The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 05, 1912, Image 1

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The bend
NO 13
1 jj i
tint li Ik lif it record ml for unm.
Mny tlftiiroH. from MUR, are;
rowKUi iiutti: i'iioHfi:iuV.
That crop hi tho rich I'owell
Ilutto section aro looking even let
ter than ever before la the word
MM . - .
mor. oh
1000 I .Sill
1007 HI
100H ......00
1000 42
1010 ., , ......... ...1.03
1011 ....... ...Jfji. A 20
1012 up to May 20ft 2.00
t- - i
brought In by auto pnrtlca who have
been thercabuta during tha week
All grain haa n aplondld atand, and
there Is ovtty prornlio of a record
breaking Benson among tho dry farm
I'rrclpltntlon nt Mr ml to Juiirt t'iD.ln
lli(ht, u Compared Willi 7.WH
l l'ilni'lll Wcntlnr Wiirni
mid (YtM tinmlnu Well.
ItOdllltH lli:i(i: TIIUIiMMAV.
Huporlntemlont J. I. ItoKurs
Trnlnninslor llralnanl ami Win
Hokum of (ho commissary depart
ntont, nil of tho Ori'Kon Trunk, wdro.
Ml. I ...... M '
urro imi mursuny. wmi a ki
Hunter, Clyde McKay and V A
Korhes tlioy took n tlshlnn trip In tlio
a'l'eninon. Mr. Iltiiilur ent oul
with Mr. ItoKura Friday uioriiluK
Whllo this )ear promises to ha a
burtipnr In nil sections of tlio North
west, In Central Orciton nature seems
to ha particularly kind. Tim rnln
fall It hrvakliiK nil records, coiuIiik
at mi opKirtuno tlmo for crops, with
warm weather to hlp the good work
on, an exceptionally prosperous nRrl
cultural var It oasured.
From thn flmt of the year to June
1, tha irccldtatlun ha been 10 4G
Inches. Thin U In oici-ss of last
year's rainfall by several Inches, Tlio
rainfall last year a dry one was
In excess of 8.76 Inches during thn
last seven moittliM. There la every
reason to suppose that thin year's
prclpltatlon will exceed 20 Incheu.
most of It roiuliiK when It will do thu
greatest itooil
Dry farmera and homesteaders will
ho particularly atdud. Thank a to
the abundant moisture, the atand of
wild grass U tha Una In years
lueanliiK thousands of dollara to
lock and sheep men.
Precipitation llotvlr! llrrr.
Inssmuch n the statement that
the county adjacent to Hand has a
higher precipitation than other sco
tloni of Central Oregon la aoinetlinea
disputed, tlio following rumparliHin of
rainfall statistic la particularly In
terfiling. At publUhed in tha Crook County
Journal of .May 30, the following la
1'rlnavlU's precipitation by month
Inco the first of the year, Up to June
January .2.36
February 1.17
March 73
April t.ail
May up to 39th.. . v . . .,'..,. ,S.OO
Itetiil I'eoptr IMiik rltippllrtl With
Product From IWl I'IhiiI.
Ice made at tho plant of thu Cen
tral Oregon lea A Cold Htoragu Co,
In llend la now being delivered dully
here, a delivery wagon having boon
put on Monday, The froxeii prod
uct rotalla at one cent a pound In
small qtisntltls.
Thlrty-alx tuna have been shipped
to Itediuond and Madraa to aupply
tho Htorage plant thorn,
Tho Aral exhibit of the kind ever
aveu hero wti the block of Ice with
fruit frojon In It which waa plated
In Patterson's window thla wuok
mWBImmmWLwSmm attV.
U.btfaHriHpL9iBiHKllhBl '
uiHiJ 7"SMnS--YriByBJfBBBflflWtBKJsm
QsBSsEAH"jr9HI r 73fmmJW . aJaVavaaWiBWr' 'Smwrnwrnmrnwrn
r kbsbbi an ar..'4JA . d sbbbbbbbbBmJBBbt' .- jsibbbbbbbbbbbb
w taflH WLm fSaVx mSbbbbbbbbbbbHbbWL '''"JffiLil
KjBkJVSBMfp ' . ,i I?yaMa1BaBaBaB
Hlnce bfglnnlnn the actual manufacture of brick about May flrat with
their now plant, the llend llrlck & Lumber Company haa turned out cloae
to half a million brick. About 400,000 havu been delivered In livnd, to
meet the demand of builder, during the laat alx weeki. Moro than
600,000 brick already have been sold,
That there la an exteimlvu oulalde demand for the Itend-mado product
I Indicated by the fact that the company ha an ordor fur a carload for
Hedmond week 1000 were aunt to Vanora, and others have gone
a far aa Hampton and Klutera by Wagon, CO and 30 mllca.
