iwi ibtttttir. iK6.. HtiimfaAMiiMJi. I itf&Lu JilJL. ; r t GETTING READY FOR WHEAT --- IIY JMIOF. THOMAS SHAW. Tlio limto niitoiint of moUturo 111 Nortliwvatvrii nulla lirliiKt with It a tutiiitntloii (lint mny roault In linrtn. Iliicniixu tlio laud can lio plowed uotlly on account of tlio inuro Minn nviiriiiin iiiiioiini or muituiro in uiu . J-. "oil. tlio tliini W 'miwIiiK will J Unduly Into I ,two (imiKorH. soil, tlio thinner In pri'tmit tlmt llnx Itn too Ioiik contlnum). towing brliiKt with It Ono li Hint tlio crop mny lio hurt hy dry wanthor tlmt nitty follow tlio cowliiK. nnd tlio othor In tlmt tlio crop tuny ho hurt hy froit lioforn It innlurrit. It U trilo at tho anmn tluio, that u Food ylold la oo 'alltlo from a Into town crop. Hut uiu co thro It lininrd In towing It. iWhy should iuch haiart) bo Incurred? Will It not Ik a cater couro to folow. to auinmor fallow tho land to propara dt for lowltiR to winter wheat, whoro the coudlllnnt favor that crop, and to" inako It ready for tprlng grain wur 'they do notT With tho supply of moUturo that la now In the xround, It ahould not ho difficult to hold anouRh to Rorfninata fait iiiwii wheat when tho tltna cohim for aowlnx It. Tho large amount of moUturo that haa fallfn sine latt AuRuat In the Northwvitern Htatoa U very llahla to throw people off their Kunrd. Tho dry fartnlnic methoiU ahould not ho neglected In any way Suit toaaaii may ho very different from thla ono. lUat autumn rain was to abundant that icrnln could bo aown amid tho atuhblea with aaftty. It mny bo vury dlfferont next atituitln. . An toon aa tho land In plowed for tho fallow It ahould bo packed. The iIIho will tuually do thla work fairly well. If the land haa hvon plowed out of aod, tho dUca ahould ho no at at not to tear up tho kod. It may bo 'nrcctanry In noma lutancea to weight tho dUc. Tho packing of tho Innd ahould Im dono tho dny tho land la 'plowed. If thla la not dono tho toll will Iota all or nearly all lit moUturo n n few dnyt, down n far an tho ilow went. It It greatly Important that Mich moUturo thould not bo hut. (Tho dUo or packer It to ha followed by tho harrow, to that n fine mil mulch will ho mado on tho land. This 'mulch will prevent tho vtca.H) hi moUturo. It ahould ho maintained .. II u.l.... Id ..tut. Am ll... foil M.ttl lllllll WHPRl I .! If, HIV IHII, Milt. I ... .1.- . --.-.... lift..... II II 1 1 1 UK! Villi III HID UICII IUMUII nilVII wheat It not town. Thla mulch mutt lo renowed after each coutldorahlo rain aa toon aa tho Inrtil ml a ilrv mull nil to Imrrow with out tho unrth ttlckluK to tho harrow .loath. Tho fallow mutt bo kept freo from wouilt.- It ahould alto bo r inotnborcd that the earlier tho ground It plowed, tho more moUturo It will 'torn up analntt tho llmo of need. Tho wheat crop of IV 13 will larao- )y depend on what In dono hy tho farinera In nrcaa thnt nre known aa dry, between now and tho tluio for 'towing winter wheat. If n largo crop la to ho reaped In 1913, a largo .amount of Innd ahould bo devoted to fnllow. Thcro U uo Rood ronton why thlt ahould not bo dono, aa thcro It mow a largo amount of moltturu In tho toll. MARRIED LAST NIBHT t , Mllllcan VnllefCoupIo Made Man and Wife by Juttlco Lawrence. . ..., v. . 