The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 07, 1912, Image 8

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In Hard Infield Hlti They Oo at th
Rata of Sixty Miles an Hour.
Ask any fan how fnat nn nvernRC
cjoundcr travels during It first hun
dred fret from ttio tint, nnd hi nmwer
will Im nnywhcrw from 20 to SWO
miles nn hour. Split arcotul watches
ii nd enrcful tlmlna of nmur ground
tmlls have estntill.-diml the fnrt tlint
the avernpe speed of ninny ground
balls that Is. thoe Mrurk li.v the lint
if the batsman from n fair iiltctunt
ball, which strike tho IntlcM before
llie.v land In n fielder's hands-po nt
the rate of almost slsiy miles nn hour.
Sixty mile; nn hour In eighty-eight
feet per second. The bases nre ninety
feet npnrt. A mnn who ran run too
yards In eleven seconds, which I
fast running for nny one. but pnrtlcu
Inrly no for n mnn with baseball shoes
nnd uniform on. can run ninety feet In
3.3 seconds. Is It nny wonder that a
ball which In fielded In Its llrst 100 feet
of travel usually reucbe first twuo
just a fraction of n accoud More or
jitter the runner seta foot upon It)
Every fan knows that the many close
decisions nt first base form ono of the
fascinations of the game. The speed
of n batted ball, the speed at which n
Geldcr can travel from hi pelt Ion to
Jhe point where he can meet and field
the batted ball, the speed with which
ho can stop the ball, pick It up, set
himself for the throw, make the throw,
tho speed of the ball across the dia
mond from his throw nnd the speed
of tho traveling runneri are so nicely
balanced that It Is nlwnys n question
of whether or not the runner will pet
there In time for the crowd to seo the
umpire's hands go down or whether
he will face n thumb over n shoulder
Indicating that bo Is out Technical
.World Magazine.
$20,000 BUILUhNQ
(Continued from llrst page)
Holds Articles For Um In Window and
Sptclat Dliplays.
Every ono has beard of the theat
rical property wom-the place where
storied artificialities arc laid carefully
fiWay to be ready for the call of the
next emergency. Hut few persons
know that every big storo has Its
property room, too, and that Its' won
d$r are even more entrancing than
those of the funny cupboards "back
Jtio shop's property room is tilled
mh article used for window display
and special decorations, and. while the
theatrical property Is largoly linlta
thjn, the store's property la real.
Mtare old tancstrlea ore lnltl array In
the dim hldtlcU chamber, to tw Used
when occnslott requires n back
grounds for Parii hata In the tlroad
way or tlfth avenue windows, as
draperies hung beside a choice collcc
tion of new hand bags or slippers or
fans. Priceless vases from Italy,
strange carved chests, wondcrftrt
Kcrecns nil these lend enchantment to
tho background of the window dis
play or bring a real Intrinsic loveli
ness to the salon wherein Is ebowrt
the season's newest millinery,
Many a fashionable New York shop
decorates Its windows now nnd then
with but one hat. one costume, one
piece of furniture. Tho rest Is decora
tion, background, "property."
The property room Is almost ntways
in some queer, faraway corner of the
store, a room badly lighted, well nigh
Inaccessible. Hut It Is full of treas
ures. It calls back tho ntroosphero of
tmcdleval romance. It Is comparable
only to an ancient English attic New
York Times.
"What makes you so sure that was a
wild fowir
"The way It arted when I was try
ing to carve It." Washington Star.
Wall Recommended.
Housewife Uave you a reference
from a former employer? Housemaid
Ycs'm: I bare eighty six of 'cm!
That Famous
Old Woman
SaaaaRrHf iSrV liK
who lived in a shoo and pos
sessed an embarrassment of chil
dren would havo found It safo
and profitable to buy her medi
cines hore when any of her
numerous progeny were ailing
Our drugs uro fresh and puro
and our dispensers models of
carefulness, and our prices are
exceedingly roasouablo, as all
our patrons know. You'll know
yourself after the flret'trlal.
the right of tho vault nnd nt tho olid
of tho lobby will ho safety deposit
boxes vnult fix foot. It will contain
350 boxes of various sites for tht
keeping of valuable papers, Jewelry,
silverware, etc. l'crsonn having
boxes rented will bo nolo to got to
thorn during banking hours without
disturhlug nny of tho hank employes.
Oilier mi Second 1'loor.
On the second floor thero will be
nine mnln ofllcen nnd four reception
rooms. Tho arrangement Is for ono
reception room to two oltlcea. In
each room thero will bo hot water
hent and running hot nnd cold water.
In tho basement will bo tho hetU
Ing plant tor the whole building.
There will bo toilets in tho base
mont and nlso on the second floor.
