The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 03, 1912, Image 6

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    r . -
; Publisher.
Managing EdUor.
An Independent notvspaper stand
ing tor the square deal, clean busi
ness, clean v politico and tho boat In
terests ot Ufond' and Central Oregon.
Ono year 1.50
Six month ,. 80
Three months. BO
All subscriptions are duo and
ot, expiration will bo mailed subscri
bers and It renewal Is not made with
in reasonablo tlmo tho paper will bo
I'loaso notify us promptly ot any
change ot address, or of failure to re
ceive tho paper regularly.
Mako all checks and orders par
able to Uond Bulletin.
WEDNESDAY. APKlli 3, 1912.
-- --
The Bulletin wilt publish
tho following articles regard
ing the Panama Canal, written
by Q. P. Putnam, who reccnl
llyreturnqd from an exten
sive trip to Panama and Cen
tral America as a special
correspondent for various
metropolitan newspapers.
Ono article .wilt appear
each woek. In this Issue Is
printed Uho flfth."How Undo
Sam Treats His Employees."
1 "What tho Panama
Canal Is."
2 "Constructing tho Dig
3 "Some of the Dig Jobs."
4 "The Men on tho Isth
mus." S "How Uncle Sam Treats
His Employees."
6 "How Panama has Been
Made a Health Kesort."
7 "What tho Canal Will
do for tho Pacific Coast"
Some weeks ago Tho Bulletin
published an editorial comment upon
the Portland Oregonlan. In effect,
the paragraph In question Intimated
Jbat The Oregonlan did not giro all
ttho national political nows. and that
it was difficult to learn from the
Portland paper what was going on In
xho Rooscvolt camp, because so much
of Its space was given to booming
Taft and so very little to the Colon
el's activity. Furthermore, The
Bulletin pointed out that It docs not
favor HoosoveU and that It docs not
believe he has a ghost of a cbanco;
but Its curiosity concerning what
was happening In the East could not
be satisfied (In Its opinion) by read
ing The Orogonlan.
The little comment baa had two
One is that somo small papers,
-who are opposed to The Oregonlan
on principle, by habit and Inheri
tance, and from that inborn custom
that cats have of spitting at kings,
have made the comment a text for
tirades against tho big Portland
paper. Tho other is that Tho Bulle
tin has been criticized on tho ground
that It unfairly attacked The Ore
goalan. The Bulletin said, In part: "It Is
an injustice to the paper's readers,
and to itseir, for a really great organ
like The Oregonlan to give Its nows
columns to one side, and to one aldo
only." Tho Bulletin Is lncllnod to
stick to its statement that it is hard
to get any extensive political newi,
aside from Taft news, in tho Port
land paper.
But while It does make this criti
cism, it wishes to go on record as
being out of sympathy with its
country brothers who take a fling at
The Oregonlan whenever there la
nothing else to occupy space.
For The Oregonlan Is the best
newspaper west ot Chicago, and Is a
news dispensing organ of which the
state may well bo proud. Nor does
The Bulletin agree with thoso who
say that the paper has "gone down
hill" since the death of Mr. Scott.
It Is as well conducted, and covers
a broader field In a better way, than
ever beforo.
After all. it Is Tho Oregonian'a
privilege to work for Its chosen
candidates in what It believes to bo
the most effective manner. And It
Is the privilege of other papers to
make honest comment upon tho
methods of the state's leading
Tho City of Bend paid out $531.90
In. supplying rock for the Bend depot
TnatVas an excellent act, and the
town has a right to be proud. Also,
Hand should get credit for what It
did. A tablot should bo placed at
tho dopot stating that tho tnatorlal
usod Is Bond stone, and that Bond
delivered It to tho railroad companies.
Lorvnl Teacher Selected by Portland
Publication to Act ns Itrprescn
tatlve of Till Section on Junket
to Interestlnt; Knstcrn Points.
Miss Anno Market has been se
lected by "The Paclitc Northwest."
an agricultural magaxlno published
In Portland, to bo Crook county's
representative on a long tour to tho
East this summer. Ratification of
tho selection has been mado by tho
Bend Commercial Club.
