The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 13, 1912, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
m to
k me
ON CltbUCn U3T-J
4(4 tf-
dual was put through ly Jntncm
Itynn, who ri'tiinidil Wednesday
tilKlit twin Portland.
Jonlruet tins U'on nindo by tho
iifw . awiH'm Jo Imvo tlio property
wnt'ornil liy tlio l.lnstor system,
walor lining piped to each lot from
Jho rlvnr. Ilyiui A McUlllvrny nro
saics anenis ror tno new owner.
' M 'Corner of
4 aJJ". tftrecta to to
I AC t tMM For A
Hit WtitEflou.
r buflfl ys which stood At the
' 'Triton antl Uund streets,
to u First iJatlonnl Hank will
I,' will" b.rmoved -onto tho lot
rear of Ota llaptlst church and
bo used ly the public library
museum. Tha!gtructuro waa
n for this purpoaoAb tho bank,
I bo church pSpffred to let
t placed on tSsVnortheast corner
b church lotF
he building will bo remodeled
Bied up Into nlco homo (or
library and museum which was
intly bought or tha 3, A. Mitchell
tie. The building will faco on
gon street, and will bo connected
. the church by doorway, The
tits' Library Club may also tit up
labile rest room In It. Just aa
a as the structure can be put
tollable condition the library will
' moved from Ita present location
Wall street,'
Churrfi flranla I'ermlMlon.
he following resolution waa
pled by the trustees of the church
granting permission (or the build
Jo be placed on tho property,
'llraolrrd, that wo grant the
id Free Public Library the prlrl
o of placing their building on the
tsm-t corner of the church lot so
,t the caat side of the library build
" will stand II Inchre from the
tt line of the lot: the two build
y to be Joined together and con
tied by a doorway.
'It la understood that this prtvl
n Is of n temporary character, not
s treed three years, and the church
alas the right to cancel It upon
ring duo notice should it become
Local Ilenllr Firm Write of flood He
suns j'roin newspaper yinrrniainjc
Anwrr Opttie I'romillaiiy Htatc.v
f f i " a
Tho following tetter' Is solf
eiplanatoryt Tho Head llulletln,
aentlcmeh! ' ?
Juit to show you why wo bolleVe
that advertising In The liend llulletln
la a good investment wo wont to tojl
you exactly what results we havo had
during tho teat 30 days.
Directly from our advertisements
In your paper we 'havo sold lots lii
Wlcitorla representing H00. Also
during tha last 3b days, many lii
qulrlos hare conic In and wo have
secured a big Hit of promising pros
During tho last two months, from
our llulletln ads. wo hnvo.inndo sales
In Mojave, California , Jxstbbrldge,
Alberta, and Orctnvllln, Tennessee.
Wo 'also have aut aoud prospects
from a widely scattered territory,
somo from Vlrglula, Minnesota and
Wisconsin, Toxsa and western
If any one thinks this Is "hot air."
he Is welcome to call and su4 our
records; they will prove whatwo say
Deputy .fn.rrlff Vop Flcks up -Man
Wnnted'"by HlAto Authorltt
fprfuiry to Keep lllm Mana
' tied While In tho City Lockup
K. Jotni-a- I Patient
Loriil Hospital.
John E, Johnson, homesteader In
Mllllcan valley, was brought to tha
Ileud Hospital Thursday suffering
from Injuries About the head which
bo said ho had received from a horao
kicking him. Tho right eye Is so
badly Injured that he will loso It.
Johnson, who Is SI years old, won
brouchl Id by Dan Ullttnrd In n
wagon over tho rough roads, stand
Ing the trip of X6 miles remarkably
sited Property Acro-s Hlvrr llrlngn
Ul!,OOl, it N Hal. I.
Kvnwood, tho addition to Uend
it across tho river, was sold bat
ick at a price said to bo 133.000
it re are some 3cS lots unsold
buyers were J. KdwaYd tareou,
ntr of tho (lend laundry) K. V.
yjykrndall, an attornoy of Porno
If, Wash., and n llend man whoso
lime la not disclosed. Tho sellers
(er Don Ilea, Robert Ilea and Dr.