For llend, tho lima data
February u
March rr; ....... .
.s :
Total 10 46
Tho difference between tha two
totals I allglitly leno 'than 2V.
Incite, or an advantage of ulmut 30
per cent llowuver. Ithe rainfall over
tha entire county this year I ample
and Inmrc tho finest kind of crops.
The comparison la remarkable chiefly
because It Illustrates (that In evuii n
short a distance a 30 mile there cuu
be a great variance In climatic con
dition, At Prlnevllle tho May rainfall U
I'rrnk tlilrJcrn With Four N'gs ami
Tvio Tails llatrlieil nl Cliarlrtt
Wiley's ranch. Kelx mv Hf ortl
Many of us who have oud wild
oats, and soma of u wliu don't even
know what tho phrase moans, havu
heard the little ditty to thu effvot
that once
"Therd waa an old hen nnd she had a
wooden leg.
Thu best old hen that over laid an
egg." etr , etc
Well, possibly soma have actually
aeon a peg legged lieu Hut now Its
possible to view an even stranger
light, for over on thn Tumalo an
enterprising mother hen haa brought
Into thla vale of sorrow and ultimate
chicken ooup, a chicken that haa lour
lega and two tall. Yes air, four
leg four sturdy, perfect chicken
limbs and two elegant tall' Tho
owner of the freak chanticleer Jr. I
Charles Wiley of Tumalo, Tho four
leggod chick I a white Wyandotte
and was hatched on May 21
It may have been tho big rains that
did It, or norhaps It mother atu some
grow quick hair restorer by mistake,
or the freak may Im simply duo to
the rfatiral productivity of the cli
mate. Hut whatever thn came, the
fact roinaln that Tumalo boast tho
only chicken In Oregon tb'si will be
able to prmldo four drumstick
While Dual arratiKMiiout have not
boon compluted. It I practically cer
tain that there will ho a baseball
gamo hero Sunday afternoon with 'a
earn from filstor. A ruiurn game
will bo arranged, probably before
tha Fourth. But' havu been or
dorcd for tho loal nltio. and Mil
likely bo here within ten day.
I'lwlgm Influence For Klrli Ad-,
ministration, on Wanted by 1'iiiple.
llend, Ore., Juno 3, 1913.
To tho Kdltor of Thu llullotln:
Hlnce May 28 I have heard consid
erable criticism, by some of the cltl
icns of tho town, on the condition al
lgod as having existed In the so-
called saloon district, and In that
connection I desire to inaka tho fol
lowing statement:
I.eis than a year ago I saw fit to
call upon n largo majority of tho bus
iness men and property owner an
Wall strett I'raotloally etery one
that I talked to ut that tlmu exprvan-
d himself In favor of a liberal policy
In tha conduct of tha saloon district
and most of them wero In favor of a
"fairly open town" as they expressed
After having thla sentiment ex-
llnlfour Kuys He Will I in ok Htate
Action I'nlraa the I. Id Stnyi On.
Sheriff T N Ualfour, In a "state
ment to the press of Crook county,"
nukes tho following announcement;
"Investigation made after the mur
der of Mr. Carrie 1'attereon, a wom
an of tho udcrworld. at llend. May
28, ha repealed a condition of af
fairs there that should not bo allow
ed to oxlst by tho authorities respon
sible for tho welfare of this county
a well aa tho particular community
ufTected. Whllo It ha heretofore
been my tKillcy to Interfere as little
a iKjsalblo In the conduct of and tho
moral of Incorporated cities In
Crook county for tho reason that
several grand Juries havu gono on
record against Interference by tho
county and stato authorities on the
ground that these Incorporated towns
are very much moro able to handle
these matters at a less expenso to
tho taxpayers, I feel It my duty to
Louis W. Hill, who last winter ac
quired largo laud holdlncs In Central
Oreron. Is on a trio to thn rnnt mil
may visit this part of tho state. It
Is expected that his coming west now
may bring forth some definite an
nouncement of tho cxtcntfon of tlm
Oregon Trunk lino from llend,
Two llend I toys Taken to Portland
to 1m? Cared for.
