THE BEND BULLETIN tusbuarc palmer pOtnam Publisher. U. N. HOFFMAN MantiRlng Editor. An liidopemlont newspaper stand Iiik for the square doni, clean IiiimI- ncsjf clean politics and tho lest In terests of Bond and Central Oregon. One year $1.B0 Six months. . . . SO Thrco months .. -50 All saMtTrlntCona are duo ana PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notice of ospiratton will ln mailed suhsorl- hora and ir renewal is not mauo wun In reasonable tlmo tho paper will bo discontinued. Please notify us promptly of any change of address, or of failure to ro- cclvo tho paper rofcularly. Make all checks and orders pay- alilo to Bond iiuiioun. DIRECTORY OF OFFICIAL". ONtTED 8TATKS I-mMtnt .... - William 11. Tart Vkr-rrtaWcnl .. Jamtan h"n tVcttUryorstalr ThlUiKlerCKBO Btcmaryof TTcaaurr llaakl MacVtash Stwtary of Interior ...... WalitrL.Kl.her Scilary of War :;-- -h -, w,","" Fwittar of Commerce ami Laboe-Cnarlea ijafel Secretary ol Natj ... - . George Voa U. Meyer hnlnttln Ceneral . ..Frmrt II. Illtchtock Attorney Ge.etl C.eortt W. Wtckei.hani STATU Governor .!i.. ..w.. Secretary of fiute ....- Trvnrr .-.. . . ...,., O. Wert BeoW Olrotl .Thorn n. Kar Attorney Central . ...A. al.Crawlard Sum. rubllc Infraction . .-L.R. AHJetnian Stale rtlnltr . W. . Dunlway CoomllontrorUborSUtUtlc--.0 1 HoB Cant Watvlen.. .. -T' V? V?lf but Knelnoer .. -.-John II. U I fteorte K. Chamberlain I Joailhau noutne, Jr. I W. C llawtey V. 8. benalora. CengreMtnea A.w. ln. rtj SKVKNTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT J ode. W. L. nr1ht Alloracy- Kred W. Wilton CROOK COUNTY lalre Clerk Shenff" Tmnm. . II. C. K1IU V."tTro Drown T. ff, Balfonr ..Ralph Jotdan .J. D. LaFollette AiMtnot school 9uperintevlenl.r. Coroner .. .. - batTryor-. CommUlonCf ..... .Dr. K. O. Ilydf HreJ . Hire .. A. roru I K.H. lUjlry I lame. tc TUB COURTS. CiacciT Ctwar Flrat Monday la May; thin) Monday In October. ,.... raooita CovnT-Flral Monday In each month. CoMMiaaioimas CocT Fltat Wednesday In January. March. May, July. September and Noreraber. Bhd Scaooi DlTtCT No. II. (P.M. Kay CVrtk Mayor KKordcr Trra.urcr.. Mlu Marion Vtlnt CITY OH BUND .0. C. Co -ll.C. Wilt IC. J. Orctturf II. Wenandy I S. Laltln II. K, Allen S. J. boencr John Mridt A L. French ConncUmen . WEDNESDAY. FEB'ItY nkki snwnrt system. ' llend U crowing rapidly, but in order for It to become the city which we all expect and bctlcro it will bo corno it must hare a sewer systom. New buildings are being erected which are equipped with modern plumbing fixtures which septic tanks and cesspools will not take care "of so that the health of the town Is safe. In the pail there has been no danger, but with a population Increasing by leaps and bounds the necessity of a sower disposal system Is self-evldont Tho construction of a system here will be no small undertaking, owing primarily to tho fact that the river cannot bo used as a means of dls iiosal. Tho topography makes that stream a natural dlsposat outlet, but other means are possible and tho sooner tho city gets started on this project tho Itcttor, It would seem. To wait until an epidemic has swept tho town, probably, would be poor economy. With tho adoption of a charter, jading of the' city was made possN !ble and of course tils Is the way the sewer system will hare to be taken care of. A bond Issue of, say, $100 ufcO would bo ample and would uot even now be burdensome. Each year 1" wo.uld bo less so, the Increaso ' Jn'proprtr valuations gWlnfr a larxr cas return" and a fuarer rate. The! Vitonds COUl uo Issued to run for 20 yetI i,T more, at the end of which period tho town would have grown to bo u largo city and the bonds could bo easily paid off. Tbo City Council has slready taken preliminary steps In tho mat ter, having ashed sewer system ex perts to visit Bond and look over the