XI It Idi f WE ARE RECEIVING BY FAR the GREATEST VOLUME of Inquiries About Bend and Central Oregon THAT WE HAVE EVER HAD. .r Uk. i i f. mi a IWL. tr kf oil sjr Bend R. G. SHRADElR, Local Agent, V WHITES WIN OVER BLUES BASKET BALL GAME IS EXCITING Young Women Player Give Good Exhibition, Score BeJng Cloe Band is on Hand to Render Music, and Girls Bell Candy The Whites, by excellent playing. were able to "come back" and defeat tho Blues in the girls' basket ball Came Friday evening. The contest vroa interesting all the way through. The final score was 28 to 25. The game some weeks ago was played with only one center to each Study the Points of our Shoes and you will acknowl edge that they are high grade from every possible standpoint. The, leather, the moulding, the finish ' everything about the shoes shows a study of comfort for the wearer, and a planning ttb givehim tho full worth - of hismoney-jn BtyJe, , fit, and attractive elegance. fcPCH Oregon St., Bet. Wall and Bond. SffiKJES r.j. : j-j u.m . DURING tJrt kMt fcr mmmUm tk Sttttitr oflkeref ffe BEND PARK COMPANY Xktrtt4ia U awiskkorboo of SS(0004tcM of Ifocatsto ami 1mm soli f war of 1,000 loto, AM' tifMipofet to m wcffHtaiMy yotfowiLytT tor BM - W rtW fatv mmmIhh of tiiraHt lofr for sal at an vm$ fries of $200.00 nek, mi oa ttm of $10.00 tfowmwj $10.00 a BMAth. , . ., ,' .Start .at a rttaottt hy auET ami' w wH aick owb om ar tara aalcaalJ lot for yon 'aart Mart yo tat coatracts. t'' yuJE Jliut eti oJ Mt jalU-.aT e.laaonJ Jamais" Bfepff e.rl ' Park General Offices, 800-801 EmpireOnuilding, Seattle, Wash. or. Paulsen Bldg., Spokane, Wash, or, Portland Hotel, Portland, Oregon, team, but on Friday night two girls appeared at that position on each aide. . The atar of the game was Miea Young, whose throwing of both field and foul goala was a feature. Mies Wornstaff, at center for tho Whites, played vigorously and most effect tvely also. For tho Blues, Mlia Dlack did the best work. She and Miss Young both shoot goala well. They will be the forwards in the game with Prlnevlllo noxt 8aturday night, at tho county aeat. The following waa tho lineup of the game: Whites Angle Young and Nell Markel, forwards; Louzetta Worn staff and Desale Main, centers; Ethel Holmes and Ethel Uorden, guards. Illuea Arrld Dlack and Fay Do yarmond, forwards; Cornell Wilson and Ruth Caldwell, ccntcra; Gertrude Markel and Iva West, guards. Jesse Hunter referecd and Darby umpired. Uefore the game and between halves the band played, and candy was sold by tho young women. Thoro woe a good attendance. !---- Scbool Notes - The mock trial which was to have taken place last Friday was post poned until the coming Friday on ac count of tho basket ball game. H. J. Hockenberry visited tho Ilend High School Thursday morn- ing. The High School will prcsont "Half Hack Sandy" some time in tbo near future. In an effort to wipe out tho High Bcliool debt. As far as possible tho parts will bo assigned to those who had them when the play was put on two years ago. Those who saw the play before know how well tho students acted their parts, and It is expected that they will bo even better this time. Nerval Springer was absent part of last week on account of an attack of grip. The boys woro out on Use diamond for their first Uaseball practico Monday. Hookkecplng. Ktc.t Student or liual no. Man, p JftuortT iPractTealW.lnBtructlonjr by PulHc Accountant. Fow Lessons. Mall. 