The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 13, 1912, Image 6

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this authority nnd others. ArranRO
niSttM ToF thosS nlftrclee aro now lio
Ing made, Aa soou aa thoy nil nro
prepared a series will bo printed, an
outline of which wilt shortly appear.
C L. Hmllli Makes AtUh-cts to Heml
Country Irmetw Maya Irospocln
Fine for llojfi nnd Oown Will
Write Articles for Hiillcthi.
Tho farmor Is tho alMmportant
person In any community and In any
country: hit work Is tho foundation
for all development and all pros
perity. Such tens tho assertion ot C 1
Smith, agricultural expert ot tho
O.-W. n. & N. Co., In an address de
livered before a meeting at tho lend
Commercial Club rooms last Wed
needay eveuluK. nefore a largo and
interested audlonco Mr. Smith proved
himself not only a capablo spcakor
but an oxpertoucod farmor, 'for all
that ho had to say regarding agri
cultural ways and means was tho
fruit ot personal experience
Cowttry's Prospects Bright.
The speaker had an optimistic
word to say regarding this section of
Central Oregon, which ho regards as
ot groat promise, particularly along
tho lines of dairying and hog raising.
He gavo much valuable advice con
cerning agricultural methods under
the conditions hero existing. In these
two Industries, as well as outlining
courses to be followed and avoided
with chickens, and In dry and Irri
gated farming.
But Mr Smith's special message
was one of comlderatlon for tho
farmer He urged that everything
that is possible bo dono to encourago
tho man who (Ills tho land.
"Have satisfied farmers who mako
money, and tho towns will tako care
ot themselves." said Mr. Smith.
Will Write For ltullctln.
In an early Isauo Tho Uullctln will
publish several articles written by
Mr Smith upon general agricultural
subjects, as welt as special articles
particularly dealing with Central
Oregon ranch development topics, by
tnl mr Rl IIP MOK.
raitly- Eminent luteals Find a Plaes
Among Hi Page.
Tho "Who's Who" of America's
criminals is n handsome volume, bound
in limp leather, ft limited edition of
which Is issued every year or so. Only
members of "tho four hundred" of tho
criudnal world Bud representation In
this register, and an cntlro pngo Is
devoted to each Individual mentioned.
Offldally tho volumo Is known ns tho
Identification Album of the National
Dureau ot Criminal Identification, an
institution having headquarters at
Willnrinn ntn for tho nlbum.
which-it literally a blue book, are sup
plied by tho pollco departments of
over n hundred cities throughout tho
country, and It ts to thtwo departments
that tho volumes are distributed.
Kach branch of criminal endeavor
hn n fttnnrato chnntcr In the book.
on tiMiInc of rdeknockcta. another ot
forgers, and so on. At tho top ot sach
pngo aro reproduced two photojtrapns
of a distinguished criminal- pronto
ami full face Dclow como name.
aliases, age, height, weight, general
appearance ana marks ana scars. ucr
Ullon measurement and criminal rec
ord fill out the rage.
Filed In the, bureau aro about 79,000
Identification cards dealing with crim
inals not sufficiently famous to deserve
ntMln the "Who's Who." Each of
tbeso cards to similar to a pace from
tho book. About ono-tenth of tho to
tal number of card, aro for women.
About one-fourth are for negroes.
Green Bag.
His Friends Boliove Ho Could
Moot Dofeat and Still
How does President Taft view his
own chances for re-election? if tho
fortunes ot tho cnmpalgn should go
against him, would he bo a good
loserT Can ho stand tho Haft without
his tuturo being embittered?
Theso aro questions being asked by
Americans, who lovo tho National
game ot politics and tako Interest tn
It Nothing Is moro uncertain than
this samo gamo and It tho tide should
go against tho republicans and land
n democrat In office, would tho big
fellow In tho Whlto House still amlloT
President Tatt'a supporters do not
oxpect anything ot thnt sort to hap
pen, but they bcllevo ho la n good
loser, basing this opinion on his past
Cathedral a War Chest
Bt Petersburg as well as Moscow
has some cathedrals which aro mar
vels of cccleaissUcal architecture, fit.
