APPROPRIATION IS DESIRABLE IRRIGATION LIKENED TO HARBOR WORK (Iroruo T. Cochrnn, Candidate or ConKrcsslnnnl Nomination From New DUIrlct, Want Nation to Tka Hand tti Irrigation Work George T. Cochran, of La Orande, rnndliUto (or tho Republican nomi nation for congressman from tho now Kecond District, wan campaigning d lleni) Monday, nnd In tho evening addressed nn Informal meeting lu tho I'ustomco Hall. Mr. Uuohrnn In luporlntondent of tho east-oMho-C'ascade wafer dlo trlct, nnd In his talk ho culled atten tion to the (net Hint liia work with tho state as, practically, Irrigation ovurseer, qualifies him to partlcularl y well servo tho Interest of Ma con stltucnts, should ho ko to Washing' ton. Want IrrliMtlnn Appropriation. "I think thoro shuuld bo a regular nuuiiat nntloiinl Irrigation appropri ation, of say JS6.000.000 or $50, 000,000," said Mr. Cochran. "It cuius to mo this should bo placed iiton tho sanio bnsls as tho appro prlntlons for river and harbor. If wo aro to spend money In Improving our hnrbora wo should spend monoy In creating tonnsgo for thoso har Itora that Is, mako Irrigation pos sllilo by national aid. Tho Govern niont should not sk profit from such Investment any moro than It 13. I4G0, John W. I'rlco to John II. Ooddnrd Km 1, to 0 mid 18, 10, 17, blk 110, llllliunn. 10. V. I). Nowlon to Dorcas A. Ilutt, Its 1 mid Si, hilt 32, Wloatorln. tlO. J. 0. Thorp to Utuuley 0. Utiiph lotto, wntor right on nV4 nw' soo 1410-11. (Also uultclalm for tho land.) $1. Claude IX Hlngo to John A. Orltcs, soVi H-16-18. 1. John II. Ooddnrd to JCtnll 13. Kngon Its 1 to 0 Incniid IS, 10, 17, blk 118 Its IB to 32 Inc. blk 133 nnd Ita 20, 2H nnd 27, blk 80, Hlllinau. John Ferguson to Mnrgurot Fer guson, Us 1, 2, 3, so'i nw',i and swV4 noVi, oo 4-H-14, 1. Win. O. Blntlory. ot ux to Lumbar mans Nat Dank, Portland, Vt Int In swVi noli, uo owK. sVi awH nnd poi sc 30-16-20 and laud In Grant County, Btato of Oregon to Hen Goltor, Mil nw and aw neU, ao lit 17-14. Btato of Oregon to It. G, Hawser, Cert, of water right for aw& swVt 0-10-12, SEA P0ST0FFICES. SILVER. WEDDING Mr and Mrs. J. Homme Cclcbratd Quarter Century of Llfo Together. Mr. and Mrs, J. Ilorrowea, who lire on tholr ranch a mllo and h halt oast ot town, on the llosr Crook road, colobratod their allyer wedding an niversary Inst Thursday evonlng, They wore married at Gllby, N. I)., twenty-flvo yeajni np.o, A down of their f rleniH,.d' n'olgjibora Jolnod them In thafWlcfirntlriif, all cuoy. lug a iMiunloousBupixtr. .Durlrip tho evening garnet AndtfotherformH of amusnrueut wore indulged In. Bcv era! of thoso In attendance knew Mr. and Mrs. Horrowe In tho Mid- dlo West. A number of haudsomo sifts wero rocelvod. Thoso at tho celebration wero Mr. and Mrs. K. W Itlcbnrdson, Mr. nnd Mrs. It. II. Doy- armond, Mr. nnd Mrs. George L. Moore, Or, and Mrs. I. II. Dencer, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Wilkinson, Mr, and Mrs. Hector Morchnnd. BOOKS FOR LIBRARY m:oit(ii: t coaiiuv. srvks direct cash profit from mnklng better harbors It should be simply n proiMisltlnn of helping settlors gut Rood lands nt fair prices." In his Monday talk Mr. Cochran got on tho band wagon of homestead law revision by stating that ho. too. Mleves In making cultivation eouut for moro nnd residence less, In no iiulrlng title to Government Innds. Sew IHotrlrt'M First Klrrtloii, Tho coming primaries will m tho first In which Oregon's now congres sional district will iiotulnato a nat ional representative. Under tho new order of thlngi Oregon Is to hava thrwj congress. nu i Instead of two, A. W. Ijiftorty, wh wni elected from tho old dlstiU which Included this county, now n. for his district Multnomah cou.n nlono. W. C. Ilawley haa tho ft. a district, west of tho Cascade. Tho now Hocond District Includes tho following counties: Ilakor, Crook, Gilliam, Grant, llarnoy, Hood