon. The
art of making better wilder from
naturally good one I an art not n
much practiced by farm teamtont na
It nhould b. Coat would be cut down
and Rpecd lucreooed by kee)log team
at a good walk tntfld of n doTeoly
alow ouo and an occnalonnl Jog to can,He
tltuo. The good. Aixart tuovlntf big
bono U a prttt vortb atrtvlajt for;
ereu tbouxb It to bard to produce, Ttil
jklhd pf horM U larger ire from critP
cleran which ar o( the algggtab
eort In hot aummer weather.
irACtlra,lly all of the work oa the
land muat be done at the walk. Thl
I why work on tho ln,nd maken roach
afor work for Irpfonl mart lun WK
ou work, with more trotting nnd burk
ing load. No pregnant uinre abould
lie reijulrrd to bnt-k heavy load or du
work on wllppery footing.
Bllaa Chapr Than Blu Oral.
Dean Mumfonl of the Mlatourl Cob
lego of Agriculture mutton tho state
ment thnt cow enn ho maintained
moro cuenply on allage than they can
ho carried through thu auuinier on'hlup
aiw panturo, whuro tho land costa
iilauit (100 per ncru nnd nulfnhlo for
growing corn. Ho ny thnt thore U
very little pnattirv Innd where n cow
nnd n calf enn he pastured on Ichn
than ono a lid one-half ncrea. but It I
entirely poislhlo to get twelve nud one
half to twenty ton of allnge from one
ncro. A cow and her c.tlf car. t car
ried through the nnraraor on two
pound of clover buy and thirty-live
pound of ullage nor day an woll or
bettor thnn on a blue grnaa pasture.
Tiu,TTo declare, thnt you enn' carry
a cow and 1er calf nix month on leaa
tbau a half acre, of JIv
QSmV V 'lBwL JaUMPA ararlalM
Ono of t!'e Ural thliiga wo do la to
tench the dairy heifer to lead nnd he
handled while Nhe It young. Not only
la alio eiialur to bundle at thla nge, hut
hIiu Ik enxlur lo train to tho heller than
ubcii ahe groiiN to he it big, atroug
two or three J ear old heifer, write M
t'ovenlell In louil lloilleNtiHid. II)'
tenehlng her to lead now there will
hu no "Inclining In" to be done when
alio dropa hur Drat calf. It la not only
haul work, to handle thu matured
heifer that alwaja haa run wild, but
It U poalttvely dangeroua nnd tuny
even reaiilt In aerlona' Injury to thn
heifer or her owner la'foro he la aub
dued. lu Ihli aiiine connection It la
nlao our Killcy to tench the dnlry cnlf
to bo npprunrhed from either aide.
None of oura ever know nuy difference
between the wrong aldo nnd "the right
aide." There nre niimeroua ndvnntngea
to bo dertred from milking n cow on
either the right or tho luft aide, which
ever la handleat.
Clean, warm, anug quartera nt night
for the dairy heuer will mean not only
a anrlng of feed, but n cow of higher
grade when nhe la grown, na expoaure
to the vlviuent or acunl ration check
The ltnlateln cow Nancy Bpof
fori). htellh ahown, waa th nrat
irl anil arnnti clmrnplon cow at
vral Iraillna atata fair during
rrcanl year, alwi at many olhar
alMH. aay Amrrlean AarlcullurlaL
Hli I lb iUiii of four A. It. O.
itauclilur. Imi Hlr Hrrnl ll-ota,
winner of many nrat ami Junior
chanit4aii rlia Tlila oow wolglia
I.IJO Kunla ami la en of tlioa
that ar a tiulck ebolc ami hav
inany admlfirs. On of hr daugh
I Ma haa Kten or IW tXHilwla of
Ii. Ilk ir day Her Uat Ihrt nalvva
ar HIM oMrnxt at Itivaralda farm.
In northarn llllnola. IC 11 llargtr
proK-r dovetopmcut, which never la
(ultv regnlned At the name time,
confinement In a clow, dark atall la
Juat a much to be avoided na tho cold,
filthy (uartera. Tho calf will need
dally cicrclao In tho open air nud un
l'lenty of water It another prculng
VMeutlal to U-it tvaulta, nnd the aup
iily ahould not only be gvneroiiN. but
It ahould he puru, clenn nnd not Ice
cold. Juat nn It cornea from the well
1 about the correct tempi-nature. Halt
alo ahould bo kept where ahe can
reach It at all tlmex. n It la of great
aaslatnnco lu promoting Ideal dlgeaton
nud nsilmllntloo nnd lu wnrdug off
dlienae. An occnalonal currying nnd
bruahlug I also pnnluctlve of giod re
aiilt. lieeping the akin clean nnd
healthy nud Mill further training the
hutfer to Ik.' hnudletl nil nrur.
