II u 7 '" i ' i ( In it f : I i 1 .11 I nil ( :. i 'i? !' i 1 1 -- ----- CORRESPONDENCE - - ---------- MILUCAN VALLEY ------ MILUCAN VAM.13Y, Fob 11. Clifton M. Ilostn, who lifts n homo stcndstx miles cast at Mllltcan's ranch, has loft tho vnlley on n bust ncss trip. Mrs. Ilostn, with her two small children. Intend holding down tho claim In his absence. Will! Kolnud hns boon hauling hay latoty. Ho has about twenty four miles to haul It. A. D. Norton had ono load hauled also. Mrs. UiuIbo Homing, who has been staying with hor daughter, Mrs. Tostn, has gone t.o Dend to visit hor ran, Otto-KIomfiig. Alfred Howard has gono to Tort land. Ho Is expected back soon. Fred O. Klgor and A. D. Norton bnvo tho posts sol for about halt their fencing. They have been ox changing work and therefore accom plish much. W.iD.'Kigcr has been helping them. - Mrs. Jesslo noughton Is preparing to havo her houso built on her hoiue stead, and cverrono Is preparing for the spring work as tho weather Is so tempting. Mr. and Mrs. Cltfton M. Rosin have a nine-pound boy at their home stead. Ho arrived January 31, 1912. t t PIUKGLE FLATS X - PKINOl.K FLATS, near Held P. O., Crook county, Fob. 13. A school meeting was held at tho schoolhoaso on February 10, at which plans for a now location and schoolhouso wcro discussed. Tho meeting was largely attended. John Schmear Is preparing to feneo his 120-acre desert claim which adjoins his homestead. C. A. Stevenson Is going to try his hand at tho chicken business. Ho has at rreoent about 200 fowls and hiu had shinned to him soma Al Orpingtons and expects to havo his Incubators at work In a short time. Mr. ChrUtonson camo out from Dcnd to his cJaftu a few days ago and is putting the finishing touches to his house. Stockmen of this community have had to feed their stock but little this winter. H. Evans, who Is located in sec tion 20-13-19; is planning to irrigate enough land for a garden this year, ns an cxporlmenL Water will bo pumped from wells. Martin Hallmcyor Is laying a rock foundation for a barn. Ho has a nlco rock basement under his house. A J TUMALO ---- .- r TU5IALO. Fob. 1C Mr. and Mrs. Iludcon of llcnd, with Mr. Larry and Mr. Gago. woro pleasant callers at this place last Sunday. Tho Gortson Ilros. passed hero Tuesday with a machine for sage brush pulling. Vram appearances, tho machine will do splendid work. The Gertson Ilros. have a largo amount of land to clear with the machine. Ira E. Wlmor and C. II. Spaugh arc busy these days pulling juniper and pine trees with their donkey engine. A. Harryman is busy with his clearing contract for G. W. Wlmer & Sons. - J CRESCENT . C'nESCKNT. Fob, 17 C. W, Long, thonow clerk for tho forestry office, arrived Monday with his wife and little son from Dlalne, Wash. They ,wlll occupy tho La Follette cottage' south of towrj.4 Fred) Richards was transacting business here the first of the week. K Just Received Nice Line of Ladies' Oxfords New Goods of All Kinds for Men Arriving Daily. , ; R. M. SMITH I Clothing Co.t . - T ---- --- Ho represents tho lUumauor-Frank Drug Co. ot Portland. Mrs. K. G. Kourk has returned homo after visiting relatives and friends fn llond and Wnlln Walla. Mrs. F. M. Cleaves was "at homo" to tho ladles of Crescent Wednesday afternoon. Embroldorlng nnd sow ing wcro tho ploasant occupation. Misses Mao nnd Dorothy Andorson assisted In serving tco cronm and cako to tho following: Mrs. Ithoda Tylor, Mrs. K. D. Tyler. Mrs. Joo L. Rlngo. Mrs. Ralph Caldwell. Mrs. CI. W. Andorson, Misses KlUa Tylor and Ooua Applegato. ---- AA.ONQ TWO SETTLERS NORTHEAST OF TOWN On February 13 a Valentino party was given by Mrs. O. C. Cardwoll. Tho houso was vory prettily deco rated with red hearts. Hearts, ou chro and hlgh-tlvo wore tho games played. A talking contest was won by Mrs. H. E. Stowart and Mrs. F. 1. Reynolds. Refreshments woro served ot whlto and red heart-shaped cako. Tho guests present