The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 27, 1912, Image 7

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Please Notice
Monday, April 1st
wo will ilon SPOT CASH
of our Koodn nro mnrkcd
In iInln lljrurcti on n pot
cash basts, nnd selling at
Ihcao prices wo simply
cnnnot nfTonl to cnrry
nccounta on our hooka.
Wo sincerely truit (hat
nil of our Rood frlcnili
will contlnuo to-favor us
with Uiolr jmtronnRo but
It MUST bo on a atrlctly
, cash basin. Thoro aro
no exception to the above
rulo. I'lcaacUo not ask
ua to tnnko ono.
THE Store of Better
J. K. Morson of l.a l'lno waa In
town Bundny .
M. fl. loitlln made a business trip
to Slttors ycslorday.
Thoro will Im no meeting at tho
Prlicllla Club thla week. . .
Tho first alrnw hat worn thla year
In Ilond by a man waa aeon Friday,
Uarl (founders of Powell Ilutto
vu trading in town Monday .
W. C. Ilrmlnnhagou returned Sat
urday from Portland.
Clarence llraiiton of fllstent waa
a llcnd visitor Friday.
Tho band gave an open air concert
on tho atreot Hunday.
Mr. C. 8. Hudson loft for n brief
ltt to Portland ott Monday.
Tho Itond Hand will glvo a dnnco
ou tho evening of April 8th.
Mannholniera hnvo erected n largo
awning In fron of their mora.
Mr. nud Mr. C. II. Corkott nro In
Portland thin week.
Mm. Glydu MsKny and ehlldrou
Mnt Sunday visiting at Ilia Stanley.
vniH)rt ranch. ,
Floyd Doment returned Sunday
from a trip to Reattlu, Portland and
I .ant Thursday was tho equinox,
night nud day being ot tho aame
Tho excavation work on A. M.
Ijtni's store addition la progressing
K. A. ftlmonaon of Astoria arrived
it week and wont with 8. W. Mr
jlll to tho latter' homestead.
, It. J. O'Neill of tho 0.V. U. & N.
Co spent last Thursday horo loogliiK
nfter link. 'imm for tho road,
P V. Ilrnwii, iiinnnKor of the com
mercial olub, wont to Portland Hun
d..y fur n fow duya.
Wlllard l.aulon of Clint, who re
cently iinivod up on his homoatoad,
Ima moved to llond.
Tho inllllnory opoiiliiK ot Mrs. 8.
Molntoau. Monday was largely nt-
scr i i
a Specialty.
First Class Work Guaranteed
Boat I'lnco to Buy
China and Cut
toudod by tho ladle. Thoro was
iiiunIo furnished by n ilnyorplnuo,
nnd refreshments woro aorvod.
Nnturul flowora woro uaod In tho
docoratlons of tho shop,
Kxcnvntlon for tho now Flrat Nat
ional Hank building wna couimoiicod
Monday ,
Tho Ilrldgo Cluli will ho outer
laluod Friday afternoon by Mr.
Tho mooting of tho Kvonlng 500
Club tonight will ho at tho homo or
Mr. Avorlll.
Hnso hall onthuslasts aro taking
advantage of tho warm weather to
atart prnctlco ou tho old diamond.
Mr. A. Hnrtlott of Vlow Point,
Ore., I vliltliiK hor aou, Italph
C. I. Unroll went down to Port
laud tho luat of tho wook on a busi
ness trip.
A. F. flhlroman Is building n roal-
deiico on III lot at Wall and Wash
InRton atrccta.
N. Konstrub came In Thursday
night frets Hoattto to tnko up gov
ernment land.
Hlttnor and Htaata havo purchased
tho prnctlco and oltlco equipment of
Jciso Bumrall.
Notice havo boon potted horo for
tho primary election to Imi held on
April ID.
John Htoldl wont to Portland
Sunday on a bulnea trip, and I ex
pect od back tonight.
Vcitorday waa tho hottest day
thua far thla year, the thermometer
registering C4 degrees.
Mra. Cleorgo 8. Young will enter
tain tho Afternoon BOO Olult tomor
row at hor home In Wleatoria.
John linker la aulitlns 11. K. and
J. II. Koon with the survey of the
city to obtain data for tho aoworago
Mr. and Mra. John 15. Ityan re
turned Saturday night from an ex
tended trip to Kastorn and Califor
nia cltlos.