Isaac's cathedral, for Instance, In tho
center of tho city, cost 2t.000.000 ru
bles, or $12,000,000, Scores and scores
of Immense marble pillars adorn 1U
four equal sides, whllo several of the
beautiful green malachite columns
within aro worth a king's ransom. It
1 said that in the golden domes ot St.
Isaac's and tho Jewels within ltus
tla has a "war cheat" that would de
feud her from her enemies for many a
month if she should need tho gold.
Christian Herald.
Vicar's Daughter I m sorry you
don't like tho vicar's sermon. William.
What is tho matter with them? Are
they too long? William Yes, mlM.
Yon t curato ' says. "In concIuslon,M
and 'e do conclude. Dut f vicar 'e
says "Lastly," and 'o do last. London
actions and what ho has said when
ever the subject has been brought up.
He mutt reallzo that, holding ns he
does, tho biggest job on tho Western
Hemisphere, many others havo their
eyes fixed on tho samo high place and
the Intoreats, which always seek to
control tho government, aro ceasclesn
In their efforts to place a man favor
able to them In tho prcsldental chair.
Knowing then the uncertainty ot poli
tics and tho traditional Ingratltudo ot
republics. President Tatt has- spoken
ot just such a contingency, Ho spoko
directly to the point on this matter
when ho said;
"1 am very gratotul tor tho honors
tho peopto havo given me. 1 do not
affect to deny the satisfaction I should
feel, If, after casting up tho totals,
pro and con, and striking a balance,
they should decide that my first term
had been fruitful enough ot good to
warrant tholr giving mo another, Any
man would bo proud of such a verdict.
uui i unvo iiui uoi'u iriiunK, nor annu
I be, to purchase It at a sAcrlflos of
my freedom to do my duty as I see
It My happthoss ts not dependent
upon any office and I shall go baok
to private life with no heartburnings,
It the people, after an unprejudiced
rovtow of my administration, conclude
that someone elts can serve them to
their greater advantage.
"The truth Is that political consid
erations havo not weighed heavily
with me. I have tried to do tn each
oasa what seemed to mo tho wisest
thing, regardless of Its effect upon my
future. Indeed, In moro than one
caao I have been perfectly conscious
whose bad blood would bo stirred by
some act ot mine, or some refussl to
act Tho otrcumstanco that souio
porsons who hall mo after one appli
cation ot equal justice, as a far seeing,
conservative patriot denounco mo af
ter tho next, as an unreasoning radi
cal, does not grsatly disturb my
equanimity. I set that down as all
In the day's work."
Bessie Watnt That Kind.
l wouldn't drink out of that cup."
said little Johnnie to the well drraaed
young stranger, "that's Deaale's cup.
and sho's vory particular who drinks
out of It"
"Ah." said tho young man as he
drank tho cup dry. "I feel honored to
drink out of Ilcsslo's cup. Ueosio Is
your youngest sister, Itn'l shef
"Not muchl Ilessle Is my aogr
Ladles' Home Journal.
fUal Nstd.
"ncro'a a soap, madam, that will not
Injure tho fluent fabrics," parroted the
Iioum to houao canvasser.
"Kino." oxclatmed the genial woman.
"Now, If you'll throw In the samo va
riety of laundress with each packago
I'll be a steady customer." Clovclaud
Plain Dealer.
Critics of Administration Aro
Not Informod as to Its
Merchant (to strangerl-I thank you.
Ir. for helping my clerk throw that
book agent out. Now what rait I do
for you? Btranger-l'd like to toll you
the "Life of Wathlugtoo" Iloston
Someone snld thnt when noosovelt
left tho Whlto IIoubo and wont to
Africa to shoot lions, ho left a whlto
elephant on tho hands ot President
Tatt'a administration In the tariff.
Someone said Iloosevelt then predict
ed that tho turlft would break tho
political back of his successor. This
Is presumably nothing mora than fa
ble and folk lore.
Certain It la however, that tho Taft
administration has had n whole tot to
contend with In carrying out tho plat
form pledgo to rovlse tho existing
tariff schedules Tho administration
has been abused for tho Payno Tariff
bill and It Is safe to say that very few
among tho many who decried tho
passage of this bill In lis final form,
had any knowledgo of tho bill or Its
Other administrations than that ot
President Taft have hail trouble with
the tariff; what ono has not?
