The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 21, 1912, Image 7

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    y4 i
Information foNr the Honicseeker
Population. 1200 (oatlniatotl.)
.U)0dtlon, on tliu Haacliiiloa rlvoi'.
lii tnllM aoulli of (In) Coliiinlilii
t Ivor.
I'hNt rvKttlMt- railway train sortico
liimuiiiiraUMl Jfnv. 1, lull.
AvftfM annual iriMl)llutliiti, in
I Until! Wimiiarnluri otr weoiilHil
tnl ilainmt.
Uni tsniiHirHtiii'e vsr rteonlml
10 ilaftrwmi Iwlnw xerur
Annual moan tampanitiire, 1 I
AYnrnao of 3J0 ilnya luir annum
with aiiiialilna.
Kluvalluii, 3410 fact (NurarninaiU
h-aconl. )
Climate dry mul lnwltliful tha
b-imr roil ml.
llautl I ib tarniiiius or tn or.
bum Trunk lint of tha Hill miliar
tiytQjll ah.ll (if t!lH-l)HIHI(tM lllBlirtl
if tint llarrlman arattim. It I lh
MlatrlioitluK iMiltit mid rajMway station
lor a lame mitiilmr or (ind In
k'rook. Uhtf, Klamath ami Harawr
Daily tin mi Hum frm llnttil dl
ftjllvar lak ami IiihiwmIIn4 uhs?
hi I'iiwpII Hint, ami in UMIa.
Auio inr t ! nml aum
t nek froiahi rnrrjlHa ltn to Mania
anl Intarmedlat point.
Ilural frM ilallvery r Mttlcra
Ihlua oh Hrla.itl lamia wut of
Tlia fiillowlHK am n fw ail rati
taa Ikwil haa m nn
UOOll JfllUtwl Hlllt IllKll MlllHll.
I'hIiIIp library anil imuhihiii.
Kit trie llftfau anil iwsr. ilar and
('Mr wa(r ajratam.
Two mmmI ImhHu.
Knur chwruli organisation
JtMboiltat. Itaatlat. I'rwatijrtarlan.
Mix secret ami frntnm rilwm.
Ilowr will.
Tkre sawmill.
(nNnnwr (hiilliljiiar)
l factory hhiI enlil Ura plant
Oootl Hwtal.
Motto pammimr VUMt.
Ilia! ftlht wUrtlmrftw In Op-
trnl Oregon.
Ilanttaorae atona ItHllillHw ilwluil-
na fle.000 bank ami oM building
on wnlfh work atari Marrh I I
Had la lb lira' Mini Hill au-l
llarrimsn rallry m a I ton Mnnb of
!h COlnniMa liver wliffh laiiat4
UriHily on I ha DMarhutna rlvr.
IiiIjiIihI l'niniln.
lfml U In tli main .(ktttral Or-
ion IrriaaMoii Wit. tlin aiirtnuiKllna
.t.-u ir Im iiik watarod ! tin-ouuU
(if tho Ontral Oregon Irrigation (to.
ami tli" AimuIiI Irrigation nyntiiiii.
I!iiliiirnvil liiinl wltli water rlxlit
wills at prlroa rniiiilitK from flft to
IRO an ncro; linprrtVcil Ininl. from
$50 mi lino ii. Tli principal
mop rnlauil on tlila InliatiHl land
in h olnvnr, nlfnlfn, nnla, wlinat. r
ilim tinck, kiiihII frnlin anrli mm cur
iHiitK. i-RBliiirrlwi, KtHHwlfnri'lw. otc.
anil all UIiiiIh of DmiC cm pa, rtilef nf
willed In iKitnloo
Tliu wniHiry la M"l for ilalryltm
anil Iiok ralalHK, ihhIi ot whlth in
(tiiktrliM arn tl In tlt lr Infancy.
TU yield nf Dhtlar rat frowl ilia
tirnumm nil tliat) lrilll laniln la
IiIkIi. nml pflUirnso la ihumIUIh f rum
nIx lo Hint) moiitliH lit tlin 7mr. A
aiwunmij' will lit In jwratUjn lni
llila Kiiiiiuisr, paying g) jirlow for
(fairy nrnilimia.
llpRi a;n nimtHf-r iylc rilaur
Hapwlnf mi In rAiniotlin wltli
ilnliylna. I'miltry do well Intra alao
anil In Ink a ngifHelilu rain in.
Uiy I'ltinilnit.
