Jl 1 JiCt JLJrjLJlrl i JL JL kj JLJLIZ3f 1 II ! d VOL. IX. BEND. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. FEU. 28, 1012. Npffil TE Thin ditto wnn fixed by n confureiict of representatives of tha l.nkovluw Cotiitmirrlnl Club, tlin Orucon Do valonmunt I.011KI10 mid thci Central OroKon Development U'skuo. I'lnns nro being formod to IiMiik 400 busi ness moti from Portland und othor parts of tlio state to Hem) by mil nurl tlionco to I.nkevlow by mitnmobllo, mtiirtitiiK via Meriforil. I'lnns urn belli Hindu to make the LnWIuw riioatliiK inoniornblo, KIMj Hlfl COt'OAU. ISrncst I.uthey and Hilly Hansen brought to trtwn last week the pelt of n big cougar whleh thoy killed In tho Paulina mountains southeast of SEWER PLAHS WILL BE MADE $1610 FIRE BIG CANAL Hcnd. Tho dcstructlvcness of this anlmnl to other wild creatures Is shown by tho fart that tbo carcasses of a number of deer which had re cently been killed wero found In tho cougar's trail. The hide was sold to Itoscoe Howard of Deschutes. COUNCIL LAYS IT ON TABLE SPOKESMAN NEWS PAPER PLANT BURNS FIRST ARTICLE ON PANAMA CHICAOO MAN TO DO THE WORK INCREASE IN BEND POSTAL ALLOWANCE 'REDMOND HAS MO S BUILDING 11 Action Will lie Taken t Meet I nil on Nest Tuesday NIkM Anollirr I'lr Minlt Ordinance U Or- ilrmt llrnnn by Attorney. At tlio special mrotliiK of tlio City Council lust iiIkIiI Mayor U. 0. Coo handed In hit realisation, which was n simple announcement that ho re sinned. Tlio routioll oetponcd not Iiir on tlio resignation until next Tuesday iiIkIiI when tlio rcKiilnr Mnroh meeting: will ho hold. Tlio rcslfrnnllon waa laid on tlio Inblo un III that Unto. A petition waa received asking; for tlio opening of Fifth street throueh l.ytlo nnd making It CO feet wide. Tlio mutter waa discussed and refer red to Chairman Hpcnrcr of tho coin initio on street work, who was In structed to confor with property own ers and Inform thorn that If they would agroe to dedicate a strip of property necessary for tho widening of tho street tho city would proceed to upon tha street aa provided In tho charter. Tho city engineer was ordered tJ inako a aurvoy from Wall street to Kir avenue alonK the lino of Nevada street and Orceuwood avenue and to give estimates of the cost of opening and grading Nevada street. Tho ordinance relating to tho use of high explosives In tho city was submitted by tho city attorney, but action on It was postponed, K. A. Halher waa given a permit to blast for his new building and Leon Kulks for blasting on lot 8, Idock 3. A bond of f 1000 waa required of each. A now sidewalk ordinance provid ing for tho laying of coniont or con crete walka In front of now build ings was ordered drafted. Flro Limits Ordinance. The fire limits question, which was .taken up by tho council last fall and one so far with aa to have an ordl- l.tliA lirmtinA t.n.1 rrtft.il thn ftraf llfnM rm .. .......v.. . . in ... .....v. Ptras again considered last nlghu It Sky atated that some of the bust- -lfis men who had opposod such an Ifirdlnanco at that tlino were In I favor of It now. Tho city attornoy Ifwaa Instructed to draw up such an ordinance. Henntor Iloiirne Krcurrs larger Aji- .proprlatlou Tor Clerk Hint If err, Kfltatlve on Mm ill I. I'ostmaator Minor was notified by n lottor from Washington Inst nleht that an luorcnscd nllownnco lind been granted the Hond tKistomce, effective Mnroh 1. Tho npprofTrln tlon Is for clerk hire. Tlio muttor wns taken up with Konutor Iloiirne by I'ostmaster Minor and Tho llullutln. nnd In reply Mr. Ilournu wroto Hit postmaster ns follows: "Upon receipt of your letter of February 12th I took up with tho 1'ostofflco Department tho iiivstlon of Increased allowance for clerk biro for your poxtoftlco nnd am now In ro celpt of a letter from tho First As sistant Postmaster General advising mo that an order has been Issued In creasing your nllownnco for sepa rating clerk biro from $180 to $330 a year, offecllvo March 1, 1912. This Is In addition to allowance of $300 a year for regular clerk biro and commissions on money orders. An Investigation by a postofflco In spector will also bo requested to ascertain whether tho unusual con ditions existing