To get the trip It Is necessary for
Miss Market to socuro 300 subscrib
ers to tho magazine, at tho rate ot
three years tor one dollar. She will
have tho entire county. Tho man
agement guarantees to expend upon
her traveling expenses the $300
which she Is to secure In her subscription-getting
Good Adrcrtlnlnj: Results
The Interest of this community
and of the county at largo In tho
proposed trip Is becauso ot Its great
advertising benefits.
Tho Journey Includes visits to
Detroit. Niagara Falls, Buffalo,
Washington, Chicago, St Paul and
other cities. At all points cxtenslre
press notices are given tho mombera
of tho party, who realty act as ad
vertising agents for the various sec
tions ot tho Northwest which thoy
From previous Junkets ot this
character thousands of inquiries
havo been received by tho localities,
and as Miss Markol, In entering the
mattor. promises to work her hard
est as a "booster" for Crook county.
It Is fair to assume that aho will
mora than return tho support sho
will doubtless receive from the
people of tho county when she starts
her soliciting noxt week.
Miss Market has taught in the
Bend schools for three years. Sho
camo here from Elgin, III., In 1909.
Books Close Next Tucaday Many
Have not ItegUtercil
nplatrnt!on for tho nrlmary clec-
tlnn nn Anrll 19 will done next
Tuesday, and from present Indica
tions thcro will bo a large numoor
ot Bend citizens who will not be
qualified to voto.
Men of Bend and vicinity wno
wish to have a voice In the govern
ment affairs will have to Ket busy
aa no ono who Is not registered can
vote on tho 19th. M. H. Jttin ana
W. W. Orcutt havo registration
Tho Herald Will 1kj Launched Next
Week, It I Announced.
A newsnaner to bo called the
Bisters Herald will bo launched at
Sisters probably next week. Tho
publishers are George h.. AllKcn,
formerly of Boseburs. and J. M.
Crenshaw of Redmond. Mr. Altkcn
was in Bend Saturday In the Inter
est of the publication.
A small nlant will bo nut in. ho
said, n Washington bandprcss being
used to print tho paper on. it win
be issued en Thursdays, and in size
will bo six pages, with "ready print"
Mrs. M. S. Lattin entertained last
evening a party of young peoplo at
her home In honor of Miss Noll
Market During the evening Miss
Marlon Wlest was handed a fako
tolegram, and later, when Mrs. iJit
tln told the girls that they had caught
a young coyote, thoy Immediately
went to tho back yard where they
aaw an empty box. Other April fool
Jokes were carried out throughout
the evening and presently tho girls
considered themselves very "B Z
Marks". Tho guests were: Anne,
flertruda and Nell Market Marion
Wlest, Iva West, Arrle Black, Katho-
rlne Trautncr, Mrs. Mora and Mrs.
Buck Deer Aug. 1 to Nov. 1
Ducks Oct 1 to Fob. 15
deese Oct 1 to March 1
Bagehena. ...... .Aug. 1 to Nov 1
Quail Oct 1C to Nov. IS
Silver Squirrel.... Oct. 1 to Jan. 1
Beaver, Female Deer, Spotted
Fawn, Elk and Antelope,
Trout Season Open April 1 to
Nov. 1.
Annual Hunting License, $1.00
Anual Fishing License, $1.00.
(1911 Fish aud Game Laws.)
(exaH Kmedies
What They Mean to You.
"Rex" means Klnjr. "REXALL" moans klmc of
nil. REXALL REMEDIES nra produced nnd sold
under a co-operative plan by over 4,000 loading
drurolsta in Cnnndn nnd tho United States.
Thoy comprise more than 300 dilTorcnt remedies,
ono for each ill, nnd ench unquestionably tho best
of ita kind.
Hero is tho greatest guarantee that was over con
ceivedand It Is on this Ruarantco that wo soil
Rexnll Remedies.
''Tills preparation Is Riinrnntccil toglvesntls.
faction. It It doesn't, come back and get your
moneyIt belongs to you and we want you to
hnvo It."
Tltls guarantee is printed on every package of
Rcxall Remedlos wo sell. Could any offer bo mora
faircould you ask moro?
Wo recommend Roxall Remedies becnuso wo
know they are safe and reliable, nnd can tell you
what they contain nnd how thoy aro made. Wo
sell Rexnll Remedies at tho lowest possible price
consistent with their quality and cost of manufacture.
