The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 14, 1912, Image 2

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    The Only Addition
, You will have no livery stables, saloons, or any
other kind of business on the lot adjoining your
home. The following Bend Park property was
Sold Last Week:
Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
Lots 1, and 2,
Lots 1, and 2,
Lots 2 and 3,
Lot 12,
Lots 2 and 3,
Lot 4,
Lots 3 and 7,
Lot 9,
Lot 1,
Block 67
Block 70
Block 84
Block 88
Block 16
Block 15
Block 25
Block 12
Block 31
Block 73
Bend Park Company
R. G. SHRADER, Local Agent, Bend, Oregon.
General Offices, 8G0-8G1 Empire Building, Seattle, Wash.
v or, Paulsen Bldg., Spokane, Wash,
or, Portland Hotel, Portland, Oregon,
HAMPTON NEWS NOTES yc,low llno that naJ d,0l within ! nlRht. departing for Fallbrldgo at
Kite It Chosen for on
JNmcl to Hum.
HAMPTON. Kou. 10. Tbero woro
twenty-fire present at a school meet
ing held at J. L. Owen's store on Feb.
8. A school site was chosen near
tho C2nd tnllo post on the llond
Burns road and one-half mile north
of Hampton postoflleo, Burr Hlaek
and Melvln Crowo each giving two
acres for that purpose. 1 C. rock
was elected director In tho place of
L. Miller In his absoncc.
Mrs. E. W. Hall and daughters
Julia and Marie took a trip to Port
land tho first of the month.
Louis Miller lias taken advantago
of tho thaw caused by recent warm
weather and rain and is busy plow
ing. A. S. Fogg returned from Ilend
Monday with a four-horse load of
provisions and feed for himself and
Mclvin Crow, nurr Black and W.
TV Harrison all left for Head oarly
this morning.
Mrs. Louis Miller spent ''Tuesday
with Mrs. "John Schmcar at Prlnglc
that period, and wblch had hereto
fore been considered as a natural
and Inevitable forest condition, rep
resented In board feet nearly half as
much timber an waa tlion living
Tho sugar pine and Douglas fir repre
sented as much dead as was then
In this cstlmato showed ovldonce
that It had been killed by Insects.
An Irrcparabto loss was caused
from an osthetlc Klnt of view In
1904 and '05 by the death, through
tho attaok of the mountain plno
beetle, of the three giant sugar plnos
on tho trail from Wnwonn to Glacier
Point and tho Yosemlte Vulloy. Tho
veteran sugar plno known as "Uncle
Tom," along the road entering the
park, was also killed by this beetle.
Tho fact that it Is plainly shown
that this wasto of natural rosources
can bo prevented must Interest not
only tho officials of national and
state parks and forests but ov'ory
owner of tlmbor large and small.
These Can be Controlled, Hay Gov
ernment Oillclls. .
WASHINGTON, D. 0. Through
out the Pacific Slope and Rocky
Mountain regions grow the largest
and most yaluablo coniferous tree
species of the world; the pines, the
spruces, the Douglas fir, the balsam
flrs, the hemlocks, the cedars, and
tho Sequoias (redwoods). Each one
of these has at least one Insect enemy
which has killed trees In the post
and Is actually going so today.
"Insect Damage to Standing Tim
ber In tho National Parks," is tho
title of a paper read by an expert of
,the Bureau of Entomology, U. S. De
partment of Agriculture, before tho
conference of national park superin
tendents held under tho auspices of
the Secretary of tho Interior on Sep
tember 11-12, 1911, and issued as
Circular 143 of the Bureau of "Ento
mology. In this circular a summary
Is given of tl e damage caused by a
little group of "tree-destroying"
beetles, and of the practical mothods
qf controlling them, resulting from
the'investlgatlons of the Bureau of
In a national forest where there
was .no evidence -of destructive fires
forfthe Mast 20 years It was found
that the standing and fallen dead
Drilling on Mr. I'ulliaiii'ft Farm
Pro io to I to Successful.
TUMALO. Feb. 8. A good flow
of water has beon struck In the well
which Mrs. Pulllam had drilled on
bor place. At a depth of 303 foot
tho wator was found, and It raised CO
feet In the well. All tho loose shaley
bedrock was contented as tho drill
wont down and It la believed that It
will dot be necessary to caso the well.
8tan!oy Umphaletto of Portland,
tothcr of Mrs. J. B. V liner, w.. vis
iting at this placo last Saturday. Ho
bought 40 acres of ditch land near
Laldlaw from J. C. Thorp. Mr.
Umphalette has a position with tho
Portland Hotel, where ho has been
for several years.
