1 ' WHEN BEND PARK IS SOLD OUT you will regret you did not select your home site while you could have your choice at - present prices and terms. Bend Park will always be the best residence portion of the city, because within its boundaries is . v the prettiest property in the city, it is admirably platted with ' wide streets and large lots. Beautiful view of the perpetually snow covered mountains, and restricted to HOMES ONLY BULL RING ANTICS 1,1 :n III! MONDAY NMMIT. MIhh ikIU Ui'iii'Hcy, who will lio In IIpihI Monday nlftlit it" tho fourth iiumliui' In tln lyedtim cqiiiho. la n tultrntcd MiMtiiki'r nml writer. Whor- Mcxlcnn "Snnrl" ni V0iVflri wvor sho hop shy wllm imiHi iirnlso. MLxicnn Jjpori n3 viowoa M ln,ry ,,rw(id..iii r tho Tlirourjh American Spoctnclo3. TACTICS OF THE TOREROS. v.. ,? Bend Park R. Q. SHRADER, Local Agent, Bend, Oregon. General Offices, 800-8(51 Empire Iluilding, Scuttle, Wash. or, Paulsen Bldp., Spokane, Wash. or, Portland Hotel, Portland, Oregon, D 6 S OF IMPORTANCE l. (for Assignment of entrlos or parts , fnets sot forth In the application for .thereof, mads within reclamation 'extension of tlHiw. , project uniler act of June 17. 1902. A motion to distills nn anneal will , covers only those claim wlmrsln the ; not lie icranted. where It apnear that cniryman lias satisfactory lroor or the interests Involved are Inrie aud residence. Improvements and cultl-j the I'nlled 8uin U In truth ami. In tatloti for Ave) earn. required by the ' fact n jtarty In Interest, hut will ue i jdlaoosed of oh Its merit. A successful contaatant dooa not I , . acnnjre ay puiilary rliehu. II UK.l.unKl) HOMIbiTKlli KIXIW entitled to a period of thirty tiara ,,.... . .. from n,M nt lha n.nuM.lL... ,.f ,1,-1 "" 'WiiiarT more IMI ae.UOO DECISIONS RECENTLY entry within which to apply to outer' ?cre" " 0r" ,? Mo- MADE. iha ia... i l..., th. ,.o. -.. m.., ,.. tH were recommended hy the the former enimaaR camhoI he ' V.nl u,t8 ""'f"1 U,TP for ieredlted to him. nor I he entitle.) to ' ,"nM,,,U,!,. w,,ww" HDT lh the lower rate per aere for building "'? ,..,""'" 'TT"'1, "f1, Lb. i..., ...- .. ii.. -i...,--.,u 3.07 acre previously dael- Secretary of Intmlor Deqldu Cuhc i obtaining at the time his application . n'"2 '"" thl. "ct w.or" r,lM,rHl " i veiw -. s us tee- iniviiim nn ITVfl rt entry of ,olWdW nu' eauecled h ucti, d- of I n to Mm t tit lloniMteadtiii unil Other (lovrrniiirnt Land C 1 n 1 III u II t M - -The-Sosretary of the Interior has recently decided a number of ltn to make entry w Bled. One who make dc nubile lands must clearly show, In submitting proof, not only that ho tall (Hi examination having shown the land to 1m suseeptlldo of Irrl has the right to a anlTlclent anppjy of u ";1.Tho1.1tf a ,' " " Wnlor to iiorufHll Irrlrnln Mini31' 10lt' wh'C" ' ''" OlOBainwl lanilH, Init that the aritem of dltelios portant land ease-a la adequate for that purmMe, and also that the necessary supply of wutor Ima boon aetuully used on said homesteaders and others, a digest of "Woleh Is given herewith: lioiiiaji'iid. of Interest to , lands In a manner to prove the bone- ity to extend the life of an entry "flnu. permit the entrymttn to make eonfpIN flelnl results. I'iunl 1'it.of Tho reelstpr will l The dggarUnwiMs fltion NtJiop.f0r thaosta-Qf re -imli)Utlnn of flnnl proof whore, an error In description of land Is made by hlirt. The record &nce with tho law as to clthor res!