The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 28, 1912, Image 5

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-Honost Weight
-Honest Measure
L-Ono Prlco to Every
Goods sold at a prico
that Is fair to all.
Lcaroful Attention to
Your Orders.
-A Store that is clonn
and sanitary.
'fills l tho pint form on
which wo Imvo Imllt our
butlncM. In nildltlon to
Oil wo Mwotutoly Kiinr
ntilco our kowU U bu
natlitfnclnrv to you. If
thoy nni not, wo iwk iw a
fnvor to uh to lu allowed
to ruturn your money. No
halo nt our store la com
plete until YOU tiro nntl
llvil. Wo hnvo nlwolutQ
ronfitlcnro In tho qunllty
of our kohIh, ho wo nro
wllllnjr to buck thoin up
with thin Kunrnntvu.
THE Store of Better
(J. My do wu over from I'rlno-Sunday.
Irs. J. K. -Arnold roturnou irom
(land flunday night.
fclti Cornell Wilson will be host-
fur tho Urldgo Club Friday.
,' I). Nowlnn caiiio up Hunday
11 rorllanJ to spend atiteral day.
I. Tomnklna of I lewd RUer
t Thursday In lloitd on business.
e 8. Lnttln and brothcr-in-iaw,
Webb, apont Monday In I I'luo.
ft. A. M. I'rlnalo roturnod Wed-
!y night from n visit to Tori
re. J. J. llogan or roruanu
lug her alitor. Mra. Hush
inmir of J. P. Kovki. Mra. It. K.
til entertained at cards Saturday
Kdward Larson spent Halurday
business trip to towns down tho
unit Mra. J. II. Wlmor and Fred
Wallace woro In town Monday
.1 Uldlaw.
J. Ovorturf. II. C. Ullla and J.
Mmlok roturnod Thursday ulRhl
in Portland.
uv Melternolda la aldo to Iki out
In and at hla work In tho FJrst
lonal Uank.
4 V. Macklntoah got hack Friday
rfit from attending tho Irrigation
tress nt rortlnnd.
ho (lend Park Co. haa bought ICO
a from lho Bouth llond Invest-
lit Co. and la having It platted by
II. (lould.
Mra, K, I). Mulntoah haa rccovorod
from tho nttnek of oryslpolns from
whloli alio hna boon aufforliiK.
A. I). Johnson, formorly engineer
on tho iimln lino H. P. A H,, hna tnlton
tho piuMouKor run fiom Portland to
II. J. O'Nolll, trnvollng frolitht nud
linsstuigitr agent of tho O.-W. It. A
N, Hpout Thuradny nnd Friday In
II. C. Miiha, Tom Orny, W. F. Mo
t'onuull nud I'ntuk Porolvnll tmmu In
Hiiudny from their Whltnkor vnllny
Mr. nnd Mra. II. K. Dorrlok of La
Pino spout Htindity night horn, Mra,
Derrick going down to Portland Mon
day to visit.
Mra, C K. Hwnfford of Laldlnw hna
Irsoii apuudliiK (ho paat week In Hand
nnd oxpocla tn mnku n trip to Kuattlo
tho Inst of tho wook.
W II. Maulon, roualn of Hurry P.
Mnulon, ennio up Huuday night from
(Julvor to eloan out tho wull at tho
brickyard went of town.
A. C. Han ford wna up from Madras
to apoud Huuday with hla family. Ho
la pniparlng to inovn onto a ranch
which ho owns near Opal City.
Tho rity Council mot hit Friday
to rilacusa tho sower altuatlon with
It. E. Koon of Chicago, who submit
ted n proposal for tho onglnoorlng
An open nlr band concort was
given Huuday afternoon. Tho
weather waa fluo and thorn waa a
good-aUod crowd out to hoar tho
I ft. Itloknrd, who nwna laud
under tho Arnold ditch, has roturnod
to llond after an absence of a year
nnd n half, spent mostly In Cali
fornia. J. I. Wont la spending a fow weeks
In Corvalll with relative, Ills
health haa boon poor for somo tlmo
and hn hopes tlio ohaugo may Ini
provo It.