at your oftlco en tltlo you to au additional allowanco for clerk hlro. 1 trust this will be satisfactory. "I recelvod a communication from Mr. Hoffman of Tho llend Hulletln requesting Increased appropriation for postomco clerk hire, and am send ing him a copy of this letter for his Information." Ifnrilunrc Grocery mid linker? and Heroin! Ilntiil Hlort'N Destroyed AIm Lump Tipped Over HctH 'mi of TuriK'iitliK In Htore. SALARIES ARE FIXED lie MEET IN AUGUST Date Met for Development League Men to flalher. Tho next mooting of the Contral (Oregon Development League will be livid at I.akovlow August 30-23. Hrliool Hoard Decide on Amounts It Will Fay Next Year. At a meeting of tho school board yesterdsy, tho matter of election of teachers for tho year 1912-13 was takon up and discussed, Tho follow ing salaries woro fixed upon for tho year, any deviation depending upon tho tenure of position and efficiency: Primary, $76; grades 3- to 7, Inclu sive, $70; Sth grade, $80; assistants In High School, $76 to $90. Klectlon will tako place on March 14. All teachers desiring ro-clecllon should fllo application with tho clerk aa soon aa possible as tho list will bo gone over and tho principal asked to make roconiuioudatlons. No appli cation will bo considered unless ac companied by credentials showing applicant to bo a qualified teacher In Crook county. Prof. Shouio was requested to re apply for tho position ho now holds. Tho newspuper plant of the Hod iiioik) HMikesmnu, n hnrdwnru store, grocery and hukory and second hnnd storo were destroyed by flro In Red mond Monday night. Tha total loss Is $10,000, with liiHtirnueo of $9,000 en tried. The flro started about 10 o'clock In Mnher's hnrdwaro storo. A lamp wns tipped over and exploded, setting flro to n can of turpentine. Tho flro fighters were unable to cojkj with tho flnmes, and In nn hour and a half tho four business places hnd been wiped out It was with much hard work that tho Oregon Hotel, on tho same sldo of the street, and tho Hotel Hod mond, across tho street, were saved from destruction. Iloth were dam aged to tho extent of about $600, as were other building near by to a less decree. Tho heaviest losers are It. II. and C. I- Palmer, owners of tho Spokes man plant. Their entlro outfit was destroyed, tha total loss being SCG00. insurance ammountlng to $3200 was carried, With tho addition of now machin ery the past few months, the Spokes man was a well equipped newspapor shop, A Junior linotype machine was Installed less than two months ago. Editor Palmer atated to Tbo Hulletln over tho tolepbono yesterday thnl they would at onco purchaso a now plant nnd continue to publish tho SKkesman. Ho said that a Model 10 linotype like Tbo UulleUn'a would lie bought. The Spokesman will tuo tho press of tho Hub .until Its now plsnt Is received, having part of Ita type est by Tho Hulletln. Tho other buildings destroyed were: llardwaro atoro of K. Manor, Hobb'a Cash Grocery and bakery nnd n second hand atoro. TO ELECT MANAGER HUtory of This Mammoth Uiidrrtnk- liiK French Company Foils anil Hells out to the United Mutes (lovriniiirut For Illc Hum. Why Endorse It? ''Why In It," Baku a younjr man, "that thoy ! way want you to endorse a check nt Uio bank!" The reason is simple. Tho endorsement is your re ceipt for tho money. A check (a on order on the bank to pay some particular person a certain amount of money, Tho person mnklnjr the check wants to know that his wishes nro fulfilled that the person I ho gives tho check to gets his money. It is much , v 'simpler! easier, and safer; to leavo the money in Uio bank and then pay your bills by check. On account of tho endorsement as abovo explained there is a - - complote record of each transaction. "Please sco thatall checks and drafts arecndor8ed.M " V Important Meeting of Cotumerrjal (lull Tomorrow Night. A special meeting of tbo Commer cial Club haa been callod for Thurs day, Feb. 29, at 8 p. in. Tha principal object of the meet ing Is to discuss and decide tho ques tion of employing a now manager to fill tho vnenncy caused by the resig nation of J. !:. Sawhlll. This Is a matter of vital lniortauco to every one Interested In Hotid'e