The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 13, 1912, Image 10

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i, iMHWI
DAftl TO BE 300 FEET
Concrete, Will bo Used In Construc
tion -Water to Pass tlirough Pour
Big Gate Into Canal- Swalley
. Flume Mnjrjle In the Way..
The engineering plana of s the
KorthC&naffnave bcenJMcd by the
Central Oregon Irrigation Co. frith
theijDetert Land Board, butllninff the
development work which the com
pany will do.
The plans call for a diversion dam
890 feet In-lcngth and 33 feet high
screw tho Deschutes river Just bo
law Bend. It will bo built of con
crete. Four bis gate will carry the
water Into the canal, the four having
capacity of tho entire volume of
water In tho rlrer. There will be
yaUallar waste gates. Tho canal
for 8500
completion of the dam
days after contract Is let. Whsj
work will start la not yet known, Ac-
there are a number of matters that
must first bo adjusted. One of
these Is an agreement with the
8wolley ditch people. Where the
C. O. I. Co. proposes to build the
don the Swalley company has Ita
flume, which would bo cut In two,
A meeting of the Swalley directors
and the C. O. I. Co. officials was to
have been held at Deschutes Monday,
but Manager Roscoo Howard was In
Portland and the session was post
poned until the latter part of the
week. At that time an effort will
be made to get the matter adjusted
satisfactorily, to all.
LAMONTA, March 11. Lamonta
Grange was orgonlxed last Saturday
with 58 charter membrcs. The of
ficers ore: Master, L. M. Ahomu;
overseer, John 8. Walt: lecturer,
W. E. Houk; steward. Jack Xelgand;
awlstont steward, Martha Short;
chaplain, Thomas H. MeGhee; treas-
l0J;.ji'. J X h
j -.,, f
4 r
T f
i- - 4
kl imammmmmtmmarmuati
- if rvttzsnBwrmf tzA p attxtli .y ft SBAKt
ycviounmHivviai m-""r"SSBBSSMBSSSBBBBSKia-'
urer, Frank Cowan secretary, J- 1
Thomas; gatekeeper, Edgar II. Walt;
Accra arc: Master. I M. Thomas,
Clara Messenger; Flora, Kthl Cox)
Lady Assistant. Clara Short; organ
1st, Nora Stacks,
There aro now flvo Granges In
Crook count.
Tho Ladles' Juniper Club met With
Mrs, O C. Cardwcll on March 7,
with a good attondanco In aplto of
the storm. The" next meeting will
bo at tho homo of O. P. Dahl on tho
Slst of March. , . t v ,
11. R. Stewart haf 'th'o 'misfortune
to hare a horse die last week.
Tho dance at C V. Barto'a Satur
day night vm well attended, every
one wearing his old clothes. A good
time was enjoyed by atl. There was
about SO' present.
Miss Edith Kavanaugh visited her
mother. Mrs. A. L. Hudson, last
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bragg and Mr J
Nlckorson, Mr. and Mrs. Cardwcll
and Mr. and Mrs. It E Stewart visit
ed with Mr and Mrs W O Waugh on
Fort Hock and Fremont Handlers to
Start Factory Soon.
A. Chapman, a rancher of tho
Bock country, In Lake count-.
ock country, In Lake
t-nrtart"axheso factory. A meeting
was held Saturday at which a com
mittee was-appointed to canvass the
farmora for subscriptions of stock.
Articles ot Incorporation will be filed
In a short time and thn factory got
started. It will bo operated on a
co-operative basts.
There are a largo number of milk
cows In that part of Lake county and
the cheese factory Is planned to fur
nish a market for the cream. On
account of lack of railway transpor
tation a creamery would not be suc
cessful. It Is believed.
The Boy Scouts are busy making
flags for a wig wag system, which
they will learn as soon as they have
their equipment completed. The
system is one of signaling by flags;
It Is used In the army and navy.
The boys also are planning the pur
chase of a new American flag for
their lodge.
North Addition Center Addition
.. Jrf
tw J U
Prieesand' Terms Qladly
lleml Park Men lit on Visit, lrlmotl
With Enthusiasm, Heal Scattto
"Boon" and Good Adlcc
Bright 81 Moutiix Ahead .