1....1. Eil noppor anu r.iuo rturiuu, mini 'of Mllllcan valley wore married I hi no omco oi - "" lUiwrenco latt night about 9 o'clock. It waa a oulot affair, only five lilendt of tho contracting partlet being 4pretant. Mitt Hdwln DoUorrlflold A. waa brldcatnald and Phillip Doncor flM.bett man, tho others prcioitt being 'Mrt. Jrttto Houghton, Wllllt Noland I and Arthur Fleming. . After tho coremony the bridegroom I troated tho wedding party at Cor- kutt'a and later at I'atterton't. Mr. Koppor U omployed on tho Mllllcan ranch aa buccaroo, and hjx brldo haa been making her homo with 'rolntlvet In that valloy. Thoy lenvo V today for tholr homo on Mr, KopiHir'a homeatcad. Tomorrow evonlug thoy will bo given a wedding dinner at tho homo of A. D. Norton. SCHOOL ELECTION MONDAY ,1 III (H tor to Herte Tlm'O Vcnm anil Clerk For One Year to Imj Choten. 1 1 Tho nnnunl tchool mooting of lloud dlttrlct No. 12 will lio hold next Monday In compliance with tho atnto 'laws. At thla tlmo ono dlroctor to tervo for throo yonru nnd a dork to (!iold olllco ono yonr ahull bo elected. C. M. McKny, who filled out tho un expired torm of Millard Trlplott. It Mho dlroctor whoto torm expires, Thorn will ho n meeting of tho BChpol liaunl tomorrow (Thursday I 'ovonlng, thla holng tho regular Juno moqtlug. TJio hoard lma, cloctod Mlts Doro thy 'Bchooloroft. who grnduntod from tho' High School In 1000, nt ono of 'tho grudo toachora for noxt term. ' GRAZING SEASON AT HAND ' Btn-ep AVlU be Shipped to lleml From AjcJojio aip Ihanlkp Country. ' Thtfs'Sn'tod Mr takJn'R slyeW )5 V$ sumtnor grating ferounds In tho ruounfalna It nearly h'oro, and toon tho blic bands of floocy dnlmalt will ho patting through llond, Kqr thp flfst Umo, thousands of alluop will ho ihlppod In thla year ovor tho rnllrond from tho Hhanlko nnd Antolopo country, Ernost Htnrr uiid ICvim McLontiaii, Hhnnlko alieop mon, worn' horo tail wook making nrraiiKomouta for taking tho flocka to tho moiintnlni. Korutt HuporvUor Hiirvoy hut iimppnd out n trail for thorn to follow They will crona the hrldgo t Tho lleiid Compnny'a mill, follow tho road up tho river on tho wott tlito nhout Nix Hilton nnd then cut noroHM Into tho Dotchutot forett to Hpnrka Inko. Thoro they will ho counted ntiu taken to their rnugo KroiindH whero they wilt ho fed thla aummer. Mnny wilt croaa tho mouutahiH and nrowao In tho Cut endo rutorvo on tho wott aide. FUG DAY CELEBRATION WILL BE HELD FRIDAY Old tlrnko Lawn to ho Preno of Annual Oallicrlng of Old Holdtrr. Mood I'l-ugnuu AJ-raiiRrd. The votoraua of Crook county will colobrato King Day In lloud Friday, ou tho od Drake lawn. Au Intor ctng program or oxorcltot It being arranged, which will Include nu intr ant mutlcal Humbert. Tho bnnd will play, tho church choir ting and aov oral local Ntngort appear In tolo and duet- Thero wll bo an addrott hy Iter. Or. Oorby nt 1:30, following tho nerving or n big batkot dinner nt noon". Tho veteran' Invito every body In the county to attend and bring wall filled batkott, Tho rauki of or tho old toldlora nro rnnldly growing thinner, and It It tho Intention of thoto In charge to make thlt Oceanian n mott enjoyable one for all who are loft. RECORD OF TRANSFERS Angollno A. Nowlon to