!M0tliaamimimmtiammmtmmimiumaimm i)pn'mmMiwi ynHniwi)Miii)t jfcaafcyeA " mm. I ------- --- .-- .A H CORRESPONDENCE -- --- ---- ---- --------- HAMPTON I - HAMPTON. Kcb. 19. Whllo In tho woods nlouo Inst week, J. N. Crow had tho mtsfortuno to cut a deep gosh two Inches long on tho In step ot his right foot. Mr Crow Otic homo, whore tho wmuvI whs dressed &s well ns possible nnd though ho I resting easy. Is not yet nblo to ho ftUaut i. 8. Fork niado n hustness trip to Prtnevlllo tho past wooK. ,W. J. Harrison and family, who camo hero from Kentucky last No vember, aro bo well Impressoit with this country and Its tuturo possibili ties that they recently bought K. E. Crow's relinquishment and have Kpno to housekeeping In their now homo. Lewis Miller rcturnod from Nend today with a load ot supplies for him Belt and the Hampton store. Tho neighbors aro rejoicing with llurr Ulack over his now well. It Is about 25 feet deep and has a good supply of water. - J PRtNGLE FLATS ------- rniNOLK FLATS, near Held P. O. Crook county. Fob. 19. Mr. Hall mcycr la digging a well. Homcstoadora hero aro nearly all cutting fenco posts. It looks ax If there will be somo "wire pulling" this spring. C A. Stevenson has gone to Dond for a load of goods. There has been no plowing done hero yet. but tho frost la about all out ot tho ground. Fred Hamlin, who lost a cow somo three months ago, has got no .traco of her yet. Warren Llbboy visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Evans Sunday. John Schmcar Is breaking a couplo of flno colts. Mr. Todd will be going to Bend for supplies noxt week. ---- - GIST --- GIST, Fell., 2R. The program cno cupper given by the Gist Gmnipi Fri day evening was a decided success and was attended by a largo number. Miss May Wilson, who has Just closed a term of school at Upper Ryo Grass. Is tho guest of her sister. Mrs. iX-lla Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold have loft for their homo near Clovordalo, Lester and Vcrn Gist and wives have moved to tho old Gist place. W. F. Fryroar of Clovcrdale was a business visitor In tho neighborhood Saturday. F. M. McCultey, who has been as sisting F. K. Dayton In the lumbor business, has returned home. John Strahm had tho misfortune to badly sprain an ankle whllo haul ing wood. J. I). Nichols of Laldlaw was a Gist visitor Saturday. " Tho school program rendered In memory of Washington's birthday was a splendid success and did credit to both teacher and pupils. F, W. Loyercnz mado a business trip to Prinevlllo Friday. socrotnry; O. W. Gardner, treasurer, and Ed Santry, Joo J Ulngo nud 13. D. Tylor, trustees. Messrs. Santry. Cleaves and An derson woro appointed by tho chnlr as a special committee, to confer with U Hcsslg of Fort Klamath, who owns and operates telephone systems throughout southern Klamath county Into northern California. Ho has a lino completed to Heaver Marsh, to which Crescent desires connection. Tho meeting was tho most enthu siastic over held hero and tho follow ing now members woro onrollod: K. I). Tyler. David Lyncs. W. O. Harrl man, C. G. llowors, and F. II. Funk. After the meeting a banquet was given In their honor. K. D. Tyler went to La Pino last week, returning Friday with freight for Uourk'e store. Misses Mao and Dorothy Anderson aro visiting friends In Ln Pino. Mrs. Joo Ulngo and children loft via Fort Klamath for Klamath Falls to attend hor mother, Mrs. Charles Graves, who Is 111. Karl Hall and William Edor aro visiting at tho Crescent from Port land. Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Jones woro In from tholr ranch west ot Odoll Ilutto last week. Thomas McCord has returned from tho mountains where ho had a trap lino this wlntor. Amos Howard and H. D. Ilurrough transacted business hero tho first of the week. Tho former purchased the flno draught horao nud wagon of Ed Santry. 0. A. Paddock and F, X. Domplor woro In from Diamond Peak a fow days ago. Tho latter was grlovcd to learn ot tho death ot his father, his only relative, at Fort Hock. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Thomas havo returned after an extended trip by wagon through southern Oregon and northern California for tho latter'a health, which Is much Improved. They spent tho groator part of tho winter In Chlco, Col. Mr. Thomas owns a largo feed and livery atabto at this place. Frank Hammer was In chargo during his absence. FILMS DON'T EXPLODE Xo --- CRESCENT CRESCENT. Fob. 26, Tho Com mercial Club held an enthusiastic meeting In KeUer's Hall Saturday night." Tho occasion was tho annual election of officers for tho ensuing year. Charlie Thomas, vlco presi dent, called the mooting to order, and (ho election resulted as follows: f Charlie Thomas, presldont; F. M. Cleaves, vlco president; E. G. Rourk, Danger of Klro In Moving Picture Houc. Ever so often someone aaka If moving plcturo films explode. Should a flro occur In a moving plcturo theater, tho reporter always speaks of It as an "explosion of fllmTT You may possibly know that this does not happen, but If you aro Ignorant of tho fact let us assuro you. Films burn up, ao do newspapers; and like news papers, thoy tnako a quick flash and rapidly consume. If you woro com ing down Wall Street and saw a newspaper on flro, would you got Into or start a panic, would youT All moving plcturo thoators aro compelled to havo asbestos or sheet Iron covered booths. (Tho Star Theater's booth Is lined with asbes tos and covered with sheetlron.) if wo are unfortunate enough to have a film catch flro, it will make a quick blaze Just llko burning a news papor and will become, consumed In a mlnuto or two. The flro would causo somo smoko and may leavo a mark on tho sheet-Iron covered floor, but tho chief damage dono will be to our pockctbook. It will cost us $100 or more, and the only explosion will bo when wo aro IJLOWN UP by tho film exchango for letting such a thing happen to their film. DEALING IN STOCKS. Knew What You Ars Buying Btfors lnvtitlno Your Monty, Wo hear of fortunes quickly mrulo In Wall street, of minors who havo accumulated enormous wealth by n lucky strike, of Inventions that hnvo mado Inventors rich, Hut how many of these luslnncca nro thoro? Just n fow, whllo countless thousands and hundreds of thousands havo toatuvory thing In unsuccessful ventures, Tho prosperous, successful man or woman Is the one who buys with knowledge of what ho or alio la buy ing, whether .It bo a piece of beef, n dozen of eggs, a horse, a liouno or stocks nud bonds. Money has been mado Ut Wall strvot and will continue to tx inn tie. Thono who buy stocks when they soil low and sell them when they advance must mnko money. Tho operation la no dif ferent from buying n houno or n farm nt n bargain and selling It at n pmilt Hut ono should exercise Just an much enro In ono tranMctlon ns In the ottmr. Hare nothing to do with thono who orfor jjlltterlng opportunities to get rich quickly. ThU will save your money. It rony sound very nlco to any that ono owns a thousand shares of a gold, silver or copper mlno with a par value of $10,000 and that cost tho holder only $20 or $100, Hut what use Is such n certMratP unless It has real valuer Dcttcr put tho $50 or $100 In ono share of n dividend