. 1 1 lm I3l!11IL LIJJLLJl1 1 11 i VOL. IX. BEND. OltKGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 0, 1012. .NO, T2 I LOSS OF $12,500 AVIES BU1LDINQ DESTROYED Irrdcnlwgrn, Corkett ft ml llomr- leekm' Land Company Hunted Out -Volunteer Firemen do Ks ccllcnt Work Fighting. Flame Fir which was discovered at 13 clock Himday night destroyed tlio , II. Davie Mock on "Wall street &od put llirro concern! out of liuil. . Tlio total low waa appro.!- Inately US, 000, wltb. luauranco or 3,900. Tho following buslneaa houses rare wlpod outt VV. O. Ilredenhagon, clothing store. Clyde M. Corkett, candy and con eetlonvry store. Iloineaoekera' Land Co. Tho (Unit' had gained great head Lit beforo they went discovered, by ilenn Kyro about mldnlgbt. lie lire the alarm by shooting hla platol ad In a raw momenta tlio volunteer nrrmrn went on nana, me new fart carrying C00 feel of hoio waa be flril to reach tho acene and a trong atroain ot water waa aoon jayliiK on the Are. Two other treama were In use In a fow minute nd with a good pressure tho flro- tljhlora did vory effectual work pboro waa no wind and tho fire waa onflncd to the building In which It (Initialed. The atore of H C. Caul ell on lh uiuth waa damaged, Iho ipper part of the building catching, ut the mio work of the firefighter aed It. Tho llttlo building In Ulch I (1. F. Hurt' ahoe ahop waa aved. Tho Mutxlg building to the lorth caught but waa only allghtly tamaged. The atoro building of It. Hmlth. N. P. Bmlth and II. J fflcaton, tho Oregonlan Urlll and VPonnell'a Market worn damaged by he heat crock In- trie glaa and torching the paint. How Ii Slnrtfil Not Known. How tho flro atarted la not known. iVhother It originated In llreden- igcn's atoro or tho offlco of tho (omeseeker' l-and Co. la a question t haa not leen aottled. Tlioro had n a flro In llredenhagon'a Hunday ftornoon. ami It. I Mlnter had had Ire In hla office In tho evening, but n helloved that tlio flro could haw BKhl from them It la thought by o that n rlKarotto or clitnr or foe from a pit might have atarted a flame, or that they were eauaod rem olortrlc wiring Juit how the late waa atarted will never b Down. No ono waa In tho building at the Into. Mr. Mlnter waa at Silvia & Uackwcll'a pool hnll and when he tarted to leave to go to bed he ound that everything waa afire. He ad Mlko Morrlaon lout all their real state contract, blueprint, office urnlturo, n well an trunka and per FOHTAL HAVINflH HUM. Tho pooplo of lliinil linvo not yet taken to tho poata! savings system U n it ron t extant, bolng apparently titllt Hod to dopoalt tholr money In tho old way. Tho llend Imnk waa opiintd on Knlirunry 20 but to dale tho dopos It amount to only tar,. Tho (1rt ditposltor put In $G, which reiimlua on dnponlt. The aecond put In 30 but tho followtng day withdrew tlm on tlre.aum and today only $& I In the safekeeping of Undo Ham. GOOD REPORTS ARE COMING IN TAKE CHARGE OP INN Lease of l'llot llutte lloicl to J, F. Tnggart'A Co. Closed Ycxtcnlny Ytiterday J. F, Taggart & Co, ac quired a leoae of tho l'llot llt.'to Inn from tho D. K, lluuter Itcnlly Com pany, It owner, and today the new management take charge. Tho Taggart company la composed of J. F Taggart, tho well known proprietor of Taggart'a Hotel, and A. O. Lucas, who haa been associated with Mr, Taggart In tho hoatelry business for about alx month. lloth are old time realdenta of llond and Central Oregon, Mr. Taggart hnvlng been hero eight year and Mr Lucas nine. Two year ago Mr l.uca con ducted tho l'llot llutte Inn, bvroro It paod to Ita preacnt owner, The Taggart company will continue to conduct Ita old hotel, and, aya Mr. Taggart. by tho combination of the two, will havo capacity for about 100 guests. FIRE PROVIDES -CODNCIL WORK CHANCE FOR NOMINA TION EXCELLENT ForlM'' Candidacy For Office of Hep rrarntathe Meeting With Favor. Irrigation Mat tew Will Re ceive Hperjal Attention. IRISH WILL DANCE Nt. Patilck'a Day to lie Celebrated by Hon of I'rln In llrml. On Monday evonlng, Marh 13. there will Lc a big ball at Mutter Hall under tho auspices of tho local tramplanted patriot of tho Kmorald lalo, In honor of 81. Patrick' Day, which fall on Bunday, Tho committee on arrangementa Ib compotod of Jamea Ityan, Mlko Mc- Orath and Harney O'Donnell. The floor committee comprlaca tho follow, lugs Hugh O'Kane, Mike Mcflratb. Harry Manlon, Joo Innea and Har ney O'Donnoll. Full particular con- corning