The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 14, 1912, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 49
V Si
MniiiiKor J. 14, HhwIiIII IiiiiI rralKnnil. J
(ifTci'tlvu March 1. Hli'fdmi (if ii
miKuiHMor wmh iliffnrri'tl until a Inter
iiitmtliiK. It In uiiiliiintiioil Unit Mr
Tho 120.000 building of tho First U
iKntlonal Hank will bo conatrueled
Hawhlll will lioroino ctiiinock'fl with
tho Central Drawn Trui'kliiK Co.
of elthor whlto or jcray hrtck, and not
rod, n slated last week. It has
not yot bon decided definitely Im
tween tho wblio or gray.
lli-iul Will Ik lkMi-in'ii('il n( Port'
Imiil Mr-rtliijr. nml HfToitu Mnil
lo (let llrllcf for HHlIrn
y m itiiKiiti'U Minis.
Visa 4lnR(itM wuro ilnfltl Tliur
lny night br tlio Commentta! CUii
(( nitotmt It at Hi" IrrlKiittim win
kitmh (ii l lutlil In rurtlniiil noit
weok. TIih following mini oonstl
lute the ilxlMRHtlou: A. 0. Hunter,
ilinlrnmu; II. O". KIIU. Clyiln M. Mc
Kay. II. O. Hlirml.'r nml W. I). Chuimy
of Hoattlo. who In n iuuiiilr of tlio
local clil. Voriimt A. I'orlii's waa
iiMiiiail mxtli(i ctttU' ihihwrtto from
Win tVniiJI OrKon l)ivelo nwiit
leiK'. mill J. K Hnwhlll, urcrctnry
of (ho Imkih', will alio altuiul.
Tint various Cmitrnl Oregon dolo
liallous lll hold n Joint mooting
itoitiAlilr lioforo going to Portland
unit ilecldo on Mime tiiiltol notion
luoklng to tin Iwtturiuenl of tho con
dition of tho svttlers on Irrigated
projects In thin part or tho state.
In tho discussion Thursday night, It
im brought out (hut tho lawa of
(VKon KovcrnltiK Irrigation projects
urn very mcagnr nml ifofecllvc, nml
ffort will ho inmlo to Imvo proper
Isglslntlon enacted t tho next scs
on of tho legislature.
Hrtrrnl .Mnkn Talks.
Among those making talks nt the
cluli meeting were 1. II. Denccr. I!
T. Illrhnrition. II. Kills. A. 0.
Hunter. C 8. IliuUon and I). U Mo-
Kay J W llriiwer, who was ex
iKdnl up from Iti'tlnioml, could not
, here
"The Water t'sers' Association will
lo represented nt the coniiroM. Or
V, II Doncer Imlng delegate.
' 1'resldcnt l.ara outlined tho alley
which (ho hoard of director had
furmulatod for (ho year, thin tlclng
to encourage tho locntlon hero of nt
many new cntcrprlaoa aa possible.
Tlio lniK)r(nnco of (ho proposed
rrenmery wni referred (o, nml before
tint meeting ndjourned n voto of
thanks wn extended Tho llend Co .
tle First National Hunk nml H. I
.Wmllatead for what they did toward
getting such nu Industry here.
' 1 W llrtiwn, assistant .depot
agent, was chosen as a director of
tho cluli
"Tho following new memliern were
received It. (I. Shrmlor. I'. W.
Iirowu. J K Larson, J. II. Corhett.
V 0 Harrison. J. W. Klklns. 0 K
Myers, W II. Hently and A. C Kver
hwi Tho report of (ho scoretary showed
that tl.n finances of tho cluli nro In
rnthor hnd ihape, tho cluh heliiK In
debt ut preioiit. Tho director will
nt onco doUo nm whereby till In
ilclttedue tuny be wiped out nnd
tho club put on Ita feet ugnlu.
1 Mnnncer Knnhlll IIcIkiih.
.About Tlility Miii I'ot to Woik by
Tlio lleud Co. Vcxtvi diiy.