'Successfully taught 14 years. Qualification guaranteed In one month.; for positions. Assistant. UjHLXtgpcejfrpp Peoplojiold lng poaltuingr Tteqfiostpi?tlEularfl TM Home Do&kkeeplnE lris'tructlorn Co.; S02-5rr-BfteUaud Dldg.', Port- land, Ore. jrnif-4 u t nt Bend, Oregon. r FiESIMIION IS CITY IS NOW WITHOUT MAYOR 8ucrMor to Dr. Coo Will Prohabljr Ho Klectcd Next Tuesday Mght George Vounj; Apimliitnl as City K n I n e c r. Slnco 6 p. m. Friday Ilend haa been without a mayor, tho resig nation of Mayor U. C. Coo, tendered on February 29, having been ac cepted at that hour by tho Common Council. The charter provides that a succossor bo elected by tho council to fill out tho unexpired term. Tho council will meet in regular session next Tuesday night, at which tlmo a mayor will likely bo choson. Huuflne of the (Vtuncll. A petition was presented by tho Commercial Club atatlng that owing to underestimation of the cost of the stone required to build tho dopot there was a balance of 1104.40 yet duo on this work. Tho city having agreed to furnluh tho stone If the Oregon Trunk would build tho depot of that material, tho council deemed that it waa under obligations to pay too mil and a warrant waa ordered drawn payable to tho Commercial Club for this amount. This makes 4 MORE THAN $25,250 FIRE LOSSES paid fey this Agency every loss settled promptly, dollar for dollar. j Our policies give bet- ter protection for the ' ' same money." No chance for Jay suits. M. S. Lattin & Co. " v vXHWOKfojuxMnj s uompany Bf bm - . & - wm .w i r m mm a tutnl of $ fi 3 1 . P 0 appropriated by tho council fur tho mntcrlnl for (ha depot. Klklns anil 0'Knna worn kIvoii pormlsilon to oroct nn eloctrlo ndver tliliiK bIrm. J. A. lkrnnril & Co. applied (or tho transfer of tho liquor llcunso hold by A. O. Hunter for tho IMIot llutto Inn bar, and tho application vau srnutcd. Tho niillcntton or K. Kavll of Tonopah, Nov., for tho ponltlon of city engineer and superintendent of construction was rend and tho re corder was Instructed to Inform him that thoro was no opening. Georso H, Young was apiiotnted ns city engineer, to bo paid for his work at 7G cents nn hour. Ho ac cepted tho position. , 'Tho street conuriltfco was Instruc ted to sot II. B. Kbon t6 check up on tho street grades before tho next tneetlDE. C. I. Nlswonicer waa appointed as sexton to take care of tho cemetery property. It was stated that 'tho cemetery affairs wore badly mud dled., people being hurled on lota to which some one other than their heirs had title. Tho toilet In tho Karaite on lot 9, block 10, was ordered removed. A motion by J. 11. Wenandr. chairman of the special committee appointed to investigate this garaia matter, to declare the place a public nui sance failed to receive a second. CHURCH RKKVICKS. ItaptiM Church Corner Haw thorne and Oregon Strtets. This church la occupied jointly by tho Maptlsl and Presbyterian congre gations. All tho appointments aro federated under tho leadership of Rev. I. I. Corby and II. II. Foskett, who speak regularly on alternate Sundays. Calendar of services: 8un day lltble school at 10 a. m., public worship and aeraoa at Hi 3unlor at 3 p. m.; Christian Endeavor at OQpcople.'a service at 7:3p. Wed nesday Prayer anfl' socTl meeting at 7:30 p. m. Thnndayu-Cholr re hearsal at 7:30. A full chorus undir the leadership of Via Marlon Wiett, with soloist and orchestra, makes the musical service especially at tractive and Inspiring. Strangers are- especially invited to all meetings. All ara cordially welcome. Coma and get our grip of welcome sod worship with us. Rev. I, f. Gorby will preach 8uu flay, March 31, morning and even ing. Morning 'subject, "All Things Work Together for Good." Even ing subject, "Tho Temptations of the Prodigal Bon." , Mrttuxito. ' fr. 3. M. WIllliM. nii'tor. EUr Vices on alternate Sunday at tho hall over the postofnee at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. - Kfir: Mr. will!ma- wlil nreacn Sunday, March 31. Morning sub ject, "The Church, Past Present and Future." evening subject, "Cow., ards and Heroes." DOKS NO ItKTAIb Hl'tilNKSR llecauao unfounded rumors to the contrary havo been circulated, the United Warehouse Company desires to make It known that it positively has not, docs not, and will not, handle any retail business In oil, gasoline or other materials. It sells only In wholeaale quantities, and will not deal with Individuals. In three Instancca mlstakea occurred, and cases of gasollno were aold to strangers; these mistakes will not be repeated. The United warohouso Company is doing business with merchants, and Intenda to givo merchants the same square deal It receives from them. To provo Its sincerity It hereby of fors a reward of $35 in cash to any one who shows that It retails to Individuals. (Signed) W. II. HUNTLEY, 3tf Manager. 