W. D. Nowlon. V4 It 3 blk S3, llond. f 100. Augoltno A. Nowlon to W. D. Nowlon, It 1, blk 13, Ita IC-IO, blk 18, It 8. blk 31, lit 15-10, blk 22, ItN 1-2 blk 30. It 1, blk 28, Itt 1-2, blk 36. Itt 1-3. blk SC, Wlcttorla. f 10 NewloicKollor Co. to U I). Wleat, It 13, blk 10, Wiettorla. fl. Kdward 0. No win an to David O. Younggrcn, o4 oVi 10-21-18. $040. W J. Mcdlllvrny to Jullut Jnnett. tract In uoVt nV 32-17-12. fl. I.. J. llndley to KlliAboth Heed. oVi awU 4; iwii ifeU. M w4 0-18-12. 1.10. Frank W. Catlow to linn Catlow. aH of nwVi of twU 13-1S-12 and lot 1, tec 13-10-12, tl. C. M. Ilodtlold to School Dlitrlct No. C2, tract In toU ioY. 31-11-13. $30. A. 1). Kowla to Ilortha I-cwU. twU awU, 13-20-10. $400. William D. Arnold to F. II. Town aend, noU. 12-H-1C. $3000. I.n I'lno Towntlto Co. to John W. Olngorlch, It 10, blk 1C, Itt add to U I'lno. tl. Agreomont for aalo A. O. Hunter to Frank Dnlton, wett SO feet, of lot . block 11. :icnd. tlOnO. Central Oregon Irrigation Co. to llarnoy Forroll, Ita !, blk 2, llond. (2420. Nurthwcit Trutt A 8nfo ncjwtlt Co to Klward O. Newman, tc'i.tcc IC-M-I8. 5t2. Tho llond Coinpun; to Arthur Flomlng. It 4, blk Hi. 1'nrk add., ltuiid. The Hand Company to D. K. Hun tor Itealty Co., Ita 8 und , North . . .. -. ' 'a Commy p Vernon Korhet. It 23, l.lk 10, Fnrk ndd.. Iloid Tho llond Company to llnlph I'oln dexter. Ita 1 and 2, blk 20, Contor add., llMid. 1.. I), Wlctt ot nl to Suttlet Lake Improvement Co., water rlgrto In SuMlra and llluo laket. Htnto or Oregon to Dona McNaught i'Ury I, tec. 6-1S-13. Dunn McNaught to Corn Swlgor, o.v,V. aec. C-1813. W. H. Stantt to K. M. Thompton, It 1 ,hlk 20, llond. C. II. Allen to K. M. Thompton, It 1, blk 20, llond. Mnry H. Coleman to Chat. Durnnd, It 2, blk 17, Dotchutot. Harnett 10. Lowell to Mrt. A. l'lt xonborgor, toUtoU. tec. 30, and n4 no Vi nnd nottnwVi, sec. 31-18-13. Mny Arnold to W. J. Mcdlllvrny, It 3, blk 20, llond. For Sale Modern 7-room bouse in lot 4 blk. 27. Also Wt grade Kimball piano with Angelas player and large assortment music. One 40 H. P. 5 Pass, touring car; numerous articles kouseboM fur niture. Will be sold at ' reasonable prices and terms. Enquire of F- F &mlth .-(iii.,. Mw wics oi ifRi5itmiAaK. Frod Johnton, ngod about CO yoara, dlod of homorrhaga of tho lungt In n tont at tho old llryan &. oungrtrom camp bulow town Hat urdny night at 10 o'clock, Johnaon led n nomadic llfo, following up rnll rond conttructlon gangs and working when ho could. Ho hud boon al lowed to alonp In tho old camp horo hud on Hnturdny night waa nolr.cd with a homorrhngo. Ho wnt found hy J u (I go ICIIU nnd Dr. Forroll lying nt tho door of tho tont, whoro ho Jind ttnggcrod to get frrnh nlr. Ho loaves no relatival In till pnrt of tho country, and tho body wnt burlud in tho pcHor'i fluid. THE SMALL FRUIT SUPPLY. Vtry Ttw farm Htvt Enough to Kttp Heme Tahiti Fllltd. Very few furum are tupplled with half riiuugh tmall fruit. In tho way of ttrnwbcrrlet I nine hud nil we could uu for many yeurt, but It It arcoin plUhod by tvttlugout a new pntebfach altvrniile aprluc. taya n corretpoiidcut otOru( Judd Former. Two 'hundred or 1WO plnntt will be enuugfi io tet a bed that will tupply twjoo Mt many uerrlet uerdrd by tho