Contract for tho building has been
let to Hector Hros. of Seattle, spec
ialists iu bank building and equip
ment, who will oqulp It from start to
finish. The building was dostgnod
by this Arm, tho plans being drawn
In Seattlo from suggestions glvon by
tho bank officials. A noteworthy
thing nbout tho plans wns that they
dld not require any changing what
ever except In regard to the clock
over tho entrance door, which Idea
wa8 not embodied In tho suggestions
originally given the architects. Con'
traets for tho woodwork, decorating
otc. will ho sublet by tho llreoxer
Hros., preference being given to llond
people nnd local material Insofar as
Louis Hreoior wna here Saturday
and said tho structure would bo tho
best hanking building In Central
Oregon, "and tho only way to build
a bettor building will be to build n
lirger one," ho added. Tho building
and Its equipment will be enpabto of
handling $2,000,000 In deposits,
without alterations or Improvements,
ho stated.
Location N Central.
In speaking of tho location. Cash
ier Hudson said:
"Our reason for choosing tho loca
tion wo did Is that we serve all
I'Ubsps Of peoplo and desired to gel
In the most central spot, on that ac
count Tho fact that wo arc moving
from Wall street Is not to be taken
as nn Indication that wo consider
property on nond of greater Valuo
than on Wall. Our faith In Wall
street Is evidenced by tho fact that
tho stockholders of tho bank, with
the posslhl exception of two other
people Itv town, are tho largest hold
ers of real cstato on Wall street to
day, nnd their Wnll street property
will bo Improved as fast nn It Is pos
sllilo to do so, From tho standpoint
of Increasing tho value of these Wnll
street holdings, It would htivo boon
greatly to our ndvuntagu to build on
thnt street, but wo wanted to he cen
trally situated and belloved thnt,
from that viewpoint, tho corner of
llond and Oregon wns the best place."
Tho bunk has already received
more applications for ollleen Iu tho
building than can be titled, although
not having nmiounccd before today
Its plans to (ho public.
Tho best and mum up-to date mrip
of tho county Is the blueprint iiiin
which Tho llulletln has for sale. It
shows all the now roads and towns.
Nothing Hut the llrst of Workman
ship (iimrnnteed.
Goods all Wool Quality l'ropor
Stylo and Fit n Certainty.
All kinds of dry cleaning, pressing,
repairing nnd alterations. Kindly
give us n call and got convinced.
HUM) K. KICK, Tailor.
-- - -- -
You will II nil that one ton of
rtml will give )oii more hent than
t litre curds of Vtootl. Figure tho
eroiioiny, The OwrttirMliMlsOlU
ler Oo.
To the Republican Electors of Crook,
Hood River nnd Wasco Couutlea:
1 hereby announce myself as u can
didate for tho Republican nomina
tion for District Attorney nt tho com
ing Primaries. April 19, and It nomi
nated and elected I will during my
term of ottlco dovote my entire time
to tho duties of the olllco to tho ex
clusion of other law business, and
glvo my personal attention and first
consideration to tho business of tho
olMce, and will personally assist tho
officers In each county with tho en
forcement of the Criminal Law, and
especially will I exert myself to on
forco tho law against vice, immoral
acts nnd tho traffic In whlto slavery.
llold Ad.) W. A. 11KLL.
A Snap
Whllo tho majority of us know a
good thing when wo seo It, some
other fellow usually manages to ioo
It first.
-. - - -
To tho UenubllcAn voter of Wasco.
Crook and Hood Rlvar counties:
I hereby Announce my candidacy
fur the Republican nomination for
District Attorney RVr tho Seventh Ju
dicial DlsUUt comprised of Wasco,
Crook nml tlMid River Counties, at
tho earning primaries to ho held
April 1 512. If nominated and
clcclhl, tho duties of tho District
Attorney's offlco will ntways have
first consideration. 1 shall strive
fully to enforco all laws, and protect,
to the utmost of my ability, tho In
terests of tho whole peoplo of my
District. 1 pledgo mysolf ta glvo my
nersonal attention to tho needs of
each of tho counties comprising tho
Seventh Judicial District.
(Paid adv.) CARLTON U REIM'ER.
Under New Management.
Is now In charge of H. J. Douglass, as manager.
First CIebi Service and the Comfort of Guests, is Our Motto.
FREE AUTO Between Hotel and Depot.
enn be bought here in great variety of de
sign and in the best qualities. We are
showing nt present a full line of fine Fur
niture that should appeal to every one in
terested in the attractiveness und comfort
of the home. Our
Carpets, Rugs, Mattings
and Oilcloth
Will also well repay an inspection. Prices
most moderate.
On Business' Property. BEST
Because their location is ASSURED,
Thcso bargains consist of 1 9 lots across tho street from
tho depot and on Greenwood and Fir Streets. Tho first
flvo will bo sold at a greatly reduced prico, for we
want to sell them quickly. Wo also bavo a few
Adjoining Bend which aro still unsold. Thoy havo a
perfect water right and wator is delivered to each and
every five-acro track SOLD ON EASY TERMS.
Do You Wish a Choico Residence Lot? If so, call on us,
for wo havo somo of tho best buys in that class of
property in tho city. Let us show you a big bargain.
If you aro looking for an Irrigated Farm, you should
call and see our list. It costs nothing to investigate and
wo are suro you will agree with us that wo havo somo
ot tho Best buys to bo found in the country.
Our nino years' oxperionco in this country gives us bet
ter advantage to secure for you tho bost location of a
320-acro homestead of any firm in tho county. Our
prices aro right and tho location is guaranteed.
