HHmwffmMm4fmfMUJMWUamwMfHitfMtmm'mHM4mHm - - SAVE MONEY! WE CARRY THE COMPLETE LINE OF FARM MACHINERY WAGONS AND BUGGIES. WE SHOW YOU BELOW A FEW OF WHAT WE HAVE IN STOCK: Till IIIJ8T OP IIUHAO, PIUS ANf) ! CAKUS MAU I'KOM OUI FLOUR. WO MAKE ALL KINDS OP FGOOSTUHP. fFH r l 3 JBSlSfli WNMMMMMMMMnRMMMMWIMNWBl OLD HICKORY WAGONS-Notcd JL emjxu 3avo Your Duck, Tlmo and Patience by Using This. fllusi Vaiip ftftrass 171 Tiirvaail lli.it at tour MHI and Ms will be Fat sad Stroa 4 --- I Information for --- . KTery utuo or Tho liuiio tln records tlio proKreoa of Contrsl Orcson and llio llond country. It you ro a home oker looklnr for a now lo- f this icctlon, thero Is no bettor J war to bocomo acquainted wltti, or kocp poated on, what I la boltiR dono In tlila part ot tho world than ly reading thla paper roKularly. 8nd In your aubicrlptloti at onco, ao na not to tnlia anything of what li going on In thla big, resourcoful country t h I groat Inland emplro that has now been opened for dovolop mont by two groat railroad syatoma. -"----- HUM). Population, 1300 (eitlmatod.) (Location, on tho Detchutes rlrer, 135 mllca aouth of tho Columbia rler. First regular railway train service Inaugurated Nor. 1, 1911. ' Arorago annual precipitation, 18 Inchea. . , . v. y j Hlgheat tompfraturo ovor recordod 10S dogreoa. . t ii Iiowoat temperature ever rocordod 19 degrees below soro. Annual mean tomporaturo, 44.8 Oogrees. Avorago of 320 days per annum with aunahlno. Klovatlon, 3(30 foot (gorornment record.) Climate dry and healthful tho yoar round. llond to tho termlnua ot tho Oro Kon Trunk lino of tho Hill railway eyetora and ot tho Doacbutea branch of tho Harrlman ayatom, It la tho dlitrlbutlng point andtrallwcoj station for a largo numbar of towus,sln Crook, Lako, Klnmath and' Harney countlos. Dally atngo lino from Hand to Bllvor Lnko and Intormodlatq towns; o Powoll Hutto, nndTo Laldlav. Auto pnaBongor lino and auto truck freight carrying lino to Uurna mid Intormodlato points. Hurnl freo doltvory serves sottlors living on Irrigated lands oaot of town. M ty. Tho following aro a row aavnu- Xngca llond lms to offor: . (lood graded and high school. 1'ublto library and musoum. Kloctrlo lights and powor, day and VJ'. ff7777yyy. V A ' ' ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV iSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaViBBflaBBBBBBBBf for LIkIiI Draft and Strength. L GET THIS MACHINE AND SAVE TIME AND WORRY F YOU WgX CALL ON US for Flour, Feed end Farm td Mill Machinery, we c save yon money, m we handle the test articles In thfa line that are mtmitfactnred. We will take yjJeasnre la furnishing yon with any Information la regard to dry fanning at oar command. Call an see as and get better acquainted. Our Motto: Live and Let Live. Farmers Invited to call and see our goods when In Bend. Bend Milling (& Warehouse Company. KJlTiiiH UlLtWrWW' If you expect to raise alfalfa at a profit, yoii need tills Implorricnt. the Hbmeskker . . night. . City water systom. Two good banks. Kour church organization Unimproved Jand with water right aells at prices ranging from $1G to ISO an acre; Improved land, from fCO an aero up. Tho principal cropa relied on thla Irrigated land aro clover, alfalfa, oats, whoat, gar den truck, email fruits such as cur rants, raspberries, gooaoberrlca, etc., and all kinds of root crops, chief of willed la potatoes. Tho country Is Ideal for dairying and hog ralslug, both ot which In dustries aro yet In their Infancy. Tho ylold of butter fat from tho grassoa on thoso Irrigated lands is high, and pasturago la posstbto from six to nine months In tho year. A creamery will be In oporatton hero this summer, paying good prices for dairy products. Hogs aro another paying Industry, especially so In connection with dairying. Poultry do woll horo also and bring a. profltablo return Dry Farming, A largo Ury farming territory lies tributary to llond, with thousands of acres of good government, land which can bo homestosded. A man can take ISO or 330 acres i under tlio homestead laws aud also 180 -acres under tho desert land laws. Ills wlfo may also tako a desert claim and unmarried women can tako both homestead ind desert claims, Patent to 100-acrp, hotnestoad