'. ' ' ST SB : t T For Men Only SHOES .Snappy. Up-to-dnta Stylus not "frcakr,." SHIRTS All Styles nnil nil Prices, from 50c to $3.50 NECKWEAR New Hummer Style, direct from Now York, nt from 35c to $1.75 GLOVES Work Cloven nnd Drew (Moves 10cto$3.50 If you get It at Lara's it's guaranteed. THE Storo of Better Values BITS ABOUT TOWN. Tho ituak season closos tomorrow. M. Lara of Seattle Is vltlltnn his mod, A. M. Ura. Mlsa Hollo Kitrnny or the Lyceum Courso will bo hero Fob, 20. Mrs. J. A. Haste nnd MUi Kdlth i returned Thursday nlitht from Port land. II. F. Meyer, manager of tlio Redmond Creamery Co., was a licnu visitor Saturday. II. I). Truo returned Wednesday night from Boattlo where ho spent navon weeks visiting hi family. Karl Wright of Portland, n for mer resident of lloml, la hero visit Ink' lila alitor, Mra. Hush O'Kane. Mra. Kil Winkle of Bisters under wont an operation nt thn hospital Friday, and la getting on all right. Mlaaca Nolllo llarier nnd B. Slier wood of Tim Dalles havo Iwen guesta thn past week of the Misses Banford. Father Luko Bheohan of llctid -will ho In Madraa Mondny to con lutt sorvlees. Madraa Pioneer, Nth, Hay llakor. the 12-year-old loy ho waa operated on at tho hospital for appendicitis, waa nolo to leave yesterday. 0. M. Hcdfteld nnd family moved Mondny to Deschutes. Mr. Ilodfleld la chief engineer of tho Central Oro Kon IrrlKatlon Co. Mr. C. K. Morrta will entortaln tho Afternoon COO club at hor homo In Deschutes addition, Thursday afternoon of this week. J. A. Stephens, who hit a been In Boattlo, returned Thursday accom panied by I A. Lennon nnd Mr, droves, who expoct to locato horo. Herman llrauor, who waa ahot In tho head by "lilacklo." waa dis charged from tho hospital Friday. Ho la able to walk with tho aid or crutches. A party waa glvon at tho homo of Mra. John Bteldl last Thursday aftor moon In honor of Mra. U. M. Hod a1ed, by the members of the Aftor noon GOO club. A carlo'ad or emigrants' tnovabloa ndsonio eight or ten pooplo arrlvod In Uend last week irom Hamilton, Wash". Tho spring emigration has already started, It noomt;. Olo H. Qaardon or Spring Vnlloy, Wis., has como to Hand to live. He atoppod olf at novoral of tho towns down tho railroad but likes Hond bottor than any or thorn and says lio will romuln horo, being -Jolnod lator'by his family. The Oarvin-Looinis Construction Co. INOOIII'OIIATUI), BUILDINCiiS DESIGNED AND ERECTED. Qenerul Contractors. Contral Iiulldlnff Wall and Ohio St. mum si - '1111-1 Tmr Vornon A In Mnilrno, Forbes spent Mondny A. 0. Hiintor wont down to Port land Mondny morning. Tho Hvonlng COO club will moot tonight with Mra. I.iini. TonlKlit In tho llmo foi' tho inns iliturmlo ball at I.lnslur's Mull. Tho Prlncllln Club unit Mondny ovunlug wUh,.MIt Marlon Wlost, Mrn, Miwdo Alnaworth loft tills morning for Portlund on n business trip. F. F. mid Clnuilo Htnlth nnd J. M. Lawrence loturiiod Htiiidny from Paisley. Mrn. F. F. Hmlth litis returned from u vlnlt with Mia, J. M. I, my run do ll! Portland. J. II. Hatter, tho Prlnevlllo ab stractor mid real estate limn, spoilt Mondny In llond on business. Tho city baa (tad all tho sidewalks put In good condition and Is filling up tho bad holes In tho streets. Preparation Is being mndo nt the brickyard west of town to start mak ing brick about tho first ot March. Plat has been filed with tho coun ty clerk at Prlnovlllo of tho North west Townslto Co.'s First addition to lloml. II. J, Doitglana Is sick, suffering from nn attack of appendicitis. It Is not thought that an operation will bo necessary. Tho High Bohool girls will glvo a Ieap Year party at tho K. P. hall on Hnturday avonlug. It will bo an In vitational affair. A ono-slory frnmo business build ing la being erected on lloml street next to Myers & Wllkey's, to replace tho ono destroyed by fire last fall. Thnro (a a mnvo on In llond to or ganise a carpenters' union. A moot ing was held last Butiday and an othor has been called for next