r IRE LIMITS 8 USINESS MEN EX PRESS OPINIONS lille Many I'luor Proposed OrtlU Hco Tlicro It n IokIciiI Opposition o 5t WMcH Merit Attention IVrewponrtt'iit Htntc Objection Many who wtiro oppiel last II lo tho sctllwr. of Dro Until and p'lilnctnn of bullillna; restrictions f'lcnd Room now to IioIIqvo that thU nSrlsu movo for tho town to tnko. lere was a tllvoralty of o)lulon as what tho boundaries of tho tcrrl ryfto which tho ordinance npply oultl ho, ntthouRh luost of tho inon tefvlowoil nitld It should Includo nn en; thnt would not mean thnt those th'ln tho prctcnt business district mid miff or. Anionic tho oinrcsslons woro tho Mowing: ft 0. Caldwell "I am In favor of o limits If mado laro enough. I Iqk tho boundary should bo a roet for If only an alloy Is tho paratlnx lino a lot of ahacka can put up aloiiR tho alloy that would danger Road building acroM tho ley." IJarnoy O'Donnell- "Hy all moana .should have flro limit. With ore framo bulldlnga bcliiR, "oracled lon'l know when wo llo down to vJu whothor o will have nny oorty loft whon wa waka up." If. V. hkuso 'Tiro limits U tho ,it thin in havo. With audi nil dlnanco and a flro company that Is tiled n llltlo Ilcnd win no iihicii tLm r.. am Ttifi luivo aiulWod (VI ttutll ...v. ..w "v - -" iftday night what they can do If jy had aomo onn to train inom n tin and direct them." tt. M Hmlth "I certainly am In flr of tho ordinance. Wo should iYt had It long ago." ii..i. rt'ir..... M.Mrn 'tltiitla will iftll right for Ilcnd, and won'hurt ifono If thy aro mndo extensive .cTurIi so that a now business center ifi not necessarily result, to tho trlucnt of the peoplo who havo ifll up tho town m It 1 now." I . Object to Ordljiiinco. ': AVhllo It Is truo that many local illness men favor tho onnctnicnt of jjlro-lltnll ordliianco. It Is equally uit tli (it, there I an opposition to It. w following letter rcclred hyjho fllotln so well uxpresse tho reasons F this opposition that It Is .hero tbllshed beside tbu seutliuuuts of nro-llinlt enthusiasts. fTho wholo matter Is or grave Itn irtancu to tho wolfaro of tho towni fjl careful weighing of both sides Is Out advisable. tTo oncourago publicity on tho pros id eons. Tho ItullQlIn will bo glad ! publish any oommunloatlous that vo bearing on the subject. I Hlnto Htrotit; Cane. I Tho Kdltor: Wi a property owner I wjah to biiL ft the following reasons jrhy tho bpvsed flrvllmlU ordlnaifto. which jindorstond la tu ho atfbnilttod'to ,0 council, should not bo passed. V town, like n child, should crnwl iff.ro It walks. lilit you over hear of n town built j. of all good big aubslautlat brick. Sue, or cement buildings! WheroT big towns stnrtcd small- At ?t thoy had amall woodon build is, within tho meana of tho plon ia who orectod thorn. tfpoknno. y-tland, North Yakima er In anre. What wo want la people. Tho man Ho will Invest horn In tho next fow jara la not tho man with 125.000 or ,0,000, but tho man of amall or I &..