situation. Hanty action in a matter like this, of course, would be unwise, but fully as unwise a course would be to retard tbo development of the town by unnecessary delaying a mat ter of such vital Importance. AKK Till..' U.VAPPKECLVnVE? Tho rural free delivery route from Bend has now beon established for iwn witeko. and from reliable re- wjrts which havo reached The Bullo 'tin It would seem that some of the people of the territory served aro not taking advantage of tno goou worn clo Sim is doing for them. The govornmeut regulations require that each H. F. 1). patron must provldo n box In which tho carrier mar Place his mall, and If such Is not dono mall Is not loft for that porsou. A num ber of pcoplo on tho route It Is Bald, have failed vto put up boxes, this be ing, ospcolnlly true of nm who llvo on tho rood to Prlnevlllo. Thoy havo been recolvlng their mall each morning from tho star routo carrier, and as tho It. F. 1). sorvlco Is only trl-wcokly thoy prefer to ollng to tho old way of gottlng their mall. Doubtless they havo forgotten tho fRCt that lln"Riiverlnonl will dlacon tlnuo the sorvlco from hero to Powoll Uutto ou March 1. serving that town by another routo. Would thoy like to have to etrtnc to the office at Hend for their mall, after having received It at tholr door? To bo suro not, but that Is what may happen If tho U. F. D. routo people do not tako ad vantage of what tho Postoltlco De partment offers them. Vnolo Sam has a way6 of refusing to do things some times ami this Includes tho dis continuing of, rural free dellvory routes which are not properly patron lxed. It thoreforo behooves all thoso who llvo on tho Bond routo to put up their boxes and see that their neighbors who have not dono so get busy at onco. Tho three-) ear homestead bill, which also provides a six months' leave of absence each year, has pass ed tho Senate, but seems far from bocoiulng a law this session. Secre tary of tho Interior Fisher opposes It. on the ground that Jt makes It too oasy for personi to acquire public land. Tho House public lands com mittee has been holding hearings but has not yet reported tho bill to the House. Judging from the uumbor of in quiries which Tho Bulletin Is re ceiving every week, there nro many people contemplating coming hero this year. Every mall brings letters reading to this effect: "Please seud me copy of your paper and subscrip tion rates, as I am coming to Central Oregon and wish to And out about tho country." Den W. Olcott has announced him self as a candidate for tho Republi can nomination as Secretary of Stato. Ho requests that tho following slogan bo plsced on tho official ballot after Ms name: "Results talk. My record Is before you. Believe In tho Oregon system." I Heard Here aad There I BOY'S IDEA OF EDITOIt. (Exchange). Tho following Is what a boy thinks of an editor: "I don't know how newspapers camo to be In the world and I don't think God knows, for ho ain't gut nothing to say about them In tho Bible. I think tho editor Is the missing link wo read of and stayed In tho bushes until the flood, and then came out and wrote things up and stayed here ever slnco. I don't think ho ever died, I nover saw a dead one and nover heard of ono get ting licked. Our paper Is a mighty good one; but tho editor goes with out underclothes all winter, and don't wear any socks and pa ain't paid his subscription since tho paper started. I asked pa if that was why tho editor had to suck tbo Julco out of snowballs In winter, and go to bed when ho had his shirt washed In summer. "Then pa got mad and took roe out in the woodshed and licked me awful hard. If the- editor makes mistakes, folks say he ought to be hanged; but If the doctor makes any mistakes he buries them aud peoplo dassent say nothing becauso doctors csn road and write Latin. When tho editor makes mistakes