Itlvor, Klamath, Lnko, Malheur, Mor row, Hherman, Umatilla, Wallowa, Waico and Wheclor. Among thoso who aro out for tho nomination from this district aro Klnnott ot Tho Dalles, Husk ot Ln '"Vlrsndo, and tills of Pendleton, who was congressman beforo his defeat at the last oloctlon by iLatTorty. T. Clay Necco Makes Donation of !!l Vol u mm. Tho library has received tho fol lowing Iwoks donated by T. Clay Neoce, a railroad contractor, who loft this week tor Portland: Anderson Genoral History. Cramp llaptlst History. Missing Links In Jewish History. Ilotany for Heglnuers. Knowles Memoir of Ann II. Jud sou. Marsh Tho Modern Sunday Bchool, Dole American Citizen. Mitchell Cosmogony, Vol( 1. . llarnnrd Talks About tho Boll. Hmlth Momolr ot Nathaniel Colver lluckley Fairyland of Kolonco. Chrlstus Cousolator. Tho Kan Francisco Horror of Karthijuake, I'lro nnd Famine. Men nnd Issue of 1904. Gordon Life of Frnucca Wlllnrd. Library of Hotttu Afrlon. Our Country In I'eaco and War. Nolilo Itlvors. Hhsppard lioforo nu Audlonco. Hurvoy Th Pastor. I'HtterminFnbli'a of Infidelity. l4wry I'oiltlvo Theology. .Martyn7--l.U0 and Times or Mar tin Luther. Ilnll Uird Uuotn'a Thoughts. Th til-Hi nnd u . I till UOIIIIt) U (U tilth Tho Itiillotln : ii-to dnto uifip i.ieprlut ItMp u lor snlo. It Handling and Sorting ths Mall Matttp on Ootsn Lintrs. Every mm Isnwtire Hint n large 'uau. Illy of mull ronir from Europe Prob ibly uiomI pcrMons nMurno Unit It Is Jumped on tho atenmur In hulk ami orti-d nnd routed In tho pOHtoOlru of (ho melvlng port, Hutli n syNtcui would ri'iilt In hopeleiis coiigtlon. ind prnvtically all of tho lti.O0O.OU0 (ouiiiIm of foreign mall matter recelr r I nt Now Vork on nn awrngr of re- rent ynira Is ready, sorted and sacked when Ibo steamers mnko port This work I done lu tho sea poxtofllcef tboitrd the ships and mrnn days ord Jn lb lime of delivery of mall matter Intended for Inland points. In tho huge mass ot mall brought Into New York tach yesr tber are on in average BO.000,000 separate pieces, many thousands with Inadequate ad Ureases, yet to such a degree ot effi ciency has tho otters t Ion of tho ea poatoOlcc hewn brought and no care fully U th work douo that less than 600 errors aro made annually. A the entire quantity of the ocean mall re- reived In a yesr would nil 2,200 stand ard mall cam an almost Incredible ac curacy Is Indicated-less tbau one er ror of any kind whstover for every four carload of .tnslL Congrry aulhorttcd tho sorting of matt on board convoying steamahl)x In Ittpa but It was not until tho year fol lowing that any systematic effort was made to do e. The work of the n-n poMofllce Is very similar lo that of the railway mall service. On board a largo liner lbr will bo usually two United Htnles clerks, two In lb em ploy of the country from which the stoABier Mils, nnd several subalterns or rtortrrs.w Tills forco wtll on h1nBr,r sire trio onen and sort from HOO to 000 fjeks .of mall, .probably conNtlngof MW.0OO onllnary letter nnd 4000 rpt7 Nterrd letter, betide i!SO.0OO par cels nnd perlodlcnla. Mall tor Nw Vork city I distributed and separate ly sacked for each of tho station and that for tho United State gcuvrally according to a schednlo which has I2S dltUlona. "n addition to Ibo mall for tho United Stairs, the sea postoQlco clerks must sort that destined for Cu bs, Mexico, Canada and tho orient, a great dtal ot the last class being for warded by rail to Han Francisco and thence by steamer. To facilitate matter two msll boats aro mctntalned at Now York, and these meet Incoming steamers nt the quar antine station, one taking on tb mall bsgs Intended for direct dellrery to trains and steaming directly to th railway stations along the river front, the other that for Now York city nnd such other as require rcbandllng. Tho sen postoOlces cost tin? government something less than 13,000,000 per an-nuuv-llarper. oil