The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 28, 1912, Image 7

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1. D,
, 44 4,,
nfor niation for the Homeseeker
I- a,
llaitlit, rronliytorlnn,
4t f
B Ilvnry Inn no or 'i no iiuiio-
an riiforiw wiu iiruHivan in
(-ntrni OrcKuii nnu tiiu litiml
mntry. If you aru n Homo
i)kr lookliiK fur n now o
itioiii or own property lit
Moctimi, mora ia no naitor
ny to iiocoiiiu naijuainiou
Uli, or k(Mt ponied on, wlmt
IioIiik noun In till part or
Mr worm umn ny romiinjr
nU paper ruKolnrly. Bond
i your milmcrlptlon t one.
o n not to fnlHH nnythtiiK or
lint U RoIiik on In thl h,
xntirpnfiil rolintry ( li I
y "Irciit Inlnnil empire that litis
0 1)0011 OpOIIOll for UOVl'lop-
icnt liy two Hroat rnllrond
l. I
10 S ,
Hlx nocrtit nml frutormil onlom.
I'lour mill.
Thrco nuwnitlt.
Craiimery (IiiiIIiIIiik.)
Ico factory mid cold nlornico pi nut
(loud hotel.
IHoim immioiiRor ntnllon.
HlKKvdt rrulKlit wnrohouio In Con
trnl OroKon.
IlntiiUonin hIoiio liiill(llti (Indiiil
Ink $20,000 hank nnd otllco IiiiIIiIIiik
on which work atnrla March 1.)
Hand In tho drat Joint Hill nnd
llnrrlmnn railway atntlon aoutli of
tho Columbia rlvnr which I loontod
directly on tho Dutclmto rlvar,
Iiiilntlnn, 1200 (etlninlel.)
cflllon, on tlm vUi'cliutM river,
mill' aotilii 'or mo Columbia
rat rcmnlar railway train rvlc
ouratod Nov. 1, 1011.
ornKu annual prcclpltntlmi, 10
nhoil toiupornturo nvur ncordod
ifpt tomporntijro ovor rccortlnd
iricrop hilow wo.
imial moan tampornturo, i i. 8
l.oroKO or 330 daya per nnnuiii
eratlou, 3030 (mil (Kovoriiinout
Imato dry nnd healthful tho
nd U tho tarmlnui of tho Ore
Trunk linn or tho Hill railway
'in and or tho Druoliutc hranch
no llarrlmnn ayatvin. It I tho
IIiiiIIiik point nnd railway station
a Unco number or towns in
k, Lake, Klamath and Harney
illy BtftRO lino from llend to
r l.ka and Intvrmodlatn to win;
oell llutto, and to (.alillaw.
ulo paMoiiKer lino and auto
k irt'luht carrying, Hue to llurni
liitormodlnto points.
ural frco dnllvory aorvoa aottlor
K on Irrlxntcd land cat or
bo following;, nro a fow nuran-
Ilond haa to offer: '
mid itradod and Mali tchool.
ulillc library nnd muoeutti.
Ipclrlc llithta and (tower, day and
Ity water ayatem.
wo Ruud hank.
our church organisations
Irrlxnlrd FarmliiK.
Ilond I In tho iiinlu Cmitrnl Oro
Koii IrrlKntlou holt, tho NurrouiidliiK
lofrltory ImiIiik watered by tho caiiuI
or thu Control Oregon IrrlRntlou Co.
and tho Arnold Irrigation aytlom.
Unimproved laud with wator rlwlit
anil nt price rnnnliiK from lf. to
R0 no iicro; Improved land, from
160 mi nrro up, Tho prlnclpiil
i'iip rnlnod on thl IrrlKittcd laud
nro olovur, alfalfa, oat, wluuit, Kir
don truuk, munll fruit Midi tin rur
rant, rnilMirrl. Kuonulwrrlo. etc..
and nil kind of root crop, chief of
which I (Hilntoo.