pay ing stock and be satisfied with rami crato returns and a tnodcrato profit on any advance the stock uiajr enjoy. Leslie's. EAGLES IN COMBAT. Fury of th Oslllarnt Dlrds In Thslr Duil In ths Air. An old 1 1 tin observer In Maryland says that the Eastern Shore eagles can fly faster, remain In their lofty flight longer nud descaud from It to tho earth with more velocity than any other cre ated thing with wtugs. Ho also says that tho fierceness of tho eagles nud tho tenacity and power of clutch they can put Into their Immense talons aro beyond belief, and ho cites as an In stance of It a fight between two of the big birds that ho once saw. Just what incited the two engtea to the combat this spectator of tho tight did not know, but they came together high In the air. A long tltno (he two fierce birds fought with beak and (alon and wing, running upon ono an other, delivering tbelr blows and re treating for adrantnge In a now at tack. Then at last they clinched and fought at clone quarters. In that position they came plunging to the earth, but neither mado any ef fort to stay the fall, so desperately In tent was each on (he savage battle. Tbey struck together In the freshly turned furrow of a plowed field, and the Impart' failed to separate them or to cause an Instant's delay In tbo fight, and tho coming on the scene of a man with a club, with which he at once took part In tbo battle, did not distract their attention from one another, and tho man killed them both. Their tal ons were burled so deeply In each oth er's flesh Ihst to separate the two belligerent eagles It was necesary to cut off their legs. Now York Sun. LECTURE OX THE SOUTH. A truo picture ot llfoln tho South In tho olden days, boforo and after the war, was given by Miss Hollo Kearney, In hor lecturo In the lycoum course Monday night. Miss Kearney la a most Interesting talker, full of enthusiasm, and with a strong volco presents her" address in a forceful mannor. 8ho told of the days of slavery, of tbo awful period of re construction followjng the wnr, touched on tbo race "problem and prohibition and endod with a plea for wpman suffrage. Jest Received Nice Line of i-,.. M fli Ladies sm 4 BSSSsV .SOW uxTorns New Goods of All Kinds for Men Arriving Doily. R,M. SMITH Clothing Co. -I-1 ; m- t f ? t- r i Msrrltd You no to Dtst Smsllpox. When 1 was n lad the number of people whose face were pitted with smallimx was legion. "Wind from sunllpos" was on the card worn by roost of tho unfortunato strrvt beg gars who had lord their sight. Tho anxiety of pnrcnts to have their daughters married at an age which would now bo convlden-d rflmont scan dalously Immature was one by-renult of tho frequeuey and sorority of small pox. If n girl's faro wcro marred her prospects of matrimony were, of roume. Impaired, and tho ambition of mot hew so common was smalliox was to see tbelr daughters safely mar ried before they .caught tho dlixwmu.-r From Wolter Gllbcy'a "Recollections of Seventy Years" in. Nineteenth Cen tury. , Whst t-lf. Is. Nothing Is of real valuo In (ho world except people. Never hurt a ihtsoii by a wrong thought or by word or by act Never hurt ench other. Then go on a big discovering expedition and find each other. Nover say, "That person has nothing In him." for Hint only means that yoif haven't found it yet Then, last pt all, never think you are the only person. You are just a part of -each other." Yog aro, not some, body and the rest- of us everybody else. We are each other. Life Is each otherness, not ererybody-flbicncss. pt. Nicholas s . V U J The Hornblll. The hornblll, a bird which Is