... rafo IE TRICKY ELEPHANTS. Tht Cunning Thay Dtaplayad In Pr curing Stolen Maal. Blnjrular aa It mny acctn, clephnnta which hnvo associated with men enter tain the notion thnt, under special clr cutnstnncea, they aro not reanoualblo It they utlllio another to commit nn tile Bal net. Tho following Is nn Inst&nca of this elephantine morality. A mnn In Rangoon bought threo young elephants to aend to England. They were, tame and playful, but cun til n jr. Knowing thnt It was wrong to tenl paddy (unhusked rice) tho Idea hnd doubtleas been Impressed upon them by punishment for stealing they would not touch It themselves, hut If n boy went to sec them ho would bo Belted by one. the little trunk would be colled n round his nnu, and he would bo led to where the paddy was kept In bags. The elephant would make a cat's paw of the boy's hnnd to take up a handful of paddy. Then, letting go. ho would turn up the end of his trunk, open It mul conxlngly Invite the boy to drop in the paddy. Should the hoy, however, put It back In the bag his arm would apiln bo netted by the trunk, and his hnnd would bo ngaln Inserted Into the paddy bag. The boy, anxious to be relented, would usually drop the paddy Into the .trunk, and tho elephant would blow tho rice Into his mouth. After repeat' Ing the operation several times the elephant would scamper otT, feeling that ho had got tho paddy without stealing 1L Harper's. the day of ruin rcTCated tho causo of all thoio mysterious absences. lie worked tho Idea Into n play which ho called "Hearts Are Trumps," tho most successful of all his seventy dramas. On tho first night It wna produced, glancing Into the pit, he saw seated among tho audience the very man whose career had suggested the plot. A Contrast In Monarch. Emperor Napoleon has often been seen detaching hU own cr of the l.eglon of Honor to pluco It hlme'.f on tho breast of a hero. Lout. XIV. would tint have asked tf the bravo man was a noble. Napoleon asked It the noblo was brave. A sergeant who In battle had performed prodigies of vnlor was brought before binlt XIV. "I grant you n peuslou of 1.200 litres," said tho king. "Sltv. I should prefer the cross of St. Louis." "1 should think so, but you will not get It." Napoleon would have embraced the sergeant. Louts XIV. turned his baek on him. It Is the decided distinction which separates tho two eiochs. From "Itecollectlons of nu Olllcer of Napoleon's Army.- GAMBLED IN SECRET. Moct Tht Romance of Mark Ltmon'a Succauful Drama, There la a singular story connected with the play "Hearts Are Tramps," which Mark Imon, tho famous Punch editor, wrote, many years ago. When Mark Lemon was rUttlng a friend's boose one day he found there an elder ly gentleman with long whlto hair and a worn, sad face. He waa very secdlly clad, and there was something in his appearance which excited Lem on's curiosity. When the visitor had cone Mark Inquired who be was. "A rich man once" replied his friend. "Lost everything at tho gam ing table.- Hut tho strangest part of tho story Is that no one. not even tho members of his own family, suspected 1dm of gambling until the crash camo. Tic bad kept It a secret from all who knew him. He Is now llttlo better than n beggar. He comes to mc some time and I give him a good meal for the sake of auld tang syne." The tale haunted Mark, says Thor manby In "The Spice of Life." Ho Imagined n daughter waiting nt homo night after night for the gambling fa ther, Ignorant of bis secret rice until MEN OF WEIGHT. Only 7hr of This Notabl EUvtn War Undar 200 Pound. . On Aug. 10, 177S. Uencral Washing, ton and ten other officers of tho Revo lutionary army were weighed at West Point, N. Y and the result Is pre served In an Item from tho English magaxlno Notes and Queries. Only three of the eleven weighed less than 200 pounds. The heaviest was Colonel Swift, whose 310 pounds mndo htm load the next. General Knox, at 2S0, by thirty-nine pounds, but Knox was only twenty-eight years old. Then follow Colonel Michael Jack son. 252: Colonel Ilcnry Jackson. 