The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 10, 1912, Image 1

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The bend bulletin
ri.NT, Al'llll, IIAI.V.
Tho registration of voters for tho
primary closed last nfeht, with a
largo number registered hero. M.
B. I.tittln registered 249 and W. W
Itiiln which bounii yesterday with
a fow hImi wui continued tlm
ulitht anil today, lliu precipitation at
noon lining 0.01 Inches. There wns
n little riiow with tho rnlu. but It
mulled nliiiost na fast ns It fell us tho
tmnpurattini wns nut low. Tho rnlu
romva at tin right tlmu to be of
Ktcnt benefit to tho dry fiirtiioru.
meet raErasf
lOrcutt 134. a total of 383. Some of
thoso rotors llvo out of town, this
being their most convenient regis
tration place
hh m
Mil IIciimiiiI Develop for llend
Itrlck -Klmt KHu Flwd This
Vr;k Mnm I'lml IMg IIooii
I n Manufacture.
Just at present tho manufacturing
plant- of '(tin lleinf IlrlcU 'A Lumber
Oo.tMwo mites went of Ilond, It una
of thoiiustcst itacoji lit Crook county.
Lmt week, wlth'33 matt on tho pay
roll, tho now InUuatry got Into full
. wImk, nml tlio first full day's run-
nine turned out 20,000 first class,
lloiidmadu lirlck. Aftor i few day
operation, tho output for nlno hour
wai raised to 31,000 and even 33,
000, but thoio In chnrKO havo do-
' cldt'd to adopt 30,000 aa n dally unit
I'robahly tomorrow tho first kiln
or tho now brick will l burned. It
U now practically built, and con
tains 100,000 brick.
' Demand Ktrccda Supply
Krcry brick being burned, and
about all tho plant can turn out for
a month or more, already havo boon
either contracted or apoken for to
iiieet Ueiid'a building requirements.
Tho first 140.000 go Into tho Flmt
National Ilank'a now building. K.
A. Halher will use 180,000 In hla
building, detailed plana of which will
bo announced In noxt woek'a paper.
It la understood that llarnoy O'Don-
noil will mo tho local product In tho
Structure ho will erect, and aeveral
other now lleud brick buildings will
uso tho homo-mado product, which,
exports say, not only ouats In prlco
any that can bo Imported, but also
'Is as fluo a brick as Is mado In
$. In addition to tho local marxei
tho company lias arrangements perm
ing to supply a building In itedmond,
and It Is practically certain that
aeveral other largo shipments will
, bo mado to towns to tho north.
Hand as Good aa (Jolil.
. In connection with tho brick mak
ing tho location of a largo supply of
splendid aand solves a difficulty In
local const nfctlon. On tho H. J.
I'lerco place, near tho Central Ore
gon canal on tho Ico Cnvo road
'southeast of town, a big cavo baa
lieen discovered by Mr. I'lerco which
.contains probably thousands of cubic
yards of very fluo white sand.
"It's aa good as gold," said an ox-
pert builder who examined It. "Just
the right thing for plastering." Tho
brick company la using It entirely In
'their manufacturing, finding It ex
cellent for tho work .
frsr M Hunter mill Ml N'rvn Holt
of lllliioU I'lluclpnls In Pretty lto
nianroWIII l.lVu Here.
Hweethoarta for a decade but
kopurnltd for tho past flvo years,
Jmio M. ,ltintcr of Ilond, and Mis
Sola Holt of Qulney, ill., mot at The
Dalles Sunday and are now happily
married. Tho ceremony was per
formed st Tho Dalles. Monday.
Mr. Hunter tins bocn living In tho
West for some nlno years, coiiiIiik to
Ilond lant spring from Monroe,
Wash., with hla brother Charles.
Klvo yoars ago ho visited his homo
In Indiana and of course saw Miss
Holt, his old sweetheart. Rlnro thoy
said good-bye when ho left to return
to tho const thoy did not iiic;t,nnalt)
until, Hunduy whau Miss Holt 'arrived
at Tho Dalle with Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Huntor, Jctse'a father and mother
Tho elder couple came on direct to
llend, the young peoplo last night.
Tho news of Mr. Iluuter's umrrlago
comes as a surprlso to many of his
friends aa ho kept tho fact that he
was to bocomo a benedict a prtjtty
closo secret.
Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Hunter reached
llend Sunday night and with their
son Charles are residing In tho John
son homo on Ohio street, opposite
tho W. II, Htaats home. Mr. Hunter
and hla brldo will mako their homo
there also, She la an accomplished
Dlreror Itoport on Wlutt Has lleen
Dime to, ct lm for This
Hfiixin Afcfcoclallou to Join
Oregon Irrigation (ToiiKrrs.
floiNti i:aht to iioost.
-Alfred A. Aya of La I'lno left
hero yesterday morning on a trip
Kast, to be gono for nlno or ten
InlcrcMlnji Development In Nettling
of John V. White KMuto.
In the County Court last week nn
Interesting case Involving tho estate
of John-W. White of llend was beard.
Whlto always went aa n single man,
oveu when taking out hla natural
isation papers last fall, but since his
doalh It develops that ho has a wlfo,
son and daughter living In Califor
nia, Tho widow now demands suffi
cient funds from tho citato to llvo on.
Tho action Is entitled tho Kstato
of John W. Whlto vs. the Btato. The
court gave tho defense until April
15 to produco ovldonco of n divorce
having been secured by White.
Tho estate Is valued at about $10,
000 and Is said to bo deeply Involved.
months. Ills mission will bo to loll
tho peoplo of that port of tho country i tco uka M,nnelonkai tho
Mrs. II. It. (Upson of Minneapolis,
whoso husband Is a member of the
Soanlon-dlpson I,umbor Co. and
hoavlly Interested In Tho Ilond Com
pany, while hero lant week fell In
lovo with Ilond'a O-rtns so com
pletely, says It. P. Averlll, that she
may build a summer home hero. At
piesent tho Qlpsons havo a palatial
about Contral Oregon in gonorsl and
La I'lno In particular
'aahlonahlo summering place for tho
Twin Clttos.
Tho quartorly meeting of tho Cen
tral Oregon Irrigation Co. Water
Users' Association was held In tho
Commercial Club room Saturday
afternoon, lasting for throe hours.
There was n good nttoudanco, and
matters of Interest to tho settlers
word discussed.
A re (Kir t of tho directors was sub
mitted to tho association, telling
what had been dono In nn effort to
got bettor wator sorvlco from tho
company this season. K. W. Rich
ardson was sent to Portland last
month to confer with directors of
tho C. O. I. Co. and to Salem to lay
before tho Desert Land Hoard the
matter of getting tho company to In-
sail weirs at points of delivery on
tho lands,
Tho !and Hoard rulod that thcro
be one delivery for each contract.
Attorney General Crawford held that
as to more than ono delivery on each
legal subdivision tho hoard had no
right to rule nnd It will havo to bo
jettlcd In court.
A letter was read at tho meeting
from tho Land Hoard to Mr. Itlch
ardkon stating that tho company had
boon ordorcd to put In wolra for all
persons who will Irrlgato tholr land
In 1613.
Maintenance Grievances
Tho settlers discussed at length
maintenance grievances, a largo part
ifSho meeting being taken up by
this question. It waa tho consensus
)f opinion that In futnro each indi
vidual keep a record of tho wator
ver his weir so that there will bo
o difficulty In ascertaining tho
jinount received.
A legislative committee of three
members, to confer with a llko com
mlltco of the Oregon Irrigation Con
tress, was ordered appointed by
President Doncer. Tho association
voted also to Join tho congress.
Among tho members attending
'.be meeting were J. Alton Thompson
ind Karl Henton of Itedmond and
J. C. Hall of Terrebonne.
'Woman Who Disappeared Lost July
Took Her Own Life In Itiver Two
Miles Hclow Town Left Flag
Tied to Huftlics Ily the 8 1 ream
The Dodor Knows.
Coma down town with a boll on tho back of
your nock and ovory person you meat will toll you
Just what to dp for It, That's ndyico and It's frjo.
Hut when you want that boll proporly enrett for,
you get the doctor's advlco and pay for that, You
SEEK tho doctor's advice because you aro euro tho
doctor KNOWS.
When a business deal Is on, every loafer on tho
cornor can tell you just how tho deal should bo car
ried out and all about it. Yet if you aro a natron
of tho bank you feci llko nsklnjr tho bankor's ndvico,
Affain It iB tho kind you SEEK that Is worth
having. Wo aro always glad to help our pa
trons In any way wo can.