Jirlon F. Ong o( Portland. Tho
VUllora Haggret tliat Railroads I.iv
Hove Lighting at New Bend Depot
"It's so dark oa tho platform at
tho donot that you can't recognise
your best friend when ho gets off the
That Is tho complalul mado by
several people recently, who have
asked If a suggestion qin't bo made
that better lighting faallltles bo pro
vided. It is understood that tho
mMtor baa Ikwii pltired iKiforo too
railroad rt.iumnlwi. Apparently tho
city has iloue Us duty liy wirx-tlug a
Mroiig arc light at tho uiuir uf Fir
otnh and I'l'ib atreet.
"I should thin', this Is n mutter of
real Importance ' said llov. II. II.
FosV"" of MeMI 'Me. "Newcom
CIS Will Kl Uf Ovilwr Ctrfl loiptCB
slon of tho town If they step out upon
a cheerfully llghtod plutfonu Instead
of emerging Into almost pilch black
ness. Tho suggeated Improvement
would be n convonlonco for ovcryono
Warden B. II. Curtis arrived In
I tend Saturday nlgHf to Jake to th6
Salem penitentiary Harry Heard, an
escaped convict who waa captured
hero last week by Deputy Sheriff U.
U Fox.
Hoard blew into town tho first of
tho week on horseback. Ho sold his
horse and saddle to a local livery
stable for 116 and was proceeding to
havo a good time when he Was un
ceremoniously Interrupted by Deputy
rox and Policeman Drawn. A de
scription of the escaped prisoner had
been sent out and It waa by this that
Heard waa rocogniied.
When arrested, Heard gavo the
name of Mulr but lator confessed
that bo was the man wanted by the
state authorities. He was placed In
the city Jail for safekeeping until the
the warden arrived. Heard had to
bo handcuffed and hobbled to prevent
his escape. He demolished tho
furnltur In tho Jail and with a piece
of bis cot waa prying his way out
when he was discovered and mana
According to reports from Sheriff
Halfour, Heard waa Implicated some
time ago In the theft of horses near
Antelope and In the slaughter of
cattle near Prlnovlllo. Ho waa serv
ing a term for embezzlement when
ho got out of the penitentiary lost
September. lie had served time
previously for horsestealing. He has
two years yet on the embezzlement
Heard said ho has a brother who
la a collector of customs In Portland
and another brother who Is a roal
ostato man there.
meeting: PLACE
4 ijrr- r:in ' ,
Hetllem on Irrigated Land Northeast
oi j own jiaue I'uniu ror wuiiu
Ing to bo Used as Social Center.
Cost Will be About fjW.'
Why Endorse It?
'"Why Is It," akt a younjr man, "tnitt thoy ) O
ways want you to endorse a check at tho bank!"
Tho reason is slmplo. Tho endorsement U your rV
cetpt for tha money. A check is nn order on the
bank to pay somo particular person a certain amount
of money, Tho person making tho chock wants to
.know that hla wishes pro fulfilled that tlm person
no gives tho check to trots his money. It is much
v simpler, easier, and safer, to, Icavetthernpney Inhe , I
bank and then pay your bills by chock. On account
' of tho endorsement as aboVe explained thero lo'at'
-comploto record-of cAch .-.transaction. -"Pleaao sea
- that all checks and'draf U aro ondorscd.M - -
Cnrmody Hroa. and X. V. Hntltli Put
ling up Kroine Htrurjurcw.
Carmody Ilros, havo under con
struction on lot 0, block. 11. Ilond
street, which they havo leased from
P. W. Drown, a ono-story frame
building 60x70 feet In dimensions.
It will bo divided Into two rooms
One will bo used by Carmody Hroa
for their pool hnll and tho other by
tho Ow restaurant, which was In tho
building being moved away to make
way f; the bank building. A largo
plate glass front will bo put in tho
In ordor better to care for his busi
ness, N. P. Smith has under way a
warehouso at tho rear of his store.
It Is 20x60 feet In slzo and will be
sheeted with corrugated Iron.
A hall which Is Intended to bo the
cneral meeting place for' jr. large
number of oottlors northeast of
Hond Is belnr planned to be bUllt
at a point about six and a half
hilles from town. Tho Orange
Which was organized recently Is
hack of the movement, and 'already
naif enough funds has been raised.
