The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 27, 1912, Image 6

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    -Jto)AvJei--,rt-r Mj, t-Wf-. n ,
i I
1 1
george calmer putnam
r Publisher.
Mnti&RtnR Editor.
An' Independent nowspapor stand
ing or tho square deal, clean busi
ness, clean politics nnd tho best In
teresta of Bjsnd and Central Oregon.'
One year. .................. $1.60
Sis month's .80
Three months.............. .50
All subscriptions ate duo and
of expiration will ho mailed subscrl
tors and It renewal Is not made with
in reasonable tlmo tho paper will be
PIcaso notify ub promptly of any
chance of address, or of failure to ro
cclvo tho paper regularly.
Make all checks and orders payable-
to bond Bulletin.
Last autumn petitions were circu
lated hero, at Hums, and throughout
the Intermediate country, asking tho
Postal Department to establish a
direct malt routo between Bend and
In the course of time, with that
liclsnrclyncss which Central Oregon.
o Its regret, has learned character
jlics every action and Inaction of the
; Department, a reply was received
.By the commercial clubs of tho two
'towns, statins. In effect, that a spec
ial inspector would Investigate the
merits of the proposed route. -
' So far as Is kuown. nothing more
was ever done. Certainly no In
' spector, "special" or otherwise over
did any noticeable amount of Investi
gating. .Apparently the postal
authorities feel that Central Oregon,
by upsetting,, tho old mall routes
through tne completion or mo ran
roads to Bend, has caused them
nongh trouble. At least, until
further prodded, they probably will
take no steps toward looking up the
advantages of tho proposed now
mall route.
claim somo IS miles south of Fort
Mr, Morrlnm aald there were 18
or 15 pcoplo who had already gone
into that country from tho Itoso
City, or were going In later this
spring. Among thorn are J. J. Mac
Inernoy, Clydo Gilbert, Noaornborgor
brothers, R. C. Young and family,
Clydo Leonard, Charles Rico and
family, Ren Ilowo, K. Olean, Mrs.
Roasley nnd son, Mr, McNoff, Mr.
Reed and Mr. a ray, two sons and
Tho prospect of tho Oregon East
orn Railway bolng built through
that territory la tho cauBO for the
Redmond Produce Another Candi
date, This One for County Judge
O. A. McFarlane of Redmond,
candldato for republican nomination
for county judge, was hero yesterday
campaigning; There are now five
men out for tho Judgeship: Kills of
Rend, Pollard of Prlnovllle, Uoegll
of Culver, Springer of Culvor and
Redmond also has Van Alton out
for assessor.
No Rellnltc Action Taken Regarding
Invention of .Central Oregon K
pertinent Farm tiubMnthm
Will Re Maintained.
Western Union Telegraph Co. Desig
nate Local Rank as Office.
Tho First National Dank of Rend
has been designated a transfer of
fice of tho Western Union Telegraph
Company, and as such can transfer
and pay money to and from all parts
of tho world. This servlco Is pri
marily for the use of parties desir
ing lmmodlato transfer of monoy.
The closest transfer offlco hereto
fora was Tho Dalles.
Now. Burns comes to tho front
again. The lire wires in that pros-
jierous community are not content
to "abldo In tho congregation of the
dead." They are still after that
mall routo from Rend, and they mean
to get it, If they have to stir
up all kinds of trouble.
Good for Burns!
i What Is worth having Is worth
working for, and Tho Bulletin will
do its durndest (or something like
that) to help the good work-along.
Tho point Is that Burns baa a
Fiisplclon that Bend, to use tho ele
gant metaphor of the day, has "gono
asleep at the switch."
' Not so. Brothers of Burns!
Bend Js still In the ring. Bend
'realizes that the proposed change
will bo off groat .benefit hero, as well
as to you. and Bend will do Its duty
by you. Tell us what you want, and
wc shall put our shoulders to tho
The other day tho Burns com
mercial organisation passed resolu
tions again commending the advisa
bility of the now routo. Bend should
do the same, and Bend ahould seo
that tho Oregon representatives at
"Washington, not only get such reso
lutions, but that they also rcceivo
letters from as many voters as pos
fdMo urging them to get action from
the somnolent postal people.
L. A. Shaw Will Conduct Bus I now In
His Building on Bond Street
In the store building which ho
erected last fall next to tho Silver-
tooth saloon, on Bond street. L. A.
Shaw will open, within tho next week
or ten days, a wholcsalo business.
He Intends to deal In hay, grain,
flour, mill feed, farm and garden
seeds, fruit, provisions, vegetables,
Ho has a stock of goods ordered
and will open as soon as It arrives.
(Concluded from page one.)