233; General Lincoln, then forty-Ore years old, 224: Lieutenant Colonel Hum phreys, 221; Lieutenant Colonel Hun tington. 212. General Washington, forty-sir years old. weighed 200 pounds and was fol lowed at qulto an Interval by Lieuten ant Colonel Cobb and General Hun tington, who weighed 1S2 pounds each. It Is amusing to note that the henv. est man's name was Swift and thnt of tho lightest General Oreaton. who U credited with ICC pounds. 1 03 less than Swift's record. The total weight of the eleven. 2.-IS3 pounds gives 220 pounds as the aver ago, but Swift being omitted the other ten averaged only 217 pounds. They were certainly men of weight and sulntnnco and a heavy team -If we may compare them with a tuodcrn BULLETS IN BATTLE. Daath Wounds and Flash Wounds and th Faallno Whan Struck. In "Serving the Republic" General Nelson A. Miles saya thnt, llko ovcry other soldier who has scon much nctlvo scrvleo, ho Is often naked how It feels to bo wounded. Ho himself waa wounded four times and twice almost fatally, so he la able to speak from experience. He says: "One Is often asked how It seems to ho wounded In bnttle. The (light of bullet la quicker than thought and has passed through a llesh wound before one realizes that he tins been struck. I hnvo seen bodies of men dead on tho field of bnttle when' the brain hnd been pierced and death had been In stantaneous. They would remain In every position of the 'manual of arms,' with an amicus look, a frown or a smile on their cold and rigid faces. "My wounds melted at Tnlr Oaks, Fredericksburg and Petersburg were flesh wounds and disabled me but n short time. White riding down the lino nt ChiinrcllomvllU' one of the ene my's bullets struck my metallic bell plate with great force. This enticed a slight deviation as It entered the body The result was an Instant deathly sick enlng sensation. My sword dropped from my right hand; my senhbard nnd belt dropped to the left. I was com pletely paralyzed below the waist. My horse, seemed to realize whnt hnd oc curred. He stopped, turned nnd walked slowly back. I holding to the pommel of the saddle with my hand. Wo soon reached a group of soldiers, who took mo off and. placing me In a blan ket, carried me to the Chnncellorstlllo House and pulled a dead man off a couch to mako room for mo." TOOK HIS TIME. Bill (Java tha Old Man a Long Walt For th Backlog. BklPDcr Norwood was born In a llt tlo Nova Scotia town. During tho long winter evenings young HM used to llo out In front of tho big open fireplace, and Just about tho tlmo he had got warm and comfortablo and a trifle drowsy Norwood senior would mako up his mind tho flro was netting low and scud bU son out Into the snow to bring In a backlog from tho wood pile. Eventually theao nocturnal pilgrim ages got on young HIH'a nerve, nnd one night when his father sent him out after the backlog the son contin ued on past tho wood pile and across country to the nearest seaport, where J be shipped on a whaler. Nine years later itlll came back. It was a bitter winter n'glit. and th snow was falling. Hill sneaked tip to the wont to the wood plfe, solectcd n big backlog, carried It Into tho houoo and stood for n moment by tho flro with tho log on hi shoulder. "Father," said Hill, "Pro brought In that backlog you sunt mo after." Tho old man never budged nn Inch. Instend he spnt luto tho tiro and ro torted testllyt "Set It on tho fire. You've been n long whllo glttlu' Itr'-Hnturday Even ing Past Tha Drug Clsrk'a Catlar. "A man enmo In yesterday nnd want, ed something we didn't havo. He hnd been looking Into tho window, and he must havo thought this wan a book store just becnuso wo were advertising some novels nnd stationery and dic tionaries and a lot of thnt left over Junk. Well, anyhow, he came to me and he says, says he, 'I want IJncoln'a Gettysburg mldre.' " I,ook for It yourself, sir,' snys I politely, llko wo'ro taught to do There's n directory over there In the corner. Hut 1 don't think you'll find It. These directories only have the subscribers' city addresses.' "Well, say, that fellow was an mad he wouldn't wait. Culled me Ignorant nnd all kinds of things. Hut that just shows you what us drug clerks have got to put up with." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Coal Din Maaauramanta. A solid cubic foot of anthracite coal weighs ninety-three younds. When bro ken for use It weighs about llfty-four pounds. Hltumlnoua coal when broken up for use weighs about fifty pound. Tho consequent rule for tho approxi mate measurement of con I In n bin or box Is to multiply the leugth In feet by tho height In feet nnd ngalu by the breadth In feet and this mult by fifty four for anthraclta coal or by fifty for bituminous conk The result will equal tho number of pound, and to And tho number of tons dtrldo by 2,000. Popu lar Mechanics. Th Obliging Frland. "You know that Griggs and I lth lore you. Can't you umku a cholco to day?" "A choice, indeodl When 1 do make a choice you can rest ouuml that It jvlll ut Interest youl" Thauksl I'll tell Ortega.' Ex change. Oood Llttlo Doy. Mrs. SVant Will you lwv another slice of rnkc. Hobble Itnbble-.S'n, thank yasi: mother nald I mut re fuse a xtvoiid piece. 'calte you mightn't have It to spare Judg. A JAPANESE LEGEND. It Talis a Prtlty Story of tha Origin f th Chryaanlhamum. The Jnpnueso hnvo an Interesting legend In connection with the origin of tlm chrysanthemum. In a gnrdon bathed In the soft moonlight n young girl plucked a flower and commenced to strip the petals to seo If her llauca loved her truly. Of a sudden a llttlo god apenred before her nnd nssured her thnt hor flnnco loved her pnsslon Holy. "Your husband will live," ho added, "as many years ns the flower which I will let you choose has petals." With these word ho dlsnpnnred. Tho young girl hnstoned to senreh the gnrdon for a (tower which should hnvn an nbundnuce of petals, but each one nppcarod to proinlao but a brief fa lure for her beloved. At length she picked a IVrslnit rnr nntlnn. nnd. with tho aid of a gold ptu taken from her hnlr, she separated eneh one of the petal of tho Honor aonsto Increase the number offollules anil of the number of years accorded by the god to her fiance, tfoon under her deft lingers ix. 200. W petals, thin, pliant and beautifully curved, had been evolved, and the jnuug girl cried for Joy tn think of the happy future which her ruse had assured hor fiance. So, runs the legend, wa tho rrysanthemutn created one moonlight night In a Japanese garden, where sil very brooks murmured softly as they ran benenth the llttlo bmntwo bridge. Ixindon Globe. CRY OF THE GIRAFFE. It la a Paeutlar Sound Semathlng LIU a 8hp'a Dlaat. Thoso who rend th account of tha giraffe In the textbooks and the de scriptions given by traveler may have noticed that no mention I made of Ita voice. Sportsmen, In fact, al lude to Ita apparent tolcelesanes. Nor so far as the record go has It ever been heard In captivity. Up to tho present It appear that no on could say whether tha cry of a gtraffo was a groan, a Mlow, a bleat or a neigh: hence tho record of the recent An neesntrlo Vloar, i One wonders what London thought of Robert Stephen Hawker, the vicar of Mnrwenstmv, when he vlslled l,on. don (for the second time In his life) In IHUI. Lord Ihmoiith, Invited to lunch with him nt thu Great Western hotel,' Pnddliigton, found him dressed pre cisely as ho used to dress In his Cor nUli village-- lUherman's knitted jer. sey, long purplo coat and wading boots, Lord Kxumiitli. bubbling tvllh Inugli-, tor, said, "I am not surprised tho wait er should sny there waa no clergy mnn hero," To which llntvker replied! "No, doubt you would rather seo tun dressed like a waller, with a black emit mul while choker! I've felt obliged to any 'Sir' to him tttleo already."