tJfaJt4li-te4-l444t4'4 run t6at i rlA ickllJ aped . u 'iv i ? " J ,- r ' ; feg, J ! ' ft JMfc J S" f) " r - An Open Letter. r ' IK o r&fui i.1 ' , (lire itllKli s i hm il In 55 ' I los oj to, tlJ 'I I (l Ins i 'not Mom. I 11 Imv. oars lki M nor St f 4 ata His, l.llo or. io v V'.4 ij1 "r a T Oi .T- 1 v',f i J "ft Jtl ' 10 ANY MERCHANT, Bend, Oregon. ' ' " DkauSir; ' l Kindly give me credit for the flour which lam returning herewith, and in its place send mc FLOUR MADE IN BEND. ' The BEND MILLING U WAREHOUSE COMPANY manufactures splendid flour. I have tried it thoroughly end find it moft satisfactory. All my neighbors use it, the bakeries use it and everyone who wants to boosVBcnd industries uses it. '"'i.' f c I The "Bend's Best Patent" retails as cheaply as any really first class flour I can gets and the "Deschutes Straight Grade" is the biggest kind of a bargain. But even if I had to pay a trifle more I'd rather buv a product MADE IN BEND than see my money cro out of town for stuff sc. made somewhere ci The other day I went through the , local mill. It is splendidly equipped, clean as can be, and altogether as valuable an addition to the town as we possibly could have. The mill people have put their money in Bend, and arc spending it in Bend, and it seems a mc all Bend women should use their flour. Yours for a bigger Bend, A BEND HOUSEWIFE. P.S. By the way, send mc a sack of. PILOT BUTTE GRITS. My neighbor says it is the best breakfast food she ever tried, and that it is very cheap. It sounds good to me because it is MADE IN BEND. t 4 '" hK-f ? - ' Y ft r , 'T "& ' r 1m. fy r 4 . t "I 1 vr ,'. . .,'?' ' J' 4 ---- ------ 4 --" nC. 4444 "- - Information for the Homeseeker if -- llcnd hm four churchM. tunny bonovoloiil loclotlc, aptenilld KrnJo ohoolt nnd a high school whoia ernduntcfl nro mlmlttoil to tho Btnto UnlvomUy without oxamluntiun, ox collcnt Imnki. tho lot oqulptrnd it nd Btookcd MtorcM of any town of twlco tho tUu In Oregon, brick yard, alonu (junrrica, nour nnn lumuor tullli. a creamery, cold atoraco idants, atenm laundry, newspaper, well apM)ntc hotcta. and, Indeed, able ronretcutatlvca of ovorr data of ontorprlio. In other wonli, noixi la won equipped, modern and proxroaalvo, with n lot or wiuo-awaKo nion who tmvn annnt L'nod moiior daVolonltlR tho town, and who aro Kotttnc Rood returna on tholr Invoftmouta. iioml Imi tho hud water In tho statu, and an oxcollont modern water ayatoni, which Includes up-to-dnto nro protection. llnii.I'M atrnotM nil (I lialllca aro, Well llBhtml by oloctrlclty, which Is fur nished front a now plant wnicn cosi 100.000 to nuiiu ami oiiuip. A local and Ionic dlstauco tolu phono, aa woll as telegraph, nro uthor Hums In Iloiid'a mctroolltun oitulpmont. Work Is under way on a 80,000 aowor system. Thorn aro moro beautiful rol donees In llond, proportionately to tho population, thuu In any other town In tho west. Kvnrvwlioro tlioro aro woll inndo nmi wnii knnt Hltluwalks. tho atruots nro nmlntnluvd In tho boat condition and nro lit with powerful aro iiruis, kIvIiik tho town tuo ueai airooi iikih- l.i." nf nnv In Orfleon. With tllO many beautiful vIowh of mouutalim, rlvor nnd limber, mo ninKniucoui Irnoa Rcnttorod Roliorously throUKll" out tho residential districts, and tho wonderful cllmato, lionu toavoa miio to bo desired by those who nook Idoaj places In which to llvo. Itallronds, In Octobor, 1011, tho Hill nnd llnrrlmun railroad aystoma com plotod to llond their OroKon Trunk nnd Deschutes linos, llond la tho terminus of both of thoso roads. Tho hnmlBoino depot, orocton wjin native stono, and tho boat equipped wiuuIioubo in tuo state, inuicuio u what lmporlnnco tho railroad com- tmnlna lintil Itmill. An oxtonslvo dlstrlhutlttR bUBlnoss already Is IioIiir conductoa rrom linn.i in thn country south and uauthoast, and with tho rosular opor- -- ' Hvcry Issuo of Tho Hullo tin records tho prourciu of .Contra! OroRon and tho llond country. If you nro a homo seokor lookltiR for a now lo cation, or own property In this soctlon, thoro Is no hotter way to bocoino acquainted 'with, or keep liottod on, what Is IioIiik dono In this part of tho world than by readmit