Butt day, It Is said. Tho schoolhouso bell Is rung every evening now at 8 o'clock as a curfew warning. Chief of Police Koborta says tho curfow ordinance will bo strictly enforced. Tho rallroad'a stockysrds will bo ctimplolod this week, a crow of mon being at work on them now, There will bo ten pens. They aro located n mile south of tho .depot, across the track from tho roundhouse. Morris Cashmau, night clerk at a local hotel, last week bought through llyan . McUlllvray tho assignment or Karl II. Houston to 40 acres of land throo and a hair miles north or town, under the Hwalloy ditch. Iter. 0. W Arms, who Is sent out by tho Presbytorlan Hoard or Mis sions, New York, to look over tho church ftold In tho West, Is visiting Central Oregon this wcel. lie spent yesterday In llcud, going to Prlno vlllo today. Whllo cloanlng his revolver yes torday morning, K. B. Lapp accident ally ahot hlinaoir In the tort log, Just ahovo the knee. The 38callber ball wont through tho limb without hit ting the bono. While painful, tho wound Is not sorious. A meeting or tho Harnoy County Wool Growers' Association will be held In Hums on March 4. There will bo present a delegation or rail road men to discuss rates; also the an to-truck owners and sovcral repre sentative business mon or Uend. C. II. McConnell or Hums has been spending several days hero this wook, on his way homo from Portland and othor plonta. Mr. McConnell made hi homo In llond several years ago. Ho la now Interested In an Irriga tion project In Harney county. II. J. Kggteston and n Mr. Van Cloavo mado a trip Sunday to tho homestead country southeast or here Mr. Van Cloavo has traveled much, but said he was more favorably Im pressed with that part or Central Oregon than with any other couutry he hnd visited. H. L. Molony, with his wlfo and four children, arrived In Hond on Thursday night from Grand Island, Nob. Mr. Molony has nn 80-acro Irrigated ranch In the Powell Hutto country. Ho formorly lived horo and now returns to make Contral Oregon his perntanont home. Claudo Inula has boon laid up as the result of an nccldont caused by his trying to atop a runaway team from Auue's barn on the 2d. In at tempting to got hold or tho lines he slipped and tell under the wagon, two wheels running ovor his knee. H haa terminated In a bad caso or erysipelas, and Dr. Ferroll lancod It Monday morning. Chlof of Pollco Roberts Is out at- tor tho fowls that bother llond real- douls. He bus Issued orders that owners or chickens, turkeys and oth or fowls bo kept confined by tho own ors, as ho has received complaints from a a number or porsoua that tholr neighbor's poultry wore both- orlng them so much as to make It a nulsanco. t CLASSIFIED COLUMN HATHA' Flvn rnnlH n linn fnr first ItiRortlou In this column, four conts n lliicfor ouch stilBauent In sertion. Cauli lit ndvnnro iinlwiH you liavo nit account with Tlio Hul- lotln. Count six words to tho lino, Including tlio addrets, Wanted IF YOP NHKI) n limn drop card to P. II. Johnson, city. sir For Kent. FOIt HUNT Two storo rooms, modern pinto glass front. Good lo cation on Wall struct. Kmptlro F. O. Minor nt P. O. 4-tf Lout and Pound. LOUT Two hand painted bolt buckles, designed hawthorn or forget mo-tioU, Finder call nt this office for reward. 48-Dp Rooms and Hoard, ItOOM AND HOAltt) for two gen tlemen In plvnto family, at $7.60 por week, each. Inquire nt this oftlco. Por Sale. FOIl BALI-; Good Juniper posts. Knrl H. Houston, Hond, Ore. 9 FOIt HKNT New cabin, partly furnished, Ha month. W. II. Leah, Illk. IS, Center Add. 8-0p FOIt BALE Chatham Fanning Mill with 12 sieves, price $35. Ad drosa A-S. Hullotln. Stf FOIt HAM. Oil TRADEPerch oron stallion, good sound liorso, will exchange) for broken horses, milk cows, or will soil cheap. Address, J. O. Whltakor. Henil, Ore. 4T-3p Fou 8AI.K -Good baled. ry hay nt $10 a ton. II. C. Cmly, Luhilnw, Ore. 43tf Foil SAI.B A bnrKaln In a Rood tyowritcr. Hoynl Standard make, n good machine. Owner has two mncJilncs, with uso for only one, hence the low price of $15 cash. Inquire nt Bulletin oftlco. 