The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 21, 1912, Image 5

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ImyliiK your itrocorluN at
tho lowcnt poMlblu prlcwt
you iiIko linvo thu xatlNfnc
lluii of knowing that tlioy
camo from a ntoru thai In
clenn and wimltnry. Wo
kcop our butter In tlio
larKOHt and boat refrlu;or
ntor In Crook County,
Our wagon will deliver
your order at any time.
Wo tiro uxctunlvu nu;enU
which wo rocolvo fresh
ovory inonilnjr from I'orU
Give us a
Your Next
THE Storo of Bolter
It. II. (loulil Is
Iveek on a business
U 0. Flouting pent Sunday In
I). V. Mackintosh U a vliltor In
'ortland tliU week.
J. I. West wont down to Portland
jMonilsy on business.
Mr. A. M. I.ara waa III lait week
tut baa now recovered.
In Keattlo till
J. II. Doylo of Hlmtilko was a vlsl-
or In lie nd (hu last of the week.
W. i:. Parker returned Thursday
light from a weok'a trip to I'ortland.
Tho llrldgo club will bo entertain
d Friday afternoon by Mr. F, K.
Tho mooting of tho Evening BOO
tub tonight will lo with Mrs. II. B.
Mm. J. F. Arnold la visiting this
rVook In I'ortland. having aono down
II. Kersten nt tho Contral Oregon
fco & Cold Rlorngo Co. snout Satur
day hero.
lco Davenport waa In town Mon-
!ay and Tncidoy from hi I'owell
lutto ranch.
Ituv. II. II. Fotkott will proaelt
tornlng and ovonlnx at tho Ilaptlat
hurch Htinday.
A. C Hanford, who haa boon vlell-
Big hla family hero, returned to
ladraa yesterday.
M. A. I'alnier waa In town Thurs-
ay and Friday from hla Powoll
lutto homestead,
Aftor a visit with hla aon. A. M.
Ura, M. Lara returned Sunday to
la homo In Soattlo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. HtAnta ro
turuod Tluiraday from n trip of suv
nrnl wouka to Honltlo,
O. 0, llonklo nnd W. J. McOlllvray
drovo over to I'rlnovlllo by ntito Mon
iliiy, on it business trip.
The llonil IJrlok L Lumber Co. linn
JiihI iitcnlvod a lath machine which
It will ojiorulo at Hn sawmill uonr
W. 13. Hnylor of Tiiinnlo rot u mod
Monday night from llnrtllno, Wnali.,
whoro ho spout tho winter nt hla old
Miss I'lormieo Young, who lit
timehliiK In tho Mndrna school, camo
up Friday ovmiltig to spend the week
end nt homo.
Mrs. K. II. MclNtftMi I litld Up
with oryslpulas of the fnco. Hho
was taken III nt tho iiiosijuuntdu ball
Wednesday night.
John Edwards, Democratic candi
date for county sheriff, spent Monday
In llend. Ho wont from hero out to
tho Hlstors country.
Mrs, Hugh Hinllli was brought up
from Itedmond Monday night for an
operation, which will bo performed
at tho hospital today,
Tho crop which If. J. Kgnloston Is
KrowlOK In ono of tho windows of
his harness shop attracta tho atten
tion of many passoraby,
Tho Hood Park Co.. K. 13. Parker
and J, II. Miner havo oponod offlcos
In tho Kvorson building at Fourth
streot and Uroonwood avonue.
K. ft. Lapp loft Thursday morning
for Portland to rocolvo medical
nttonlloii for tho wound received by
accidentally shooting himself.
Tho masiiuerado ball last Wed
nesday nleht waa largely attonded.
Thcro wore thirty couples wearing
maska. Ten prlies were awarded.
J W. Dlmlck went down to Port
land suiiday to visit relatives and
look after somn business matters nnd
Ho will return tho last of tho week.
Miss Arrlo lllack ontortslnod Mon
day night thn members of tho Prls
cilia Club. Whllo'tho young women
are qulto socrotlvo, It Is said that
tlioy aro busy now helping several
of tho momlcr make tholr wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rmlth ol
I'rlnovlllo. after a visit with tho
family of Mr, Smith's' brother hero,
loturnod to I'rlnovlllo Isst Wednes
day afternoon, bolng driven over by
F. F. Smith In his auto.
K. I). llutler, formerly of Califor
nia, took chargo Thursday as mana
ger of tho Pilot llutto Inn. The
rendition of II. J. Douglass, who has
nppeu lb Ills, Is Improving.
Hotel Wright Is tho name by which
tho now European plan hotel con
ducted $r Mrs. Nelllo Wright will be
known. It Is located at tho corner
of llond street and Greenwood avo
nue, near tho dopot.