After n nliutdowu of ivcrnl
months, tho aawmlll of Tho I lend
Co. wn Htnrtod iikhIii yenterdny out
IIiik lumber to fill ordorn nnd ropliuo
tho lumber which wnii doNtroyvd by
Urn on Jnnunry 13.
About thirty men nro nt work ut
the mill. Mora will uu required
when IokkIiik operation nro rimimtx!
litter on. Tho Iok now IiuIiik out
woru driven down tint rlvvr nuvrul
week hko.
f. H. lluiUmi Will llullil ISlKbl-room
IIoiik' OM'tlookliiit lilt erf Mint.
Work wna ntnrtod Tliuradny on the
foumliitlnn for Hnotlmr huudiiome
reliitnco In lleml. Thl will ho the
homo of ('. II. IIuiUoii. wblph wilt Im
built nt tho comer of Ohio nnd I'ronl
KtreotM, on lot 7 of block I. It will
bo mi elKht-room frnmo bullilliiK.
two utotle hlKhrniid wilt bit modurii
In every wny. Tho coat will bo
about (3.000. Tho coutrnrt linn
been let to J, W. Dlmlck nml ron
ktructlou will ho onrrled on n ntpld-
I)' b K)Mlbl0.
Tho locntlon U one of tho I fit III
town. ulonK tho riverfront nml af
fording u flno vlow of tho mountain!.
Harry Mnnlon Marrlrtl I'jirly Hutidoy
Ktrnlnj; at Catholic Cliurcli.
OlvInK hi friend tho allp, Harry
I. Manlon led to tho nltnr Holiday
evenlnit Ml llntvl Kvndnll. former
ly of I'ortland. Tho ceremony wn
.performed nt tho Cntholo church nt
? o'clock by Fnihcr l.uko Hhcehnu.
Only four pcrton worn preaent n
wltlirtiM, theto lielnR I). V. Mack In-
loih. MIm Kntherlno Trautuer nnd
Mr. nnd Mr. K. (I. Ilnrrlion
Mr. Manlon' friend hnd planned
to kIvo him a routing charivari, but
ho fooled thorn by keeping secret un
til yeiterdny thu fncl (tint ho wn al
ready married. Bundny evenlni; It
wna reported tbnt tho ceremony wn
to bo performed nt ;iildnlKht. nnd
Mime of tho boy atayed up (III that
hour to bo disappointed. After the
ceremony Mr. and Mr. Mnnlon went
lo (ho moving; plcluro aliow, mid thl
further throw tho woutd-bo merry
maker off their Kiinrd.
MU Kendall conut to tloud Init
month with Mr. and Mr. K. tl. liar.
rlnoii, with whom ho mndo her homo
In I'ortland. Mr. Manlon I n youiiK
builnct man of tho town. havlitK
coino hero from Monroe. Wnh., Int
ummer. Mr. and Mr. Mnnlon are
realdlntc In tho Mike Morrison resi
dence on tho Dosohutea river.
City Council Order Ordlnnncc Cor
erliiK ItlnNlliiK Work Drafted
City TiwiNiiier'n Kalnry Itr.
iliircd to 910 n Vnr.
Tho president announced that I
Thu reorKantted llend bnud will
site Ita first concert I'rldny eveiilnK
beforu tho basket bnll Knmu nt 1-lu-
ster'N Hall. Tho boys have KOt In
mmo good prnotlco nnd Invito thu
nubile to como out nnd hear them.
Tho concert will begin nt 8 o'clock
ihnrp and tho Kniuo will start nt
Tho world tnkea off Ha hat tp tho mnn with
n smllo. It turns tho cold Bhouldor to tho
Individual who la Hour aa a lomon, Wo all love
tho man wltlt a hearty lauiih. Ho la our friend,
tho ray of aunshlno for. which wo yoarn, and
success perches on his cheerful shoulders. Hut
you say, "Its hard to work up oven n sickly urln
when you're dead broko nnd up ngalnst tho cold
old world." Wo will agree with you Bon.