8. C. Ill-own Leghorns. Heavy layera COO form raised. Trios $8. GO. Cockerels fS.OO. Eggs 12.00 per 16, $9.00 per 100, Uaby chicks $15.00 por 100. Prim- roso rouitry riant, James Ireland, 414 Spalding Ilidg., rortland, Oro. Your Income SWapwp"""" Deponds upon the kind of nursory stock you get. If you aro willing to pay a fair prlco, you will get good trees. YOU CANT GET SOME THING FOIt NOTHINO. If you ex pect to pay next-to-nothlng and get, (food, first-clans stock,' you aro mis. taken, that's all. You can't produce a high quality treo for little or noth ing any more than you can an axe, wagon, or any Implcmont. YOU AtE TJIH I.OBEK if you lot' the question of prlco alono jnfluonco your Judgment when buying. Your loss Is not temporary, but extends ovor a long porlod of years na your orchard atands. The folly of buying choap stock will bo Impressed upon you each year as you figure your re turns. Iletter bo on tlio safo sldo And buy whoro you nro uuro of got tlng just what you want. ' Our Bales this year could not Jmvo 80 largely surpassed limt year's had wo not made h'ood In tho puai, Catnlog jfreo. , jT J Z"T '' Yakima Valley Nursery co. ..TOPPENISU, WASH, . More Salesmen Wanted KOTIt'H FOR PUIIIill'ATIO.V. Dopnrtmaut or (ho Interior. U. H. I.nmt Olllco nt The Dnlles, Oregon, March lUli. 1013, Notice la hereby given that John l, llniiMiunn, of llond, Oregon, who, on February 33rd, 1018. mailo deaort land entry, No. 00005, for nlfc iwU and aU nwU. loctlon 33, township 10 south, raugo 13 imst, Wlllamettu Meridian, has Itlcd r.otlco of Inttmtlon to innko final desert proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, before II. 0. Kills, V. B. Coiniulsaloner, nt III onico at llond, Oregon, on tho 37th day of April, 1012. Claimant names as witnesses! . J. McGlllvray, James llynn, Oils C. Honkle and Henry II. Ford, all of llond, Oregon, 0. W. MOOIIB, 3.7 Iteglstcr ---4- Under New Management. THE PILOT BUTT INN BOND'S LUAWNG HOTEL Is now In charuo of J. F. Tninrart & Co. Klrat Claw Service and tho Comfort of GuwU, la Qur Motto. FREB AUTO Brtwwcw (T j 1 t LIVE BETTER AT LESS W wK vn. f mm,, mA . covkcl. FsrrtltTMrw, yolJ wt i lyrfwl to toy TWidcycm'ii jm U4 to. L. B, MJJ5EISER . Wholesale and Retail Cash Oroccry. Evcroon Uulldlntr, Greenwood Ave, Iknd, Oregon. 1 !.W i Wei Deliver th6 Goods BUS AND 6RAY LINE LIOHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hay, "Barley, 6ta, Wheal and Bran at lowcat price. Tho Larxest Bam in Central Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend, Oregon. J. II. WENANDY LON L. FOX O'DONNELL UNION MARKET EUROPEAN PLAN Hotel Wright Mrs. Nellie Wright, Prop, Dend'aOnly Stono Hotel. Strictly Modern. Electric LW1U1, Hot and Cold Water, Hath and Telephone. New nulldlnp; All New Furnlslilntrs. Dlnlnp; Itoom In Connection. Only ono block from depotCor. Uond and Grccnwocnl Sta. Star Restaurant Corner Hond and Greenwood atrcota. We serve to order from CMC a. m. to 10:00 p, m. Family stylo mcala from 12 to 1:80 p. m. and CMC to 7:30 p. m. Meals 35c. Board G.0O 0 week. Meal Tickets $5.C0. JJend JViachine hop All Kinds of Saw Mill -. RiE - PrA yi ,t We Carry n Lnrge Auto Repass anc Supplies WgJlSttt Jiext to . N. W. Schieber &Co. (leneral Contractors AND BUILDERS. l'lnna Furnlnlit'd on Short Notice, BEND, 0 KEG ON. it $- --1 - Hotel and Deet. t ""' ""''"' """"""""' J BROTHERS RATES REASONAULI! ". and Vanning, - hES iinv-t Stock of " t .'i Opera House 1 1 i t 7 I I 1 I t U V 1 A H ft 0 11 ! VI 3 i i I" si si : Ml O l'i to I sy to to w lit Oi l 4 ho IK) w) N st P wl r- .-6fcWiv