The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 13, 1912, Image 4

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Managing Editor.
An Independent newspaper stand
ing for thov'aqunro deal, clean busi
ness, clean politics and tho beat In
terests of llcnd nnd Central Oregon.
Ono year. ................. 1.60
81 months. .80
Thrco" months '. 50
' All subscriptions nro duo nnd
of expiration will bo mailed aubscrt
bcrs and It ronownl Is not mado with
in reasonable time tho paper will bo
Pleaao notify us promptlr of any
change ot address, or of failure to receive-
.tho paper regularly.
Make alt checks and orders pay
Ablo to Ucnd Uulletln.
---4 ---- st
The Ilullctln will publish
tho following articles regard
ing the Panama Canal, written
by O. P. Putnam, who has
just returned from an exten--bIto
trip to Panama, and Cen
"tral "America as- a special
correspondent for various
metropolitan newspapers.
One article will appear
each, week. In this Issue Is
printed.- the third, "Some
of the Ills Jobs."
1 ."What tho Panam'a
Canal Is."
"Constructing tho Dig
3 "Some ot tho lllg Jobs."
.. 4The Men. on tho Isth
mus." ' 6 "How Undo Sam Treats
His Employees."
C "How Panama hss Deen
Made a Health Resort."
7"What tho Canal Will
do for tho Pacific Coast"
cur tho displeasure ot somo Is In
evitable. A newspaper without
critics Is os Impossible a creation as
a town without "knockers."
In March of 1903 The Bulletin was
issued for tho first time. This Is Its
tenth birthday, and while the time is
not opportune tor the publication ot
an "anniversary number" It never
theless seems worth while to make a
note ot this decade mllestono in tho
paper's progress. And the big
number, telling what Rend has done
during the ten years, will como later,
bigger and better for the delay.
The first number ot Tho Bulletin
Vaa issued with Max Luddeman as
owner and Don Rea as editor. In
August. 1903, J. M. Lawrence bought
a half interest In tho papcr,,which he
edited until January 1. 1908, for two
years after which C. D. Rowe con
ducted the paper for Mr. Lawrence.
In May, 1908, Mr. Lawrence sold his
Interest to Mr. Luddeman. Soon
after tbo paper passed Into the
possession of Fred 8. Stanley of Port
land, who. In February, 1910. sold to
Don 8tefTa. On March 1. 1910, the
property was purchased by J. M.
Lawrenco and O. P. Putnam. Early
In December. 1910, Mr. Putnam ac
quired Mr Lawrence's half Interest,
and from that date has exclusively
owned Tho Uullctln.
Bend hss grown wonderfully dur
ing the last ten years, and Tho Bulle
tin baa grown with It During tho
last twelve months thero has been
more advancement on the part of the
town, perhaps, than ever before; the
railroad has come, permanent build
ings are being erected and Bend is
rapidly emorglng from tho condition
of a small isolated town and enter
ing that of a substantial railroad
The Bulletin has tried to keep
pace. During the last yesr a
thoroughly modern plant has been
installed, which includes the best
four-page press in Oregon east of the
Cascades, new Job presses and a com
plete mechanical equipment Most
important of all, It has added to It
shop a type-setting machine, the
largest llnotypo in the state outside
of cities of 10,000 Inhabitants, and
with this Improved and quicker
method of setting type, it is now
able to print far more material than
over before could bo bandied, and
considerably more than is now
handled by any two Ciook county
Kxtenslvo plans for Improvement
and enlargement of the paper are
being worked out, plans whose con
summation will mako The Bulletin
of greater Interest and value to
reader, advertiser and Its town, than
it ever has been.
Tho Bulletin stands for Bond and
Central Oregon. It does Its best!
That H-J?IH mnko mistakes and in-
It ono swallowed tho Portland
Orcsontnh'B nows without n grain ot
salt, ono woutd get tho Impression
that Roosovolt Is tho most unpopular
mau In tho Unltod 8tates. So far
as has been observed, that politically
daft organ of enlightenment ha
printed tow It any news ttoms which
glvo any pro-Itoosovolt nows.