The iiiotloii of feed la nlao given
enrcful attention. Many farmer do
not consider "'la worth the effort, hut
let u remember Hint we muat (level
op dairy tlaaue lu the young nnd rapid
ly growing heifer If alio I to prove a
heavy milk pnni.ieer when ahe arrive
at maturity. Thl I not a dlmeult
matter, alncc the kluda of feed that
poiMwa the qualltU-N nocenry to the
nourlahtnent nud healthy development
of the heifer nre the one thnt will
build for milk nnd cream production.
Kuch rations na clover, alfalfa nud
rlenn. bright corn fodder nre our fnvor
Ite roughagea In feeding tho dairy
helfvr. For the grain portion of the
feed we give one-fourth oat, one
fourth bran or oilmen! nnd two-fourth
corn chop, Mnaty or unclean feed In
olther the grain or roughage I care
fully guarded agnlnaU a they are pro
ductrro of digestive derangement.
Corn la made the larger portion of the
ration only while the weatbor I cold
In order to promote beat for teeptug
the body warm.
Milk Prom Sllago fi Cewa.
The department of agricultural r
porta a laat at "the llllnola atatioo.
Where tho dairy herd wo divided lu
two lots, one which waa fed forty
pound of com allage per cow dally,
whllo the other lot wa fed only clover
bay and grain. During tbe court of
the experiment tampion of milk from
each lot were submitted to 373 person
for un opinion na to any difference lu
llnror, the tenter being, of courne, kept
In lgnnranre of which milk wna allage
produced. Tl result allowed that 00
per cent readily preferred the milk
from the allago fed cow, 0 per cent
the milk from cow not fed allage,
while 11 per Cent could not make up
their mind either way.
WarbU In Cattl.
The grubs may be killed by amenrlng
on a little mercurial ointment or Inject
ing u drop or two of turpentine, but
tlila la objectionable treatment, aa the
dead gruliN decompose nnd continue
the Irritation. It U much the better
plan to Hiucoxe out tho grub uud de
Htroy them.
8hp and 8llag.
Sheep cannot cat sllago In nn great a
proportionate quantity aa do cattle,
though no one scoma to know why
flowever, they do -well pn It, and It
save a great deal of bay and otbar
During the last ten year with
Iho growth hi Iho uso of the nu-
T totuobllo the price of hone lia r
increnaeii to per emit.
Nothing will uso n burse up j
more utilckly than to be fed
right nlotig on muxty liny, drain T
of miy kind Hint In partly moldy 't
will have the same effect.
"No foot, no horso" It won't
tnkn long for on Ignorant (.hour
to ruin tho heat foot.
Don't let n bungler shoe your
horsex, On to the Intelligent H
shoer who know how If you
have to drive ten in I leu or more.
I. A stumbling habit may be
r enued by poor shoeing or It may T
bo caused by Ignorant or care- d-
le hitching. Too tight check-
lug I ofton the cnuae. Home- .
lime n harsh bit with a tight
h check rein will destroy the bnl
X nuee, and tho horao U llablo to
A blockUli built tnaro with a X
largo barrel on abort lega la like-
I. ly to prouuro n in-ucr 10m iinui
T tho tall, leggy klmL
Mlttaka In Handling th Flock That
Tend to Cut Profit.
In tho mapngement of n flock of
ahecp there nro several mistake usu
ally mndc. among which may bo men
tioned. Unit, the temptation to turn
tho in out too early In the spring with
the thought of saving feed, any W. II.
Underwood. If they nro turned on
tho regular pasture they will get the
atart of It and fall to obtnln tho u
tcnauco they should from It tho rest
of tho season, whereas If It bad been
nllowed to get a aulllclcnt stnrt It
would served them much better later
in the season.
If tho pasture I a field to be plow
ed I feel quite sure tho extra vege
table matter Hint would be turned nn
iter If left, rather thnn to have It pas
tured off. I worth much moro to the
tnnd than to thv hev. In any event,
thl soft, watery gran, while relished
by the sheep, tins little nottrhdiment In
It It fill, but (Iin-n not feed. The ani
mal will get to scouring nud loo flesh,
while It will tnke moro nud bettor feed
o put them back lu good condition.
Another mistake la to shear tho
ahecp. as the custom wna. In June. Ily
all menus shear before thry go to pas
ture. If they nre put on gras with the
wool on. the looHcncs of the tiowul.
always following a change from dry to
green feed, will soil much of their
wool about the hinder parti, which is
a loas, for It will cost aa much to wash
it out as It will bring.