A. Har-yinan has moved buck to
his ranch, having spent tho wjntcr
near this placo. '""
James Hyan, tho Bond real estate
man, has beon making trips 6ver this
way quite often recently.
a Irtto hour. Ho wan seen at Cellla
later, when ho told a friend that ha
Has going to walk across tho rail
road brldgo to Fallbridge. That
was tho last seen of him. Fenton
was a witness against Cll!o boot"
teggors, who wore recently convic
ted In court, and It Is feared that
ho may havo wot foul play.
Memorial Ken Ires at Church Hun
day Largely Attended.
The momorlal services in honor of
Abraham Lincoln Sunday at tho Bap
tist church woro largely attended,
tho house being entirely flllod. Theru
were six veterans of the war pres
ent, and three wives of valorous.
Tho church was decorated with flags,
and a special musical program was
given. Two numbers were the "Star
Spangled Banner," solo by Miss Mar
lon Wlost, and "Tenting on tho Old
Camp around," solo by Ml on Arrle
The address was delivered by Itov.
H. B. Foskctt, who spoko of tho char
actor aud many oxcellont traits of
tho Great Emancipator.
In connection with tho music,
Mr. Foskctt complimented the choir
and congratulated the town on hav
ing such a good musical nggroga
tion. Ho said It excelled any found
by him In his travols to many towns
and villages of Oregon.
Some Arc Stamped Out With a
Dlo, Somo Cut From Tubes.
Monroe Fenton, Oregon Trunk Em
ploye, .MIkkIiij;.
THE DALLES. Feb. 9. Monroo
Fenton, engineer of the Oregon
Trunk Ilallroad, has been missing
slnco last Friday night, and friends
and relatives who havo beon making
search have been unable to find any
trace of him.
Fenton, who Is a mombor of Al
bany lodge of Elks and belongs to
tho Brotherhood 'of Railway Fire
men, was In The Dalles Friday
Forest Employe Injured Fighting
Flrp to (ict Pension.
District Forester Georgo H. Cecil
has Just recolvod Information that
March 31, 1912, has been set by tho
Department of Agriculture as tho
latest date ou which claims under the
genoral deficiency bill approved ou
March 4, 1911, can bo presented for
casualties and disabilities suffered
by temporary employes whllo fight
ing tiro on national forest prior to
Decern bor 1, 1910".
Mr. Cecil Irallovcs that all claims
originating In Oregon properly pay
able under this act have already been
proonted, but In case thoro aro Any
still ouBtanding they may bo sub
mltted to tho forest supervisor in
charge of the forest wlioie tho acci
dent occurred,
Tho best Incubators and brooders
known to tho chicken business aro
tho Petaluma. Anyono Interested
should call on or address 6. V.
fihrlnor, Bend, who is agent for this
. a ftuU, Thty Art Formtd In Mold
of CuMUrUh Dens, Into Which tho
PatUrn Sinks as Though Prud In
to WaxMaking tho Molds.
CuttletlKh bone I famlllnr to raoit
icoplc, ns It Is seen thrust between thn
Inn uf n bird cage for birds to xck at.
Itlrtln clean their beaks on It. and they
like to cat II. But cutlletWh bono hax
other aud more Interesting use. It
U unh1 lu tho luanufucturo of tooth
powder and of K)llshlnr powder and
In the making of n prepared food for
bird, but perhaps the most Interest
lug of Its use is In the maklug of
mold In which to cast gold
Some gold rings aro cast In tiny
(link coutnlnlng molds of fine sand;
others are stamped out with a die.
Wedding rings are tnndo from a drawn
tube of gold In which the rounded out
er shape of tho ring U produced ou a
mandrel, tho several sections thus
formed Mug then sawed off writ
tvheu flulitlirtl and pollahnl to form a
perfect ring. But of the vast number
of solid gold rln n produced by manu
facturing Jeweler. Including ring to
bo mounted with stones, 75 per cent
are cant In cuttlelUh tmno mold.
Such a mold can bo used but once,
ami so tho tuuiiufutiurtiig Jeweler tines
a lot of cutlletUh bone. Tho mold
may be made lu two. three, four or
flro purta, according to the elaborate-
urn of the ring to be molded. The
bono serve both a tlask and as mold
ing material.
Suppose the nioldcr I to make for a
ring comparatively lmplu In k1wh a
three part mold. lie nit at u bench
on which he tins bras pattern of the
ring to bo molded. The manufactur
ing Joueler bsa hundred-), innuy bun
dreds, of these pattern rings, to which
he is continually adding designs.