It is next to impossible to got a
truo idea of what roally Is progress
ing In tho national political world
from tho Oregonlan. Ono expects
that Its editorial pngoa express Its
opinions, and that It stick to them.
But It Is an injustlco to tho papor'a
readers, and to itself, for n really
great organ like tho Oregonlan to so
wilfully glvo Its nows columns to one
side, and ono aide only. Tho Bulletin,
like tho majority ot Orcgonlnns, be
lieves that Roosevelt will be de
feated. But oven then Tho Bulletin
and tho rest ot tho "Regular Sub
scribers" like to read somcthlug ot
what it knowa la being dono by the
Colonel's supporters.
The threo Klamath Falls news
papers Ploncor Press, Morning Ex
press and Chronicle which were re
cently consolidated are now Issued
as ono paper with tho namo of
Klamath Falls Northwestern.
Tho Ground Hog seems to be mak
ing excellent use 6f tho last days ot
his six weeks bad weather period,
which ends this week.
About Nothing.
Mamma What In the world are yon
two quarreling about? ,
Little DIck-Nothlng.
Nothing, ehr
TeVm. Dot left her box of candy
here, an' when she csroo back there
was nothtn In it"
Ths Distant Unci.
Bhortleigh My Unclt Frank to a
veritable Klondike. Longlelgb Why.
how's that? Shortlelgh-Uas plenty of
wealth, but Is cold and distant Smart
Set Magazine.
Mugg (applying for a Job) Sir, I am
honesty Itself.
Prospective Employer Indeed! Tim.
agined It looked different Boston
HIteh In the SytUm,
A Boston tramp has begging reduced
to a system. lis hss his regular cus
tomers. He knocked at the door of a
bouse. The owner came oat As soon
as be saw the tramp be said:
"Now, look bere; tsst week I gave
yon a nickel to stay away for ton days,
and bere yon are back again.
The tramp put his hand to his fore
head and was lost in thought for sev
eral minutes. Then be said:
"Yon are right colonel Yonr as
sessment dues not come due for a
week yet When I get back to my
counting room I'll pay off my head
bookkeeper and discharge blm. He
has neglected to give you tbo proper
credit on tbo ledger. New York
Ant 8trnBth.
An English scientist welched a small
ant and a desd grasshopper which It
was dragging to its next Tbo weight
of the grasshopper was found to be
sixty times greater than that of the
ant The force exerted by tbe ant In
dragging tbe grasshopper along tbe
road was therefore proportionately
equal to that of a man neighing ISO
pounds pulling a load of four and one
half tons or a borne of 1,200 pounds a
load of thirty -six tons.
A PUstlng Sight
"Yea. my son.
"What is a porrolsr uprising?"
"Why. a popular uprising." my boy,
is when every rosn In a street cargets
up and offers bis seat when one lone
woman enters the car," Yookens
"What do you suppose attracted that
dove eyed girl to snrh n man?"
I don't know unless It was because
be was pigeon toed. Exchange.
All men are equal tbe day (bey are
born and tbe day they are buried.
Rtpty of a "Bssrdlsss Bey."
When Kept!, a commodore at twenty-four,
was sent to demand an opoto
gy from the dey of Algiers for an In
stilt to tbe British flag he took so high
a tone that tho dey cxVlalmed Against
the Insolence of tho Briti'h hliig for
charging a "beardless boy" with such
n messago to him. Replied tbo beard
less boy, "Were tor master wont to
take length of beard for a test of wis
dom he'd bnve sent your deyshlp a be
goat" Loudon Standard.
Caut ef the Formality,
First Bobemian-Moy 1 borrow your
gray tie?
Second Ditto Certainly! But why
all this formality of asking permis
sion? First Bohemian I can't And It
London Tit-Bits.,. r
Qhattly Mmags That 8svd Then en
Hoard a Sinking Ship.
Robert Dnlo Owen Is authority tor
the following storyi
Tbo mate of a bark which was sail
Ititf uvcstwnrd across the banks of
Newfoundland wan In tho cabin work
lug out tho vessel's courso when ho no
ticed a man sitting at the other cud of
tho table busy writing on a slato.