A Idraa lry farinlflK ftrtllnry lli
trlliuiary to IUml, with ilionxanita of
ariaft u( Rood Kuvanimont la ml wUlfia
can Ik) iHimaalPattal. A fflaa ran
tti I lid or ail) aaraa iinrtar tlin
moniartail lwa ami alwi ICO arret
umlr th ilnavft Innil lawa Ilia
wtfa may a I mi tnka a ilonKrt claim,
artil nnmariktU woman can laka bnlJl
hnmn(Hai ami ilaar( rlnlma I'atnnt
to lfiOniera boniMaail nan Im nit
talnwl hy eoMtlnuuua raal(liir of 1 4
inontha tlifort. anil tlio inaVlna or
Imptuvaiiiimta S hn undi romniH
tathMi proof la inatlu th tlaluwiit
pajit tha H'Vmmnt tl,2. an arra.
I'lva ymtra rnalilxniw la rntnlril on
tiuul laUtui mnlpr tho S2U-NrH iv
laigl MiHitwtHail art, eimmiitatliH
WH IwIiik Hllowtnl. rillnaa im w
vi n want ImhU mar Im hiailo U-n !
fwtM lha UnltNl Utatea Conuulilonr.
Tha flllUK fa aV $14 for l-arra
alalma ami lit for Sift arraa. Tho
UMHal fen fur location n Ki,rnmnt
land la 1180. Nanmi of noraona
itnlHR n Iwntkin IhinIhhmi utuy lx clc
talnwl by rwfiwnrw to tho ailvttrlln
Im aelnmna of Ibla iix'r Saw
aulaamwtH arw iIovoIihMU ra4lly In
MllltcuH, , WMUkHT tmd Hamilton
valloya. annthaaat of IViad on th
hhUi road to llnma. liotcrnmant
land la mut rapidly ni-d on and
will jan all i tasa
. CvMiiiu- iiii Tiiitliai-. ' r j
i v "
!lttd la attualad In tb yrtl.iw pint
IkU. thai UalliK 20,000. von la of
1 1 m Mr trthutar)' to thla town. It la
piUmatisl. Tim DmialMila rlvur
fumlahtHi oxcrllrnt mill klta and
loMtHK ihjiiJ. I.uinifwr ratalla
Inrnlb nt from $10 to $r0 n thotia
Hfii(liila of lloiid nhd tlin aiir
roiimliMK rojintrv. dnrltiK llmlr
lolanro tlnic. find ixpell'ii ifri'titlon
III )i ti nt I ii k and IIhIiIiir Tho Daa
fliiitiHi river la wull aiopkod with
trout, mid tlin foroata arn tlin hoinna
nf lionr, duor, IkiIichU and many
Ollmr wild niilnmln,
IIIIiioIn Knini.'iN Will Tick WcMiWird
TIiIn HjiiIiix,
WT. I'Al'l., Ulliin. I'ab. 17l)ftlly
reiHirta. raralvad from tho Oraifijn
Moiitana land allow on w!imIh, wIiIrIi
la iitdriK nppialwd ly ilia fJrwal Xor
tliru IUwr;tlirnuah llllmila, Iiavo
Imhiii vnry favoralde i. C M'dy,
ijuiminl liiitiilKratlnii hrwiiI of the
Ortkt .VDrllil'ni Hallway, thlnka that
In ajilte of the groat xh of opor
Btlnjt gild mMlutalnlng tho OrHfn
MnirtartA aililNltlon car, Hih reaiilta
Mill Ih aatMNtaklng ' I laa tlidaa
Mmclwalona," aald Mr l.aedy. "on
tko dally conriilonlUl iHHirta roc6v-
d from tliu JnimlKiallon agnta on
uitf nar. in ajnin oi m coin wmunur
the fuel that tlitoH fariiuira of the
inltl-wfwl ealfie nillna and inlloa In tho
moat dlaagraaldo aort of wHtllr.
iliewn that 0i4' ar vitally Inlnroatixl
"Cor example, the car wna Ih 1'inirla
llllnnla. January 1. SO. tt and ti.
VV had Advattlaml thla In adrmioa.
and tho four daa' May at thla imiIhi
I mko all provlona rvcorda. Novor
In thit hlatory of thla car waa It ao
ovarnin w'lb Kt-nuliia aeekera of In
formailon a Wan th catt at thin
point. Wp wir oldlgfd to hold
mmi 1 1 luctitnw In tha rar In ordar to
talk to all tha pwopl who worn Intor
nrtcd Wo found a iimihImm- w)h
eontomplato tiloa lo Omwoii In tlm
near fit tar. A nniuoar ar koIiiic lo
I'nrllMHdi OrtHtoii. ami to the fnrtllw
Wljlaniatttv Vallay Othora wore
HlorA lntrataM Ih iha fita lamia In
I'onlml Orvajon. 1 tmliavo thoio will
lie a Kreat nuinhor of Hmplo KdtiR
from I'aorla lo Oregon and Montana
IHilnta till attrtnK
At Warw, llllnola. the wonthor
waa ao cold that the creat MnwlMlppI
Xi9t waa- eompltely (rototi ovr.