woro Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Grimes, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M, Dragg, Mrs. S. A. Dult, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Dahlo, Mr. and Mrs. II. Helgeson, Mr and Mrs. A. Moen, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Waugh, Mr. and Mrs. William Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stowart. Miss Anna Moen, Miss Gor tmdo Reynolds. Misses Jesslo nad Mtnnlo, Moon, Nick Reynolds, Rort Torrelson, C Andorson, C. V. Ilnrto, Mr. and Mrs. Cardwcll. Tho Ladles' Juniper Club surprised their president. Mrs. W. O. Waugh, on February 15, It being hor birth day. Tho members of tho club pre sented her with a boautltul commun ity silver gravy ladle. Bho received a number of other beautiful preaonts also, 18 In all. A birthday danco was hold at C. V. narto's Saturday night In honor of H. E. Stowart. There woro a good many out In splto ot the hard rain, there being about 25 present. P. J. Young and wifo and R. M. Elder and family visited Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hocch Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Young and Miss Fern Hall visited Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hudson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Waugh havo a number of Golden Fawn and Ilol glan hares and a fow Angoras which they brought from North Yakima. Wash., lsst fall. v. I - R.OLYAT ROLYAT. Feb. 19. Tho weather for the past month has boon Ideal for growing crops. Ryo and wheat that were sown In tho fall aro up so that tho fields are now looking nlco and green, and the bunch grass Is several Inches high. Stock on tho ran go nro looking sleek and fnt Rort Meoks and J. W. McCturo camo out to their ranches with a hunch of horses and (though seed to sow their holdings. Messrs. Cook, Abornnthy. Rodgors and several other of tho enterprising young peoplo aro figuring on build ing a largo dance ball. In tho near fu ture, on -tho townslto.. Rogers and Ilrooklngs havo filled in the old rlvor bod noar tho Ilrook lngs' placo so that all teams and autos can cross without tho usual trouble. A. J. Abornathy Is enclosing his ranch with a barb wire fenco and got tlng ready to sow somo spring grain. The " Rolyat school has boen pro gressing nicely, and qulto a number of pupils under the leadership of Miss 'Mary 'Schroder havo boen able o Uko hVolghth crada .examina tions. Roland Conkllog, a young rancher, from to'ora, ..Is In Portland with a view "of 'purchasing a slock of goods to be put in a new store hero. Horace Brookings has just finish TT5 p T 1 , V . ml building" his largo garngo, whoro from six to eight nutos put up almost ovory night, mid has completed his commodious nnd substantial houso. Ho Is now nblo to take oaro ot tho largo amount ot travel from Uond to Rums nt prices that nro reasonable It Is understood that a drilling ma chine Is coming In soon to go dawn with a vlow of getting artesian water on tho now townstto. Mocks and Cook aro going to haul lumber this week for tho erection of n blacksmith shop. Tho road between Ilrooklngs placo and tho Harnoy county lino hns boon almost tmpassablo for autos or teams since tho thaw. It It Is not put In bettor condition soon, thoro Is talk ot Hums gottlng their freight from tho other way. 8omo of tho sottlors aro going to work this week on tho road nnd It Is undoratsood that Rums has offered to unv Ha uart of tho cost of Improving tho road, nnd It Is up to Rend to do hor shnro to sou that tho road Is mado passable tor heavy loads. Most of tho sottlors aro busy now burning sago and plowing. Word roaches horo that tho county surveyor and Judgo Kills aro coming out this way soon to straighten out tho lines that woro In dispute. In tho oast ond of tho valley. Daniel Roono, tho "old time" freighter ltetwocn Madras and tho high desert. Is Improving his much this wlntor and expects to remain on it permanently. 's - CIST -.- GIST. Fob. 17. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nichols eelobrated their seventh wedding anniversary nt Gist on Feb ruary 1G. Thirty guests woro pres ent who woro ontortalnod by n splen did musical program, followed by nn appropriate address by John Strahm, Sunday school sunorlntondont. A bountiful supper was served, after which tho guests departed express ing their enjoyment of tho ovonlng and wishing that Mr. and Mrs. Nich ols live to celobrato many happy re turns ot tho day. Many valuablo presents woro received. Thoso pres ent woro; Mr. and Mrs. John Strahm. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gil lott, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnlfsn, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fryrear, Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. Henry Schumacher. Mrs. C. E. Nich ols. Mrs. F. W. McCuIloy, Mrs. Geo. McCalllster, Misses Mary Fryrear, Mnrtlo Stuart. Cleavos Strahm. Anita What Every Man Knows is that the principal consider ntlon nowadays Is "Clothes." Ono has to dross neatly und stylishly if ha wants to succeed in business or social life. We havo loft a few moro Heavy Winter Clothes at a Big Reduction. A. L FRENCH Orbjron St., Bet, tfall and Bond. Your Income Doponds upon tho kind of nursery stock you got If you aro willing to pay a fair price, you will got good trees. VOU CANT GET BOMB TIIINU FOR NOTHING. If you ox pectj.to pay noxt-to-nothlng and get L'ootl, fl rat-clam stock, you aro mis Fatten, that's all. You can't produce a high quality troo for little or noth ing any moro than you can an axo, wag6n, or any Implement. YOU ARK THH L08KR If you lot tho question of prico ulono Inlluonco your judgment whon buying. Your loss Is not temporary, but oxtonds over a long porlod of years as your orchard stands. The folly of buying cheap stock will bo Imprcssod upon you each year as you figure your re turns. Dottor bo on tho safo sldo and buy. -whoro you uro suro of got tlng just whut you want. Our sales this year could not havo so largely surpassed last yoar's bad w6 not mado good in tho juist. Catalog froo. Yakima Yaliey Nursery Co. TOPPENISH, WASH. "More Salesmen Wanted (WK Schumacher, Evelyn McCuIloy, flrnco Glllott, Messrs. Wnllaco McCuIloy, Jay Nichols, John Fryrear, Roy Mc CuIloy. Btorllo Fryrear, Karl dial fan, Clifford Strahm, Wardto Mc CuIloy nnd Daniel Schumacher. A number ot tho young poopb) nt tended tho ball In llond tho lith. George MoCalllstor has boon In I'rtnuvlllo ou business. Tho Suudny sschool nt this placo la making splendid progrii,o Tho publlo school will glvo appro priate oxorclir'uM on Washington's lllrlhdny. Mrs. Nichols, tho teacher, reports tho pupils doing good work this wlntor. Tho member of tho Gist Grntigo nnd their friends will glvo a program and supper nt tho schoolhouso tho ovonlng of Fobrunry 23. LUMBER OF ALL hTiscrttas Lath and House Leth A Specialty The tlmlr we cut from Is the brit In the coun try, mill 4i tnllei soutbrsit of Dcud, Pine Forest Lumber Com'y BEND, Garden Low Prices. GET READY NOW FOR SPRINQ PLANT1NQ. JS H. J. Eggleston Manufacturer of Harness nnd Saddles Dealers In Wnjrons, BukkIcs nnd Farm Implements Hay and Grain for sale. Let the Builders' Bargain House Save Money for You Fire Grow Panel Doors LUMBER Part Pap IM CZ3 Oar .Wf art auJa a4 WMMatto.lr-l.oi4 lal tinb all afWit I Ulrtr a4 qaalMr M llatfk. troll, U4tl rnl aMi u4 ft prUl fftcra u, ail fcatUlaf swmtal ffa aai4 ta yr uikw Y. ft ltm ai rwr. iWlar tfiH WU bxuaarfcala. HuUtU blallH4r00!itt Ik HI )0 III Wra ImwJi afci Irarlar. W fi loo ft, mi M aatatkfiU. (tzmZ Go Journeying East Tlio ell bo so much to tell about when you set back ndcr n vocation trip Hast on tho Orrnt torthern Railway, throgchihe Rockies at sun sc7 v ith tho wot world bathed In colors, as you Wov it from ths commodious observation plat form on tho Oriental Limited the perfect through trnln to St. Paul. Mlnncanolls. Chica,:o. Tho Uko J'nt k Region of Minnesota js. scssc oylvan charm, and tho (lorlous Great Lakes trii) curries