We have faith In Roxall Remedies and wnnt you
to know about them. Wo wnnt you to try them on
our guarantee. Thoy mean health insurance for
you. They help to nmko friends and pntisflcd
customers for us.
Patterson Drug: Co.
Notice to Water Uncrs.
Tho Central Oregon Irrigation
Company rWator Users' Association
will meet'ln Bond on Saturday, April
6, 1912. at 1:30 p. m. All water
users requested to bo present
3-4 S. H. SNYDEIt. Secretary.
Line A Davidson's shop la the
beat piano In town to fret your hair
cut or a abate.
Department ot the Interior, U. 8.
Land Ortlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
March Cth, 1912.
Notlco Is hereby given that Kd
Halvorson of Bcud, Oregon, who. on
May 20th, 1905, mado desert land
entry No. G56, Serial No. 02381, for
NV4, section 10, township 18 south,
rango 12 cast. Willamotto Meridian,
has filed intlco ot Intention to mako
11 in. 1 deset proof to establish claim
to the land alwvo described, befcre
II. C. Kills, U. S. Commissioner, at
his olllco at Demi, Oregon, on the
23rd day of April, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses'
Levi D. Wlost. Kmest Onrrett,
Wallace B Fellers and Joseph II. )'
Nell, all ot Bend, Oregon.
C. W. fiiOOBK.
1-i Register.
of the Pine Forest Lumber Co.,
and are In a position to fill orders
of any size. In addition we carry
a full line of
Building: Material
Lime, Cement, Plaster
Brick and Fire Clay.
OverturfDaviS"Miller Co.
Bend, Oregon.
aaa m m m mm w www wwv T ,,,
Havo Been Appointed Agents for th Rtautiful
Deschutes Addition
Just three minutes wnlk from tho postofllce.
Wo are in a position to offer choice buildlntf
loUon easy terms. Theso Iota should easily
double In value within a Bhort tlmo.
Don't fail to investigate thla beforo Investing
Bittner ( Staats, Agents
Ofllce corner Wall
Sealed bids are requested by tho
City ot Bond for furnishing a man
and team to work by tho hour dur
ing tho summor on street sprlnklor
or otherwise. Horses must wetgh
at least 1400 lbs. each. All bids
to bo delivored to Mr. 8. J. Spencer,
chairman of tho Streets Committee,
or to Rocordor Kill prior to 12 M.,
April Cth, 1912, nnd tho Council re
serves tho right to reject any or all
II. C. ELLIB, Recorder
IIATK8: Five conta a lino for
first Insertion In this column, 'four
cents a lino for each subsequent In
sertion. Cash In advance unless
you havo an account with Tho Bul
letin. Count six words to tho Hue.
Including tho address.
WANTKD Job on ranch for ono
or two men. (I. N. Stoner, Bend. 6p
WANTBD Stout boy or girl to
imln wnmun cnok In camn. Atildy
to O'Donnell Bros, moat market 4p
WANTKD Sowing by day or at
- , - - ., - . --. ...
and Minnesota Streets
-- ----
Skuse Hardware Company
home. Miss L. A. Jackson, Onelll
llldg., next to Hliueys aiuru. tv
WANTKD- -Woman to do house
rlmmhur ono day ouch week. In-
Uitlro Bulletin olllco. tt
WANTKD To oxchaiiKO ono
nearly now piano for a town lot In
Bond. Inuulro of Dr. II. D. Brown
at tho Kvorgroon Rooming House.
BOARD Tablo Iroardors desired.
Inquire Mrs. l M. Ray. 6 Itf.
WANTKD Position as chauffeur
or ropalnuuu by competent young
man, can run and repair any car.
Have good hablls. nnd can glvo bust
rereronco. llolton Brady, Palmer,
Texas. 3-4 p
WANTKD A girl to do genoral
housework. Inquire Mrs. F. F.
For Kent.
FOR RKNT 4 room house, with
cloaot nnd pantry. Phono K. W.
Richardson. Itf
FOR RKNT Furnished cabin,
$0 per month. Unfurnished, $4.
W. II. Leah, Fir Ave. ono blk oast of
dopot. 4-7p
FOR RKNT Two storo rooms,
modern plate glass front Good lo
cation on Wall street Knqulro F.