and people from thre atatoa. llll
nola, low and Mlaaourl. came aeroaa
tho rlvar and vlalied tho Oroxon
Montana ear
grallon agent with the ear eatlinatoa
that S.vod pronto cam to tho lot--tnroa
In tha ear?ilj two daya. The
iitniapanaei, H m whm! iniidlelly
m&XM" J$ aamol Intatoatod In
alalott. e4erfdlatrlet In Oregon and
At Mhane. the had a large nl-
taudance and hoineneekfra from tlila
point will go to the free landa Ini
Montana and Central Oregii - j
Ilcnd ('oiniiicrclnl Clnli Mnnnrr
.Miili cm Hnpoii nit fn I'liie Work.
Manager Hnwhill of tha Cominor
olal (Muli apnt Tuoadny mid Wod
iioaday of laat wouk In li Pino ao-
miring data on which to haao a rflport
nt tho Irrigation con groan In Port
land, of what la IivIiik dono In dovol
(ipliiK the Daachutoa Land Co. 'a
Caroy not project thoro Mr. Hw
lilll dinted to Tho llulletln that tho
work wna ImlnB cnrrled on In fine
ahape; that tha canala ara heltiff eo.i
atrnetad with tnueh proKreaa, and
that by the coming aumtnor tlioy
would ho com pi a tail to l,n Pine.
"I found that Mr. Morion hit dono
all tho woik which ho haa told Oov
ornor Woat and tho Land Hoard he
waa doing. I wua aurprlaed, nftnr
having road tho Hal am illapatchea
about thla project, to note that devel
opment woik waa belug carried
through aa rapidly aa It la."
W. II Coble of the Central Oregon
llrokarago Co. aceomoanlod Mr. Kaw
hill on the trip. Ho aald that there
la much Imlldliig goltu; on nt La
I'lne ami that tho town looka pro
peroua. "I wna wall Improaaed
with U I'llio on thla. my tlrat. vlilt
tbare. I aaw a niimbor of new build
laga under way, and the atdewalka
I think they inujl ho 12 feel wldo
that have boon laid would bo a credit
to a town much larger than La Pine
Volfiliitf lint tlin licit of Workman
alilp Ou.iraute!.
Oooda all Wool Quality Propor
fttyle and Kit n Certainty
All klnda of dry cleaning, preaalng.
repairing and altonUkma. Kindly
glvo ua a eajl and got convinced.
IM(ICI) K. HICK. Tailor.
You villi find that one (on of
ronl nil! K've jon mote lini limn
three (oiiU of hihmI. I'lguni tho
crinoiiiy. The Otertllrf-HatHMil-ler
Uft if gjf Ta-AajfjElaj -H
Why pet tip In the nlplit to till tin
lovti? Hunk It with oh! nt nlgM.
nml you need not fear tlinl (he pipe
(till freeze,
Thtt fiillowlmc ntetn havu been
uainel aa the Crook eonnty Taft ThcBEbTuII-rOUnu rumily i
rwmmlttee: Hubert Smith, J. F. 0 . ., . t. i.
Mkellon, Charbw Caiaon, Arthur ocwui 4'iui.iiiiiv. vnai wn .iv-
Teinidoton. W. II. Chapman. 8ltera; produced. Made ill ljOtll'RO
J. II. Mf.t. Andrew Morrow, Hay LAnV VffiDATftD.ii.W
Cieek; Jatnea Wood. Han Crowloy. i TARY & VIBRATOR Styles.
j. itiiey. Aah wood; William p. Van- The rotary makes both
devert, II. J. Ovorlurf, Vornon A. ,'. . , ,,
I'oH.ea. Ileud; l)i. Hainsoy, J. A. LOCK and Cnam stitcll. 1 He
"; Metollua; W. P. Meyera, ' j t t t U n,inute steel
(inorgc Itmlman, Culver; Carl Hhrot, "v,-0, I
William Van Allen, Hodmnnd: Alox nttacllinetlts Wltli Wlt'll Hill-
ia a doty you om iHjf
futility, Menda arW ymoS
Wo bnve a curflfutry
lectwl line of tuaty unl
ui-toKlato moantf tt
chooco from.
With nttr now eglrffhX and
oiiufiwnciit thr' rto day
too jgrk or hour too late.
STEP IK ami tmtke an
the Best
who liowg to our superior Flour.