Itutto, Orogon, a his postofllco address, did on Mnrch 4, 1012, fllo lu this ofllco his duly Corroborated application to content nnd securo tho cancellation of your homestead entry No , Horlnl No. 052H9, made Hopt 10, 1900, for H 14 HI? ft. Hoc. 7, DIVA, BHNYV'i, section 18, town- ship 18 south, rnngo 10 oast, Wit lumctto Murldlan, nnd ns grounda fur Ida contest ho alleges Hint said Joseph Jones has wholly abandoned thu nbovo tract of land for ovor six mouths next preceding August 19th, 1911; that ho has wholly failed to re side upon, Improvo or cultivate said land as by law required and ha wholly mado default required of him by tho homestead laws. You are, therefore, further noti fied that tho said allegation will bo taken by this ofllco n having been confessed by you, and your said entry will bo canceled thereunder without your further right to bo heard, elth or beforo this ofllco or on appeal, If you fall to file In this office within twenty days after tho FOUHTH pub lication of this notlco, a shown bo- low your answer, under oath specifically meeting and re sponding to these allegations of contest or If you faJI within that tltno lo file In this ofllco duo proof that you have served a copy of your answer on snld contes tant either In person or by registered mall. If this scrvlco Is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to tho contestant In person, proof of auch sorvlco must bo cither the said contestant' written acknowledge ment of his receipt of the copy, show ing the date of ita receipt, or tho af fidavit of tho person by whom tho de livery wo mado stating when and whero tho copy was delivered; If a4br- registered mall, proof of MrtbMrvice must consist of the af fidavit of tho person by vrbpm tho copy was mailed stntlng.whon and tho postofilco to which It was mailed and this affidavit must bo accompan ied by tho postmattor receipt for tho letter. You should stato In your answer tho name of tho postofBco to which you desire futuro notices to bo sent to you. C. W. MOORE. Register. Dsto of first publication March 13, 1912. Dato of second publication March 20, 1913. Date of third publication March 27, 1912. Dato of fourth publication April 3, 1912. - - -- - - HOTEL. TAGGART D12ND, OKB. FIRST CLASS ROOMS and TAI3LE SERVICE. FREE AUTO TO AND FROM DEPOT. IK WHITE IS KING The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both RO TARY &.VRATOR stylrf? The- rotary makes both Lock Rml towoi stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attachments with each ma chine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. catalogue tree. White Sawing Machine Co. 14 CO Market Street San Francisco, California. NOT1CK Hill I'UltLICATION. Department nt tho Interior, U. 8. Land OtTlco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, March Sth, 1912. Noll co 1 hcreby given that Ed Halvoraon of Ilond, Oregon, who, on May 20th, 190S, made desert land entry No. CSC. Korlal No. 023S4. for NWU. section 10. township 18 south range 12 east, Willamette Meridian, tins fllivl uttlco of Intention to mako Until dose't proof to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, heft re H. C. Kilts, U. B. Commlsslonor, at his oftlco at Ilond, Oregon, on the 23rd day or April, 1912. Claimant names as wltnesscv !.ovl I). Wirat. Urnest Gnrreit, Wnllaco It Poller nnd Joseph II. 0 Nolll, nil of Ilond. Oregon. C. W. ,tOOllE, 1-4 Register. Low Rates Weso SPRING COLONIST PERIOD Dally, March 1st to April 15th, to ALL CENTRAL OREGON POINTS, on RECORD OF TRANSFERS Heed Recently Piled Willi tho County Clerk nt I'rlncvllle. Joseph II. Pereno to Mrs. Kdlth L. Classens, M int in wH soU. ett wtt and It 2, 3, 4 and so 14 nwU, eVi soU, nwtt o, noU ett and eY, noV4 soo 1; nW nwU, nW noU 104 nwW, nott soVi nnd stt noK sec 12, in T 21 B., R 13 -H W M. Also soV4 noH. noU nwK nod wVk oU aoo 18-21-14, fSCOO. Henry Fruechtonlcht to Kdwnrd T. I'rlco, Ha 3 nnd 4 ot soa 19-10 11. 