-f js jn joesIon of the register nnd dnee or oultlvmlori. subsequent to ! by the survey ns enterable under the enlarged homestead net was lot, 47CS&I2 acres. EXPERT IS DETAILED he should see that the deecriptlons the; oxnlratiou of the btatutory llfelare correct before dlreetlnir ntilili Whore lands which have been Ivjthdrawu rrom all dlosltlon are restored to jgitry. no auflleatlon'WlH; be recolfed'or a-TlRntff recoKuued 83 Initiated by theMender ef nn nppll satlon for any auh lands until tho order of rostltiitlen Is received y the locnL office. Cltln Ueorge 0. Pratt t38,'U O. HO). .'.The net. of 1908. providing n)rvll bo deemed sufficient second nutrlirf.; has nu retroactive effect which will opeiato to euro n defsetive right tawed upon a olalm of prior sottlemont nnd at the same time out off and defeat the assertion of a nuporlor adverse claim. In other words, one disqualified to Initi ate a valid sottlomont right cannot claim the prlvllcgo of having his status as on entrymttn determined as df.tlio date of his application to pro tect such Invalid settlement right. The right will only be protected from the date the Impediment to its Initi ation Is removed and the right at taches. "The act of February 18th. 1311, extending time' of residence In cer tain' statoo Is a remedial statute and should be construed liberally. There fore, tho same covers a period of time from December 1st, 10 10, until May 16th, Inclusive. yDcfcei-t J.aii(ln, - . cation. Published Instructions of August 11, 11)09 (38 J I). 1.11). AIMrmed. ' Whore tha proofras to rosldenqo Is w'euk but there la strong proof of cultivation of the land In added aroa and wftli increasing yield of crops oach yoar, and evidence showing a (irsls(ejih effort to maintain an act- ml home upon tho land, tho proof The law iiermlttlug cash entry of timbered and nontlmbgrod lands doee not fix r definite period for making final proof, llowover. It must ho reasonable and mado within seven yoars from date of entry, as in ordinary homestead entries has been considered as the limit of time, which may properly be allowed for the making of final proof of entries or tliln class. I'mrtlce. A contost ndldavit filed ngalnst a desort land entry during tho pend ency of an abdication for extension ot time under tho act of March 28, J 008, should allege facts tending to ovorcome the1 prima facia showing of right to such extension. Citing Hoobler vs. Trcffry (39 U. I). 5C7). The entryman'a rights to such ex tension of time Is prima facia,' by reason of the mere filing of the appli cation, 'and the !)rden of. proof Is Gowiiiini'iit Man Will do Agilcul- tn in I U'mk In Orrgoii. PORTLAND. Feb. JO Tim Uiiltwl Status Department of AgrflturO qf- fored to detail a thoroughly compe tent man to devoto all hi time to ex port assistance in agrleultiiglnat ters In the various Oregpn cfflnlhiinl ties If they would stand piie-nalf, the neoeseary expense. Ileoanso of the necessity of taking Immediate nation. It. H. Miller, Trstllc Manager or the O.-W. It. & K. Co- offaryl assufho tho oxpunae; iiifd ehr&nzy Wllsan ban stated that tho ulah detailed to Ore gon would Jtogln his work about July This will give Oregon tho services of two mn doing this kind of work. Tho O.-W. It. & N. Co. jibb nlroady had Its own oxport In the field for several weeks Instructing farmers, fruit growers and gardeners In tho subject of crop rotation, stock rais ing and diversified farming. Tho work of two suoh exports, supple mented by the operation of demon stration trains nnd the efforts of the Oregon Agricultural College, it Is asserted will result In great und per manent development of the ngi (cul tural lutorestM of tho statu. .Act r&f 'Juno 23, 19J0, providing 'upon contestant to controvert the Agent for Kplrellu (,'orM'tn. Ladles or