)resldent Trft was sharply criti
cised for tho Winona speech when ho
declared the Pryna Tariff btll was the
best over patient Critics ot the prea
Idsnt were quck to use this against
tho admlnlstrrtlon, despite the fsct
that this apeec i wsa very hastily pre
pared and not given the consideration
It should have had before delivery.
The president dlctsted this speech on
a train between two stations and It
waa sent out by the press with corres
pondingly littles care, and Indeed, tho
papers received It In all kinds ot
shapes. Prealdent Taft admitted that
had he had ttmo to consider this
speech before Its delivery, as he said
ho should have done, ho would havo
clarified several passages. He still
believes, howuver, the Payne Act, al
though It has Its diortcomlngs, con
tains loss to bo criticised than Its
predecesaors, nnd It did, as a wholo,
revise tho existing schedules down
ward, official tables showing an aver
go lowering of rates ot 8 per cent
The Payno Tariff bill was responsi
ble for most or tho hostile criticism
dlrectod toward President Taft, slnco
ho has been In his offlco and yet, this
measuro was a subttantlal gain to tho
country. It created a Tariff Hoard
and a Court ot Customs Appeals. It
lovM h corporation tnx. which pro
duces nn noliml rqvcuuo pt 37.00,0?0,
nnd at tho anno tlmn affords tho
K&vcriimont iucpss to tho books ot
nil corporations. It Ravo fair treat
mont lo tho Philippines, nnd eiicoiir
URos tho Impt rlatlon of art objects
for educational purpose. l,v removing
tho duty on sveh objects.
President Tnft was comi-oUod to
work wllh hostllo houao and ho
faced always im ngRresslvo faction in
his own party In forming tariff legis
lation. No one could dony hi courage
In calling n s eclal session expressly
for tariff lrKl lallon to redeem tho
pisiform Pledi o. No president since
Cleveland has undertaken to do sucl'
President Tsft Has Cut Kspeneee
During His Term.
President Taft belloves lhat the
business of the American people,
which I tho United Htatea govern
ment, can be run more economically
Hn expeeta an economy commission
will point out ways to effect a consid
erable saving In many of tho depart
ments. The three years of President Taft's
administration has proved that econ
omy Is qullo possible and the prel
dent ha practised thn new policy suc
cessfully, Upon taking office. Prea
Ident Taft warned every cabinet mem
ber, aa well aa tho heads of bureaus,
that they would bo held Individually
responsible for cutting tho expendi
tures under their control.
On July 1st. 10, ihe Taft admin
Istratlon faced a deficit of U,000.000.
Ono year later, this deficit had been
changed Into a surplus of 114.000.000
and by July 1st 1911, tho surplus had
risen to 147,000.000. ThO normal In
crease of Federal expenditures Is
about 4 per cent, each year. Yet the
expenditures, which were 8J.OOO,oOO
during tho fiscal year ending Juno 30,
1909, shrunk within the following year
to 154.000,000, an actual decrease In
stead ot tho normal Increase,
Perhaps the best known economy
effected was tho wiping out of the
snnual deficit In the Postal Depart
ment and another was tho elimination
of wide-spread frauds In the cuetems
service. The noallng down process
for the fiscal year ot 101 1 Involved
cutting tho estimates made by Ihe de
partment beads J50.000.WO.
Just Whst They Wanted.
"Don't take that fellow on your foot
ball team. Hi's a chronic grouch."
"Hut whst wo want Is a good kick-er."-ltsltlmore
A merles n. .-
1 .r
mm a
1 f
If You Are Looking1 for a Good Residence Lot, Investigate -
Wiestoria, Bend View, Aubrey Heights,
I Specialty.
Our field man was
in the employ of
the U. S. Geologi
cal Survey for-six-'
years, .Every' 16
, cation guaranteed
We can locate
you In
Harney, Lake
or Crook
4. '.
Look Over These Additions Before Buying Elsewhere.
We have some of the best Business Property in Bend,
, on Greenwood, Bond and Wall- streets, at MOST
sV l 1 rl
If you arc looking
for Irrigated Land
with a guaranteed
water right, we
can furnish it to
,' to you In tracts of
:, five acres up. We
; can sell y o u a
small tract on
Very Easy