O. V. McOlncty, who has boon
wintering In Ioa Angeles, arrived
last night to go 'on his 01 as Ilutto
J, M. I-awrenco and F. F. Smith
loft thla morning fur Paisley, going
by wny of Pino Mountain to got tho
best roads.
Miss Castle having been sick last
week, Miss Coleman waa obliged to
close tho tolophono oltlco during
noon hours.
Henry Whltsott, n formor rcatdont
of llond, Is horo this week on a busi
ness trip. Ua Is now residing nt
Orland, Ca.
J. P. Keye of Tho Mend Company,
loft for Portland this morning,
where ho will meet hla wife and
bring her to Ilend.
V. I). Harris, who has I teen In
Modford for soveral months, como In
last night to go on hla homestead In
tho (Haas Iluttn country.
Chlof of Police Itohorta yesterday
arrested I.. C. Itudow for building
n rtro within 100 fret of a building.
Mr. Itudow wna tlned S.
Sauford Bchultx Is shipping a fine
llolstllu cow from his Trout Crock
ranch to llond to supply the Moun
tain View houso with milk.
I). 11. Yeomnus, who has been
HIMifidlnK tho winter In Pomoroy,
Wash . returned to llond Inst night.
Ho has a ranoh east of town.
It. K. Ifaton nnd wife have como
to Ilend from Portland to mako tholr
Inline. Mr. Katon will work In
Innes & DaYldium'a barber shop,
i. u. iook nnu who nave come to
iiiu .iiiiii . will,..,,. It, iraiuiii .ill.
Took w be oonii&clod with thu
local oinoe of the llond Park Co.
Mm. Coo. mother of Dr. U. C. Coo,
arrived In Hend Friday night to
make her homo with her sou. Thoy
luivo rentml thu Tnggart rustdouoe.
(limrRB V. Knnpp'a condition la
very little clintiKed from what It wna.
He continued uueousolmiH. nud his
recovery still rotiialns very doubtful.
John K, Johnson, whoso right eye
waa put out by Dan Hllxzard, waa
nblo to leave tho hospital Friday.
Ilo will return to his homostond.
It waa roportod Hint Dan Hllxznrd
was In hldlna; near town nud a party
went out to look for him. No trnco
of tho fugltlvo was found, however.
II. J, Douglass waa ablo to bo out
Monday for tho first time slnco ho
wns taken sick with appondlcltla
nearly two months ago.
Mra, Horbert K. Allon nnd son
will arrivo homo tonight after a
month's visit in Portland and Van
couver, Wash.
Tho hydrant which tho city coun
cil a few wooks ago ordered put In
at Wall and Wnahlngton street has
been Instaltod.
Mm. Jesalo Houghton nnd daugh
ter, Miss Kdwln Do Merrlllold, of
Mllllcan valley, woro shopping in
town tho last of tho week.
Hurr Illack and U C. Peck woro
In town tho Inst of tho week from
tholr Hampton valley homeatoada
gottlnB supplies.
Mllllcan spont Thurs
llond on hor wny to
a business trip. She
to Itcdtnond and from
who has a homestead
Harney county, spent
on his way homo from
where ho spent tho
Mrs. Adn II.
day night In
Prlnovlllo on
went by train
thoro by auto.
W. 8. Hay,
near Itlloy. In
Thumday here
Tho Dalles,
A. T. Frame laat woek plantod a
lawn completely surrounding his
resldenco. In addition to graaa the
Frames will havo many flowers this
Morrta Caahman, who ha been
night clork. ha succeeded Forrest
Neeld aa day clork at the Ilend
Hotel and Clar Hauck has taken tho
night position.
Mra. Hcrthn Hatch and brother
ueorge, who havo homeatoada In tho
Christmas .Lake country, havo been
visiting frlonda In town the past
The work of laying atone for tho
I. II. Dean bulldlnc on the Drk
lawn waa atartod yestorday. C. P.
Nlswonger nud Fred Hunnoll havo
tho contract for thla part ot tho
!C. I. Madsen. accompanied by hla
wife, of Mlnot, North Dakota, arriv
ed Sunday, and expects to locato hero
Mr. Madson In a contractor Ho
says many other Dakotanawill fol
low him. I
Assistant State Rndninr If r
iWygant, who started up river last
wc0K to maxo preliminary measure
ments of tho Dcachutca In connec
tion with tho proposed adjudication,
wns forced to return on account of
tho heavy snows In tho high lands.