Excavation work for tho Bather
stnno building waa begun Monday.
Tho dirt la being used to fill In tho
unsightly rnudholo In tho street at
that point.
Tho candy and apron social which
will bo given by tho Ladles Library
Club Baturday and Haturday evening
will bo held at tho rooms of tho Com
mercial Club.
Mrs. F. O. Minor returned tho first
of tho wihiV from Corvallls, wtiero
she haa been spending the winter
with her son Kenneth, who Is a
student at tho O. A. C.
II. V Hofacker, Oregon Trunk
engineer, waa hero Saturday learn
ing tho road, preparatory to taking
lho run between Portland nnd llond,
Metollua Central Oregoulan.
J. V. Kimball and wlfo of Wlnno
peg, Manitoba, nro visiting Mr. and
Mra. I'M Davenport at their ranch
pear Powell llutto. They nrrlvod In
llend Inst week, being mot horo by
Mr. Davenport.
Felix Mnstor Is hra visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mra. Honry Muster.
Ho nrrlvod Baturday night from
Hevolsloko, II. C. Mr. I.lnster was
horo five years ago. Ho way decide
to wsko thla hla homo.
C. W. Heed of Wetlavllle. Mo., a
moinlmr of tho firm of II. M. flnilth
Clothing Co., arrived In llond Batur
day night to spend n week or ten dsys
on n business and ploaauro trip. Mr.
Ucod la prealdout of tho C. W. Heed
Mercantile Co., of Wellavlllo.
J. J. Donogan and Mlsa Lou Davoy,
daughter of Editor Dacy of tho
Hamoy County News, apent Sunday
and Monday horo on tholr way homo
from Portland. Mr. Doncgau waa a
delegate to tho Irrigation congress
and Mlsa Davoy hsn boon attending
school In tho Hoso City.
J II. Miner, a llend real catato
oporator who haa a homestead weat
of here on tho other aldo of tho Des
chutes rlvor, camo down to Torre
bonno yesterday, accompanied by his
wlfo, nnd drovo out to hla homestead
whoro ho will superintend somo Im
provements, Torrobonno Orogonlan.
-.--'-- .------- i
' For Every Dcpaxtrnont o( the Homo.
Carpets, Rugs, j
Come in and see our large stock. Popular prices.
E. M. Thompson
Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty.
f. .
Hhnrlff T. N. Ilolfour la In town to
day from Prluovltlo.
Homombor tho dmico nt Llnslor'a
Mnll Htnurdny night.
A. Bogal Jr. hna roturnod to llond
aftnr nil nbaoncu of aavornl months.
J, lC, Hnwhlll and A. 0. Huntnr
returned last night from Portland.
The HvoiiIiik COO club-vlll bo on-
tortnlnod by Mra. II. V. Hkuso to
Tho condition of (leorgu V. Knapp
romnlna nbout what It hna boon. Ho
la yot unconscious.
Joo Martin died auddonly nt hla
room on llond atront Frldny night of
n stroko of apoplexy.
Frank MoCnffbry of Itedtnoiid
apont S'jnilny night here with his
brother, llun McCnrfory,
Ilnlph lludd nud V. K. Ilurkhnl
tor of tho Oregon Trunk Hallway
spent Inst night In llond.
Hush fVKntin. Karl Wrlirht nnd
Mra. J. J. Hogan went down to Mad
raa this morning on n visit.
Vernon A. Forbes got homo Mon
day night from Portland whoro bo
went to attend tho Irrigation con
gress, J. P. Kcycs loft yesterday morning
on a trip to la Ursndo whero ho will
Inspect tho sawmill plant of tho
(loorgo Palmer Lumbar Co.
Mrs. Kd Ilrostorhout ontortalnod
tho Afternoon COO club yesterday
tho meeting bolng hold with Mrs.
O'Kano. Itofroshmonts woro aorvod
tho ladle: at Corkott'a.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Bhrlnor havo
UjUKht from J. II. Onnlll lot 2. block
1 5, Park addition. Tho propertv la
Improved with n small house, which
Mr. Rhrluor will remodel nnd move
Hiiuerlntendent J. P. Honors of tho
Oregon Trunk and Buperlntondonl J.