Handy by tho molder bun u (mix of
cuttlelUh boue. Only bone of the finest
quality and fluent texture I ued, nnd
such Itouc serve for till purpme ad
mirably. I'ndcr pressure of an object
uKu It thU bone breaks down perfect
ly and with no surrounding fmrturea
or fissures, it take an Imprendon prac
tically as perfect as a ptnxtlc mate
rial would do, while at the wuue time
It stand up perfectly around the I in
preiitou made.
The molder takes a euttieflsli bono
In Its familiar ornl shape and with a
little sharp tool lied saw saws off tho
taierlug side and the etd, leaving
a keystone Hhnped or nil oblong block.
Then straight aero ho saws off ono
cud of this block about a quarter of
It length from the etid. and then the
larger piece ho saws through from side
to side midway of Its thlrknex. Now
ho has the ortclnnl block of bono di
vided Into tlinv parts.
He nibs tho face of each of these
parts perfectly smooth ou n metal plate
set heforv him conveniently lu the
bench, and then the material I ready
for use as a mold. The molder turn
ono of the two hlpwr block over ou
the bench with the smoothed surfneo
up ami picks up the model ring, nnd
with n deft, sure tuwdi t pre thU
owlet down for half lis tlikknp nil
around Into the delicately fragile but
evenly textured boncthl In the
rno of n three plerc mold at one end
of the block, leaving the head or cap
of the ring projecting twjond the end
nice. Next he pick up the other half
of this block, turn Its smooth face
dowti and proves that dowu ukii tbc
ring a It lie with tin If Its thick new
projecting nlxno the surface of the
lower block, mid now he has n mold of
the ring complete except for the pro
jecting bead.
At till stage he picks up that end
piece of the Ixine that he lind sawed
off and presses that with Its smooth
fare down upon the ring's bead, so tak
ing mi Imprt-HHiou of that, and then ho
bus the mold complete, but with the
tnodr I ring Inside of it.
Now bo score lightly thl model out
side, across Its wide edges, and ho scores
lines from the top block to tbo side.
so that when he has taken tho mold,
apart he can put it together again pro
chely ns it should be. and then be.
opens It and takes out tho pattern, and
If onywbrre tt;e molded form should
require a loud) of smoothing he does
that, and then, beginning small and
opening out wider, he ruts out In tho
Inner sides of the two ha I res of the
big block from tho bend of tho ring
mold oat to the eud of the block an
opening, the gate, through which the
molen gold will be poured when the'
ring Is molded. Then ho puts tho
pieces of the mold together again aud.
binds them with soft wire, and there's
your mttlcOsh bone mold perfect nnd
Sometimes they bind half n dozen or
a uoren or such mold together aud
cut little channel Inside from the gale
to each one of Hie separate molds with
in. nnd then when tbey pour (hi gold
they mold half a doren or a dozen
rtugs ut once. New ork Sun.
Who Will Play llnsUnt
(lama Ar ('lumen,
Tho ten young women who will on
gaga In tho basket hull giimo Friday
ovoiiIiik at d.lnstor'H Unll for tho
bonolll uf tho library hnvo boon so
looted. Tho llnouii will bo ns fol
WhitesAnno Mnrkol, cunton
Anglo Young, Nell Mnrkol, forward!
Craft Win.
"Hiw did you ever inunnge to get on
tbo good side of that crusty old uncle
of yours f naked Fan,
"Fed him the Ihlngx he liked when
ho rump lo vlrlt us." replied Nan, "The
good side of any muu In bis Inside."
Gratitude Is a subtle form of re
venge. The receiver of a benefit re
covers bis superiority In the effort W
bo grateful. John Duvidton.
llctalo Main. I.thol Ilolntoti, guards.
Blues Cornelia Wilson, cantor,
Arrln Black, 11am Perry, forward
lvi West, (Jorlrudn Marked guard.,
.... ' .
A woman's look afflicts n man tunro
than her talk.
;! N. W. Schieberj
l'lnna Furnished on Short
We Deliver the Goods
liny, Hnrlcy, Oatu, Whtmt nnd Hrnn rtt lowt price.
Tho Lnrot Hnrn In Central Orison.
Bend, Oregon.
Our special price has brought us
so much business we will
continue it. We sell
Rough lumber at the mill $ 10 M ,
Rough lumber, delivered $ 11 M .
You can Lolcphono your orders.
Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
"A Little Better lumber for a l.ittlc Less Money." .
3nd yachine hop.
All Kinds of Saw Mill and Farming
Wc Carry n LarRo Slock of
Auto Repairs and Supplies
Wall St., next to Opera House
Madras Flour
. . -Sl.-i -i.
r i. -is1: trm- in
Natural Color
The right Color, Flavor and Quality.
Call for It at niny store In Bend.
Madras Flour Mills
II. F, DIETZEL, Proprietor
MndroB, Oregon