there is lawsuits and swearing and a big fuss, but 1 the doctor makes one there is a funeral, cut flowers and perfect alienee. A doctor can use a word a yard long without him or anyooay knowing wnat u menun, uui. n ww editor uses one ho hss to spell It. "If the doctor goes to see another man's wlfo ho charges tho man for the visit; but if the editor should go, be gets a charge of buckshot. Ajy collego csn make a dgctr.r to order, but an editor has lo be born." IlEDMOND'H nALL TOSSEBS. (Redmond Spokesman.) nnrtmnnd can boast of having as good a collection of ball players liv ing hero now as any iown in i" state. There Is "Big" Kd Erlckson, former crack pitcher of tho pennant winning Vancouver, B. C, team; Tamp Osborne, another mound artist veil known all over this ftuto and Washington; E. E. Foote, tho big backstop of tho local team, and a University player of reputation; Hamilton, another Unlvorslty player who Is always thcro with tho goods; Walter Rodman, who Is a wUard In tho box, another U man; I. P. Hewitt, all around player and a U man of many athletic attainments; and Mc Cauloy and TtheroV, two good live nnea who somo day may' break Into tho league. Besides the abovo there nro n number of minor playors horo who go a fast paco on tho diamond. KH.l.lSd OF HCIIAFPKll. (Silver UH Leader). C. 13. BchnlTer, gun man of tlio tlos ort, was shot nud fatally wounded last Monday ulght by Deputies 1. D. Ucodor nud K. 0. Uutck. Hu died at C:30 a. m. Tuesday. Tho oftllcurs tired through a window of SchalTor'ri homestead shack fivo nillos vast of Fort Rook, where thoy had gono to sorvo a warrant sworn out by Charles W. Smith, chiirBtng tho gun man with assault. Thoy fired after Schaffer refuted tho third demand to hold up his hands. Ho had par leyed with Deputy P. W. Jones for halt au hour, refusing to surrvudor peaceably. Mrs. Wilson, Sehaffer's companion, was trying to hand n rifle to her eollsaguo whou lteeder nud Bulck fired. IN FI.OUIHSHINO CONDITION. (The Dalles Optimist.) John Ooetchen, well known rancher of the Klugsloy section, re turned Saturday from a visit to Con trol Oregon, lio states that there la no snow In that part oi tho country and tho roads aro In excellent con dition. Mr. noetchou patd a visit to Ucnd and reports everything to bo In a flourishing condition at tho tormi na! of the Deschutes and Oregon Trunk railroads. PAISLEY I. O. O. I IlL'Y LOTS. (Paloloy Press). A real oatato deal was put through this week whurcby tho local Odd Fellows Hall Association acquired tltlo to tho two lots ou tho north cornor of tho Miller addition. Tho price paid was f00. It is tho In tention of tho purchasois to oven tuftlly soil tholr property on Mill street and oitct a building on their now site. This will probably bo dono this year. COllUHCT TIME FOB PltlNF.VILLK (Prtuovtllo Journal.) Judgo Ellis has mndo nrrnnco monts to havo tho oftlclnl tlmo sent tu every day so (nut tho courthoiuo elock will agree with railroad tlmo. Tho matter was broached to mana ger Dooner of tho P. T. & T. Co., and ho voluntoercd to furnish tho Infor mation free of chargo to tho county. NO, INDEED. (Eugono Iloglator). A Bend man has applied to tho forest sorvlco for a permit to graxo turkeys on tho Deschutes National Forest. Evon Anthony Comslock could sco nothing to bo shocked at In such a "turkoy trot" as this. A CURIOUS ACCIDENT. It Cauttd ths Wreck, Long 8hroudd In Myittry, of a Schooner. The queer accident that havo hap pened to Malno vecU would Oil a rotume. and some of them would not bo believed. An old coaster rnptnln recalled the mysterious wreck of the tittle schooner Actlvo In Fox island thoroughfares soma years ago. It vras tn tho fall of the year, and tho Acllra was going through the narrow pas. tago between the Inland. Sbo carried only two men. the master, Captain Ray, and his