Thinking ho was tho captain, ho paid
no further ntteutton, but presently,
looking up from bis calculation hossw
the man suddenly t!tsnpiear.
Startled, ho went across, picked up
the slato and found written on It,
"Steer to the nor'wc9tH
Ho called the captain. Tho writing
wis certainly not thnt of any of tho
crew, and eventually It was decided to
obey the etrnltge order. The vessel was
put In a nor'westcrly course and a man
stationed nt tho masthead to keep a
stiarp lookout
In a few hours they sighted Ice and
among It, In an almost sinking condi
tion, n big ship. They reached her Just
In time to sure her people. Among
tbrtu was a passenger whom tho roato
recognised aa tho stranger who had
written the direction on the slato.
According to the other passengers.
Ibis man bad been in a deep sleep or
trance at the hour at which the inci
dent had taken place. Exchange.
The Woman Whose Husband Nsvsr
Hsd the Right Chsngs.
A prominent broker remarked the
other day that be thought his wife was
the hardest woman to please In the
wide world. She was always asking
blm for money when be was home.
"John," she would say, "glvo me -I?
cents. The uturery boy la here with a
bill." "1 can't give you 47 cents." he
would reply, "but hero's half a dollarV
Oh, you'ro tho funniest man; you
never havo the right change." A doten
times a day she would ask for a few
odd pennies.
Finally the broker went into the
subtreasury and obtained $100 worth
or bright new pennies: There were
10,000 pennies, and he packed tbem In
a suit cose and lugged them bouie.
Then he went to a blacksmith shop
snd bad an Iron tripod made, nnd upon
this be hung tho suit case Oiled with
The next day the butcher came with
his bill. It amounted to f.07. "John,"
said the wife, "give me $3.07." "You
will find Hon the tripod." bo explain
ed. The wife returned in a moment
in a great rage. "Why, John." she
cried. "I'm nnt going to count out M7
ponnles for this msnt t'd bo ashamed,
it's a wonder you can never have tbe
right chango."-New York Herald.
Africa's Name.
The nsme Africa was given by tbe
Roman conquerors after tbe third
Punic war, B. C 140. to the province
which they formed to cover tbo terri
tory of Carthage. It was most prob
ably adopted from tbe word "Afry
gab." the Carthaginian term for a col
onr. This origlnsl Africa was limited
in extent Ita borders reached, ac
cording to Pliny, from tbe river Tuva
on the west, which divided It from
Knmldla, to tbe bottom of the Hyrtls
Minor on the southeast though Ptol
emy carries It as far east as tbe bot
tom of the Great RyrtK malting It
Include Numldla and Tripolltanla. In
later days the whole African conti
nent took its name from this part
which In Its narrower limits corre
sponded with tbe modern regency of
Tunis nnd was called by tbe Greeks
Lybla. Afrlcus. tho stormy southwest
wind, was so called In Italy because
It blew from Africa.
An Impressionist Ploturs.
They were doing n tour of tbe pic
ture gallery and the country cousin
was anxious to Improve his knowl
edge. Frequently ho aked qnesllons
concerning nrtlMIc phrases and phases.
and always the city cynic explained
clearly and luridly.
"Wlint dri they mean exactly." quer
ied the country one, "when Ihey say ll
Is an 'Impressionist" picture?"
Then the city cynic smiled.
"Well." said ho. "an Impressionist
plcturo Is one that leaves an Impres
sion In your mind thnt It Is the plc
turo of n cow and that same Impres
sion sticks there until you happen to
look at tbo catalogue and find thet
really It's a picture of a famous states'
man- Boe?"-London Answers.
The Test of Friendship.
In friendship, as In must matters, It
Is tbe little things that count Not
promises of eternal Oddity, but thought-
fulness about trifles assures us (list our
friend really cares for us. The ono
who knows Instluctlvcly what subjects
of conversation may be unpleasant to
us, wbst subject we do not liko to hear
Jested about, who, knowing too when
we wish to bo silent, humors us in our
wish-that Is tbo one with whom we
love to associate. Wo can never retain
a friend long If wo aro not willing to
take pains to find out bis peculiarities
and respoct them.