-. --a - YOU CAN BOY. Hot Bread EVERY MORNING nf tor 8:30 o'clock, linked by tho American Uakory, In Turk Addition, nt LARA'S SIIUEY'S and MISENER'S Stores. BAKED IN THBQNljYj . BRICK OVeN IN ?0VN. l BED IE! moderate luuniiK, who cutitea hero to miiko money. Of tho no inon who may coino horo tomorrow, how tunny will havo ovon flO.OOOT Most will Imvo from 2000 to MOUO. Wo want thesa moil. Twenty mou with $2000 aro worth mora than one man with $40,000. Your ordinary stock of goods In Ilcnd will run from n000 to $9000. Mow many moir will como In and htilld If compelled to erect a build lug which will cost them from $0000 to $8000 fur n in-fool stone build in K, sity (IncludliiK tha lot coat) nit tho way up to $10,000 and flB.oqo to houno a stock of Roods worth from 03,000 to $10.0007 If this ordinance passes llio pos- slhle number of buyers Is roducod V0 nor cent, for loss limn 20 per cent of tha people who como aro ablo tu build stono or brick. You roally put n wall around tho hustnoRH part of town and say: "Unless you aro rich, keep out." Tho sumo proposition applies to routs, A man won't build In n new town, no matlor how good It looks, unless ho haa A protty good Idoa where tho business center will ro main, so that ho can get good rent. And this proposed ordinance would put everyone, guessing whore people would build, and whero business would go. Isn't It up to tho peoplo of Bond to welcome all good citizens, poor or rich, and holp them to got along? And won't tho ordinance mako this hardr I'orhapa I am wrong, I think not, I'd Itko someone to tell mo why 1 am, It I am. It Icoka .to mo as It wo should havo hotter flro servlct and less hasty legislation which wo may regret. A lJlOI'i:itTY OWNBH. HVMMONH I1V l'UIif.IOATIO.V, In tho .Circuit Court for tho County or urooK anil me ninie ui wrsvo Henry Tainm, plaintiff, vs. Kran cea 0, Taium, dotendanU To Frances H. Tamm, tho abovo iiauiod defendanU In tho nnmo of the State of Oregon: 'You aro hereby required to appear and answer tho Complaint fllod kgalnst you In tho abovo entitled suit on or boforo tho lCth day of April, 1V1S, and It you so fall, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to this court for Judgment and decree against you as prayed for In tho com print' on file heroin. Thla summons Is served upon yon hy I lie publication thereof In Tho llend llulletlu, a nowspspcr of gon- erul circulation within Crook county, O.regon, published weekly at llend, Oregon. In tho County or Crook for tho period of six consecutive woeks Iseven Isiues), commencing with tho Usuo of February 28th. 1913, and ending with tha Issue of April 10th, IJ)1J In, pursuance of an order of II a Hllli, Judge of the County Court of Cniolc County, Oregon, which order was made and entered Febru ary STlh, 1913. Date of first publication, February :Slh, 1912. Date of last publication. April 10th, 1013. ' ! . JlSB.Hj; I,. HUMKAMi. Attorney for plaintiff. Ntyricn foii puiimc,tion. Department of tho Interior, U- 8. Land Offlco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, February 28th. 1912. Notice Is horoby given that Wil liam II- Holberg. whose post-offlso address Is Ulgln, Kane. Co., ItllnuU, did. oil tho 19th day off July. 1911, fllo In this otrtco sworn statement arid application. No. 09309. to purchase tho VH BWU, section IS. township 19 south, range 11 oast, Willamette Meridian, nnd tho timber theroop, undor tho provlsluna of tho net of Juiio 3, 187S, nnd ruu nmendatorV, known as tho "Timber and St'iiw Law," at such value as mlgnt bo flxod hy npprnlsumont, nnd that, pursuant to auoh application, the land and timber thereon havo boon appralsod, tho timber estimated 360.000 board feet at $1.00 per M.. and tho land 90.00: that said appli cant wilt offer final proof In support of his application nnd aworn stato mont on tho 16th day of May, 1912, before tho Register nnd Itocelvor of tho U. 8. Land Offlco, at Tho Dalles, Oregon. Any person Is at tlborty