The Bend Bulletin was ten years
old last Wednesday. It has inoro
than kept pace with its town, until
today the Inter-Mountain questions
whether Its equal In ability nnd me
cfcanleal equipment can be found In
NMny clttai with a population of
J. 000 in oentral and eastern states.
La Pine Inter-Mountain.
C. N. Adlnrd. Grain Mini, Prnbi-
Agricultural Possibilities
Mr.- and Mrs. C. N. Adlard of
TJqua, Ohio, wero visitors to the
lnd 'country last week. Mr. Ad
lard, Vbo Is extensively Interested
fi grain elevstors, and has heavy
realty holdings In the West. Is a
friend of A, O. Hunter's, and has
.teen associated with tho Hunters in
western Canada operations.
, "I like Bend, and bellevo it has
a wonderful future," said Mr. Ad
ard. "And particularly I llko tho
surrounding country. It will do groat
when developed,"
Portland People Flocking Into North-
Vim Lake County to Get Homesteads
Tho "jmek to the soil" spirit seems
to hnvo struok Portland, as a largo
number of people from that elty nro
coming to Central Oregon to take up.
government lands. Accompanied
by his mother, 11. K. Morrlam arrived
lit Bend Saturday night on his way
to northern Lako county, whero a
ggod.slzed oplony of Portlandors
ljnye, Ifikeiu or will take homesteads
nnd- desert claims, he said. Mrs.
MerrJam will remain In Bend until
)ior sou has built a houso on his
water lod to tho Pilot Butto ditch In
time for, use this Irrigation season.
"However," added Mr. Howard,
'wo may fall down on this. It's a
big Job, and although we shall do
our best, It may take us until autumn
to finish this work."
HyMcm Is large.
Tho complete North Canal system
will require a ditch 19 miles long,
with many laterals. Work east of
the Pilot Butte canal will not bo at
tempted this year. This season's
construction, as outlined by Mr.
Howard, represents about 25 per cent
of tho total work.
Of the 1000 second feet which tho
now flume will carry. 276 will lie
placed In tho Pilot Butto canal to
reinforce its acreage capacity. At
present a largo amount of landjvhlch
should receive Its water from tho
North Canal Is being supplied by tho
Pilot Butte.
This land Includes 2S.CSS acres
which has been sold, and Is now
watered by the Pilot Butto, and will
be watorod by tho North Canal. Of
this amount 18,224 acres Is Irrigable
land, and the balance waste. Of tho
Irrlgablo acreage approximately 35
per cent has been actually watered,
It la understood.
Water Will Aid.
With 275 second feet going to the
Pilot Butto canal, a balance will re
main of 725 second feet. Of this
amount, 114 second feet will bo de
livered to the Central Oregon canal
lands, to reinforce its capacity In
the eastorn portion of tho segrega
tion. Pending tbo completion of
(ho eastern section of tho North
Cnfi'thla 114 feet will be taken
through tho Pilot Butto ditch.
Tho balance of 611 second fcot,
'remaining from tho delivery of tho
North Canal flu mo, will bo devoted
to Irrigating lands properly undor
that ditch segregation, or about
50,000 acres.
Tho total amount of land under
the North Canal, aa approved for sale
and already sold, Is 26,007 Irrigable
acres and 9,380 wasto land acres.
The total irrlgablo acrcago is 63,
220, and the total waste lands 38,
191 acres, making 101,417 acres
under tho North Canal which the
company has appllod for.
flivullcy Stockholder .Meet
Tho stockholders of tho Swaljoy
ditch company hold a meeting at
Deschutes Saturday to discuss tho
-.imposition made by tho C. O. I. Co.
for furnishing thorn water In roturn
for granting them the right to cut
away a part of, and flood, their flu mo.
They docldod on u plan wheroby the
0. O. I. Co, is to furnish tbom with
100 second feet of water, beginning
June 1. This Is to be n temporary
arrangement, tho pormanont ad
judication being left to tho stato
officials. The agreement Is to bo
mado a part of tho contract between
tho Desert Land Board and the C.
O. I. Co.
A representative committee from
tho Oregon Agricultural Collogo
was In Bend Monday night. Tho
visitors wero II. J. Kerr, president
of O. A. C. Prof 11. O. Scudder, C.
U Hnwley, Regent, R. E. Reynolds
and J, II. McCottor.
During tho afternoon thoy wero
shown about tho farming country
oast of town by A. O. Hunter and
J. K. Sawhtll. In tho ovenlug they
addressod a meeting of ranchers at
tho Commercial Club, particularly
dwelling upon agricultural topics
and benefits of demonstration sta
tions. Among tho local speakers
were Messrs. Dencer, Richardson,
Snyder and Hunter.
Nothing Derided.
Tho purpose of the trip was to
Investigate locations for tho Irrigated
experiment farm which Is to bo
established In Central Oregon.
