'. None in it SAYS I!. A. FORD BUTTE SCHOOL DIS TRICT NOT INJURED Attnik mi Comity (Mlklnln Vor Ac f Ion Thiil Never- lliiKtift, Hhomi up liy School Kiiirrliipiul'iil. I'ulillriitloii Perhaps IIIoknI. What County Superintendent of Education It. A Ford nml others fa miliar with ttio fact of tlio case characterise as ft malicious and groundless mtistatotnont apoarsd In a I'rlnrtvllle paper Init week In tho farm of n communication to tho odl tor. Tho letter In question won to tho effect that tho county boundary board hint Illegally and unfairly deprived lltitto Vnlloy school district. No. 73, of a portion of It territory, nddliiK tho alleged ilolon Innils to tho llcnd district. J'nnl Make Statement. Tho absurdity of tho complaint Is evidenced hy a vigorous statement hy l'rof. Ford to Tho Hulletln. "There ha boon absolutely no rhanao In tho boiindnrloa of tho lltitto Vnlloy district slnco Juno 2, 11)08, when tho present loundarlPS wore fixed under County Judge Doll, nnd Dlnwlddlo," aald Mr. Ford. Tho district la oproxlmately 27 miles Ioiir, north nnd rtouth. Tho county superintendent went on to say soimi very olnted things nhout tho trickery of making; such totally truthless and unfounded charge on tho evo of tho primary election when they arc calculated to tmrm Judo Hills and when It la dif ficult to not the truth of tho mattor to tho voter lajlmo. "Unlwa I am gravely nilstakon." cnntlnuod 51 r. Ford, "the paper (Crook County Journal) which print ed tho so-called lettor Is liable for prosoctillon under tho corrupt prac tices act. A provision of thu law re quire that when damaging stato. innils aro inndo, whether with truth or malignant falseness, a la apaninl ly tho onso In thin Instance, tho po) Itlc-al candldnto Involved inunt ho no tified of tho aliened charges against them nt lonat IK doy hoforo tho pub llentlon of same. A year'a Imprison ment Is tho mlnllmiim penalty for lion of this provision." Writer's Nnine It. Prof. Ford, who apparently went out to nnd tho author of tho letter ! The Man Behind the Saw and Ax la tho tnnn who geU the wood, nnd CARTER Ma TUB MAN when you wnnt wood that will niako tho pot boll. And all it coata you la $4.00 A COUD FOR BLOCK OR LIMB WOOD. In town ovory day, F. M. Carter THE WOOD MAN Palais U f T 11 NEW STORE OF LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS-EVERT 1111NU run jjAuita -iu ytuu, i ' Millinery, Suts, Skirts Altm llniidn DrnoiuiH Dirt ITntn 1 1 by ono who knows how. HcuHonuuiu rnccs, 1111 nnu bco mum. no irou blo to show goods, MRS. A. H. BLACK U Wall Streot, P, 0. Block, na noon na ho saw It, roports that on going, to tho Journal offlco to nacor tnlu tlio nnmo of tho orronnoua writ er, ho wiia tlinro Informed Hint tlio "ropy" hud boon lout or tnlslnld nnd that II porpctrntor wiih unknown. Foil Inn of tho lcltcr. Tho Klit of tlio letter Ih contnlnod In tho following extracts! "It rooms the houudnry board un lawfully out off tho tlmbor land from -lut llutto Vnlloy district, trnnsfoi lug It to thu, llmid dlatrlot. Tlio nek of nioiioy won not undorslood a ii til tho dork, J I. .Touch, mndo nn uvestlKfitloii nnd found tlio nbovo ilnto of uffolrs. "Whllo tlio votua cnat In llond tuny jo it InrKor uumbor thnti thoso cunt it l'owoll Duties, It would scorn thnt tho common Interest In our joutity schools' welfnro should causo m to forgot our 'nx oiico in nwimo llutto Valley district tins us school lorno throa nnd a hnlf ml Ids sititli tud west of tho old Nlswongor plnco nonr Fowell Hutto. Mra. J. I). Iiv Idaon of llond has boeti tonchltiR thora this winter, and tho pupils aro reported to have mado exceptionally flno progress. Tho tuembera of tho boundary board, against whom tho baseless In sinuations of misconduct aro made, aro .11. 