Mcflulro of tho Astoria division of
tin, N'nrili Hank road camo In Mon
day nlsht In Mr. Ilogors prlvato oar,
uttacnou to tho regular train.
Work waa started yesterday on n
building on llond atroot noxt to tho
Club Cfo for n moving plcturo
houao. It will Im run by W. II
Kvana and 3 C. Ileodow from Bo
attle, The building will bo 80 feet
loliff and 20 wldo, with Incllnod floor.
Voters of llend havo so far boon
slow about registering for tho pri
mary election to be hold April 10.
when candidates wilt bo nominated
for olUccs. For fiend precinct M.
B. Lntttn haa tho registration blanka
and ho urgea that tho men como In
and register without putting it off.
Construction of a warehouse for
tho llond Hardware Co. Is under way
at tho Intersection of tho railroad
and Koa avenuo. Tho building. 40
by 100 feet In dimensions, will bo
located on tho east aldo of the side
track. It will bo used for tho stor
age of goods handled by the com
pany. Hallway Contractors Honry &. Mc
Fco last week bought In llond 10,000
fet nf 112 rouih 1 unifier to bo usod
In ttinnnta 8 and 7. noar Madras, on
tho Orogon Trunk. Tho ordor waa
rocotved by Tho uond Co. helweon 3
and 4 o'clock and tho lumber waa
loaded ready for ahlpmonl bcrore
0 p. m.
District 8uporlntondent Perry of
tho Mothodlst church will be In llond
next 8undny, preaching morning and
ovanlnK In tho hall over tho post
office. Mr. Perry la on excellent
speaker and his visit la being looked
forward to by tho people of llond
with much Interest Tho public U
invited to tho sorvlccs,
A petition will ho sont to Wash
ington asking that somo small
changes bo made In tho rural free
dollvory route. Ily making a little
chnngo a much larger number of
peoplo would bo sorved. Max
Illchardsou Is stilt carrying tho mall
as tomporory carrlor. the Civil Ser
vice Commission not yot having
namod a regular employe.
Miss Mnudo Vaudovort was given
n pleasant surprlso by hor co-laborora
Wednesday afternoon Just after
school. The occasion waa her birth
day on Thuraday. The affair waa
held In lt.o primary room nt the
achoolhouae. A chafing dish lunch
eon was sorvod, nnd somo amusing
games played. Those present wore
Principal and Mra. Bhouse nnd nil
tho teachor.
A party of Uond young womon
took n holiday outing Thursday by
walking to Doachutcs, eight mllea
down the railroad, and nttondod n
housownrmlng at tho C. M. ItodMd
homo. Thoy had a ploasant tlmo
nnd roturnod on the Into Oregon
Trunk trnln. Thoso who trnvelod on
"orosstlo tlckota" woro Mlssea
Trnutnor, Slduor, Young, Weat.
Wlest and Anno, Oortrudo nnd Noll
Mnrkol. Mlsa Holmoa nnd Mrs. Sol
lora wont down by nuto.
Tho' mombora of tho Ilrldgo Club
woro given n ploasnnt surprise by
Mm. V, F. Bmlth, whon thoy gnthor-
rwl nf hor homo lrmt Friday ttftomooil.
Thoy found tho dining room boautl-
fully decorated, nuu tuo piaco nnu
score enrda boro little rod hntchota
omblomntlc of tho holiday tho pro
vloua day Washington's lllrthdny.
HofroBhmonta of English ton cakes,
tea nnd (loorgo Washington candy
hntchota woro aorvod. Thoro woro
flvo prlxoa for tho mooting, whloh
woro contributed by visiting ladles
who had boon ontortalnod by tho
Thoro will be n dnnco nt Llnster'a
Hall Baturday ovonlns.
ItATICB: Flvo conla n lino for
first Insertion In this column, four
cents a lino for each subsequent In
sorllon. Cash In ndvnnco unless
you have nn account with Tho Ilul
loilfi. Count nix words to tho lino,
Including tho nddross.