you through a land of enchantment to arcat dtl' s In the Hast. Oct folder, "Kostcrn Trips 'or West rn People" and information alxwt Sccial itojud-Trip .Summer Pares. Coll on or addres Archibald Gray A. O. V. & P. A., Portland, Orojfon. SsssSsfisslsssssMV. Wrfj77 yISlllTO isssssssV lksssPTVB laSSsfsW jVJZrmOi aVlllsnllMlUsn Ldjs. vaPl I7k ? matStmmMliWi NOTION FOR 1'UtlMCWriON. Department of tho Interior, U, B. hand Olllco nt Tho Hollos, Oregon, January S3nd, 1012. Notloo la horoby glvon thai Adolph II. Fischer of llond, Oregon, who, on March Sth, 1010, mnilo liotnestond entry No. 00173, for HftBWH, NW'UHWtti Boo. 4, nnd NHViBNtt. Boo. B, township 17 south, rango 13 oast, Willamette Morldlnn, hns lllod uotlcn of Intention to ntnlio (lunl com mutation proof, to establish claim to tho laud nhovo descrlbod, before II. O. Kills, V. a. Commissioner, at his olllco at llond, Oregon, on tho Olli day of March, 1012. Claimant names ss witnesses! Andrew Moon, llnrry Hlowarl. Or vtll C. Cardwoll. Claronco V. Ilnrlo nnd Philip G. Young, all of llond, Oregon. C. W. MOOIIIJ. 47-01 Register. KINDS OREQON Tools. THE BEST in THIS LINE is SOLD HERE. nI . You can tt Jure the coit of til your mitcrUI for building st (rut nnr fmirth and often fully I'orth MH .HM. , ., , HotMSsih one-nan oriuv lntftlieihimcnt trutleillrcctlrtini it ur CaUlllilh- menu For vests thli liai hern w llfkal IV Nafla.rK 11 la "SaUacit Hartals HH."WlwtM4la aaf trial r iihu IMl aol Ikaaaudt .1 kaaaa tlUll ! Ii4 Mr la laravr tikrt Uil kal t ItciUai Milan 11 alia SfVra ivnUf Ur4 it 4raltt. MM M raubf l 1 talMvl 40. a,, ccMMaf I. alia. 0iaa MHH Urll kawtl a(k altlU aa!iaiiUtua. rt tr tarta rrptawaa, UMf 11.11, iMlaJiai iIim. Caaua ia,r tally Mial4 a4 IIMH PrlWHVx la ; sin. Wrtw leriaaaa. H'ttn 111 lUalUtalliaai la Uoaus AfS.SasOl Mlfalaa, 1 StrwlirXSkZ $ TTn In II J nrii i m i I I u H N II i i rJriirrvili HIS 1IUHINKHH ANI PltOKKNHIDNAIt. W. W. Faulkner, D. M. D. DI3NTIST lIulUllii llulltlliiK, II n it, O r c k o ii Ward H. Coble Attorney nt turn, omco In Doscliiitvs Hank IlulldluK Oppoilto Postodlco. Iluiiil. OroRon, U. C. COE, M, D. Physician nnd Surgeon OI'I'ICKUVICK l'IM8T NATIONAI. IIK. OITlce Kouts: 10 In ta . in,; i lojsiul 7 to 8 p. tit, Burn., : Ohkoon C. S. BENSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW OKHCK IN f IRST NATIONAt, iUNK AUK), UltNI), OKIIOON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER FISST NATIONAI. BANK OLDO., nitNU, OWltOON acorgc S. Young Civil, Minino and Iiihiqation KNdlNKKIt Orejron Street Omco with J. A. Knstes. JESSE L. SUAIRALL Attorney nt Lnw Olllco In Hazen Illdfr. on WallHt,, Bend, OrcKgu. Crook County Abstract Co. INCOkroSATIU). AII8TKACT.S OP TITLH to sll Isiul snd town lots In Crook county, II. V. Wvi.i)K, Secy. I'rlncvllle, Orejjon. We photograph the records. . CLARK & W R 1 0 H T LAWYERS WASIIINOTON, l. C. Public Und Matters: Final Proof. Doscrt Lands, Contests nnd Mlnlnjr Coses. Scrip. Associate Work for Attorneys. J. I. WEST Undertaker nnd Kmbnlmer Full Assortment of Undertaking Goods. Fir street Bend, Oreon F. O. MINOR roSTOPrlCK BUIUIINU MFK FIKK ACCIDIJNT I N S U K A N C It Notary Puhllc snd Conveysnclnx All IKI l'sicts Cnrrrctlr Drswn. FIDELITY BONDS Mrs. Maude Alnsworth MILLINERY Over Skuso's Storo Wall street ; Bend, Orcjron W. E. PARKER Plumbing, Steam nnd Hot Wnter llcnting Johblnir Promptly Attended to. 1IKNI), OIIUIO.S Caldwell & Main All Kinds of Blacksmith Work THICK. IIKASONAIII.K. Minnesota St., Bet. Uond and Wall. Awhal4 l rafaUi UtamaiM. Ual UmW kaUSte. law... laadaf aid katitlat alirr li oimw; &JC smui ia vvf, mm. TUCWH.tflrCa.iUHta Ask Yourselves u2tUssssVj JVjIO does your clennlnjr and press- irirTi nnd thoso who aro best wills- itcd with their orders In that lino will surely refer you to us. Wo havo built up n reputation for dolnjr hlfh clnsa work. In n Bliort timo und nt 11 vory MODERATE CHAUGK. Star Dry Cleaning: House With A. L. French Oregon Strcot. ssssssss. m