0. Kills, It. A. Ford, F. A. Itlco nnd It. II. Ilayloy. (smvi omo pus t. UOI) 'OO'tt 'osuoan uiM (onuy oo'tl 'oua3' Xuhuiiii lunuuv I 'AON oj i tjjctv uodo uoseog inojx odotojtiv I'uu JtlH 'umuj pOROdfl J03( oiuio. 'joavoii ll.V'notl MVMA IIHHO'lf) NOHVUH I -usr ot 1 J30 lajJinbg J9AIIH 111 AOK oj gt 'PO Ilb I ao,s oi i 'Sny ouotoaH I tJ4UJ OJ l 10 00) 111 "'I'M I '0 13nu I -ao.s oj i 'any Jooq Jpnu Firat clasa table board at tho (Irnnd 5 a week. Otf fKixvnir 110.1 NOHVtiH kh.io Chicken dinner at tho Grand every Bunday. Ctf Candidates' Annonncemefljs. ERNIMT ('. H.MITII of Hood River For District Attorney Ho I not nnd never haa been n politician. Ho ha no one to fear or favor Ho promise an honest. vigorous enforcement of thu lawa and nothing elso. Ho has tho sup poll of tho Influential men of every community of tho dlntrlct. Them 1 a reason. J.001: for Ills name on tlio ballot. It la thu third and last, but boo l.uko 1330 (Paid advoitltomont.) - - Milk CREAM EGOS Rit Fresh Products. '! ' . Pilot Bulte,P.ajry, Jones & Dte, Telephona Your Order. Wo Deliver Twlco Dally. tiiMKUfft Royale Shirt. Walstsj Notions. Ttnmnilnlnil nnil Rulfn PIttoil Correct Now York Styles at i . Bond, Oregon. BBBBBBbVBBBBBBBBBBBBBHbHrl fisBBBBBBBH isBBBBBBBBBBHBlBilaBBBBH N. J. HI.NNOTT flHlflBP "SUibbbbbbbbh mWBwfcjLr.'&. nt ' 4W LfatV "LwJK? AT! tTBBBBBBBBfl WUUf v ' i MiasM Hsf-ife ' M f' ami MsH BbWBBIE irjKak BBBBBBBD BBBBBBbBBBvI! BBBBflBBBH lr)Kr"ulo Itepuhllciiii Candlduto For CoiiRrms. N. J. Blnnott, republican congress ional candldato at tho coming pri maries, was born at Tho Dalles, Ore gon. For tho past twelve year ho ho b.on th- law pnr'uor of Judne A. B. Ilrniiutt uudur tlio firm name of llcnnutt & Hlnnott, at Tho Dullos, Oregon. Ho rLprokontod Wasco and Hood Itlvor countlea In the last two ses sions (n tho Btolo Bonnto. Advocate too trial in tula con gressional district of civil and crimi nal cnnoK arising therein nnd triable In tho federal court. I'rovoutlon of gambling In farm product. Income tax. Direct election of V, B, Hona- tors. rrosldontlal primaries. Main tenance of tho Oregon system. More liberal homestead law lu line with tho llorah homestead bill. Parcels H)t. Freest uso of forest rcaorvea nnd Statural resources conlstont with liberal conservation Ideaa. A tariff based on tho difference In tho cost of product at homo nnd abroad. Froo canal for American siilpd. re storation to Oregon of It Juat share of tho reclamation fund. U'ald advertisement.) JOHN I'. -JintllV- Itl'HIC. r..r itn...nvntt n..,i p.m. A..ni..ti' - - -. Tnft and StandpntUni I'rogtVMklto Republican Candldato for Connrrw. Alnnys with tho People. If you don't IkIIco It look up Ills record. (Paid advertisement) GEO. T. COCHRAN I'roRi-rwilve Republican Candidate for IiStUsentatlve In Congress-- 2nd DUtrlct. I bellovo In and advocato Presi dential primaries, direct election ot Sonators, frco tolls for American shipping through the Panama Canal, full RharjL of Jirlgollon funda for Oregon, $90 acre homestead right with, three years resldonco and six montns leavo or absence out ot eacn year, continuing appropriation for Col Ho Canal and tho opening of tho Columbia River, an Alaskan policy that will pmtiilt of present aa well as future benefit, a monoy systom Independent of Wall atroet control, national control of corporations doing Intoratato commorco business, moro efficient regulation ot trusts, and extension of powora aud Juris diction of Interstate Commerce Com mission. It elected J promise that "the will of tho peoplo shall be my nolo, guide.". 