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
"Conservative Banking for Conservative People."
fc. 11. BAIRD, (President) JW. MA8TKR8, (Vica,rre.i.lent) "
ill V' 0t MN0B, (Secretary) O
I n. DAIIID, 1'."6. MINOR,l-S. V. HAIRD.
lieot Ilawhet Hnll Gniuo of Kcakoii
Hero I'rlday Night.
Wnat will undoubtedly bo tho best
inskct ball gamo of tho season will
h plnyud Friday night at Ltnstor's
.(all it hen tho lV'clllo girls and
the llend team meet.
Tho two sixes will probably lino
ip tho satno aa In tho recent gamo at
'rlnorllto, which waa won by tho
cst aiders by a scoro 13 to 9.
Tho admission will bo 35 and 36
centa, and a big crowd la expected
to aoo thla Interesting fray.
Thomystery surrounding tho dis
appearance of Mrs. Tom McQrath on
Sunday, July 10, 1911, was cleared
up by tho finding of tho body last
Sunday two miles down tho river by
Mrs. L. C. Fleming whllo fishing.
1'osltlvo Identification was mado
Monday by a ring which waa taken
from tho teft hand.
For eight months and 33 daya tho
body had lain In tho water, appar
ently whero tho unhappy woman
threw herself into tho stream. Tho
body was lodgod against somo logs
and rocks, on tho west side of the
river, whore tho water was not
swift. Tho head waa toward tho
bank, tho face upturned.
Mrs. Fleming's attention was first
attracted by a small bottlo lying on
tho bank. This was empty except
for a small bit of cotton. There was
no odor notlceablo when tho cork
was removed, but It Is thought that
it had contained chloroform. Mrs.
Mcdrath probably ' took tho poison
beforo jumping into tho water. In
oruor to make aeain aouuiy auro.
Itng Tied on Ttvlgn.
That sho wantod her body found
aocmod certain. At tho place whero
tho remains were In tho wator a piece
of cloth, which looked as If it might
havo sorved onco aa a dish towel,
waa securely tied to an alder twig.
About 100 yarda up tho stream a
man'a handkerchief waa also found
firmly tied to a twig at tho edgo of
tho water. Tho hem had been torn
from ono side and used aa a string
with, which to fasten the handker
chlof securely to tho twig. It bore
no Initials or laundry mark. It had
been there a long tlmo, aa It was
falltug to pieces from cxposuro In
tho weather.
Aa soon as Mrs. Flomlng mado the
ghastly discovery Sunday afternoon,
Constablo A. C. Lucaa waa notified
and went to tho sceno. Ho lifted
tho body from tho water and took
from tho clothing a breastpin. This
was Idontiflod by John O'Donnell,
who know tho woman well, aa be
longing to Mrs. McGrath. Tho body
was loft In tho wator until Monday
morning when Constable Lucaa,
Deputy Sheriff Fox. Undertaker NU
wongor and a party went otter It.
No Inquest waa doomed necessary.
On tho loft hand was found an 18
karat gold band ring which bore the
word Nome." As Mrs. McOrath
had llvod In Alaska, this waa taken
as positive evidence that tho body
waa hers. Though badly faded and
decayed, tho clothing waa also Identi
fied as what sho had on when lost
County Court Decide to I'ostpono
Definite Htrp Until May Term.
Jllds Are Thrown Out.
Last Thursday the County Court
decided to let decision In the matter
of cruising the timber of Crook
County He over until the May term.
The flvo bids for tho cruising which
had boon received were returned,
they being deemed Illegal because
not properly advertised.
At tho meeting, which was sup
posed to havo been hold Wednesday
forenoon, but which waa postponed
becauso members of the court failed
to put in an nppcaranco, representa
tives of those who had protested
against the proposed cruiso present
ed their arguments against it After
a lengtny bearing tlio bids were
thrown out and tho matter waa
dropped, at least temporarily.
, The argument beforo tho court
look tbeso grounds.
1 Tho matter of listing and ap
praising all taxable property or tho
county Is made by law tho duty of
the assessor.
3. The County Court hoa no
power to Impose upon tho assessor
or equalization board any data It
may obtain relative to tno quantity
it value of the timber or any other
taxable property,
3. So largo an expenditure aa
would bo Involved In a contract for
cruising the timber of the county
would bo totally, unjustifiable In
tho abaenco of power to get any
'ioncflt therefrom. For failure of
tho law to provide a means whereby
tho court could requlro the uso of
juch Information aa is proposed to
bo obtained, makes Its preparation
of extremely doubtful value.