the danco will bo announced later. MANY ARE COMING IN Mora Than M) People Arrived on l.aU Night' Train. Tho groat ruh of pooplo Into Cen tral Oregon la now on. Tho colonUt ratra went Into offoct March 1 and tho effect la already notlccoblo here. On laat nlght'a train moro than SO homcaeekera camo In. According to railway men, threo time thla num ber will arrive tonight Enthusiasts eatlmnto that cloao to 1000 people will come In during tho next week. IIOMi: TAM5NT PI.AV. Tho three-act drama. "Tompkins Hired Man." will bo presented by llend local talent bore in a row week, under tho nusplee of tho Fra ternal Itrothorhood IoiIko. In the eaat will bo omo of tho bed ama teur actor In ton. (Continued on page four.) KWAI.I.HV HITCH KI.KCTIO.V Tim annual inoetlnB of tho atock holdora of tho Bwalley ditch company held at Laid aw Batunlay. Tlie chief hurincaa of tho meeting waa i tin ninrtlon of ofllcer. Kd Rwalley, W. II. lllrdong and O. B. Ilonon wcro choaen director and William Johmoti ecrclary. Why Endorse It? "Why Is It," Bflka a younjr man. "that thoy al: wn's want you to endorse a check at tho bank?" Tho. reason Is slmplo. Tlio endorsement is your re ceipt for tho money. A check Is an order on tlio bank to pay some particular person a certain amount of monoy. Tlio person making tho check wants to know that his wishes aro fulfilled tliat tho person ho rIvcs tho check to Rota his money. It la much simpler, easier, and safer, to leave tho monoy In tho bank and then pay your bills by check. On account of tho endorsement as abovo explained there la a complete record of each transaction. "Please sco that all chocks and drafts are endorsed,0 The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company of Bend, Oregon Conservative Banking for Conservative People.' I,. D. DAIRD, (Prealdent) J. W. MA8TBR3, (Vice Trcaldent) V, O. MINOR, (Secretary) '- DIfcKCtORSI I D. BAIRD, V, O. MINOR, S, V. DAIRD, 1 According to reports received from wijsly acattered portions of this district, Vernon A. Forbca ot Hcnd baa tho very beat of chances to re ceive tho Republican nomination for tsio representative ai mo loan coming prlmarle. While Mr. Forhe has not cam paigned very actively, ho haa come In contact with luadera throughout tho district, and haa a wldcapread sup port. "Hut I am not banking on Indi vidual backing," said Mr. Forbes. "Hut rather upon tho pooplo at large, and especially tho settlers, for It la to tliora that I particularly address my self. Wo need men over In Salem who will look after the Central and Eastern Oregon tottler, and If I am fortunaio enough to get tho oppor tunity I want to show that tho settlora Intoreata aro my Intercats." Mr. Forbca then went on to elabor ate somewhat upon what ho consid ered would bo chiefly advantageous to residents east of tho Cascades. Having been a Central Orogon real dent for year, and having traveled extensively through tho central por tions of tho state, hla experience Well qualifies him to underatand the needa ot the territory hla frlon hopo ho will reprcsout. "No, I don't suppose I havo any real hard and fast platform," said Mr. Forbes when askod to atato ex actly what ho stood ror. "Kccpt." ho addod, "tho Interests ot the settlors. "If I go to Salom I will do all I can to, secure legislation tbaf will, tend to make atato land matters .more public. I think every meeting of tho Land Itoard should bo absolutely public Particularly I bellovo that no meet ing should bo bold, atwhlch matter of local Interest aro to bo discussed, until the settlers affected havo been notified and given a chance to get hofore the Hoard. Too often repre sentatives of corporations have been ablo to get special meetings held, and tlioro- railroad through what they wanted practically without the set tlers knowing what was going on until It was too late. Mr. Forbes contends that under tho existing laws It Is too easy for a corporation to get a segregation, and to hold It without any luiprovomont. "I'erhaps that wouldn't bo bo bad, only tho companies that got tho good laud keep tho little fellows from hav ing a chanco to Improvo It. Wo need far stricter laws and far stricter application of the land laws wo have. If a company really has capital and means business. It will nover object EOOLESTON UROES BETTER PROTECTION Fire Limit Ordinance to fie Itevlsed. Ordinance For Lytlo Klcctric Fran chise Head Hewer Engineer ing Work to Htitrt