this papor rogularly. Bond In your subscription at once, so as not to mist nnylhlnir of what Is RolnR on In this blR, rcsourroful country t h I a I Rront Inland omplro that has now Ixion opened for develop inont by two great railroad aystomt. - DICNI) Is located 108 mlloa south tho Columbia Itlvor, on tho banks tho Deschutes, at the tormlnus of lllll nnd llnrrlmnu railroads. MpcoRraphlcnlly, It Is practically In iO very comer oi uroRon. incono- cally, Its location Is unsurpassed, r llond stands bestdo tho greatest wor producing otroam In tho North st, whoro railroads, wnlor-iwwor d timber tlrnt meet, and surround by tho nroatcst Irrigation socro tlon In OroRon, with countlesa Klllons of acres of grain lands Ibutary. The City Itsrlf. Tho ostlmntod population of llond day Is 1300. Its altitude la 3000 Fot, with n cllmato that Is practically oal. Winter nnd summer, tho oathcr Is magnlflcont. tho tempora- iro ruroiy roiiir noiovr xoro nnu uly twice, during tho last three Itimmors, beluR hlglior thnn 100 do- rooB. Tho hlRhost tompornturo over ro- ordod la 10S dogrcos. At this altl- Judo, In tho dry cllninto, notuul ittrmful frooxliiR doon not occur at 12 degrees but at 20 degrees, flovornmunt records show nn 'ivnrnao illllllinl lireclllltfttloU Of 10 Inches with nn average yearly oi K20 aiinny days. That monim enough rain for tho tanner, ioib oi uiuo vnj and bright aunBhlno, no opprosslyp Jioat, nnd cllmatlo onvlronmoiu inni kIvob Naturo ovory posslblo chanco i not tho host roBulta from man nnd 0ll, mUmim atlon of automobile truck lines, tho volurao of this business Is vastly in creasing. Practically all of western Harney county, and northorn Lako and Klamath, will eet supplies In by way of llond, and In return will ox port via llond enormous clips of wool. In connection with this lattor pro duct and Its ahlpmont hero, tho rail roads havo anuouncod that ovorr Juno thoro la to bo a regular wool salo at llond. This moans that woo) from all ovor Interior Oregon will bo colloctod hero, that buyora will como horo, that thousands of snoop will bo aheared horo, and that. In tho very near future, woolen mills will bo established. In all surveys that havo been mado for a branch Hill road to tho southeast, to command connection with aflUUtod road a and nn outlet In that direction, Dcnd has boon nihdo the tormlnus point. Irrigation. A Caror Act Irrigation segregation embracing approximately 200,000 acres, lieu to tho oast aud north of llond. This land la watered under tho supervision of tho Btato of Ore gon, and bocouiQS tho property of settlors who acqulro It by resldonco nnd lmproxomont, paying from $1K to $10 an ncro for wntor (service-, with an nnnunl malntonanco chargo of 20 to 80 conta nn ncro, tho lowest malntonanco rate In operation. N'on-hrlgnblo ncrongo la purchased ut $1.60 an arro. Diroouy adjoining llond nro two other Irrigation enterprises, both conducted on a farmers co-opcrntlvo lmsls, and both exceedingly prosperous. On tho Irrigated lands all tho pro ducts of tho tomporato xono prosper. Tho soil and cllmato, however, are. particularly adopted to tho Bucceaa ful production of grasses and root crops. Alfalfa, clover, grain, potn toes and other root crops, Including sugar hoots, do romnrknbly woll. Tho yield of butter fat rrom tho grnsBcs Is oxcoptlonnlly groat, aim this, comblnod ulth tho pure soft water, nnd tho lack of oxcosslvo hont and cold, dostlnos this torrltory to tnko tho front rank ns a dairy country. Tho establishment of a largo croamory at llond, nnd tho aid glvon farmora in securing flno cowa by tho local banks, moans that n man with forty ncros vjho will ralso grass nnd feed It to his cowa will bo aa aurod of ft comfortable living. Work Is now In progroaB upon a gront now Irrigation canul, known as tho North Canal, which will Irrlgato soma 6 0.