widely distributed In Indlot'tbo Malay nrcbl- pclago and Africa, -has a very loud note. Ifs call has been 'described as between tbo shriek of a' 'locomotive and the bray of n donkey and can be heard n distance of about a couplo yf fallen.' ",' ' 5 TwUWd. " nicks I bear that Rrown'a speech at tha club dinner last night was qulto funny. Wicks The opening 'sentence was very! no roso uud said, ''While I wns sitting on my thought a chnlr struck mo." Everybody roared. Ron ton Transcript Company, A crowd Is not company. Faces are but a gallery of picture wberu there is no lovo, and talk but a tinkling cym bal. Francis Ilacun. f . ... When men are pure, laws ore use- .broken. Disraeli -..- ,- ItOl.VAT. (This pooin la contributed by a Dottier nt Rnlynt P. O. In Hampton Vnlloy, 70 tulles southonat ot llond.) Oh! Rulyntl Hwoot Itolyat, Thu plnco where man and boast got fat. Whoro goldmines flourish In tho soil, Woll mixed with tlbow gronso nnd toll. Tho rnnchertt horo with norvo nnd brain Aro putting in their Holds of grain. And day by day tho sagebrush green does up In smoko that far Is soon. It only nil those Imtcholnra With Hhacks that look so snd, forlorn, Could win somo mnld'ott fair nud truo To ahnro tholr ahncka and huiuo- stonds too. , That's nil wa need In Itolyat To mako this placo ono happy homo, And keep us In tho narrow tracks, From whonco therefrom wo' 1 1 nover roam. - The Man Behind the Saw and :: AX Is tho mnn who gota tho wood, nml CAKTEK Is THE MAN when you wnnt wood that will mnko tho pot boil. And nil it coats you Is $4.00 A CORD FOR BLOCK OR LIMU tyOOD. In town every dny. Notice to (ho Public. Tho two lending tiMRnslnoH of thu Pacific Const, tho Pncltto Monthly and llio Rutland hnvo boon consoli dated under tho lltlo of "flunsot tho Pnclflo Monthly." It In tho Intention or tho publish ers to spnro no money nor offort to mnko Hunsot tho Pnr.ltlo Monthly n credit to tho Went nud n mngnahio of national vttluo and Importance. To Introduco It to now readers, wo will mnko tho following special offer: Send ROo In stamps, nud wn will put your iiatiio on our subscription list for (ho next four months, nud will solid yon froo n ropy of the superbly Illustrated Mld-Wlntor uumhor, nnd nlso the famous Hunsot Indian poster, securely paakod In n mailing tubn. It will mnko n beautiful urtiamuut for your front room or dun. Bond your order lo Fred l.ookloy, Northwestern Malinger, Hunsot--tho Pacific Monthly. Portland, Oregon. HUHINKHH AMI I'HOKKHHIO.VAL W. W. Faulkner D. M. D. DENTIST Hull? tin lltilbtliig, II e nil, Oregon f F. M. Carter THE WOOD MAN ----. - -- T R. H. DBYARAIOND Machine Shop and Garage Wo know how lo do nil kinds of Mnchlno Work. TRY US AND SEE. Your Income Depends upon tho kind of nursery stock you got If you nro willing to pay a fair price, you will got good trees. YOU CAN'T MET HOME TIIINC.I FOR NOTHING. If you ex pect to pay neit-to-notlilng and got good, flrnt-clBM stock, you ore mis taken, that's all. You can't produce n high quality treo for llttlo or noth ing any more than you can an axe, wagon, or any Implement. YOU ARE THE I.OHEK l( you let the question of prlro sonn Influence your Judgment when buying. Your loss Is not temporary, but extonds over a long period of years as your orchard stands. Tho folly of buying cheap stock will be Impressed Upon you each year as you figure your re turns. Hotter be on the safa side and buy whero you nro suro of gel ting Just what you want. Our sates this year could not havo so largely surpassed last year's had wo not msdii good In tho pt. Catslog froe. Ward H. Coble Altoniey nt Law. Oftlco In