The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 06, 1912, Image 4

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Managing Udltor.
An Independent newspaper stand
ing fotho square deal, clean bul
noes, elean politics, and tho best In
torestf'of. Uond Had Central Oregon.
Ono year. ..... .......... ?1.50
,Slx months. .80
Three months.... .......... .GO
AH. subscriptions nro duo nnd
or expiration will be malted subscri
bers and It renewal Is not mado with.
In reasonable time tho paper will bo
! Fleoao notify b promptly of any
change Dt.iiddress, or of failure to ro
cclvo tho paper regularly.
Make all checka and orders pay
able to Uond Bulletin.
Tno nullcttn will publish
the following articles regard
Ing tho Panama Canal, writteu
by O. P. Putnam, who has
Just returned from an oxten
aire trip to Panama and Con
Ural America as a special
correspondent for various
metropolitan newspapers.
Ono article will appear
each week. In this lssuo is
printed tho second, "Con
structing tho Dig Ditch."
1 "What tho Panama
Canal Is."
J "Constructing tho Dig
3 ."Some of tho Dig Jobs."
4 ''Tho Men on tho Isth
mus." 5 "How Undo Sam Treats
HIsi Employees."
6 "How Panama has Decn
Made a Hoalth Resort."
1 7 "What tho Canal Will
4 do Tor tho Pacific Coast."
-- -
It begins to look as If Colonel
Itoosovelt has bitten off more than
he can chaw. Perhaps he can "como
hack;" and perhaps ho can't. At all
events, tbo entrance of Tho Irrepress
ible Into tho political arena sends
Democratic presidential stock up
.several points.
J-aKolIctto, apparently, will con
tinue in tho -race, which means that
the so-called "progressive" wing of
the Republican party will bo split,
for a conscientious Insurgent will
have a hard time to tell whom he
should insurgo after,' and for, LaFol
lotto or Itoosovelt.
Also, doubtless, some of .the stand
pat, tho-republlcan-party-can-do-no-wrong
brand of Republicans will de
sert the banner of their- present
leader and give their Influence to
nominating Roosevelt Instead of
Tutu Which means still further
disorganisation In tho Republican
voting machinery and still greater
opportunities for the Democrats, It
they havo tbo stamina to grasp them
All In all, then, the re-appcaranco
vt Roosevelt, means a mild, or per
Imps a serious, chaos In the Uepubll
tian party. An observer or tho re
ception given tho Colonel last week
hy tho press of tbo country cannot
lmt feel that his chances of getting
the coveted nomination are very
scant, and yet- It Is undeniable that
today no man In tbo United States
has n greater Individual reputation
Tor political accomplishment than
Itoosovelt, and none, probably, a
better or broader grasp upon the
affection and trust of tbo peoplo at
' Whetbof Roosevelt has given a
square deal In seeking the nomina
tion Is a matter of doubt. Certainly
his action looks like treachery to La
Folletto, to whom he had given his
support as loader of tho progressive
wing of tbo Republicans. And while
oven an et-presldent must bo given
tho human right of changing bis
mind, many will hold It against him
that be la nort waging war upon Taft,
his own pet choice for tho presidency,
whom he wont far out of his way to
indorse and work for. And then,
people who like to take a statement
at Its face value, will continue to feel
that when a man has publicly said,
In very certain language, that ho will
not again bo a candidate for an office,
it Is mighty poor form, If nothing
mojo, to squirm out of such a state
ment upon grounds that apparently
nro satisfying to no ono but Rooso
velt himself.
The national political develop
ments of tbo last ten days, may be
said to have thrown two facta .Into
freljefj. one, that Roosevelt has done a
reat service for tho Democrats; the
aecond, that If RoosoroU fnlla to
secure tho nomination which np
peara prohablo ho will bo, politic
ally, na dead na Caesar's ghost.