After A day spent In tho Sisters
country, ho loft for Salem.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Doudlah, who
havo boon visiting Mrs, 0. W.
Shrlner, loft Monday for Seattle
Mrs. Doudlah found this too high an
altitude for hor, aa she has a weak
In tho building erected by her
husband next to Thoraou'a Jowclry
store, Mrs. A. II. Illack Is today having-
a millinery oponlng. BIio has on
tho way a stock of ladles' notions
and other goods. Tho Illacks camo
to llond from Pocatollo, Idaho.
Tho llond Water Light & Powor
Co. has ordered n ICO kilowatt
generator for the powor plant It
will bo hero In about threo weeks
and Installed Immediately. Tho
company Is already operating a 100
kllowatt generator.
If anyone In llond happens to
know Mra. J. C. Klllot King, of tho
alumni of the Unlvoralty of Oregon,
ploaso comm'unlcato with Principal
J. II. Bhouso of tho llond schools.
The matter la Important and will aid
a Uond porson very greatly.
A. 0. Fotand nnd family arrived
In Hend Sunday night and will mako
their homo horo. Mr. Foland work
ed at tbo Mllllcan ranch ten years
ego. Ho has been living In the
Tillamook country nnd expects to
engago in tho dairy buslnossa horo.
limine IxU at Snap.
Two lota on Wall street (Drake
Lawn), $1600 each. Also corner
$4000, Insldo lot. flZOO, opposite
Pilot Hutte Inn. Inquire what ad
joining Iota are worth and see what
a bargain this Is. J. A. Kastes, Agt
The (billing jteanon opens Monday.
II you need anything In the way of
tackle, nee N. V. Smith.. .He has
Just got In a big atock of new good
M. S. Lattin & Co.
But Wine Days Remain in wMch to Mak Your
ant! Here aro the Newest and Most Up-to-date Cre
ations in Suits, Skirts, Shirtwaists and
Press Accessories.
CHAMOISETTE, In white or chamois, per pr. 75c
SILK, In white or black 25c
LONG SILK, In white or black $1.00
KID, In black, tan or brown $1.25
GKAY SUEDE, per pair $1.50
Special Easter Offering.
Nubuck, at per pair $4.50
Tfee DEPENDON Store.
Photo mailers In sizes 8x10 and
7x4 hi Inches may bo obtained at The
Bulletin offlco. Dear this in mind
wbon you have a picture to send
through tho mail.
Innr & Dnridaon's shop la tho
beat place In toun to pet your hair
cut or n aliavo.
Skuse Hardware Comy
Has Been in Business One Year.
April First is My
ft&&i? Vjffl sAiiw caw 'tft
It 1$ longer lattlnc
more fire rcsumis
more water and weather proof
than any other known rbofute.
Maltlmld I j made right
in every detail
ntul for that reason
makes a most perfect
roof covering;.
No matter under what
conditions it U used
what climate it U used In
the character of tle
building used on
Malthoid Is tho best roofing that
it it possible to make and we
can prove it by
the record of the makers
The Paraffins Paint Co.
of San Francisco
nnd Chicago Heights
covering many years
of roofing experience.
Skuse Hardware Co,
Bond, .... Oregon
-For twelve months my customers have treated me splendidly. Now, on my first business
blnhday, 1 have presents for them all. Beginning the first day of April I am going to
Give Away Valuable Sets of Genuine Dresden China
This beautiful tableware includes Lemonade, Game, Dinner, Cake, Fish and other sets.
It's the Most Elegant Dinner Ware Ever Offered as Premiums
After April 1st Every Customer Gets a Coupon With Each 10c Pur
chase. These Coupons are Redeemable in China, as long: as it Laste
For instance, a $6,00 purchase gets a beautiful dinner plate; a $3.00 purchase gets a sauce
dish; a $9.00 purchase gets a large vegetable bowl, etc., etc.
The China is on Exhibition in My Windows. Stop and Examine itl
ll II mi? J I'l' ' " " ' iii , i .
E. M. Thompson
Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty.
Wall Street, near Hrst National Bank,