Hoon. (Continued on pngo four.) The City Council, at last night's session, refused to take seriously the auggestlons of II. J. Bgglcston for ft bettor organization of tho fire depart ment. At tho moelng on February 27, nfor adjournment, Mr. Bggleston took tho matter up with the couucll, but his remarks met win llttlo cr lous consideration. Last night ho suggested tho appointment of Conn oilman Lattln as tiro chiof and that the chief appoint assistants to havo chargo of the carta. Tho council ap peared satisfied wltb tho good work of tho fireman at Bunday nlght'a flro and let tho matter go nt that. There waa n dlacuulon regarding better alarm ayatem and of putting tho hose carta down town further. It waa stated to tho council that II. W. Bkuso and A. C. Secloy would give freo ground apaco for tho carts, and Wenandy offered to store tho chemi cal cart freo at hla stablo- Cblof of I'ollco Roberta Bald that the aupply of chomlcala for the cart was ex hausted excopt for what was In It, Councilman Allen reported that be waa endoavorlng to get prices on an electric alarm whistle. Ordinances Ilcfore Hody. A lira limits ordlnanco covering 8 typewritten pages waa submitted by the city attorney and read. Um elab orateness and length were unsatis factory to tho council and It waa laid on tho tablo. Tho city attorney aald ho had received no definite Instruc tions as to what kind of an ordlnanco was wonted,-nnd B.ommlUoeconj posod of iLattln, French and Steldl waa ordered to confer with him. and It was similarly Instructed regarding now slduwalk ordinance. An ordlnanco granting a franchise to the llend Water, Light & Fow or Co. for an electric system In tho Lytlo aero tracts was submitted and read. It was framod similar to that granted tho company last September for other additions to Rend. Councllmon Spencer and Stoldl thought thero should bo a tlmo limit to tho Ufa ot tho franchise, and Councilman We nandy aald thero should bo some pro vision whoroby tho city might compel the company to give service to a cer tain number of applicants for samo. Tho street committee was instructed to confer with tho company and to draft an ordlnanco that would bo ac ceptable to all concornod. Chairman Spencer of tho street commltteo reported that property ownors along Fifth street In Lytle did not accept tho proposition of" tho olty for widening and opening that IIBKII 3IK.V ATTK.m Tho meeting of tho Oregon Forest Fire Association In I'ortland Satur day was attended by Clyde M. McKay and W, 13. Sellers of llend. Mr. Mc Kay was olectod as n member of tho board of trustees, lie and Mr. Sellors relurnod Sunday night. While uwnj ir. Mciiay maue o trip to nan Francisco, after attending tho Irriga tion congress. ADDRESS THIS EVENING C It. Smith, Agricultural Kxpert, to Speak at Commercial Club Itoom C. L. Smith, agriculturist of the O.-W. R. t N. Co., arrived In Rend Monday night and Is spending today with farmers eaat of town, visiting tho ranches of P. II. Dencer. B. W. Richardson, E. A, Knot'u and others. Thla evening at tho Commercial Ctub rooms ho will deliver an ad dress on a subject of vital Import ance to this community, and. It is de sired that a largo audlcnco hear him. Mr. Smith la an experienced farmer and an Interesting speaker. CONGRATULATES BEND ON PLAN STATE OFFICIAL IN DORSES SYSTEM ' Pr. Calvin fl. White Has Good Word tor Local rrogrclren -la la- terlor Inspecting Water Waya , , From. Medical Standpoint. r MANAGER CHOSEN P. V. Itrown Will Have Charge of the Commercial Club. P, W. Urown, who haa been assist ant depot agent, was elected Thurs day night aa manager of the llend Commercial Club -to succeed J. U. Sawhlll, resigned, and has already entered upon his duties. Other candi dates were John II. Ditner and Howard Sptnlng. Mr, Drown agreed to take the position at fSO a mouth until tho club's indebtedness Is liquidated. Ho will devote his en tire time to the work. President Lara announced that all Inquiries regarding real estate would bo accessible to members of tho club, bat that they would not be turned over to any Arm or company nor would non-members bo allowed access to tho correspondence. A. O. Hunter said tho club should mako an offort to get lands listed with It by owners so that newcomers making Inquiries could bo given assistance, as It was tho desire ot the club to get good farmers to settle around llend. (Continued on pago four.) o 5pV83 f- Uf