The location decldod on Is an acre
of tho II. J. Overturf ranch at tho
northeast corner of the Pilot Ilutte
ranch. Mr. Overturf, has mado
donation of tho site, and the settlers
of that community bare already con
trlbuted about 2S in cash, w'th
additional subscriptions for future
payment: The Central Oregon Irri
gation Co. has signified ita Intention
to donato (7G or $100. Tho settlors
expect to recelro a hearty support
from the Hond merchants and other
business Interests and to have the
hall completed In a short time. Do
nations of building or other material
will bo welcomed.
Tho committee from the Orange
which has In charge tho plana con
stats of !!. B. Stewart. W. O. Waugh,
C. M- Uragg, Alnnzo Moor and C. 1U
Lowe. The people of the commun
ity are a committee of one to assist
The building will bo SOxCO feet In
dimensions. There will bo ono largo
room, with several anterooms. The
hall will be for the public benefit,
for dancW. aoclMs. meetlnn. etc
IC will be bf bungalow design and an
attractive edifice. It is estimated
that the cost will bo $300.
Tho community Is the most
thickly populated section near Dend.
and a largo number of people will
be beneflttod,
Tho social life o"mong tho settlers
Is already being developed, and with
a centrally located and aultable
meeting placo they will enjoy many
pleasures of which they aro now
nnd Madras. 04 head belonging to
tho Hnldwln Sheep & Land Company
and 40 head to C. M. Blklne of Prlnovlllo.
Tlio stockyards officials woro do
lighted over tho transaction; they
guy it Is a most yaltinblo object lesson,
On tho change from rango and
bonanza wheat ranching to Intensi
fied afrmlng conditions. .
.Voters Kxpected. to Tiirn ott for IJri
marie Hooks Close April Oth
List, of JlegtstraUoa, , VUct.
Pressure la being brought to bear
from all side to turn out a rocord
yote In Crook' county this year".-. .It
la expected that a far larger regis
tration will occur than In any jpre
Tious election. :
To qualify for the primary elec
tions, which will be held Anrll 19th.
all voters wlllliave to Uler'fofori1
the 9th of April. Tho list of regis
tration places tor tho various, pre
cincts in the wostern and southern
portion of the county Is as follows
WORK Commences oiy
Bid task
n v
Water. Boperlnteudent Cochran. On
A (3,,fl VnvlwAW Vm.1. f'
-- ,,.), jvi
lVetlmlnnry Work Apportion
.meet 'of Water Threo Year Job
Precinct Placo of Heglstratlon
ttend M. 8. Lattin Co.
Ireland, Frank Holes, La PI no
Lava John Atkinson, Hnd
IJcschulea TV. "W. Orcntf, Bead J
Hlack Dutto, D. A. Dowmaa.lMatera
Camp Creek A. S. Fogg, Hampton
Camp Creek. Victor Schroder, Holyat
Camp Crk 8. Montgomery, Imperial
Powell Hutto Ci M. Chailtoa
Antelope Men Disease Plan of Vnlag
lUllrond instead of 'Driving Animal
SHANIKO, March 11. Tho driv
ing of sheep from this section to Red
mond and Hend for tho purpose of
getting them to summer pasture In
tha Deschutes and Cascade National
Forests may bo abandoned this year,
Tho sheep will still bo sent to tho
mountains, but It la planned to take
them by train. The matter waa dls
cussed recently at a meeting of the
wool growers at Antelopa. II. J.
O'Neill of the O.-W. R. ft N. Co.
quoted a rate of 114 a carload, which
would bo an average of about 4 cents
a bead. Definite action was post
poned until a later meeting to bo
held here. If the plan is adopted,
tho sheep would be driven to statlona
along the Deschutes and loadod.
Carload Shipped to Portland Hrlnga
Top Price.
PORTLAND. Maroh 15. A new
era In tho development of Central
Oregon and the Deschutes Valley be
gan with tho receipt, on March 8. at
the Portland Union Stockyards of a
carload of 104 hogs. They took tho
top price of tho season, S6.9G per
hundredweight. Tho most signifi
cant feature of tho transaction, waa
that thoy had been fattened on al
falfa and finished on wheat, tho total
cost to tho growers being S3, SO per
The hogs wero loaded at Opal City
According to J. E. Myers, candi
date for nomination to the office of
county school superintendent, R. A.