1-Sp '(Paid advertisement) ''I am. a'tfandldate foVth6 offlco ot county Judse of Crook county. A REPUBLICAN. O. A. McFARLANB Redmond, Ore. (Paid Advertisement) LEWIS, .WYLRK FOR COUNTY ""jl i ""ASSESSOR, ' ' Tarthe- Republican votora ot Crook County: ..." rijoTeW'ohnbunco my candidacy for the nomination for county assea or for Crook County, Oro., nt tho Vrlmnrlo to be hold on April 19th. 1012. .If, nominated nnd elected, 1 will, durlna- my torm of ofllco, devoto my ontlro tlma to tho duties of tho offlco. I shall use my utmost on Coavor.to socur,o ctnl nuesstnqnts, without fear or fayoy 1 will b'oq. that tho tnx rolls nro propnrun promptly nnd nB provided hy Jaw. Tho pocket hooka of tho tax payors nro dlroctly affected hy tho adminis tration of this ofllco. I deslro to havo plnood, nftor my nnmo on tho olllclal nomliuttlug ballot, tnoso words: "Strict attention to busi ness, equal asBOBsmontB, partiality to nono." Ik 9bbbbbH T" ' LEWIS WYiLDE. (Paid ndvortlsoment)'' I'Oll COUNTV HUiivicyoit. To tho Itopubllcan voter of Crook county, Oregon: I horoby nnnouncn my candidacy to Riioccod myaelf to thu oflko of f'oiinty Hurvoyor, aubjoot to tho ap proval of tho Itopubllean votora of said county. FltHD A. HICi: ((Pal! advortlsotnent.) I'OH.aiUNTV J VMM. 1 horoby announco my candidacy for thu Otlleo of County Judge, sub ject to tho aproval of tho Itopubllcan votor of Crook county at tho coming primary election. H. 0. BLLIH, (Paid advertisement.) roit wvsty judci:. To tho Itopubllcan Votora of Crook County: I hereby nnounco myself a candl dato for tho ofTlco of County Judge, auhjoct to tho approval of the Ito publlcan voter of Crook county at tho coming primaries, April 19, 1012. WIM.IAM IIOKOU. (Paid advertisement.) CANDIDATK FOll COUNTY BUIt VKYOIt. f horoby announco myself a a candidate for tho Itopubllcan nomi nation for County Surveyor, subjoct to the approval of tho Itopubllcan voter at tho primary held April 10th. It. L. lHtEWBTEIl. (Paid advertisement). FOIl COUNTY CI.KUK. I horoby announco myself a a can dldato to auccced myself to tho ofllco of County Clerk, subjoct to tho ap proval ot tho Democratic voter of Crook county at tho primary elec tion to bo held April 19. WAIIUBN DROWN. (Paid advortlsomcnt) FOR SIIIHHFF. I hereby announce myself as a "candldato for tho ofllco of sheriff, , subject to tho approval of tho Ro 1 publican voters of Crook county nt tho primary election to bo hold on April 10. 1912. If nominated and .. . ...I.. oloctod, I will conduct the business of tho nbovo offlco to tho bCBt ot my ability and will glvo especial atten tion to tax matters. a D. DROWN. Bond, Oregon. (Paid advertisement). FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERIN TENDENT. r I hereby-nnnounce myself a candi date for the office of county school superlntndcnt, subject to tho approv al ot tho Republican voters at the primaries to be held April 10. J. E. MYERS. (Paid advertisement). FOR COUNTY CLERK. To tho voters ot Crook county: I hereby announco my candidacy for the nomination ot County Clork on the Republican ticket at tho com ing primaries, April 19th, and It nomluated and elected, I will per form tho duties ot tho offlco to tho best ot my ability, and tor tho best Interests of the taxpayors and cltl sens In general and along; sound busi ness principle. HOWARD W. TURNER. (Paid advertisement.) 