Dond and vicinity will bo ploased to Ipnrn (fm. (ho, Splrella Corset Company- has anlngent hejo now. Anyone desiring to place an ordor for this mado-to-moitsuro cprsut should drop a card to Mrs. Hv.'A. Wlllord, Ilcnd. Thy Wr Dtttcr nunnrs Thsn righttrs and DlipUytd Mors Caw rdlc Thsn tlravry Mirth That tht Nstlvt Couldn't Apprtelat. "Tlmnlt you, Agulrrr. but I hnrdly think I want to see one of your bull IIkIiIs. I have beard rnuiigti nltout them to mnkc mn slrk of tho thought." I hntl Keen every oilier kind ef fight, from niomiutigpr bojH up to bull immu iiud bnrrulo. nnd Agnlrru felt that I wmtltl furvuT regret It If I left Mexico xvltbutit at lout unco wllniMlug tho tmllunal npurt. I reliirtantl.v rouFcnted In nwompnuy him. nnd nftrr our dinner, lii'tead ef taklnK llie imumI slestn. wo went to the rlttK. I Imd often rend the stoiltM of hiuIi flfthf. and after the erhi of three Imd been llnl'linl I wondered If nny wrliw bad ever tUen the trenhle to demrlbe (be rldlouleui nnd runny Dtutits Hint crop out during the course of the IIeIKs. Tho firm hull that was released went throiiRh the ordinary cnurno ef Npnuils, llit corliiK n broken down rneo lwro which bsd seen mrvlre en umny of the tracks in the Watt iiihI whi uxrd In the (mil ring only brrHiie be wa it tlmrouKhbrisI, llnally the hull was put to doiith by a Hnli bcHuou the shuulders, wblih iHirutyxrd bin uplne. Tho eoud entrant was n Utile bbick fellow full ef lire, which bad been wpcclally nled on the big ninth of Oovernor Tlritaxo lletweeu the turll i pen i and I lie ring there was u short alley, Jnt wide eueiigb to allow Urn hull to get through without rubbing the hair from their flank, lining over the heard nlik-li formed the side of the WMiigeMiy was a Mexl ran negro, who. when the Utile bull was shored out of the terll. Jabbed n (Miheiik "barbo" Into his left sheul der. which maddened the shImmI to such an extent that he hardly knew which way In I urn. so en a or was be to locate bin enemy. The crowd at ttiH lime was potng mad nnd rrom nil pIiIcn ceil Id b heanl frantic rrle ef "(elanhv lrldi. puln'fiicrluii" (eiwanl, rotten, n'tleii mvMi. und 'HI lero e iiiiiitio" tine hull Is dead i tin the contrary, he was very milch nllrv and showed It a few moment biter After he was rbaxtl Into the torll the torero, wbue name m AlbertK npiHHtred tM'fure the ireldoul s uux. n Is Ibe cmtiwi when a fnlluro In made, to explain lilmelf nnd ask for another cliinire before he was rondnnnetl The oiiortunlly wa glren, und the rmull was only a rcH tllkiH nt tbe former Mlempl. except that the hull wn prrietitrd from tntchlug liltu by heiiier who were arm ! with mug pike nnd prevented the bciut from simtlng the fence. Hprliiclng (en or n doten yards towanl the renter tit the ring, the trended denture Mopped dlmrt. upread liW front fret out a far as lie rould and nuidly iwwed the ground. In his ibouhler Ibe nltked twrh still ttlrk, ami to It were tautened a Mg yellow noette ami m half iIimmi red stream rr imllliiR the ground. PreseHlly a vwlunteer noriee terero tHilltlgbier oo footi Jumted over the fence on tbe iertli Nile or the ring ami wlvance'l a few feet toward the (tenant Imil One Daunt or tbe torero' ml lHJerN ilwMheri ami I he bull nemtne a itmmw. Willi bead (town be nutted nl Ibe nerlre. wIhi menu white liml tint hl wrie. for he Komi uiwklng wild ti-ar Hbeu Ife sbiwid have bean advum-lii.! In iwel ibe miruablng ani mal When the latter was only twenty VnnN away Ibe ndtlHtror drimHl the liaiidrMi niMl iwiwdfl inurili and pill lor Ibe fence n runt MH lie eollld go The fenre was alietil four feel high, sml