Tho following clipping from n
Portland paper, telling tho troubles
n Lnkovtow man has in Rotting from
his native metropolis to that on the
Willamette Is enough to mako old
bond resldonta homesick. At least,
It Is unploasantly reminiscent of tho
"good old daya" when tho only way
Dond men had of getting to Portland
was via tho 100-mllo atago ride to
"Traveling nearly 1400 miles from
n town In Oregon to got to Portland,
was tho experlenco of Judge Ucrunrd
Daly, of Lakovlow. His Itinerary,
which covers a distance more than n
third across tho continent, Is tho
shortest route posstblo at this season
of the year In point of time It Is
tho only route to be taken which will
permit a Lakevlow cltlien to como to
Portland by railway. Lakevlow Is
but 35G miles from Portland In an
air lino.
"Slnco tho Nevada, California &
Oregon railway haa been finished to
Lakevlow. the business man bound
for Portland takes this road, goes
south about 400 miles to Reno,
thence about 250 mites across Cali
fornia, and thenco north nearly 800
miles to Portland. Because of the
low mountain ranco between Lako
vlow and Klamath Falls, which has a
fair mantlo of snow In winter nnd
makes staging slow, tho circuitous
railway rldo Is by far tho most com-
tortablo and speediest."
So. It nnvono Is disposed to bo
pessimistic about tho conditions of
today, all he has to do, If ho wants
to bo cheered up, Is to look back up
on the rallroadless yesterday: and
assuredly tho sad-eyed ono will be-
como a radiant optimist.
And, by tho way, why can't wo
pcrsuado thoso Lakevlow travelers,
who pay railroad fares for 1400
miles, to come down to Dond this
summer and tako our railroads Into
Wo thank tho Metollus Central
Orogonlan for reprinting our artlcto
concerning tho country across the
Deschutes, but really don't ycr know.
It Is the custom to glvo credit. This
Is tho universal custom, but not tho
only reason; there are others. Des
chutes Valley Tribune.
Tho Culver paper Is not tho only
sufferer at tho hands of tho Metollus
sheet. The Hullctln sees articles
plucked bodily from Its columns al
most every week, "bead" and all. Of
course we are all glad to save tho
Motollua editor labor, but the pen la
a better instrument or a newspaper
man than the scissors. At all events,
we all try to give credit when wo use
what someono clso wrote, and we all
like to get It.
.The fire of Sunday night has $o
lessons. Neither of them Is new,
One Is that Dend should havo a fire
alarm system of some kind that will
really wako people; many peoplo
slept through the blaxe, and know
nothing of It until they camo down
town tho next morning. The second
is that the chemical englno for which
the city has paid out closo to 11000
Is to be anything mora than an ornu-
ment, there must be training In Ita
uso: at present, as far as can be
ascertained, thoro aro few If any mon
who really understand how It works
and who can direct Its operation.
The Panama Canal bill, which Is to
be reported to the House soon, will
contain a provision. It Is learned, to
the effect that any attempt to ob
struct or destroy tho canal will bo
punishable by a flno of 10,000 or
ton years' imprisonment. Now.ono
can't help wondering Just how that
line would bo administered, not to
say collected, If the person who did
tho destroying was eoraoone like tho
Emperor of Japan, or, say, the
Kaiser! And In what prison would
the offender bo Incarcerated?
Representative Hawloy seems to
have an excellent idea In his bill to
make all land office business moro
public, and especially to glvo tbo
entryman an opportunity to havo all
bis evidence heard and to know ex
actly what charges have been prefer
red against him. Central Oregon,
like the rest of the West, has soon
too many casea whero tbo statements
of special agents have been acted on
as if theso agents were divinely wise
and Infallible.
Jonathan Dourno has openly an
nounced that he will support Colonel
Roosovolt for tho Republican presi
dential nomination.
Secretary Knox has gono courting
In Central America; bo Is seeking
tho closer friendship and good fel
lowship of tho Sou(horn republics.
From ..present-(indications, ho Is
about as apt to get all ho wants as a
kuockor Is apt to prospor In Uond
moaning that Mr. Knox haa somo
hard Sledding ahead.