sixteen-year-old son. When last seen under sail tho Active was shipshape, the boy at the wheel snd his father below taking a nap, as It was afterward found. Next day tho Active was found on the rocks, wtlb her stern stove In, the matter drown ed in bis bunk and Ibe boy dead at Ihe wheel with a bullet hole In his bead) This discovery caused n great -na-tlon. and thero appcarciTto be no mo tives for any ono to kill ihe Iwy, and as It was known that tin shot muxt )uvt been flrt-d by u third Mrmu. the whole affair was a mystery and re mained thus for yearx. when a innn in a dlxtnnt state conferred on hi death bed that it was lie who fired tbe chot Hint killed tho helmsman of tho Ac tive. The man salt! thst be bad fired at a hawk, which was circling low. and did not sco the schooner, which suddenly rnmo Into range, owing to nn Interven ing clump of btwhM, Then he was horrified to set) Ibe boy at tne scnoon- ers wheel throw up his bnndi nnd fall to tho deck, -while tho rtiwcl broacbea to and was, driven ashore by the wind and tide. Tbe gunner, who was after gulls and docks, fled without waiting to Investigate the result ot his unfor tunate shot, fearing that if be reporter) the matter to tbe authorities he might, although Innocent of any criminal In tent, bo imprisoned. Washington Post. CONVEX LENS OF THE EYE. A Burning Olsis That Adjuats ths bight to Varying Distances. One of the manifold wonders of the human eye is tbo convex lens with which the focal distances of sight art made instantly and without mental ef fort This lens in ths sys is a literal -burning glass," as the small boy styles ths glsss lens with which he focuses iha tun's rav a and sets fire to a piece of paper. Jut In this sense, too, is the lens of Ins eye a uierai ourniug i. as may bo shown by tbo simplest of experiments. Lot tbe pcrnon at midday hold a straw ngulunt the fnco of tbe sun and focus hU eyes on tbo straw. Ho can look at the straw, with its background of a dazzling sun, mid without dlscom fort. But tbo momeut bo looks ut the fiery ball of tbe sun Itself, subcon sciously the lens of tbo vfo comes to Its proper focus, with the result that n "burning" sun spot appears on tbo ro Una of tbe eye, and It Is said that n few secouds of such looking would burn out tbo retina ns If by flro Itself. lu tbe subconscious ndnptabJJUy of A MESSAGE of Good Cheer to the Economical Buyers. Tho old world turns 'round on its axis ovory day. So do wo want to turn, our goods ovcry day. It's tho volumo of business wo figuro on and not tho profit on ono article. Evor stop to think about it that way? Fresh Goods 1 nnd Honost valuos is what you got at our store, and f &: Correspondingly W. C. tbo eye lent lo adapt Knelt to ilirrvrrut dlitauces Ilea Its value tu the human sight. The man With a camera adjual tho focus of hi lenses by sliding them forward and back. Ttn leitacs of tbe human eye, by changing their curva tures, allow of one looking at fine print six Inrhrs from bis nose and In a fraction of a second to look up and sway, probably fifty miles tar a moun tain, peak Hint in an lustant H lo trur camera foco. Pittsburgh Prvsav Ths Hocking of Laks Erla. Tho S2U nils trough of Uke Brfctles approximately In tbe direction of Ihe west to Houlbwrxt wind which prevail In that part of ff country Tbu Hie lake offers nn cseellenl opportunity fsf studying the efr.tta of the wind upoa a large body of locleHcil water, nnd very Interesting Iftrne effVet nouie lluics prove. Ubytsauk- gust product a rocking motion iiras" grnil blows from the went or southwrt sweep the liquid body of Ihe lake eastward sud xouie tlmes cnuav n rUe eight feet or more at Buffalo In ttwcutirwe of n few hours. Aa soon na tbruinxlmuin force of tbo gale tins patrd the water Hwlug back. CoiitluJUMl rueklngs nrc obwred on days wbro tbo streugth of tbe wind fluctuates. Diplomat! . Tommy. If you'll somo wood til tII you what 111 do." -WhaCs that, dad r -I'll let yon bavs tbesiwdut to . rtrcus with."