-I,oiii1uii Express. Dyaka Fond of Monkay Maat. Tho Dynks of southwestern Horneo hunt nearly all the gntne In the vlclnl ty of their settlements tvllh spear ex cept In the case of the oning oulnng. which Is hunted with guns. It aeenia thnt these wild people am very fond of tho meat of the orang nulling ami cotixeqlientlr those nuluint lire very' senrco tn tho neighborhood of Dyak cnuipii. i Not Aoquatntad. "Are you at all familiar with Plato", aaked Mr. Oldcastle. ' "No: that's one thing Joslah nlwnys lilnini's me for- He say I never uinkiM ronl friends with anybody." Waleoma. ' "I a'pose I look like a tramp, Cath erine Ana. but I'm your cousin. C'y, Harker, back from the Klondike with 140,000 In gold. Gee, don't smother tuor-Cblcago Tribune. A Qutar Menu ant. A monument erected In tho Fir llenn cemetery hsa a very curious history. It Is that of nn old woman of Genoa, who made a living by soiling string of nut In the atrects. lly. frugality and Industry ado aucceedad In amaaalng a small fortune In this way and then commU-loned a well' known sculptor of Genoa, I.ulgl Oren .. IiisLh m tlf.a -Ivihl ti4 Pal 1 1 tt lltf experience of a naturalist In east Afri- ,',,,, Ju,t ,,, ,,H.rtr,M nt ,rr' Hitch In tho street. Hits stntun sue window nnd looked Into the old sitting football eleven-that might well chil-' Tho I1,""" I,1,I,B l" iln?Ui I lenge comparison also with our mod- ""I"""'. " ""' em military men. wr ,n fronl "' , ,,u M,lf " 'that the fire was n trifle low So he Dstttr Daya. Ethel (of her tlaneei-Poor Fred has seen better daya Kitty- Yes; he nssl to Ik engaged to mo. Huston Transcript. ca, who has actually heard Ita voice, la of special Interest. Hlnney Penlvnl, the naturalist In munition, spent the day In concealment over a watcrholo tvhero the wild ani mals mine to drink. He had at time seen giraffe and sehra drinking with in thirty feet of him. Whllo thus watching he had the good fortune to hear the giraffe. It was innklug n bleating noise, but Mr Pertival say It Is ipilte ImihmI bin tn dcscrlN' the sound In writing 'The nearest I can get to It," he says. "Is 'ttnr're' rather drawn out. not Jtmt a 'ban,' like a sheep, but tuvrv pro longed, nnd the softening at tho end more noticeable Umdoii Field. ordered to ho placed In tha famous, Straglleiio cemetery, pnilwthly tho lur gest III tho ttorhl-Wlda World Magn tine. ' Qwaat snd Hard. , The Royal hetxl was plalng for Hi k I ii4. IhiM XIV . tlm "Mlsri-tv of I ui ly " The king ttas on his kui and was the ttltol rourt Ills mnjt-slt kept the NHknarit attlluilo until t it-v end of the liyiuu After iUIiik, tht' king turned to the Count ite drain iiiiuit Mini askisl how Ih- found thu tx'i ah ' Very sttevt to the ear, aire, buti tery hard on tho hue.," ,J ELA1ER NISWONGER VV. P. VANDEVERT If You Are Looking for a Good Residence Lot, Investigate Wiestoria, Bend View, Aubrey Heights, RIVERSIDE AND LYTLE Homesteads a Specialty. Our field man was in the employ of the U. S. Geologi cal Survey for six years. Every lo cation guaranteed We can loqate you in Harney, Lake or Crook County. BEST RESIDENCE SECTION OF THE TOWN. A GOOD WATER SYSTEM IS BEING INSTALLED FOR THESE ADDITIONS. Irrigated Land. PRICES REASONABLE. $25 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH. Look Over These Additions Before Buying Elsewhere. We have some of the best Business Property in Bend, on Greenwood, Bond and Wall streets, at MOST ATTRACTIVE PRICES. CALL ON OR WRITE THE If you are looking for Irrigated Land with a guaranteed water right, we can furnish It to to you In tracts of five acres up. We can sell y o u a small tract on Very Easy Terms. OREGON INVESTMENT COMPANY WALL STREET, BEND, OREGON.