Tho country U Ideal for dnlryliiK
and hoR rlliiK, Imth of which In
diutrlo aro yut In tholr Infancy.
Tho yluld of hutlnr fnt from tho
Kramuf on tlicnu IrrlRiitxd laud I
IiIrIi, and pniturntso I posilblu from
U to nlno mouth In tho yonr. A
croatunry will bo In operation hero
thin miniiiiur, pnyliiK Rood price for
Dairy product.
IIor nro auothor paylnR Indiutry,
eHclally o In connection with
dairying. Poultry do well hero hIho
and brliiR n profltnlilo return.
lry 1'nnnlriK.
A InrRo dry farmlni; territory He
tributary to llend, with thoimniiile of
aort of Rood Rovornmont laud whloii
can In) houicNteaded. A mnn can
take 1C0 or 320 acre under tho
homeaicad law nnd alto 1C0 acre
under tho decrt land law, ill
wife may alto tako a dcaorl claim,
and unmarried women can tako both
homeitead nnd drort claim. Patent
to 100-acra homeatnad can bo ole
talned by rontlnuou roaldonro of H
month thereon, nnd tho mnkltiR at
Improvoment. When uch commu
tatlon proof la rnado tho claimant
pay tho Rovernmonl IJ.2& an acre.
Plvo year' residence I rejulrod on
land taken under tho 320-acro en-
not IjoIiik nllowcd, I'lllnc on uor
oriimont land may ho mado hum bo
foro tho United Htiile CoinmUalonor
Tho flllnK fee nro $10 for 100-noro
cliilnm nnd $22 for .120 acre. Tho
uiiinl foil for location on Kovonimont
land I $100, Name or pomonn
iIoIiik n lorntlon IiiirIiichn may bo oil
tnlnod by roforonco to tho ndvortU
Iiik column or thl pupor, Now
Nottlomoiit nro doveloplng rapidly lu
Mllllcnn, Whltnkor nnd Hampton
vnlluy, outhont or Ilond on tho
auto road to llurn. (lovornmoiit
laud I baltiR rnpldly fllod on and
will oon nil bo tnkon,
Vellow Pino TIiiiIkt.
llend I iltuated In tho yellow plno
hett, thoro heliift 20 billion foot of
limber tributary to thl town, It I
ORtlmatod. Tho Deichute river
fumlaho oxcolleut mill alto and
IorkIiir Kjiid. Lumber retail
locally nt from $10 to $C0 a thou-
Itenldent of Ilond nnd tho aur-
rouudliiR country, durinx tholr
lolouro tlmg, find oxcelleut rccroatlon
lu huiilliiR nnd riihltiK. Tho Ho
chute river I wall stocked with
trout, and tho forcul aro tho home
or hear, door, bobcat and many
other wild animals.
iJTTjE"3r;, Wlo.torln, $10.
Northwest Trust & Bnro Dop, Co.
to Oscar Klolborg, u nw 10-20-
in, $000,
Northwest Trust & Hnfo Dop. Co.
to Olnf Jacobs, nw'4 nw'4 1 0-20-1 C.
T. II. Hhovlln to V. P. Iflxon, soli
aoc .1; no'j i; s'i 13; wVt U; o
and o& wV4 aoo 18; o w"4 i9;
noi U; no 14 nnd w'A w'A 27;
no'i.swVi nwV4 and nwV4 w,i 26;
..I. .! . ... t
" 7 !"' w, nn 74 II'JV mill IIW4
29; ii 14 no ' nnd so'4 no' 30; s
ii 'A nnd no 14 awyj and nVi o4 nnd
wij so VI 33-19-12. $1.
Itnclmol McCnrTory ot nl to Ilonja
mlu McCnrTory, It C and 7, hlk ,
McCnfTory' lit add., Hlstor.
.VotlilriK tint (fio Ilest of Workman-
ship fiunrnntecd.
Good all Wool Qunllty Propor
Htylo and Pit n Certainty.
All kind or dry cleaning, pressing,
ropalrlng nnd alterations. Kindly
Rlvo u a cnll nnd got convinced.