largtmt fnuilly 1 ulnayn net thnt many Ixvaurx they rlK-u lu n buoy time and thru we run gvt ilinn plckrd outharea and hare plfiity for our own uoe. Home out not ao furtuunlfly tltuatcd bat uouch by picking ourt, and It coutt neither of us nn outlay of cnth. t rulne the borriro, Uie other fvllow gnthcrt them. I uavt followed the tame plan with Hit raipberrlet for tbo latt few yearn. Currant are not often found on farm fmll plula. Tbey are n goodrult for aouie imrjKjiTii, and nltnont every farm er'a family could dlcKe of a few gal tont of them In plex. JHly or even with tugar and cream wlien diud rtjw. 1 have n nice pntch of the M-cdlctx blnckbrrrlea. It U of lung bvnrlng, and If torn nurserymen were adrertUIng It they wonld cnll It nn ever bcartog fnilt, for It ttaya In fmlt for n long tltce. 1 like It alto on account of tbr lack of miiU. Of coiioe grapea are n aUindarrt frulU and Hie old Concord U found everywhere. There nro mnny vnrletlit that will grow In mott locnlltleo. Aa local condltlnnt hare much to do with tbo problem. It 1 boot to commit your nearvxt nurterymnn. Tut out tome while one, nome of the red onct. both early nud lulu, but do not fool with the tender Horta. Iluty fiiruicm do not hnro the llmo nor Incllnutlon to lay down the vluen nnd rorer tlicin with dirt, nt Mime do lu order lo fruit tbe tender tortn. .M-M.t-t4-l-M-M-M-i-t-t-M-M'H'i-j; WANT FHUITr OfMAY. nverybody llket fruit Fnilt can no longer bo grown with out tprnylug. Nobody liken to tpray. And m wo aru up agalnit It. It It tpray or go without fruit. Now It the time lo ttudy thlt matter and find what ttylo of t prayer It needed for our own clrcuumtancct. Ono thing It eft tentlnl no matter whether It be n band tprayer or a jwwer tprny er. tho force mut be nuntclcnt and tho noxxte of the kind which will deliver tho tpray In a 11 tin mitt and tend It with force enough to enter the calyx. Iowa Ilamattead. t-llM4t-M-l--Nt$ 8tltlng Drttdlng 8wln. In telecttug breeding twine atten tion mum lie given to alte. quality, ttrengtb of boue, rvennext or rjothlng nnd the ue of more mature boar and town. All plfft Intended for brefdlng purpose ntjould (ie rUcted from well developed, mature town. If the tlret are mature nnlratK to much tbe bet ter. Thte plgt nhould lie fed on ra tion calculated to produce bone and mutcle. not fnt alone. -- The Man Behind the :! Saw and 1 1 : .Jk is tho ninn who gets tho wood, and CARTER la THE MAN when you want wood that will make tho pot boil. And all It coats you is $4.00 ' A CORD FOR BLOCK OR ' LIMB WOOD. In town ovory day. F. M. Carter .TBE.WTOM4N,. r. , , ,, f . f 1 Cost of Brick vs. Cost of Frame Soma people think that "Brick Is too cxpcrulve." Thin In n great mlstnko. Tho prlco of lumber han advanced until a house can bo built with 8 Inch solid brick walls for only a alight extra coBt over frame. Not over 0 per cent, to 8 per cent, and In many cases at the same price as frame, Tho difference Is soon wasted by painting nnd ex cessive repairs and cost of heating on a frame house. Also, tho cost of Insurance Is grcatly'lowcrcd. In a abort time a brick house has cost less than wood. We have the figures and can prove it. However much the relative cost of Brick and Wood may vary