Alvln T. Powora and Karl Noago-
bouar, Jewelers and watchmaker of
Bnlcin, spent Saturday In Rend, look
ing over tho country. Mr. Powers
waa considering Central Oregon as a
field for an optical circuit.
Tho engagement of Mlsa Maude
Vandevert and Choster Catlow was
aunouucod at tho moetlug of the
Prlscllla Club on Fob. II. The
wedding will tako placo In Juno
Mr. Callow's homo Is lu Salem.
K. A. Bather began dismantling
tho one-story part of his storo Mon
day. Tho two-story building will bo
moved ovor on tho adjoining lot. to
glvo room for tho stono building
which ho will put up this spring.
Tho llend delegation to tho Irriga
tion congress loft for Portland Sun
day. Those going wore A. O. Hun
tor. J. K. Sawhlll, Clyde McKay, II.
C. Kills. II. J. Ovorturf, P. II. Dencor,
Vernon A. Forbes nnd C. C Harrison.
Having long boon regarded aa a
splondld placo to spand tho summer
months, llond Is alao coming to bo
considered by outaldo people aa a
good winter resort, A party of
prominent Portland women havo
been spending somo tlmo here, In-
stoad of going to California as they
Usually do, nnd llko tho climate very
much. Tli out) aro Mrs, A, A. Morris,
Mrs. H, A, Ilrookluga. ntul Misses
Kthol MclCorclion and Ada Drook
Ing". i
Mrs. K. 0. Caldwell lins gouo to
Portland on n visit.
(lay Mcltoyholdt Is laid up with
nn nttnek of tho grip,
Mrs. Jessie Houghton and dough
tor, Hah Kdwlti Do Morrlflold, nro In
town today from tholr Mllllcau vnl
loy ranch.
Ityitti & McOlllvray report tho fol
lowing sales of property tho past
wook: To J. P. Haiismati, 100 acres
adjoining towiMlto of Laldlaw; to J.
0. Ilrown of Portlnnd, tracts 20, 21,
22. 23, 24 and U, Pilot llutto
Heights; to J. Wilson of Seattle, Iota
1 to 8, block 24, Kenwood addition
to Head.
Itov. M. W. Woavor la now nt
lllroh Hun, Mich.. Ho writes that
ho will return to tho West about tho
first of April, "This Is n cold stor
age plant back hero," ho says.
"From 12 to 20 dogrees below nearly
ovory night." Mr. Woavor haa ac
cepted a position with tho Contral
Oregon Mercantile Co. at Metollua.
Mrs. Weaver Is assisting her brother
In revival mootltigs, having chargo
of tho choir.
RATES: Flvo cents a lino for
Drat Insortlon In this column, four
cents a lino for each subsoquont In
sertion. Cash In ndvanco unless
you hnvo an account with Tho Hut
letln. Qjunt six words to tho lino,
Including tho address.
HELP WANTKD A good man
is cook 111 restaurant. Must bo ro
llablo and Industrious. No other
need apply. Call at llulletln office
for particulars. 61p
IF YOU NEED a man drop card to
P. II. Johnson, city. Ctf
Por Rent.
FOIl RENT Two storo rooms,
modern plato glass front Good lo
utlon on Wall street. Enquire F.
D. Minor at P. O. 4-tf
For Sale.
FOR, SALE Good Juniper posts.
Karl II. Houston, llond, Ore. 9
FOR BALK Good 3 VI wagon and
work harness. Boo llonklo Ford.
FOR RKNT Now cabin, partly
furnished, $4 a mouth. W. I). Losh,
lllk. 16. Center Add. S-Op
FOR BALE Chatham Fanning
Mill with 12 sieves, prlco 35. Ad
Iresa A-fi. llulletln. Stf
FOR BALKNew road cart,
illghtly uaod. Apply at laundry, C2
FOR BALE Good horao. wt 1400.
it will trado Deschutes Add. prop
erty fur ono to match. Inquire
llulletln. SO-lp
FOR 8 AMC Good milch cow; also
Oliver gang plow for sale cheap or
for trado. 11. K. Orlraca. Pilot
llutto ranch. Ileud. SOtf
Fort Sale Good baled rye hay
at 10 a ton. B. C. Cady, Laldlaw,
Oro. 43tf
For Sale A barjraln In a pood
typewriter. Royal Standard inako,
a Rood machine. Owner has two
machines, with uso for only one,
hence tho low prlco of $45 cash.
Inquire nt Bulletin office. 32tf
FOR BALK llarrcd Rock egga
for hatching. $1 for 16. K. W.