I'JtI.'IJ K. DICK, Tnllor.
ArciU tor Hplrelln CorseU.
Ladles or Ilond and vicinity will bo
ploaod to lonrn that tho Hplrolla
Corset Company ha an agent here
now. Anyone desiring to place an
order for thl mado-to-tnoauro corset
should drop a oard to Mrs. U A.
Wlllnrd, llend.
Von Mill find that one ton of
coal trill lrc you moro Iirnt than
three cords of wood. Figure tho
economy. Tho Ororttirf-Dnvls-MII
Icr Co.
Wlijr get up In tho night (o fill tho
store? Itank ll with coal a( night,
and you need not frar that the pipes
will frrew.
larged homostoad act, commutation
Deed Herein !y riled With the
County Clerk nt IVIuetllle.
fl. II. Sander to Kiumutt C. Han-
dor, so seo 36-lfi-lt. $3200.
It. It. I-owls to Clius. M. O'Ncll.
trnct 40x200 ft. lu I.ytlo Acroago.
Ilond. $1.
I.nldlnw Townslto Co. to Peto Hod
inonil, It 3 to H Inc., hlk 70, lildlnw.
Ijjldlaw Townslto Co. to Norn
llothwell, It 2, hlk 38, hnldlnw. $125.
Tho llend Co. to P. W. Neeld, It
I. hlk , Center add., Ilond. $1.
Ilcsalo A. Morrill to (Ico. H. Young.
It 10. hlk 2, M. W. Aero Tract. $1.
Tho Ilond Co. to D. K. Hunter,
truitco. swH swU, 33-17-12 (part
of.) fl.
(1. F. Way to J. A. Way, V4 Int In
vti wH and 4 nwU 29-10-17,
Arthur fl. McDonald to Avery M.
longmlro, wH nwVi, noli no1,, nnd
uwU noU 2C-19-13. $1.
Ii Pino Townslto Co. to Alfred A.
Aya, Ita 35 nnd 30, hlk 28, I.n Pino.
C. 8. Hudson to Joseph Zoll, Ha S
nnd 4, hlk 8, Deschutes. $10.
I.aldtaw Townslto Co. to Mr. 1
K. Itoo, It 9, blk 07, Uldlnw. $100.
Icrt D. Wlest to Veronlcn Mayer,
It C and 8, blk 20. Wlestarln. $10.
W, D. Nowlon to Lovl D. Wleat. It
(jubbing Offer
to Our Old Subscribers and their Friends
The year 1 9 1 2 is to be the most important year
in Central Oregon history. Also, besides great
activities in the Northwest, a President of the
United States is to be elected. Keep up with
the news of Bend, Oregon and the World by
taking advantage of one of our special offers.
The Dnlly and Sunday Oregonlan, 12 months $8.00
The Bend Bulletin, 12 months : 1.S0
Total ...,.;. $9.50
Both may be obtained by nny one for u limited time only for O
$8.00 which is the subscription price of tho Oregonian alone.
To those not desiring to take the big Sunday edition of the Ore
gonian, we have this olfer to make:
The Daily Oregonian, 12 montlis f . . . v . . ... 10.00
The Bend Bulletin, 12 months, . . .' 1.50
Total ...-.,..., v?.?0
Both may be obtained by any one for a limited time only for jti
50.00 which is the subscription price of the Oregonian alone. V
In1 other words, you arc receiving the Oregonian and The Bulletin
for the price of the Oregonian. Don't fail to take advantage of this
special offer. Send remittance today to
The Bend Bulletin
Bend, Oregon.
In tho Circuit Court for tho County,
of Crook and tho Htato ot Oregon
Ifonry Tnmm, plaintiff, v. Kran-'
ce 8. Tamm, defendant.
To Frances H. Tamm, tho oIkjvo
nnmod defendant,
lu tho nittno of tho State of Oregon
You urn hereby required to appear
nnd answer tho complain filed
ngnlnst you In tho above entitled
suit on or before tho 15th day of
April, 1012. nnd If you no foil, for
wnnt thereof, plaintiff will apply to
this court for judgment and decrco
against you n prayed for In tho com
plaint on file horoln.