1100. Itodmond Townslto Co, to Frank M. Whlto, It 13 in blk 47; It 3 in blk 38 and It 1 lu blk 3, Rodmond. $650- V. M. Whlto to Robert McBhorry, oU Ha 9 to 12 Ino, blk 25, Rodmond, 11000. 11, N. Lnwrlo ot nl to Lillian Car jicntor, Ha 17 and 18, blk 30, Culvor. $406, Dayton Elliott ot ux to I. Michel, It 6, blk 6, Prlnovlllo, $760. Catherine Calawny to Forest D, CftlWnyqno-fltth Int In iU 11-30- luiws nil llio new toads mid towns. NOTICIJ OF COXTCKT. Departmont ot tho Interior. U. S. Land Office Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 4, 1912. To Joseph Jones of Ilond, Oregon, Con tost co : You aro hereby notified that Pearl Fulkarson, who give l'ow- r wff?Pll iRFRiiN iPI INK iff jgsSsrtz&r CENTRAL OREGON LINE FROM Chlcajro $33.00 Cincinnati 37.90 Milwaukee 31.60 St. Loula 32.00 New York 50.00 Detroit 38.00 St. Paul $25.00 Kansas City 25.00 Omahn 25.00 DesMoIncs 27.85 Indianapolis 35.65 Denver 25.00 FROM OTHER EASTERN POINTS IN PROPORTION. Tell your friends in the East of this opportunity of moving; West at low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route, Northern Pacific, Great Northern, "North Bank" and Oregon Trunk Railways. You can deposit funds with mo and west-bound tickets will be furnished people in tho East. Details on request. W. E. COMAN, Qen'I. Freight & Pasa. Agt , Portland, Ore. J. H. CORBETT, Agt., Bend, Ore. V Bend's Only Steam Heated Hotel HOTEL OREGON. T. A. OHLS, Prop. Two Blocks From Depot Special Rates to Momcjcekcra Hot Water la Every Room "53t3s5iQfSaB3B A-Ml1fL.".." mamSKHKmKIKBmmKKmKm0- rW aacaEsss Kenwood 1 f- - V --V, Just Across the River THE MOST DESIRABLE CLOCE IN RESIDENCE PROPERTY IN THE CITY. WATER WILL BE PUMPED TO EVERY LOT. THE PRICE PER LOT RANGES FROM $75.00 TO $125.00 EASY TERMS. Ryan Sb McGillvray P. O, Corner Announcement Tim VlnJTAil WarAfiAtfCA rntfinnav handle nil tlie freightjof the Oregon Trunk and Deschutes Railroads at Bend. The Moody system at Shaniko willibe em ployed, and mcrchantsjof Bend and interior towns willjget their shipments without inconven ience. Have your freight con signed in care of Th United Warehouse Company W. H. BENTLKY, Mwf r. Bend, Oregon. ADMINIHTItATOU'H HAI.K, Softlod hlris will ho received at tho r'lrst National llnnk of lend, Oro Kon, or y tho undorslgned at ficlo. Oregon, until tho 1st day of April, 112. at tho hour of One o'clock p. rn, or said day, on tho following: de scribed property to wit: Tho NWU of Sec. 36, Twp. 20 8 , It. 18, Bant of tho W. M., situate In Crook county, Oregon. Also tho 8W of flee. 38, Twp. 20, 8. n. 18, East of the W. M., situate In Crook County, Oregon. Beparato hid aro required for oach tract, and tho right Is reserved to reject any or all hlda. Purchaser can pay ono-hslf cash and equal payment for 6 years on balance at C per cent Interest, se cured by mortgage. W. A. EWINO, Administrator. See Me BEFORE BUILDING. I No trouble to jrfve you estimates on BRICK and CEMENT WORK T ofll kidbuild-, J ' tnars, jfourwatioEST -idwalk chimneys, - . septic tanks, sewer age, paving, canal work, pipe lines, fire places, etc. H D. Bourcy Contractor Box 21, Bend, Oregon. OUR BABY PHOTOS Like all portraits that wo make are natural in pose, properly lighted and beautifully finished. Fast icnscsjwhigh class equipment and tireless tact arc the reasons for our remarkable success !n baby portraiture. Come in some morning, inspect our up-to-date mountings and let us get acquainted with the baby. Ubc Shoe REPAIRING First Class Work of all kinds done promptly. G. F. HURT Wall street, Bend, Ore; Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. trada marks u4 tjtigtu ouaimt m m fM, SmkI tmtitt, Utti'lM or tJkato M MH4iM far FRIB aKAKOH al rtyoty PATKMT8 HUILD FORYUMC8 lor you. Our frw toaMi uU b. vltU K U-t '. Writ.hKU. I. SWIFT Jt CO. 9v VVVM wlf WSaHHMrMSf PyC '