Picked up on tho street the first of
of last week by Chief of Police Hob-
arts, Leo and Kobert Stevens, aged
8 And 10 years, have been taken to
tho Hoys' and Girls' Aid Society
Home In Portland. J. L. Kllpack,
representative of the home, came In
Sunday night to take them there to
be cared for.
Policeman Roberts found the
children wandering around town and
took charge of them. He found'that
tholr mother Is In an asylum and that
their father Is not loath to part with
them. Ho has been unable to keep
them at home, even with many and
aevcro whippings, Mr Roberts said,
and was quite willing that they be
sent to Portland to be reared.
pressed by tha business Interests rrnake-an'-escentlon -occasionally-.
(other than tha saloon Interests), ji "Henceforth. 1 am constrained to
M mm in ?bsjh m u !.. !...'.... .1 a ... . .1...
" in imiui, am u iiiuuuivr ui tun anuuuucs, mai unless llic aiy au
council, of a moro liberal policy, than I thorltle at llond snow more Incll
I otherwise would have been. The I nation to handle these evils within
public sentiment has very evidently I the corporate limits of that city the
changed and soma of tho persons ' full powers of this office will bo dl-
that expressed tho "fairly open town"
Ideas aro now loud In their "tightly
closed" sentiments. After hearing
soma of this sentiment I, as acting
mayor, called a meeting of tho City
Council. Wo met ot 2 p m., May 29.
and as you havo previously published
reeled toward eliminating from the
city all dlssoluto women and un
desirable characters who follow In
their wake. A reasonable tlmo will
Ihj given tho city authorities to ac
complish that end. Gambling must
also cease and all gambling devices
The Installment Plan
IT IS EASY to buy goods on tho Installmont plon
'because tho money got1 out a little at n time, yet
in tho end the Roods aro paid for. Turn tho projo
iltlon around and take a good squaro look. Wouldn't
it bo just as easy to SAVE money on tho installment
plan? SUHE. Wo invito you to try It Only a lit
tle at n time.yct tho result means a snug bank ac
count for you some day. When you SPEND on In
stallment thcro Is interest against you, when you
SAVE on Installment tho Interest is in your favor.
Try banking on tho Installment plan.
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
"CoitMrvtiv Baaking for CoMrvtiv Nop!.'
U D. DAIUD, (President) J. W. MA8TBRS, (Vice President)
P. O. MINOR, (Secretary)
fc. n, DAIRD, P. O. MINOR.-S. V. BAIRD,
tho resolution Introduced and adopt-1 now used mutt be discarded. If at
eu ai mai meeting, instructing ino tno ena or that tlmo those conditions
chief or police to strictly enforce all ' still cnntlune tho moro cumbersome
ordinances of this city Immediately,
I will not quoto saiuu.
For tho balance or my term' On tho
City Council I Intend to uso tny best
efforts" to glva the cltitens of: this
town tho kind, of governments thoy
have recently asked for verbally and
by means of the petUlbn which
has been so widely circulated.
President of tho Common Council
maohlncry of tho state courts will be
called Into action at the Instigation
of this ofUco and arrests and convic
tions follow until I am satisfied that
thero will bo no reoccurrence of such
tragedies aa that or May 28."
Tho atatement was msdo to Tho
llullotln after Sheriff was here, fol
lowing last week's tragedy, and sev
eral days after tbq Cltr Council or
dered a thorough clean-up.
H i r: '
Davidson and firrat Northern Men
See l4inds They Would Populate,
and Chaws Ilorttc Thlevex.
Tho railroad pnrty which left here
lost Monday to tour the Interior re
turned Thursday after completing
a 600-mtlo swing that Included visits
to La Pine, Silver Lake Ilrooklngs
and Hums. The travelers came
from Hums Thursday, took supper
here at tho Pilot Hutte Inn. and then
hurried on to Prlnevllle to see the In
tervening country by daylight
On rthe cross-country journey irom
Hums tber want out of their way to
do a little amateur dtCrctlre work.
picking up G. A. Johnson, a home
steader, from whom bad been stolen
two horses the previous night. How-
over, tnougn cney followed some
likely clues, the autolst Sherlock
Holmes fell down on sagebrush
sleuthing, and were forced to aban
don tho chase.