Everything is O. K. in the Hardware line here, and to the housewife we would say that our Kitchen and Cooking Utensils are of the best make and most durable quality. We have a very large variety of household needs in Hardware and it will well pay the thrifty to make their purchases here. Come in and have a look 'round it will . be a surprising experience, Also Full Lute of BuiWer &' Supplies, Sash, Doors, Glass, etc. N P .Wa'lUStreet... NEW STOWING PLACE 1 n Iloadhoufte to go In at Harney Hole, IUAt of .Mllllntn'it. L. A. Rawllngs, who lives at liar- noy Holes, la preparing to put In a roadhouao to tako care ot tho travel passing thero. Harney Holes Is about 20 miles eaat of Mllllcan'a ranch and a stop ping place there will bo nn accommo dation to a large numiter of people, it Is on the' old road to Hampton Valley. PrlnKlo Flats and tho Dry Lako country near Held. Into this new territory many homesteaders are going, and in coming to Ucnd for supplies they havo had to make a long day's Journey on account of tlioro being no roadhouso at Harney Holes. Tho freighters of W. W. Drown also use this road and will not have to camp out now. Mr. Rawllnga' sister, Mrs. Cotton, arrived In Rend last week and waa taken out to Harney Holes by Walter Taylor. She will conduct tho road-house. ; "I want to congratulate tho city or Rend that It I the first town in Cel- eral Oregon to make plans for' a sewerage aystem. This is on ex ceedingly wise step." Theso' were tho words of Dr. Calvin 0. White, state health ofllcer, to tho City Council butt night. Dr. Wblto la on an Inspection trip to this part of tho state and Is spending today lu Rend. ( "The health situation," continued Dr. White, "Is going to be ono of tho greatest problems to bo bandied b Central Oregon, and I am glad to sco that this town lias already taken ac tion toward handling It." Asked regarding what he thought would bo(tho best disposal system for Dend, ho said that, while not yet very familiar with the local situation, the aeptlc tank method, with over flow disposal used, for Irrigation pur poses, probably w'puld be tho best. Dr. Whlt arrlvedyiast night from Redmond.an'd la today making an In spection, of the Deschutes river and of irrigation canala here. Ho camo to Central Oregon In answer to a pe tition filed by people around Terre bonne(Hlllman). complaining that the Pilot Dutte canal was being con taminated. He waa In Prlnovillo on Monday and yesterday niado an In spection around Redmond. He said to Tho RuIleUn last night that ho found that the canala and laterals there wera being polluted. A com plaint from Rend that the Dcaehutea waajbelng polluted at two pqlnta up th" river was found to bo Unfounded, no ono living at 'ono of tho houses where It waa said refuse was bclnc allowed to enter tho stream. PLAT NEW ADDITION llend Vlcir Lots Will b Placed on the Market Xrit Saturday. Forty acres ot the D. V. Mackin tosh homestead west of town, aoroas tho Deachutes, has been platted and will bo placed on the market Satur day by tho Oregon Investment Co. Tho tract Is the closest In 4 a across the river and affords a flne view ot the town, country, river and moun tains. The lots aro on an afcraga or 50x11 5 feet In slzo. with 15 foot alleys. Plat ot the addition was riled with the County Court yester day. Tho engineering work was done by George 8. Young. Tho ad dition will be waterod by tho water ayatem for which Henry Llnster has secured franchise for Aubrey Heights. 15e First National Bank OF BEND, IKND, OREGON Or. U. 0.vOOC. PrkUl I. A. SATHBH. Vic Prtdtfant O. S. HUDSON, Oathtar Capital fully PI4 ... eas.000 Stockholdtr' liability S28.0OO Ourplua ... as.ooo IF YOU WERE TO HEAR jni ' i ' a i55aaB3BSS3eaaa ... i t .aea eat ' that your home had been destroyed by fire or socked by burglars, what would your loss be in the way of direct cash? Hidden money is an incentive, a stimulus, to robbery. Count less newspaper stories tell of life-savings lost through fire. You work too hard tor what you earn to risk loss. Your money will always be atjyour fingertips when you want it, in this bank and all risk of loss will be eliminated. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATR0NAQE SMALL ACCOUNTS WILL RECEIVE OUR COiUMAl ATTENTION Vk FfirVST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND . DIRKCTORS: U. C. COR R. A. SATIIXR C. S. UUDSOK O. M. rATTBRSON H. C. KUJ3 inilaii. m WjSjwSjMJ&JGrtfiJwJ