to protest this purchaao boforo, entry, or lultl nto a contest at nny tlmo boforo patent Issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit In thla offlco, alleging facta which wold defeat tho outry O. W. MOOKB, r.3-9 Register. NOTICK TO CUKDlTOltM. In tho County Court of tho Statu of OroRou for Crook County. In tho matter of tho ostate of Klslo It. Illloy, decoasod. Tho undersigned having boon ap pointed by tho County Court ot tho Stnto or Orogon for Crook County, Administratrix of tho Kstato ot Elslo 11. Illloy, decoasod, notice Is horoby glvott to the credltora of said Kstato nnd all persons huvliiK clnlms ngulust snld doceasod to prog out thorn, duly varlflod as required by law, within six months from tho duto of this Notice to tho iindorslgnod nt tho offlco ot O. 8. llonsou, Flrnt National Dank llultdlng, Uond, Oregon Dated February 21st, 1912. MAHY H. SUimWOOD, Administratrix of tho Ks tato ot Klalo R. Riley, do- 50-1 cooaod. m T sl T limes1 & Davidson's shop Is the best plnw in town to gt your hnlr cut or a shave. FIRST BEND MAN FOR STATE JO TOWN MAKES INITIAL POLITICAL BOW fyocnl Attorney dinner of KlrcHon i:cellcnt, Hay Portland Pnjer. Only Two Men Out for Two Itojiubllcvui Positions. (Portland Orogonlan.) Tho distinction of being tho first oandldato from Uond for a atato ofllco falls to Vernon A. Forbes, an attorney, who Is running for tho Ko publlcan nomination for lloprcseu tatlvo from this district. An Wesley O. Smith, of Klamath FalU, Is the only other caddldate on tho Ilopubllcan tlckot, and Inasmuch aa two Representatives r.a to Satom from thla district, and It Is almost Invariably Republican, with tho pri maries less than a month distant and no othor candidates In tho field, It la practically a foregono conclusion that Forbes win lo nominated, ana that Uond will make Its Inltlat ontranco Into atato politics. A practicing attornoy for three year. Mr. Forbes haa Identified him solf In many legal cases with tho settlers, aud particularly has been a student of tho problems that have VKIINON A. FOItlira. arisen In connection with tho Irrl- gallon projects of tho state At tho rocoiil irrigation congress in rori land ho was n speaker. A fuller publicity In all atato land matters, barring tho possibility of star chain uqr proceedings for tho Land Hoard, is tho key note of tho platform with which Mr. Forbes Is going before tha electorate. II. P. Iielknap. or Prlnovlllo. tho previous Incumbent of tho offlco of Representative has benu forcd to rotlro from illtlcs. nt loast tempo rarily. bocAUso of Ill-health. Mr. Forbes Is u collrgo graduate having received his legal and academic education at tho University of Minnesota. OANIUUATI-M' ANNOU.NCKMKNTS. JOHN P. Ji;ilUY lll'HK. For Iloosevelt ami Progrca AKalnst Toft aud Stnndpntlain. Progressive Republican Candidate for CoiiKrfBN, Alwiiys with tho Peoplo. If you iloii't bellevo it look up his record, (Pntd ndvortlsomont.) OKO, T. (MIOIIIUN Progrefwlvo Hopubllruli "Candidate for Representative In ConKirss l!nd DUtrlct. I bollovd in and advocate l'resl dontlal prlmorlon. dtroot eloctlon ot Benators, froo tolls for American Bhlpplng through the Panama Canal, full share ot Irrigation funds for Set7" .jtttttr, ? i tayiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyiyasjjjjjjsjw j,r vj i jssm laHssKTr"'' ' ' ' Rt bbhhB uSBVSiJS) r JBBbBbBW - HtfM SHk - -J BBBBak SllllH Orogorf, 820 ncro homestond right with throo yonrs resldonco and six months Icnvo of nbsenco out of each yoor, continuing appropriation for tfelllo Canal and tho opening of tho (Columbia Itivor, an Alaskan policy thnt will penult of present as well as futuro bonoflt, a mouoy system Indopondent of Wall atroet control, national control of corporations doing Interstate commorco business, moro efficient rcguhtlon of trusts, nnd extension -fit powers and Juris diction of Intorstato Commorco Com mission. If oloctod I promlso that "tho will of tho people shall be my solo guldo." 