L. E. Capps, manager of tho Bend
Tark Company, accompanied by J.
W. Fox, a Portland representative at
tho company, was looking over the
local situation and the company's
residential property hero Monday.
Mr. Capps was very enthusiastic
concerning the town's growth since
his last visit.
"There has been more develop
ment and construction hero during
tho last six month than ever before,"
said Mr. Capps. "And tho best of
It Is the next halt year will see still
The visitors, who are "boosters.
from the word go, gaUcdMtf UosJmw
iw f ibj .'. jiissWsmb tf -s-rissBjcnP--sj-a-ii-,HH'
-.s-sv ----Ma--BSi-sB-ai-iB-. .i
' ""Everyday we havo people who
want some printed matter about
Ilend. And there Is nothing to give
them. Tho Willamette Valley dis
tricts all are represented with folders
but there Is little or nothing to tell of
the east-of-the-mountatns country.
This spring Is the Important time to
get after the location seekers, and If
this section Is to bo settled up quick
ly with farmers, and If tho town Is to
grow as It should, It Is up to Bend to
have something for the outsiders who
want Information."
May Get tip Leaflet.
It is probable that. If It proves Im
possible for the Commercial Club or
other organization to get up such a
leaflot as Sir. Capps suggests, Tho
Bulletin may publish one, taking
orders for numbers of copies from
different persons who may wish to
distribute them, either with or with
out personal advertising added to the
general text.
and Lava Road Additions
Ir). 4i
f't .9
Mi'imuu in first nivtmiiK.
KLAMATH FALLS, March 10. -Atlnr
being out four hours, tho Jury
In tho case of Solid Fnuldor, charged
with tho murder of il.ouls (lobhort,
brought In a verdict or murder In
tho first dogreo. Faultier shot
(lobhort Inst August In tho rnllrontl
construction enmp oil the Natron
cutoff. Ho testified ho lieltovod
Oebhort had poisoned his dog. Gob
hert was camp cook and Fauldor a
i School Notes !
$ $
Tho school Is now taxed to Ita ut
most to accommodate nil tho chil
dren. The enrollment contlunes to
Increase there being nlno now pu
pils to enter tho grades Monday
Three each enrolled with Mrs. Ban
dors and Miss Trautner and one each
with Misses Sldner, Holmes and
Tho High School sonlorjhavo re
ceived their class rings. They are
of old gold and bear tho Insignia,
Mrs. Scovell visited tho High
8chool Monday and made a talk.
Tho B. H. 8. Club elected officers
Friday evening, to servo tor tho noxt
two months. Ivan McGlltrray Is tho
new president and Krally Schroder
editor of the club paper.
Margaret Wlest has been out ot
school this week on account of be
ing sick.
ftsssWiWHPWWFy Mu
Mfle HsOlKJsia
w 7rj-rij-i-'T"y'
jffAJi Result of Accident Today.
While helping load machinery at
tho mill of (he Ilend flrlck ft Lum
pier Company, southeast of town.
this noon. Foreman Hamilton had
the first finger on his right hand
severed by being caught ,henoath a
slipping weight. W. 8. Scott Itn-
jndlately brought him to town, and
the Injured digit was amputated by
Dr. Ferrell. Tho Injured man
showed admirable pluck, requiring
no anesthetic for tho operation.
(Redmond Spokesman)
J, P. Duckett recently bought
from McCaffery Jk Dennis some resi
dence lots In Bisters, and also some
land near the town for a sawmill,
which he will soon put In operation.
Mr. Duckett has bought a number of
million feet of timber In the vicin
ity ot Bisters, and will begin manu
facturing a good grado of lumber In
a short time. Ho Is a sawmill man
and lumberman of many years ex
perience, and thoroughly under
stands every branch of tho business.