While many lands wore looked
ovor no deflnlto action was takon.
In addition to tho main farm,
which probably will have 40 acres,
thoro will bo aub-stattonson various
ranches throughout tho country.
Notice to Homcscckers.
Will locato you on good home
stead and will lot you work out lo
cation too. Seo E. It. Post. 2tf
Department of tho Interior. U. 8.
Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
March 5th, 1912,
Notlco Is horeby given that Ed
Halvorson of Bend, Oregon, who, on
May 20th, 1905, mado desert laud
entry No. 556. Serial No. 02384, for
NU'Vi, section 10, township, IS south,
rango IX cast. Wlilamotto Meridian,
has filed mtlco of Intention to mako
lltihl dese-t proof to establish claim
to the land abovo described, be fere
Jl. C. EHls, U. S. Commissioner, at
his offlco at Bend, Oregon, on tho
-jra uay or. April. iyiz.
Claimant names as 'witnesses"
Levi D. Wlest. Ernest Qarrott.
Wallace B Sellers an J Joseph II. '
Ncllt. all of Bend, Oregon.
C. W. iiOORE.
1-4 Register.
Buck Door Aug. 1 to Nov, 1
Ducks... Oct. 1 to Fob. 15
Oooso Oct. 1 to March 1
Sanctions... Aug. 1 to Nov 1
Qunll Oct. 15 to Nov, 15
Silver Squirrel.... Oct. 1 In Jan. 1
Beaver, Femalo Deer, Spoltcd
Fawn, Elk and Antelope.
Trout Soason Open -April 1 to
Nov. 1.
Annual Hunting Llcenio, ft. 00
Auiinl Fishing License, 11.00.
(1011 Flah nnd Gamu Laws.)
Party will build n small resldencn
(to cost not more than flSQO) on
attractive lot lit Park Addition, and
rent It or sell houno and land on
easy payments. Water nnd electric
light. Build to suit. Inquire at
Bulletin olllco. Itt
Pino lot at Bargain.
Owner will sell for cash ono of
tho best lots In Park Addition, at a
bargain. Proporty level, free from
rocks nnd has several nlco trees on
It. Tho prlco will surprlso you.
Inquire at Bulletin office. 3tf
NOW Is tho tlmo to tort up your
Wo hnvo tho InrKoitt nnd moat comploto
lino of Tncklo In Control Ort'Ron.
lloforo buylntf two tho
Skuse Hardware Company
room hnuso.Thrco miles south Pow
ell Butto station, Will rent on tint
shares, Address, Joe Innos, Rend,
Oregon. -If
FOR RENT Four-room house,
close In. See Joo I mien. 3tf
RATES; Flvo couts a lino tor
first Intortlon In this column, four
cents a lino for each subsequent In
sertion. Cash In advance unless
you have an account with The Bul
letin. Count six words to tho Hue,
Including tho address.
WANTED -Someone to contract
for hauling Juniper wood from Jald
law. Inquire Bulletin. 3tf
WANTED To exchango one
nearly now piano for a town lot In
Bond. Inqulro of Dr. II. D. Brown
at tho Evergreen Rooming House.
WANTED -Man nnd Wlfo at
Pilot Butto ranch, woman to do cook
ing and man to work on ranch, or
woman only to do cooking. 5ttf
BOARD Table Ik) ft rd era dcslrod.
Inqulro Mrs. F. M. Ray. 51tf.
!.l,t your land with us. We cvii
sell It if tho price Is right. Ryan .V
WANTED Position as chauffeur
or repairman by competent young
man. can run and repair any car.
Ilavo good habits, and can give best
reforenco. Bolton Brady. Palmer.
Texas. 3-4 p
WANTED A girl to do general
homework, inqulro Mrs, F, F.
For Kent.
FOR RENT 4 room home, with
closet and pantry. Phono E. W.
Richardson. ltf
FOR RENT Two store rooms,
niodorn plate glass front. Hood lo
cation on Wall streot. Enquire V.
0, Minor at P. O. 4-tf
FOR RENT Modorn flvo-room
bungalow, Just complotod. Tele
phono E. P. Brosterhous. Cltf
FOR RENT Dry farm, 100
acres, 80 acres In cultivation. One-
Wc Have Taken Over the Entire Stock of
of the Pine Forest Lumber Co.,
and arc in a position to fill orders
oi any size. In addition wc carry
a full line of
Building Material
Lime, Cement, Piaster
Brick and Fire Clay.
Overturf-Davis-MHler Co. f
I Bend, Oregon.
y -'- ?-- - -t--.t.t
Have Been Appointed Agents for tho Beautiful
Deschutes Addition
JuHt thrco minutes walk from tho poatofllco,
Wo nro In n position to offer choice liuildlnK
lots on easy terms. Those lots should easily
double in value within n short tlmo,
Don't fall to Investigate thin beforo Invoutliifr
Bittner ($b Stoats, Agents
Offlco corner Wall and Minnesota ijlreeto
Fur Sals.