Lakevlow Is to huvo n lino now
railroad depot It la probable that
tho city will maintain an exhibition
thoro, In addition to keeping up n
small park adjacent to tho building.
(Lnkovtow may hoar watching -by tho
rest of us who are nttor good, tdoas.
Senator Hay Ho Will (!lo I 'roe Mull
Delivery Rill Cnrvful Consideration
In reply to tho letter sent him con
taining resolutions adopted by tho
City Council regarding town mull de
livery sorvlce. Senator Rourno has
written to City Rccordor Ellis as
"I thank you tor writing mo In re
gard to this matter and assuro you
that I shall glvo tho samo my careful
consideration whon tho subject cornea
bofuro tho Senate for action, keeping
In mind your viows. Should this bill
bo passed, If you will again cull this
matter to my attontlon. t shall bo
glad to assist In securing such de
livery for your town.
"Should bo glad to hear from you
at any time on public questtous In
which you fool an interest.
In a loter to Mayor Coo, Congress
man Hawloy stated that ho would al
so support tho mall delivery bill.
Film Taken llrro on Hnltroml Dny
Ileitis Used In llnt by Itnltroml.
Tho moving pictures which wore
taken nt Uond on Railroad Day are
being shown In tho East and are at
tracting much attention, according to
advices rccolved by Tho Ilullottn
from W. K. French, Immigration
agont In charge of tho Great North
ern's Oregon exhibition oar. Tho In
dustrial parado and tho ceremonies
of driving tho golden spike are de
pleted. Efforts havo boon mado to get
theso films for exhibition In Ilend,
but so far It has not been posstblo to
secure tbo reel. It may bo posslblo
to got It after tho railroad la through
using It In tho East this spring.
Mrs. llcsslo Latho Scovell, a tem
po ranco speaker, will bo in Uond
Sunday nnd Monday. Sunday morn
ing sho will address tho public at tho
Ilaptlst church, and at 3 p. m. will
speak to young women. Monday
forenoon sho will make a talk at tho
High School and that ovonlng will bo
glvon a reception at tho church by
the young women. Preceding tho
reception there will bo a contest by
eight children of tho Loyal Temper
ance Legion for a prlio. Tho public
Is Invited to attond tho exercises and
A record of which fow bus'nesi
mon can boast Is that held by Harney
O'Donnoll of tho Union Market. Mr.
O'Donnell has boon In business for
twenty-threo years nnd during that
time has never failed to pay a bill,
which was found correct, when It was
presented to him for payment
(Concluded from pngo one.)
to contracting real and Immediate
Irrigation KK-cal Intercut.
The candldato Is especially Inter
ested In tbo progress of tbo Irrigated
lands and their Bottlers, lib advo
cates that any Caroy Act company be
absolutely prohibited from selling
acreage until water Is delivered to It
"I havo seen a great many hard
ships worked upon settlors who havo
bought and paid for land, Improved
It, and then been compelled to wait
month and years for water. Today
they havo practically no redress, At
least, tboy don't seem able to got
A local application of tho Kansas
"Illuo Sky" law Is ono of Mr. Forbes
pet hobbles. In effect, such a law
makes It Illegal to dispose of any
stock of a corporation until its worth
haa been passed upon by a stato offi
cial. In Kansas tho official was the
stato bank xeamlner. Deeming such
a responsibility adds too much to tho
powers and duties of tho bank oxaml
nor. It Is Mr. Forbes idea that a com
mission bo appointed to exnmlno
Into tho responsibility of now corpor
ations, before their stock Is allowed
to bo placed upon tho market
- "If there was such a sate guard
for tho public," said Forbes, "repe
titions of tho Orchard swindles would
bo fow and far botween. It would
safeguard tho public and honest cor
porations." Hoods and Hoiiichteuilx.