Rough en His Rivsl,
"Is ho really your rival?"
"Oreat Scot! If 1 bad a rival that
looked liko that man, do you know
what I would dor
"I'd give upNthe glrl,"-London Tolo
rraph, A Msan Rstort
"I want you to know that our pcoplo
nsed to bava money."
"I accopt that aa an Indication that
nemo of them also used to have
bra.-Detroit Free Press. .
Cheap Fruit Trees
I havo 1000 first class npplo trees,
3 vears old. standard vartotlca. worth
3Bo each, which I will soil at IBo br"
113.50 par 100 It takon lioforo April
16th. Will sell onllro tot ftt 10c,
purohnior to dig them. Call nnd ex
amine, nnd if they nro not excellent
stock, will glvo them to you.
immmjui) HTmii'in mm u"'ui"
RATES! Flvo cents a lino for
first Insertion In this column, four
conts n lino for each subsequent In
sertion. Cnsh In ndvanco unless
you havo an account with Tho Bul
letin. Count six words to tho lino,
Including .tho address,
WANTED- To oxchango ono
nearly now plant for n town lot In
Bond. Inquire of Dr. II. I). Drown
nt tho Evorgreen Rooming House.
WANTED Good work team,
harness, wagon nnd other farm Im
plements In oxchango for tola In Bond
Address U H. Rlckard, Bond, or In
quire of W. J. McGlllvray. CJIf
WANTED Man and woman at
Pilot llutto raneh, woman to do cook
ing and man to work on ranch, or
woman only to do cooking. 6!tf
BOARD TaMo hoardora desired.
Inquire Mrs. F. M. Ray. (.lit.
I.Ut your lands with u. We in
sell it If the price is right, llyan A
, WANTED To purchase a saddle
hnrso weighing about 1000 pounds.
Address Jaa, A. Brlukley Immediately
at Box SO, Bond, Ore. lp
Sen lug Wan toil
Plain and fancy sowing by tho day.
MIm Lydla A. Jackson, Evergreen
Rooming Houso, lp
For Kent.
FOR RENT t room house, with
closet and pantry. Phono K, W.
Richardson. Itt
FOR RENT 3 room bungalow
on Greenwood avo. beyond 9th st.
Inqulro Mrs. W. B. Camoron. Itt
FOR RENT Two atoro rooms,
modorn plate glass front. Good lo
cation on Wall street Enquire F.
O. Minor at P. O. 4-tf
FOR RENT--Modern flvo-room
bungalow, Just completod. Tele
phone E. P. Brostorhous. Gltf
FOR RENT Now cabin, partly
furnished, tin month. W. B. Iesh.
Blk. IS, Center add. 63-3p
FOR RENT Dry farm. 160
acres, 80 acres in cultivation. One
room houso.Three miles south Pow
ell Butte station. Will rent on the
aharea. Address, Joo Inncs, Bend,
Oregon. ltf
For Sate.
FOR SALE Good baled clover
hay 10 per ton, 4 miles west of
Laldlaw. Winter and Spaugh. l-4p
FOR SALE 3 good JS0 acre
homestead relinquishments, with
some Improvements. Inqulro at
Uulletin. 6:tX
FOR BALE 103 shares Swalley
water atock. Will take part pay In
work. Write to lock Box 130. Red
mond, Oregon. 1-3
FOR SALB-Pure bred 8. C. White
Leghorn eggs for hatching. IS for 11.
Mrs. O. C. Henkle, Deschutes Addi
tion, Bond Oro. Sl-3
FOR SALE Hatching eggs from
Kollerstrass Crystal Whlto Orping
tons, $2.00 n sotting. II. Spclser,
jlodraond, Oro. Cl-13
FOR BALE Puro bred Barred
Rock egga for sotting; $1.50 for 13,
Loavo orders at O'DounoU'a market
J. F. Piorco, Bend. Sltf
FOR SALE Socond hand buggy
and single harness. F. M. Ray, Sltf
FOR SALE Good horso, wt 1400,
or will trailo Deschutes Add. prop
erty for ono to match. Inqulro
Bulletin. SO-lp
FOR SALE Good milch cow; also
Oliver gang plow for aalo choap or
for trado. R. E. Orlmes, Pilot
Butto ranch, Bond. COtf
FOR SALE 86 foot front lot In
good resldonce district of Park Add,
terms or discount for cash. Call on
It's the economical way.