L H ' -1
fh ivli
WMrtln It Is 8sld to Qurnot That of
All Othsr Nations,
linns von lltiplow's romnrk Hint
"Itnly was the crmlle of iinMo nml ri'
timliiNl the croitlo" whs. of lourxo, put
Intvmlcd to bo tnkon llternlly. but slni
ply its a -ltty exaggeration of nil ol
vloiis truth. Itnly wive Hip world Uio
first oHrns, oratorios, cnutntnn, out
turn, sonnies niu) iuohI of tho eeriest
iKlknl forum, nod In wnirse of tlmt" It
furiiUhcd limmrr worfes In nil Hipco
tyhn of nmslcul im,lilliclur5 y't It
rctimlned for tho rainNixers of Uor
tunny to write the most I'lnlwrnto nud
fullv ili cIoiimI sitwliiinis In I'wi'h rnne
Itnly enn show norhnrnl works ei-iinl
to Ilnch's "Kt. Mnllhttw Wmlou" or
tUndvl's -Metislnhs" no overture cniml
to those of bnlf a doien tlrrtnnn tnn.
lent; no songs equal to those of Hchtw
bcrt, Bchumnnn or Fnttis? ndoperns
like WnKnrr's; no Tuihuntrs like
lleetborctt'sf no pianoforte pieces like
Pchubert's. fteethoven' or Schumann's.
On these points there can be no dls
put wbctever, and tbst Is why Qer
many is now universally conceited to
be the chief musical nation, ersn by
thoso whose pcrsonnl taste Impels
them, to fsyer particular examples of
Italian, French or ltusslan music.
Tho greatest masters of Italy, France
and Russia have been unanimous In
locking up to the German masters as
their ruftstcrs-as the men to whose In
fluence they largely owed their own
tducstlon and development. From
In the Circuit Court for the County
or Crook and State ot Oregon.
asy(.JvOfssMClnlntlfr, va sum-
rlCtmma. tho above
nameu ucienaani, in me name or me
Stato of Oregon You are hereby
required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you In the
above entitled suit on or beforo tho
34th day of April. 1913, and It you
so fall to answer, for want thereof,
plaintiff will apply to this court for
the lellef demanded therein.
Tbta summons Is served upon you
by the publication thereof In The
Bond Ilullotln, a newspaper of gen
eral circulation within Crook county
Oregon, published weekly at Ilend,
In said county and stato, for the per
iod of six consecutive weeksfseten
Issues), commencing with the Issue
of March 13th, 1913, and ending
with the issue of April 34th, 1013,
In pursuance of an order of II. C
Ellis, Judge ot the County Court of
said county and state, which order
was made and entered March Utq,
Date of first publication March
13th. 1913
Date of last publication April
34th. 1913.
1-6 Attorney for plaintiff.
Lu Pine, Crook County, OreRon.
UJaasStVUn'KqM"?3?a-F3U -i" JXAffiBMMflssfssVAt 4
Mrs. Rtovell Heard by LnrRe Au
dlences Reception Monday.
Mrs. Hcovell, tho temperance lec
turer, spent Sunday and Monday lu
Ilend, delivering addresses that wero
heard b Urg" audlsnces. Hundsy
morning and again In tho aronlmc
she spoke at the Baptist church to
the public on the evils of whiskey
and tobacco, Monday night a ro
ceptton was given In hor honor at thn
church by the young women,
Preceding tho reception thre wa
a program by the tittle boys and tho
girls ot tho Loyal Temperance Le
gion. They song and marchod and
eight of them took part In m silver
medal contest. Tho wlnuor of tho
prise was Ida Nlswonger, the 10-yeur
old daughter of Mr, and Mrs, C. 1
After tho exercises Mrs. Scovell
spoke again, telling of her travels lu
the temperance cause.
There was a big crewd out, thn
majorlty of whom remalired for thn
reception. Refreshments werw
served and a musical program was
given. Misses Eastes, Black nod
Wlest each sang a solo, with trom
bone obllgato by C. H. Hunter
During tho exercises beforo the re
ception Misses Ruth Caldwell and
Xlargart Thompson ssng a duet.
A young people's temperance so
ciety was formed with the followliiK
officers, President. Miss Gertrudn
MarkeU vice president. Miss Analu
Young, recording secretary, MU
Sldner,' treasurer, Miss Holmes,
corresponding secretary, Miss Ar
villa Murphy,
Meetings wilt be held the first Fri
day evening In each month. Thn
first meeting will be at the Market
home on April 6.
V '
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