The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 21, 1912, Image 8

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by ths Colors,
In old sea stories one occasionally
romca upon the term admiral of the
blue, rod or white. In byROUQ days tho
color of nn admiral's (lap proclaimed
his rank. Now It denotes hla seniority.
Uencc It comra nbout that nu admiral
must carry three personal Sag In bis
There are three jrradea of admiral
idmlral, vice ndmlml and rear adml
rat At one time commodore made n
kind of half admiral, but that urnJo
baa now been abolished.
The route of an admiral la made plain
to all seafaring persons by the nuiu
tier of stars on the flag hoisted at hla
foremast head. Thus four stars show
nn admiral, three a vice admiral and
two a rear admiral. This Is alinplo
enough, but the harassing question
arose. What If two admirals, two vlco
tdmlrals or two rear admirals should
happen to sail Into port, each with a
squadron What, Indeed. If three ad
ulrals, and so forth, should appear on
tho samo scene? How could any ono
distinguish between thorn? Some In
nocent governor or mayor returning a
visit of courtesy might call upon the
Junior first, and that would be a bad
To obviate such a mhchanco It Is
now tho custom for odmlraN to mark
their seniority by tho color of their
flags. Thus If three rear admirals
happen into a port tho senior tiles n
btuo flag with two stars, tho second a
red flag with two stars and the Junior
a whlto flag with the same constella
tion. If the senior should leave port
first the second promptly hoists his
blno flag and the Junior the red. Then
ir ine second admiral steamed away
the Junior would hoist the bluo flag for
all the personal satisfaction tbcro was
In It.
But hero a serious question comes
up. Suppose In the meantime n fourth
rear admiral appeared on the scene.
Then, as a naral authority explain,
the situation for the rcspectlTe flag
lieutenants would become complicated.
There would be two rear admirals of
tho white, ono senior to tho other, yet,
so far as naval etiquette goes. Indis
tinguishable In a flag sense even to an
ablo sea man.
Of course this Is not very likely to
happen except where the fleets of sot
eral nations gather. Then there woutd
be a tremendous scramble to hunt up
dates of promotion, becauso the flag
lieutenant who carried his admiral off
to call upon a Junior would thereafter
bo an unhappy flag lieutenant.
Youth's Companion.
I School I Notes f
Miss Mnudo Vnmlovort, teacher of
tho Bovonth nud eighth grades of tho
Uend school, haa tendered her resig
nation, ottectlro March 1, which has
boon accepted by tho school board
In her letter of resignation Miss
Vnmlovort sns:
"I havo endeavored to carry on
this work to tho best of my ability
during tho Inst tlvo months and am
thoroughly convinced that I cannot
do Justice to both of theso grades
according to tho Oregon course of
"I bollovo I real Ixo. moro than
mnouo clso hero what is required of
pupils of tho eighth grado boforo
they can pass tho state examination
and enter high school, and I nm sure
I cannot accomplish this work and
tho Bovonth grado work too. Al
though I havo cnrrlod on this work
with n degree of success for threo
years previous, I cannot do so now
with tho Increaso of pupils and the
Increased work added by tho new
courso of study."
A successor to Miss Vnndovort haa
not yet been elected by tho board.
Directors Ovorturf and McKay, who
ar In Portland this week, will prol
ably secure someone there.
Ollvcttn Montgomery, a child from
Shnnlko, has eutcrod tho first grado.
Tho Senior class has sent for clnss
rings. They aro expected in about
two weeks.
lluuio Fmora Amendments Asked
lly FMicr.
WA8IUN0TON. I). 0. Aftor n
couferonco with Secretary Fisher and
other olllctnls of tho Interior Do
pnrtmout, tho House public lnnda
committee has practically agreed
mnterlnlly to amend tho Uorah-Joncs
thrt'O-ycnr homestead bill by Increas
ing tho length ot residence required
and diminishing tho tlmo during
which settlors mny ho nlisont each
year. Secretary Klsher Insists that
tho bill la nltogothor too liberal and
personally wanta to retain tho flvo
yonr torm na at present, but ho la
willing to concede that tho settlors
may bo absent during sited Hod win
ter months, though not for mora
than four or five months at tho
Ho also wanta Included In tho bill
aomo requirement na to tho speclllc
amount of cultivation required be
fore patent.
Tho Houso commlttco Is Inclined
to revlso tho bill to meet tho Secre
tary's views, and If this Is done tho
bill will bo reported substantially In
accord with tho views oxprcssod by
tho Secretary in hla annual report.
Tho lluuso Is likely to follow the
iccommendntlon ot tho committee,
thus thruwIuK the bill Into confer
ence, where a oompromlso may bo
reached. Tho Senate will not agreo
to a bill as rigid as that proposed by
Secretary Klsher.
Friday night tho I). II. S. club will
havo nn open meeting at tho school
house. Each member has tho privi
lege ot Inviting ono or two friends.