(1 00 acres ot land. Tho 1 canal gota Its water irom mo Des chutes. Dry Tanning. Tributary to Dcnd on tho south east Is a hugo dry farming area, em bracing more than 250,000 acres ot lovol and rolling sage brush land, with deep soil, no trees and rocks, and with well water obtainable at modcrato depths. Much of this torrltory has been sottled by homesteadors during tho last year, and many families aro dally taking advantage of this last big ebneo to get free Oovornment land. Tho majority of tho acreago Is open to homestoadlng undor tho 320 aero law, which allows tho free acquisition ot that amount in return for residence and proportional annual cultivation and Improvement. Tho homestoad laws nro bolng mado oaslor and moro attractive, with tho result that moro and moro sottlors como to Uond and mako homes on this land tributary to tho town. Good roads extend through thia country, and daily auto and atago lines tap It from Uend, to which ita products will como on down grado hauls to bo milled with tho Inex haustlblo water power of tlya Des chutes Iltvor Immediately bolow llond, whoro a dam la bolng con structed at a cost ot about JC0.000. Tho work In connection with this summer's development ot tho now canal will roqulro an oxpendituro ot S17&.000. All of this money will bo spout closo to llond. Tho entire Byatom will require approximately $700,000 to comploto. TimlHir. Tributary to llond, on down grado hauls, Is 20,000.000.000 feet ot tho finest yollow plno timber. Besides providing tho choap power for tho milling ot this onofmous tlinbor bolt, llond oftera thd best' ot mill pond facilities. Tho manufacture ot this ttmbor at Dend is a cortalnty, for tho largest of tho companlos Interested nro heavy property owners in Uond lands and wntcrpower developments, and havo slgntflod their Intention ot lo cating tholr big mills horo. At presont thoro are sovoral smnllor mills, employing in tho neighborhood ot 160 men. Whllo theso manufacture lumbor primarily for local consumption, not only nro many cnrloads oxportod to tho towns north of Dend, but also many nro shipped to tho mlddlo western mar kets, which lator will bo suppuou heavily with tho llond lumbor pro ducts. Wnt or 1'ower Thoro Is at loast 250,000 horse power easily obtainable, from tho Doscliutos at and noarjlond. , Afrbady a 1700 horsepower plant Is in operation In tho town, which offora as choap electric power for domestlo and manufacturing uses aa Is obtalnablo In tho Northwest Tho Inexhaustiblo and choap power at her doors guarantees Oond'a extcn slvo manufacturing futuro. Itecreatlon. Tho man who comes to Dcnd or tho adjacent sections of Central Oro gon will bo agreeably surprised at tho pleasant surroundings ho will encounter, both In what naturo has supplied and In social matters. For Instance, a University Club recently was organized In Dend with 3G chartor mombors. That indicates tho character ot the mon who aro building up Central Orogon. The sportsman will find tho Dend country a veritable paradlso. Fish ing in tho Deschutes la a famous attraction, that rlvor's giant trout bringing sport lovers from all parts ot tho Northwest. Deer, bear, rab bits, sago hens, ducks, gecso, swans and other panio afford amplo recre ation for tho out-door lovor along tho river nnd in tho foothills. Canoeing and boating directly at llond and up tho broad reaches ot the Deschutes, coupled with exccltont auto roads, horso back riding possi bilities without end, and noar by snow clad mountain peaks, comblno near Dond iutoreat for ovory sort of naturo lover and health seckor. How to (let Hero From Portland tnko olthor tho "North Dank Hallroad" or tho Ore gon-Washington Railroad & Navi gation Co. system direct to Dond. Tho faro la S7.45. Through tlcketa from all Eastern points nro good directly to Dond. Tho route up- tho Deschutes Canyon Is tho most strik ingly boautltul railroad trip in tho Northwest, nnd, say lovers of flno scenery, Is lu Itself well worth tho Journey. (P FIRE Insurance that PROTECTS M. S. Lattin & Co. RIVERSIDE LYTLE - AUBREY HEIGHTS ADDITIONS BUSINESS PROPERTY FARM AND TIMBER LANDS FIRE INSURANCE My Agency Consists of tho Following Well Known Companies f AETNA Continental IIOMUofN.Y. New York Un derwriters' Agency HARTFORD .PELICAN Empire State Surety Uonds A. EASTES Oregon St., Bend, Oregon. v PHOTO MAILKUS FOK SALE. Photo mailers In Blzos 8x10 and 7x4 H inches may bo obtained at Tho Dulletln office Dear this In mind when you havo a plcturo to send through tho mall.