can bo ob tained' by continuous reeidencolot It months thereon, and tho making of Improvements. When such commu tation. -proof Is mada .tha .claimant pays tho government 11.35 an aero. Klvo years' resldonco Is required on land takon under tho 320-acro on Inrgod homostoad act, commutation Mothodlst, Daptlst. Prosbytorlan, CathollOj) 4 (. ms socroi ana iraiornai gruors. . Flour mill. s Threo sawmills'. Orenroory (building.) loo factory and cold slorago plant (building.) Oood hotels. Bono passengor station, , p . UIggoat&fel&ht warqliousodUiCei tralOrogoii. . " , s , tSSm K iinnaeomo BioiioeumuiuBayuoiuiiis UllUill aud Harrlman railway station south of tho Columbia rlvor which Is located luKau,ugu uuuk nuuomco u Dii.'vvhlch Whrk'startalMarcml?) ""'nond irthoHtlolnt-Hlll nmriiMni V0 "m0 nnt money KZm by uslnjj tho JBfflr SUPERIOR hib IHI flfi ant Buro J."r Tho Bt Harrows on tho Market. Get Our Prices. directly on the Deschutes river. irrigated 'Fanning. Dead Is la'tho main Central Ore gon Irrigation belt, tho surrounding territory being wstored by the canals of tho Central Oregon Irrigation Co. and tho Arnold Irrigation system, not being allowed. Filings on gor ornment land may bo mado hero bo foro tho United States Commissioner. The filing fees aro $18 for 160-aero claims and 312 for 330 acres. Tho usual fee for location on government land la $100. Names ot persons doing b location business may bo ob t aluod by referonco to tho advertis ing columns of this paper. New settl6mouts aro developing rapidly In Mllllcan, Whltaker and Hampton vailoys, aouthoaat ot Uend on tho auto road 'to Hums. Oovernment land b being rapidly filed on and will soon all bo taken. Yellow Pino Timber. Dond Is situated In tho yoltow plno belt, thero being 20 billion foot of tlmbor tributary to this town, It Is estimated. Tho Deschutes river furnishes excellent mill sites and logging ponds. Lumber retails locally at from $10 to $80 a thous and. Ilosldents ot Dond and the sur rounding country,, during their lotsuro time, find excellent recreation n hunting and fishing. Tho Des chutes river Is well stocked with trout, and tho forests are the homes of bear, deer. bobcats and many other wild antmali Notice to llomeseekers. Will locato you on good homo stoad and will jo) you work out lo cation feo. Boo 3. It. Post. 3U You will find that one ton of coal will giro you more heat than threo cords of wood. Figure tlio economy. Tlio Overturf-Davis-Mll-ler Co. Insurance v . that 1 DDfTPr.T5 ! av ' . . M. S. Latt n & Co.! FIRE 1 ThQ gapcrlor Drin ABsuros Beat Results. Get the Old Reliable. NEW GRANGE HITS LIVELY CLIP Eastern Stars v Making a Great Record. HIk Danco Inaugurates Hall Just llullt by Volunteers East of IjcnO. New Organization Has Many 11 list ling Members. Tho now Eastern Star Orango No. 482, established In tho territory Immediately cast ot Bend, has mado a record which Is said to bo unsur passed In grange work In the North wost. Six weeks after first talk ot get ting up a grango was made, tho Orango was fully organised and In oporatlon, with a splendid ball of Its own, and a prosperous membership Six days after commencing construc tion ot tho hall. It was completed. "That Is golug some! It shows there are some live wires In tho couutry," was the way ono enthusi astic organiser expressod IL Iluiiding IlusheU for Dance Saturday night the Orange held Its first dance In its new hall, attend ed by 59 people. Tuesday morning work on tho hall commenced. Eighteen men, living In tho vicin ity, shared tho work, all contribut ing their services toward erecting tho building, which Is 32 by 60. W. O. Waugh was overseer, Tho list ot tho Yoluntoor workers Is: II. E. Stowart, O. M. Erickson, Fred Rey nolds, Nick Reynolds, W. If. Rey nolds, Dert Torkelson, Philip Don ee r. Philip Oardlner, C, M. Uragg. Clyde Wornstaft, Alonso Moore. II. Holgersou, Andrew Moon, Lee Nick erson, Fred NIckerson, Arthur Cook and W. 8. McNaught. Tho hall stands upon an aero pre sented to tho Orango by O. N. Erlclrson, tho aero previously offered by II. J. Overturf being withdrawn, because Mr. Ovorturf sold tho placo from which the aero was to havo boon tnkon. and tho uow ownor would uolthor give, soil or loaso tho