Richardson, It. F. D llend. Stf
Tho Otnsstlens of a Young Frtneh
Ooldltr at Osdsn.
Wo could see tho lines nnd llncs-of
helmets. A bud sight to.sco thoa
holnirt spikes.
And I cannot remember when It waa
that there crept through our ranks
the feeling that those belmeta were
not only In front of us, but In every
'ircctlon round alxiut, and that wo
woro surrouiiilcd. I suppose It camo
from tho sound of firing cotnlns from
so mnny directions.
II Is at such n tlmo that ono feels of
a helplessness And the nolso did 1
tell you of the noise? There were sin
gift booms nnd cmhIim of volley firing,
and thru lhro would be Jut ono great
roaring, one great thundering, that
deafened you nnd In which you could
not It'll one sound from another.
There was smoke, smoke, every
where, nnd (he ground would tremble
when the raralry iniido charge,
1 would tell you nil that I remem
ber of most interest. Rut Is It Inter
esting to tell you that shells burst and
that our ranks thinned nnd closed up
and that 1 felt more nnd moro that
wo were to be beaten?
1 would bavo wept, but I bad too
much to do In firing nnd In watching
the lint's of helmets.
It Is that a soldier Rots foil of an
exdtedness. You do things and yoo
scarcely know that you do tucm or
It was early that day that my com'
rade was killed. And bo Jumped up
twice so, sol And bo fell fist on bis
face. I tunird him over, and my cap
tain said: "No time for that. You are
a young soldier or you wonld know
thore Is no tlmo for that." Robert
Bbacklcton In Harper's Weekly.
To Trade.
FOR TRADK Four-acro chicken
ranch (some Improvements) adjoin
ing llnsln, Wyo. Want homestead
near Rend. Address, II. F. Hogard,
Contrails. Wash. 60-6 2p
WILL TRADE Candor for goose,
or will soil. 1. II. Doncor. llond .7tf
A now supply of legal blanks lias
been received by Tho llulletln. If
you need anything In this line, call
at this oQloe.
A classified advertisement In Tho
llulletln costs but llttio but brings re
sults. If you havo a houso to rent
or sell or want to buy, lot 1 be known
oy mo uso oi an ad. ,,,
For Every Department of the Home.
Carpets, Rugs,
! Come in and see our large stock. Popular prices. ;
E. M. Thompson I
Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty.
$-- ----- ----
II ll I .
Origin of a Curious Custom Obssrvcd
by Bulgsrisn Dulldtr.
Nino master masons who wcro en
gaged In building a citadel In the tlmo
of tbo Vol void Neagoo found on re
turning to their work each morales
that tho portion of tho wall which tbey
bad completed tho day beforo bad fall
en to pieces during the night and waa
lying In a heap of ruins In the ditch.
Manol of Curt en, the bead mason. In
formed bis comrades ono morning that
a volco from heaven bad warned him
In his sleep the night beforo tbat their
labors would continue to come t'i
naught unless tbey all swore on that
very morning to Immure In tho struc
ture tbo first woman, bo It wife, moth
er, daughter or sinter, who should ar
rlvo with tbt morning meal of one or
either of thorn. Tbey all took the oath,
and the last man bad hardly been
sworn when Manol's own wife appear
ed, carrying her hustuind's breakfast
Tbo oatb was kept, and tbo woman,
known In tbo legend as "Flora of tbo
Fields, wss murdered and her blood
and flesh Incorporated with the wait of
A curious practice of the Bulgarian
masons (tbo above sceno Is laid in Bul
garia), which survlvea to this day. tes
tifies to tha vitality of the legend. To
Insure tbo solidity of the bouse tbey
build tbey measure with a reed tho
shadow of tbo first person who passes
after tbo digging of tbo foundation
has been completed. When the foun
datlon la commenced thU reed Is buried
under tbo first rock, usually tbo corner
stone. Ths Crop Falltd.
Tho sharp wltteduess of tho Rus
sian gypsies Is Illustrated by a story
told In tbo Journal of tho Gypsy Lore
Society. A gypsy Induced a fanner to
Join hlro In sowing money, promising
a large crop of rubles, navlng first
sown a comparatively smau amoani.
tbey got back each morning their cap
ital with some addition, much to tho
delight of the farmer. Then thoy sow
ed a big sum and got back-nothing.
The- farmer began to blame tho gjly
for advising him to sow monoy. Tho
gypsy answered, -well, ira noooays
fault that thore was a sharp rrost ear
ly tbla morning."
If You. Hayen't Seen Our Store
If You, are Interested in Buying
Good Merchandise
You'll Find Many Special Advan
tages if You Come to
lEe Mannheimer
Ths Ruling Passion.