That tho laws governing tho char
acter of vehicles that can uso public
roads which aro In effect west of tho
Cascades should also bo put In forco
oast of tho mountains, Is tho opinion
of Mr. Forbes.
"Tho tlmo has comowhonXpntral
nnd Eastern Oregon ls8n the map,"
Mr. Forbes said. ''Our roads should
bo protected Just tho samo as aro
thoso of tho Wlllamotto Valley. Ex
cessive weights and rigs that destroy
roads should not be allowed."
A matter of goneral Interest at this
tlmo is tho proposal of tho candldato
tbut cultivation bo takon moro Into
account In securing title to land, and
rcstdonco less.
"Real cultivation, t monn. Make
It a auhttnntlnl Improvement, nnd
when a solder hna really spent
money nnd time making n ranch,
thou lot him bo frco to live whero ho
lloforo tho primaries It Is probable
that Mr. Forbes will get around the
district pretty thoroughly,
(Concluded from pngu one.)
street, at their oxpMiio.
Petition Is ProM'itted.
A petition was presented asking
Hint tho garngo on lot 0 of block in
tin declared n public nuisance. This
garage Is tho property of llenklo ft
Ford. Tho petition was referred to
Wounmly, Hteldl and French ns n
committee to Investigate and report.
Tho First National Hank was glvon
n permit to blast nt tho corner of
Oregon and Hond t roots, an filing n
surety bond of 11000. A. M. Lara
was granted permission to cut tho
tree at tho roar of his storo, lotting
It fall Into tho street It was felled
this afternoon.
Chief of Poltco Roberts reported
three arrests In February and tho col
lection of 4S In lines and fees, lie
said that ho had Inspected 111 (lues
nnd found 30 dofecttva, which ho
had ordered put In good condition.
Sam McMurtrlo wna given permis
sion to construct n walk across Uond
street half way botween Oregon nnd
Novnda, at his own expense, the city
reserving tho right to tear It up at
any line.
Numct Engineering to Commence.
R. E. Koon. who got back last eve
ning from a trip to Portland, report
ed that engineering work on the sew.
orngo system would bo stnrled as
soon aa ho could get his party to
gether. Ho will employ two or three
local men, and will bo assisted by
his brother from Chicago.
Hills against tho elty totaling 1B75
wera nllowod and ordered paid, aa
1'lqe For. Lum. Co., turn. , . . 190.00
Joe Porter, spl police. ..... 3.00
li, I. Fox. team biro. ...... 15.00
C. ll. Phlltppl. spl police 4.S0
F. L. Cutp, spl pollco. ,..,... 3.00
Tom Murphy, spl services P.60
A. (lobhnrdl, spl services.,.. 3.00
C. D. ilrown, salary...... 100.00
S. E. Roberts, salary. . . . . , 100.00
II. W. I & P. Co., February
water nnd light 160.20
11. W. L. & P . Co., material, . .B0
Uond Hdw. Co., supplies..., 17.35
Premiums on lionds of Chlof of
Killco and treasurer 26.00
I I Fox, drnyngo. ....... 4.25
N. P. Smith, supplies 3.35
Hunter IJros., algns 4. GO
FIRE LOSS OP $16,000
(Concluded from page ono.)
sonal effects. Mr. Mlntor said that
at a conservative cstlmato tholr loss
was $900.
Corkett Heavy ixmer.
A henvy losor was C. II. Cor
kett Nothing whatavor was saved,
and ho places his loss at 13,000. Ho
had only 500 Insuranco. A hand-
so mo soda fountain was among his
proporty destroyed.
Mr. Corkett will reopen as soon as
ho can secure another loontlon.
Tho stock of goods whloh Mr.
Hrcdenhagon lost was valued at
16600 and his Insuranco was 12000.
J A. Jackson, brother-in-law of Mr.
Ilrcdonhngen, had a buffalo overcoat
vnluod at 1200 nnd a shotgun worth
$125 destroyed. A bass viol Iralong-
Ing to F. O. Minor and much sheet
music also wont up In smoke.