Smith. Vanorn: C. W. Starr. Cnarlea , . nld nn irsv nnvmenLs
ONell. Howard; Joe Wolgau. J. ll.,CJ,,nc- OOIU Oil tftSJ pujincnuv
Thomna. Imouta; Ceorge Onhoru,
Jom Wlndom. Culver; William lllalr,
William Farrell. Young; A. A. Aya,
U Pine. Otto (Iray, J. Poat. Poat.
TIia luil aiitl fnnl iitk.ln ila a irt.ti
Our aaalatant Imnfl- k,c (,ie oomy , (be blueprint M.ip
which Tho llulletln haa for aale. It
allows all the new roada and towna.
Send name and address for
our beautiful H. T. catalogue
White Sewing Machine Co.
14G0 Market Street
San Francisco, California.
Cm flUA H V II W H u 4.
to Our Old Subscribers and their Friends
The year 1 9 1 2 is to be the most important year
in Central Oregon history. Also, besides great
activities in the Northwest, a President of the
United States is to be elected. Keep up with
the news of Bend, Oregon and the World by
taking advantage of one of our special offers.
The Daily nml Sunday. Oregonian, 12 nipnUs .
The ltoiul Bulletin, la months, 1.SQ
ToJbLv .(,.., $9.50
Doth may be obtained by any one for'iWimited time only for J O
SH.OO which is the subscription price of tliu OraRoniun ajone. M
To those not desiring to take the., big Sujuhty editipivi otliq Ore-'
goniiin, we have this oiler to make;
The Daily Oregonian, 12 months, ', 1 '. . T.'Vi. j 9.00
Tlio Uend 'Bulletin, 12 months, . . .....-.'. v " 1,fi0
Total . . .:. ..:... $7.50
Both may be obtained by any one for u HmitetUtime onlv ir tf
Jjto.OO which is the subscription price of the Oregonian alone. Vu
In other words, you are receiving the Oregonian and The Bulletin
for the price of the Oregonian. Don't fail to tak6 advantage of this
special oiler. Send remittance today to
The Bend Bulletin
Bend, Oregon.
Low Rates West
Dally, Alarch 1st to April ISth, to
N t, yS
v t t5Sk
! 6-
Chicago ... X.m
Cincinnati 37.30
Milwaukee 31.50
St. Louis 32.00
Now York 60.00
Detroit 8S.00
St I'aul . .?K
Kanaas Citj i.00
Omaha 2o.00
DeaMoinw , .... 27.85
Imliattanolig. .... S6.
Denver .... 25.UO
Tell your frionda In the East of thla opportunity of moinp
Wont nt low nitoa. Direct train servico via Uurlinirtonl Koute,
Northern Pacific, Croat Northern, "North Bank" and Orejjon
Trunk Rallvvnya. You can deposit funds .yith mo nd weat-bound
tickets will be furnished people in Uiu Eaat. Details on request.
V. G. COMAN, Ocn'l. FrclRltt cc Pass. ARt , Portland, Ore.
J. ti. CORBETT, ARt., Uend, Ore.
She knows It Is lmlf , the battle
in baking", to got n good, re
liable Flour that nlmoet insures1
good bread of uniform rmalhjr'.
All cooks recognise thteae th
best brand for both bread arid
pastry. We wish yo.u would
try it once, and vJ know you
will never ask for any othtjr
brand. And ' it is not hff-jj
priced eithor. i
Bend Alilling & Ware
house Co. ".'
- Ortgoti
The United Warehouse Company,
HAS secured the contract to
handle all the freight'of the
Oregon Trunk and Deschutes
Railroads nt Bend. The Moody
system at Shaniko will be em
ployed, and merehajitsXof Bend.,
and interior towns willjget their'
shipments without inconven
ience. Hnve your freight con
signed in care of
The United Warehouse
W. H. BENTIXY, Managcrl
vrh,.011: nuV
"rau?i3as?s-jHrr--..i.--. -: "-"-
First Class Work
of all kinds
done promptly. .
Wall street. Bend. Ore.
Roofing of nil kinds. Repairing
prou.ptly done.
Furnace Contractor
(lUttoring. Spouthig.
Comicos and Skylights.
T-. , ..
and Flue Building:
Rend. Oregon
i r
tral iunrU ml cvMrrbrbti wWwurtl r
frL HntJ luutUL irt4-K4 (U- lUtoliM Whl a
KnpiH rr PRES SZARCH. ui4 rnt
on ii4lriUUUtv IUuK r 'crriu .
j4, iMrrvUkiiU)wir "ttltoUtviit
PATt'T LAVvvrns.
03 ScvenCtt ZU Washlnflton, 0. p.