Mra. J. L. Story In her reminiscences
tells of a lady relative who had all
her life been afraid of damp sheets.
When she waa dying Mrs. Story en
tered tho room, to find the fireplace
harrleaded with a larce assortment of
bed linen. She was"hnrlng her wind
ing sheet warmed. ' V
! never havo lain In damp bed
clothes while 1 waa alive, said tho
old lady la a feoble whisper, -and I'm
not going to do It when I'm dead."
Fanners Have So Convenient Posts
to Tlo Horses to In Itcnd.
To tho Edl.tor of Tho llulletln:
In a recent Issue of your esteemed
publication. It waa noted that the
llend Commercial Club would no
longer dovoto Ita energies to adver
tising "but to auch development of
tho town and surrounding country
aa will tend to a healthy and perma
nent growth."
It may bo that tho following sug
gestion should not bo directed at the
Commercial Club, but tho writer
feels tbat It will! not bo amiss and It
the shoo doca not fit perhaps the at
tention of tho proper body or persona
will bo attracted.
At tbo present time when a farmer
arrives In llond during the busy
hours of Saturday, or In fact on
any day, and Is to remain but a abort
tlmo, a time too ahort to niako prac--.icablo
tho placing of hla team In a
livery stable, ho is completely at a
loaa aa to where to tlo hla horses.
The row hitching posts and racka
that havo been provided aro almost
Invariably filled nncf moreover It la
doubtlesa truo that these havo been
provided by Individuals to further
tholr own Intcrcata or for their own
personal convenience, which natur
ally makes one foci that he Is or may
bo Intruding.
Again, theeo places are all on tho
main streets and If one bo lucky
enough to find an available, bandy
placo where he can tlo his team, he
cannot I avo a nervous animal with
any degree of safety, owing to tho
excltemeut caused by tho passing
vehicles, nor doea ho feel safe in leav
ing a quiet animal because there Is
always more or leu danger from run
aways or fractious animals which
may bo passing.
It seema to me tbat the providing
of a place to leavo one'a team would
tond to development and wonld be an
acquisition of which any tdwn might
rightly boast, whether the -placo
had been provided hv the Cummer.
clal Club, the municipality Itself or
uy any otner body.
City Council Orders Them la Center,
1'ark and Xorth Additions.
At tho council meeting yesterday
afternoon sidewalks woro ordered
built aa follows:
North side of loU 1. 2. 3, 4, 7. 8. 9.
block 4. Center addition; north sldo
of lota 1, S, 3, i. block 13. Center
addition; west side of Iota 1 and 2,
block 21. Park addition: north aide
of lota 1. 4. 6. 6. 7, block 6, North
addition; north aldo of Iota 1 to C,
Inclusive, block 6, North addition;
north aldo or lots 1 to 7. Inclusive,
block i. North addition; cast side of
lot7. block 4. and lot 7, block 9.
North addition.
A cross walk waa ordered built by
the street committee, across tho alley
In block 4, Uend. at Ohio streot.
Tho Bend Water, Light & Power
Co. waa glveu permission to erect a
now polo at the First National Rank
corner and to awing a sign across
Wall stroot. This will bo a largo
cloctrlc sign advertising tho Dend
FOR SALE Clover and grain hay,
12 a ton. P. J. Young, 5 miles out
from Bend. Prlnevlll road. 50-lp
Innra & Davldsou'a shop la tho
best plata In towu to gvt your hair
cut or a shave,
. A Philanthropist.
Pa." aald little Willi, looking np
from bis paper, "what la a philanthro
pist r
t "A philanthropist my son. replied
Us wbio pa. Is usually a man who
spends hla tlmo getting other people to
spond their money for charity." Cath
olic Standard and Times.
and Pool
Flno nnd Popular Lino of
Silvis t Blackwell
Wall atreet, - - Bond, Oregon
Plso For Footprints.
HI shall leavo footprints on the sands
If time." said tho (dentist
"What fori asked tho crudely prac
tical person. "Nobody will want to go
round looking for footprints. What wo
want to do for posterity Is to help build
somo gocd roads." Washington Star.
A Modern Girl.
"Why did you turn blui downV
"Ilo begun to yap about two living
aa cheaply as ono. When 1 get mar
ried I expec.. to make tho money fly "
Louisville Courier-Journal. .
Womsn's Will.
"In bow many states can worn
make their wlllsr
"In most of 'em they come with tt
ready made," Baltimore America.
The fiarvifl-Loofflis Constntdiofl O-
Oeacra! Contractors.
Centra) nutldlnjr
Wall and Ohio Su.
Pays Cash HOPE Sells for Cash