1-Gp (I'ald advortUemont) von county jui)c;i:. I hereby announco my candidacy for tho olhco of County Judge, sub ject to tho nproval of tho Republican votcra of Crook county at tho coming primary election. II. C. KI,M8. (I'ald adrcrttsoment.) FOIl COUNTY JUIKli;. To tho Republican Votcra of Crook County: I horoby onounce tnysolf a candi date for tha offlco of County Judgo, subjoct to tho approval of the Ilo publlcan voters of Crook county nt the coming primaries, April 19, 1912, WILLIAM UOEOLI. (I'ald advertisement.) CANDIDATK FOR DIHTUICT AT TOIINKY. I horoby annouco my candidacy for tho Republican nomination for district attornoy for tho soventh Ju dicial districts t the primaries April 19, 1 will personally proseeuto vio lotlons of the law and assist officers In conducting tho business of Crook, Hood Hirer and Wasco counle In a vigorous, prompt and businesslike manner, if nominated and elected. ERNEST C. SMITH. (Paid advertisement.) CANDIDATE FtHl COUNTY SUR VEYOR. I hereby announco mysolf as a candldato for the Republican nomi nation for County Surveyor, subject to tbo approval of tho Republican voters at tho primary held April 19 th. R. I HREW8TER. (Paid udvortlsemont). FOlt COUNTY CLEHK. I horoby announce myself as a can didate to succeed myself to tho offlco of County Clerk, subject to tho ap proval of tho Democratic voters of Crook county at tho primary elec tion to bo held April 19. WARREN UROWN. (Paid advortlsomcnt.) FOIl SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candldato for tho offlco of sheriff, subject to tho approval ot tho Re publican voters of Crook county at thu primary election to bo hold on April 19, 1912. It nominated and eleotod, I will conduct tbo business of tho abovo offlco to tbo best of my ability and will glvo especial atten tion to tax matters. C. D. UROWN. Dcnd, Oregon. (Paid advertisement). FOlt COUNTY .SCHOOL SUPERIN TENDENT. I hereby announce mysolf a candl dato fpr tho offlco of county achool superlntndent, subject to tho approv al of tho Republican voters at tho primaries to bo hold April 19. J. E. MYERS. (Paid ndvertlsouont). FOlt COUNTY CLERK. To tho voters of Crook county: I horoby announco my candidacy for tho nomination of County Clerk an tho Republican ticket at tho com ing primaries, April 19th, and If nominated and elected, I will per form tho duties ot tho offlco to tho best of my ability, and for tho best interests of tho taxpayers nnd cltl xons in gonoral and along sound busi ness principles. HOWARD W. TURNER. (Paid advortlsomont) FOIl COUNTY JUDGE, I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on tho Republican tlckot for the ofllco ot County Judge and, It elected, promlso tho cltlxous pf Crook county a fair nnd Impartial administration ot that ofn.ee and will uso my entire offorta toward tho bet terment ot tho condition of our county and Its cltlxens. CJIAP.l F3 O. POLLARD (Paid advertisement.) FOlt STATE 8ENATOIL