FOR HALE Almost now 3-lu
Winona wagon, 13ft. California rack;
tot doublo harness. Prlco $130. In
ijulro A 0, Bulletin. 3p
FOR RAKE Bludobakcr waunn,
3 V. In- Hon U A. W. Nixon. !tf
FOR HALE 80 os. can of bak
Ins powder for 60c at tho filar
Bakery. 3tf
FOR BALE 160 acres 'low
desert." Address P. O. Box 108. 3
FOR HAI.E Nlro 4-room hunna
low, close In, choice street, reason
able price, Rood terms. Ilonkln A
Ford. 3tf
Volt HAI.E-White tajchorn cites
75e a setting. Mrs. (1. W. Hhrlner,
Park Addition, Bend. 3-5
FOR 8AI.E3 Rood 330 aero
homestead relinquishments, with
somo Improvements, Inquire at
Uutlctln. b3bf
FOR HAI.E 103 shares Hwalley
water stock. Will take part pay In
work. Write to lock Box 136, Red
mund. OrcRun. 13
FOR BALE-Puro bred H. C. While
tinhorn ;-. for hatching, 16 for SI.
Mr. O. O. Ilenkle, Deschutes Addi
tion, Bend Ore. 61.3
FOR HAI.E Hatching cisa from
Kollerstrass Crystal White Orpin,
tons, $3.00 a sottlnc. It. Hpclacr.
Jtodmotid, Ore. 61-13
FOR BALK Beautiful close-In
Park Addition lot. Price 3&0, ad.
JolnliiK lot hold at $550. Inqulro
A. M.. Bulletin. ltf
FOR HAI.E-Puro bred Haired
Rock ckits for scttlni;; $1.S0 for 13.
I-eavo orders at O'DounoU's market.
J. F. Pierre, Rend. Cltf
Are Your Pie Crusts!
Such a crust dejiciuls on
the lard. Pure, properly re
fined lard, makes the best
Swift's Silvcr-Leaf Lircl U
absolutely pure, and properly
refined. ,
Bert Shuey
The Cask Grocer
Onell Wdjr,, Itonil, OrcRon
Marlln rifle irood aa now, $7, i,
16.00 saddle. 93 00; 100 Ju
home canned strawberries, ktltt
pears.elc. In kIm jars, 60tbs llstst
honey over brought to Bond Alto
36 acres C. O. I. Co. IrrlKaled iai
1 miles east of Bend Itelow ilia mir
ket. W. II. Ush. lot II, ,ok It
Center Addition. l-Jp
VOn HAI.E 40 acros lrrlIH
latin; coxy nnd up-lo-datn room
House; all fenced;
7 acres cltirtd
and cultivated; OH in I Ira ( ,BIL
Uits of lumber, tools, etc on tlit.
FOR HAI.E Bccond hand bunny w,, cheap. Iteawm ntn Iritlsf.
and slnalo harness. F. M. Ray. 61tf lcounlrJr- Anonta will Rri tnl
FOR HAI.E Oood milch cow; also
Oliver Kan plow for sale cheap or
for trade. It. E. Orlines, Pilot
Butto ranch, Bend. 60lf
FOR HALE Chatham Fannlnn
Mill with 13 sieves, prlco S36. Ad
dress AS, Bulletin. Ctf
FOR HALE flood balod clover
hay $10 per ton, 4 miles west of
Laldlaw. Wltnor and Bpaunh. I-tp
FOR BALE Barred Rock esica
for hatching, $1 for 16. E. W.
Richardson, It. F. I)., Bond. 9tf
Blueprint map of llnniry, take
and Klniimlh oxinllrw fr sain by
The Bulletin, ns Midi n. limp (,f
rook county,
FOR HALE-$30 saddle, $7:80;
commission. First comrs, fint i-tt
1110 imrnaln. Mrs. Hchlttcr, 11$
Lincoln Ht., Portland, Ore. :tf
MliK-rllanrou. y
A classified advertisement In To
Bulletin costa but llttto but bilncirt- ,
suits. If you have a house to real
or sell or want to buy, let It be known
by tho uso of an ad.
Int anil Pound. (
I.08T Htnall gold bar rt fits
pearls and sapphires. Reward ef
$6 If returnod to Mrs. Ed
lions. ltf
IX)HT Three-months-old Aire
dale pup. male. Finder riturs ts
J. II. Bon for reward. 3-l
Barb Wire
Woven Wire Fence
Doors and
Farm Implements
Get Our Prices
Bend Hardware
---------- - t f t