O. Minor at P. O. 4-lf
FOR RKNT Dry farm, 160
acres, 80 acres In cultivation. One
room houso.Thrco miles south Pqw
oil Ilutto station. Will ront on the
shares. Address, Joe Innes, Bend,
Oregon. Itf
FOR RKNT Four-room houso,
close In. Sco Joo Inues. 3tf
For Sale.
FOR BALK Studebakvr wagon,
3 VI In. See I. A. W. Nixon. 2tf
FOR BALK 80 ox. can or bak
ing powder for COo at tho Star
Bakory. 3tf
farm near Bend, suitable for dairy
ing. Prlco low, rent reasonable
Inqulro at this olllco. 4-tp
FOR 8ALK White Ughnrn eggs
7Sc n sotting. Inquire at lira's
store. 3-5
FOR BALK Sawmill, U..000 ca
pacity. Beat location near Bend.
Address Box 136, Uond. 4p
FOR 8ALK Nice 4-room bunga
low, cloio In. choice street, reason
ablo price, good tortus, llcnklo &
Ford. 2tf
FOR 8ALK Kgga. $1.00 per 15.
from thoroughbred White leghorns,
excellent laying strain. Mrs. Carl
Hatch, taldlaw. 47p
FOR BALK Hatching eggs from
Koltorstrass Crystal White Orping
tons, $2.00 a setting. II. Spelter,
We Have an Up-To-Date
Sporting Goods
Redmond, Ore. CI 13 '
FOR BALK 90 acres of choice
farming land five miles from Bond,
all under water right, 3G acres In
cultivation. Wo can offer thin Oil
week only at $30 nn aero; It would
be cheap at $15. Owner limit rnUn
money quick. Illttucr A Htaats, at- ,
to rimy. 4
FOR flALK llonso and two lot,,
five minutes walk from iiostoRlcn,
ulco location. IVIco $050, Act
quick. John H. Illttucr, attorney t
law. 4
FOR BALK Nice llltlo bungalow
on corner lot, clone In. Dost bar
gain In Bond, nt $435, John II.
Illttnor, attorney at law. 4
FOR BALK Choice level lot. no
stono or brush, $150. Kasy toruia.
John II. Illttnor. attorney at law, 4
FOR BALK Beautiful cloae-ln
Park Addition lot Price $350, ad
joining lot hold at $550. Inquire
A. It. Bulletin. 3tf
FOR BALK Pura bred Barred
Rock ogg for setting; $1.50 tor 11.
Loavo orders at O'Donnoll'a market
J, F. Pierce. Bend. 6 Itf
FOR BALK Second hand bungy
and single harness. F, M. Ray. 5 Itf
FOR BALK Chatham Fanning
Mill with 13 sieves, prlco $35. Ad .
dress A-D, Rultotln. Btf
FOR BALK Good haled clover
hay $10 per ton, 4 miles went of
I,aldlaw, Wlmer and Bpaugh. l4p
FOR BALK Barred Rock nu
for hatching, $1 for 15. K. W,
Richardson, It F. I)., Bond. 3tf
Blueprint map of Harney, lV
ami Klamath t-oiiMtlr fur sale by
The Bulletin, sh well a map of (
IViMik county.
FOR BALK 40 acres Irrigated
laud, coxy and up-to-dato 4-hhiiii
home; all fenced; 7 acres cleared
and cultivated; C mils uf llnul.
aI of lumber, tool, oto. on plac
Will sell cheap. Reason nm leatlng
country. Agents will get lllwral
commission. First comes, first gvU
th bargain. Mrs. Hchlrror, 212
Llnroln Bt., Portland, Oro. Ill
Crt your barlieil ulre nml HrM
friii r at the Hkue llanlnaitt Co.,
llnul, Oregon.
A classified advertisement In Tho
ilullotln coats but little but brings n
suits. If you havo a houso to rent
or sell or want to buy, lot It be known
by tho use of an ml,
Iai nnd I'iuHiiI,
LOBT Hmall gold bar set with
lunula and sapphires. Howard of
$S If returned to Mrs. Kd. HronKr
hous. :tf
LOBT Throo-month-old Aire
dale pup, mate. Finder return to
J. II. (loan fur roward. 3-ip