1 FOR COUNTY 4UDGK. I horoby announco my candidacy for nomination on tho Rppubllcnn ticket. for. tho Office, of County Judge and. It elected, promtso the cltlxena of Crook county a fair and Impartial - administration ot that offlco and will uso my entire offortn toward the het torment of tho condition of our county and Its cltltons. OIIAP.IKa 0. POLLARD (Paid advertisement.) .. JTOU BTATK JHNA.TOQ, I horoby announce mysolt a candl dato for nomination for thq office ot State Sonator on tho Domocratlo tlckot nt tho primary nominating oloction to ho held April 19, 1912, In the Seventeenth Senatorial District. FRANK L. YOUNO. (Paid tidvortiBomont.) FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR, To tho Republican votora ot Crook county: I horoby announco my candidacy for tho nomination to tho ofllco ot County Assessor nt tho primaries on April 19. 1913. If I am nominated nnd elected, I will, during my torm of ofllco, ubo my boat ondoavor to glvo a thorough and impartial assess ment, to asBosa by legal subdivisions, to index by legal, subdivisions, and U U r T" ! W-sSdsMM BBaBlMB-rjMirai HHHMHHi by nnmo, to koop all record In nn uptodnto manner, making It easy to find amount of tax On each parcel of land, or amount of each Individual ltx, to personally attend to tho duties of tho ofllco, to glvo prompt and cautious treatment to all. I dcelro placed after my namo on tho noml tiatfijc ballot liiiftfut'ss Adminis tration of tho Assessor' ofllco. W. K. VANALM4N (Paid advertisement.) OA.NDJDATK FOR DISTRICT AT- TORNHV. To tho Itopubllean votora of Wnsco, uroox and Hood, Itlvor Countle: I horoby announco my candidacy for tho Itopubllcan nomination for District Attorney for Din Hnvnnth Jii. dlolal District comprised of Wasco, Crook and Hood River Counties, at tno coming nrlinnrlca la bo held April 10, 1912. If nominated and elected, tho duties of the District Attorney's ofllco will always havo first consideration. I shall atrlvo fully to onforco all laws, and protect, to tho utmost of my ability, the In terests of tho whole peoplo of my District. I plcdgo my sol f to glvo my Dersona! attention to lhn nW nt each of tho counties comprising tho Bovcnth Judicial District (Paid adr.) CARLTON L. PEPPER. W. A. UEMi FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. To tho Republican Electors of Crook. Hood River and Wasco Counties: I hereby announce myself as a can dldato for tho Republican nomina tion for District Attorney at tho com? tag Primaries, April 19, and if nomi nated and elected I will during my term of ofllco dovote my entire time to tho duties of tho oOlce to tho ex clusion of other law business, and give my personal attention and first consideration to tbo business of the ofllco, and will personally assist the officers In each county with the en forcement of tho Criminal Law, and especially will I exert my sol f to en- forco the law against vice, immoral acta and tho trafflc In white slavery. (Paid Ad.) W. A. DELL. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announco myself as a candldato for the Democratic nomi nation for sheriff at tho coming pri maries, April 19. "A square deal to nil." T. N. DALFOUR. (Paid advertisement.) FOR COUNTY JUDGE Good roads and good schools aro essential to progress; so also is system nnd equity in tho equaliza tion of assessment, and economy and publicity of expenditure. Demo cratic candldato. a. 8PRINGER. (Paid advertisement) for it 1: v it 1: S E X T A T I v 1: IX CONGRESS. CLAUDE G COVEY. Wnrmsprlng, Crook County Candidate for Democrativo Nomi nation for Representative In Con gress, Second Oregon District. (Paid advertisement.) 25 I? f T S(H Cheaper than Paint UoL btlr ud lotw. Wawasl ywitatoMUMia !V:iU.m -Thtr an Uuful .- i'. i j' n , t CtUm man uunuwBauo vi U Enrftgraond colon, ptfely miied sad pound m acooU and Shingle Stains unMcdeil. W raV tLouxodi of b!Ioc oi iLii A!a sdKllu'ilBtetlotbo umt U hall whit you par foe thij qu.tiy a) p tint Core. laBCnoa Cuf(u.ted) btULCoM 78orCUUM Wrila today uj wo U1 mkU Vm froo. 12 tl.laxl (NU UiUtlM ueU color oi our nco.olo lata Sued AminL-Free LjSr'ikndikn iMAJfa(iuritrMl VUtUkLM. lMtlkMrwoqMba3w tMx OuJud. Out lr if laUntor Bdl U IMT ibnaioa d 0 adcoM M own J U imi, I si yrfU WhatuTiasUbiMdKTwW laammiaae. SMdlMnnlco. TU Ou. H. U Co SttOk lH JaBBBsHi B a-y bbbbbibbbbbbbbbbbbH BSBLEasBW bbbbbbbV jbbbvvSjbbbbbbb' siBMbbbb 'ri BvassB Wm SMfmw" Wsm, B Hotel) SeWard AUtmU AMU TKNTII aTSKItT PORTLAND, onKOON sSBB3S?SP?Ii?EsSBlEri' Ono of the Mort ArtUtio and Elegantly-Appointed Hotels In tho Northwctt, Embodjrlnjf Every Modern Convenience In cen ter of retail and theater dlstr'U. KVROrnAN PI.AM, RU fixosndup. wlthn.th .(Mnl up Out eu tit Ir.lnt. Grill In rcnnrctlon. VT M SFWI fomlrlor Estimates on spplication Wall Paper at Portland Prices N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapest snd Best Wall Paper Sam ples in the county. Get My Prices. Box 39. Bend, Oregon. New PALACE MARKET Charles Boyd, Prop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. FRATERNAL SOCIETIES. M. W. of A. Pilot Butte Camp No. 97&4 Meets every Tuesday in hall over postofilce. Visiting Neighbors always welcome. Z. W. Undborg. V. C. . N. P. Welder, Clerk. Deschutes Lodge No. 103 K.ofP. Meets every Wcdnetday evening at 8 p. ra. in (.aula Hall, lost-office Dldf. Visiting Knights welcome. Chas. D. Rowc, C. C. N. V. Smith, K. R. & S. I. O. 0. F. Bend Lodge No. 218 Reg. Meetings every Monday night Visitors welcome 0. M. Patterson, N. G. N. P. Welder, Secretary, BEND LODGE No. 139.. A. F. & A. M. J Meets on Thursday on or before the full moon of cacli month. Visiting brothers always welcome. J. D. DavldMS, W. M. It. U. AUen, 6TtUry FRATERNAL 1IROTIIERIIOOB. Dend lo'dgo No. S97 meets on tho first and third Friday evening in the- hall over the postofflco. VUlUag brothera and sisters always welcome. U. N. Hoffman. President Sara M. Perry, Secretary. ItOYAL NEIGHBORS AMERICA'. ' Regular moetlngs ever lauraday; day night Visiting members ot the order welcomed. Mrs. A. C Lucas, Oracle. ' ,' Mrs. L. 0. Fleming, Recordajr. Tie Naaacr 528, Six-Sast Repeatiai- Sootsua at $25,00 Is a hammerleu gun with a solid frame. Easier to operate quick er and smoother action than any other. It never balks and is perfectly balanced. Detailed drtcrlptlon of sny'of our Suu to in our loo Can Free Citlo . StmtfitrlttO-VAY . If -ou ronnot obUIn STHVCNS irtiwv DHUIllUft. rnmiSi TKLCSrOFES inroucD lour ucaitr, i will imp Ulrcvt. ciprvn prepaid, upon re ceipt or lol 'Ub prii IVV. J. STFVFKt 1BW Ijl Tinl rruaaiirv CH1COPKB FALLS MAS3ACHUSBTTS WM L . n h4fMMaSBMBSSJA MpHMpatHpas, flS BBoTA STEVENS UrfaJJr Jt asi7 " H kZrO&r y4sr BBBBBBBS rnTr lv. M TL '1-7 f. . Fib MJ ---f - --- --