Tho old talk nbout the gain from ac
cumulation of oil In warm uoathcr is
nonsense. If the weather It at alt wet
IVhlle III Shropshire sherp It
gMitrally cluaavd na u mutton pro
ducr. Il la a. good gi-oaral riurpoa
animal Th flrat raai-ntlal of breed
ers of Iht ahrep haa bn to a
cure n correcl mutton conforma
tion, bui aa a general rule th lleeco
from th anlmul ha bean of nn
fiber and of fair weight It la get
ting to b quit common, aay U
McKerrow, tlreeder'a aaiette, lo
saa Shrupahlr lleei-va at th lead
ing ahow that would compare fa
vorably In crimp and fiber with th
tin wool type. Th Shropihlr
shown la a good lyp of th breed.
the rains will wash ottt moro oil than
will accumulate twice over, to aa
nothing about the discomfort of the
sheep wltb Its heavy fleece lu the hot
A third mistake 1 to leave the young
rout uucaxtruted and lamb wltb tbelr
tails on. In removing tbe tall place It
on a hardwood black, shore tbe skin
twsrt tbe rump and sever it with a
sharp two inch cbUel. Tbe akin will,
cover the boot, and it will heal quick-'
ly. If a knife U used wtb a drawing
cut tbe bono will protrude, making an
ugly woupd. In all these operation it
b very Important that the knife or
chisel be clean. Hy thl I moan dlaln
fVctod by dipping In carbolic acid, cor
roslve sublimate or, what I have used
for years, sheep dip. A tool used for
all sort of thing, loaded up 'with
germs, la responsible for moro bad
"luck" following Much operations than
unskilled operator nil put together.
Furthermore, every farmer ahould
learn In lv youth to perform nil such
operation. To neo a man brought up
ou u farm running around to dud some
one to eiiHtrate hlx latubx or pig nr to
tap un a nl mill In ense of bloat, u well
as to dreria hi nheep. hog and beevea.
ludlcntex, to my mind, one who I uot
thoroughly Hinted In hi bUHlnes.
Nottco Is hereby given by tho
undersigned that ho Iirh mado nud
Olod with tho Clork of tho County
Court of Crook County, Orogon, his
Final Account aa Administrator of
tbo Estato of James A, Mitchell do-ce-asod,
and that said County Court
hat set Monday, tbe 1st day of July,
1919, at 10 o'clock A. M, at the
County Court room in Prlnevllle,
hoarltiK and settlement of said Final
Account, at which tlma nnd place any
person Interested In told Katato may
appear nnd object to said sottlomont.
Dated tbla 20th dny nf Mny, 1912.
Administrator of
tlio Katato of Jnmcs
A. Mitchell, Dcconsod
C. 8. Itonson,
Attornoy for Administrator. 12-1C
Department of thu Interior, U. B
hand Ofllce nt The Dallos, Oiogon,
Mnv 50li. 1912.
Notlco In horoby given that Luc
ius H Itlcknrd, Aitslgnoo of Corn H.
Ferguson, of Hond, Oregon, who, on
December 8th, 1908, made desert
land entry No. 01905, for WH8BV4,
Hoc. 13, and N14NKU. section 24,
township 18 south, -an go 12 cast,
Willamette Meridian, hns filed notice
of Intention to tnnke final desert
proof, to establish claim to tho land
ilirvc (Wcllwd, b'jfote II. C. Kills,
U. H. Commissioner, at tils office at
Hond, Orogon, on the Sth day of July,
Claimant name, as witnesses:
W;"llnm J. McCHIera, Chnrlea D.
I to wo, John V. nl Bnictt
OoTelt. ill of Uontl. Oregoo.
12-lCp C. W. MOORE, Itcglttor.
Department of tho Interior, U. B.
I.nnd Otflco at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
May fltb, 1912.
Notlco Is hereby given that Henry
C. Bchumachor, of Tumalo, Oregon,
who, on June 10th, 1907, made
homestead entry No. 1CC67, Serial
,Vo. 01125, for lot 3, NB BWV4,
8KV 8WH. Bee. C nnd E14 NV4.
Section 7, Township 16 south, nance
11 Knst. Wlllamctto Meridian, has
filed notlco of Intention to make flna1
flvo yoar proof, to estahllah claim tr
tho land ahovo described, beforo II
C. Kills, U. 8. Commissioner, at hit
ofllco at Hond, Oregon, on tho 19th
dny of Juno, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Aloxander tavcrenx, William Hart
William I.ovcronz, nnd Hubert A.