32tf FOIt BALBPiTr honey made by tho beea, 20 cts. a pound. W. I). Ish, Illk. IG, Center Add., Fir nvo n uo. 47-9n FOR BAI.B 10x12 tent, floored and boxed, with door nnd roof, $18. W. 1). Ush, Illk. IS. Center add. 9p FOIt BALK Haired Itock eggs for hatching, $1 for IS. K. W. Iltchardson, II. F. D.. Hend. Olf To Tratl e. WIMi TIIADB Gander for goose, or will sell. P. H. Dencer. Hend .7tf MlMrllancou.. new ihupply of legs! blanks lias Iteen recched by Tlio llullctln. If you iuimI nnytliliig In tills line, call nt till onii. A claaslflod advertisement In Tho Hullotln costs but llttlo but brings re sults. If ou havo a houao to rent or sell or want to buy, lot It bo known tiy tho use or an ad. Young lady wishes employment In oftlco. store, hotel or restaurant Quick and accurate at figures and good writer. Inquire at Hullotln. Op Ths Tims to Do th Counting. In tho old days of Impetuous trap faro caution was not regarded as so much a virtue on the part of a mili tary commander as at present. In n battle between French and Austrian. In which Marshal Ilugeaud command ed tho French forces, nn officer of tho stafT said to the marshal: The enemy are advancing. Hhnll I send n party to m-ontiottcr nnd sin how numerous they are?" No," said Hugesud; -we'll couut 'cm after wo'vo bouteu 'cm." Rssdlng. Were I to prny for a tasto which should stand mo Instead under every variety of circumstance and bo a source of happiness and choerfulucs. to me during life and a shield against Ills, bowerer things might go amiss and the world frown upon me. It would tie a taste fur reading. BIr John llerschel. Its Nature, "Dorely ts a nuUauc. No matter when you meet him, he want to talk about lit One stamp 0011001100." "Don't blame blm for that, my boy Aa a nil stamp are things which are naturally 011 the tip of every one's tuogua." Usltltuore American. Th Mkl. -Kicking Is bad policy. RboW the mule. Kicking nvar gets blm any where." "That I exactly why the mole kicks." "n doesn't want to t aaywhere." Birmingham Age-Herald, Storm of Ufa. The noblest characters are tbosa who have steered the life saving vessel through storm toad seas, A bed ot down never nurturedinVgruat soldier yet. - 2 It Is success to tose the approval ot fool,-Kiiral Qlu Tonlo. Chinese medicine developed a spwial fondiuvis for foiwlllxed "dragon bones," derived from oxtinct herblvom. They ore also fond of "dragou teeth," as fos silized ahells are called. In Shantung gluo Is mode from usses' skins, lu n1 curtain town of thut province is u well, tho wator of which when dntuk by B83CJ makes their skins especially good for making gluo. This gluo brings a fancy prlxo, as it I n famous tonic throughout Ohlua.-Cblcnco Tribune. lsa fners ROjtPlJDCf ' Arc guaranteed to shape fashionably,, to outwear any other corset the bones not to rust or break, or the iabrie tear. J 1 .00 tO $3.50 per pair Attached nrc the strong Security Kubbr Button Hose Supporters. mom Tim settlers NORTHEAST OF TOWN Sunday Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Elder had lettuce far dinner which was grown In their garden without any protection. Mr. and Mrs. Cole Smith visited with Mr. and Mrs. II. Smith Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. A. Hooch visited tholr son nnd wire, Mr. and Mr. C. W. Hocch, Sunday. Mrs. Heotor Meroband ts ill with tho grip. Holph Grimes haa been quite HI with the grip but Is getting bettor, Edwin Kavanaugh, son or Mrs. A. L. Hudson, returned 'tp Hend' last STAR THEATRE THE PICTURE PLAY HOUSE OP BEND. Who Is It For? THK WKARYMOTIIKH-Asa placo ot rest and recreation. THK BUSINESS MAN As a nv llof from tho stress ol tlio day's work. KOH TUB YOUNG MAN AND WOMAN-As a placo or re fined entertainment. FOU THK CIIILDKKN-Whore amusement Is combined with Instruction, whoro ImproIons aro mado and lessons learned by the "UnlvorsalLanguagoof