wolfaro and all aro urged to attend, whether club merobera or not. lly rjKOIMK PAI.MKIt PUTNAM. As the Pan a in n Cannl will do more for the Pacific Coast states than for any other territory, It la natural that the people of the Coast should bo particularly Interested In Its pro gress. Tho series of brief article? concerning tho Canal, of which thl la tho first, will attempt to give a plcturo of tha canal construction operations as thoy aro today, and to forecast what tho results of tho open Ing or tbo big ditch will bo, especially as far as Oregon Is concerned. History, of the Canal. Tho Idea of a canal across the Isthmus of Pnnama, or Darlcn, aa It waa called originally, dates back practically 400 years. Indeed, next year, 1913, when the canal will be completed, will bo juat 400 years aftor tho date when tho first white man crossed tho Isthmus. In 1613, Ilalboa. a Spanish ex plorer, or "conquistador," as they woro called, discovered tho Pacific, seeing It for tho first tlmo from tho top of n hill probably about 100 mites south of the present canal. A year later his slaves transported three vessels across tho Isthmus on their backs, piece by piece, and set then up again In the waters of the Pacific. That waa tbo first tlmo a ship ever crossed the American continent. Next year hundreds will tako a simi lar Journey, only they will pass through tho canal Instead of being 1)0 mo on tho backs of Indian alaves and Spanish adventurers. After Ilalboa had opened the way, the Spaniards made a highway of the Isthmus. All the treasures of Peru and the west coast of South Africa were carried across the narrow atrip of land on their way to 8paln. Tho country was horribly unhealthy, and the trip across became more and mora difficult as tho traffic Increased. During thla tlmo, and up to the ad vent of tho French company that actually began digging a ditch, there woro canal schemes galore. Finally, In tho late seventies, one of these schemes camo to a head, and a French company, headed by Ferdi nand Do Lessups, who hsd directed tho construction of tho Sues Canal, took hold. French Company Falls. After several years of work on the Isthmus, tho Frenchmen got deeper and deeper Into difficulties. The engineering problems proved far greater than waa at first estimated; tho sanitary conditions were heart breaking, and yellow fever and othor diseases played havoc In tho ranks HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURIST TRAVEL llend Will bo Center for Many Hide Trips of Interest tills Hummer. ' Autos to Handle Passengers During tho coming summer Bond will bo mado the headquarters for a largo tourist travel to points of in- torest In Central Oregon. An auto company, known as tho llend Tourist Auto & Htago Co., with K. It. Post as agent, haa been formed to handle tho travel. Five cars will be operated to points south of here and to all the (daces of Interest that can be reached from here. These Include Crater, Odell and Paulina lakes, Crane City Council Accepts the Proposal of It. K. Kooh for Knglneering Berrl. crnjvr Itrnd's Propovd Hew er HrMroi To lve Coit. Ily unanimous vote, the City Coun cil lost night accepted tho proposal of It. E. Koon, of the engineering Arm of J. II. nnd It. E. Koon, of Chi cago, covering the engineering ser vices required for tho design and con struction of the proposed sewcrago etc.. Spcclsl attention will be paid ) tbo company to carry passengers to Ijiko and Klamath countr towas. cars being operated to La Pine, Cres cent, Fort Klamath. Klamath Falls, Sliver Lake. Summer Lako, Paisley, Lakcvlew and other places. In order to reach tho Christmas Lalco and Peter Sink countries In Lako county districts that arc al ready settled up and Improved a new route will be opened. This will bo by way of Pine Mountain. Tho Ocnd-Duras road will bo followed nearly to the 21 mllepost, and then an old road running around and south of Pine Mountain, which will be put In shape for auto travel. Thla road will go to Cliff, opening up and mak ing tributary to Uend a large and fertile territory. Cars will be put in dally operation aa soon aa the roads are put in good condition. system fnr flnnl. Pralrlo, Spring