Hero's tho remedy. Start a bank account with '
your first earnings. Add lo It. Vorm tho
saving hnblt. Watch tho account grow. Tho
smllo will grow with it. It Is no troublo nt all
to Inugh wherryou Imvo money In tho bank.
City Knglnwr Otiuld'a roimrt on,
unit plat of. tho proponed extension
of Watt Ntreot to llrondwAy. In l.ytlo.
wna ntibnilttd nt tho meeting of tho
City Council Friday night, nnd wa
accepted. Tim city can now tnku
the necmwury loxnl steps toward get
ting till highway opetKHl.
With Councllmen Allon, l.attlu,
Bponcer nnd Hteldl na n iUoruin, the
mayor called tho meeting to order,
Councilman French nnlvlng n little
Inter nnd tuklug hla Meat.
In view of the fact thnt there I n
largo nmnunl of blnatlng work In
connection with construction work
In the city, Councilman Kteldl nug-
geated thnt somo action bo tnkon to
ward prolocllon of person nnd
property from danger resulting from
tho lmproer handling of explosive.
Tho suggestion met with favor nnd
tho city nttorney wna Instructed to
draft an ordinance covering tho
handling of aueh oxplotlve within
tho city limits and providing for tho
licensing of person doing blasting
Fennlta were granted J. W. Dlm
lck for blasting on lot 7, blook i.
and to (. Morten on lot 8, bloek 10.
A petition was prescuted by Kdd
Newman Baking for tho paaiago of
an ordinance similar to n I'rlncvllle
ardlnanco which limits tho number
of moving picture housea to ono un
til too population of tho city haa
reached n certain number. A mo-
Ion to have auch nu ordinance
drawn by tho city nttorney, placing
'ho number nt 1800 people, resulted
in a tie voto, Allen nnd Spencer vol
Ing ayo nnd taltln and Rteldl, no.
Tho mayor thought It best to got tho
'nil vole of the council, nnd the mat
ter went over till next meeting.
Mr. Mnio (.ockwood mndo appli
cation for a license for u movlnc
plcturo houso to bo located on tho
north hnlf of tot 9, blook 3. submit
ting a rough plan of tho proocd
building to bo used, lly unanimous
voto tho petition wna Inld on the
It. II. Solomon was granted per
mission to oreet a sign In front of
his Jewelry store on Oregon street.
Kalnry Is Deduced to 910.
Tho 16000 bond of City Treas
urer II. J. Overturf wna submitted
nnd wnt nccepted by tho council.
It being stntcd that the treasurer
doe not hnvo a much work to do a
formerly foil to the Incumbent of tho
ottlco. the council by unanimous voto
of those present fixed the salary ut
110 n year. It tins horotoforo been
I CO n yenr. Mr. Overturf stnted on
Coplc of Htrelleut I'ublltittlon DI.
ti United Hem I.ot Week by
Itnllroml Hjilrndld Intention
nnd Itenoiirce nre Featured
(continued on Inst pngo)
Coplo of the bokIet on Central
Oregon, lOO.aoa. eaple of which the
Northern I'aelflo Itallway haa had
printwd. ware dlitrlbutod In Hand
last wok. It Is an oxecllant publi
cation, covering this territory fully
and being profusely llluntratod.