I hereby nnnounce myself a candl dato for nomination tor tho offlco ot Stato Sonator on tho Democratic ticket nt tho primary nominating oloctlou to bo held April 19, 1912. In tho Soventoonth Senatorial District. FRANK L, YOUNO. (Paid advortlsomont.) VOn COUNTY ASSESSOR. To tho Republican voters ot Crook county: , I horoby announco my candidacy for the nomination to tho office of County Assossor at tho primaries on April 19, 1913. It I am nominated and olectod, I wlll.xlurlng my tarm ot ofllco, uso my best ondoavor to glvo n thorough and Impartial assess ment, to Dsscss by logal subdivisions, to Index by legal subdivisions, and by namo, to koep all records In an uptodato manner, making it easy to find amount ot tax on oaoh parcel of land, or amount ot oach Individual tax, to personally attend to tho dutlos ot tho offlco, .to giyo prompt and cautlouu treatment to all. I deslro placed after my nnmo on tho noml n.itliiR ballot A KuslncsM Adminis tration of tho AMCssor'fl offlco. W- B. VANALLH.S' (I'ald advortlsomcnL) OANIHDATK I'Olt DIHTHIOT AT- TOUNUY. To tho Republican voters of Waaco, Crook and Hood Jllvor Counties: I horoby announco my candidacy for tho Republican nomination for District Attornoy for tho Soventh Ju dicial District comprised of Waaco, Crook and Hood Itivor Counties, at tho coming primaries to bo held April 19, 1912. If nominated and elected,- tho duties of tho District Attorney's offlco will always havo first consideration. I shall striro fully to enforce alt laws, and protect, to tho utmost of my ability, tho in terests of tho wholo peoplo of my District. I plodgo myself to giro my personal attention to tho needs of oach of tho counties comprising tho Bovcnth Judicial District. (Paid adv.) CAIILTON h. PKPPEn. XV. A. HELL FOIl DIHTHIOT ATTORNEY. To tho Republican Electors of Crook, Hood River arid Wasco Counties: I hereby announco myself as a can- dldato for the Ilopubllcan nomina tion for District Attorney at tho com ing Primaries, April 19, and If noml nated and elected I will during my term of office devote my entire time to tho duties of the offlco to tho ex clusion of other law business, and giro my personal attention and first consideration to tha business of tho office, and will personally assist the officers in each county with tbo en forcement of tho Criminal Law, and especially will I exert myself to en forco tho law against vice. Immoral acta and the traffic In white slavery. (Paid Ad.) W. A. DELU FOILKHEIUFF. I bore by announco myself as a candidate for tho Democratic nomi nation for sheriff at the coming pri maries, April 19. "A squaro deal to all." T. N. BALFOUR. (Paid advertisement) Colonist Fares DAILY March 1 to April 15, 1912 from tb Middle tnd Kutcra por tion! of the Untied Stale tod Cantd la U point lo l North el pn th OregonWashington Railroad & Navigation Company From CHICAGO $33.00 From ST. LOUIS. 32.00 From OMAHA 25.00 From KANSAS CITY. 25.00 From ST. PAUL 25.00 Proportionately low fares from all other points. Direct servico from Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha and Kan sas City over the C. & N. W UNION PACIFIC, OREGON SHORT LINE and O.-W. R. & N. Lines Protected by Automatic Block Signal You Can Prepay Fares. While thrc nlc apply Wctlbound oolj.fr-t may tie prepaid by ccittln lue of the lleket llh vourtnf! int. and an order will be tele. grapben to any addrcw siren Jld In utllot of Mir ra reaourcr ma wnauniui oiportnoiiir far Home building IUutrlrd and reliable printed matter III be wailed to anyone tow boo. you wUh It aeut J. H. CORBETT, Agt., DK.ND, ORUGOH- mrniim luy trlrtct Frtrn Our Ffttttry And MT ths miUIemaa'i profit sad aelEaj txpenaa. 