It's the sanitary way.
It's the logical way.
A fresh consignment just
received direct from Swift &
Order one now
- Bert Shuey
The Cash Grocer
Oncll Bid?., Bend, Oregon
or address C, E. Morris, 62-lp
FOR SALE Chatham Fanning
Mill with 13 slovos, prlcu $30, Ad
dress A-C, Bulletin. Stt
FOR RALE Barrett Rock oggs
for hatching, II for IS. 10. W.
Rlchnnlson, It. F. t. Bend. Dtf
FOR BALK Convenient 3-rnom
bungalow cool closet, cupboard,
bookcases, fireplace, inantol, (Ir door,
hard llnlsh. Price $&7B, tonus If,
required. Apply Skuso llardwnre
Co., Wall street. 1
FOR HALE-130 saddle, 7iS0j
Marlln rtflo good as new, 12; 1Q0 Jars
homo emitted strawberries, peaches
poars.otc. In glass Jara; flOlbs (litest
honey over brought to Bond. Also
SB acres 0. O. I. Co. Irrigated land
T mllea east or I lend below tho mar
kot. W. It. Leah, lot 11, block IS
Cantor Add., Bend,
To Trade,
WILD TltADIQ Gntiilor for
or will sell, , P, II, Doucor. Hoi
A new supply of Ictfitl blank,,,,!,
ueeii receiveu iy 'inn iiiillrtlit All
you need unfitting. In litis IIAc.ii
r.1 (m mm),', .
A classlflod ndvertlsomont l
Bulletin costa but llttln hut bring!
mum. ii jrini novo n notiso to
or sou or want to buy, lot It bo kn
ny tuo uso or an ad.
Irfist nnd Found,
ILOHT Black statin wntclt cb
with gold rim around It. ,t
Ueati. a
Hotel Wright
Mrs. Noll's Wright, Prop,
BeniTnOnly Stono Hotel, Strictly Modern. Klcctrlc LIkIiU, I
It I I.I I tlf. 1. flil. KH.I 1aUhI.AMA .fl
noi ami vajiu wmur, tuiut iuiu iuiwjmiuuu,
NowHulldlnR All Now Ktirnlshlnua. DlnlnRKoom In Connection.
Only ono block from depot Cor. Bond nnd Greenwood 8t.
Star Restaurant
Corner Bond nnd Greenwood streets.
Wn Kirvo tn order from 6:46 a. m. to 10:00 n. m. Family stvle W
mrnts from 12 to 1:30 d. m. and 6:45 to 7:30 it. tn. fl!
. !
Meals 35c
la the Most Beautiful Part of Town
Lots in this Addition are close to the
business center, mill we arcscllinc nt
trices far below wlint b being asKcd
or property much farther out.
Also some of the best business corners
in the city.
Some of the best buys in farming prop
erties arc listed with us.
Timber land bought and sold.
Hunter & Staats
Office Corner Wall and Minnesota Streets
ij 'ss yiii . ' ' ""i ,
You cannot net a jjood weather and waterproof roof for your
building from a poor roofing.
The roof of your building ii the moit important part of It
and unlets your roofing it right, thero will be no
peace of mind for thoie who live under it.
A roof that leaks cauiet no end of trouble,
betide a lot of damage.
The best way to protect yourself from these unnecessary
troubles, is to use Malthoid Roofing.
The makers of Malthoid Roofing guarantee it to be a
perfect roofing to give satisfaction and to last as long
as the building it covers, provided It is properly laid
and ordinary care is taken of it.
Twenty-six years of experience enables The Paraffinc Taint Co.,
of San Francisco and Chicago Heights to
guarantee Malthoid Roofing under these conditions.
To be absolutely sure that you have no roofing troubles, buy
Malthoid and lay it properly.
Skuse Hardware Co.