Itlver, tho fish traps, Mr. Koon, who has been hero Tumalo Falls, tho Ice and other caves . several days looking over tho situa tion, will give his personal attention to tho work. He will draw, prelimi nary plans, make estimates of tho cost of tho system and report in do tall on tho project. Final plans and specifications will also be made, and Mr. Koon will adviso and assist tho city in awarding contracts, and dur ing the construction ho will person ally supervise the same. Tho city reserves tho privilege to appoint & consulting engineer to go over and criticize the work of Mr. Koon before It is accepted by the city and paid for. Payment 4 Ter Cent or Co-it. Regarding payment for services, the agreement reads: "I agree to accept a sum equal to i per cent of the cost of the work aa evidenced, by tho contractor's bid or tho coat as determined upon comple tion or the work, of hleh amount a aum equal to 1 ver cent of the esti mated cost of the completed system will be paid to me upon the cotunlo- tion of the final plans and specifica tions. The remaining 3 per cent of the cost to be reckoned on the work as it la constructed and paid for In aa many monthly Installments aa tho contractor la given tlmo In which to complete the work." Mr. Koon atated to tho council last night that he would begin Work: aa soon aa his Instruments could bo received from Chicago, and would carry through tho work as rapidly aa possible. (continued on last page) RACK FROM PANAMA Mr. and Mrs. I'utnam Arrive After ' Central American Trip. 8unday night Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Putnam arrived In Uend and imme diately moved Into their new house In Park Addition, near tbo Lara residence The Putnams came to San Fran cisco by tho water route from New York, via Panama, on the way visit ing in Central American republics as well as tho Panama Canal, Mr. Put nam doing correspondence work upon this territory for The Portland Oregonlan and other papers. Owing to accidents they were detained In Guatemala and so did not reach here until over a month later than they had expected. a waiting room for women, one for AGIUCULTUIUMT IH COMING. men and a baa-race room, besides tho C. L. Smith, agriculturist of the office In which are located the ttcket O.-W. It. &. N. la expected In Uend on and express agents and the telegraph Friday to apend a week conferring operators. Tho move from tha with tho farmers of thla community, temporary quarters was made Satur- IX XIIW DEPOT XOW. The local railway officials are now comfortably located In the now atom passenger depot. This Is a Una building and one of which the peoplo of llend aro Justly proud. There la Ho will study the farming conditions and may bo secured to deliver an address before he leaves. day, and the first ticket sold In tho new building was to It. J. Hauslcy to ColumbuB, Xeb. Ihe First National Bank OF IEND, BEND, OREGON Dr. U. O. CO! . Prstld.nl C. A. BATHIR. Vie. Pr.lld.nl O. S. HUOBON. CthUr Caalial fulhr paid ... sas.000 SliKkhold.rV liability . . SJSS.OOO Surpiu .... . aa.009 - V The Deschutes Bunking & Trust Company of Bend. Oregon "&HMrvflt!ve Bwkinf for CommvUv0 PsoptoJ L. B. BAIRD, (President) , J. W. MASTUR8,'(VlcePrcsIdcut) 1. O. MltfOR, (SecreYsry) Dir across': viiimiMsr A.wrs -jvv myiUWAKJ!. jfUK ALL,. at marvelously little prices. Our atopic is very large and complete. Shovels, Coal Scuttles, Hoes, Rakes, Shears, and everything in the line of Hardware for the Me chanic or Housekeeper. Ako Full Liiw ol ftuikrtrs' Sj, SmIi, Doors, Class, etc. N. P. Smith i i Wall Street IF YOU WERE TO HEAR that your home had been destroyed by fire or sacked by burglars, what would your loss be in the way of direct cash? Hidden money is an incentive, a stimulus, to robbery. Count- less newspaper stories tell of life-savings lost through fire. You work too hard ior what you earn, to risk loss. Your money will always be atjyour fingertips when you want it, in this bank and all risk of loss will be eliminated. WE S0UCIT YOUR PATRONA0E SMALL ACCOUNTS WHX RECEIVE OUR CORMAL ATTENTWN -KFBUTNATKHirU, BANK OF IEND DIRECTORS: U, C COM . A. SATHaa c. S. HUDSON O. II. PATTERSON St. C. XIX1S