Scoggln, all of Tumalo, Oregon.
10-H C. W. MOORE, Register
Notlco Is hereby given by tho un
dersigned, that she hon mado nnd
tiled with tho clerk of tho County
Court of Crook County, Oregon, ber
final account aa administratrix of
tho estato of Orson F. Persons, do
ceased, asking that said final account
bo settlod and allowed and that tho
administratrix and her bondsmen be
released; and said County Court bos
set Monday, tbo 1st day of July,
1912, at 10 o'clock a. m. at tbe
Court Room in I'rlnovlllo, Oregon,
aa tho tlmo and place at which any
person interested In said estato may
appear and object to tho settlement
and allowance of said account.
Administratrix of tho estato of
Orson F. Porsons, Deceased.
Vernon A. Forbes,
Attorney for Administratrix. 12-16
In tho County Court of tho Stato of
Oregon for tho County of Crook.
In tho matter of tho estate of
George Knapp. deceased.
Notlco is horoby given by tbo
undcrslgnod, duly appointed and net
lug administrator of tho estato of
George W. Knapp, deceased, to tho
creditors nnd to all persons having
claims against tho said deceased, to
present them duly verified as re
quired by law within aix months after
tho first publication of this notlco to
tho said administrator, at tho offlco
of his attorney, Vernon A. Forbes, in
tho First National Rank Ilulldlng.
Rend, Oregon, the same b'clng tho
place of transaction qt tho business
of said estato In said County and
Dated this 29th day of May 1912.
Administrator of aeorgo
12-16 W. Knnpp, deceased.
Ice Cream
Sunday Special
June 16
Vanilla and Peach
Ice Cream
That You Can Order
By Phono
And That We
Make Deliveries.
Hotel Seward
Ono of tho Most Artistic nnd Elo-gantly-Appolntcd
Hotels In tlio
Northwest, Embodying Every
Modern Convenience. In cen
ter of retail and theater district.
Katrs' fixaandup, with Bath, -ooandap.
But tn'U all Iralna. Grill In conntctlon.
W M anWAR!, IToprUlor.
Estimates on
Wall Paper at
Portlsnd Prices
& Paperhanger
Cheapest and Dest Wall Paper Sam
ples in .the county. Get
" My Pricea.
OSct acroaa atrrct from poatoSce
Box 39. - Bend, Oregon.
Charles Doyd, Prop.
Vegetables, etc.
M. W. of A.
Pilot Butte Camp No. 9794
Meets every Tuesday in hall over
Visitlnjf Neighbors nlwnya welcome.
Z. W. Llndborj?, V. C.
N. P. Welder. Clerk.
Deschutes Lodge No. 103
j, Meets every Wednesday
j4 ovcnlnj; at 8 p. m. in
M9 t'aulo Hall, itost-ofllco
ft Uldir. Vlsltinir KniehU
Chas. D. Rowe, a C.
N. P. Smith, K. R- & S.
I.- O. O. F.
Bend Lodge No. 218
Reg. Meetings every Monday night
Visitors welcome
O. M. Patterson, N. G.
N. P. Welder, Secretary,
A. F. & A. M.
Meets on Thursday on or
before the full moon of each
month. Visiting brothers
always welcome.
J. D. IMvidaoa, W XI. II. K. AtUn. StcrcUrr
Rend lodge No. 897 meets on tbo
first and third Friday evening in tbo
hall over tho poatofllce. Visiting
brothers and sisters always welcome.
U. N. Hoffman. President
Sara. M. Perry. Secretary.
Regular meetings ever l.iuraday
day night. Visiting member of
tho order welcomed.
Mrs. A. O. Lucas. Oracle.
Mrs. L. O. Fleming, Recorder.
Tfie xfTEVENd? jVo.-JJ5
VfMttU 2Jflrr UammtrUss
'Shotgun is tlragul where
other guns aro vulf . The bar
rel and !u aro drop-forged in
one plcco of high pressure ttcel,
choke bored for nltro powder
wltB matted rib.
rick up ttiU sua and feci the butanes
pf It cismlno th worklnc parts
clotty and are tho tine caro anil AnUli
of tlaUlt you will aay It' a tcinntr.
It 1UU at only 930.00 and will be
t(DKiil nreuald direct rrotn the
factory (n row you raanol cr V I
II i&rouf.y a arair.l
SfclMfAf(Culaf p 1
4n.19 ,
I kflr II i.n
I A,aV4 BaJI V If.
rWtMaaaaaaaTLjr'' "-
Li w. tWkLsSaVlaLC
Q WsM". tim Md $1W for. ttytj