in different localities, the first cost and main tenance of a wooden house soon exceeds tho first cost and 'maintenance of a Brick House. When Vou Build Use Brick BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. i k AF ROUND TRIP to Portland for tBe V.Vd ROSE FESTIVAl All Week June 10-15. Tickets toM mni THE GREATEST FLORAL AND CIVIC CARNIVAL OF THE YEAR. Splendid Parades, Decorations, Illuminations, Water and Field Sports every dny. Oregon Trunk Hallway trains run dnily without change be tween Central Oregon points and Portland. Train leaving Bend G:30 A. M., arrives Portland 5:30 P. M. Details will be furnished on request. V. G. COMAN, aen'I. Freight J. II. CORBETT, V !5L"- -" J-W. ! "l".---J..----L-' - .JJ M i n ; I I I STORAGE AND I FORWARDING. I GENERAL I COMMISSION I J MERCHANTS j I 'Ke United Warehouse i i 1 Company :; f W. H. BENTLEY. MonoKer. f ;; I liena. uregon. i ;; i - 1 - ft M. I I s H a 1 "mi 1 ii hbi ! u iinnii imi 1 11 MVa9a HBBMMaMHaaAtBiBHaaaBBtBriirtafeaaBBaaiaBBiaAMHBM ! I O'DONNELL BROTHERS I I UNION MARKET I v mm KU1 fr.m. ujl t.VJewa, mnr irul. uut tljlM. with ipciT modtU r Uma wmI (UU wwllof, eta. Ik. met .iUiwIt. Up ot r.putlag uw la tha vmU. ir Stin&t ifpuB(iko(tt4tivil8S(2Miijiir,iU)icit ti tlo4-l kiMk. n t.c itt up with ill", . 01 illl nl eiOl iti Um Ikl tcil.a lwll iW ik.lli I. miikUi) 4lrt, Uim, twill to 4 n4 lit til. fi(itJ lim U iclloa, lUipl., II re. I iMkmli J4 Uuftittlkl. ft Mkit Mp.lltt. Tk. J.abti tititci.il pull up lVll, IU.4U l npUlp, lll4 I ikMiUf .klllij 4 Ik. t.iMitiU l.c.ll itltip lotk Bikti It lk itlut kik Im4U( vd ktlll. Kit . t Mtm&M, DQ.rr.NOWl 3.J tVj. ilniai pu.I..iJ t .t j-4. -j, ,jk w , Lv.UtXMiMjMiriilm pjrjjyM .tytprlSgEJtfl - Jwh P-10-II. Return Umtt Jm f. REGONTRUNKKt CENTRAL OREGON UNE & Pass. Agt , Portland, Ore. Act., Bend, Ore. VAnAallnv ftVAlBaa mb m.J tw W mJ 1A m&m- ak..lL. Mf'MarOMSlriNiiwi&Ck WHkw.Str.. H.w H.,.(U. That Boy of Yours. It seems like yesterday that mother mourned tho transition from skirfo to trouscrs-his rocking horso will soon give way to tho baseball and the pigskin. Ilo'a developing, changing every day, and you haven't hod his picture taken in moro than a year yes, its two years last Christmas! How the time does fly! Make nn Appotatatcrt Today 2$cwarD Qtoiblo. See Me BEFORE BUILDING. No trouble to give you estimates on BRICK, STONE, CEMENT, plain and ornamental plastering w o r k building foundations, sidewalks,, chimneys, septic tanks, sewer age, paving, canal work, pipe lines, fire places, etc Plans and specifications fur nished. H. D. Bourcy General Contractor Box 21, Bend, Oregon. WHITE IS KING The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that ca'n be produced. Made in bothiKO TARY & VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both Lock and Chain stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attachments with each ma chine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. catalogue, tree. Wkke Sewing Macfeae Co. 1400 Market Street San Francisco, California. Shoe RAIRING First Class Work of all kinds done promptly. R. H. LOVEN Wall street Bend, Ore. H. P. Smitji ' PLASTERINO and Flue Building : " KehQ, Oregon'. .. PlBliBBrtiJrTisMsMssWsiiimlWP1