loud (jot the prominent place to
which It Is entitled, nnd tlioro In a
number of good vlowa of tho town
and surrounding conn try. Tho
wrltoup appearing under the head of
"llend" Is a follawa:
"llend, a very Important town of
Central Oregon, la looatcd on the
esatein bank of tho Deschutes Klvor
nt ono of the most picturesque points
on that very nttraotlvo stream. Tbc
Oregon Trunk Itallway I completed
to llend nnd that point will ho the
southern terminus of the rond for
tho presont. llend la 15C mllea
south of tho Columbia Illvcr and Is
rapidly growing, having a population
of 650 according to tho census of
1910. Tho towu I about ten year
old, haa hotels, bank, stores,
churches, good school, lioth high
and graded, n nowipnper, and offer
excellent opportunities for varloua
lines of buslncta. Clay and building
stono arc found In liberal quantities
near llend, offering cheap construc
tion for business blocks and resi
dence. Iarge plno forest adjacent
to tho town make It an Important
point from a lumbering standpoint
At, or near, llend, water for several
largo Irrigation and water-power
companies, and for tho Carey Act
land under development by the Cen
tral Orogou Irrigation Company
prevlouily mentioned, la taken from
tho Deschutes Hlvcr.
uonu aerives us namo irom a
bend In tho Deschutes River. At this
bend tho early cmlgranta for West
ern Oregon crossed and left tho river,
and tho bend becamo known aa
Farewell llend.
"Tho place la advantageously lo
cated. It is nt the dividing lino be
tween tho Laldlaw-Slsters-lledmond
Irrigation country and tho heavy belt
of yellow plno timber that extends
far southward along the Cascade
Itango. It also commands a portion
of tho oxtonslve dry farming region
to the oast and heretofore noted.
'"Tlioro I n flrat-clasa dam here
and tho (own I lighted by electricity
genorated by Its (tower plant. There
is a lumber mill with a capacity of
30.000 feet n day, nnd now that the
railway la completed othor lumber
mills and n woolen mill nro expected
toon to bo established.
"Tho yellow plno timber belt
found on tho eastern slopo of tho
Carpenter Hnte Completed Contract
-Official to Mote Koon.
Contractor Huthorland & Metn
tosh have completed their contract
on tho pnssongor station, rind within
tho next week tho railway officials
will move Into (ho stono uufldlrfg.
Painters aro now nt work decorating
tho Interior, and whon this 'Is com
pleted tho building will bo ready for
Comcnt walk .havo been lnld he
twrcn the station and tracks and a
comant floor to tho portico at the
south end. Tho floor Intldo the
building Is alao of cernont. tho first
plans to dm chlppod marhlo having
been changed.
Tho room In tho south end of
of the depot will bo for women and
that at tho oposl(e end for men.
The tlekut office will bo In the center.
The station Is a handsome and
neat struct aro nnd would be a credit
to a town much larger than- llend.
City Council Adopt Hevdutlon Call
Injj on Orffcon'a I teprcctiiji lives'!
lo Voto and Work for '
Measure lleforo Houe
Creamery nnd Ice I'lnnt Will He In
0M'rniiou In Few Week.
The building which will houso the
creamery, Ice factory and cold stor
age plant Is now under construction,
workmen having started on the foun
dation yesterday morning. In four
or five weeks It will bo completed.
It. a. Hall, one of tho partners In
the Central Oregon Ico & Cold Stor
age Co.. aa It will bo known, la here
to personally superviso tho construc
tion and push It along as rapidly
m possible. Tho building will be
put up by day labor. In addition to
Mr. Hall and II. Kerstcn, who was
here last week and closed the deal
for site, etc., C-. F. Smith Is Interest
ed In the company. They have a
plant at Madras, and after the one
here Is In ojteratlon another will pa
put In at Itedmond, Mr. Hall said yesterday.
llend .Man 1' Atvay at Home of
Hrothrr In South liend. Wash.
A telegram was received here Fri
day atatlug that J. M. Cook died nt
South Ileud, Wash., last Thursday.
Mr. Cook, who owned property
near town, left here several weeks
ago for South llend, where ho had n
brother. Ho bad been suffering from
tubereulofcla for soma tlmo and
thought the ehango might Improve
hla health. It SOCmS tO haVO boon tirr.,llnir fUm.1 vnar nt I.l. than .lr
- J ..L ,,---, .-- ., w. ., .......