5-cfou paae doon; tf" Q fintqiulsr. MuniU pXOU 'K x rr Kvry fmptf a. fris AI Cueoalow Satk 10 ol lbs IaUl daipt a 46 sues ta tlotlc. Dai, hotbed, baaoDeat sad cluclea coop ujix la atodc Osij rA quality uthaold. Trita 10 piccei, tvd In bundle; 3 Aylea; 3 6rrtquliyi par aet only ....... OvrC Lat US nrwea m yr mlliwork, palat aa4 bkrdwaraUu. Wo da uv mU r.U lumW. Write for Catalog No. Jo Sani For This Seed AnnwdrFree UlbVMaietaCaJtaipustyaKl aeouiMtica.. No u-it are patted dreAMS ci a tctcab am) alprit ami bt loutTM al ? WlanbijiMLill'"kfu benatadoopv SmUetcaUlc. tll CW IL L On.. SeaSla kfrV-M Wm sP Hotel Seward AMHiR AND TltNTIt ATRItRt 1'OIITLAND, OKKOON I. trM"-- One of the Most Artistic and EIo Kantly'Appolntcd Hotels In the Northwest, Embodying Every Modern Convenience. In cen ter of retail and theater district. KDKOPKAN PLAN. Ktltf fioandap, with Iteth. .ootttdep. ButncYUslllralnt. OrllllaconiMtUoa. W. M. BBWiKD, troprUXOt. Estimates on application Wall Psper at Portland Prices N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapest and Dest Wall Psper Saw pies In the county. Get My Price. Box 39. Bend, Ore. New PALACE MARKET Charles Boyd, Prop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. FltATEKNAL- SOCIETIES. M. W. of A. Pilot Butte Camp No. 9794 Meets every Tuesday In hall over postoflicc. VlaitinfC Neighbors always welcome. Z. W. Lindborjr, V. C. N. P. Welder. Clerk. Deectates Lo4ge No. 103 K. of P. Meets every Wednesday oTcnlng at 8 p. m. In Costlo Hall, post-offico Uldjr. Visiting KnlshU welcome. Chas. D. Rowe, C. O. N. P. Smith, K.R.&B. I. O. O. F. Bend Lodge No. 218 Reg. Meetings every Monday night Visitors welcome O. M. Patterson, N. G. W. L. Wing, Secretary, BEND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. 1.1. Meets on Thursday on or before the full moon of each mouth. Viiiting brothers always welcome. J D. Oaridaon. W. it. II. K. AUen, Secretary FHATKIIKAIj llltOTHKItllOOl). llend lodge No. 897 meets on tho first and third Friday eronlng In tbo hall over tho postotnee. Visiting brothers and sisters always wolcomo. U. N. Hoffman, President Sara M. Porry, Secretary. ItOVAIi NKlQHUOItS AMKIUOA. Regular nicotines ferory laursday day night. Visiting members ot tho order welcomed. ..Mrs. A. C Lucas, Oracle. Mrs. L. O. Fleming. Recorder. 1 - - iTEYENS "VISIBLE LOADING M, REPEATING RIFI.Ei No. 70 Hat Prlco, 80.00 "Vtoiblo Ltwdlug" U a btjr d Tnntao. You tho cartridge ro la the charabrr. You rie when tho gun Is loaded. Cits alt the gamt in al&ht Practlco now and clean out all J 41... e..-. .x.a a tkla ....In.. 1 UtV tttllU JOfcJ T tUU J.1,0. Puluta for tho Sharpshooter 1 and tlunlor ' Ifut.t .vMert uun. a" tiMi6MaMaAf.iiMt ' iUI lellUJ u ktl al.J t k, e TnzMbuull.iP. hriu . . EOOM. Cltf l,t wUUkf VM ltl U. I yvMtbitvUtt. VIUld.lU lfu,uuii.ja.tUJ4tt. tu fa4veM (. Bo - mm IlltfUlUoaa a.t Ita nun .ut KUtn.sauiu.v ltn lad KU. T.lMuipn. Iivutl't BTKtM yw dtakr iJ la M lit vludUM t. .BUT..1 ivmttvL trv . .-... .m.. J. 5ltYLH3 AKJU ATOOi. COMPAUT r.0.SaxJ OkafM rafts Mam.' .-. '"is. i-r srr dH-Bi i i - x rtti - LJajl BSBJI jfirJaTT- &'M afitir!$iBfefc.ukj tawLBWWBBBEr I&fc i T1' I M kkW A 41 car i HirAi KM yA:fft l43 . :flaa&K 1 'SLVi - i ?Si I t in- -