S. C. Caldwell's loss was about
Tho inllllnory stock of Mrs. Maude
Alnsworth In tho Mutzlg building
was damagod to the extent Of prob
ably aevoral hundred dollars In being
is always demanded by tho
stylish dresser, and wo
cater to this discrimination
by keeping all styles in
stock for tho season. Wo
would liko to show you
some stunning creations
from tho best hut factories,
with widoand narrow brim,
high and low crowns, in
all sizes, and in all shades
Oregon St., Dot. Wall und Bond.
ssw 1 " "dP? BY Jssssssssssssssssssssssss!
removed, Mrs. Aluswurtli was nt
(Irnsa Valley, Oro., nt thn tlmo.
Hurt, tho shoo repairer, got all
his outfit out and sustained no loss.
Much of tho damage In Caldwell
storo was caused by water. Had the
chomloal engine been In usnlilo con
dition, much of thlB could hnve boon
avoided. Tho mon who handled tho
hoso did fine sorvlco in saving this
building and others that would havo
gono with It, ,
The ono-stnry building destroyed
was valued by Mr. Davles at $3000.
Ilo had $1400 Insurance, Ho will
After tho llro tho Oregonlau Cirlll
Hotel Wright
Mrs. Nellie Wright, Prop,
Bond Only Stono Hotel. Strictly Modern. Klcctrlc Lluhts,
Hot and Cold Wnlor, ltath nnd Telephone.
Now Building All Now Furnishing. Dining Kootn In Connection,
Only ono block from depot Cor. Bond and Greenwood Sis.
Corner Bond nnd Greenwood strcols.
Wo norvo to order from 6:45 n. m, to 10;00 p. m. Family stylo
incnls from 12 to 1:110 p, m. nnd fi: 115 to 7:30 p. in.
Meals 35c
Bakery Goods of All Kinds nt tho Iwost Prices In Town,
In the Most Beautiful Part of Town
Lots in this ntltlition nrc close to the
business center, nml we arc sell ing nt
prices fur below wlutt is being risked
for property much further out,
Also .some of the best business corners
in the city.
Some of the best buys in fanning prop
crtics are listed with us.
Timber land bought and sold.
Office Corner Wsll
bbbbbLbbbbdV ,bv k I4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbT I'bsbbbBMhbbbibbbS SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBFl -
Mott roofinc cuanntcei are a joke.
Experience teaches the longer a roofing: b guaranteed to last,
the poorer it it.
Manufacturers inexperienced in making roofingi without
knowledge as to ihcir dependability without rcipomlbility at
to their own financial standing, will very often
gurantec their roofing for any number of years limply
to get the order.
The roofing generally fails and so does tho firm that makes It
anJ they never live to make good their guarantee.
Malthoid Roofing ii made to make good and while iu
manufacturers guarantee It, their guarantee is unnecessary
because the ropftng in itself is sufficient to do
all that U claimed for it.
For twenty-six years, The ParafHnc Paint Co., of
San Francisco and Chicago Height
have made and guaranteed their roofing and
not one single purchaser can ever say that Company hai
even hesitated to make good a guarantee,
You can depend upon the responsibility of the makers 6t
Malihold Roofing, and you will never have to bother
.about guarantees if you use Malthoid Roofing.
Skuse Hardware Co
nerved hot coffou to thoso who Imol
boon helping nt tho fire. Tho idihj
was cold nnd tho clollilug of many 0
thoso who got wnl froxo on them,
Firemen do Finn Woik
This Is tho third flro here In tin
Inst flvn months, tho others being tin!
Uond street flro In November ami hJ
sawmill flro In January.
At this one by far tho best recoil
was mndo by the volunteer Dromon!
whoso excellent work, bucked f
lloiid'it rplomlld wntor pressure ,ii
good hydrants, accomplished won 11
era In speedily ciia-hlug tbo llnimm,
& Staats
and Minnesota Street