A bill providing for oatoMlan of
mall delivery-carrier aerrice to alt
town having 1090 Inhabitant haa
been Introduced In COHgrow. and
step havo been taken Wy Hentf,
should tbo bill boeoiHO a law, to se
cure such service for this town. Tho
City Council Friday night adopted a
resolution tol bo sent to Oregon's
representative In Con grots urging
them to work for tho passage of tbo
bill. The business men of tho town
nro nlso requested to write to tbo
Oregon Congressmen and Senator,
also urging (hem to use nil their In
fluence to have the bill enacted Into
a law.
Text of IIIII.
Tho text of tho bill la aa follows:
Do It enacted hy tho Sennto aad
Houso of Representatives of tho
United States of America In Cougres
assembled! That for tho purposo of
ascertaining tho practicability of
establishing a town mall deliver
service for tho frco delivery of mall
matter at every Incorporated city,
town, village, or borough containing
a population of not less thnn ono
thousand within Its corporate limits,
according to tbo last general censua
taken by authority of State or United
States law, and having a postoOco of
tho second or third class, the Post
master General be, and ho Is heroby,
nuthorlxed nnd directed to conduct
an experiment by establishing such
service according to rules to be pre
scribed by the Postmaster Genoral,
who may adopt suitable regulations
as to sidewalk, gates, numbering'of:
houses, naming of streets, and tho
placing of approved mail receptacles
at the door or entrance of residences
or offices: Provided, That letter
carriers of tho town delivery scrvico
shall upon appointment rccelvo a
salary not exceeding six hundred dol
lars per annum, and aftor ono year's
sonico may bo promoted to seven
hundred and twenty dollars; and no
carrier shall receive a compensation
lr. excess of nlno hundred dollars per
annum, at a postotnee whlsa pro
duced a gross postal revenue, for tho
(Continued on last jta'e.)
for the worse, however, and the
dlseaso quickly got in its deadly
Mr. Cook was a native of Buxton.
Ga., coining to llend several years
ago. He wn about 3-t year of ago,
unmarried, and waa a member of the
local lodge of Odd Fellows. HI
death Is the first to occur among the
membership of this order here. At
the meeting Mondny night hla death
waa announced and a commlttco ap
pointed to draft appropriate resolutions.
thousand dollars: Provided fur
ther. That such statutes aa haro
heretofore been enacted with refer
ence to tho City Delivery nnd Ilural
Deliver Services are hereby extend
ed to the town delivery service. o far
ns applicable, nnd (bo sum of tbreo
hundred thousand dollars Is hereby
appropriated, out of any money In
tho Treasury not otherwise appro
prltcd. or aa much thereof as may bo
necessary, to enablo tho Postmaster
(coutlnued on lose page)
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
-Conservative Banking for Conservative People."
h B. DAIRD, (President) J. W. MASTERS, (Vice President)
, V, O. MINOR, (Secretary)
h' L. D. PAIHI", '. U, jaioiK, a. . untnu,
Tools for Homework
nre here in grent variety, by the box or sold singly.
Because they nre intended for ninuteur work nt
home does not prevent them being of ns good
quality as skilled workmen use. We have tools
for every trade, all made of reliable stuff, nnd war
ranted to hist long in good service. The qualities
are not only all right, but so are the prices.
Also Full Lino of Builders' Supplies,
Sasb, Doors, Glass, etc.
N. P. Smith
Wall Street
Ihe First National Bank
Dr. U. O. COS, Prldnt e. A. SATHin, Vic Prillnt
0. 8. HUDSON. Ca.hl.r
CtplUt fully paid ... S2S.OCO
Stockholders' llabllltr S2S.0OO
Burplui .... . SO.OOO
thtt your home had been destroyed by fire or
sacked by burglars, what would your loss be
in the way of direct cash? Hidden money is
an incentive, a stimulus, to robbery. Count
less newspaper stories tell of life-savings lost
through fire.
You work too hard for what you earn, to
risk loss.
Your money will always be ntfyour
fingertips when you want it, in this bank
and all risk of loss will be eliminated.