Insurance. Stenographic and Notary Work a specialty.
Call on or writo
Oregon Investment Co.
East sldo of Wall St.,
Between Oregon and Greenwood Sts., Bend, Oro.
Phone 1. P. O. Box 49. All communications promptly answered.
Tho partnership of C. O. Howard
nnd I), J. Rohldcsu. known ns tho
Bownnl & Rohldonu Btudln. hns hson
dissolved hy mutual consent. I have
taken over tho Intcrcita of I). J. Rohl
dou and will contlnuo tho hualmwN
at tho iiimo location nnd uudor tint
nanio of tho (toward Studio.
C. (1. HKWARI).
January 20. 1U12. 7
Nonei: to aiimiToiw.
In the County Court of tho Htato
of OroKon for tho County of Crook.
In tho matter of tho wrtuto of
Honry C. Ilarnoy, dcconnod.
Notlco la horohy Klvcn hy tho tin
donlgncd, tho duly appointed, quali
fied and actltiK administratrix of tho
citato of Henry C. Ilarnoy, deceased.
o tho credltora and all persona hav
ing clalma aRalnst tho aald deceased,
to presont them n duly verified as
required hy law within six month
after tho first puhllcatlon of this no
tice to tho said administratrix nt tho
ofllco of hor ntlornoy, Vernon A.
Forties, In tho First National Rank
IlulldlnK. Ilend. Oregon, tho samo ho
Inx tho place for tho transaction of
tho huslncss or said cstato In said
county and state.
Dated thU Ztth day of January.
MR8. B. A. MAIN,
Administratrix of tho estate of
Honry C. Ilarnoy, doccased. 4C60
A chicken henrtod man should
novcr marry unless ho Is anxious to
hroak Into tho henpecked class.
Where Your Dollar Docs Its Duty. Wall street, Bend, Oregon.
For Sale
Of L63S6
Genernl Merchandise, $11000.
Also Hotel nnd Feed Ram,
and up to 400 acres of land,
at a Bargain!
Owner sick and must sell.
Fremont, Oregon,
' ' StS v' -,p
Old l'nH-r for Kale,
Old papers for puttlnc under tho
carpet or for other purposes may ho
ohtatned at tho ottlco of tho llulletln.
not in: for I',
Department of the Interior. I'. H.
Land Ottlco nt The Dalles, Oregon,
January 22nd, 1012.
Notice Is hereby Riven thnt Adotph
II. Fischer of llond, Oregon, who, on
.March 8th, 1910, made homtd
entry No. 06172. for HWHU'U.
NWUHWli. Hec. t. and NKV,HKVi.
Hw fi, township 17 south, range II
oast, Wlllamettu Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to maku final com
mutation proof, to establish claim to
thu land nlnivo described, hoforo II.
C. Kills, U. H. Commissioner, at his
ottlco nt Rend, Oregon, on tho lth
day of March, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Andrew Moon, Hurry Htewnrt, Or
vlll a. Cardwell, Clarence V. Ilnrto
and I'hlllp 0. Young, all of Rend,
Orogon. C. W. MOOUK,
47-&1 Register
Now Open
for Business
on Wall atreot, next to
Triplutt buildlnu;,
Goods RoUKht und Sold
for Ciwli.
Good Mnttrowori "Mndu
in Bond" n Sjxjclnlty.
j J. E. Rainey
Haircuts and shaves nt thu lnnm
& Dav)dnon lmrlier shop aro flrV
Good Things to Eat
at a Living Price.
Oncill Building
Bend, Orogon
Let the Builders' Bargain House Save
Money lor You
Oul ictiit nt nu.L bl
llill fiolt (II In
Uiuir u4 qvitllir lui
tbrik(, lriUmlUi.1
four vinii u4 in our
ipctUI fikci m til
bulUJof otAirrlil pft
ptU to your ilnlon.
'" I7M(K)
You il Ir.m ui (r-
Iblnf kfnlfil la tnilUI
luuMorUin. luiJttJ
hcblUkCMlllXli JHi
lie pel loo (i Urn
ImtiU inl Itnctof tU
ftl 100 ft. to4 (or
Go U
OUl Tf4l
paw tt
Iff k
. r ii.n (or railjr
xrmtlfi. Only
11.13, lixl.Jinf
llill. Comnciff
full? tukti tnj
In quahilil.t. Wilu
loribim. Wtbio.
4U iUMlaculoii
Vou ran rrdurc the cmt of all your material fur
liiiililiiiL' at Ira. i niir-fniirili ami often fulls
one lull iiyjav
Illl' till ilillimrflt
niailciilrcc'l Imm H
mii r ciuiiiiiii
merit. Tory run
this hat hern
biw.nibrwibotit lb
NortbiMrt Ibr
liiilMtri Ui ruin
lloUM,"VfIUf von.
nr Him or muii
Hull UUlbouHOdl t
bum. bulblir Liif
loun4 our low luiorr
trlti, ibrlr It t'
Itctlon ulnx lb(
blrb orii viutUy
ikJ it doUih
Wilu lor ctulof l i
Patterson DrugCo.
. r