Blake's Invisible ModtL
William Dlake. the artist and poet.
Moved continually In a company of an
(els and patriarchs. J. F. KIsbet In
his lnsanlty of Genius" recalls the
atory of a friend of Cunningham who
cace called on Dlake and found blm
ittlng. pencil in hand, and drawing a
portrait with all the seeming anxiety
of a man who Is conscious of having a
fastidious sitter. He looked and drew,
and drew and looked, yet no living
muI was visible. "Disturb me not."
akl Itlake in a whisper. "I have some
one sitting to me." "Sitting to your
exclaimed the astouUbed visitor.
"Where Is he? I see no one." "Bat I
see him." answered Blake haughtily.
"There bo is. Ills name Is Lot. You
may resd of htm In the Scriptures. Ho
is sitting for bis portrait."
George Ij. Cnrr will Deliver Address
at Baptist Church Friday Night
George I Carr, fleld secretary of
tho Oregon prohibition movement.
will deliver an address at tho Baptist
church Friday evening.
Preceding tho lecture there will
lie an essay contest by pupils of the
Bend High School and grades for a
prlxo offered by tho Bend W. C. T. U.
Three High School students, Misses
Win Sa.nlord and Ruth Caldw-ll, and
Koy Mryard, havo entered, aa well
as a number from the grades. The
program will begin at 7;30 o ciock.
and the public la Invited to attend.
Ilond pen pi o missed their mall
from Portland last night, tho only
mall brought In by train being what
waa collected along tho Oregon
Trunk line. This was duo to the
fact that tho O. T. train did rot got
any further than Fallhrldgo )cstor
day, owing to a slldo nonr l.yle, Vn.,
which blocked tratltc on the North
Bank road. Depot Agent Corbott
says tho track will bo clear today and
that tho train should arrlvo tonight
on tlmo.
The beat of sen Ire makes lime K
Davldon' barber shop the most pop
ular one In Bend.
well broken, i to G
Mark Twain and ths Ministry.
Orion Clemens thought of the minis
try, an ambition which bis brother
Bam shared with blm for a time. Ev
ery mischievous boy has It. sooner or
later though not all for the same rea
sons. "It was the most earnest ambition
I ever had." Mark Twain once re
marked thoughtfully. "Not that I ever
really wanted to be a preacher, but be
cause It never occurred to me that a
preacher could be damned. It looked
like a safe Job."-Albert Blgelow
Pain in Harper's Msgaxtne.
We have close In acreage In a
high state of cultivation which wo
will sell lu one to ten aero tracts,
water right with every tract, tho
prices and terms right. Call at our
oHlce for further Information,
fiftf Ryan & McQltlvray.
Wo wish to annbunco that about
the first of March we will open a res
taurant and rooming houso on Bond
street, In the house known as "Star
Bakory." Our aim shall bo to servo
good wholesomo food at moderate
prices. The rooms will bo kept nice
looking, clean and orderly.
Six mules,
years old.
Two bay horses, i and 5 years old.
Two good aaddlo horses, 1160 lbs.
each; will work.
Ono mule, ono horse, each 3 years
old: will work together.
Two mules 2 years old, mules 1
yoar old, all well grown, perfectly
gontlo and easy to handle
Will sell for cash or trade for
cattle, fat hogs, sheep, grain, hay,
potatoes or real eatato.
Also havo 3 Al saddles, some
small plga and shoala for salo or
trade. Address, P. BURNS & CO.,
Redmond, Ore. 60-1
Llit your land with us.
sell It If the price U right.
We r;m
Ityan &
In tho County Court of the 8tnto of
Oregon for Crook County.
In the matter of the estato of Elsie
R. Riley, deceased.
Tho undersigned having been ap
pointed by tho County Court of the
State of Oregon for Crook County,
Administratrix of tho Estato of Elsie
R. Riley, deceased, notice Is hereby
given to the creditors of said Eatato
and all persons having claims against
said doceascd to present them, duly
verified a required by law, within
six months from the date of this
Notice to the undersigned at the
A Snap
On Business Property. BEST
Because their location is ASSURED.
These bargains consist of 19 lots across tho street from
the depot and on Greenwood and Fir Streets. Tlirfirst
flvo will bo sold at a greatly reduced price, for wo
want to sell them quickly. Wo also havo a few
Adjoining Bend which aro still unsold. Tboy havo a
perfect water right and water is delivered to each and
every fivo-acro tract SOLD ON EASY TERMS.
Do You Wish a Choice rVcsWcnco Lot? If so, call on us,
for we havo some of the best buys in that class of
property in tho city. Let us show you a big bargain.
If you are looking for an Irrigated Farm, you should
call and see our list. It costs nothing to Investigate and
we are sure you will agree with us that we have some
ot the Best buys to bo found in tho country.