the torero cleared II In a straight way dive, ' The poor hull ffirn not o fortunate, all bough he wn game enough to at tempt the feme In his load effort to Mich his tormentor He mmled on lQ of the hoard ami stuck there, with, hi hind leg In ilic nlr. until Jt-.Wa riHiimiit by some Hlleudnula who ventured (rem tbv oibur skle or Ibe rlnj? look n tiMip vt rue out or the antics nrimr little hero, tbe bull, ami nrax tm lug a good IhiikIi nil to iiiyotHf while tliewnob wiih noliig wild Willi dlUKllNt nl tho liiwnnllee of Albert. when Agulrre mlrim-d me to Mipprwwi my mirth or there would he trouble for bolder it When onler n-iis .rentnrml ilu, IIHI,. jihielc Immh ( nluilole. bniwn nnd grit WHX'firnughi into tlie lileionure ror the third lime, but It took the efforts pt two torendfir (liullllKhicr oh bur hni'lli nnd ii proreioiloniil foot lighter to bent til m. mid hi defeat wn then dim only lo the fiict Unit be wiih exIiHUHtijI Agutrre told me Hint It wus bud firm In .Mexico in In null nt anything f.i n ImlllJght but the dentil of Ibe hull, lint I remarked lo tilm (hut In nil America he would not Hud n gringo who would not InHiunlly gnmp the funny side ef Hut I particular bullllght ami curry It home ho ilmi others might lauitb too-ienver llcpuhlbiiii. The Reluctant fttquctt. Kdcnr-Ktbel. I've left my uuibrclhi downtown I.lhi'l-Wein Kdimr-I'm nfrnld joiill have to lend me the gold handled fjmhrelln you giive mo on my LlrilidHy-lMrolt-Iree re(w, ft A A . Tommonly wo my a Judgment fall .'JlfPW ra,,n for "omcthlng In him no cannot ablde.-Beldcn. liultml lliethren Ciiilego t I'ltuo ninth. Ore. under tlato of J mi. 7. sent this word lo the btuenti nMonlt -Miss UiMtrney was with its last ivo iiltig nnd our people were limru tlinn plensed with hr Iwnire on 'Old Days In Dixie;' tho)' were delighted." Itlill.MKMI PUWItlt IIIII.IUHHK MPUKANK. Wash.. Feb. l.-Two futiire greata of the haselHill dla moml were lnppd tilt Ibe HiKiknito imvnill yesterday, when Joo Colin released I Intuition, it promising outig llrHl ImsHtnaii of Itndmuitd, Oro.. nnd I ten I nlnli. I.lhoity Luke. n M( ''. rr, ,; Home Pluo Heed. ' II, J. ltitKlootou Iiiih Just recelvi.l n lino lot (if fluid Hint garden ,. ,tj In Ihu lot Is sumo of the iiest ,-. I unts uvni' sttuii lil. us well ns elm,..'' nnd ImiKirlHd nlfalfH. (let y(irj oiilOf Id uftrly before the supply oxhmisttid, ITS I'l w, . .-' m - HOTEL TAGGART llltM), 01(11. FIltarCI-VSSKOOMSnntl TAIIhK 8KKVICK. PROI5 AUTO TO AND FItOM PKI'OT. N. W. Schiebcr & Co. ti; i (lentral Contractors AND UUILDHKS. l'lww I'lirnWiwI on Short N'ollce. HUN U, 0 It IS U ON. :i 4 t" Jo ft" ii. av. iro ic n L. B. MISENER'S ash Grocery NOW Ol'BN ON C.HKBNWOOI) AVBNUK. OUR PRICES SPEAK PORTIinASULVI:S. WK SOLICIT A TltlAL OKDISIt. :l) Tt a I'?" tr el i t9' no as ot o In. We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE LIQMT AND HEAVY LI VERY. liny, 15r!ty, OhU. Whcnt ntul Urait nt lowtmt prlcw. Tho IjirKowt Imrn In Central Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Uend, Oregon. J. II. WENANDY LON I I'OX F O'DONNELL BROTHERS lot "nmffljiftrii UNION MARKET LUMBER! Our special price has brought, us so much business we will continue it. We sell Rough lumber at the mill $ 1 0 M Rough lumber, delivered $ 1 1 M You can telephone your orders. L Bend Brick & Lumber Co. "A LMIc Uctlcr Lumber for a I.IMc Less Aloncy." end jyachine ,10P All Kinds of Saw Mill nnd I'nnnluu REPA-I-R-S MaiawaMaHsNMMMpnaiiHHHMHHBWMaiM We Cnrry n I.nrRe Stock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wall St., next to Opera House iv. . u. mm , i -!- rjn.f0 ltt mi