This summon I served unon you
by tho publication thereof In Tho produced.
ih'iiii iiuiicun, n newspaper 01 con- isab-lt imBArns ..i.
crul clrculntlon within Crook county,! V IDiVfW vv hiyics.
Oregon, published weekly nt llend, I The rotnrv makes both
Oregon, in tho County of Crook fortf .. . nu. ....
tho period of six consecutive week v uuu uuuui atiti.ii.
CBBlBVK9!?r. ' uidaMiHriBlHRBBf-''9ln i
BBBlSLlm' ft fKtril
M frwrVU ii aBBBBaEr9
The BEST all-round Family
' Sewing Machine that can be
Made in bothRO-
(.oven Issue), commencing with tho i latest Up to the minute steel
Issuo of Kobruarr 28th, 1912, nnd i , ... ,
aiuicnmcnts wun cacii ma
chine. Sold on easy payments,
Send name and address for
our beautiful H. T. catalogue
ending with tho leauo of April 10th,
1912, In pursuance or an order or II.
C. Kills, Judgo or tho County Court
of Crook County, Oregon, which
order was nindo and entered Febru
ary 27th, 1912.
Date of first publication, February
nato or' ia.t publication. April White Sewing Machine Co.
,0t"' ""JB88B U 8BMIULU 140 .Mflrket StTC?1
Attorney for plaintiff. San Francisco, California.
Low Rates West
Daily, March 1st to April 15th, to
yffifflJUiUtliUn I flu nil II.
ChlcaRO $33.00
Clncinnntl '.. 37.00
Milwaukee 31.50
SU Louis 32.00
Now York 50.00
Detroit 38.00
SUPaul ...$25.00
Kansas City 25.00
Omaha 25.00
DesMoines 27.85
Indianapolis 35.G5
Denver 25.00
Tell your friends in tho East of this opportunity of moving
West nt low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route,
Northern Pacific, Great Northern, "North Bank" and Oregon
Trunk Railways. You can deposit funds with mc and west-bound
tickets will bo furnished people in tho East. Details on request.
V. B. COMAN, Oen'I. Freight & Pass. Agt , Portland, Ore.
J. H. CORUETT, Agt., Bend, Ore.
Having your portrait made
Ik a duty you owe the
family, friends and your
We have a carefully se
lected line of tasty and
up-to-date mounts to
choose from.
With our new cabinet and
equipment there's no day
too dark or hour too late.
STEP IN and make
SJcwaro 3tu)l0
the Best
who bows to our superior Flour.
She knows it is half the battle
In baking, to get a good, re
liable Flour that almost insures
good bread of uniform quality.
All cooks recognize this as the
best brand for both bread and
pastry. We wish you would
try it once, and we know you
will never ask for any other
brand. And it is not high
priced cither.
Bend Milling & Ware-""
house Co.
Bend, ' - - - - Oregon
Shoe "
First Class Work
of all kinds
done promptly.
Wall street, Bend, Ore.
Tho I In ii aI Waralinttca CtinnnT
handle all the freightrf the
Oregon Trunk and Deschutes
Railroads at Bend. The Moody
system at Shaniko willl he cm-
hjh ployed, and merchantsjbf Bend
and interior towns willjget their
shipments without inconven
ience. Have your freight con
signed in care of
R -" "
The United Warehouse
Roofing of all kinds. Repairing
promptly done.
Furnace Contractor
Guttering, Spouting,
Cornices and Skylights.
and Flue Building
Bend, Oregon
timda marks taJ rapiricMj oUiJm.1 or m
tn. m4 ttaUL krtrttt or tMe oa4 -.
rrirtioa M rRKI SKAKOH wd nml
jv. OurfraoBoiAtoUWtlMnr.vUlUwi
MklMf)roOMr. Wrttalai.