Our nino years experience In this country gives us bet
ter advantage to secure for you the best location of a
320-acre homestead of any firm in tho county. Our
prices are right and the location b guaranteed.
Insurance. Stenographic and Notary Work a specialty.
Call on or write
Oregon Investment Co.
East side of Wall St.,
Between Oregon and Greenwood Sts., Bend, Ore.
Phone 1. P. O. Box 49. All communications promptly answered.
otnee of C. 8. Uenson, First National
Bank llulldlng, llend. Oregon
Dated February 21st. 1912.
Administratrix of tho Es
tato of Elsie It. Riley, do-60-1
. . . -
Old Wall 8trtt.
Wall street In the days when Wash
ington was the first president of the
Doited States, when Alexander Hamll.
ton and Aaron Burr were rivals at the
bar. was perhaps the most popular and
populous thoroughfare In New York.
It was so uamed because it followed
the line of the city's first defensive
stockade or "wall." and throughout Its
length were enacted many scenes that
are ns it of the nation's larger history.
Christian Herald.
Under New Management.
Is now in charge of II. J. Douglass, ns manager.
First Class Service and tho Comfort of Guests, is Our Motto.
FREE AUTO Between Hotel and Depot.
In tho County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Crook.
In tho matter of tho estato or
Henry C. llarnoy, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby islvon by tho un
derslKned, tho duly appointed, quali
fied and aollns administratrix of tho
- -
Didn't O.t Evt n tht Brick.
"Did that man band you a
"I should say not." answered the
amateur finam-ier. "He sold me an
interest in the jfoJd brick on credit and
took a mortjrape on that, together with
everything else owned. Then be
called the loan and foreclosed the
mortcace and took possession of the
gold brick, along with the rest"
Washington Star.
Ths Powsr of Dsauty.
"Brown's wife Is a beautiful woman,
Isn't slier
"She surely Is."
"If i had a wife as beautiful aa that
.she could buy me all the neckties she
.wanted to, and I'd wear 'em, by gum!"
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Bacon Did you ever notice bow long
a woman Is in coming to a point? Eg
bertWell, do you mean when she i
telling a story or sharpening a lead pen
cil 7 Yonkers Statesman.
Tt parent bequeath to tbelr chil
dren not riches, but the spirit of reverence-Plato's
We are not the Only Real
Estate Men in Bend.
Oh, no. There arc others, and all good fellows. But
we do claim to be the only Real Estate firm making a
specialty of reasonably
Close In Irrigated Lands
both improved and unimproved. Wo have land with
assured water rights at from $10.00 per acre up.
As o city property, wo have It in all parts of IJond,
from close to the depot to well, as far out as you
care to go, on prospective electric car linw. Special
bargains this week in Center Addition lots just east of
the depot in best residence district.
List your property with us. If you have a ranch to
sell anywhere in Crook County, we can sell it for you,
as we havo connections in Spokane, Portland and Se
attle, and aro in a position to get you quick returns,
Call and see us at our office on tho Postofllcc Corner.
No trouble to show our goods.
Ryan (SMcGillvray
Now Upen
for Business
on Wall street, next to
Triplctt building.
Goods nought and Sold
for Cash.
Good Mattresses "Made
In Bend" a Specialty,
J. E. Rainey
---- ---
.. --
For Sale
or Lease
t General Merchandise, 13000.
,V Alan IfntAl fitltt UVlAit Tlfim
and up to 400 acres of land,
at a Bargain!
Owner sick and must sell.
Fremont, Oregon.
estnto of Henry C Harney, deceased,
to tho creditors and all persons hav
ing claims against tho said deceased,
to present them aa duly verified aa
required by law within six months
aftor tho first publication of this no
tlco to the ssld administratrix at the
olllco of hnr attorney, Vernon A.
Forbes, In the First National Dank
llulldlng, Uend, Oregon, the same bo
Ing the place for tho transaction of
tho business of aald eatato In said
county and atate.
Dated this 21th day of January,
Administratrix of tho estate !
Ilonry C. Barney, doceascd. 4C-S(i
My Lady's
..ML . Bv .
m laXH,i.
' WaExZxiyK
If our wanns can't
your wsth by iprs&
r.seh you Mnd
Bend Steam Laundry.
Put Your Duds
In Our Suds"
nowadays or alio will not havo
It, For that reason wo aro
most particular in selecting
stocks of tho better grades of
papers, In tinted shades. You
got hero tho most refined look
ing stationery that you can buy
In tho stores and yet our prices
aro most reasonable Come
look over tho variety.
Patterson DrugCo
Why Business is Good.
1st The quality is the best.
2nd The quuntity is enough,
Ord The price is correct
nnd hundreds of satisfied costomcra nre having
their tables supplied from
Shiiey's Cash Grocery
Oneill Building Bend, Oregon
Your money back if not satisfied,
- --