-Wsstatertni OsrsbL. HKHOLUTIONS OF ltEHPECT. Whereas, the. Supremo Uutnr has, In His Inflnlto wisdom, removed from our midst our bstoxed brolhar, J. M. Cook, and; WhitniM. hand lodro No. 218, Itv depondent Order of Odd Fellows, haa by the death of Brother Cook lost a sincere and loyal member ana tno city of Bend n honoot ana vatua cltlion, and; Whereas, this la Ihe first tlmo. the Death Angel has entored our lodgo ranks and robbod us o( a member, therefore bo it nesolvod, that, whllo we humbly submit to Our Heavenly Father, wo mourn tho loss of Brother Cook, who has boen taken away from tbo sorrows and carea of this world, to ..nlnv tfm rnwnrillt nf his labors in VIIJW .... w - " - - this world of preparation for hlghor things. Ilcsolvod, Furthor, that in honor -M --- For Rent Folding Card Tables 15c each Folding Chulr8 BOc per doz, E. M. Thompson. 4a-.-- ------ --- - t -r..-, t . - - Cano Sugar, per 100 lbs. . . . Eastern Sugar-Cured Hams, per lb. Sugar-CurodJDacon . . . . Cooking Apples, per box Coffee, 3 lbs. the best you over tasted,-5-lb. tin pure Lard, . 80 ounces K. C. Baking Powder, Carnation Milk, per can . . . Pioneer Milk, per can . . . .. t Mt. Vernon Milk, per can Yoloban Milk, 3 cans . . String Beans, 3 cans . . . . Two and cne-half lb. can Tomatoes Lye, 3 cans 2 packages Violet Oats 6 Boxos White Tip Matches 1 gallon can Apples . . , . 1 gallon can Tomatoes . v 8 bars Laundry Soap 3 packages pure Pepper 1 gallon Ideal Syrup Table Peaches, 2 cans 3 packages A. and H. Soda 3 12-ounco Mackerel low prices on all other staplo and fancy articles. McCUISTON Wall Street, Bend, Oregon. of our dopsrted brother tbo charter Of this lodgo be draped In mourning for thirty days; that tho sincere sym pathy of this lodge bo extended to ths retntlrcn of our brother; thst copy of tlicsa resolutions bo spread upon tho minutes of our lodge, a copy tent to tho family of the de-cosso-C and a copy printed In The' Bend Oaffotln. W. L. WINO. V. N. HOFFMAN, N. P. WEIDEK. Committee, RECOJU OF TRANSFERS Deeds Rccsarty Filed With Ihe County CJsrk at Prlnevlllo. Lawrcnrw C. Fleming to Ituth It. bOvurttirf, aiwV.nnH Bee 30-17-13. Lovi.D. Wliist to John (I. Hhuup It 3, blk 21, Wleatotla. 2Q0. The Bon Co. to It. E. Warner Its 21 and 22, Dlk 19, Park Add., Bond. Lytlu Totvuaito Co. to Iva B. West DR. ARTHUR 1 SEH" Bye-Glass Specialist of Port l.and, Oregon, IS NOW AT THE HOTEL BEND And Will Be There From February 13th to February 18th, I will visit Bend quarterly nnd will guarantee satisfaction. If ypur eyes trouble you In any way come and consult me. EYES EXAMINED FREE. Ask to see the OUR OWN F1NOER PIECE MOUNTING also the KRYPTOK LENS. My Charges are Reasonable Call Me Up and Make an Appointment by 'Phone? hero's tho proof: $6.75 . 19c 17c up 2.00 1.00 75c ?5c 10c 10c 10c 23c 25c 10c . 25c 25c . 25c 35c , 35c 25c . 25c 75c 35c . 25c 25c tract lu l.ytfcr ncrrami, Bend. Jtldnoy H. Ktrarns to I .a Pint Townslto Co. nwUnoVi Hcc. 18 and sUr4 Her. IO-22-10. Tho Bend Co. lo Mrs. U B. Bur reft IC R, blk 70, Center Add.. Bend Fred A. Ilunncll to Elmer Nla woDgor, part ol sections i and 9 In township It), rsngo 12. is. E. Hnntsr Itenlty Co, to C. K iTmfaorx, Us S. C, 7 and southesat r& bat of It f, Mk 4, Bond. Ttta- Band CO. to Thomas M Tom pre. ft Is, blk It, rrk add., Bend TBn Bend Cm to tawl 0. Orulw,' IU IC and 16, Ulfc 31, Center Add. Bbmfi J. II. Desn to K. It. Post. 0 2 J font of lots 16 nnd 16. blk IB, Con tor Add., BoniL (Quitclaim). . J. I. West to W. II. Nowlon et at, o It 3, blk 27. Bond. tr. C. Coo, trustpo. to O. II CalJ woh, oHnwU and It I. Bee. 19, and It I, Bee. 30-21-11. ( Irua) dosds). o !.. D. Ulleat to William P, (lloasoiy ii , iiik is vsicaioria.