WANTED flood work
hnriiosM, wagon nnd other farm lm
plnmonla In oxehungo for Iota In
llend. Address L. B. Itloknrd, Uond,
Orogon, or Inqulro of W. J. Mo
(llllvray. r.lp
WANTKD Man nnd woman at
Pilot llutto ranch, woman to do oook
lug nud man to work on ranch. Sltf
IIOAHD Table boarders desired.
Inqulro Mrs. F. M. Hay. Sltf.
LUt your land wild un. IVn tfu
sell It If the prlco In right. It) nil A
For Uent.
FOIt HUNT Two atoro rooms,
modern plate glass front, Good lo
cation on Wall atroot. I'nqulro F.
O. Minor at P. O. 4-tf
FOIt HUNT Modern flvo-room
bungalow, just completed. Telo
phono K. P. Ilrostarhous. Cltf
Per Sale.
BW'i, aec. 31-10-10; also tho R
SWA. NUUNWVi nnd NE soc.
lC-10-10 and 100 acres ihi miles
west of llend. Glvo rno an offer. An
drew Orodnoa, Antolopo, Baskatcbo
wan, Canada. Cl-S2p
FOIt BALE Furniture, stoves
and kitchen utensils of n four-room
house; also n high grado piano, In
qulro nt llullctlu. Cltf '
FOIt BALE-Puro bred B, C. White
Leghorn eggs for hatching, IS for $1.
Mrs. O. C. Hcnklo, Deschutes Addi
tion, llend Ore. Cl-3
FOR BALE Hatching eggs from
Kcllcrstrnss Crystal White Orping
tons, $2.00 n setting. II. Spelscr,
Kcdmond, Oro. Cltf
FOIt BALK Puro bred Ilarrod
Hock eggs for setting; $1.60 for 13.
lonvo ordors at O'Donnoll'a tuarkot.
J. F. Pierce, Uond. Cltf
FOIt BALE Second hand buggy
nnd stnglo harness F. M. Hay. Cltf
FOR BALE Good Juniper posts.
Karl I). Houston, llend, Oro. 9
FOR BALE Good 3 wagon nnd
work harness. Boo Henklo & Ford.
FOR RENT New cabin, partly
furnished, $4 a month. W. U. Leah,
Ulk. 15, Centor Add. 8-0p
FOR BALE Chatham Fanning
Mill with 12 slovcs, prico $35. Ad
dress A-C, Ilullctln. Ctf
FOR BALE Now road cart,
slightly used. Apply nt laundry. C2
FOR SALE Good horse, wt 1400,
or will trade Deschutes Add. prop
erty for ono to match. Inquire
Ilullctln. CO-lp
FOR BALE Good milch cow; also
Oliver gang plow for aalo cheap or
for trade. R. E. Grimes, Pilot
llutto ranch, llend. COtf
For Salk Good baled ryo hay
at $10 a ton. B. C. Cady, Laldlaw,
Oro. 43tf
Fort Sale A bnrjmln In a good
typewriter. Royal Standard make,
a rood machine. Owner has two
machines, with uso for only ono,
henco tho low prico of $45 cash.
Inquire at Bulletin ofllcc. 32tf
FOR 8ALE Ilarrod Rock egga
for hatching. $1 for IS. E. W.
Richardson, R. F. D Uond. Stf
To Trade.
FOR TRADE Four-acro chicken
ranch (somo Improvements) adjoin
ing Hnsln. Wyo. Want homestead
near Uond. Address, U. F. Hognrd.
Contrnlln, Wash. C0-C2p
WILL TRADE Gander for gooso,
or will sell. P. II. Dencor, Doud .7tf
A new supply of legal blanka haa
been received by The Ilullrtiu. If
yon need anything In this line, call
at this ofllcc.
, A classified advertisement In Tho
Bulletin costs but little but brings re
sults. It you havo n houao to rent
or soil or want to buy, lot It bo known
by the uso of nn ad.