Doschtitoa Hntik Ihillilli Opposlto i'ostonico, llond, Orogo U. C. COB, M. D. Physician nnU SurKcoif OI'I'ICIC OVItK 1'IKHT NATIONAL ll Office Hours: 10 In U a. m,; o j ai Yakima Valley Nursery Co. TOPPENISII, WASH. More Salesmen Wanted Garden Tools. THE BEST in THIS LINE is SOLD HERE. Low Prices. ! GET READY NOW FOR SPRING PLANTINQ. H. J. Eggleston Manufacturer of Harness nnd Saddles Dealers In Wfijrons, Huffgics and Farm ImplemenU Hay nnd Grain for sale. ----------. t . SALOON ,t A saloon at Imperial (In Hampton Volioy) wil gay- botUjr than ? t any saloon In Bend, on account of larRo cnah trado, fow Ilccnso J unu outer cxpcnac0, rreo uunuingiou u you act quickly. Toko Bcnd-Ilurns auto stago to Imporial, - -- -.. , -4 fiuiilyiaj Mllliiort Sl.IO BRA. (IDS (4IUK FMt) 4 Krialr Ufb itfcl. roUlnr. wliti cenrni tu4 ulii. til inJf lor lil.i(. Our rikti n ton hua 21 la Wti, MA.D" ROOriHd ll lit, wut tat uU laul IU MilUM Ja. tin. tni loinunpU. SASH H run mi 73. Upu. Ilia. lib o4 uu but ajhl fiorr ctAuted m fUlu iluk ArdMic MJitk lu ui txnue. Ttill It bui ut iU mil cl m ihiokum Kuk bf2S0U0Mibif.ll Utit. StMMcM tlei AovUittxUt, ui law cut. DOORS TUi I. our lin4Utl uuitn or 1PlU 4not, known .. tU JUIIDO W. Urt UwUUOillOf Mbfl, K4M nlowu 11.20. tnd lor trlct Utit. I ll.l Suit 11.00 V, Ilk). cKwIr - Uh,.t KkM H mm ut (WW wj l..r. bcuulul (llrnrt ir.4 l4 oo J . BI.M.4 nauMlnc.AIUllxIl PAINTS PH., BfUj. ffttUff, -ltU r.i.i, 3. KntMMInur titr film In paint IfmUl a ni Mini oftlUUJi. ilia. UMllA,4Qcnl Bull Tub tI.J0-Tl,l. nUt I..M.. Mm iwitcMa nuiMirJ tub. lib Mmb hJ. Ul lln. torn- ku iib yv. Ui bub rnli u4 nkUiiUi. finpHtttfi, OfCIOuW 1B4 r.ljv bllnai mi Itr.rf. with lr.n mUwvik. II4-mIM lot ill our. IllMtioncnlun rl It. H,rvc.nM1u0 I Inf InltrliirSalA. fxtt II. to rl tea u 114 cf rout winn tiki ict our tli 6a luu. Ui n4 ill liulUlof Buirriil tirrM u four nulun. II ill urt yoy Lie munrr. Will, ut bailuM kuiu lI Souk. HI lit NulaulUukol Vuhxhi of lt.nl.. .II M -m. ..M, ., MirW JUU1 I o&izii&enfrxirti n. .,!, 1 1 , f IB,sT, Hfi ffrf J DllNI), 7 to 8 p. in, Okhoi C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW oyyicx in rinsr nation r. iunk sli 1IHNU. OKKOON Vernon A. Forbd LAWYER . VITLST NATIONAI. HANK M.tX., onNO, OUKOij Qeorjfe S. Youn ClVII MlNINU AND llllllUATION ICNQINKKU OrcRon Stretit OITlco with J. A. Kiutwi. JESSE L. SUA1RALL Attorney at Law Ofllcu In Haren Uldjr. on Wall St IJcttd, Oregon. Crook County Abstract C mcosrosATKti AIISTIIACTH HI TIT! ir to sll Umt slid (own loti In Crook cuun U I'. WVI.UII, Secy, I'rlneyllle. Orrxon. We phologroph the record. CLARK & WRIQM LAWVDKS WAHIIINOTON, tl.C. Public iAnd Matters: Final I'ro. Dusort Lands, Contests and Mini Cones. Scrip. Associate Work for Attorneys, J. I. WEST Undertaker and Kmbalmer Full Assortment of Undcrlakinjf" uoods. Hr street llond, Greet- F. 0. MINOR roTTOr'r'ICK SUIU)INO IAVH I'IRK ACCIIJKNT 1NSURANCK Kotsry Public snd ConvfysiiciiiK U8l l'sir Concctlr Hrn. FIDELITY BONDS Mrs. Maude Alnsworla MILLINERY Over Skung's Storu Wall street : IUind, Orei W. E. PARKER Plumbing, Steam and II Water Hentlnir Jobbinjr Promptly Attended to IIKNI), OltfXION Caldwell & Alain All Kinds of Blacksmi Work riucra itJUHONAiiw:. Minnesota St., BoL Uond and W a I'm lul ill I Imii i MF ,1 -4hiutr,li, V7! Ask Yourselves iwt-- WHO doea your clennlnir and iH Injr, and those- who nro boat futl lied with tliufi- orduro in that II will Huroiy refer you to ua. W havo built Up a reputation for doing liltcli chuw work In a short tlmo and nt n very MODKItATE CHAHGR Star Dry Cleanir House With A. L. French Or"egbh Street.