In 40 Days 03 Cars Handled Here
and Many raaoengcr Arrive.
Distributing Activity Gathers
Volumn,lpeclally to Horns
(Continued on laat pago.)
Hcnd School Will Ixe Principal Who
Has Served Tills Year.
At- the meeting of the school
board the resignation of Prof. J. D.
3bouse aa auperlntcndent will bo
considered, Mr. Sbouso having noti
fied tho board that ho will not bo ablo
to fill tho position next year.
Thla decision waa reluctantly
reached by him, ho said, but waa
mado necessary owing to tho health
of Mrs. Shousc. Sho Is or a nervous
temperament and tho altitude here
Joes not agree with her.
Prof. Shouso will remain until tho
closo of thla session on May 24. He
lays ho doea not yet know where he
aill go. He will likely find no diffi
culty In aocurlng a good position as
ho has proved himself a capable and
efficient principal here. He came
to Hcnd last fall from Nebraska. Ho
waa ro-electcd by tho school board
at Ita last meeting.
Owing to failure to receive films
In time. tho. opening of Tho Dream
Theater did not take placo last night
Tho first show will bo given tonight.
beginning at 7:30 o clock.
That Hcnd Is coming to tho front
more and more aa an Important ter
minal and distributing point Is evi
denced by tho groat recent Increase
In freight shipments handled here.
From tho first of March 23 cars of
settlors goods, Including everything,
from furniture to stock, hare been
received at the Hend freight depot
and warehouse. A total of 2C3 cars
of freight havo been unloaded ainca
March 1, or a dally avorago of moro
than alx cars.
Thoro aro now four auto tnickst
oporatlng between hero and Durns.
In the laat three weeks 6,00(
pounds have been taken by them to.
Durns, and at present thero Is 50,000
pounds more of freight for Harnoy
county morcbanta In the United
Warehouse, at Hend, and more lav
coming in every day. 'For aa the.
Durns people are awakening to tnef
advantages In transportation cost.,
and In tlmo aavlng, of Dend aa a rail
road polnt.over those formerly used;
by them, they arc-greatly Increasing
their shipments by this route.
For the last ten daya tho nightly
avorago of passengers who havo ar-'
rived la 3S, which la aald to bo
greater than the combined averago
of all other stations along tho now
railroads. A dally average of rour
passengers have been taken to Durns
by auto.
Auto Truck Increase.
Tho Central Oregon Trucking Com
pany, says Mrs. Maxo Lockwood. will
very shortly put on the Duma routs'
either a now flvo ton truck or two
three ton trucks. In addition to tho
two already at work.
During tho last two weeks tho
Lockwooda' trucks have been oper
ating steadily. In addition to several
aldo trlpa making three round trlpa
to Durns. Thoy havo arranged to
havo Archie McQowan aa their Durns.
agent, says Mr. Lockwood.
J. E. SawhIII ia also In tho field
with two trucks, which returned
yesterday from their firat trip. Mr.
SawhIII atatea ho will havo other
trucks in operation shortly, to caro
for the rapidly Increasing buslnoaj.
which appears to be taxing to tho
(Continued on laat page.)
is a specialty with
us, and we are
known to nil archi
tects and contract
ors as supplying the very best in this line for all
purposes. We are at all times glad to estimate on
jobs for builders and others. Also, we carry all
kinds of tools and implements for various trades,
and all kinds of agricultural implements, barrows,
saws, axes, scythes, rakes, hoes, etc.
Also Full Line of Bufticrs Supplies,
Sash, Doors, Glass, etc.
N. P. Smith
u J'-Xi ' WaU
Wall Street
Tr?c First National Bank
Or. U. O. COS. PrldM I. A. BATHER. Vlc PrIJnt
0. 8. HUDSON. Oa.M.r
OtplUl fulhr paid ... S2S.OOO
Stockholder' liability . S2S.OOO
v Surplus .... .
Our buyer left March 21st for
Illinois to purchase two carloads
of Holotcln cows.
Theso cows will bo sold at
public auction, CASH O It
Data of salo -will be announced
in this paper later.
'Writo or call for particulars.
i J : u.s ,i : n . . " "
!V r