M. S. Lattin & Co.
Are Here for Spring.
The Hose That Need No Guarantee.
Ladies' ALL Silk at $1.00
Ladies' Silk Lisle at 50c
Ladies' "Comfit" Summer Weight Lisle at 25c, 35c
Children's Lisle Black or Tan at 25c
Children's Ribbed Leathcrstocking at 25c
Children's Ribbed, 1 5c, two Pr. 25c
If Better Hosiery Could be Bought than
the Black Cat, You Could Find Them at
Xyn ojX
and Pool
Fino and Populnr Lino ef
Silvis & Blackwell
Wall atreot, Bend, Oregon
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. H. Dencer enter
tained part of tho Commercial Club
Sunday. Thoso present woro
Messrs. Drown, Lara, Skuse and May.
Harry Smith of 8praguo, Wash.,
Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dencor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Hudson spont
Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Cole
Mr. nnd Mra. It. M. Elder nnd fam
ily are Suffering from sovere colds.
Thoro was a masquerade dance at
C V. Darto'a Saturday evening.
About fifty people wore present
Refreshments were sorved, consist
ing of sandwiches, cake nnd coffee.
Everyone reported having n most en-
joyablo time.
March 1, 1912, closos' another
yenr's business for tho Wenandy
Livery Co. After that dato we will
do a caah bualnesa. Wo nslc that all
accounU be settled by March 15. All
unpaid accounts will bo advertised
and sold nt public auction.
On Saturdny, March 2, at 1 p. m.
I will sell at public auction at the
Wenandy stable, four horses, two
sets of harness, two 3-ln wagons,
chains, etc Scth Dickey, llond,
Oro. CO-Blp
Innr & DavldAon'a shop Is the
bctt plane In town to pet your hair
cnt or a sliavc.
FOR SALE Clover nnd grain hay,
$13 s ton. P. J. Young, S mllea out
from Dend, Prlncvlll road. C0-lp
The First Natioial Baik
at Hem!, to the SUtc or Orrxoa. it the dote of
biuincM, Feb. lh fju.
Loa d dUcoanU .
Overdrafts, Kcuml sml unrcurwl...
U. S. Hood to Mcnrc circnllla
flood i, StairUin. Ktc. II
11 jaa M
runklnc bout, faraitar sod niturc m oa
Uvr from blilc and rrlrate Bnka and
Baakm, TraM Compaalc and Sa.
lur runka. 7.71 "
Due from Apprond Mnem Agnf..... (MM U
Cbctkt and otbrr Ch llemi ,., , J71 3
WoltaoriXhft Wallotjal Bank! , UM
Practkmal Paper Cutrcncx, Nlekela and
Lawful Uoatr KeaetTC In Bank. Tin
8pecie... S'oi 4
Lesaweaaer noiti jj w ii.yj
Redemption fund trltb U. 8. Treaaarcr
U per cent 01 artuiauoaj
..fui.TO ja
Capital atock paid la
Burolui fund...... ....
Undivided IT06U, leaa Kxpenaea ana
Taaea paid J J
National Uank NotnoutUadln U.vw 00
Individual depoaiu aanjrct lo cbeck.144.m fr
Demand Cerllicatrt of Depot. WT IS
TimeCertl&cateaorDeoowi IS.MJ
Catbier'atbeilu outuaudinf .-.... 144 V
-JA9 J
County of Crook,
I, C a. Hudaon. Cathlet or lh above named
bank, do aolcmnly swear that Ibe above stair
raenl U line U tbc beat of mr knowted(C and
belief. C 8. lll'DbOM. Cahier.
CosascT attksti . .
V. t Cos.
It. A. Hatuss.
U. C
Subscribed and sworn to before tnt this attb.
day of t'ebruarr. 191a.
LKWln O. alcRKYNOCDS. Notary rbUc
The Carvifl-Loofflis Construction Cf-
Oencral Contractors.
Central Bulldlnir Wnll and Ohio Sta,
SBb xaav.1.,. I
Pays Cash HOPE Sells for Cash f
m . , ijajkluw .lH&-t&t ,1.