Tho party Included W. P. David
son, president of tha Oregon and
Western Colonization Co.. E. C.
Lecdy, general Immigration agetxt of
tho Great Northern. Six of them
were carried In Wenandy cars.
The purpose of the trip was to give
the Eastern Immigration agents first
hand knowledge of tha country.
Dr. O'orby, preM-ntlng petition, ntfn
Council and Citizens aro In Ac '
cord Much !luliiCMt Trans i
acted nt Lonjz Helon.
On tho complaint of Tom Roberts.
C. E .Myers was arrested last week
charged with conducting a bawdy
house. He waived examination be
fore Justice of tho Peace Lawrence
and. was bound over ito the grand i
jury under $1000 tond. I
'Iho City Council mado Its one
night stand yesterday evening be
fore a packed house. While thoro
was nothing startling about the per
formance, It apparently left the audi
ence satisfied.
The feature of tho meeting was tho
presentation of a petition by Iter. I.
I. Gorby, wherein some 180 petition
ers requested that tho council cxejt
every diligence to keep tho town
tteie of obnoxious institutions, and
that they elect a mayor. Dr. Qorby
prefaced tho presentation of tha pe
tition by staling that Inasmuch as the
council had already taken tho desir
ed action had. In fact, taken It
even previous to the circulation of
tho petition he felt that Its presen
tation was almost unnecessary, and
was made chiefly to show tho mem
bers of the council that many citi
zens were behlndhem' In their action.
While no mayor wan elected, the
council pledged Itself tb select some
one at a meeting on Tuesday, Juno
Saloon License ItcvoVcd.
Tho council reported Its action of
revoking .tho saloon license of J. A.
Hernsrd &. Co. because of keeping
opeii after hours, after due warning.
A license applied for by McCormack
Hros. was granted. '
J. K. Taggart tc Co. were given
permission to blast for septic tank
construction behind the Pilot Butt
Inn, after filing bond. '
Dog license totaled to data $57.
Since thculast.Jnectlns.53 jta.nks.ot
water . jmvo been used la. street
A petition to have .a, flrolhydraat
stabllshed at tha corner of Front add
Kentucky streets. In Park addition,
was laid on the table until the next
City Engineer Young gave an estl
mato' of $3680 as tho cost of open
ing Nevada street from. Kir avenue
to Wall street, and a committee was
appointed o look Into the matter.
The cemetery committee was au
thorized to bare tho cemetery re
staked by block and alley corners.
A special committee, reported un
favorably on allowing L. A. Shaw
to erect a frame warehouse on Ore
gon street, at the rear of his present
New Arc Light Ordered Tut In.
An are light has been ordered' In
stalled at the corner of Front and
Cascado streets. In Fark addition,
the special coramiutee reported. It
(Continued on lost page)
The Man With The Hoe
is now busy in his little garden. Maybe lie
wants it new hoe, or n spade, pick, rake or
some other kind of Garden Tool. He will
find n larger selection here than elsewhere,
and he may be sure of a better and more ser
viceable quality
All kinds of Garden, Farm and House
Hardware is our specialty and we are seldom
"shy" on any urticie you may want.
Also Pull Lfara of BuOtkrs' Sitf,
Sash, Doors, Glass, etc.
N. P. Smith
J T Wall Street
The First National Bank
Dr. U. O. OOE Prtildtnt C A. BATHER. Vic Prstldsnt
O. 8. HUDSON, OatMsr
Oapltsl fully paid ... SJ5.000
Stockholders' llsbllltr S2S.OOO
Surplus .... S0 OOO
Financing The Farmer
The farmer's business often needs a little
financial backing if it Is to grow and prosper.
That is one reason why he should have a
Btronj: and willing bank behind him.
It is on important function of this Bank to
give temporary assistance to farmers who seek
it of us, and who have demonstrated their abil
ity to repay the obligation when due.
The best way to establish u credit here is to
carry an account with us let us become ac
quainted with you and you with us.
We cordially invite not only the farmer but
every one who wants to gain ground financially
to do 80.
We now have over nine hundred accounts
on our books,
vje& sot?i
f W
V - V. I.- iv