Ford, the present Incumbent, will not
be a candidate for re-election. Mr.
Myers Is tha principal of the Crook
County High School and waa hero
Arrangemonta aro being completed
for the St. Patrick's ball which will
be held In Llnster'a Hall on Monday
evening. March 18th. The Hcud
Orchestra will provide music, and re
freshments will bo sorved. Dance
tickets will bo $1.00, spectators 25
conts. Tho peritonei of tho commit
toe is as fallows;
On arrangements: H. O'Donnell,
M. McOratb, O. Orosterhocs, H. O'
Kane, Jas. Ryan, Joe Innes; floor
committee; Harry Manlon, Jesse
Hunter, Dafney O'Donnell, D.
Adjudication of all the water
rights: of (the Deschutes niver Is tht
next move on Engineer Lewis' Cen
tral Oregon program, according to
George T. Cochran, superintendent
of water district number two, who
was here' Monday. ;
Preliminary steps already are un
der way. ' Last week R. O. Wygaat,"
aa engineer connected with the stato
agaeer'a oflce, who was working
here much last summer, went to
Prtnevllle to obtain data from tha
county records''' Witt thia Initial
material to work upon map-making;
will begin, and a thorough survey oi
tho entire river, from Cratie Pralrio
to tho Columbia, will bo commenced
It U probable that Mr. Wygant wilt
go to work at this In a very few days,
Mr. Cochran is getting things lined
up for tho surveys. .
Taste Complicated One
That tho tack of settlluk for all
time the rights to water and water
power upon tho Deschutes Is a largo
one, la fully realized by the stata
oOclsls. It is estimated that tho
woik will require from two to three
It Is a matter of current know.
ledge, or at least of popular
that the waters of tho Deachutea
have been tiled upon for many moro'
second feet than actually flows. How
ever, it is anticipated that little
serious trouble will result, aa la
similar cases upon western rivers ,
portloniauQt or conflicting rights has
been matte with little frlctlbHv
According to Mr, Cochran of
the first steps that It wilt bo aeceo
sary to take In apportlonlnglk-e Des
chutes water will be to sottlotho
status of tho Central Orexos Irriga
tion Company's Henham KallSviaagr
gatiou. With contracts', ihfijtba
state that have virtually JijdTu'ti
somo 88.000 acres of IrrlgaLiIeylaud
for a number of ents. and havo m
sorved rights to water from tho Des
chutes for tho irrigation of that terri
tory, at tho outset of the proposed,
adjudication It v. til be neceasary to
determine whether tho company still
retains right to tha water which It
nover has used.
It la aald that tho adjudication
will mean either the Immedlato usa
of the reserved water or Ita appor
tionment among other fliers.
That the adjudication will bisten
the actual development of water-
V. right holdings Is the opinion of thn
water officials.
h ' sH
The Deschutes Banking & Tnitt
Company of Bend, Oregon
! $ . ' "
I "Conservative BMktag for CoMMrVeVtiv Pso."
L. DDA1RD, (President) - J, V, MA8TRR8, (Vice, President)
' '' "P. O.'MINOR, (Secretsry)
L. D. DAIRD.---P. O. MINOR, 3. V..BA1RP,
fiGnttd:ors, Tools
Every Builder or Contractor will find it
, to his advantage to become acquainted
'rfwiti. our Stock of Tools and Building
Implements. Builders' Hardware is a
specialty with us. Also the many little
things required in the kitchen in the
'Hardware line can be bought at a great
saving at our store.
Also'rtUe Line of iWV SttfjNs,
. SMh. poors, Glass, etc.
S? P. Smith
A rw
a., I i .
lb First National Bank
Or. U. O. OOe. Pra.ldvnt S. A. BATHKR. Vic
O. S. HUDSON, Ouhlr
C.piUI fully paid ... M 8.000
atockholdrm' ll.bllltT S24.0OO
Surfilut .... - SO.OOO
that your home had been destroyed by fire or
sacked by burglars, what would your loss be
in the way of direct cash? Hidden money is
an incentive, a stimulus, to robbery. Count
less newspaper stories tell of life-savings lost
through fire.
You work too hard tor what you earn, to
risk loss.
Your money will always be atjyour
fingertips when you want it, in this bank
and all risk of loss will be eliminated.
1 '