tho Pictures." If you area public-spirited cltl en ninko tho Picturo Plas a factor for good In your commun ity. Unango or program Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, I FIRE Insurance that PROTECTS JVL. S. Lattin & Co. Billiards and Pool Fino and Popular Lino of CIGARS Silvis & Blackwell Wall street, - Bend, Oregon THE FIRST DRESS CONSIDERATION Is the Corset. If tho base is not right, the gown cannot lit. Kncli senson there is something new in figure outline, nnd necessarily there must be a corset that will create the new figure. This season's corsets are low above the waist and very long below. However, we can give you any style you like, high or low. Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets MANNHEIMER Mercantile Co. The DEPENDON Store. .Monday f-qoi Harrlmart. Tlin f ..tl,a' TtinlMr ..tnt. rn.1 wlffi 1 Mrs. C. Us Uragg-on tho 8th. Those ; present woro: Mrs.' W. 0. Waugh I Mrs. W. II. Ileynolds, Mrs. K. P. Iloy- ' . nolda. Mrs. O. C. Cardwell, Mrs. II. K. BtQwart, Mrs. K. A. Nelson, Sirs. II. Helgeson. Mrs. O. I .Uablo. Miss Anua Moen, Mrs. Q. M. Krlckaon and Mrs. Hragg. Itefrcshmcnts were served by the hostess. The club will meet with Mrs. Cardwell next. Saturday ovontng there was a so cial danco at Clarence V. Darto's. Tho ladles brought lunch of cake, aandwlches and coffee. There were about forty persons present. NEWS FROM CRESCENT Items of Intercut Prom Neighbor ing Town. CnESCENT, Feb. 13. Don Cald well returned Sunday from Odell Lako. C. n. Stevens la the proud rather or a baby girl, born to Mrs. Slovens at Spokane, Wash. H. Hllderbrand and 0. W. Tub bcslng ol Portland wero In Crescent this week attending to property In terests. Charles Dowers, a trapper, was In Irom Crescent Lako for supplies. He saya tho trapping waa good during the early part of the winter, but at presont the antmals are not stirring. Ralph Caldwell and daughter. Miss Nora, visltod the Rourk family Saturday and Sunday, returning on -p-yp-J -s 1 i i-i, ;i;. 'ahiiUM, 1 Srwfafynrayygg: LOOK AT OUR FURNITURE and you will appreciate its high quality. Splendid new designs, tho best ma terials, and expert cabinot-maktnjr to gether produce the most artistic and durable furniture ever offered for sale nt anything like our prices. Wo re quest the favor of a call, juat out of curiosity. We will show you Furniture and Carpets that will surely tempt a quick order. You will appreciate the artistic designs and the perfect work manship in QverjC-piece, E. M. THOMPSON Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty. 4 LOTS OF NEW ! FURNITURE I m COME IN AND SEE IT. PaysCasi HOPE Selis for Cash I THE SECOND HAND MAN. Monday. Ouy Peterson and Fred LaKollctto wero passengers on Friday's stage. A masquerade ball was given In Kelser'a Hall Saturday evening. Music was furnished by tho La Pino uVchcstra. "The refreshments com mittee deserves special mention for tho part It took In tho affair. Tho following visitors came from La Pino: Mr. and Mrs. Andres, Mr. and Mrs. John Masten, Mr. and Mrs. Oeasley, Mr. and Mrs. Fordbam. Misses Mary and Ethel Darber, and Alta Irwin; Alfred A. Aya. D. L. Peterson, Our Peterson, Fred LaFollette, Claudo Benson, S. Wrather, H. D. Bur roughs and Jack Monroe. Some Fine Srd. II. J. Kggleston has Just rccclvod a fine lot of field and garden seed. In the lot Is somo of tho best seed oats ever seen here, as well as clover and Imported alfalfa. Get your order In early boforo the supply is exhausted. Application for Grazing Permits. Notice Is hereby given that all ap plications for permits to graio cattle, 'horses and sheep within the CAS CADE NATIONAL FOREST during the season of 1912, must be filed In my office at Eugene. Ore., on or be fore February 20. 1912. Full Infor mation In regard to the grating fees to bo charged and blank forms to be used In making applications will bo furnished upon repuest, CLYDE R. SEITZ. 8-9 Supervisor. - a a j( , t-,4 . 3 SissBBBBBBBS llllilr HI