desired lnnd, e.iy tho Orango olllcors. Dmiro nig Success. Dancing commoncod shortly after nine Saturday night and contlnuod until throe thirty. At about mid night tho Ladles' Junlpor Club served refreshments. At tho outset tho muslo was sup plied by Joo Acra, violin, and M. KoUman," organ. Aftor supper. fKgMMiMWfik hf 'WTiCP3ssBaSsassssWssai F .sssaslsiMiish I 4 a. THE BAIN WAGON-Can't bo beat. The old reliable. Get thla famous light ran ning and durable plow j Has no equal. If 'ou "P00 to 8uccccd at dryland farming, you need this tool. these musicians wero relieved by Jim Jones snd C. JX. Lowe. Tho followjng persons, whoso names wcro courteously supplied The Bulletin by Mrs. IL a Stewart, were presont from that community. Messrs. and Mesdamea Philip Oardner, Andrew Moon, W. F. Mc Naught. William H. Reynolds. F. P. Reynolds. Oeorgo M. Erickson. W. Q. Waugh. C. M. Dragg. II. E Stowart; Mcsdames Merrill. Taylor. John Kel lam and M. Kotxroan; Misses Anna Moon, Ada Cook, JcmIo Mocn, Lou xetta Wornitaff, Gertrude Reynolds, Rada Cook, Miss Rowo; C. A. la wo. Max Richardson, Joo, Clyde and W. J. Wornstaff, E. Hocch, Alonso, Otis, C. and H. Moore, Arthur Cook. Dert Torkelson, Mr. Hunsley, NJck Rey nolds. C. V. Darto. S. and Leo NIckerson, J. Jones and Joo Acra. The following Rend peoplo wero at tho danco: N. I. Woldor.'Fred Rorell. Quy McRoynolds. 8tevo Stoldl, Miss May Gould, Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Moen Mrs. Jessie Houghton and daugh ter, Miss Edwin Do Merrlfield, from Mllllcan valley, also attended. Contributions Large. In cash contributions, exclusive ot tho labor given. $367.50 was sub scribed, llolow is given a list ot the .contributing persons and firms. 8. P. Roynolds. $ S.S0 2.50 5.00 10.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 10.00 6.00 10.00 100.00 6.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 10.00 3.50 2.50 4.00 5.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 10.00 2.50 Clyde Wornstaff.,, Joo Wornstaff..,, C. R. Lowe Atonxo Moore...., i Autls Mooro. ...,.,...,.. J. Peterson ., II. E. Stewart O. M. Dlack. .,.....,.,,. W. O. Waiigh C. O. I. Co.... i ' Philip Doncor. C. Kotxman.... Dick Hunsley. , . E. Hoech , O. C. Card well.. Colo E. Smith. .. Philip Oardlner. O. P. Dahlo O. O. Moou W. J. Wornstaff. Olut SwauBou. . . Nick Reynolds.. O. W. Hooch.,, . , Loo Young.. u. O. W. Straight. 1.00 Iiort Tork'olsdn 5.00 Arthur Cook, ,,....,., ... 6.00 Rend Drlck & Lumber Co. . 10.00 Anton Aune 5.00 Rend Milling & W. Co.. . . . 2.50 Overturf-Davls-Mlller Co.. 10.00 BjT?jreLTTjyi' j j n7v1liiWylBW muj 9WUU) : . X v OUR FLOUR MAKES TUB MOUSE--. WIFCREJ04C8. our n.auR makos TME HOUe- : R. M. Smith Clothing Co. . . Dend Co Patterson Drug Co A.M. Lara ft Co First National Dank E. A. Sather 8kuso Hardware Co , N. P. Smith..... a C. Caldwell Deschutes Danklng ft Trust 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 2.50 4.S0 S.OO 3.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 3.60 2.50 2.0d 2.00 5.00 W. C. McCulston H. J. Egglcston M. 8. Lattin Hunter ft Staats O'Donnell Brothers E. M. Thomnson A. L. French. Joo Acra Rend Oullotln 2.50 Total $367.60 Grange Officers The officers ot tho new Grange aro as follows: Master O. C. Cardwell. Overaoer W. F. McNaught. Lecturer II. E. Stowart. 8toward Andrew Moen, Asst- 8toward-Louxetta Wornstaff Secretary Anna C. Moon. Treasurer F. E. Moster. Qate Keeper Autls Mooro. Chaplain--0. C, Cardwell. Ceres Josslo Moen. Pomona A. Moen. Flora W. O. Waugh. Lady Asst Steward Minnio Moen HARNEY HOLES STORE Mr. and Mrs. 8tevena Take up Homo stead and Desert Claims There Mr. and Mrs. J.- b. Bteveas. who roceutly arrived In Dend with a largo atock or goods, will conduct a store at Harney Holes, in tho home stead country. Last week they filed on homestead and desert claims. Mrs. Stevens was here last Juno as Ida DInsmoor and took an exteu slvo trip through Crook, Lake aud Klamath counties. 8 ho was married last October to Mr. Stevens and they will make their home at Harney Holes. , They shipped in a carload of housoho)d goods and stock tor inoir store. Mr Stevons has bought lot 14, block 1, In Konwood. IvEACH BASE BALL GOODS. ' ' n I IIS " Skus Hardware Comjsy ..J... ' i1